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Review On The Growth of Sal Forest in Jharkhand

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Review on the Growth of Sal Forest in Jharkhand

Abhimanyu Kumar a, *, Indrajit Kumarb
Department of Chemistry,
Vinoba Bhave University, Hazaribag, Jharkhand, India

Md. Tanweer Alamc

State Geological Laboratory, Hazaribag

Abstract:- This paper presents a review on the growth of boiled black grams, golgappa etc. The used leaves plates are
the Sal forest. It is a natural forest having a large socio- readily eaten by goats and cattle that roam the streets freely,
economic value. Natural Sal forests occur mainly on feed [18-19], resin or latex from heartwood [20] and tannin
sandy loam soil developed from under hilly areas in and gum from the bark [21-22]. The people of scheduled
different parts of India. It is mainly found in Jharkhand, tribes and Scheduled caste use the total sources obtained
Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Uttarakhand, and through the Sal tree by using their whole product like seeds
Himachal Pradesh. The variation in the growth, quality, roots, stem, branches, and leaves.
and distribution of Sal is mostly influenced by soil-site
characteristics. The growth of Sal forest is highly Sal forest generally requires moist, slightly acidic
affected by physical properties (climate, temperature, sandy to clayey soil for appropriate growth. The natural
and soil texture) and chemical properties like soil regeneration of the Sal forest takes place by seeds. It has
nutrients (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium). The also been observed that it is also affected by anthropogenic
paper describes the physical and chemical properties disturbances in the environment. The regeneration gets poor
which support the growth of the Sal forest and the via seeds under a higher degree of human interference and
knowledge of these physicochemical properties will help other daily activities such as burning, grazing and forest-
to design and manage the growth of Sal forest. cutting [23-24]. The Jharkhand state has a large area of Sal
forest and these forests are originally spread out over
Keywords:- Natural Sal forest, sandy-loam soil, soil thousands of square miles, especially in the districts of
properties, soil nutrients. Hazaribag, Singhbhum, Palamu, and Ranchi [25]. Recently
the work on the physicochemical studies of soil on the
I. INTRODUCTION growth of the Sal forest has been an interest to many authors
Sal is the most common and important tree species
found in Jharkhand state. It is also known as Shorearobusta II. OVERVIEW OF THE STUDY OF SAL FOREST
or sakhua or shala tree. This forest is spread across 10
million hectares (m ha) in India [1]. Sal is a species of tree A. Location of plant:
belonging to the Dipterocarpaceae family [2] and is one of In 1998 Oudhia et al.[37] described that the Sal tree is
the best trees among all of the tree species. The tree is used natively found in the Indian sub-continent including south of
for many purposes in our daily life. Its wood is used for the Himalayas, from Myanmar in the east to Nepal, and
construction works, furniture purposes, fuel wood, timbers, Bangladesh. In India, it extends from Assam, West Bengal,
tennis, pillars, railway tracks, and seats [3-12]. Its resin is Orissa, and Jharkhand, west to the Shivalik hills in Haryana,
used as an astringent in Ayurveda medicine [13]. This tree is and to the east of the Yamuna. The range of Sal forest
a crucial plant for many veterinary medicines including extends through the Eastern Ghats and to the eastern
medicine for respiratory diseases. Sal is famous for its seed Vindhya and Satpura ranges of central India. The Sal forest
and oil and is also burnt as incense in Hindu ceremonies. is distributed between 20–32°N latitude and 75–95°E
The Sal fruit pulp is edible and contains sugar, gum, tartaric longitude. The growth of the Sal forest is primarily
acids, malic acids, and citric acid having an important role maintained by climatic and edaphic factors [38].
in the food and cosmetic sectors. The extracted oil from Sal
tree is greenish-brown in colour with a characteristic odour. B. Climate:
The refined oil of Sal seed is used in chocolate Sal forest located in Jharkhand state is facing various
manufacturing industries. It is also used for the production anthropogenic threats and is further aggravated by climate
of vanaspati, pigments, lubricants, paints, biogas, and change impact. There is a very urgent need for the
biodiesel. Besides, the de-oiled cake also has a good export conservation of the Sal forest particularly rare, endangered,
market for cattle, poultry, and fish feed [14]. Sal seeds and threatened, and endemic species of the Jharkhand State.
its fruits are an important source of lamp oil and vegetable Jharkhand has a large Sal forest area in Eastern India and is
fat [15-16]. The wood from the Sal tree is resinous and popularly known as the state of bushes. This area has a
durable and therefore it is especially suitable for dense Sal forest and contains nearly the recorded forest area
constructing frames for doors and windows. The dry leaves of 23,606 km2 of the state which is 29.62% of the
of Sal are a major source for the production of leaf plates geographical area of the state. Out of these reserved forests
called patravali and leaf bowls in northern and eastern India constitute 18.59%, protected forests 81.29%, and Un-classed
[12, 17]. The leaves are also used fresh to serve readymade forests 0.15% of the total forest area. The floral wealth of
paan (beetle nut preparations) and small snacks such as the state is still unexplored. This is due to remoteness,

