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E3 ubiquitin ligase UBR5 promotes pancreatic cancer growth and aerobic glycolysis by downregulating FBP1 via destabilization of C:EBPα

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E3 ubiquitin ligase UBR5 promotes pancreatic cancer growth and

aerobic glycolysis by downregulating FBP1 via destabilization of
Leifeng Chen1,2 Rongfa Yuan2 Chongyu Wen2 Tiande Liu2 Qian Feng2 Xueqiang Deng2 Yunyan Du
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3 ●

Xiaogang Peng 4

Received: 18 July 2019 / Revised: 24 September 2020 / Accepted: 15 October 2020

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited 2020

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most fatal cancers in humans. While it thrives in a state of malnutrition, the mechanism by
which pancreatic cancer cells adapt to metabolic stress through metabolic reprogramming remains unclear. Here, we showed
that UBR5, an E3 ubiquitin ligase, was significantly upregulated in pancreatic cancer patient samples compared to the levels

in adjacent normal tissues. Levels of UBR5 were closely related to a malignant phenotype and shorter survival among
pancreatic cancer patients. Multivariate analyses also revealed that UBR5 overexpression was an independent predictor of
poor outcomes among patients with pancreatic cancer. Functional assays revealed that UBR5 contributes to the growth of
pancreatic cancer cells by inducing aerobic glycolysis. Furthermore, we demonstrated that UBR5 knockdown increased
levels of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (FBP1), an important negative regulator in the process of aerobic glycolysis in many
cancers. We found a significant negative correlation between levels of UBR5 and FBP1, further demonstrating that UBR5-
induced aerobic glycolysis is dependent on FBP1 in pancreatic cancer cells. Mechanistically, UBR5 regulates FBP1
expression by modulating C/EBPα, directly binding to C/EBPα, and promoting its ubiquitination and degradation. Together,
these results identify a mechanism used by pancreatic cancer cells to survive the nutrient-poor tumour microenvironment and
also provide insight regarding the role of UBR5 in pancreatic cancer cell adaptation to metabolic stresses.


Pancreatic cancer is an aggressive malignant disease with poor

prognosis, and its death rate is almost equal to its incidence
These authors contributed equally: Leifeng Chen, Rongfa Yuan [1]. Despite significant progress, the 5-year overall survival
Supplementary information The online version of this article (https:// rate of the disease remains at about 6% [2]. Therefore, there is contains supplementary an urgent need for early detection methods and effective
material, which is available to authorised users. prevention strategies to reduce the mortality associated with
this disease. One obstacle underlying this clinical challenge is
* Yunyan Du our limited understanding of how pancreatic cancer repro-
* Xiaogang Peng grams metabolism in the unique tumour microenvironment [3]. Thus, insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying
pancreatic cancer pathogenesis may reveal novel therapeutic
Jiangxi Provincial Clinical Research Center for General Surgery options for improving patient prognosis.
Disease, Nanchang, China UBR5 is an E3 ubiquitin ligase that has been implicated
Department of General Surgery, Second Affiliated Hospital of in the regulation of metabolism, proliferation, and apoptosis
Nanchang University, Nanchang, China [4]. Recently, emerging evidence has identified UBR5 as a
Department of Medical, Jiangxi Provincial People’s Hospital of key regulator of the ubiquitin–proteasome system (UPS) in
Nanchang University, Nanchang, China cancer [5–7]. Liao et al. have demonstrated that UBR5
Jiangxi Province Key Laboratory of Molecular Medicine, Second drives the growth and metastasis of triple-negative breast
Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University, Nanchang, China cancer [6]. Owing to its E3 ubiquitin ligase activity, UBR5
L. Chen et al.

