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Growth Performance of Mahogany

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Growth Performance of Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) under Different Soil

Types in Northern Region of Karnataka

Article in Indian Journal of Ecology · November 2023

DOI: 10.55362/IJE/2023/4122


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5 authors, including:

Akhilraj T M Sneha S Kambli

University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad 3 PUBLICATIONS 18 CITATIONS

Vasudeva R
University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad


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Indian Journal of Ecology (2023) 50(5) (SI): 1712-1715 Manuscript Number: 4122
DOI: NAAS Rating: 5.79

Growth Performance of Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla)

under Different Soil Types in Northern Region of Karnataka

T.M. Akhilraj, S.S. Inamati, Sneha S. Kambli1, Divya Soman and R. Vasudeva2
Department of Silviculture and Agroforestry, 2Department of Forest Biology and Tree Improvement
College of Forestry, Sirsi, Uttara Kannada-581 401, India
Karnataka Forest Department, Bengaluru-574 221, India

Abstract: The present study was carried out with an objective of assessing growth performance of mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) grown
under different soil types of hilly zone of Karnataka. Mahogany plantations with an age gradation of 1, 2, 3, 4 year grown in black and red soils
were selected for the study. Growth parameters such as height and girth at breast height were recorded at 12 months interval for a period of one
year from January 2022. Growth attributes such as height, girth at breast height, basal area and volume of mahogany at initial stage and at 12
MASE (month after start of experiment) of mahogany differed significantly due to soil type and age gradation. Volume per hectare at initial
stage and at 12 MASE was significantly higher in black soil than in red soil. Significantly higher tree volume was recorded in 4-year-old
3 3
mahogany plantation at initial stage (18.25 m ) and at 12 MASE (40.55 m ). Interaction between soil type and age gradation had significant
influence on volume per hectare at initial and 12 MASE. The study concluded that growth performance of mahogany was superior in black soil
in northern region of Karnataka.

Keywords: Growth performance, Soil types, Fast growing species, Mahogany, Swietenia macrophylla

Swietenia macrophylla is a straight grained, reddish brown In recent times, incorporation of fast-growing tree species
tropical hardwood species of the family Meliaceae. It is into the agroforestry systems has received more attention
distributed naturally in central and south America. The species among farmers in India due to its diversified outputs and
has been widely cultivated in south East Asia and the Pacific sustained agricultural productivity. Among such fast-growing
including India, Indonesia, Philippines and Sri Lanka. It is tree species, mahogany is a promising important tree
commonly known as mahogany. With Swietenia macrophylla, species considered by the farmers. Its deep rooting nature,
the species Swietenia mahagoni and Swietenia humilis are moderate fast growth, adoptability, outstanding wood
known to be genuine mahoganies. Mahogany was introduced qualities, better form and higher sawn out turn and ability to
to Royal Botanical Garden, Kolkata from West Indies in 1795. withstand the stand management practices makes it popular
Thereafter this species has been extensively grown in southern among the tree farmers (Vikas Kumar 2016). The wood
India (Akhilraj and Inamati 2023). Mahogany grows normally production potential is restricted to about 0.7 m3 ha-1 year -1 in
taller than 30 m and attains a diameter of 150 cm at breast the country as compared to the world average of 2.1 m3 ha-1
height. It grows in a wide range of soils and environmental year , this results in a huge gap between demand and supply
conditions. Normally, mahogany requires deep, fertile, well- of timber (Bijalwan and Dobriyal 2015). Agroforestry
drained soils with a pH of 6.5-7.5 for its optimum growth and it plantations including fast growing tree species is an attractive
requires a mean annual rainfall between 1000 and 2500 mm option because they reduce land competition for biomass
with a 4-month dry period for good growth. Mahogany can grow and food production while providing tree benefits (Chavan et
at an altitude of 0-1500 m above sea level, in areas with a mean al 2015). Fast growing species are considered as those
annual temperature of 20-28°C (Krisnawati et al 2011). capable of a mean annual increment of at least 10 cubic
Mahogany is a light demander, frost tender, fire hardy species. meters per hectare under favourable site conditions (FAO
It avoids water logging and moderately coppice. The 1965). Fast growth of tree is influenced by edaphic, climatic,
mahogany wood is used for manufacturing doors, windows, topographic and biotic factors. Farmers of north Karnataka
composite wood, boat, sports goods and musical instruments. have started cultivating mahogany extensively in their farm
Fruit is known as sky fruit and which is having medicinal land without prior knowledge on site specificity. Knowledge
properties such as it is used to treat blood sugar, cholesterol on suitability of the species to particular soil is crucial in
and Alzheimer's disease (Akhilraj 2023). raising the plantation successfully hence present
Growth Performance of Mahogany 1713

