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Leland Student 7

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Name: L. ~\ a Y1 d :t\=7

Student Workbook - Patterns!



What is a pattern?

What can a rule help us do?
Leq n r} .L Y\
\./ o( r ef't)__
What is the rule in this pattern
3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27,
30 ... Rule:'1 tj) '.S

What is the rule in this pattern

21, 32, 43, 54, 65, 76, 87, 98 ...
Rule: ctdc) 1

Make a pattern using this rule

. Start at 7.
Rule: Add 6
Finish the pattern.
Rule+ 4, -3
E xample: 0, 3, 1, 4
, 2, 5, 3. Add 3 to
from that number. one number. Then
Rule: + 3, -2 subtract 2
6, :JL, '.'.:_, J.L, q_, L , ~ . :__, LI_ ...

Finish the pattern.

Rule+ 6, -2
11, \ L , 1S_, ~
f' \I •
, ~2.. f)
HJ ·d b ~°L X
_ , ~, _, _
.. .

Create a rule.
Rule:~ dd 2 - fJ ---
lg \_

Create a pattern u
sing the rule.
-, r\
L JJ ,
I , \
.b .L 2 - , ;)..f2,. ~ '
' _ - ~' :i._, •••
Story Problem:
Benjamin is making
a repeating pattern.
square, circle. What The rule is, square, tri
wi\\ the 26th shape be angle,
the 88th shape in th in the pattern? What will
e pattern be? 0
Use the work space

The rule is [ 1,2 1w

hat is the 42nd number?
1 ,2 ,1 ,2 ,1 ,2 ...


Story Problem:
Katrina puts beads
on a string. The rule
. , ,
are 88 beads on the is b\u~, ye\\~w, red. There
string. How many tim
es did Josie repeat he

Which rule gives a

repeating pattern wit
as the 15th shape? h a square
Circle all that apply.

1. square, circle, square, tria
3. squ ---=~=~~-~
4.:c· - ~· e
rapez , uare \
------ -------------- - ~
Create a 3D pattern
and table using this rule:
Each layer has 4 bl

Create a 3D pattern
and table using this rule:
Each layer has 1Obl

\6 /t ~
~L ~~ \O X" \_ ~- ---

Num ber Patterns L....D' ..t dDate:

Complete the shape pattern:

· 0 0 D O D ---='--0__,_I>_
. [b[1[?[? [1[1[?[? [b[1[?[? [b [b [? p
Colour the smiley faces in the foll ow
pattern: Blu e, gre en, yel low .

d _,
Make you r own colour pa tte r~
uring in the stars. "

ete the number patterns:

2, 3, 6, 8, l I , lj_. Y.

b) 3, 6, 9, 12, r) ..

c) 5, 10, 15, 20, 2=2_, 15_. 1

d) 10, 20, 3b, 40, )· 0, •

• e) 20, 18, 16, 14,

12... I _Q_, •

. -
f) 100, 90, 80, 70, -Ge,-, 1;. ,·) .•

• •
1001 200, 300, 400,
r,rl'a rn l) .
)V-, PJ .

I1 rule· pat~e·rns.
Start with the number 3. Make-a p~ttern by adding ~ach time.

Start with the number 10. Make a pattern by adding 5 each time.

10, \ 5 I 1=Q_, _!£, _iQ_, J.5_, •

..........~B "l e number 20. Make a pattern
by adding 3 each time.

Start with the number 5. Make a patt ern

by adding 4 each time.

__a_, lL J L 21 ,ll - •
Start with the num ber 5. Make a patt ern
by adding 10 each time.
I S ,1. l, .J L "\-5 ,5..£. ·
\ 2 rule patterns.

Start with 0. Follow the rule add 2, add

3 to create a pattern.
0, 5__, 7 I IO I~- ,

Start with 0. Follow the rule add 2, take

away 1 to create a pattern.
0, 2-_ \ l , _ _ _. 1
Start with o. Follow the rule.add 5, take away 2 to create a pattern.

E.g. 0, 5, 3, 8,
6, 1 1 , 9.
Add 5, Tak
e away 2
3 ,4 ,6 ,7 ,9
, 10, 12, 13
, 15

20, 18, 1 7 ,1
5 ,1 4 ,1 2 ,1 1
,. ---~----
10, 12, 16, --:--
18 ,2 2 ,2 4 ,2 8
__ _ _ :
... ;~-~_:


) • I


l £\ <AV \d•

Number Patterns Date:

Complete the shape pattem:

[b [b [? [? [b[b[?[? [b[b[?[? [b [b G=J

Colour the smlley faces In the follow pattern:

Blue, green, yellow.

Make your own colour pattern by colourln1 In the

stan .

Complete the num ber patterns:

a) 2, 4, 6, 8, lQ_, \ 2. .

b) 3, 6, 9, 12, l_S_, s_.

c) 5, 10, 15, 20, ~5, SO .

d) 10, 20, 30, 40, fil, o6 .
e) 20, 18, 16, 14, \ 2_ , LQ_,

f) 100, 90, 80, 70, '-o_, so.

g) 100, 200, 300, 4oo,s oo, c'().

1 rule patterns.

Start with the number 3. Make a pattern by adding 2 each time.

3, 5
Start with the number 10. Make a pattern by adding 5 each time.

\3 10, I .5 , ). 0 , 30 j 5.
Start with the number 20. Make a pattern by adding 3 each time.

Start with the number 20. Make a pattern by adding 4 each time.

20, 2 L\' i...L,

3'Q,, 0.+6---, 4
Start with the number 37. Make a pattern by adding 10 each time.

37, t\71, 57 1 ' 7 1 7 7 , 't 7 •

2 rule patterns.
S ta r t W I·t h o. F o ll o w th
e ru le add
\'\ o , _ L S 2 , add 3 to
create a patte
,f-' t ( ) , '\'2_ ·

S ta r t with 0
. Follow th e
/o, 2 ,_L~
ru\e add 2, ta

2- ( .
ke away 1 to cre
ate a pattern.

S ta r t with 0.
Fo\\ow th e ru
\e add S, take
away 2 to cre

ate a pattern.
\ •

Write the ru
les describin
g each pattern
E.g. 0, 5, 3,
8, 6, 11, 9. Add 5
, Take away

20, 18, 17, 15

, 14, 12, 11
r1) S"A B2 S\AB \

/;~J 2_
~ 1 2 16 18

• Cl>n"\\w.e. tt\ t_ .. ..
•tt \t t\A \t. . ~ '° tt tn * '" ~
t"\t " ' ' ,~
~'>, {)\, _ ,, u , ,u~
-~ . . .

• t• \t . .. .\ t,
-"\ 01 I 5'> I '-\ ~ I \\1 .
1 • • ._

-~ii"t COI\IS • !S -, C\ '' 1 \8

•• _,___ ,oo "" ' 'I. 1.1.0
1sc oo flo ~
-- ·-- • .

fln tl tt \l t\~ W \U .Y - ,~ -
, ... I\~
• •

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