contributes to the ubiquitination of target proteins and tags adjacent non-tumour tissues. We found that the mRNA
them for degradation in many cancers [8–10]. For instance, expression level of UBR5 was significantly elevated in
UBR5 promotes the progression of colorectal cancer by tumours compared with levels in matched adjacent normal
destabilising the tumour suppressor ECRG4 [10]. However, tissues (Fig. 1A). Higher protein expression of UBR5 was
the precise role and underlying signalling cascade of UBR5 also consistently found in pancreatic cancer tissues, as
in pancreatic cancer progression remain unclear. indicated by western blotting (Fig. 1B). Upregulation of
Aerobic glycolysis, also known as the ʻWarburg effect’, is a UBR5 expression in pancreatic cancer tissues was further
hallmark of cancer characterised by the increased conversion confirmed by IHC. As shown in Fig. 1C, D, UBR5 was
of glucose into lactate, irrelevant of oxygen availability [11]. overexpressed in 66.04% (70/106) of pancreatic cancer
Accumulating evidence indicates that aerobic glycolysis plays specimens tested, while weakly positive staining was
an important role in the growth of various cancers, including observed in the corresponding adjacent non-tumour tissues.
pancreatic cancer [12]. The regulation of glycolysis-related We next analysed the relationship between UBR5
proteins, such as fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (FBP1), which expression and clinicopathological parameters in pancreatic
encodes a rate-limiting gluconeogenic enzyme, has been cancer patients. As shown in Supplementary Table S2,
reported to function in tumour suppression in many cancers UBR5 overexpression was closely correlated with TNM
[13]. Loss of FBP1 expression is associated with poor prog- stage, tumour size and histologic grade (P < 0.01) but was
nosis in patients with pancreatic cancer and hepatocellular not significantly correlated with age, sex, distant metastasis,
carcinoma [14, 15]. In particular, a prior study indicated that or tumour location. Furthermore, Kaplan–Meier survival
inhibition of FBP1 in pancreatic cancer contributed to tumour curves (Fig. 1E, F) revealed that patients with high levels of
progression by altering glucose metabolism [14]. Interestingly, UBR5 expression exhibited shorter overall and disease-free
we used RNA-seq analysis to determine that the knockdown survival than those with lower levels of UBR5. Multivariate
of UBR5 could increase FBP1 expression in PC cells (Sup- Cox regression analysis further revealed that high UBR5
plementary Table S1). However, the underlying mechanism expression was an independent predictor of poor survival in
by which FBP1 is regulated in pancreatic cancer is largely patients with pancreatic cancer (Supplementary Table S3).
unknown. Therefore, we speculated that UBR5 could affect Taken together, these data suggest that the expression of
the aerobic glycolysis of PC by modulating FBP1 expression. UBR5 is significantly upregulated in pancreatic cancer tis-
In addition, previous studies have shown that human FBP1 sues and implicated in the progression of pancreatic cancer.
is regulated by important transcription factors [16], such as
CCAAT-enhancer binding protein-α (C/EBPα) [17]. C/EBPα UBR5 promotes the growth of pancreatic cancer
is the founding member of C/EBP family, which regulates the cells in vitro and in vivo
transcription of genes whose products are involved in pro-
gramming the gluconeogenic pathway [18]. Meanwhile, C/ To further explore the function of UBR5 in pancreatic
EBPα is targeted for ubiquitin–proteasome-mediated degra- cancer, we knocked down expression of UBR5 by stably
dation in many cells [19]. As UBR5 is an E3 ubiquitin ligase, expressing UBR5 shRNA in PANC-1 cells, which normally
it functions similarly to polyubiquitin as a tag for proteasome show relatively high expression of UBR5 (Fig. 2A–C).
targeting, but whether UBR5 is involved in regulating the Meanwhile, we also generated stable clones overexpressing
degradation of C/EBPα is largely unknown. UBR5 from BxPC-3 cells, which exhibit relatively low
In the present study, we aimed to elucidate the role of expression of UBR5 among pancreatic cancer cell lines
UBR5 in contributing to the prognosis of pancreatic cancer (Fig. 2A, B, Supplementary Fig. 1). As shown in Fig. 2E,
patients. We also investigated the mechanism of this effect the results of CCK-8 assays indicated that silencing of
with regard to FBP1 and C/EBPα in pancreatic cancer. UBR5 clearly suppressed the growth of pancreatic cancer
Taken together, our data may provide new potential prog- cells in vitro. In contrast, UBR5-overexpressing cells
nostic and therapeutic targets for pancreatic cancer. showed a significantly higher in vitro proliferation rate than
control cells (Fig. 2E). Consistent with these findings, EdU
assays showed that UBR5 knockdown decreased the cell
Results proliferation of PANC-1 cells, whereas overexpression of
UBR5 increased the cell proliferation of BxPC-3 cells (Fig.
UBR5 expression is upregulated and correlated with 2F, G). Meanwhile, we also found that UBR5 silence
survival in pancreatic cancer reduced the cell proliferation of Rossi cells, whereas over-
expression of UBR5 increased the cell proliferation of
To investigate the role of UBR5 in the development of SW979 cells (Supplementary Fig. 2A, B).
pancreatic cancer, we initially explored the expression We then subjected the UBR5-knockdown or -over-
patterns of UBR5 in pancreatic cancer tissue samples and expression cells to tumour xenograft experiments. After
E3 ubiquitin ligase UBR5 promotes pancreatic cancer growth and aerobic glycolysis by downregulating. . .

Fig. 1 Relative UBR5 expression in pancreatic cancer and its as a loading control. C, D Representative images (C) and quantifica-
clinical significance. A Relative mRNA levels of UBR5 in 106 pairs tion (D) of UBR5 staining in 106 paired pancreatic cancer and non-
of pancreatic cancer tissues and corresponding non-tumour tissues, cancer tissues. *p < 0.05. E, F Kaplan–Meier curves for overall sur-
assessed by qRT-PCR analysis. *p < 0.05. B Determination and vival (E) and disease-free survival (F) of two groups of pancreatic
quantification of UBR5 protein levels in pancreatic cancer tissues and cancer patients defined by low and high expression of UBR5.
paired non-tumour tissues by western blotting assay. Tubulin was used

5 weeks of growth, UBR5-knockdown PANC-1 cells respective controls (Fig. 2J, K). In conclusion, these data
(PANC-1/shUBR5) exhibited reduced tumour growth in collectively indicate that UBR5 contributes to the in vitro
nude mice, whereas UBR5-overexpressing BxPC-3 cells and in vivo growth of pancreatic cancer cells.
(BxPC-3/p-UBR5) resulted in significantly greater tumour
growth, when compared to their respective controls (Fig. UBR5 induces aerobic glycolysis in pancreatic cancer
2H, I). Consistent with this, the average tumour weight in cells
mice bearing PANC-1/shUBR5 cells significantly
decreased, whereas that in mice bearing BxPC-3/p-UBR5 Given that aerobic glycolysis is a well-characterised meta-
cells obviously increased, when compared to those of the bolic shift that ubiquitously occurs in tumour cells including
L. Chen et al.