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
inaccessibility, tough topography, and harsh climatic D. Rainfall:
conditions. This requires the potential for new plant species. The climatic condition around the Jharkhand state varies
Indigenous communities are highly dependent on the Sal from Humid subtropical in the north to tropical wet, and
forest for sustenance and livelihood. The paper also dry in the south-east. The overall cumulative rainfall during
describes the impact of climate changes on the proliferous the monsoon season (June-October) for the entire state of
growth of Sal-dominated forests found in Jharkhand. The Jharkhand was found to be almost constant over many years
temperature (27-33°C) humidity (10- 98.3%), and Rainfall [51]. The southwest monsoon starts in mid-June and ends in
(1000- 1500mm) are found most suitable conditions for the the month of October, bringing nearly all the state's annual
growth of Sal forest in Jharkhand Singh et al. [39] studied rainfall, which ranges from about 1,000 mm (40 in) in the
that the climates are characterized by three seasons: hot–dry west-central part and more than 1,500 mm (60 in) in the
summer (April–June), warm–wet rainy (middle June– south-west part of the state. About half of the annual rainfall
September), and cool-dry winter (November–February), occurs between the months of July and August. However,
October and March are the transition months between the trend analysis of cumulative rainfall during the monsoon
seasons. The distribution, structure, and ecology of the season shows that rainfall has a fluctuating trend with a
forest influence the climate gradually [40-42]. The main decrease of 26–270 mm in the north-western districts to an
consequence of changes in temperature, precipitation, and increase of 19–440 mm in the rest parts of the Jharkhand
soil moisture content due to an increase in greenhouse gases, state. The spatial distribution of cumulative rainfall shows in
the majority of the forests will undergo shifts. Certain Palamu, Garhwa, and many parts of the Ranchi, Ramgarh,
climatic regimes are associated with particular plant Hazaribagh, Kodarma, Giridih, and Gumla show a declining
functional types [43-46], hence it is reasonable to assume trend of cumulative rainfall with a magnitude of 26–270
that changes in climate would alter the distribution pattern mm. Hazaribag district receives an annual rainfall of 1350
and composition of forest ecosystems around the world. mm and more than 80 percent of rainfall occurs during the
monsoon season. Rainfall data, obtained from the State
The moisture behaves as the key player that would Irrigation Department, show that about 85% of the annual
influence the distribution of Sal forest to shift towards rainfall is found in the rainy season, and 7–8 dry months
northern and eastern India, with greater than 90% certainty. occur during the annual cycle [52]. Long-term annual
The studies emphasize the utility of the archived remote rainfall varies between 850 and 1350 mm. During the study
sensing data in providing location information in climate period of two, annual cycles (May 2001 to June 2003), the
change studies. annual rainfall was 1410 and 1125 mm respectively.
C. Temperature: E. Soil type:
The temperature of the soil is an important property Gupta [53] studied and reported that the soil texture of
because it influences the chemical, physical and biological the Sal forests areas was of sandy loam type, suitable for
processes associated with plant growth. Soil temperature good Sal regeneration and high-quality trees. Shah [54]
fluctuates with the season, time of day, and local climatic found that the sandy loam texture is a very common type of
conditions. The sun is the main source of heat for the soil that support the growth of dense Sal forests along with
chemical and biological activity of the soil [47]. A rise in some other valuable timber trees. Black [55] mentioned that
the temperature of soil accelerates a chemical reaction, the supply of water to plants usually is greater as the texture
reduces the solubility of gases, and decreases the pH of soil becomes finer. Soil texture also plays a very important role
[48]. It also plays an important role in the germination of in the growth of plants that nutrient supply from the soil.
seeds. The change in temperature will have an impact on the The soil texture result is similar to the finding of Shrestha
growth of biomass and the activity of the micro-organisms [56], verified by the work carried out in Royal Chitwan
[49]. Soil temperature varies in response to exchange National Park (RCNP), Sidgel [57] in Sal forests in India.
processes that take place primarily through the soil surface This may be due to the similar type of forest vegetation, i.e.,
[48]. The Hazaribag district experiences great heat from Sal dominated forest. Chaudhary et al.[58] reported the
March to May, when the maximum temperature reaches up comparative studies on two different forests of Sal trees with
to 44.4°C and during winter the same comes down to 2 - nutrient dynamics in Motichur and Chilla and Kumar et
3°C. The temperature obtained from the State Irrigation al.[59] also studied and reported the comparative studies on
Department, show that the maximum day temperature varies two different forests of Sal trees with nutrient dynamics
from 20°C in January to 42°C in May, and the minimum depicting the characteristics of the soil under Sal forest in
night temperature from 10°C in January to 24°C in May. Ichak and Bishnugarh, District Hazaribag, Jharkhand forest
According to Bahuguna et al. [50] the temperature of have been incorporated in Table -1.
Uttarakhand, India soil samples varied from 38 °C to 43 °C.

