Quote No : qb8tlx1a01m66
This benefit illustration is intended to show year-wise premiums payable and benefits under the policy.
Policy Details
PP PP Total
Base Plan CI Rider IB Rider PP Rider (PAC) Rider Rider Instalment
(ADC) (CC) Premium
1 100000 0 0 0 1000000 0 0
15 0 0 0 981100 1000000 0 0
1. Annualized Premium excludes underwriting extra premium, frequency loadings on premiums, the premiums paid towards the riders, if any, and Goods & Service Tax. Refer Sales
Literature for explanation of terms used in this illustration.
2. The maturity benefit is payable at the end of the policy year. Upon payment of the maturity benefit, the policy terminates and no further benefits become payable.
3. The death benefits shown above are at the end of the year. Upon payment, of death benefit the policy terminates and no further benefit is payable.
4. The surrender benefits shown above are at the end of the year. Upon payment of surrender benefit, the policy terminates and no further benefit becomes payable.
5. The Premium and the Sum Assured on Maturity stated above is based on the information provided. They may vary as a result of underwriting.
6. Any statutory levy or charges (such as Goods and Service tax) including any indirect tax may be charged to the Policyholder either now or in future by the company and such
amount so charged shall become due and payable and shall be subject to the same terms and conditions as applicable to payment of premium.
I , have explained the premiums and benefits under the policy fully to the prospect / I Rahul Agrawal,having received the information with respect to the above, have
policyholder. understood the above statement before entering into the contract.