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Wika Notes

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is a customary way of resolving conflicts Only leaders, however, who are knowledgeable
and disagreements among the Bukidnon of the customary laws, particularly
the balaghusay, could implement the sala.
The balaghusay (arbitrator), either a datu or
a bae who is knowledgeable of the tribal justice the duty of the tribe’s
system, acts as the mediator between economist (malagbasok) is to divine from the
contending parties signs in nature so that s/he may be able to
predict how life will go.
failure to comply will make the mediator sick,
curse the offender for life and bring misfortune
to the tribe.

Sala is synonymous to repairing a damaged part

Signs and omens to observe in farming
of a house. It is necessary to restore it whenever
possible. First, he would sharpen his bolo or tools, and if
ever he gets wounded, he would interpret it as a
sala is invoked for the settlement of such crimes
bad omen.
as theft.
Second, in going to the farm site it is considered
the suspect is questioned and if the alleged
a bad omen if he or someone else sneezes once.
crime is proved, he is asked to pay twice the
value of the stolen item Third, any of these are believed to be bad
omens: any snake that shows up along the way
The batasan knows who has sinned and who has
or trail, and the sound of a bird
not. If the offender refuses to subject himself to
called limukun (forest dove).
the sala process the curse would be on him.
Fourth, upon his arrival at the proposed farm
case of sala is the pamalaye during which a man
site and he is about to begin working on one
presents his marriage proposal to a woman.
end but hears a limukun, he should transfer to
Tradition dictates the man to place several the other end where he may start.
pieces of coins wrapped in a white cloth on
Talabugta or spirit of the land, Bulalakaw or
a kagon (plate) along with the manggad (bride
spirit of the water, and the spirits of
the salsalan or blacksmith, the spirits of the
Gantangan is a cubic box ordinarily used as a trees and many others.
volume scale for grains. In sala, however, the
Farming or ibabasuk invokes the help of the
box is used as scale in determining the nature
spirits of the salsalan to give strength to the
and gravity of a crime
farmer and his tools, and of the talabugta to
Tibud, a jar, is the only tayung hu haguran (most make the planted crops healthy.
important offering) a bride may receive from
Panalabugta – ritual for the spirit guardian of
the groom.
the land or soil
It is offered to its spirit keeper so that the
Pangibabasuk – ritual for the spirit guardian of
groom’s party could enter the bride’s house.
In cases of adultery the penalty is in the form of
Talutambu hu Salangsang – ritual for the spirit
giving a tibud together with a horse (stallion for
guardian of food
husband and mare for wife) and a white cloth.
Kagsad-ang – ritual for the spirit of the place The uprooted plants are a share given to
where preserved corn is hanged the agka-ayat or envious spirits so that they will
not harm the crops.
Kagbugawan – ritual for the spirit of the
container with abundant food Afterwards the farmer will bring home
enough aglagunan (farm produce to be offered
Kagbungkad – ritual asking permission to get
in the ritual) and seven pieces of salusad-
food from the container or bugawan
ang which he will hang for future use
Kagbahin hu mangangalawat – sharing food to as igtugpali.
others who are needy
Salusad-ang is a corn ear which is harvested
with its stalk and cover/skin intact. Its grains
eventually serve as igtugpali, or the first seeds
Harvesting buried in the ground in the next planting
Before harvesting, a farmer would perform a season.
ritual of sharing called lagti together with the Once the young corn reaches home it will be
spirits of the place. grated while chicken blood is spilled on
Lagti or lagon is a thanksgiving for a harvest the salusad-ang before it is hanged.
where the farmer, together with a baylan or These seven pieces are then cooked into baki
shaman, shares his produce with the (or binaki) and offered outside to spirits who
community and the spirits. It is part of the may want to partake of it together with a little
cultural practices of kagbasukan or agriculture. of the uncooked grated corn and chicken blood.
palagbasuk (farmer) Moreover, one chicken egg and a little baki are
Pangawan, to cleanse everyone of all sins cooked directly on the embers and offered to
before Magbabaya (Supreme Being) and the spirits called bata ha tagbaya hu kagnas or
spirits; children who guard the plants against
Spirit of the salsalan (blacksmith) where
working tools are made; panampulot (partaking of food together with
the spirits).
Pamulahon hu Kagbasukan or the plants in the
farm; There are instances wherein spirits will ask for a
share or are promised to be given it during
Talabugta (spirit of the land); a lagti. Their share is offered separately, but it is
Taghipanaw (traveling spirits or spirits who usually a baki.
happen to pass by during the ritual

