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Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine 13 (2023) 245e262

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Integrating HPLC-Q-TOF-MS/MS, network pharmacology and

experimental validation to decipher the chemical substances and
mechanism of modified Gui-shao-liu-jun-zi decoction against gastric
Wenjie Huang a, b, 1, Fang Wen b, 1, Shuai Ruan a, b, 1, Peixing Gu a, b, Suping Gu a, b,
Siyuan Song a, b, Jiayu Zhou a, b, Ye Li a, b, Jiatong Liu a, b, Peng Shu a, b, *
Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing, China
Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Background and aim: Gastric cancer (GC) is a common malignant tumor worldwide. Modified Gui-shao-
Received 25 July 2022 liu-jun-zi decoction (mGSLJZ) is a clinically effective traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) compound in GC
Received in revised form treatment. This study aimed to analyze main chemical substances of mGSLJZ and investigate active in-
17 December 2022
gredients and molecular mechanism of mGSLJZ against GC.
Accepted 3 January 2023
Available online 8 January 2023
Experimental procedure: HPLC-Q-TOF-MS/MS was used to analyze chemical substances of mGSLJZ, and
potential active ingredients were screened from TCMSP. The target set of mGSLJZ for GC was obtained
based on SwissTargetPrediction. The PPI network was constructed to screen out core targets. GO and
Modified Gui-shao-liu-jun-zi decoction
KEGG enrichment analyses were conducted to identify BPs, CCs, MFs and pathways. The "active
Gastric cancer ingredient-core target-pathway" regulatory network was constructed to obtain core substances. Sub-
HPLC-Q-TOF-MS/MS sequently, Oncomine, Proteinatlas and molecular docking were performed to validate these findings. The
Network pharmacology cell experiments were conducted to confirm the anti-GC effects of mGLSJZ.
PI3K/AKT/HIF-1 pathway Results and conclusion: Forty-one potential active ingredients were filtered out from 120 chemical
substances in mGSLJZ, including various organic acids and flavonoids. The top 10 key targets, 20 related
pathways and 6 core medicinal substances were obtained based on network pharmacology analysis.
Molecular docking results indicated that the core substances and key targets had good binding activities.
The cell experiments validated that mGSLJZ and the core substances inhibited the proliferation in
multiple GC cells and that mGLSJZ restrained the migration of GC. Meanwhile, the top 5 targets and top 2
pathways were verified. The rescue experiments demonstrated that mGSLJZ suppressed the proliferation
and migration of GC through the PI3K/AKT/HIF-1 pathway.
© 2023 Center for Food and Biomolecules, National Taiwan University. Production and hosting by Elsevier
Taiwan LLC. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction health worldwide. According to the global cancer statistics, gastric

cancer ranks fifth in the disease incidence and third in tumor-
Gastric cancer is a common malignant tumor originating from related disease mortality.1 Currently, the clinical treatment thera-
the gastric mucosal epithelium, and is a serious hazard to human pies for GC mainly include surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy,
targeted therapy and immunotherapy. The use of these compre-
hensive therapies allows gastric cancer patients to obtain clinical
benefit to a certain extent. However, its attendant drug toxicity and
Peer review under responsibility of The Center for Food and Biomolecules, side effects also cannot be ignored. The history of traditional Chi-
National Taiwan University.
* Corresponding author. 155 Hanzhong Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, 210000,
nese medicine in tumor treatment can be traced back more than
China. 2000 years ago in “Huangdi Neijing”. In modern times, based on the
E-mail address: (P. Shu). advantages of convenient usage, low toxicity and good efficacy,
These authors contributed equally to this work.
2225-4110/© 2023 Center for Food and Biomolecules, National Taiwan University. Production and hosting by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (
W. Huang, F. Wen, S. Ruan et al. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine 13 (2023) 245e262

mechanisms of mGSLJZ. The effects of mGSLJZ and four core sub-

List of abbreviations stances (caffeic acid, paeoniflorin, sinensetin, nobiletin, which are
currently available on the market) on the proliferation capacity of
HPLC-Q-TOF-MS/MS High performance liquid multiple gastric cancer cell lines were observed. The inhibitory
chromatographyhigh performance effect of mGSLJZ on GC migration was also studied. In addition, the
liquid chromatographyand Q-TOF mass expression changes in the main targets and pathways were verified.
spectrometry Finally, the rescue experiments using mGSLJZ combined with the
GC Gastric cancer pathway activator IGF-1 confirmed that mGSLJZ can restrain the
mGSLJZ Modified Gui-shao-liu-jun-zi proliferation and migration of GC cells through the PI3K/AKT/HIF-1
BPC Base Peak Chromatogram pathway. The flowchart of the research procedure is shown in the
TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine graphical abstract.
TCMSP Traditional Chinese Medicine Systems
Pharmacology Database and Analysis Platform 2. Materials and methods
BP Biological processe
CC Cellular component 2.1. Instruments
MF Molecular function
OB Oral bioavailability Ultimate 3000 high performance liquid chromatography,
DL Drug-likeness 1000 mm*1000 mm*1000 mm (Thermo Fisher, USA); SIL-20A XR
PPI Protein-protein interaction UFLC (Shimadzu, Japan); TripleTOF™ 5600 LC/MS/MS (AB Sciex,
DC Degree centrality USA); electronic scales (Tianjin Balance Instrument Co., Ltd., China);
BC Betweenness centrality SHZ - D (III) type circulating water vacuum pump (Nanjing Wenke
CC Closeness centrality Instrument equipment Co., Ltd., China); KQ-500B ultrasonic cleaner
(Kunshan Ultrasonic Instrument Co., Ltd., China).