Fig. 2 Effects of UBR5 on pancreatic cancer cell growth. A, B of EDU assays of pancreatic cancer cells transfected with p-UBR5 or
mRNA and protein levels of UBR5 in pancreatic cells and the shUBR5. Scale bar, 50 μm. *p < 0.05. H, I PANC-1/shUBR5 or
immortalised H6c7 line. C, D the protein (C) and Mrna (D) levels of BxPC-3/p-UBR5 cells were subcutaneously injected into nude mice,
UBR5 in PANC-1 cells after transfection with shUBR5 or shNC and tumour volumes were measured on the indicated days. J, K At the
(control). E CCK-8 assay showing proliferation of pancreatic cancer experimental endpoint, tumours were dissected, photographed, and
cells following overexpression (left) or knockdown (right) of UBR5. weighed (n = 6, *p < 0.05).
*p < 0.05. F, G Representative images (left) and quantification (right)

pancreatic cancer cells, we next explored the role of UBR5 (ECAR), which reflects overall glycolytic flux, was mea-
in pancreatic cancer cell glucose metabolism. As shown in sured. As shown in Fig. 3C, E knockdown of
Fig. 3A, B, knockdown of UBR5 dramatically decreased UBR5 significantly decreased the glycolytic rate and
cellular levels of glucose-6-phosphate (G6P), glucose con- capacity of PANC-1 cells, whereas overexpression of
sumption, lactate production, and ATP in PANC-1 cells, UBR5 increased ECAR in BxPC-3 cells. In addition, we
whereas UBR5 overexpression led to the opposite trends in also examined OCR (cellular oxygen consumption rate), an
BxPC-3 cells. indicator of mitochondrial respiration. The results showed
To further validate the impact of UBR5 on pancreatic that PANC-1/shUBR5 cells displayed an increased oxygen
cancer glycolysis, the extracellular acidification rate consumption rate (OCR), whereas overexpression of UBR5
E3 ubiquitin ligase UBR5 promotes pancreatic cancer growth and aerobic glycolysis by downregulating. . .

Fig. 3 UBR5 promotes aerobic glycolysis in pancreatic cancer calculated using crystal violet assay at the end of the experiment. *p <
cells. A, B Cellular G6P levels, glucose consumption, lactate pro- 0.05 vs. control. D, F OCR results showing the basal respiration and
duction, and ATP levels in PANC-1/shUBR5 cells (A) or BxPC-3/p- maximum respiration in PANC-1/shUBR5 cells (D) or BxPC-3/p-
UBR5 cells (B). Three independent experiments were performed. *p < UBR5 cells (F). Oligomycin (1.0 μM), the mitochondrial uncoupler
0.05 vs. control. C, E ECAR data showing the glycolytic rate and carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxy phenylhydrazone (FCCP,
capacity in UBR5-silenced (C) or -overexpressing (E) pancreatic 1.0 μM), and the mitochondrial complex I inhibitor rotenone plus the
cancer cells. Glucose (10 mM), the oxidative phosphorylation inhibitor mitochondrial complex III inhibitor antimycin A (Rote/AA, 0.5 μM)
oligomycin (1.0 μM), and the glycolytic inhibitor 2-deoxyglucose (2- were sequentially injected. All measurements were normalised to the
DG, 50 mM) were sequentially injected into each well at the indicated cell number calculated using crystal violet assay at the end of the
time points. All measurements were normalised to the cell number experiment. *p < 0.05 vs. control.

decreased the OCR in BxPC-3 cells (Fig. 3D, F). Moreover, UBR5 negatively regulates FBP1 protein levels
these responses were also exhibited in Rossi/shUBR5 and
SW979/p-UBR5 cells (Supplementary Fig. 2C, D). Taken Previous studies have demonstrated that FBP1 is a negative
together, these findings demonstrate that UBR5 may pro- regulator of pancreatic cancer cell proliferation and is
mote aerobic glycolysis and inhibit mitochondrial respira- related to abnormal cellular metabolism. And, the RNA-seq
tion in pancreatic cancer cells. data indicate that FBP1 is upregulated in UBR5-knockdown
L. Chen et al.

Fig. 4 Stable knockdown of UBR5 increased FBP1 expression in pancreatic cancer tissues (n = 30) and paired non-tumour tissues (n =
pancreatic cancer cells. A, B Western blotting and qRT-PCR ana- 30) by western blotting. Tubulin was used as a loading control.
lyses of FBP1 expression levels in PANC-1 cells stably transfected G Scatter plots of UBR5 and FBP1 protein expression in pancreatic
with shNC or shUBR5 plasmid. *p < 0.05. C, D Western blotting and cancer. H Determination of UBR5 mRNA levels in pancreatic cancer
qRT-PCR analyses of FBP1 expression levels in BxPC-3 cells stably tissues (n = 30) and paired non-tumour tissues (n = 30) by qRT-PCR.
transfected with control vector or p-UBR5 plasmid. *p < 0.05. E, F I Scatter plots of UBR5 and FBP1 mRNA expression in pancreatic
Determination (E) and quantification (F) of UBR5 protein levels in cancer.

cells (Supplementary Table S1). To further determine that the mRNA levels of FBP1 were significantly down-
whether UBR5 could regulate FBP1 expression, we initially regulated in pancreatic cancer tissues compared with levels
observed the protein and mRNA levels of FBP1 in UBR5- in corresponding adjacent normal tissues (Fig. 4H), con-
knockdown or -overexpressing pancreatic cancer cells. As sistent with the western blotting results. Furthermore, the
shown in Fig. 4A, B, western blotting and qRT-PCR results scatter plots showed that the UBR5 and FBP1 mRNA
showed that UBR5 knockdown significantly increased the expression levels were negatively correlated in pancreatic
protein and mRNA levels of FBP1 in PANC-1 cells. Con- cancer tissues (Fig. 4I). Taken together, these findings
versely, overexpression of UBR5 markedly reduced the suggest that UBR5 can reduce the expression of FBP1 and
protein and mRNA levels of FBP1 in BxPC-3 cells thus promote aerobic glycolysis in pancreatic cancer cells.
(Fig. 4C, D). Next, we measured the protein levels of FBP1
in 30 pancreatic cancer tissues that had upregulated levels of FBP1 mediates UBR5-induced aerobic glycolysis in
UBR5 using western blotting. Our results indicated that pancreatic cancer cells
protein levels of FBP1 were significantly downregulated in
pancreatic cancer tissues compared with levels in the cor- As discussed above, FBP1 was determined to be a down-
responding adjacent normal tissues (Fig. 4E, F). Scatter stream gene of UBR5. Next, we asked whether FBP1 is a
plots revealed that UBR5 and FBP1 protein expression mediator of UBR5-induced aerobic glycolysis. Initially, we
levels were negatively correlated in pancreatic cancer tis- silenced FBP1 expression in UBR5-knockdown PANC-
sues (Fig. 4G). In addition, qRT-PCR results also showed 1 cells, and the silencing efficacy was confirmed (Fig. 5A).
E3 ubiquitin ligase UBR5 promotes pancreatic cancer growth and aerobic glycolysis by downregulating. . .