Ginugud ha ma-iling hu kalag (souls of dead Making of tools and farm implements

ancestors); and
Salsalan enables the tribe to make tools for
Tumanod, Alambitun, Tagulambong daw mga their farm work. Bolos are used for weeding,
Abyan ha tagsandigan (helper spirits). planting and other activities.

The tribe takes care not to violate the omens

of salsalan based on customs and traditions.
Food Preparations Arts, Music and Dances

Sugar milling – The tribe extracts juice from a. Musical Instruments

sugar cane through the traditional method of
Agong – a gong made of bronze and used to call
crushing the plant under the weight of a log.
Stone corn mill – The stone mill or grinder is
Kulong-kulong – small ringing instruments made
used for corn and other kinds of food grains.
of bronze and placed on a spear to drive away
Guided by spirits, the tribe’s ancestors who used malevolent spirits.
to hammer or strike grains like kamais (corn)
Singgil – small ringing instruments made of
and aglay with hard objects later invented this
bronze and placed around the legs to give
type of grinder.
strength to the dancers.
the tribe has accessories for preparing grains
Saliyaw –small ringing instruments used with
into food such as nigo or
the kulong-kulong and singgil. Aside from being
winnower, bakag/ambong or dry food container
musical instruments, these are also used to
made of rattan and of bamboo, ikam or a mat
prevent vomiting.
made of local materials called sedsed,
balabek and baloy. Pulala – made of bamboo. It gives melody to
music. It was used in olden times in meditation
The tribe has bamboo water containers for
and in narrating the past.
cooking called sakuru.
Tumpoy – made of bamboo. This refers to the
Wooden mortar and pestle or pounder for
singing of birds and the breeze in the forest.
peeling off grains before cooking
like dawa, aglay and coffee beans. Mouth Harp – a little instrument made of
Kalagmanis – is a traditional health wine made
from tubu or sugar cane juice and agkud ha Tambol – made of wood and skin of animals.
tinapayan or preserved cassava. This led to the first dance called tinambol.

Dayuday – looks like a guitar. It produces a

melody akin to the sound of crying which
Different Kinds of Crops
people used then in their solitude.
Among the crops of the tribe are camote or
Tangkul/takumbu – made of bamboo. Melody
sweet potato, gabi, binggala or
played in olden times to drive away worms that
cassava, kamais, patad and arurut. 
destroyed the crops.
The tribe would eat edible grasses
Piyapi – looks like a guitar. It is played by a man
like paku and hagpa.
to a woman to convey his love for her.
Money comes from weaving mats, bags,
Kuglong – a favorite melody which is used to call
winnowers, and other crafts out of sudsud and
the birds. It is said that birds would awaken
rattan. Coffee beans and abaca fiber used to be
whenever they hear it.
sold in Kagay-an (Cagayan de Oro City), formerly
called Lambaguhan. Bantula – Made of bamboo, it has a sound
like tambol’s and is used with it.
Limbay – a soft-voice chant used to appease a
crying baby or an angry person or to ask
b.  Dances
something from a person or the spirits.
Saut – a dance using a spear and shield and
Sal’la – a chant used as a way of conversation by
shows how a warrior fights. It is used to express
datus and baes. It is used to express sincere
one’s courage or measure another person’s.
Kalasag – This shield is used in tribal warrior
Dindinay – a chant used to communicate a
dance. It shows how the warrior acts offensively
gesture of excitement or the happiness to share
and defensively against the opponents’ arrows
what has been seen and experienced.
and spears.
Idangdang – a song of sadness for one’s self to
Inagong – dance using a gong that expresses
express past anxieties and sad experiences
gratitude owing to satisfaction of wants.
rather than cry in tears. Idangdang is meant to
Binanog – a dance patterned after the relieve him/herself from the pain of recollecting
movements of a hawk or eagle in flight. sad moments.