2.2. Reagents and medicinal materials

TCM also plays an important role in the comprehensive tumor
treatment. Methyl alcohol (TEDIA, USA), formic acid (TEDIA, USA) and
Many studies have reported that TCM therapies have significant acetonitrile (Merch, Germany) were used in the HPLC-Q-TOF-MS/
effects on prolonging survival period, improving life quality and MS analysis. Human gastric cancer cells AGS and HGC-27 were
enhancing immune function in GC patients.2e4 Gui-shao-liu-jun-zi purchased from National Collection of Authenticated Cell Cultures
decoction is an ancient prescription that manifests the function of (China); MKN-74 was purchased from Sunncell, Inc. (China). Cells
“replenishing Qi, strengthening spleen and invigorating blood cir- were cultured in RMPI1640 medium containing 10% fetal bovine
culation” originating from “Bi Hua Yi Jing”. It is a classical formula serum (FBS), 100 mg/ml ampicillin and 100 mg/ml streptomycin at
for the treatment of various gastrointestinal diseases, including 37  C with 5% CO2. Cell-Counting-Kit-8 (CCK-8) was purchased
gastric cancer. Under the guidance of the basic theory of TCM and from Jiangsu KeyGEN BioTECH, Inc. (China). HIF-1a, AKT, p-AKT and
years of clinical practice, the famous National Chinese Medicine b-actin antibodies were purchased from Proteintech, Inc (China);
Practitioner Professor Shenlin Liu restructured this formula by PI3K and p-PI3K antibodies were purchased from Affinity, Inc
adding several Chinese medicines with the function of invigorating (China). HRP-labeled Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG, HRP-labeled Goat Anti-
blood circulation and eliminating stasis to enhance its curative ef- Mouse IgG were purchased from Beyotime Biotechnology (China).
fect against GC. The outstanding effect of mGSLJZ in prolonging the Caffeic acid, paeoniflorin, sinensetin and nobiletin were purchased
disease-free survival period of GC patients was proven by the State from MCE, Inc (China).
Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine multi-center clin- The traditional Chinese medicinal materials of mGSLJZ were
ical research program (NO. 200807022) (taking 8 years to follow up purchased from the pharmacy of the Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing
489 patients).5 In addition, basic studies have shown that it can University of Chinese Medicine. The compositions of mGSLJZ were
inhibit the gastric cancer proliferation in vitro and in vivo,6 reduce as follows:
gastric cancer drug resistance and improve the chemotherapy Astragalus mongholicus Bunge 15g; Codonopsis pilosula (Franch.)
effective rate by inhibiting the expression of the DNA damage repair Nannf. 15g; Citrus  acida Pers. 6g; Pinellia tuberifera Ten. 10g; Poria
enzyme FEN1.7 cocos (Schw.) Wolf 10g; Aucklandia costus Falc. 6g; Wurfbainia uli-
However, the composition of Chinese medicine herbal com- ginosa (J.Koenig) Giseke 3g; Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz 10g;
pounds is complex, and they have multiple medicinal substances. Paeonia lactiflora Pall. 10g; Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels 10g; Spar-
mGSLJZ is composed of fifteen Chinese herbal medicines. What are ganium stoloniferum (Buch.-Ham. ex Graebn.) Buch.-Ham. ex Juz.
the potential core substances in this prescription? What are the 10g; Curcuma aromatica Salisb. 10g; Salvia chinensis Benth. 30g;
core targets and pathways in its treatment for gastric cancer? Is Scleromitrion angustifolium (Cham. & Schltdl.) Benth. 30g; Glycyr-
there a close relationship between the core substances and core rhiza glabra L. 5g.
targets? There are still research vacancies for these problems, The plant names have been proofed with the data in www.
which limits the comprehensive exploration of mGSLJZ's pharma- The quality of all herbal medicines was identified
codynamic mechanisms in gastric cancer and is not conducive to its by professional Chinese pharmacists in the pharmacy department
further clinical application development. to comply with the pharmacopoeia requirements.
To clarify the pharmacodynamic material basis of the modified
Gui-shao-liu-jun-zi decoction in GC treatment, we used HPLC-Q- 2.3. HPLC-Q-TOF-MS/MS technology for chemical substance
TOF-MS/MS technology to analyze the main chemical substances analysis of mGSLJZ
in mGSLJZ. On this basis, the network pharmacology analyses were
applied to systematically identify the core substances, essential The preparation of mGSLJZ samples: mGSLJZ was fully pulver-
targets and pathways for GC treatment. Besides, a series of cell ized and 180g dry powder was precisely weighed. 180g mGSLJZ
experiments were conducted to confirm the anti-GC functions and powder was soaked in double steam water (1:10) for 1h and was
W. Huang, F. Wen, S. Ruan et al. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine 13 (2023) 245e262

reflux extracted two times (60min for the first time and 30min for 2.7. GO and KEGG enrichment analysis
the second time). The filtrate was then dried by rotary evaporator at
70  C. Finally, the extract was obtained at a yield of 22.2% and it was The target set of mGSLJZ for GC treatment was imported into the
reconstituted with absolute ethanol into a 10 ml volume. DAVID database ( to perform the GO and
Chromatographic conditions: The chromatographic column KEGG enrichment analyses. The GO enrichment analysis was
Hedera C18 (250 mm  4.6 mm, 5 mm). Mobile phase parameters: composed of three parts: biological process (BP), cellular compo-
0.1% formic acid(B)0.1% formic acid methanol (C), gradient elution nent (CC) and molecular function (MF). P < 0.01 was identified as
(0~7min, 97%e97% B; 7min ~ 15min, 97%e50% B; 15e20 min, 50%e the screening criterion in both the GO analysis and KEGG enrich-
10% B; 20e25 min, 10%e97% B; 25e37 min, 97%e97% B); flow rate: ment analysis.
1 ml min1; column temperature: 30  C; injection volume: 5 ml. The
detection wavelength of DAD was 260 nm. 2.8. Construction of the “active ingredient-core target-pathway”
Mass spectrum conditions: Quality scanning range: m/z network
50e1500; Ion source temperature: 550  C; Air curtain flow rate:
40 L/min. Atomization gas flow rate: 55 L/min. Auxiliary gas flow The core targets with related active ingredients and the top 20
rate: 55 L/min. Spray voltage: 4500V; declustering signaling pathways with related core targets were imported into
potential: 100 V. Cytoscape 3.7.1 software. Then, a “active ingredient-core target-
Data processing: Peakview 2.0 software (AB SCIEX, USA). Ac- pathway” network diagram was constructed. The interactions be-
cording to the MS fragment information and precise relative mo- tween the active ingredients and pathways involved in the core
lecular mass in the mass spectrum data, the fitted molecular targets were analyzed to predict the core pharmacodynamic sub-
formula and the mass deviation range (d)  5  10-6, the possible stances of mGSLJZ for gastric cancer treatment.
substances were preliminarily obtained. Then, the structures of the
substances were identified by referring to the SciFinder database, 2.9. Verification of the key target expression in gastric cancer
mass spectrometry fragment information and relevant literature.
The Oncomine database (
2.4. Filtration of potential active ingredients in mGSLJZ main.html) and the Human Protein Atlas database (http://www. were used to obtain the mRNA and protein
The pharmacological effects of traditional Chinese medicinal expression information of the key targets. Then, the comparison of
materials can only be achieved through the absorption, distribu- the expression differences in these key targets between gastric
tion, metabolism and excretion process (ADME process) in the cancer tissues and normal gastric mucosa tissues was carried out.
body. The oral bioavailability (OB) and drug-likeness (DL) indexes
are the essential pharmacokinetic characteristic in the ADME pro- 2.10. Molecular docking verification between the core substances
cess.8 In TCMSP database (, OB and and key targets
DL were considered as the main parameters for screening optimal
active ingredients from the chemical substances obtained by LC/MS To further explore whether there is a binding effect between the
analysis. And in order to screen the active ingredients as compre- core substances and the key targets, molecular docking verification
hensively as possible, the filter criteria were set as OB  25% and was carried out on the 6 core substances and the 10 key targets. The
DL  0.05. 3D structures of the key target protein were downloaded from the
PBD protein database (, and the best protein
2.5. Identification of candidate targets in mGSLJZ against gastric crystal structures with observable ligands were selected. The SDF
cancer structures of the core substances were imported into Chem3D 18.0
software for optimization. The PDB files of the core substances and
The format of active ingredients was converted into SMILES ligand molecules were imported into AutoDock Tools to construct
structural formulas through the PubChem database (https:// the PDBQT format files. Then, AutoDock Vina was applied to dock And the SMILES structural formulas the receptor protein with the small molecule ligands of the core
were applied to predict all candidate targets of mGSLJZ based on substances and the complexes were then plotted using PyMOL 2.4.0
the SwissTargetPrediction database (http://www. software.10 A binding energy <0 kJ mol1 indicated a high affinity The probability TOP50 targets pre- between the core substance and the target.
dicted by each SMILES structure were collected for further analysis.
In the DisGeNET database (, "gastric 2.11. Cell experiments
cancer", "gastric carcinoma", "stomach cancer" and "stomach car-
cinoma" were used as the key search terms to screen for disease CCK-8 assay Cells were seeded in 96-well plates at 5  103 cells
targets of gastric cancer. At last, the targets of active ingredients and per well and treated with different concentrations of mGSLJZ, caf-
disease targets of GC were intersected to obtain the target set of feic acid, paeoniflorin, sinensetin or nobiletin (and/or IGF-1) for
mGSLJZ in gastric cancer treatment. 48h. 10 ml CCK-8 reagent was added per well, and the cells were
incubated for 1h at 37  C avoid light. The absorbance was deter-
2.6. Construction of the protein-protein interaction (PPI) network mined at 450 nm with a microplate reader.
Wound Healing Assay Cells were cultured in six-well plates
The target set of mGSLJZ for GC treatment was imported into the until 100% confluence. A width wound was created in each well by a
String database ( for the correla- sterile micropipette tip. Cells were incubated with low serum me-
tion analysis. A combined score 0.7 (high confidence) was set as dium containing different concentrations of mGSLJZ (and/or IGF-1).
the filter criterion. The CytoNCA plug-in in the Cytoscape 3.7.1 The wound images were captured with an inverted microscope
software was applied to analyze the topology of the network.9 And after 48h.
the median values of degree centrality (DC), betweenness centrality Q-PCR Cells were cultured in six-well plates and exposed to
(BC) and closeness centrality (CC) were calculated to filter out the mGSLJZ for 48h. Cells were collected for the extraction of total RNA
core targets. and the reverse transcription was conducted using HiscriptIII qRT
W. Huang, F. Wen, S. Ruan et al. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine 13 (2023) 245e262

