VDA Band 05.2 Englisch
VDA Band 05.2 Englisch
VDA Band 05.2 Englisch
Capability of Measurement
Processes for the Torque
Inspection on Bolted Joints
1 edition 2013
1 edition 2013
© 2013 by
Publishing house:
Henrich Druck und Medien GmbH
60528 Frankfurt am Main, Schwanheimer Straße 110
Exclusion of Liability
VDA volumes are recommendations available for general use. Anyone ap-
plying them is responsible for ensuring that they are used correctly in each
This VDA volume takes into account state of the art technology, current at
the time of issue. Implementation of VDA recommendations relieves no one
of responsibility for their own actions. In this respect everyone acts at their
own risk. The VDA and those involved in VDA recommendations shall bear
no liability.
If during the use of VDA recommendations, errors or the possibility of mis-
interpretation are found, it is requested that these be notified to the VDA
immediately so that any possible faults can be corrected.
Referenced standards
The quotations from standards identified with their DIN number and issue
date are reproduced with the permission of the DIN Deutsches Institut für
Normung e.V.
The version with the latest issue date, available from the publishers Beuth
Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, is definitive for the use of the standard.
This publication including all its parts is protected by copyright. Any use out-
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The VDA Volume 5 [1] explains how to meet these various requirements for
reproducible measurable characteristics.
Our thanks also go to all who have given us encouragement and assistance
in generating and improving the document.
Preface 4
1 Introduction 8
4 Measurement Procedures 19
4.1 Static Torque 19
4.1.1 Peak Value Measurement 20
4.1.2 Torque after Applying a Defined Static Torque Angle 20
4.2 Loosening and Re-tightening (Back to Mark) 21
4.3 Minimum Torque (Inspection by Attribute) 22
4.4 Loosening 22
9 Bibliography 40
10 Further Reading 42
12 Index 46
Bolted joints are of high importance in the automotive industry since they
are frequently applied (more than 100 million threaded fasteners are
tightened in German automotive companies per working day).
It has to be destinguished between the actual production process and an
inspection succeeding the production process of a bolted joint. Bolted joints
are assembled by using suitable tools selected according to tightening
specifications. Some of these tools include integrated functions in order to
monitor the process. However, these monitoring functions are not a topic of
this VDA volume. VDA Volume 5.2 is only about the inspection succeeding
the production process.
The most frequently applied type of inspection is based on determining
torques in order to use them as an auxiliary quantity for the actually relevant
preload. Due to the complex relationship between preload and torque (see
Chapter 4), the quality of the “torque” characteristic is not comparable to the
quality of characteristics that can be measured directly. Moreover, multiple
measurements of this characteristic at the same object which are actually
common practice in order to quantify the capability of a measurement
process are not possible at bolted joints. By tightening and loosening the
joint, the condition of the test object changes irreversibly. Thus it is not
possible to use the VDA Volume 5 [1] approach for bolted joints.
The following pragmatic recommendation of how to handle the capability of
measurement processes in case of torque inspections on bolted joints is
based on practical experience. The purpose of this recommendation is to
reduce the required efforts to an adequate degree.The examples described
in this VDA volume help to illustrate this topic. Their notations might differ
from manufacturer specifications.
Torque [Nm]
30 30
Tightening to 50 Nm
Tightening to 35 Nm
20 20
Pause of 60 s Pause of 60 s
10 10
0 0
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 170
Angle [°] Angle [°]
Bolted joint
The bolted joint comprises of all components which are mated in the joint.
Nominal torque Mnom
Default value for the torque in the case of torque controlled tightening (also
assembly or tightening torque MA).
Further Tightening
Rotating the driven fastener of the pre-loaded joint in tightening direction.
Static torque MWG
Torque required to rotate the entire driven fastener (head and thread) of the
bolted joint in tightening direction after initial installation of the joint (see
Figure 1).
Experience has shown that the maximum and minimum tolerance values of
tightening specifications for torque controlled tightening (see Chapter 5) are
frequently not applicable as test limits for the static torque. In practice there
are different approaches for determining test limits in use. They are based
on experience, general default values, back calculation based on recorded
values or on a combination of these approaches (e.g. general default values
for preproduction and start of the series, back calculation during series pro-
duction). The target of these specifications is to reliably detect errors and to
avoid false alarms, i.e. assessing a condition as NOK though it is OK.