Fig. 5 Tumour-suppressive effects of UBR5 silencing in pancreatic shUBR5 in the presence or absence of shFBP1. *p < 0.05. D Cellular
cancer cells partially reversed by FBP1 knockdown. A Western G6P levels, glucose consumption, lactate production, and ATP levels
blotting of UBR5 or FBP1 in PANC-1 cells stably transfected with in PANC-1 cells stably transfected with shUBR5 in the presence or
shUBR5 in the presence or absence of shFBP1. B CCK-8 assays absence of shFBP1. *p < 0.05. E ECAR of UBR5-silenced PANC-
showing proliferation capacity of PANC-1 cells stably transfected with 1 cells with and without FBP1 knockdown. *p < 0.05. F OCR values
shUBR5 in the presence or absence of shFBP1. *p < 0.05. C Quanti- of UBR5-silenced PANC-1 cells with and without FBP1 knockdown.
fication of EdU assays of PANC-1 cells stably transfected with *p < 0.05.

CCK-8 and EdU assays showed that the reduced pro- UBR5 regulates FBP1 expression by inactivating
liferation induced by UBR5 knockdown in PANC-1 C/EBPα in pancreatic cancer cells
cells was partially abolished by the introduction of
shFBP1 (Fig. 5B, C). UBR5 has been reported to interact with different substrates
Next, we found that silencing FBP1 expression rescued to exert its effects. To further clarify the mechanism through
the UBR5-mediated reduction in cellular G6P, glucose which UBR5 regulates FBP1 in pancreatic cancer cells, we
consumption, lactate production, and ATP levels in PANC- first observed whether there was a direct interaction
1 cells (Fig. 5D). Furthermore, UBR5 knockdown between the UBR5 and FBP1 proteins. However, Co-
decreased ECAR in PANC-1 cells, whereas simultaneous immunoprecipitation (co-IP) showed that there was no
silencing of FBP1 attenuated the decrease in glycolytic rate direct interaction between these proteins (Fig. 6A). It has
and capacity (Fig. 5E). Moreover, we measured the phy- been reported that C/EBPα regulates transcription of FBP1
siological roles of FBP1 in UBR5-mediated mitochondrial in hepatocellular carcinoma by binding to the two over-
respiration. We observed that FBP1 knockdown in UBR5- lapping C/EBPα sites located at nucleotides −228/−208.
silenced PANC-1 cells counteracted the increase in OCR ChIP-qPCR assay also demonstrated that C/EBPα regulates
induced by UBR5 knockdown (Fig. 5F). Taken together, transcription of FBP1 in pancreatic cancer cells (Supple-
these findings suggest that FBP1 was involved in mediation mentary Fig. 3). Therefore, we speculated that UBR5 reg-
UBR5-induced aerobic glycolysis in pancreatic cancer cells. ulates FBP1 via C/EBPα. To test this hypothesis, we first
L. Chen et al.

Fig. 6 UBR5 regulates FBP1 expression through C/EBPα. A Co-IP of FBP1 assessed by western blotting and qRT-PCR in pancreatic
showing that endogenous UBR5 and FBP1 were not directly bound. cancer cells transfected with shC/EBPα or shNC. F Protein and mRNA
B Co-IP showing direct binding of endogenous UBR5 and C/EBPα in levels of FBP1 assessed by western blotting and qRT-PCR in pan-
pancreatic cancer cells. C Co-localisation studies of pancreatic cancer creatic cancer cells transfected with p-C/EBPα or control vector.
cells using anti-UBR5 antibody (1:200, green) and anti-C/EBPα G Protein levels of C/EBPα and FBP1 assessed by western blotting in
antibody (1:200, red), followed by DAPI nuclear counterstaining pancreatic cancer cells transfected with shC/EBPα or shNC. H, I
(blue). The merged images of UBR5 (green) and C/EBPα (red) with CCK-8 and EdU assays of the proliferation capacity of PANC-1 cells
DAPI (blue) are also shown. Scale bar, 50 μm. D Docking con- stably transfected with shUBR5 in the presence or absence of shC/
formation of the first ranking score. Three-dimensional structure of EBPα. J, K Cellular G6P levels, glucose consumption, lactate pro-
UBR5 and C/EBPα in ribbon (D1) and surface (D2) format.CEBPA is duction, and ATP levels in PANC-1 cells stably transfected with
shown in yellow. UBR5 is shown in cyan. E Protein and mRNA levels shUBR5 in the presence or absence of shC/EBPα. *p < 0.05.

observed whether UBR5 and C/EBPα directly interact in microscopy was used to further confirm the co-localisation
pancreatic cancer cells. Interestingly, co-IP demonstrated an of UBR5/C/EBPα in pancreatic cancer cells, providing
interaction between UBR5 and C/EBPα (Fig. 6B). Confocal further evidence of an interaction between these two
E3 ubiquitin ligase UBR5 promotes pancreatic cancer growth and aerobic glycolysis by downregulating. . .