SuperMix for qPCR (Vazyme, China). ChamQ Universal SYBR qPCR danshensu.13 The secondary mass spectrum was shown in Fig. 1C. In
Master Mix (Vazyme, China) was used for quantitative real-time the secondary mass spectrum, this substance produced a large
polymerase chain reaction (Q-PCR) detection. The primer se- amount of [MH] ions at m/z 197, and also exhibited the m/z 179
quences are listed as follows: [MH-H2O] and m/z 135[MH-H2O-CO2] fragment ions, which was
corresponded with the characteristic of danshensu that it had an O-
b-ACTIN-f CAGATGTGGATCAGCAAGCAGGAG hydroxyl group on the aromatic ring and easily removed a molecule
b-ACTIN-r CGCAACTAAGTCATAGTCCGCCTAG of H2O and CO2. Other major ion fragments m/z 123[M-H-C2H2O3]
AKT1-f TGACCATGAACGAGTTTGAGTA and m/z 109[M-H-C3H4O3]were formed by excimer ion peak m/z
AKT1-r GAGGATCTTCATGGCGTAGTAG 197 stripping off a molecule of C2H2O3 or C3H4O3, respectively
MAPK1-r TCTTTCATTTGCTCGATGGTTG The chemical substances in mGSLJZ contained a large number of
VEGFR-f GGAGCTTAAGAATGCATCCTTG flavonoids. Flavonoids are characterized by easy ionization in mass
VEGFR-r GATGCTTTCCCCAATACTTGTC spectrometry and diverse fragment information. In addition, they
STAT3-f TCGGCTAGAAAACTGGATAACG generally present the basic parent nucleus structure of C6eC3eC6.
STAT3-r TGCAACTCCTCCAGTTTCTTAA The flavonoids with good ADME activity identified in mGSLJZ
mainly included liquiritigenin, luteolin, acacetin, kaempferol, liq-
Western blot Cells were cultured in six-well plates and exposed uiritin, hesperetin, pratensein, isoliquiritigenin, calycosin, poncirin,
to mGSLJZ (and/or IGF-1) for 48h. The cell protein was extracted biochanin A, sinensetin, formononetin and nobiletin. The peak
and the protein concentrations were determined by BCA assay. The Rt35.14min was taken as an example to demonstrate the structure
protein was separated by SDS-PAGE and transferred to PVDF analysis of flavonoids. The quasi-molecular ion peak m/z 287.0551
membranes. The membranes were blocked with WB quick block [MþH]þ was obtained at the retention of 35.14min. The molecular
buffer and incubated with the primary antibody overnight at 4  C formula was C15H10O6 and the exact molecular error was 0.1 ppm.
and then incubated with the secondary antibody for 1h. The Combined with the fragment ion information and the relevant lit-
enhanced chemiluminescence reagent was used to detect and eratures, it was preliminarily identified as kaempferol.30 The sec-
visualize protein bands. ondary mass spectrum was shown in Fig. 1D. The main ion
Statistical analysis SPSS 25.0 software was used for statistical fragment m/z 153[M þ HeC8H6O2] þwas formed by the cleavage of
analysis. Data was presented as the mean ± SD. An independent- RDA on the quasi-molecular ion m/z 287.0551[MþH]þ C ring. The
sample T test was used for the comparison between two groups m/z 241 [M þ HeCH2O2]þ (m/z 241 [M þ HeH2OeCO]þ) can be
and one-way ANOVA was used for the comparison between mul- formed by excimer ion m/z 287[MþH] þ removal of a molecule of
tiple groups, and. */#P < 0.05 and **/##P < 0.01 were considered as CH2O2 and by the parent ion m/z 269 removal of one molecule of
statistically significant. CO. (Fig. 2B).

3. Results 3.1.3. Other chemical substances in mGSLJZ

In addition to the substances mentioned above, a variety of
3.1. Chemical substances and potential active ingredients in mGSLJZ other pharmaceutical substances in mGSLJZ were identified in our
research. There were amino acids such as tyrosine and tryptophan;
On the basis of the above chromatographic and mass spectrum alkaloids such as codonopsine and perlolyrine; glycosides such as
conditions, the aqueous extract sample of mGSLJZ was detected for trans-melilotoside, paeoniflorin and (6aR, 11aR)-9,10-
chemical substance analysis. The base peak chromatogram (BPC) dimethoxypterocarpan-3-O-b-D-glucoside; coumarins such as
demonstrated that the chromatographic peaks of mGSLJZ were isofraxidi, 7-hydroxycoumarin and scopoletin; terpenes such as
abundant in both positive (Fig. 1A) and negative (Fig. 1B) modes. loliolide; sesquiterpenes such as zedoalactone A; aldehydes such as
Based on the TOF-MS mass spectrum, the exact mass-to-charge syringaldehyde; epoxides such as germacrone-4, 5-epoxide; an-
ratio (m/z) of the substances can be acquired. The second-level thraquinones such as alizarin; cycloketones such as curcumenone;
fragment ion of the mass can be obtained on the product ion sec- saponins such as astragaloside III; and lactones such as atractyle-
ondary mass spectrometry. Finally, according to the relevant liter- nolide II.
ature reports and the fragmentation rules, 120 chemical substances
in mGSLJZ were identified. Among them, 41 potential active in- 3.2. Candidate targets of mGSLJZ in gastric cancer treatment
gredients met the filter criteria of OB  25% and DL  0.05 in TCMSP
database. Most of the active ingredients were organic acids and A total of 3168 disease targets of GC were obtained through the
flavonoids. And there were other substances, such as amino acids, DisGeNET database (repeated targets were deleted according to the
glycosides, coumarins and alkaloids (Table 1). UniProt ID). Then, we took the intersection of the Probability TOP50
targets of each active ingredient in mGSLJZ with the gastric cancer
3.1.1. Organic acids in mGSLJZ disease targets and deleted the repeated targets to finally obtain
mGSLJZ contained many organic acids, most of which were 202 candidate targets of mGSLJZ in GC treatment. The Venn dia-
phenolic acids, including danshensu, trans-caffeic acid, cis-caffeic gram was shown in Fig. 3A.
acid, ferulic acid and salvianolic acid J. Other organic acids included
quinic acid (a cycloaliphatic organic acid) and asiatic acid (a terpene 3.3. Construction of the PPI network and filtration of core targets
organic acid). The peak Rt4.63min was taken as an example to
demonstrate the structure analysis of organic acids. At a retention The 202 candidate targets of mGSLJZ in gastric cancer treatment
time of 4.63 min, the quasi-molecular ion peak of m/z 197.0456 were imported into the String database to construct a PPI network
[MH] was acquired. The molecular formula was C9H10O5 and the (score0.7, high confidence). The PPI network data were imported
exact molecular weight error was 0.3 ppm. According to the liter- into Cytoscape 3.7.1 software, and the CytoNCA plug-in was applied
ature reported, the ion peak was preliminarily determined to be to calculate the DC, BC and CC values. The median values of DC, BC
W. Huang, F. Wen, S. Ruan et al. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine 13 (2023) 245e262

