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Cambridge Primary Checkpoint

SCIENCE 0846/01
Paper 1 October 2021
45 minutes

BANK You must answer on the question paper.

No additional materials are needed.

• Answer all questions.
• Use a black or dark blue pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
• Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the boxes at the top of the page.

SCIENCE • Write your answer to each question in the space provided.

• Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid.
• Do not write on any bar codes.
• You should show all your working in the booklet.
• You may use a calculator.


Cambridge Primary
• The total mark for this paper is 50.
• The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].

Checkpoint - Year 6

Questions from Cambridge past year papers
Cambridge progression test papers

This document has 24 pages. Any blank pages are indicated.

IB21 10_0846_01/7RP
© UCLES 2021 [Turn over
2 3

1 Lily pollinates a flower using a cotton bud. 2 (b) Lily uses X to pollinate the flower.

What part of the flower is pollinated?

Circle the correct answer.

anther ovum petal stamen stigma [1]

Lily (c) Lily uses a cotton bud to pollinate a flower.

flower Write down the name of one animal that pollinates a flower.
cotton bud

2 Complete the sentences about sound.

A sound is made when an object .

(a) Lily draws a picture of the cotton bud.
The describes how high or low a sound is.

Sounds can also be loud or .


cotton bud

X are made by the male organ of a flower.

Write down the name of X.


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4 5

3 Mia and Safia use a compass to test different materials. 5 Mike connects an electrical circuit.
compass needle





The compass needle moves when the needle is near a magnetic material. Both lamps light up.
Complete the sentence.
Complete the circuit diagram for his electrical circuit.
Choose from the list.
Choose from these symbols.




The compass needle moves when the needle is near and


4 Copper is a very useful material.

Copper is used to make cooking pots and electrical wires.

Tick () the correct property of copper.

dull [3]

high melting point


soluble in water


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6 7

6 (a) The diagram shows the bones and muscles of the arm. 7 Chen makes a model of part of the Solar System.

Not drawn to scale

muscle A

muscle B
(a) Chen has not labelled the model.

Draw a line from each letter to the correct label.

Describe what happens to muscles A and B when you straighten your arm.

muscle A letter label

muscle B A axis

(b) This picture shows part of the skeleton. B Earth

C orbit

D Sun

(b) What causes the apparent movement of the Sun across the sky?

This part of the skeleton protects two organs. [1]

Write down the names of these two organs.

. (c) How much time does it take for D to completely travel around B?
and [1] [1]

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8 9

8 Gabriella investigates what happens when substances are added to water. (b) Sodium chloride dissolves in water.

Gabriella: This process is reversible.

• puts 10 cm3 of cold water in a test-tube Describe how Gabriella reverses this process to get solid sodium chloride.

• measures the temperature of the water at the start

• adds 1 g of substance to the water

• stirs the mixture

(c) Look at the table.
• measures the temperature of the water at the end.
What evidence is there that adding calcium to water is an irreversible process?
Here is her results table.

temperature temperature of [1]

appearance other
substance of water at water at end
of substance observations
start in °C in °C

dissolves to give
ammonium white
20 10 a colourless
chloride solid

fizzes and gives

silver / grey off a colourless
calcium 20 30
solid gas and makes
a milky solution

dissolves to give
ethanol 20 20 a colourless

dissolves to give
sodium white
20 20 a colourless
chloride solid

(a) Gabriella wants to use one of the substances to cool some water.

Write down the name of the substance she uses.


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10 11

9 Blessy heats some materials in a test-tube. (d) One of the materials is water.

Write down the letter of the material that is water.


Explain your answer.

Here is her results table.
(e) Blessy heats material C.
material appearance of material observations when heated
She predicts the mass of the test-tube and its contents will change.
A colourless solid turns into a colourless liquid
Blessy measures the mass of the test-tube and its contents before she heats
material C.
B white solid remains a white solid
What other measurement does she make to see if her prediction is correct?
C green solid changes to a black solid

D white solid changes into a colourless liquid

E colourless liquid turns into steam

(a) Name one piece of safety equipment Blessy wears during the experiment.


(b) Two of the materials melt when heated.

Write down the letters of the two materials that melt when heated.

and [1]

(c) One of the materials does not change when heated.

Write down the letter of the material that does not change when heated.


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12 13

10 Forces are measured using forcemeters. (c) There is a pattern in the results.

Complete the sentence.

N0 N0 N0 N0 N0
1 1 1 1 1 As the number of masses increases the reading on the forcemeter
2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3
forcemeter 4
. [1]
6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9 9
10 10 10 10 10
(d) Predict the result when 8 masses are put on the forcemeter.

N [1]



(a) What is the reading on forcemeter B?

N [1]

(b) Complete the results in the table.

One has been done for you.

number of masses force in N

2 2


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14 15

11 Hassan and Jamila grow plants in different coloured bottles. 12 (b) Use the picture to decide which coloured bottle is best for plants to grow.

clear red Complete the sentences.

green blue
bottle bottle bottle bottle
Choose words from the list.

biggest blue green more

less red smallest clear

The plants grow best in the bottle.

This is because the plants in this bottle are .

The conclusion will be more reliable if they put plants

in each bottle.

(c) What does light give to the plants to help them grow?

Circle the best answer.

(a) Hassan wants to make the test fair.
He puts the same amount of soil in each bottle.
Write down one other factor Hassan keeps the same.

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16 17

13 Carlos uses his lungs to get oxygen into his body. 13 Aiko investigates shadows.

(a) Describe how the oxygen gets to all parts of his body. She puts a star-shaped piece of card between a light source and a white screen.


