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Zodiac Degree Influences

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Zodiac Degree Influences



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Compiled and annotated by Deborah Houlding

Read about:
View the Table of
The sign of See below for the explanation of this table. Essential
Aries Dignities
Note: Deg. 1 equates to 0°00' - 0°59 ; deg. 2 equates to 1°00' - 1°59, and
so on, ending with deg. 30 equating to 29°00 - 29°59
The Star &
Meanings of Sign Dg. T. F. G. L. Others Stars Understanding
Dignities &
Aries Aries. 1 M D
2 M D Kerb
3 M D Deneb Kaitos
4 M L
governs 5 M L
the sign
6 M L Deep
7 M L
8 M* L

exalts in
9 F D
Aries 10 M D Algenib, Erakis
11 M D Deep
12 M D
13 M D
14 M D
triplicity 15 M D Alpheratz
by day 16 F D Deep
17 F L
18 F L Altais
19 F L I.F., exalt
the 20 F L
21 F V fall
by night
22 F V Baten Kaitos
23 M V Deep
24 M V Acamar
25 M L Kurdah
is in
detriment 26 M L
27 M L Alpherg
28 M L Vertex

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Zodiac Degree Influences

29 M L Deep

is in fall 30 M V Al Rischa

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See below for the explanation of this table.

Sign Dg. T. F. G. L. Others Stars

Taurus 1 F D Mirach
Read about:
2 F D Mira
The sign of 3 F D I.F., exalt Angetenar, Tyl
4 F L Mesartim, Sharatan

governs 5 F L Deep
The Star &
the sign 6 M L Lame Caph, Alfirk
Meanings of 7 M L Lame Metallah
8 M V Lame Hamal, Schedir, Al Dhail
9 M V Lame Azha
exalts in 10 M V Lame Kaffeljidhma
11 M V
12 F V Deep
13 F L
14 F L Zibal, Cih
15 F L I.F. Almach, Menkar
the 16 F V
triplicity 17 F V
by day 18 M V Rucha
19 M V
20 M V
21 M L Botein, Rana
22 F L
23 F L
by night 24 F L Deep Zaurak
25 M L Deep Capulus, Segin
26 M L
27 M L I.F. Algol
is in 28 M L Misam
detriment 29 M D Miram
30 M D Alcyone (Pleides)

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See below for the explanation of this table.

Sign Dg. T. F. G. L. Others Stars

Gemini 1 F L Alrai, Keid
Read about:
2 F L Deep Atik
The sign of

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Zodiac Degree Influences

3 F L exalt Mirfak
4 F L
The Star &
Constellation governs 5 F D Menkib
Meanings of the sign 6 M D Sceptrum, Prima Hyadum
7 M D
8 M L
9 M L Northern Bull's Eye
governs 10 M L Aldebaran
11 M L I.F.
by day 12 M L Deep Tabit
13 M V
14 M V
15 M V
governs 16 M V Cursa
the 17 F L Deep Hasseleh, Rigel
18 F L
by night
19 F L Haedi I
20 F L Haedi II, Nihal
21 F L Bellatrix
22 F L Arneb, Capella
is in
detriment 23 M D Phact, Mintaka, El Nath, Ensis
24 M D Hatsya, Alnilam
25 M D Alnitak, Al Hecka
26 M D Deep
27 F D Saiph, Al Wazn
28 F V
29 F V Polaris, Betelgeuze
30 F V Deep Menkalinan

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See below for the explanation of this table.

Sign Dg. T. F. G. L. Others Stars

Cancer 1 M L I.F.
Read about:
2 M L I.F. Yildun
The sign of 3 F L I.F.
4 F L I.F. Tejat
governs 5 F L
The Star & the sign 6 F L Dirah
Meanings of 7 F L
Cancer 8 F L Mirzam
9 M L Lame
exalts in
10 M L Lame Alhena
(15°) 11 F L Lame
12 F L Deep, Lame
13 M D Lame
14 M D Lame

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Zodiac Degree Influences

15 M V exalt, Lame, I.F. Sirius, Canopus

the 16 M V
triplicity 17 M V Deep
by day
18 M V
and night
19 M S Wasat
20 M S
21 M L Castor, Adhara
22 M L
is in 23 M L Deep
24 F L Pollux, Al Wazn
25 F L
26 F L Deep Procyon
27 F L
is in fall
28 M L fall

29 M V
30 M V Deep Aludra

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See below for the explanation of this table.