Fig. 1. The BPC and secondary ion flow diagram of mGSLJZ. The base peak chromatogram (BPC) diagram in the positive (A) and negative (B) ion mode. (C) Secondary mass
spectrometry diagram of danshensu. (D) Secondary mass spectrometry diagram of kaempferol.

and CC were 7, 66.026911 and 0.35214, respectively. Then, 58 core correlated with the node degree, and each edge represented the
targets that met the criteria of DC  7, BC  66.026911 and interaction relationship between different genes. According to the
CC  0.35214 were screened out (Fig. 3B, left part). After that, the DC value, the top 10 key targets were AKT1 (DC ¼ 51), PIK3CA
DC value was considered as the main standard to reconstruct a new (DC ¼ 44), MAPK1 (DC ¼ 43), VEGFA (DC ¼ 42), STAT3 (DC ¼ 42),
PPI network of core targets. In this PPI network, one node repre- HRAS (DC ¼ 36), EGFR (DC ¼ 35), HSP90AA1 (DC ¼ 35), FYN
sented one gene, the node degree represented the number of edges (DC ¼ 34) and APP (DC ¼ 31). These key targets played an essential
connected to this node in the network, the node size was positively regulatory role in the PPI network. (Fig. 3B right part).

W. Huang, F. Wen, S. Ruan et al. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine 13 (2023) 245e262

Table 1
The active ingredients of mGSLJZ(OB  25%, DL  0.05).

NO tR(time) [MþH]þ [MH] (Error, Molecular MS/MS fragments (positive MS/MS Proposed Mol ID OB (%) DL Reference
(Error, ppm) formula ion mode) fragments compound
ppm) (negative ion

mGSLJZ1 0.57 e 191.0563(1.0) C7H12O6 e 171, 127, 109, Quinic acid MOL004544 63.53 0.06 Mortele  et al.,
93, 85, 59 201911
mGSLJZ2 1.4 182.0808(- e C9H11NO3 165, 147, 136, 123, 119, 107, e Tyrosine MOL000056 57.55 0.05 Liu et al.,
2.0) 95, 91, 77, 65 201312
mGSLJZ3 4.63 e 197.0456(0.3) C9H10O5 e 197, 179, Danshensu MOL007134 36.91 0.06 Wang et al.,
123,109 201813
mGSLJZ4 6.21 e 179.0353(1.8) C9H8O4 e 135, 134, 117, trans-caffeic acid MOL000223 25.76 0.05 Qian et al.,
107, 89 202014
mGSLJZ5 6.85 e 203.0833(3.4) C11H12N2O2 e 186, 159, 142, Tryptophan MOL001780 75.93 0.08 Ma et al.,
130, 116 201415
mGSLJZ6 6.92 e 181.0511(2.6) C9H10O4 e 163, 137, 135, Dihydrocaffeic MOL003088 32.79 0.05 Mortele  et al.,
119 acid 201911
mGSLJZ7 7.71 268.1533(- e C14H21NO4 161, 121, 88, 58 e Codonopsine MOL008395 45.83 0.13 Liu et al.,
3.9) 201312; Gao
et al., 201916
mGSLJZ8 9.99 e 179.0353(1.8) C9H8O4 e 135, 134, 117, cis-caffeic acid MOL000414 54.97 0.05 Qian et al.,
107, 89 202014
mGSLJZ9 18.32 e 193.0510(1.9) C10H10O4 e 178, 149, 134 Ferulic acid 39.56 0.06 Ma et al.,
mGSLJZ10 18.73 e 325.0930(0.3) C15H18O8 e 163, 119, 117, Trans- MOL004101 36.85 0.26 Zengin et al.,
101 Melilotoside 201917
mGSLJZ11 20.14 e 221.0642(3.0) C11H10O5 e 206, 191, 175, Isofraxidin MOL005723 52.32 0.1 Huang et al.,
163, 135, 107, 201818
mGSLJZ12 20.3 163.0382(- e C9H6O3 163, 145, 135, 117, 89, 77, 63 e 7- MOL003875 25.36 0.05 Zhang et al.,
4.7) Hydroxycoumarin 201919; Von
et al., 200120
mGSLJZ13 21.96 e 195.1029(1.2) C11H16O3 e 151, 136, 135, loliolide MOL001500 44.66 0.08 Yang et al.,
120, 95 201821
mGSLJZ14 22.71 183.0650(- e C9H10O4 155, 140, 125, 123, 97, 95, 77, e Syringaldehyde MOL003177 67.06 0.05 Liu et al.,
1.0) 65, 201312
mGSLJZ15 23.03 481.1698(- e C23H28O11 319, 301, 197, 179, 161, 151, e paeoniflorin MOL001924 53.87 0.79 Yang et al.,
1.3) 133, 105 201922
mGSLJZ16 25.13 193.0491(- e C10H8O4 178, 165, 161, 150, 137, 133, e Scopoletin MOL000040 27.77 0.08 Fu et al., 202023
2.3) 122, 105
mGSLJZ17 26.96 235.1688(- e C15H22O2 217, 199, 189, 169, 161, 147, e Germacrone-4,5- MOL004272 36.48 0.11 Zhou et al.,
2.9) 133, 121, 119, 107, 105, 91, epoxide 201824
mGSLJZ18 27.8 e 537.1030(- C27H22O12 e 493, 313, 295, Salvianolic acid J MOL007142 43.38 0.72 Cao et al.,
1.6) 185 201825
mGSLJZ19 30.73 267.1584(- e C15H22O4 249, 231, 213, 203, 185, 173, e Zedoalactone A MOL004305 111.43 0.19 Zhou et al.,
2.6) 157, 145, 128, 119, 105, 91 201824
mGSLJZ20 31.55 e 255.0657(- C15H12O4 e 135, 119, 91 Liquiritigenin MOL001792 32.76 0.18 Li et al., 201926
mGSLJZ21 32.79 e 199.0977(0.6) C10H16O4 e 155 camphoric acid MOL008286 99.13 0.07 Steimer et al.,
mGSLJZ22 32.88 e 285.0401(- C15H10O6 e 270, 197, 150, Luteolin MOL000006 36.16 0.25 Witkowski
1.3) 149 et al., 201728
mGSLJZ23 32.89 265.0968(- e C16H12N2O2 247, 235, 219, 206, 205, 167, e Perlolyrine MOL002140 65.95 0.27 Liu et al.,
1.3) 140 201312
mGSLJZ24 34.33 e 283.0609(- C16H12O5 e 268, 239, 224, Acacetin MOL001689 34.97 0.24 Yin et al.,
1.1) 211 201929
mGSLJZ25 35.14 287.0551(- e C15H10O6 269,241, 153, 137,121 e kaempferol MOL000422 41.88 0.24 Zhou et al.,
0.1) 201330
mGSLJZ26 35.74 419.1331(- e C21H22O9 257, 239, 211, 147, 137 e Liquiritin MOL004903 65.69 0.74 Zeng et al.,
1.3) 201831
mGSLJZ27 35.74 e 301.0724(2.1) C16H14O6 e 286, 151, 107, Hesperetin MOL002341 70.31 0.27 Zeng et al.,
80 202032
mGSLJZ28 35.98 463.1583 e C23H26O10 301, 167, 152 e Methylnissolin-3- MOL000379 36.74 0.92 Liu et al.,
(3.4) O-glucoside 200933
mGSLJZ29 36.17 e 299.0555(- C16H12O6 e 284, 256, 255, pratensein MOL003398 39.06 0.28 Song et al.,
2.0) 227, 211, 183 201734
mGSLJZ30 37.82 e 255.0658(- C15H12O4 e 135, 119, 91 Isoliquiritigenin MOL001789 85.32 0.15 Li et al., 201926
mGSLJZ31 37.89 285.0753(- e C16H12O5 270, 253, 225, 213, 197, 185, e Calycosin MOL000417 47.75 0.24 Liu et al.,
3.3) 157, 137 200933
mGSLJZ32 38.26 595.2007(- e C28H34O14 449, 433, 397, 353,287, 263, e Poncirin MOL013276 36.55 0.74 Xu et al., 201835
2.4) 195, 153
mGSLJZ33 41.96 285.0749(- e C16H12O5 270, 252, 224, 211, 196, 168, e Biochanin A MOL000510 25.21 0.24 Kuhn et al.,
3.0) 139 200336
mGSLJZ34 42.17 e C20H20O7 e Sinensetin MOL001803 50.56 0.45