proteins (Fig. 6C). Furthermore, the docking results show- were detected in the presence of E1, E2 (UBCH5c), E6AP
ing the binding interactions between UBR5 and C/EBPα (an E3 ubiquitin ligase for C/EBPα) and Ub (Fig. 7C). This
(new Fig. 6D). Moreover, we found that purified GST- result demonstrates that C/EBPα is also degraded by the
UBR5 could bind to the HA-tagged C/EBPα under cell-free UPS in pancreatic cancer cells.
conditions (Supplementary Fig. 4). These findings indicate Next, we studied whether UBR5 could directly mediate
that UBR5 directly bind with C/EBPα in PC cells. C/EBPα ubiquitination. Interestingly, ectopic expression of
Next, to explore whether C/EBPα regulates FBP1 in UBR5 led to substantially increased C/EBPα poly-ubiqui-
pancreatic cancer cells, we measured the changes in FBP1 tination, whereas knockdown of UBR5 caused decreased C/
expression in C/EBPα-knockdown PANC-1 cells. The EBPα poly-ubiquitination (Fig. 7D, E). And, the data
results showed that the knockdown of C/EBPα significantly showed that mutations in all Lys site of C/EBPαabolished
decreased FBP1 protein and mRNA expression in PANC-1 the C/EBPα poly-ubiquitination (Fig. 7F). As expected,
cells (Fig. 6E), whereas C/EBPα upregulation had the mutation of the Lys48 site on ubiquitin (Ub) almost com-
opposite effect in pancreatic cancer cells (Supplementary pletely abolished UBR5-mediated C/EBPα ubiquitination,
Fig. 5). These findings demonstrate that C/EBPα regulates whereas the K63R mutation on Ub had no effect (Fig. 7G).
FBP1 expression in pancreatic cancer cells. Consistent with the ubiquitination results, a degradation
We further aimed to elucidate whether UBR5 affects the dynamics assay showed that the half-life of exogenously
expression of FBP1 via C/EBPα. To do this, we measured expressed C/EBPα was significantly increased in UBR5-
the changes in C/EBPα and FBP1 expression in UBR5- overexpressing pancreatic cancer cells compared with
knockdown PANC-1 cells. The results showed that the that in control cells (Fig. 7H, I). These data show that UBR5
knockdown of UBR5 significantly increased C/EBPα and mediates Lys48-linked poly-ubiquitination of C/EBPα,
FBP1 protein expression in PANC-1 cells (Fig. 6F) In which leads to the degradation of C/EBPα in the
contrast, overexpression of UBR5 significantly decreased proteasome.
C/EBPα and FBP1 protein expression in pancreatic cancer
cells (Fig. 6G). However, the mRNA level of CEBPA was
not affected changes in UBR5 expression in pancreatic Discussion
cancer cells (Fig. 6F, G). These experiments show that C/
EBPα is involved in the UBR5-mediated regulation of Although advances have been made in the prognosis and
FBP1 expression. treatment of pancreatic cancer, no significant progress has
To further verify that UBR5 regulates FBP1 expression been made in improving the survival rate; it is therefore
through C/EBPα in pancreatic cancer cells, we knocked critical to better understand the biological characteristics of
down C/EBPα in UBR5-downregulated pancreatic cancer pancreatic cancer. In recent years, the importance of meta-
cells. The results showed that the downregulation of C/ bolic reprogramming in the processes of tumorigenesis and
EBPα inhibited the increases in FBP1 expression, cell cancer development has been confirmed. Metabolic repro-
proliferation, and aerobic glycolysis observed in UBR5- gramming is considered one of the signs of cancer [20].
knockdown PANC-1 cells (Fig. 6H–K). These results Pancreatic cancer is a devastating disease with extremely
demonstrate that the UBR5-mediated regulation of FBP1- poor survival rates due to the fact that pancreatic tumours
induced pancreatic cancer cell proliferation and aerobic exhibit a differential dependency on metabolism [21].
glycolysis is dependent on C/EBPα. Therefore, understanding the basis of pancreatic cancer
from a metabolic perspective will provide new insights into
UBR5 destabilises C/EBPα by regulating the this disease. Here, our research demonstrated that high
ubiquitination of C/EBPα in pancreatic cancer cells expression of UBR5 predicts poor pancreatic cancer prog-
nosis and that UBR5 plays an important role in the glucose
These experiments verified that UBR5 could directly bind metabolism reprogramming of pancreatic cancer.
to C/EBPα and regulate FBP1 expression via C/EBPα. We UBR5, as a key regulator of the unfolded protein
then further assessed the mechanisms through which UBR5 response in development and cancer, was initially identified
regulates C/EBPα. A study has reported that C/EBPα in a screen for progesterone regulatory genes in human
undergoes degradation via the UPS. Consistently, treatment breast cancer cells [22]. UBR5 overexpression promotes
with the proteasome inhibitor MG132 led to significant cell proliferation in several cancers, such as gastric, cervi-
accumulation of endogenous C/EBPα protein in pancreatic cal, and breast cancer [9, 23, 24]. A number of studies have
cancer cells (Fig. 7A). Furthermore, Co-localisation results implicated UBR5 in various aspects of cancer biology, and
showed that endogenous C/EBPα directly bound to ubi- many molecular functions of UBR5 are consistent with a
quitin in pancreatic cancer cells (Fig. 7B). Moreover, the role in cancer. However, no information is currently avail-
data indicate that efficient ubiquitination of his-C/EBPα able on the specific role or molecular mechanism of UBR5
L. Chen et al.

