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Time: 3 hrs Subject – Physics M.M.70

Class – XII

General Instructions:

(i) All questions are compulsory

(ii) There are 30 questions in total, Questions 1 to 8 carry one mark each, questions 9
to 18 carry two marks each, questions 19 to 27 carry three marks each and
questions 28 to 30 carry 5 marks each.

(iii) There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in one
question of two marks, one question of three marks and all three questions of five
marks each. You have to attempt only one of the given choices in such questions

(iv) Use of calculators is not permitted.

Q.1 What are value of H & S at north pole of the Earth

Q.2 Name two elementary particles which have almost infinite lifetime. (1)

Q.3 Why are photodiodes used preferably in reverse bias ? (1)

Q.4 Write the expression of velocity of an em waves in vacuum. (1)

Q.5 What is the power dissipated in an a-c- circuit in which voltage and current are
given by V= 230 Sin (Wt + /2 )

I = 10 Sin wt (1)

Q.6 How does the energy gap of an intrinsic semiconductor vary, when doped with a
trivalent impurity. (1)

Q.7 A converging lens of refractive index 1.5 is kept in a liquid medium having same
refractive index. What would be the focal length of lens in this medium. (1)

Q.8 Why does acceleration of a magnet falling through a long solenoid decreases ?(1)
Q.9 The plot of variation of potential differences across a combination of three cells in
series verse current is shown below. What is the emf of each cell. (2)

Q.10 The value of Brewster angle for a transparent medium is different for lights of
different colours. Explain. (2)

Q.11 What should be minimum frequency of a light source to get photo current from a
material of work function 6.6J (2)

Q.12 A T.V. tower has a height of 400m at a given place. Calculate the coverage
range, if the radius of the earth is 6400 Km. (2)

Q.13 Derive the relation

N = N0e-t for radioactive decay, where symbols have their usual meaning

Q.14 A cylindrical metallic wire is stretched to increase its length 5%. Calculate the
percentage change in its resistance (2)

Q.15 A charge moving at right angles to uniform magnetic field does not undergo
change in kinetic energy, why ? (2)

Q.16 Name the constituent radiation of electromagnetic spectrum which

(a) Is used in satellite communication.

(b) Produce intense heating effect. (2)

Q.17 In the photoelectric effect experiment, the graph between stopping potential V
and frequency () of incident radiation on the two different metals P and Q are
shown in figure

(i) Which of the two metal plates P and Q has greater value of work function.
(ii) What does the slope of line depict ?
frequency ()
Q.18 An electric dipole is free to move in uniform electric field. Explain what is force
and torque acting on it when it is placed

(i) Perpendicular to field

(ii) Parallel to field (2)

Q.19 A capacitor, resistor and a 40 mH inductor are connected in series to an ac

source of frequency 60 Hz. Calculate the capacitance of capaciter, when current
is in phase with voltage. (3)

Q.20 A parallel plate capacitor is charged by a battery. After sometime the battery is
disconnected and dielectric slab of dielectric constant k is inserted between the
plates. How would

(i) The Capacitance

(ii) The electric field between plates
(iii) The energy stored is the capaciter is affected ? Justify your answer (3)

Q.21 Suppose while sitting in a parked car, you notice a jogger approaching towards
you in the rear view mirror of R =2m, If the Jogger is running at a speed of 5m/s,
How fast is the image of Jogger moving, when Jogger is

(a) 39 m
(b) 29 m
(c) 19 m away (3)
An Air Bubble in a glass sphere µ = 1.5 is situated at a distance 3 cm from a
convex surface of diameter 10cm. At what distance from the surface will the
bubble appear ?

Q.22 Define terms (a) Critical frequency

(b) Skip distance
(c) Fading
Q.23 (a) Are the paths of electron straight lines between successive collisions in
(a) Absence of electric field
(b) Presence of electric field (1 ½ )

Q.24 State the basic postulates of the Bohr’s theory of atomic spectra. Hence obtain
an expression for radius of orbit of orbital electron in hydrogen atom (3)

Q.25 Derive an expression for the torque on a rectangular coil of the area A, carrying a
current I and placed in magnetic field B and the angle between the direction of B
and the vector perpendicular to plane of coil is (3)

Q.26 Derive len’s maker formula (3)

Q.27 Two small charged spheres contain charges +q1 and +q2 respectively. A charge
dq is removed from the sphere carrying charge q1 and transferred to the other.
Find charge on each sphere for maximum electric force. (3)