W. Huang, F. Wen, S. Ruan et al. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine 13 (2023) 245e262

Table 1 (continued )

NO tR(time) [MþH]þ [MH] (Error, Molecular MS/MS fragments (positive MS/MS Proposed Mol ID OB (%) DL Reference
(Error, ppm) formula ion mode) fragments compound
ppm) (negative ion

373.1269(- 358, 343, 328, 315, 271, 211, Zheng et al.,

3.4) 183 201937
mGSLJZ35 42.28 e 239.0348(- C14H8O4 e 211, 195, 183, Alizarin MOL006160 32.67 0.19 Witkowski
0.8) 167 et al., 201728
mGSLJZ36 42.31 235.1683(- e C15H22O2 217, 199, 189, 175, 161, 147, e Curcumenone MOL000898 34.17 0.11 Zhou et al.,
4.1) 133, 119, 107, 105, 91, 67 201824
mGSLJZ37 43.04 489.3565(- e C30H48O5 471, 453, 425, 407, 247, 219, e asiatic acid MOL006861 41.38 0.71 Gajbhiye et al.,
1.9) 205, 201, 189, 187, 177, 175, 201638
145, 133, 119
mGSLJZ38 44.81 269.0802(- e C16H12O4 254, 253, 237, 226, 213, 197, e formononetin MOL000392 66.39 0.21 Zuo et al.,
2.4) 181, 169, 152, 118 201939
mGSLJZ39 46.65 403.1378(- e C21H22O8 388, 373, 358, 355, 330, 327, e Nobiletin MOL005828 61.67 0.52 Zheng et al.,
2.3) 301, 211, 183 201937
mGSLJZ40 47.06 785.4662(- e C41H68O14 605, 587, 473, 455, 437, 419, e Astragaloside III MOL000405 31.83 0.1 Liu et al.,
2.5) 143 201312; Liu
et al., 200933
mGSLJZ41 47.55 233.1527(- e C15H20O2 215, 197, 187,177, 159, 151, e Atractylenolide II MOL000044 47.5 0.15 Ma et al.,
2.6) 145, 131, 105 201415

Fig. 2. The fragmentation pathway of danshensu and kaempferol. (A) The fragmentation pathway of danshensu. (B) The fragmentation pathway of kaempferol.

3.4. GO and KEGG enrichment analysis autophosphorylation, response to hypoxia, negative regulation of
apoptotic process and positive regulation of transcription from the
The GO and KEGG enrichment analyses revealed that mGSLJZ RNA polymerase II promoter to exert its therapeutic effect on
was involved in 210 biological processes (BPs), 43 cellular compo- gastric cancer by reacting on the cytosol, plasma membrane, inte-
nents (CCs), 63 molecular functions (MFs) and 85 pathways in gral component of plasma membrane, cytoplasm, extracellular
gastric cancer treatment (P < 0.05). And the bubble diagram was exosome and other cellular components. The effects on molecular
illustrated with R 3.6.3 software (Fig. 3CeF). The GO enrichment functions mainly included ATP binding, enzyme binding, steroid
analysis indicated that mGSLJZ mainly affected the biological pro- hormone receptor activity, RNA polymerase II transcription factor
cesses of peptidyl-tyrosine phosphorylation, protein activity, ligand-activated sequence-specific DNA binding, and
W. Huang, F. Wen, S. Ruan et al. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine 13 (2023) 245e262