Fig. 7 UBR5 destabilises C/EBPα by promoting C/EBPα ubiqui- and subjected to immunoprecipitation with anti-C/EBPα antibody. The
tination and degradation in pancreatic cancer cells. A Pancreatic level of ubiquitin-attached C/EBPα was detected by western blotting
cancer cells were treated with MG132 (Z-Leu-Leu-Leu-CHO, with anti-Ub antibody. F Ubiquitination of wild-type C/EBPα or the
15 μmol/L) for the indicated times, and levels of C/EBPα were K-to-R mutant (mutations in all Lys site of C/EBPα gene) in HEK293
determined. B Co-localisation of C/EBPα and Ub in pancreatic cancer cells. G Measurement of C/EBPα ubiquitination type in HEK293 cells.
cells. Scale bar, 50 μm. C the ubiquitination level of His-C/EBPα were H, I Pancreatic cells were transfected with plasmid encoding HA–C/
detected in the presence of E1, E2 (UBCH5c), E6AP and Ub in EBPα either with or without the Flag-UBR5 plasmid. Then, the cells
HEK293 cells. D, E Knockdown or exogenous expression of UBR5 were subjected to cycloheximide (CHX) (20 μmol/L) exposure at the
altered the ubiquitination of C/EBPα. The cells in each group were indicated times, and the degradation of C/EBPα was detected with
treated with proteasomal inhibitor MG132. Cell lysates were prepared anti-HA antibody.

in pancreatic cancer. In the present study, our data indicated cancer and may function as an oncogene in pancreatic
that the expression level of UBR5 was elevated in tumours cancer progression.
obtained from patients with pancreatic cancer, compared The metabolic alterations and reprogramming in tumour
with that in corresponding non-tumour tissues. Importantly, cells contribute to their survival and growth in harsh
high UBR5 levels were closely related to tumour size, TNM microenvironments [25]. Thus, a better understanding of the
stage, and shorter overall survival in pancreatic cancer underlying regulatory mechanisms of aerobic glycolysis in
patients. Further investigation revealed that UBR5 con- pancreatic cancer might aid in the discovery of novel
tributed to the growth of pancreatic cancer in vitro and treatment opportunities for pancreatic cancer patients.
in vivo. Therefore, these findings suggest that UBR5 may Recent studies have highlighted the importance of glucose
represent a novel indicator of poor prognosis in pancreatic metabolism reprogramming on the growth of pancreatic
E3 ubiquitin ligase UBR5 promotes pancreatic cancer growth and aerobic glycolysis by downregulating. . .

cancer cells. For instance, miR-135 suppresses glycolysis Finally, we further investigated the mechanism by which
and promotes pancreatic cancer cell adaptation to metabolic UBR5 regulates C/EBPα. Studies have reported that C/
stress by targeting phosphofructokinase-1 [26]. Here, we EBPα is a key transcription factor [30]. The
confirmed that UBR5 was closely associated with glucose ubiquitin–proteasome-mediated degradation of C/EBPα is
metabolism in pancreatic cancer cells. Our results revealed the critical mechanism by which C/EBPα levels are regu-
that UBR5 could promote aerobic glycolysis and inhibit lated in cells [31]. In line with these results, our results
mitochondrial respiration in pancreatic cancer cells. These suggest for the first time that UBR5 is involved in the
findings are important not only for better understanding the degradation process of C/EBPα and that it may function as
biological functions of UBR5 in cancer but also for asses- an E3 ubiquitin ligase for C/EBPα. This conclusion is based
sing the potential of UBR5 as a therapeutic target. on the following observations. First, UBR5 is directly bond
To investigate the mechanism by which UBR5 affects to with C/EBPα in pancreatic cancer cells. Second, the
aerobic glycolysis, we focused on the mitochondrial tumour knockdown of UBR5 significantly reduced levels of C/
suppressor FBP1, a key glycolytic enzyme. FBP1 is uni- EBPα ubiquitination, whereas overexpression of UBR5
versally expressed in various tissues. Recently, many stu- promoted C/EBPα ubiquitination. Third, UBR5 can
dies have revealed the significance of FBP1 in cancer decrease the half-life of C/EBPα.
initiation and progression [27]. However, the role of FBP1 In conclusion, we have provided the first evidence that
expression in pancreatic cancer development and progres- UBR5 is upregulated in pancreatic cancer tissues and
sion remained to be determined. Herein, we have revealed a associated with the progression of pancreatic cancer in
novel mechanism for the inhibition of pancreatic cancer patients. We also showed that UBR5 may promote the
proliferation and aerobic glycolysis, which occurs via an growth and aerobic glycolysis of pancreatic cancer cells.
increase in FBP1 expression mediated by UBR5 silencing. More importantly, UBR5-induced aerobic glycolysis is
First, we found that UBR5 expression levels are high and dependent on FBP1 in pancreatic cells. Our findings also
FBP1 expression levels low in pancreatic cancer tissues, demonstrate that UBR5 regulates FBP1 expression by
with a negative correlation between the expression levels of modulating C/EBPα, which is achieved by directly binding
these proteins. Furthermore, our data demonstrated that the to C/EBPα and promoting its ubiquitination and degrada-
downregulation of UBR5 increased FBP1 expression and tion (Fig. 8). On the basis of these findings, UBR5 could
inhibited pancreatic cancer proliferation and aerobic gly- serve as a candidate biomarker for the future diagnosis and
colysis. Moreover, FBP1 downregulation rescued the treatment of pancreatic cancer.
decrease in cell progression induced by UBR5 knockdown,
whereas FBP1 upregulation significantly attenuated the
increase in cell progression induced by UBR5 over- Materials and methods
expression. Overall, these results demonstrated that UBR5
regulates FBP1 expression to influence pancreatic cancer Tissue samples
progression, identifying a new regulatory mechanism
of FBP1. We obtained 106 pairs of primary pancreatic cancer tumour
Next, we further investigated the molecular mechanism tissues and corresponding non-cancerous tissues from
by which UBR5 regulates FBP1 expression. Research has patients undergoing resection surgery at the Department of
demonstrated that C/EBPα plays a critical role in regulating General Surgery, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nan-
cancer progression [28, 29]. Here, we reveal a novel chang University from 2010 to 2018. All specimens from
mechanism by which UBR5 regulates FBP1 expression by resection surgery were frozen and stored at −80 °C for
affecting C/EBPα expression. This conclusion is based on further analysis. The clinical characteristics of all patients
the following observations. First, our results showed that are summarised in Supplementary Table S2. Written
the knockdown of C/EBPα significantly decreased FBP1 informed consent was obtained from each patient. This
mRNA and protein expression in pancreatic cancer cells. study was approved by the Ethics and Research Committees
Second, overexpression of UBR5 significantly decreased C/ of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University.
EBPα and FBP1 protein expression and increased the
transcriptional activity of C/EBPα compared with those in Cell lines and cell culture
the control groups. Third, the knockdown of UBR5
increased FBP1 expression, whereas downregulation of C/ Four human pancreatic cancer cell lines (PANC-1, Rossi,
EBPα attenuated this increase. Taken together, these data BxPC-3, and SW-979) and a normal epithelial kidney cell
demonstrate that UBR5 regulates FBP1-induced pancreatic line (H6C7) were obtained from the American Type Culture
cancer cell proliferation and aerobic glycolysis via a Collection (Rockville, MD, USA). Pancreatic cancer cell
mechanism that is dependent on C/EBPα lines were routinely maintained in Dulbecco’s modified
L. Chen et al.