Q.28 (a) Explain working of transistor as an amplifier in CB NPN configuration (3)

(b) Distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic semi conductor (2)


(a) Give the realisation of NOT gate using transistor. (3)

(b) Distinguish between p- type and n – type semiconductor (2)

Q.29 (a) Give two difference between interference and diffraction. (2)

(b) If the slits in young’s double slit experiment have width 4:1 deduce the
ratio of intensity at maxima and minima in the pattern (3)


State Huygens principle and prove laws of reflection on the basis of wave

Q.30 (a) State and prove ampere’s circuital law (3)

(b) Why should a solenoid tends to contract when a current passes

through it (2)

(a) Using Biat Savants law derive the expression for the magnetic field due
to current carrying loop at a point along the axis of loop. (3)

(b) Why is dia magnetism, in contrast, almost independent of temperature?(2)


Ans. 1 0° and 90°

Ans. 2 electron and proton

Ans.3 This happen because in the reverse biasing, the change in, current is
directly proportional to the change in intensity of incident light. This can
be measured accurately.



We know Pa = E l Cos 

Ans. 6 When an pure semiconductor is doped with trivalent impurity some energy
levels are produced which lies just above the valence band. There are
referred as Acceptor energy levels.

Ans. 8 When a magnet falls through a long solenoid, the flux linked with solenoid
changes. This give rise to attractive/ repulsive forces on the magnet & hence
acceleration decreases.

Ans.9 We know


From graph

6v = 3 E

or E = 2v

Ans.10 The brewster angle is given as tan i p where  is refractive Index and
ip is polarising angle.

This suggest that Brewster angle is different for different colours.

Thus Brewster angle is more for violet colour.


Ans.12 h = 400 m

R = 6400 x 106 m
= 70.4 Km

Covered Area = = 1607 6.8 x 106 m2

And.13 From Decay law

Here is decay const. –ve sign shows decrease in nos. of atoms of Radioactive

From (1)

Integrate both sides


When t = 0 , C = e No

Put value of C in (2) we get

As Vol. remain same

Ans.15 When ‘q’ charge enters at right angle to magnetic field, magnetic fine act
r to . This can’t change speed of charge and hence no change in
Kinetic energy.

Ans 16. (a) Radio waves

(b) Infrared rays

Ans 17 Refer graph



P Q 
As it is clear from graph

Q > P

 hQ > hP

i.e. work function of Q has greater value.

(ii) Slope depicts where is planks constant.


Ans. 19 We know, when current is in phase with voltage,

L =

Here L = 40 mH = 40 x 10-3 H

 = 60 Hz

From (1), C = 0.1 mF

Ans.20 When a dielectric slab of dielectric constant K is inserted b/w plates.

(a) The capacitance increases as


(b) The electric field b/w plates decreases

(c) The energy stored in the capacitor also decreases as

Q.21 Here R = 2m

Thus = = 1m

From mirror formula


Case I When Jogger is 39mm away

u= -39
f = 1m

As jogger moves with speed 5 m/s, after 1 sec

u = -34

Difference in image position in 1 sec

(b) Similarly compute for other cases also


u = -3 cm

= ?

R= -5 cm

As refraction occurs from denser to rarer

V = - 2.5cm Ans.

Ans.22 (a) Critical frequency – It is the highest frequency of radiowave which when
sent straight towards the layer of ionosphere gets reflected from ionosphere and returns
to earth. For frequency greater than this frequency radiowaves are not reflected back.

(b) Skip distance It is the smallest distance from a transmitter along the earth’s
surface, at which a sky wave of a fixed frequency, but more than critical frequency is
sent back to the earth.

(c) Fading: It is the variation in strength of signal due to interference of waves at


Ans.23 (a) (i) Straight lines in the absence of Electric field.

(ii) Curved lines in the presence of electric field.

(b) (i) For ohmic materials

(ii) For non-ohmic materials

Ans.24 (a) Basic postulates

(i) Every atom consists of central core in which entire +ve

charge and almost entire mass is concentrated.
(ii) The electron revolve around this nucleus in circular path and
required centripetal force is provided by electrostatic force

(iii) A/C to Bohr an electron can revolve only in certain non-

radiating orbit called as stationary orbit. The angular
momentum of in these orbit is intgegral multiple of

(iv) The emission and absorption of energy occur only when an

e- jumps from higher to lower or vice-versa.