W. Huang, F. Wen, S. Ruan et al. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine 13 (2023) 245e262

transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase activity. expression in gastric cancer tissues and normal gastric mucosal
The KEGG enrichment analysis reflected the main signaling tissues so as to further provide clinical evidence for mGSLJZ in GC
pathways of mGSLJZ against GC. Combined with the literature re- treatment. The mRNA expression levels of AKT1, PIK3CA, MAPK1,
ports, the top 20 pathways with statistical significance were as VEGFA, STAT3, HRAS, EGFR, HSP90AA1, FYN and APP in gastric
follows: HIF-1 signaling pathway,(hsa04066), Pathways in can- cancer tissues and normal gastric mucosal tissues were reported to
cer(hsa05200), PI3K-Akt signaling pathway (hsa04151), Ras significantly different (P < 0.05). As shown in the boxplots (Fig. 5A),
signaling pathway (hsa04014), Sphingolipid signaling pathway the gene expression levels of the key targets were significantly
(hsa04071), Rap1 signaling pathway (hsa04015), T cell receptor upregulated in gastric cancer tissues. The protein expression status
signaling pathway (hsa04660), B cell receptor signaling pathway of the key targets was collected in the Human Protein Atlas data-
(hsa04662), VEGF signaling pathway (hsa04370), Focal adhesion base. Compared with the normal gastric mucosal tissues, the pro-
(hsa04510), Toll-like receptor signaling pathway (hsa04620), tein expressions of these targets were also increased according to
Adherens junction (hsa04520), Apoptosis (hsa04210), ErbB the immunohistochemical staining images (Fig. 5B).
signaling pathway (hsa04012), TNF signaling pathway (hsa04668),
FoxO signaling pathway (hsa04068), mTOR signaling pathway 3.7. Molecular docking between the core substances and the key
(hsa04150), Chemical carcinogenesis (hsa05204), Natural killer cell targets
mediated cytotoxicity (hsa04650), Viral carcinogenesis (hsa05203),
and Central carbon metabolism in cancer (has05230). In the molecular docking process, the lower value of confor-
mational stability of the ligand binding to the receptor represents
3.5. Construction of the “active ingredient-core target-pathway” the stronger binding possibility between two ingredients. Usually, a
network binding energy <0 indicates that the two substances can sponta-
neously bind to each other. We conducted molecular docking be-
The 58 core targets and their related active ingredients, as well tween the top 10 key targets and the 8 core substances obtained in
as the top 20 pathways and their involved core targets were im- the“active ingredient-core target-pathway” network. The results
ported into Cytoscape 3.7.1 software to construct the “active showed that all the binding energies were lower
ingredient-core target-pathway” network (Fig. 4). The results than 4.5 kJ mol1, indicating that these core substances had
demonstrated that there were 117 nodes and 473 edges in the excellent binding activity with the key targets (Fig. 6A). Then,
network, including 40 compounds (perlolyrine was not involved), PyMOL 2.3.4 software was used to plot the optimal binding pattern
58 targets and 19 pathways (chemical carcinogenesis was not as shown in Fig. 6BeG.
involved). From the perspective of active ingredients, each sub-
stance was correlated with 5.38 targets on average, and 67.5% of the 3.8. Verification of the anti-GC effect of mGSLJZ and core substances
active ingredients were connected to more than 5 core targets.
Among them, the substances that connected to 8 or more core To verify the anti-gastric cancer effects of mGSLJZ and the core
targets included trans-caffeic acid (mGSLJZ4), cis-caffeic acid substances, cell proliferation experiments were first carried out.
(mGSLJZ8), paeoniflorin (mGSLJZ15), zedoalactone A (mGSLJZ19), We observed the effects of mGSLJZ and the four core substances
sinensetin (mGSLJZ34) and nobiletin (mGSLJZ39). These in- (caffeic acid, paeoniflorin, sinensetin and nobiletin, which were
gredients may be the core pharmacological substances of mGSLJZ in currently available on the market) on the cell viability rates of three
GC treatment. Except for zedoalactone A, others all presented gastric cancer cell lines (AGS, HGC-27 and MKN-74). The results
therapeutic effects for gastric cancer in the relevant literature.40e43 exhibited that mGSLJZ and these four core substances can signifi-
From the perspective of core targets, each target was correlated cantly inhibit the proliferation of gastric cancer cells (Fig. 7A). The
with 3.74 active ingredients on average, and 20% of the core targets relevant IC50 was shown in Fig. 7B and it was considered as the
were connected to more than 5 active ingredients. Among them, appropriate administration concentration in the following experi-
EGFR was connected to 18 substances, ESR1 was connected to 19 ments. This indicated that mGSLJZ and its core substances can
substances and ESR2 was connected to 23 substances. The more effectively suppress the proliferation of gastric cancer in multiple
active ingredients the target connected to represented the stronger GC cell lines.
regulatory effect of mGSLJZ on this target. From the perspective of In addition, in order to better evaluate the cytotoxicity of these
pathways, there were an average of 13.53 core targets in each drugs, we treated gastric epithelial cells GES-1 with the highest
pathway, and 68.4% of the pathways were connected to more than IC50 of each drug among the three cell lines. As shown in Fig. 7C,
10 core targets. As shown in the network diagram, there was a with the separate interventions of mGSLJZ, caffeic acid, paeoni-
phenomenon that one core substance can regulate multiple path- florin, sinensetin and nobiletin, the cell viability of GES-1 was
ways through various targets, and different substances can influ- 97.72 ± 3.56%, 85.17 ± 8.57%, 92.84 ± 2.81%, 96.02 ± 2.93% and
ence the same target and pathway, which was consistent with the 94.72 ± 5,33%. There was no statistical difference between the
regulatory mechanism of multi-substance, multi-target and multi- administration group and the control group. This showed that
pathway interaction in Chinese medicine compounds. mGSLJZ and the core substances have no obvious toxic on normal
gastric epithelial cells while suppressing gastric cancer.
3.6. Verification of key target expression in gastric cancer Since cell migration was the basis of tumor metastasis and is an
important tumor malignant behavior in addition to proliferation,
Based on the above analysis, we have basically derived the core we observed the effect of mGSLJZ on the migration of gastric cancer
substances, key targets and pathways of mGSLJZ in gastric cancer cells. As shown in Fig. 7D, in the AGS, HGC-27 and MKN-74 cell
treatment. Then, we selected the top 10 core targets to verify their lines, the relative migration rates after mGSLJZ intervention were

Fig. 3. The targets and GO/KEGG enrichment analysis for mGSLJZ in gastric cancer treatment. (A) The Venn diagram of the targets for mGSLJZ in gastric cancer treatment (202
targets in total). (B) The PPI network diagram of mGSLJZ in gastric cancer treatment was constructed based on String database. And CytoNCA plug-in was applied to filtrate core
targets according to the DC, BC and CC values. According to the P Value, the bubble diagram demonstrated the top 20 biological process(C), cellular components(D), molecular
function(E) and KEGG pathways(F) of mGSLJZ in gastric cancer treatment. The bubble size represented the number of enrichment genes, and the bubble color represented the levels
of gene enrichment.

W. Huang, F. Wen, S. Ruan et al. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine 13 (2023) 245e262

Fig. 4. The interactive network diagram of “Active ingredient-core target-pathway”. The green nodes represented 40 active ingredients (perlolyrine was not involved); The pink
nodes represented 58 core targets; The blue nodes represented 19 pathways (chemical carcinogenesis was not involved). The more edges a node connected, the more important its
role in the interactive network.