Binaylan – a dance used in rituals to entertain Ulaging – a song sung with a hard, loud and
the spirits. brave voice because it tells the story of a war, a
tribal war relating the life of Apu Agyu.
Binakbak – dance of the guardians of water
which are only performed during rituals to ask “dayagang dig pananting, kusog dig panyuka’ka”
food from water. It is patterned from the from which he derived all his strength, energy
movement of a frog. and bravery.

Inamu – A dance patterned after the behavior of Dasang – a chant that tells the story of an
monkeys, it shows strong movements of the ongoing activity to amuse the listeners or
arms and legs. participants.

Tinambul – the first dance expressing joy over

the end of the Great Deluge.
Traditional Marriage Practices
Inagaw – a dance showing two women vying for
a man’s attention or two men simultaneously The man’s kin propose marriage by giving the
trying to win the heart of a woman. woman’s family pangpanahum or things with
which she can make herself beautiful.
Tagsala – a dance performed together with a
song. But if their marriage does not materialize, a
ritual called panluntay should be performed to
Kag-anahaw – a dance to drive away weariness avoid tunglo or a curse of death against the
and illnesses. woman.
Maninikup – a dance for fishers showing that To signify his intent to marry the man would
food from the water is good for one’s
wrap five coins in white cloth and place them in
an old plate called kagun. 
Chants and songs batasan –a piece of cloth or any token

wedding day – asawahay

CHARACTERISTICS OF LOCAL KNOWLEDGE Dayuday, a single-string violin with body made
of coconut shell and a handle made of small
 Local Knowledge is unwritten. It is
round bamboo
known through the oral traditions.
 Local knowledge is communally and Pulala, a long native flute
collectively owned.
Tumpuy, a short flute
 It is closely associated with the
elements of nature. Kebing, a jaws harp made of bamboo
 It is universal in principle.
Tambul, a wooden drum covered with deer skin
 Local knowledge dynamic and
systematic. Takembe, a bamboo instrument with string
 It is simple and understood through the carved from its skin and used to drive away
common sense. pests
 It is considered as a common heritage
Saliyaw (bells) and Agung (agung)
of humanity.
Dugsu, a ceremonial dance performed during
Kaliga, a religious ceremony.
Binanug, a hawk dance is usually performed
Oral history known as Gugud is supplemented
during marriage ceremony
by reference stories that were either witnessed
or experienced by the members of the Talaandig Saut, a war dance, is usually performed by
community. warriors as an exercise and a form of art
A story based on an eye witness account among “Kaliga”, a healing and thanksgiving ceremony
the Talaandig people is known as Tanud,
meaning, “seen” “Panalabugta” and “Pangibabasuk”, rituals for
opening a farm and planting
a story that is usually referred to as a conclusion
of a situation or event is called Batbat, “Pangampu”, a community ritual
meaning, “to relate” “Panagulambung”, a religious ceremony to
Batbat or Tanud are usually narrated as confer a higher position or status of community
references of the resolution of cases. leadership

Local stories with indigenous characters in the Panendan, an annual worship in sacred sites are
Talaandig community are called “Nanangen” few examples of disseminating local knowledge
in their sacred forms among the people.
Epics that are chanted by the Talaandig people
is called Ulaging