investigation was carried out with an objective of assessing (4.83 m) than red soil (4.56 m) and significantly higher in 4-
the growth performance of mahogany under different soil year plantation (5.70 m) than 1-3 year of plantation (Table 1).
types of northern region of Karnataka. Height growth is directly related to the site quality. Good
MATERIAL AND METHODS height growth may be due to the higher potential of black soil
The present study was conducted in Hilly zone (11º 56' to in terms of water holding and nutrient status in comparison
15º 46' N latitude and 74º 31' to 76º 45' E longitude), one with red soil. Vasudev et al (2020) indicated similar trend
among the 10 agroclimatic zones present in Karnataka. It is where Melia dubia grown in black soil recorded maximum
characterized by red clay loamy soil, lateritic soil and black height at initial and at the end of 12 months as compared to
soil. This zone has a tropical climate with an annual rainfall of red soil. Generally, as tree age increases, the growth in trees
2500-3000 mm. There were two factors considered for the also increases. In the present study, mean tree height of
study, factor one was soil type viz. black soil and red soil and mahogany increases as the stand age increases. Similar
factor two was age gradation viz. 1, 2, 3, 4 year. Different kind of results were reported by Divya et al (2022) in
aged mahogany plantations grown in black soil and red soils eucalyptus and Patel et al (2022) in Ailanthus excelsa. GBH
were selected from this agroclimatic zone based on similar at initial was significantly higher in black soil (16.53 cm) than
growing conditions with utmost care. In each plantation three red soil (15.87 cm) similarly GBH at 12 MASE was
sample plot of 15 m × 15 m was laid out for measuring the significantly higher in black soil (26.16 cm) than red soil
growth parameters. In each sample plot, there were 25 trees (25.02 cm). Reis et al (2018) reported that soil type and plant
with a spacing of 3 × 3 m. The study was conducted in the age both influenced the increment in diameter at breast
year 2022 and observations were taken twice ie. at initial height of Swietenia macrophylla. Trees from the red yellow
stage and at 12 MASE and average data per hectare was acrisol had recorded statistically higher diameter at breast
calculated. Growth parameters such as tree height (m), girth height values than trees from the nitisol (40.05 and 33.57 cm,
at breast height (cm) were recorded and derived parameters respectively). GBH at initial was significantly higher in 4-year
such as basal area, total tree volume, current annual plantation (24.82 cm) than 1–3-year plantation. GBH at 12
increment and mean annual increment (Chaturvedi and MASE was significantly higher in 4-year plantation (Table 2).
Khanna 1984) were calculated. Vasudev et al (2020) reported that Melia dubia exhibited a
Basal area = g /4π, where g is girth at breast height higher diameter at beast height in black soil in comparison
Total volume = Tree height × basal area × form factor with red soil.
The replicated data were statistically were compared Volume per hectare at initial stage and at 12 MASE of
using post-hoc test (Duncan's multiple range test) at (p < mahogany differed substantially due to soil type and age
0.05) level using OPSTAT software. gradation (Table 3). Volume per hectare at initial stage was
significantly higher in black soil (8.62 m ) than red soil (7.72
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION m ). Volume per hectare at initial stage was significantly
Growth attributes such as height and girth at breast height higher in 4-year plantation (18.25 m3). Interaction between
significantly differed due to soil type and age gradation. Tree soil type and age gradation had significant effect on volume
height at initial was significantly higher in black soil (3.71 m) per hectare at initial stage. This was significantly higher in
than red soil (3.54 m). Tree height at initial was significantly black soil than red soil. Volume per hectare at 12 MASE was
higher in 4-year plantation (4.93 m) than in 1-3 year similarly significantly higher in black soil (23.26 m3) than red soil (20.34
tree height at 12 MASE was significantly higher in black soil m3) and volume per hectare at 12 MASE was significantly