36.18 ± 2.23%, 38.72 ± 3.98% and 25.90 ± 5.00%, respectively. These mGSLJZ þ IGF-1 group tended to increase compared with that of
results indicated that mGSLJZ can significantly restrain the migra- the mGSLJZ group (Fig. 10A). Similarly, the cell migration rate of the
tion ability of gastric cancer cells. mGSLJZ þ IGF-1 group was higher than that of the mGSLJZ group
(Fig. 10B). The above experiments revealed that IGF-1 can partially
3.9. Validation of targets and pathways of mGSLJZ in GC treatment counteract the inhibitory effect of mGSLJZ on the proliferation and
migration of gastric cancer, which confirmed that mGSLJZ had an
On the basis of proving that mGSLJZ had significant anti-gastric anti-GC effect through the PI3K/AKT/HIF-1 pathway.
cancer effects, to further validate the feasibility of targets and
pathways predicted by pharmacology network analysis, Q-PCR was
4. Discussion
applied to examine the expression of the top 5 key targets in PPI
network. As shown in Fig. 8A, the relative mRNA expression of
Gastric cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors
AKT1, PI3KCA, MAPK1, VEGFA and STAT3 was obviously decreased
that threatens people's lives and health worldwide. Traditional
after mGSLJZ intervention. Then, Western blot was used to detect
Chinese medicine plays an important role in the treatment of GC.
the changes of the top 2 pathways predicted by KEGG analysis. On
Modified Gui-shao-liu-jun-zi decoction was derived from the
account of that PI3K/AKT and HIF-1 pathway were the top 2
famous classical TCM prescription “Gui-shao-liu-jun-zi decoction”
pathways in the KEGG analysis, and the current literature sug-
which plays an important role in the treatment of multiple
gested44,45 that PI3K/AKT was the upstream pathway of HIF-1. The
gastrointestinal diseases. The famous National Chinese Medicine
results demonstrated that mGSLJZ restrained the protein expres-
Practitioner Professor Shenlin Liu created this formula based on
sion of p-PI3K/AKT and p-AKT/AKT and HIF-1a, which indicated
decades of clinical experience with TCM treatment in gastric can-
that mGSLJZ can inhibit the activation of the PI3K/AKT/HIF-1
cer. A multi-center clinical study (NO.200807022) demonstrated
pathway (Fig. 8B).
that the combination therapy of mGSLJZ and chemotherapy can
decrease the recurrence rate of stage II and III gastric cancer
3.10. Rescue experiments of mGSLJZ combined with IGF-1 on the (P ¼ 0.0042).5Meanwhile, the basic scientific studies revealed that
PI3K/AKT/HIF-1 pathway this formula suppressed the MDR1 medicated drug resistance in
gastric cancer through the PI3K/AKT pathway and reduced the
In the above study, we found that mGSLJZ can deactivate the expression of FEN1 to inhibit the DNA damage repair in drug
PI3K/AKT/HIF-1 pathway. To further verify the pathway more resistant GC cells.7,46 However, the composition of the traditional
accurately, we used the upstream activator IGF-1 of the PI3K/AKT to Chinese medicine compound is complex, and current researches
intervene the GC cells in combination with mGLSJZ, and further are far from fully explaining the complete mechanisms of this
observed the changes in the pathway protein expression. The re- prescription in GC treatment. Therefore, the discovery of the po-
sults demonstrated that, among the three gastric cancer cell lines, tential core substances and targets in mGSLJZ against GC has great
the protein expression levels of p-PI3K/AKT and p-AKT/AKT and significance for optimizing the prescription and further exploring
HIF-1a in the mGSLJZ þ IGF-1 group were significantly restored its mechanisms in GC treatment.
compared with those in the mGSLJZ alone group (Fig. 9) . It was In this study, HPLC-Q-TOF-MS/MS technology was applied to
suggested that HIF-1 was the downstream pathway of PI3K/AKT. obtain high-resolution and high-precision mass spectrometric data
And the exact inhibitory effect of mGSLJZ on PI3K/AKT/HIF-1 of mGSLJZ. According to the structure and corresponding frag-
pathway was further proved. mentation pattern of the substance, the related chemical constit-
uent can be accurately identified. This technology provides a
3.11. Validation of the anti-GC effect of mGLJSZ through the PI3K/ reliable method for the multiple substance identification in tradi-
AKT/HIF-1 pathway tional Chinese medicine compounds and has broad application
prospects.47 In this research, mass spectrometric data demon-
Based on the above results, we explored whether mGSLJZ strated the abundant chromatographic peaks in both positive and
inhibited the proliferation and migration of gastric cancer cells negative ion modes, laying the foundation for the accurate quali-
through the PI3K/AKT/HIF-1 pathway. After the intervention of tative identification of the chemical substances in mGSLJZ. Based on
mGSLJZ combined with IGF-1, the restoration effects of cell prolif- the acquisition of the primary mass spectrometric data, the con-
eration and migration were observed. The results showed that in ditions of the secondary mass spectrometry can be optimized.
these three gastric cancer cell lines, the cell viability of the Finally, a total of 120 chemical substances, including a large number
W. Huang, F. Wen, S. Ruan et al. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine 13 (2023) 245e262

Fig. 5. The expression of the key targets in gastric cancer and normal gastric tissues. (A) The mRNA expression levels of the key targets in gastric cancer and normal gastric tissues.
(B) The immunohistochemical images of the protein expression of the key targets in gastric cancer and normal gastric tissues.

W. Huang, F. Wen, S. Ruan et al. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine 13 (2023) 245e262

Fig. 6. The heat map of molecular docking scores (kcal/mol1) and the optimal binding pattern of the core substances combined with the key targets. (A) The binding ability scores
between the core substances and the key targets were demonstrated in the heat map. The color of the legend varied with the absolute value of the binding index. The shade of the
label color represented the strength of the binding ability. (B) Trans-caffeic acid combined with HSP90AA1; (C) Cis-caffeic acid combined with FYN; (D) Paeoniflorin combined with
AKT1; (E)Zedoalactone A combined with FYN; (F) Sinensetin combined with AKT1; (G)Nobiletin combined with AKT1.

of organic acids and flavonoids, were identified in mGSLJZ. This sensitivity, which laid a solid foundation for the quality control and
method exhibited the characteristics of rapid, simple and high pharmacological study of this prescription.

W. Huang, F. Wen, S. Ruan et al. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine 13 (2023) 245e262

Fig. 7. The inhibitory effects of mGSLJZ and core substances on the proliferation and migration of GC. (AeB) The cell viability and IC50 of different GC cell lines (AGS, HGC-27 and
MKN-74) after mGSLJZ, Caffeic acid, Paeoniflorin, Sinensetin and Nobiletin administration for 48h. (C) The cell viability of the gastric epithelial cells GES-1 with the highest IC50 of
each drug among the three cell lines. (D) The wounding healing images and migration rates of GC cells with the intervention of mGSLJZ for 48h (The concentration of mGSLJZ was
IC50 in each cell line).

Pharmacokinetic properties are vital factors for drug screening drug-likeness indexes using the TCMSP platform. In addition, 202
and design. Drugs cannot reach the target organs to exert their candidate targets of mGSLJZ active ingredients for gastric cancer
therapeutic effects without suitable pharmacokinetic properties.48 treatment were obtained. Through the network topology analysis,
Therefore, we further selected 41 substances with good ADME ac- 10 key targets were identified, namely AKT1, PIK3CA, MAPK1,
tivity based on the main parameters of oral bioavailability and VEGFA, STAT3, HRAS, EGFR, HSP90AA1, FYN and APP, which were at

W. Huang, F. Wen, S. Ruan et al. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine 13 (2023) 245e262

Fig. 8. The expressions of the core targets and pathways with mGSLJZ intervention. (A) The mRNA expression of the top 5 core targets (AKT1, PI3KCA, MAPK1, VEGFA, STAT3) after
mGSLJZ intervention for 48h. (B) The protein expression of the top 2 core pathways (PI3K/AKT and HIF-1) after mGSLJZ intervention for 48h.