- E1

(b) Expression for Radius

From (2)

From (1) & (3)

Ans.25 Consider a Coil PQRS suspended in uniform magnetic field (B). Let Angle
b/w r to plane of coil and direction of B is This is shown in fig.bglow:-

Here is angle b/w plane of coil and direction of magnetic field.

is the current flowing anticlockwise

Force on PQ = I B r outward

Force on QR = I b B Sin downward

Force on RS = I B r inward

Force on SP = I b B Sin r upward

Forces on QR and PS are equal and opposite and act along same time.

Forces on PQ and RS are equal and opposite but act along different time.
Torque is formed.

= (I B) (b cos )

for n –turns

Ans.26 Refer fig. below

Refraction from 1 (Rarer to Denser)

V = V1  P11' = oI'

u = u = p1o'  oo'

..... (i)


u = V1 = p2I' = OI'

From (1) & (2)

We get

Ans. 27 Let dq is transfer of charge

Ans.28 (a) The Circuit diagram for the same is shown below:-
During +ve half, Forward bias VEB decreases as a result e & hence c

Decreases According to equation (A) Vo decreases. More amplified signal

is obtained.

Similarly during –ve half of input signal VEB increases as a result Ie and
hence IC increases According to (A) Vo increases. More amplified signal is


Intrinsic Extrinsic

(i) Charge carriers are formed (i) Charge carriers are formed
due to temperature variation alone. due to temperature variation and

(ii) The conductivity is low (ii) Conductivity is high


(a) Circuit diagram is shown

........... (1)

(a) When ‘A’ is connected to 1 state, transistor is forward biased. exist. The
output is given by eq. 1 and is zero.

(b) When A' is connected to 0 state, Output is obtained according to equation.1


P-type semiconductor n-type Semi-Conductor

(i) Formed due to addition of (i) Formed due to addition of

trivalent impurity pentavalent impurity.

(ii) (ii)

(iii) Mobility is less (iii) Mobility is large

(iv) (iv)



Interference Diffraction

(i) It is the phenomenon of (i) This phenomenon occurs

redistribution of light energy from due to large nos. of point sources
two different coherent Sources. on single wave front.

(ii) Fringe width is same (ii) Fringe width is not same.

(iii) Contract between bright and (iii) Contrast b/w bright and dark
dark in good. is not good.


Ans 9:1


Ans.29 (a) Huygen’s Postulates

(i) Every pt on a given wave front acts as a fresh source of

energy. The light from there sources travel with velocity of
light in all directions.

(ii) Tangents to wavelets in forward direction give wavefront at

that instant.

Laws of reflection on the basis of Huygen P

Consider a plane wavefront AB incident on a plane mirror M1M2 at an

angle 1,2,3, represent rays. ACC to Huygen point B is fresh source of
energy. Assume light take time ‘t’ to reach A1 such that BA1 = ct.
Similary A1 is fresh source. Draw sphere of radius ct with A1 as Centre. A1
B1 is reflected wavefront.

A1B1 will be true reflected wavefront if PD + DP1 = BA1

PD + DP' = BN + NA'

From 's ABA & AB'A'

AA' = AA' (Common)

ABA' = AB'A

BA' = AB' (equal to ct)

 ABA'  AB'A'

So  BAA' = B'A'A

i = r

Ist law is proved

From  DNA' and DP1A'

DA1 = DA'
NDA' = P'A'D

DNA' = DP'A'

 DNA  A'P'D

 DP' = NA'

Also Incident ray reflected ray & Normal lie in same plane. Laws are

Ans.30 (a) Amphere’s Circuital law –

The law states that line integral of magnetic field over closed loop in air is equal
to µo times the current threading through it.

Mathematically . = u. I


Consider long conductor through which current I is passing. Magnetic field

around it will be of concentric shape. The direction of magnetic field is given by
tangent to the magnetic field lines.

Consider a closed loop of radius r of circular shape. Pt. p lies on it and is shown
in fig.

Magnetic field at P,

r P
Hence law is proved..

(b) We know that two parallel conductors carrying current in same direction
attract each other. When current passes through solenoid, the current
passes in same direction through various turns. As a result solenoid

Ans.3 (a) Consider a current carrying loop of radius r and a point p on the Axis of
the loop which is at a distance x – from the centre . Divide loop into small current
elements. One such is a b and is shown in figure.
Small Magnetic field at P due to current element

dB =

Resolve dB into dB Cos and , dB Cos  will cancel out due to


Total B at P


Ans.30 (b) In a diamagnetic sample, each molecule is not a magnet itself. This
way random motion of molecule does’t affect the magnetism.
Hence the diamagnetism is independent of Temp.

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