The defined test limits can differ for the same bolted joint due to different
boundary conditions (e.g. production in an air-conditioned/not air-
conditioned environment, manual/automated production).
In some cases, it might be necessary to revise the defined test limits due to
changes in the influence factors or on the basis of actual measurement re-
sults. In this respect the test limits for static torques do not have the same
significance as test limits for directly measured characteristics.
3.1 General
Bolted joints are a combination of a bolt and a nut or a male set screw (bolt)
and a female component (nut). The positive locking effect between the
threads of the bolt and the nut determines the effectiveness of the bolted
Figure 4 illustrates a simplified model for a bolted assembly. The bolt can be
regarded as a pull-spring elongating upon applying a torque. The clamped
parts are represented by compression springs compressed as a function of
the applied preload, respectively the acting surface pressure and material
Stability ratio Rework
Counter support Error detection
Material selection Process safety
Savety Error detection Accuracy
Specifications from drawing Threading Drive style
Environment Reliability
Material flow
Mnom = MK + MG + MSt
Figure 7: Basic torque partitioning
The nominal torque Mnom applied to create preload is composed of the head
friction torque MK, the thread friction torque MG and the pitch torque MSt that
actually generates preload (see Figure 7). The formula specifying the rela-
tion between the applied nominal torque Mnom and the achieved assembly
preload FM for metric screw threads according to ISO 68-1 [3] is as follows
(compare VDI 2230 [2]):
M nom FM 0.16 P 0.58 d 2 μG Km μK
The tightening factor A expresses the relation between the minimum and
maximum assembly preload:
FM max
FM min
For torque-controlled tightening, the tightening factor A is in the size of ap-
prox. 2.
The theoretical static torque for a static torque angle of 0 deg cannot be
measured directly. The methods applied in practice provide an approximate
value leading to a similar result compared to the theoretical static torque in
case the friction conditions remain the same. Chapter 5 provides more de-
tailed information about the occurring influence factors. The next two sec-
tions present the two methods that are most common in practice. However,
there are further procedures whose evaluation is based on mathematical
Start of rotaion Further tightening
60 of the head process
1. Put a mark on the assembled bolt head or nut of the bolted joint
to be checked. This mark is to indicate the position of the
head/nut in reference to the clamped component.
3. Re-tighten the bolted joint again until the mark of the driven fas-
tener (bolt head/nut) is in the initial position again. The recorded
maximum torque represents the torque of the available bolted
The correct application of this procedure helps to avoid the further tighten-
ing process and thus the increase of the current torque and preload values.
However, the available friction conditions change by loosening the bolted
joint, e.g. the loosening process carries off oil. This is a disadvantage be-
cause a change of the conditions might distort the test results.
4.4 Loosening
Figure 12:
production process process evaluation method Environment
Surface finishes
The surface finsihes (structure, roughness, flatnes, lacquer thickness,
contamination and changes in these characteristics during the bolting
process) change the friction behavior and affect the measurement result.
Coefficient of friction
The coefficients of friction are factors connecting preload and nominal
torque. They are significantly influenced by the surface coatings of the
threaded fasteners and clamped parts. Other influence components are
temperature and humidity. Definition and determination of the friction co-
efficients are given in ISO 16047 [6].
Torque [Nm]
Without extension
With extension
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Angle [°]
Figure 14: Measurement of the same bolted joint with and without extension.
Static torque angle of 10° deg starting from 65 Nm (50% of the
nominal torque)
Measurement process
Work movement during the
The temporal and spatial work movement
during a manual measurement (speed,
conformity, tilting) may affect the mea-
surement in different ways. As an example,
the coefficient of friction can depend on the
sliding speed at thecontact zones with
thread and underhead (see Figure 15).
Figure 15: Further tightening with
1 RPM and 5 RPM on
cathodic dip-paint coating
Inspection time
Describes the inspection time after the production process is completed.
The following factors influence the selected inspection time: accessibility,
application of screws with an adhesive coating (according to e.g. DIN
267-27 [7] the bolted assembly or, if necessary, the inspection of the
torque must be completed within 5 minutes), settling and relaxation
characteristics, condition of the test object (prior to/after operating load),
temperature of the part.