the core position in the PPI network. KEGG enrichment analysis of rapid tissue growth and large energy requirements. During the
showed that the signaling pathways of mGSLJZ in gastric cancer tumor growth process, the tumor tissues gradually appear hypoxia
treatment mainly included HIF-1 and PI3K-Akt, etc. To further status. HIF-1a is an essential oxygen regulatory protein of HIF-1
verify the prediction results of network pharmacology analysis, a that plays a decisive role in the activity of the HIF-1 pathway.49
series of experiments were conducted to investigate the thera- The hypoxic microenvironment increases glycolysis and changes
peutic effect of mGSLJZ against GC. We first explored the effect of the way of tumor energy metabolism, therefore further affecting
mGSLJZ on GC biological behavior, and found that mGSLJZ can the gene stability. Various oncogenes, including VEGF, are signifi-
significantly suppress GC cell proliferation and migration, which cantly upregulated, which makes tumor cells more invasive and
confirming the anti-GC effect of mGSLJZ. Then, the anti-GC mech- proliferative.50 Current studies have found that the PI3K/Akt
anisms of mGSLJZ were further revealed in combination with the signaling pathway is involved in the regulation of proliferation,
predicted targets and pathways in network pharmacology. We migration, metastasis, angiogenesis and apoptosis of multiple tu-
found that the gene expression levels of the core targets AKT1, mor cells.51 The activation of this pathway upregulates the
PIK3CA, MAPK1, VEGFA and STAT3 were downregulated with expression of HIF-1a and VEGF, thus allowing endothelial cell
mGSLJZ intervention. PI3K/AKT and HIF-1 were the top 2 pathways migrating to form new blood vessels and promoting the vascular
in the KEGG analysis, and the current literature44,45 suggested that permeability, which provides a favorable environment for the cell
PI3K/AKT was the upstream pathway of HIF-1. The results proliferation and migration.52 On the basis of confirming that
demonstrated that mGSLJZ blocked the HIF-1 pathway by reducing mGSLJZ can inhibit HIF-1 and PI3K/AKT, respectively, we performed
HIF-1a expression, and inhibited the activation of the PI3K/AKT a series of rescue experiments with the PI3K/AKT activator IGF-1. It
pathway. The hypoxic microenvironment represented by the HIF-1 was found that the addition of IGF-1 could weaken the inhibition
pathway is one of the microenvironmental characteristics of the effect of mGSLJZ on the PI3K/AKT/HIF-1 pathway, as well as its
solid tumors. Gastric cancer acquires the biological characteristics suppression on the cell proliferation and migration. On the one

W. Huang, F. Wen, S. Ruan et al. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine 13 (2023) 245e262

Fig. 9. The expression of the PI3K/AKT/HIF-1 pathway with the combined intervention of mGSLJZ and IGF-1. The protein of the PI3K, p-PI3K, AKT, p-AKT, HIF-1a proteins after
mGSLJZ/mGSLJZ þ IGF-1 intervention for 48.

hand, these results confirmed that HIF-1 can be the downstream top 6 substances were trans-caffeic acid, cis-caffeic acid, paeoni-
pathway of PI3K/AKT. On the other hand, it was rigorously florin, zedoalactone A, sinensetin and nobiletin. Among the six core
confirmed that mGSLJZ suppressed the proliferation and migration active ingredients, except for zedoalactone A, all the other chemical
of gastric cancer cells through the PI3K/AKT/HIF-1 pathway. compounds have been reported to have antitumor effects,
Certainly, this was just one of the comparatively important mech- including for gastric cancer. Trans-caffeic acid and cis-caffeic acid
anisms for mGSLJZ in gastric cancer treatment. According to the were two different isomers of caffeic acid. Although no study has
analysis results of our network pharmacology and the relevant compared the antitumor effect of the two isomers, caffeic acid has
literature, this prescription also exerted an antitumor effect in been reported to suppress the development and progression of
gastric cancer by inhibiting the conduction of the SphK/S1P/S1PR liver cancer,56 colorectal cancer,57 cervical cancer and other tu-
axis in the sphingolipid signaling pathway,53 reducing the expres- mors.58 Paeoniflorin has a wide spectrum of antitumor activities,
sion of Rap1GAP in the Rap1 signaling pathway to inhibit the in- including inhibition of tumor cell proliferation, neovascularization,
vasion and metastasis of gastric cancer,54 and participating in the invasion and metastasis and induction of apoptosis.59 In gastric
antitumor immune response by intervening in the immune regu- cancer, paeoniflorin can inhibit the migration and invasion of
lation pathway mediated by the T cell receptor and so on.55 Even- gastric cancer associated fibroblasts43 and inhibit GC cell prolifer-
tually, it constituted a regulatory network of mGSLJZ in gastric ation through the upregulation of microRNA-124 and suppression
cancer treatment, which was also consistent with the multi-target of the PI3K/Akt and STAT3 signaling pathways.60 The anti-cancer
and multi-pathway characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine activities of sinensetin mainly involved its interaction with p-
compounds. glycoprotein and breast cancer resistance protein (ABCG2/BCRP).
Therefore, what were the main substances by which mGSLJZ And the anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferation and anti-
exerted its anti-GC effect? By constructing a network diagram of angiogenesis effects of sinensetin have also been widely dis-
the “active ingredient-core target-pathway”, we obtained the core cussed.61 It can inhibit human MGC-803 gastric cancer cell prolif-
pharmacodynamic substances of mGSLJZ for GC treatment and the eration and induce cell cycle blockade in G2/M phase.40 Nobiletin
W. Huang, F. Wen, S. Ruan et al. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine 13 (2023) 245e262

Fig. 10. The proliferation and migration rates of GC cells with the combined intervention of mGSLJZ and IGF-1. (A) The cell viability of GC cells after mGSLJZ/mGSLJZ þ IGF-1
intervention for 48. (B) The wounding healing images and migration rates of GC cells after mGSLJZ/mGSLJZ þ IGF-1 intervention for 48.

can suppress the development of thoracic cancer, gynecological 1 cells.42 According to these studies, we selected four core sub-
cancer, urological cancer, gastrointestinal cancer and hematological stances (caffeic acid, paeoniflorin, sinensetin and nobiletin)
cancer.62 It inhibited Helicobacter pylori infection-induced gastric currently can be available on the market to verify their anti-gastric
carcinogenic signaling by blocking inflammation, apoptosis and cancer effects. The results revealed that these substances could
mitogen-activated protein kinase events in gastric epithelial- effectively inhibit the proliferation of multiple GC cells in a dose-

W. Huang, F. Wen, S. Ruan et al. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine 13 (2023) 245e262

dependent manner. More importantly, to verify the cytotoxicity of Wenjie Huang; Final approval of manuscript: All authors. Wenjie
mGSLJZ and the core substances, we intervened gastric epithelial Huang, Fang Wen, Shuai Ruan contributed equally to this work and
cells GES-1 with the highest IC50 among the three GC cell lines. It are first authors.
was found that there was no obvious proliferation toxicity on
normal gastric epithelial cells at the effective concentration for Funding
suppressing the gastric cancer cells.
In addition, the molecular docking demonstrated good binding This study was supported by the 2019 Project of Building Evi-
efficiency between these core substances and key targets, which dence Based Practice Capacity for TCM (2019XZZX-ZL003), the
further verified the central “substance-target” basis of mGSLJZ for Special Fund for Base Construction of Gastric Cancer of National
gastric cancer treatment. Based on the fact that these key targets Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Y2020CX58) and
(AKT1, PIK3CA, MAPK1, VEGFA, STAT3, HRAS, EGFR, HSP90AA1, FYN the Jiangsu Province Graduate Research and Practice Innovation
and APP) were oncogenes in most current studies, their high program (SJCX22_0768).
expression or the existence of mutants promoted tumor progres-
sion. In our study, the overexpression status of these genes was also Declaration of competing interest
found in gastric cancer tissues compared with normal gastric mu-
cosa tissues. As the core substances of the anti-GC compound The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
mGSLJZ, trans-caffeic acid, cis-caffeic acid, paeoniflorin, zedoa-
lactone A, sinensetin and nobiletin can be considered potential Acknowledgments
inhibitors of these targets. The current literature also reported the
antitumor effect of these substances based on these key targets. Not applicable.
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