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I ~QI _,

Duration - 1 hour
Class: ..................
Name: .............................................

1. Food
eac h foo d gro up dra w and labe l one mo re foo d item inside the box.
a} For
dot ted line.
Wri te the name of the foo d gro up on the

Draw and label Name of the food

. your food here group

food group 1

bread potatoes

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food group 2

fish chicken

food group 3

cheese butter

{1x6=6 marks)

b) What is a balanced diet?

(1 mark)
c) Name two foods that may damage our teeth.

(1x2 = 2 marks)

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b) Label the parts of the tooth using the words given in the box.

pulp cavity neck dentine enamel crown root

(1x6=6 marks)


a) Look at the objects given below.

i. Circle all the natural light sources.

bulb mug stare- Mirror

moon torch Qlow worrv- Battery

telescope radio

(1x2 = 2 marks)

ii. What is the main source of light in the day time?

(1 mark)
iii. Name two man- made light sources from the light sources given above.

(1x2 =2 marks)

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iv. Are shiny things like mirrors light sou

(1 mark)

b) Match the object with the correct

j translucent

I glass


wooden table


tissue paper

(1x3 =3 marks)

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. Light and Shadow

Daniel is playing with his shadow puppet.

torch puppet screen

a) How are shadows formed·

(2 marks)

b) How can Daniel make the shadow of the shadow puppet smaller?
Tick correct sentence.

Move the puppet closer to the torch

Move the torch closer to the puppet

Move the torch away from the puppet
(1 mark)
c) What will happen to the shadow of the shadow puppet as the torch moves

closer to the shadow puppet?

(1 mark)

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4. Properties of materials
Complete the table given by arranging the materials into the three groups.

plastic ruler pebbles

plastic comb

c'. ,
- cement brick pin rubber band

cotton wool wooden chair Paper

Can bend easily can bend a little Cannot bend

• a

1.-.-••..•-. •. .......... .......................

1••. -···· -· --·,.

(1x9 =9 marks)

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