Fig. 8 Model summarizing the

role of UBR5 in pancreatic
cancer. Proposed model by
which E3 ubiquitin ligase UBR5
promotes pancreatic cancer
growth and aerobic glycolysis
by downregulating FBP1 via
destabilization of C/EBPα.

Eagle’s medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum Immunohistochemistry (IHC) and
at 37 °C in a humidified atmosphere containing 5% CO2. immunofluorescent (IF) assay
H6C7 cells were cultured in keratinocyte serum-free med-
ium (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA) supplemented with Pancreatic cancer and adjacent tissues were fixed, embed-
10% fetal bovine serum (Gibco, Grand Island, NY, USA) ded in paraffin, sectioned, and deparaffinized. For IHC,
and antibiotics at 37 °C in 5% CO2. All cell lines were sections were blocked using serum-free protein block buffer
identified by short tandem repeat analysis performed from (Dako, Glostrup, Denmark) for 30 min and then incubated
the cell bank. with anti-UBR5 (1:200, Abcam), anti-C/EBPα (1:200,
Abcam), or anti-FBP1 (1:200, Abcam) antibodies. The
Quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) calculation method of IHC score was performed as
described previously [32]. In briefly, samples were exam-
RNA was reverse-transcribed using the PrimeScript RT ined by three individual researchers to independently obtain
Reagent Kit (Invitrogen). For qRT-PCR, aliquots of double- pathologic information using the German semiquantitative
stranded cDNA were amplified using a SYBR Green PCR scoring method. Each specimen was scored for the intensity
Kit (TaKaRa, Dalian, China) and an ABI PRISM 7900 of nucleic, cytoplasmic, and membrane staining (no stain-
Sequence Detector (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, ing = 0, weak staining = 1, moderate staining = 2, strong
USA). Primer sequences were as follows: UBR5 (forward: staining = 3) and for the extent of stained cells (0% = 0,
5′-AGGGCAATACACTGACATGG-3′; reverse: 5′-GCC 1–24% = 1, 25–49% = 2, 50–74% = 3, 75–100% = 4). The
AGTGCCA TTTAGGATTC-3′), CEBPA (forward: 5′-TGG final IHC score was the product of the intensity score
ACAAGAACAGCAACGAGTA-3′; reverse: 5′-ATTGTC multiplied by the extent score. The IHC score ≥5 was the
ACTGGTCAGCTCCAG-3′), and FBP1 (forward: 5′-AC criteria for survival analyses.
CCGCGTCTAAAGGTTTCC-3′; reverse: 5′-GGAGGA For IF assays, cells were cultured on coverslips to 70%
CTGACAGACCGAC T-3′). GAPDH (forward: 5′-CCTG confluency. After the indicated treatments, the cells were
CCGGTGACTAACCCTG-3′; reverse: 5′-AGTTA AAAG fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) and incubated at
CAGCCCTGGTG-3′) was used as an internal control. 4 °C for 30 min with 0.1% TritonX-100, then stained with
E3 ubiquitin ligase UBR5 promotes pancreatic cancer growth and aerobic glycolysis by downregulating. . .