Sign Dg. T. F. G. L. Others Stars

Leo 1 M D
Read about:
2 M D I.F.
The sign of Leo 3 M D Talitha
4 M D
The Star & governs 5 M D I.F.
Constellation the sign 6 F D Deep
Meanings of Leo
7 F D I.F.
8 F D Praesepe, North Assellus
9 M D South Assellus
10 M D
11 M S
by day 12 M S
13 M S Deep
14 M S Kochab, Acubens
15 M S Deep
governs 16 F S Dubhe
17 F S
18 F S Lame
by night
19 F S I.F.
20 F S Mirak
21 F V Algenubi

is in
22 F V Deep Al-Farqad
detriment 23 F V Deep
24 M V
25 M V
26 M L

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Zodiac Degree Influences

27 M L Lame
28 M L Deep, Lame Alphard, Adhafera, Al Jabbah
29 M L
30 M L Regulus

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See below for the explanation of this table.

Sign Dg. T. F. G. L. Others Stars

Virgo 1 F D Phecda
Read about:
2 F D Megrez
The sign of 3 F D I.F.
4 F D
5 F D
The Star & the sign
Constellation 6 F L
Meanings of 7 F L
8 F L Deep Thuban

exalts in 9 M V Alioth
Virgo 10 M V
11 M L
12 M L Zosma
13 F L Deep
14 F L I.F.
the 15 F L exalt
triplicity 16 F L Deep Mizar
by day
17 F S
18 F S
19 F S
20 F S I.F.
the 21 M S Deep
triplicity 22 M S Deep Denebola
by night
23 M V Alkes
24 M V Alkes
25 M V
26 M V Labrum
is in
detriment 27 M V fall Alkaid
28 M D Zavijava
29 M D Markeb
is in fall 30 M D

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See below for the explanation of this table.

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Zodiac Degree Influences

Sign Dg. T. F. G. L. Others Stars

Libra 1 M L Deep Al Dhi'bah
2 M L
3 M L I.F.
4 M L
governs 5 M L Zaniah
Read about:
the sign
6 F D
The sign of
7 F D Deep
8 F D
9 F D Diadem
The Star & exalts in
Constellation Libra 10 F D Vindemiatrix
Meanings of
(21°) 11 F L Porrima, Al Janah
12 F L Auva, Minkar
13 F L Alchiba
14 F L Algorab
governs 15 F L I.F.
16 M L
by day 17 M L
18 M L Seginus, Kraz
19 M D fall

20 M D Deep
governs 21 F D I.F., exalt,
22 F L Heze
by night 23 F L Foramen
24 F L Spica
25 F L Arcturus
26 F L
is in 27 F L
28 M V
29 M V
is in fall 30 M V Deep

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See below for the explanation of this table.

Sign Dg. T. F. G. L. Others Stars

Scorpio 1 M D
Read about:
2 M D
The sign of 3 M D fall
4 M L Princeps, Syrma
governs 5 F L
The Star & the sign
6 F L
Meanings of 7 F L I.F. Khambalia, Gacrux
8 F L
9 F V Deep
10 F V Deep
11 F V

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Zodiac Degree Influences

12 F V Acrux, Mimosa
by day
13 F V Alphecca
and night
14 F V
15 M L
16 M L Southern Scale

is in
17 M L
detriment 18 F L I.F.
19 F L Lame
20 F L I.F. Northern Scale
21 F L
is in fall 22 F L Deep
23 F S Deep Unukalhai
24 F S Agena
25 F V
26 M V
27 M V Deep
28 M V Lame
29 M V Bungula
30 M D

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See below for the explanation of this table.

Read about:
Sign Dg. T. F. G. L. Others Stars
The sign of
Sagittarius Sagitt. 1 M L Lame
2 M L Kornephoros, Kajam

The Star & 3 F L fall Yed Prior, Isidis

4 F L Acrab (Graffias), Yed Posterior
Meanings of
Sagittarius governs 5 F L
the sign
6 M L Marfik
7 M L Deep, Lame
8 M L Lame
9 M L
10 M D Han, Antares
11 M D Kuma
by day 12 M D Deep Rastaban
13 F L I.F.
14 F L
15 F L Deep Sarin
governs 16 F L
17 F L Ras Algethi
18 F L Lame Sabik
by night
19 F L Lame
20 F S I.F. Maasym
21 F S Atria

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Zodiac Degree Influences

22 F S
is in
23 F S Ras Alhague
24 F L Deep
25 M L Lesath, Grumium
26 M L Aculeus, Cebalrai
27 M L Deep
28 M L Etamin
29 M L Acumen
30 M L Deep Sinistra

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See below for the explanation of this table.

