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Seasonal ticket

By. Boja Florian

Spreadsheet Information
In this spreadsheet the main aim is to create a local football club which works on the personal
details and purchase department to forward the idea and show the spreadsheet can manage
information of large quantities for each season ticket holder. I have made tables for each of
the data entered. The first column is named “Surname”, this is to hold the user’s surnames. I
have done the same to the second column which holds the first name of each user. In the third
column I have put the ages of each user, this will allow the program to understand in which
category the user will fall in (e.g. child, adult, concession). This will then automatically be
written in the 9th column where the “Ticket types” are located which will then correctly
assign the user to that ticket.
In the other column I have put postcodes/addresses/telephone numbers and email addresses
these which will be used to track payments of the user and locate him in case of any trouble.
The ticket types then contribute by showing the ticket types for each age group, this is very
useful as the user will know what ticket type, he has gotten and how much money he has
spent on it. Once the user purchases the ticket he will get a “ Date of application” which will
determine when he/she purchased the tickets. The column after that will show if the
application was successful or not.
The user is then required to choose the number of tickets purchased which will then allow
them to enter the personal information about all the other people attending with him. This
will then automatically assign them with the seats allocated to each person and with a unique
ticket code. Lastly each ticket will have the same expiry date which will automatically make
the ticket unavailable after that specific date.

User requirements?
The Football club have asked for a detailed spreadsheet which manages information which
specifies o the clubs. Details will usually include “Personal Information” and what (type of
ticket) criteria, the user will fall under. Also, the spreadsheet, will have to include an area
where the user can identify if the application had been successful or not. Finally, the user will
have a section where the expiry date of the ticket could be entered if at any time the applicant
would like to require into a new Season ticket, they will still have their unique ticket code.

Selected Spreadsheets
1.Ticket Holder spreadsheet
-This will contain the following: contact details, time and dates, seating area, prices,
application result, ticket amounts, seat availability.
2. Summary of Information
- This will contain the following: graphs, charts, pivot tables, calculations, Sand formulas.

Spreadsheet Information
This spreadsheet holds the information of each ticket and seats allocated to each person, also
there are charts and tables where the data is organized and displayed in a user-friendly way.
This worksheet holds all the formulas necessary to link the ticket types to their prices and the
ticket types to the users specified ages. This also holds the available seating area that will be
distributed when the user specifies how many seats they want.
On this worksheet there are two graphs that explain and display the statistics of the seasonal
ticket matches as the it analyses the tickets bought and the tickets approved and makes a bar
chart and a pie chart to represent this data in a organized way. I would also add to this page a
micro button to switch between the worksheets and make it faster for the user to access. `
The user has been asked to create a reliable source of information that is determined by the
number of visits to each game and the amount of money spent at each event.

Plan Feedback
Based on the feedback that I got I will change my spreadsheet and improve it by adding
micro buttons for better accessibility and make the VLOOKUP functions work in a user-
friendly way. This will help me to improve user experience and functionality as the
worksheets will be faster and smoother to navigate then before and this will allow the user to
make better and faster decisions in changing or finding data in the database.

After considering everyone’s feedback this is what I have come up with:

In this design I have improved the accessibility system of the worksheets as I have added
micro buttons which help and benefit transport from one worksheet to another, the buttons
can also be used to faster access data types. In this design I have also improved the formulas
that help the program to automatically set the ticket types and ticket prices based on the users
age, this worked well as I have tested the formulas multiple times and also made different
backups for them.

The design can be taken a step further with a better design by adding more colour and a more
user friendly background to make the worksheet better to view. This can be done by also
adding more colour to the table which can improve the overall appearance of the spreadsheet.

The Test Plan

Test Evidence Successful?
Drop down Menu’s This will be used to hold The drop-down menu was
large amounts of data in indeed successful the first
each cell that can be easily time that it was tested. This
accessed by pressing a helped in storing large
button which then will show amounts of information in
all the available data. These one cell and distributing it
menu’s will be used in the all at any time.
requested ticket amount.
IF statements If statements were used in The IF statements were
this database to determine really helpful as the
“TRUE” or “FALSE” organisation of the seating
matters. They are also used areas are very smooth and
to assigning specific reliable, also the “true or
applicants to specific seating false” are working according
areas. to plan.
to use will require a formula successful as I have
which will connect the ticket allocated all the ages to the
prices to the age groups ticket types which then
which will then display the automatically allocated them
ticket type of (children, to the ticket prices.
adult or concession). The
user can also edit the age so
that if he/she made a
mistake then the formula
will distribute a different
ticket type.
Macro’s I thought of adding Macro’s This was successful and was
which will give me the very useful to the applicant
ability to add buttons to the as the switching between the
spreadsheet, this will give spreadsheets moved
me a faster way to switch smoothly.
between the spreadsheets.
Conditional Formatting The conditional formatting This has been proven to be
will help determine the high really help full as not only
or low probabilities between its user friendly and
scores and locations as it can colourful but also really
be used to show the helpful when checking for
availability of seats at the available seating spaces.
Date of Application The date of application will This is really helpful as we
be shown in the database as can see exactly when each
I want to make the date to ticket was bought.
appear as soon as the user
writes something in the
cells. The date that will be
shown in the cells will be
the specific date it was
written on.

The Formulas used:

VLOOKUP: (=INDEX (Index! N5:N103, MATCH (D5, Index! M5:M103))
-this is used to assign the ages to the ticket type which will be displayed on the screen.)

(=INDEX (Index! C5:C7, MATCH(J5, Index!B5:B7)) -this is used to assign the ticket type
to the amount of money it costs ).
IF statements

availability”, IF(N5=6,”Check Availability”))))

-This will calculate the seating area and determine whether the seat is available or not.



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