1 Meet require-
7 ments for D&D
no No subsequent
7 Inspection
required? inspection
3 Select test
yes 4 Select
Inspection by attribute test
attribute? equipment
5 Select meas-
uring equipment
6 Set require-
ments for meas-
urement process
7 Perform
8 Analyze
measurement data
9 yes
Ppk ≥ target Capability of mea-
value? surement process
10 Analyze un-
certainty compo-
Note 2: Further specifications of the limit were renounced. The proposed limit
serves as a guide value that cannot be generalized in any case. In
individual cases, the limit must be agreed upon between supplier and
customer. If the proposed limit is unrealistic, individual agreements must
be made depending on the respective characteristic and its specifications
(wide or narrow/very narrow tolerances). It is important always to take into
account the entire measurement process. In order to determine the limit, it
is necessary to consider economic and technical requirements. For this
reasons, the limit should be as wide as possible and as narrow as
By selecting staff with the required qualification for this task, it is ensured
that the human factor only slightly affects the measurement process.
Repeatability on test Due to the changes of the test object in the inspec- Experiment
objects without op- tion, torque measurements can only be taken from according
erator influence uEVO different test objects. Thus the influences of the to type-2
production and the measurement process cannot be study [1]
clearly separated. However, if the requirements for
Reproducibility of a stable production process are met, significant dif-
the equal measuring ferences due to the specified influence components
systems can be detected.
Reproducibility over
time An inspection of the specified influence components
is restricted to the analysis in each individual case.
Form deviation / sur-
face finish / material
property of the test
Uncertainty from
Uncertainty from
other influence
inspector 1: mean of the static torque angle < α WP1 > = 2.79° deg
standard deviation of the static
torque angle s WP1 = 0.51° deg
inspector 2: mean of the static torque angle < α WP2 > = 2.72° deg,
uEVO m
sWP1 sWP2 α WP1 α WP2
uAV m *
2 d2
uEVO ≈ 0.6 Nm uAV ≈ 0.1 Nm
where d2 = 1.41 (2 inspectors)
Wstatic torque angle
uw measurement uncertainty of the
static torque angle from
s WP1 s WP2 and αWP1 αWP2
uDW measurement uncertainty of static
torque due to uw
m slope of the torque-angle curve
during further tightening
uEVO m
sWPi u AV m
α WPi max α WPi min
5 d2 *
uEVO ≈ 1.1 Nm uAV ≈ 1.8 Nm
where d2 =2.48 (5 inspectors)
uEVO u AV srest
2 2 2
sRest includes all influences from the production and measurement process
that have not been considered in detail. uEVO =1.1 Nm and uAV = 1.8 Nm
lead to
srest = 2.02 Nm
If the uncertainty components uAV and uEVO can be lowered to the level
reached in Example 1 by providing suitable training to the inspectors, the
calculated standard deviation sopt following the optimization of the inspection
process amounts to
Symbol Term
pitch angle
A tightening factor
W static torque angle
WPi static torque angle of operator i
<WPi>min, minimum, maximum mean of the static torque angle of all
<WPi>max operators
µG coefficient of friction in the thread
µK coefficient of friction between bearing surfaces (under nut
or bolt head)
d thread diameter
d2 pitch diameter
d2 factor of range method in accordance with MSA
DKm effective diameter for the friction in the bolt head or nut
bearing area/effective friction diameter
F force
FA axial applied load
FKR residual clamping force
FM assembly preload
FM min, FM max minimum, maximum assembly preload
fP shortening of the clamped part caused by preload FV
FPA force fraction to load release
fPA shortening of the clamped parts
FS bolt force
fS bolt elongation due to preload FV
FSA additional axial bolt deformation force
fSA bolt elongation due to applied load
FV preload (after settling)
k coverage factor
L minimum value L (limit specifying the lower limiting value)
m slope/gradient of the torque-angle curve during further
Mnom nominal torque
MG thread friction torque
MK head friction torque
MLG torque to un-tighten/loosen
definition in accordance with VDA 235-203 [5]
MLH breakaway torque in loosening direction
definition according to VDA 235-203 [5]