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Ichak Sal forest Bishnugarh Sal forest Motichur Sal forest Chilla Sal forest
Soil Properties Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Mean
Temp (°C) 19.70 22.80 21.30 16.60 27.40 22.00 15.60 25.60 20.60 15.60 25.20 20.40
Humidity (%) 67.96 69.56 68.76 62.00 76.00 69.00 60.00 80.00 70.00 60.00 78.00 69.00
Moisture Content
10.70 11.00 10.85 7.20 13.20 10.20 7.60 12.00 9.80 7.20 12.80 10.00
Water Holding
68.00 70.00 69.00 55.90 77.70 66.80 60.00 80.00 70.00 56.00 76.00 66.00
Capacity (%)
pH 5.86 6.05 5.96 5.94 6.66 6.30 6.12 6.40 6.26 5.94 6.44 6.19
Organic Carbon (%) 1.56 2.32 1.94 1.32 2.40 1.86 1.53 2.99 2.26 1.29 2.20 1.75
Organic Matter (%) 2.65 3.47 3.06 3.05 4.05 3.55 2.66 3.95 3.31 2.24 3.83 3.04

Total Nitrogen (%) 0.17 0.34 0.26 0.22 0.31 0.27 0.24 0.32 0.28 0.20 0.32 0.26
Phosphate(mg/L) 0.54 0.92 0.73 0.59 0.89 0.74 0.68 0.90 0.79 0.72 0.91 0.82
Sodium(mg/L) 2.50 5.30 3.90 3.64 5.27 4.46 4.10 6.33 5.22 3.74 5.22 4.48
Potassium(mg/L) 8.70 10.50 9.60 10.20 15.14 12.67 8.24 10.50 9.37 10.00 15.04 12.52
Calcium(meq/100g) 6.30 7.40 6.85 6.55 7.12 6.84 6.26 7.86 7.06 6.54 7.00 6.77