Table 1. Mean height of mahogany at initial and at 12 MASE as influenced by soil type and age gradation
Soil types / Plantation age Height (m) at initial stage Height (m) at 12 MASE

1 2 3 4 Mean 1 2 3 4 Mean

Black soil 1.94 3.66 4.22 5.03 3.71 3.62 4.76 5.12 5.83 4.83
Red soil 1.86 3.41 4.06 4.83 3.54 3.36 4.51 4.80 5.56 4.56
Mean 1.90 3.53 4.14 4.93 3.49 4.64 4.96 5.70
CD (p=0.05)
Soil type (S) 0.04 0.02
Plantation age (P) 0.06 0.03
Interaction (S × P) 0.08 NS
1714 T.M. Akhilraj et al

higher in 4-year-old plantation (40.55 m ). Interaction volume as compared to red soil. Current annual increment
between soil type and age gradation had significant influence (CAI) of volume per hectare of mahogany differed
on volume per hectare at 12 MASE. The higher tree volume considerably due to soil type and age gradation (Fig. 1).
obtained in plantation raised in black soil may be due to the Increasing trend of CAI indicate that mahogany grows faster
fertility and water holding capacity of it. In addition to it in its early growing stage. Higher CAI and MAI is obtained in
mahogany prefers neutral to alkaline soil, black soil provides plantation grown on black soil compared to red soil.
optimum conditions for the growth than red soil. Vasudev et al Interaction between soil type and age gradation had
(2020) in Melia dubia grown in black soil recorded maximum significant influence on CAI of volume per hectare. Whereas

25 23.67
Black soil CAI Black soil MAI Red soil CAI Red soil MAI



10 10.34
6.66 6.63
5.25 5.43 5.73
5 4.66

1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year

Plantation age
3 -1
Fig. 1. CAI and MAI of volume (m ha ) of mahogany as influenced by soil type and age gradation

Table 2. Mean gbh of mahogany at initial stage and at 12 MASE as influenced by soil type and age gradation
Soil types / Plantation age GBH (cm) at initial stage GBH (cm) at 12 MASE

1 2 3 4 Mean 1 2 3 4 Mean

Black soil 8.17 13.45 19.46 25.05 16.53 17.65 23.18 28.94 34.87 26.16
Red soil 7.72 12.58 18.58 24.58 15.87 16.34 22.06 27.76 33.92 25.02
Mean 7.95 13.02 19.02 24.82 17.00 22.62 28.35 34.40
CD (p=0.05)
Soil type (S) 0.28 0.23
Plantation age (P) 0.40 0.32
Interaction (S × P) NS NS

Table 3. Total tree volume of mahogany at initial stage and at 12 MASE as influenced by soil type and age gradation
Soil types / Plantation age Volume (m3 ha-1) at initial stage Volume (m3 ha-1) at 12 MASE

1 2 3 4 Mean 1 2 3 4 Mean

Black soil 0.91 4.45 10.17 18.97 8.62 7.58 16.29 26.53 42.63 23.26
Red soil 0.78 3.64 8.92 17.54 7.72 6.03 13.98 22.90 38.46 20.34
Mean 0.85 4.04 9.55 18.25 6.80 15.14 24.72 40.55
CD (p=0.05)
Soil type (S) 0.31 0.37
Plantation age (P) 0.44 0.52
Interaction (S × P) 0.62 0.74
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Growth Performance of Mahogany 1715

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Received 27 August, 2023; Accepted 04 November, 2023

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