Sign Dg. T. F. G. L. Others Stars

Capri. 1 M D Spiculum
Read about:
2 M D Al Nasr
The sign of 3 M D
4 M D Polis
governs 5 M D Kaus Media
The Star &
the sign 6 M D Kaus Australis
Meanings of 7 M D Deep Kaus Borealis
8 M L
9 M L Facies
exalts in
Capricorn 10 M L
11 M S
12 F S I.F.
13 F S I.F. Pelagus
governs 14 F S I.F. Ascella
15 F S fall Head-Archer
by day 16 F D Manubrium, Wega
17 F D Deep
18 F D
19 F D Sheliak
20 M D I.F. Dheneb
triplicity 21 M D
by night 22 M D Deep Sulaphat
23 M V
24 M V Deep
25 M V
is in
26 M D Lame Terebellum
27 M D Lame
28 M D Lame, exalt.

29 M D Deep, Lame
is in fall 30 M D

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Zodiac Degree Influences

Go to another sign

See below for the explanation of this table.

Sign Dg. T. F. G. L. Others Stars

Aqua. 1 M S Deep Tarazed
Read about:
2 M S Sham, Albireo, Altair
The sign of
Aquarius 3 M S Alshain
4 M S Geidi
The Star &
the sign 5 M L Dabih
Meanings of 6 F L Oculus
7 F L I.F.

is a 8 F L
9 F L
10 F D
11 F D

No planet 12 F D Deep Albali

is exalted 13 F* D Armus, Dorsum
14 F* L
15 F* L

governs 16 M L I.F. Alnair

17 M L Deep, I.F. Rotanev
by day 18 M L Lame Sualocin
19 M * L Lame
20 M * L I.F.
21 M* L Castra
the 22 F V Deep Nashira
23 F V
by night
24 F V Deep Sadalsuud, Deneb Algedi
25 F V Sadr
26 M* L
is in
27 M* L
28 F* L Gienah
29 F* L Deep
No planet
is in fall 30 F* L

Go to another sign

See below for the explanation of this table.

Sign Dg. T. F. G. L. Others Stars

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Zodiac Degree Influences

Read about:
Pisces. 1 M D
The sign of 2 M D Enif
Pisces 3 M D
4 M D Deep Sadalmelik, Fomalhaut
The Star & 5 M D
Meanings of the sign 6 M D Deneb Adige
Pisces 7 M L Biham
8 M L
9 M L Deep Skat
exalts in 10 M L
Pisces 11 F L
12 F L
13 F * D I.F.
14 F* D
15 F* D fall
16 F D Achernar
triplicity 17 F D Homam
(by day & 18 F D
night) 19 F D
20 F D I.F.
21 M D
22 M D
is in
23 M V
and fall
24 F * V Deep Markab
25 F* V
26 F* L
27 F * L Deep exalt

28 F * L Deep
29 M D
30 M D Scheat

Explanation on this Table

The 1st column headed 'Sign' shows the essential planetary

dignities/debilties that apply to all the degrees in the sign. For further
information see:

Understanding Planetary Dignities and Debility.

Ptolemy's Table of Essential Dignities.

The 2nd column headed 'Dg.' lists the degrees. Remember that:

'dg. 1' refers to the first degree which incorporates 0°00' - 0°59;
'dg. 2' thus equates to 1°00' - 1°59;
and so on, ending with 'dg. 30' which equates to 29°00 - 29°59

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Zodiac Degree Influences

The 3rd column headed 'T.' shows the planet that rules the degree by
term. For further information see:

Understanding Planetary Dignities and Debility.

The 4th column headed 'F.' shows the planet that rules the degree by
face. For further information see:

Understanding Planetary Dignities and Debility.