Soil Fertility Index 20.57 21.57 21.07 17.20 19.27 18.24 19.15 20.92 20.04 17.11 19.22 18.17
Table1: Descriptive statistics of soil Physico-chemical properties under Motichur, Chilla, Ichak, and Bishnugarh Sal forest

F. Nutrient requirements extent while deficiencies of Ca influenced a shorter tap root

A unique balance of physical-chemical and biological and sparse lateral roots. The N- and K-deficient seedling
components plays an important role to maintain soil quality leads to thinner and longer tap roots in Sal trees.
and nutrient availability for the growth of Sal forest. In spite
of the importance of macronutrients and micronutrients in G. Nutrient content and cycling
plant growth and soil fertility is also an important parameter Bhatnagar [62]analyzed the mineral contents (ash, CaO,
for the growth of Sal forest. Kaul et al. [60] estimated the MgO, N, K2O, and P2O5) in Sal foliage from different site
nutritional uptake of a 35-year-old Sal stand from various quality classes, which were classified on the basis of top
parts of India. On the basis of their experimental work they height at the age of 80 years (first quality being the tallest).
observed that nutrient requirements for all site qualities First-quality trees showed the lowest concentration (percent)
decreased in the order of Ca>N> K>Na. The Ca requirement of all minerals, whereas the lowest-quality trees showed the
was found to be 1.5 times higher than that of N, 2 times that highest percentage of N, P, and K.
of K, and 5 and 7 times that of P and Na, respectively. The
study shows that nutrient requirements are higher on better In a study of 21-year-old coppice of Sal forests, leaves
sites, and the rate of stem timber production is also greater. contained the highest percentages of N, P, K, and Mg, while
Kaul et al. in 1966 studied the effect of mineral (N, P, K, the bark had the maximum percentage of Ca for all
Ca, and Na) deficiencies in different Sal seedlings, and categories of Sal trees, i.e. dominant, average, and
found that the deficiency of each of these nutrient elements suppressed [63]. The study calculated standing nutrient
causes prominent symptoms like premature defoliation, content in a Sal forest Table 2, and a comparison of leaf
smaller leaves, thin taproot, and slow shoot growth. [61]. litter nutrients from different studies is presented in Table 3.
Deficiencies of N and P affect height growth to a greater

Plant part N P K Ca Mg Total

Leaves 59 6 18 40 7 130
Twigs 34 3 14 35 4 90
Branches 101 8 35 115 20 279
Bole 242 27 75 125 51 520
Bark 85 8 58 257 35 443
Total 521 52 200 572 117 1462
Table 2: Standing nutrient content of different parts of Sal tree (kg ha−1) (Kaul et al.51)

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
N P K Ca Mg Sources
59 2 23 57 18 Singh et al.64
72 4 23 83 13 Pande and Sharma65
46 9 19 77 10 Seth et al.66
59 6 18 40 7 Kaul et al.51
Table 3: Nutrients returned to the forest floor through leaf fall (kg ha−1)

The nutrient rates calculated in the four studies show Organic matter content, soil N, P, Na, K, and Ca plays an
little difference in the estimates of each nutrient. The important role in the growth of Sal trees and their
climate of measurement years, age of the forest, and regeneration. There is an urgent need for the management of
methods of measurements may have contributed to these Sal forest for multiple products. In view of ecological and
differences and give information on different properties of socio-economic reasons, multiple-product forest
the forest. One of the studies was in 21-year-old coppice management will be a desirable and essential requirement
forests, whereas the others were older than 35 years when for sustaining Sal forests in these regions. Policymakers
they were measured. Similarly, the destructive method (trees toward managing Sal forest for multiple products can be
were felled) was followed in the case of the study by Kaul et achieved by implementing community-based forestry
al.[63] while the others followed the litter-plot method programs that require a commitment from local
(collected throughout the year at monthly or quarterly communities.
intervals from the plots laid out in the forests).
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