anti-UBR5 antibody (1:100, Abcam (ab4376)) and Cell growth assays

anti-C/EBPα (D56F10) XP® Rabbit mAb (1:100, CST
(#8178)). Then cells incubated with FITC- or tetra- For cell proliferation assays, multiple cultures of pancreatic
methylrhodamine isothiocyanate–conjugated secondary cancer cells were plated in 96-well plates at a density of 5.0 ×
antibodies (Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories) for 103 cells/well. At the indicated time points, viable cells were
1 h at 37 °C. After that, the cell nuclei were counterstained assessed using Cell Counting Kit-8 according to the manu-
with DAPI (Beyotime Biotechnology, China) for 15 min. facturer’s instructions. For EdU assay, the cell proliferation
Cells were viewed using a laser-scanning confocal rate of PC cells was determined by using a Cell-Light EdU
microscope (Zeiss, Germany). The confocal images DNA Cell Proliferation Kit (Ribobio, Guangzhou, china) and
recorded on a commercial LSM700 (Zeiss; ×63/1.4 oil was calculated as the ratio of the number of EdU-positive cells
objective). Single plane images were acquired with a pixel to the number of total cells (1000 cells for 10 fields of view).
size of 90 nm and suitable settings for the respective Cells were seeded on coverslips in a 6-well plate. Before
dye. All images were analyzed by ImageJ software detection, cells were incubated with Reagent A at a dilution of
(MD, USA). 1:1000 in culture medium for 2 h. After fixing with 4% par-
aformaldehyde, cells were incubated with fluorescent dye
shRNA plasmids and constructs (Apollo 643) for 30 min. Hoechst33342 was used to coun-
terstain the nuclei. Thereafter, the coverslips were mounted on
Plasmids encoding shRNAs against UBR5, CEBPA, and glass slides with Anti-fade Mounting Medium (Beyotime).
FBP1 were synthesised by Genepharma Company Images were captured using a Leica confocal microscope
(Shanghai, China). RNAi-mediated UBR5 silencing, the (TSC SP8) with a ×40 objective lens. The apollo staining
target sequences as follows: UBR5 sh#1 (5′- GCAGGA signal of EdU-positive cells is completely coincident with
TTGTAGGTTACTTAG-3′), UBR5 sh#2 (5′-CAACTTAG nuclear staining signal (Hoechst33342), or the signal coin-
ATCTCCTGAAA-3′). In addition, the Vectors encoding cident with nuclear is significantly stronger than the signal on
UBR5, CEBPA, and FBP1 were also obtained from Gene- cytoplasm. The percentage of EdU-positive cells was deter-
pharma Company. Then, pancreatic cancer cells were mined for comparison.
transfected with shRNA plasmids and vectors using Lipo-
fectamine 3000 (Invitrogen) according to the manu- Tumourigenicity assay
facturer’s instructions.
Pancreatic cancer cells (1 × 106 in 100 ml PBS) were injected
Western blot analysis subcutaneously into the flanks of nude mice (male BALB/c-
nu/nu, 6–8 weeks old). Tumour formation in nude mice was
The western blot analysis was performed as described [33]. monitored, and the tumour volume was measured every
In brief, equal amounts of protein were separated by 10% 5 days. Tumours were harvested and individually weighed
SDS-PAGE before transfer to nitrocellulose membranes after the mice were anaesthetised. The data are presented as
(Millipore), which were incubated with the primary anti- tumour weight (mean ± SD). The animal work was approved
bodies anti-UBR5 (1:1000, Abcam), anti-C/EBPα (1:1000, by the Ethics Committee for Animal Experiments of the
Abcam), anti-FBP1 (1:1000, Abcam) and anti-Tubulin Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University.
(1:1000, Santa Cruz) at 4 °C overnight. Then, they were
blotted for 1 h at room temperature with the help of an Oxygen consumption rate (OCR) and extracellular
appropriate secondary antibody. Thereafter, ECL reagents acidification rate (ECAR)
were used to visualise bands (Pierce, USA) and signals were
measured. The Extracellular Flux Analyzer XF96 (Seahorse
Bioscience, Billerica, MA, USA) was used to measure
RNA sequencing cellular glycolysis capacity and cellular mitochondrial
respiration using the XF Cell Mito stress test kit and Gly-
Strand-specific RNA-seq libraries were prepared using the colysis Stress Test Kit (Seahorse Bioscience), respectively,
NEBNext Ultra Directional RNA Library Prep Kit for according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Illumina (E7530L, NEB, Ipswich, MA, USA) following the
manufacturer’s instructions. Library quality was evaluated Co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) and in vivo
using the Qubit® 2.0 Fluorometer (Q32866; Thermo Fisher ubiquitination assay
Scientific Inc., USA) and Bioanalyzer 2100 (Agilent).
Strand-specific RNA-seq libraries were sequenced using the Co-IP assays were performed as previously described [34].
Illumina HiSeq 2500 platform. For the in vivo ubiquitination assay, pancreatic cancer cells
L. Chen et al.

with UBR5 knockdown or overexpression were exposed to statistical significance. Differences between groups were
MG132 treatment for 4 h before harvesting. Then, the cell analysed using two-tailed Student’s t tests and analysis of
lysate was immunoprecipitated with anti-C/EBPα antibody, variance (ANOVA). Data were considered statistically
and the ubiquitination level of C/EBPα was assessed with significant when P < 0.05.
an anti-Ub antibody.
To the in vitro ubiquitination assays, the standard reac- Funding This study was supported by grants from the National Nat-
ural Science Foundation of China (nos. 81760523, 81560117,
tion mixture (25 μl) contained 20 mM HEPES-NaOH (pH
32060166, 81960436 and 81560396), the Project of the Jiangxi Pro-
7.5), 50 mM NaCl, 0.02 mg/ml BSA, 1 mM DTT, 5 mM vincial Department of Science and Technology (nos.
MgCl2, 1 mM ATP, His-C/EBPα (1 pmol as a tetramer), E1 20171BAB215024 and 20192BCB23023), the Project of the Jiangxi
(0.85 pmol), UBCH5c (1.25 pmol), E6AP (0.8 pmol), and Provincial Department of Education (no. GJJ160251) and the Project
of the Jiangxi Provincial Health Commission (no. 2017A264).
Ub (174 pmol). Reaction mixtures were prepared on ice and
then incubated at 30 °C for 10 min unless otherwise indi-
cated. The reactions were terminated by the addition of
Compliance with ethical standards
SDS-sample buffer.
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
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