The 5th column headed 'G.' (for 'gender') indicates whether the degree
is masculine or feminine according to Lilly's 'Two necessary TABLES of the
Signs, fit to be understood by every ASTROLOGER or Practitioner' (CA.,
p.116). Consideration of whether the Moon and principle significator falls in
a masculine or feminine degree is used in horary matters relating to the sex
of a thief or unborn chld. Lilly writes of this:

Masculine or feminine

Many times it happens, that it is of great concernment to the Querent to

know whether a woman be with child of a male or female; or whether
the thief be man or woman, &c. When it shall so chance that neither the
angles, or the sex of the planet, or the signs do discover it, but that the
testimonies are equal; then if you consider the degrees of the sign
wherein the Moon is, and wherein the planet significator of the thing or
party quesited is, and the degree of the cusp of the house signifying the
person quesited after; and see whether they be in masculine or feminine
degrees, you may pose your judgement, by concluding a masculine
party, if they be posited in masculine degrees; or feminine, if they be in
feminine degrees. (CA., p.117)

The scheme is also presented in Al Biruni's Elements (v.457) with the

following variances (marked in the table by an asterick):

In Aries, the 8th degree is marked as female, not male.

In Aquarius, the 13th, 14th, 15th, 28th, 29th and 30th degrees are
classified as male not female. The 19th, 20th, 21st, 26th and 27th
degrees are classified as female not male.

In Pisces, the 13th, 14th, 15th, 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th and 28th degrees
are denoted male not female.

Al Biruni makes it clear he is presenting the method, not approving of its


The 6th column headed 'L.' (for 'luminosity') indicates whether the
degree is light (L), dark (D), smokey (S), or void (V) according to Lilly's
'Two necessary TABLES of the Signs, fit to be understood by every
ASTROLOGER or Practitioner' (CA., p.116). A similar table, with some
variations, is also found in Al Biruni's Elements (v. 458). These are
considered for the ascendant and Moon in horary and natal judgements in
determining physical structure and capability. Lilly writes:

Light or dark

Let a sign ascend in a Nativity or Question, if the Ascendant be in those

degrees you see are called light, the child or querent shall be more fair;
if the degree ascending be of those we call dark, his complexion shall be

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Zodiac Degree Influences

nothing so fair, but more obscure and dark; and if he be born deformed,
the deformity shall be more and greater; but if he be deformed when
the light degrees of a sign ascend, the imperfection shall be more
tolerable. (CA., p.117)


And if the Moon or the degree ascending be in those degrees we call

void, be the Native or Querent fair or foul, his understanding will be
small, and his judgement less than the world supposes, and the more
thou conferest with him, the greater defect shall be found in him. (CA.,


If the Ascendant, the Moon or either of them be in those degrees we call

smoky, the person inquiring or Native, shall neither be very fair nor very
foul, but of a mixed complexion, stature or condition, between fair and
foul, between tall and of little Stature, and so in condition neither very
judicious or a very ass. (CA., pp.117-118)

The 7th column headed 'Others' indicates the degrees listed as 'pitted or
deep' (Deep), 'deficient or lame' (Lame), or 'increasing fortune' (I.F.)
according to Lilly's 'Two necessary TABLES of the Signs, fit to be understood
by every ASTROLOGER or Practitioner' (CA., p.116). Lilly defines them thus:

Pitted or deep

Degrees deep or pitted … have this signification, that if either the Moon
or the degree ascending or lord of the Ascendant be in any of them, it
shows the man at a stand in the question he asks, not knowing which
way to turn himself and that he had need of help to bring him into a
better condition; for as a man cast into a ditch doth not easily get out
without help, so no more can this querent in the case he is without
assistance. (CA., p.118)

Lame or Deficient

Called by some azimene degrees, … the meaning whereof is thus, if in

any question you find him that demands the question, or in a nativity, if
you find the native defective in any member, or infected with an
inseparable disease, halting, blindness, deafness, &c., you may then
suppose the native hath either one of these azimene degr. ascending at
his birth, or the lord of the Ascendant, or the Moon in one of them. In a
question or nativity, if you see the querent lame naturally, crooked, or
vitiated in some member, and on the sudden you can in the figure give
no present satisfaction to your self, do you then consider the degree
ascending, or degree wherein the Moon is in, or the lord of the
Ascendant, or principal lord of the nativity or question, and there is no
doubt that you shall find one or more of them in azimene degrees. (CA.,

Increasing fortune

These degrees … tend to this understanding, that if the cusp of the

second house, or if the lord of the second house, or Jupiter, or the Part

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Zodiac Degree Influences

of Fortune be in any of those degrees, it's an argument of much wealth,

and that the native or querent will be rich. (CA., p.118)

The 8th and final column indicates the fixed stars located in each degree.
Those listed in red, link through to details of the influences ascribed to the
star, which are best understood with consideration of the meaning of their
parent constellation. 1st magnitude stars are listed in bold.

The star catalogue is a work in progress and new links to stars will be
added as they become profiled on the site.

© Deborah Houlding; last update January 2006

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