Historical and philosophical songs are called PRINCIPLES OF THE EXPANSION OF


Love songs are called Idangdang and particular The expansion of knowledge on a horizontal
songs are called Limbay. approach is based on the principle of the
Katyapi, a two-string guitar with a big lizard-
shape body
The vertical expansion of knowledge, on the Bahagi ng Pananalita: Pangngalan
other hand, is based on the principle of the
Pangkat Etniko: Boholano
Gantangan, a measuring box.
Kahulugan: Ito ay isang uri na matamis na
pagkain gawa sa gata ng niyog, brown sugar, at
THE FRAMEWORK AND STRUCTURE OF LOCAL giniling na glutinous rice. Maaari rin itong
KNOWLEDGE lasahan ng margarine, peanut butter, o vanilla.

The Talaandig framework of knowledge is

known as “Agpangan” (a frame or design).
Salita: Binaki

Bahagi ng Pananalita: Pangngalan

Pangkat Etniko: Bukidnon
Salita: law-oy
Kahulugan: Ang mga ito ay katangi-tanging
Bahagi ng Pananalita: Pangngalan nakabalot sa balat ng mais at karaniwang
ibinebenta bilang pasalubong at pagkaing kalye
Pangkat Etniko: Bukidnon
sa Northern Mindanao at Cebu.
Kahulugan: isang ulam na sabaw na may gulay,
isda, o iba apng karne at ginataang
pinaasimgamit ang suka o kalamansi Salita: Manisan

Bahagi ng Pananalita: Pang-abay

Salita: Pinakbet Pangkat Etniko: Maguindanaon

Bahagi ng Pananalita: Pangngalan Kahulugan: Nahulugang “Maganda” sa wikang

Pangkat Etniko: Ilokano

Kahulugan: Ang Pinakbet ay gawa sa

pinaghalong gulay na ginisa sa sarsa ng isda o Salita: Dakan
hipon. Ang salita ay ang kinontrata mula sa
Bahagi ng Pananalita: Pangngalan
salitang pinakebbet, na ang ibig sabihin ay
"lumiliit" o "natuyo." Pangkat Etniko: Bukidnon

Kahulugan: Ito ay isang halanan na kung saan

pwede itong ulamin.
Salita: Panlang

Bahagi ng Pananalita: Pandiwa

Salita: Mananabtan
Pangkat Etniko: Bukidnon
Bahagi ng Pananalita: Pangngalan
Kahulugan: isang pagdarasal para sa isang ina na
malapit nang manganak Pangkat Etniko: Cebuano

Kahulugan: Ang taong namumuno sa isang

panalangin o nobena.
Salita: Kalamay
Salita: Naimas

Bahagi ng Pananalita: Pang-abay

Pangkat Etniko: Ilokano

Kahulugan: Nahulugang “masarap” o

“nakakatakam” kapag tinutukoy sa pagkain

Salita: Samayaan

Bahagi ng Pananalita: Pangngalan

Pangkat Etniko: Bukidnon

Kahulugan: Isang ritwal ng buong lugar para sa

pasasalamat sa Poong Maykapal para sa isang
mapayapang taon


Flesh Kitchen, Mothers Farm Area and Territory Land
cooking place Places /Domain
Blood Bamboo tubes Young Fishing and Health and Waters and
/ water jars Women/ Elder washing area Family rivers
Bones, Veins Fireplace Women and Crops, Hunting Economy Plants, trees,
and Stomach Men games, granaries wildlife/ Forest
Legs and Feet Pillars/ Door Young Men Warriors and Defense Force Air
Ladder Male Children Messengers Security
Elder/Elders Blacksmith/ Leadership/ Sun
Eyes Window Parents Artisans Fire/Energy
Old Folks and Oral History, Language Sound
Mouth Receiving Hall children Chants, Folk
Head/ Brain/ Roofing, the Old Folks / Spirituality Beliefs System Spirits
Heart Walls Elders /Shamanism Sensitivity

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