(b) Carlos needs oxygen in all parts of his body.

Write down two reasons why Carlos needs oxygen.

light source card white screen


(a) Why does the card form a shadow?


(b) Aiko moves the card closer to the light source.

What happens to the shadow?


(c) Aiko changes the white screen to a mirror.

She sees the star in the mirror.

Explain why she sees the star in the mirror.


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18 19

14 The freezing point of a material is the temperature when a liquid becomes a solid. 15 Food chains are made up of producers, consumers, predators and prey.

(a) What is the meaning of the words boiling point? (a) What is a producer?

[1] [1]

(b) Write down the temperature of the boiling point of water. (b) What is a consumer?

Include the units.

[1] [1]

(c) What is the meaning of the words melting point? (c) What is a predator?

[1] [1]

(d) Write down the temperature of the melting point of water. (d) The number of predators in a food chain increases.

Include the units. What happens to the number of their prey?

[1] Circle the best answer.

always doubles

always halves



stays the same


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Cambridge Primary Checkpoint

SCIENCE 0846/01
Paper 1 April 2022
45 minutes

You must answer on the question paper.

No additional materials are needed.

• Answer all questions.
• Use a black or dark blue pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
• Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the boxes at the top of the page.
• Write your answer to each question in the space provided.
• Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid.
• Do not write on any bar codes.
• You should show all your working in the booklet.
• You may use a calculator.

• The total mark for this paper is 50.
• The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].

This document has 20 pages. Any blank pages are indicated.

IB22 05_0846_01/6RP
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© UCLES 2021 0846/01/O/N/21

2 3

1 Apple trees have a lifecycle. 2 This is a question about sound.

A Which of these sentences are true and which are false?

Tick () the correct box next to each sentence.

true false
apple tree Pitch is the same as volume.

Pitch is a force.

C Sounds are made when objects vibrate.


Sounds are sometimes loud or quiet.

(a) Which letter shows germination?

Circle the correct answer. Sound is measured in Newtons.

A B C D E [2]

(b) Explain how the apple tree is pollinated.


© UCLES 2022 0846/01/A/M/22 © UCLES 2022 0846/01/A/M/22 [Turn over

4 5

3 Here is a food chain. 4 The table shows different ways to separate mixtures.

Tick () the boxes to show how each mixture is separated.

magnetic add water sieve the
mixture all the
attraction then filter mixture

bush aphid ladybird bird hawk salt solution

(a) How many consumers are in this food chain? salt and sand
Circle the correct answer.
lumps of iron
1 2 3 4 5 [1] and
iron powder
(b) Name all the predators in this food chain.

[1] iron and sand

copper powder
steel powder


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6 7

5 (a)
This is a question about light. 6 Carlos and Rajiv put things into two groups.

(a) Complete the sentences. They draw a table.

Materials that allow light to pass through are . living things non-living things

Materials that do not allow light to pass through are . bird rock
[2] human plastic

horse tree
(b) Jamila uses a periscope.
flower salt
light source

(a) Which thing is in the wrong group?

Circle the correct answer.

bird horse plastic tree salt

eye [1]

(b) Living things have the life process of growing.

Write down three other life processes that living things have.

There are two mirrors in the periscope. 3
Draw a ray of light from the light source through the periscope to Jamila’s eye. [3]

Draw an arrow on your ray of light to show the direction the ray of light travels.


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8 9

7 Oliver makes an electrical circuit. 8 Priya investigates the melting point of some unknown substances.

Look at his electrical circuit. Here are the results of her investigation.

W melting point
in °C

A 15
X B 76
C 100

Y D 0
E 26

(a) Complete the sentence.

(a) Write down the name of each part in the table.
Choose from the list.
part name
gas liquid solid
The temperature in the laboratory is 25 °C.
Substance E is a in the laboratory. [1]

(b) Priya thinks that substance D is water.
Explain why.

(b) Oliver draws his electrical circuit using symbols.

Circle the correct diagram.

(c) Priya finds more information so she knows substance D is water.

Suggest what information she finds.



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10 11

9 Humans have a positive effect and a negative effect on the environment. 10 Look at the diagram.

(a) Which statements are positive effects and which are negative effects?

Tick () the correct box.

statement positive effect negative effect

dropping litter X

protecting habitats


using more energy


(b) Humans pollute rivers. (a) Write down the name of organ X.
Write down one reason why humans need to stop polluting rivers. [1]

[1] (b) Write down the function of organ X and explain how this function keeps us




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12 13

11 Mike finds information about different planets. 12 Blessy investigates which metal is the strongest wire.

She uses this equipment.

number of
Earth years order of planets
to move around from the Sun
the Sun
metal wire

Earth 1 3
Jupiter 12 5
She measures how much mass is added to break the metal wire.
Mars 2 4
Blessy tests five different metals.
Uranus 84 7
Here are her results.
Saturn 29 6
mass added to break the metal wire
metal wire
in kg
(a) The Earth is the shortest distance from the Sun. aluminium 4
iron 12
Which planet is the longest distance from the Sun?
nickel 20
Circle the correct answer.
steel 18
Jupiter Mars Uranus Saturn tin 0.5

(b) How many planets take more Earth years than Jupiter to move around the (a) Put the metals in order of strength.
Sun? strongest
Circle the correct answer.

1 2 3 4 5

(c) Mike says, weakest [1]

‘There is a pattern in the results.

I see the pattern when I put the planets in order from the Sun.’ (b) Steel is a mixture of iron and carbon.

Complete the sentence to describe the pattern. Suggest the effect of adding carbon to iron.
As the order of the planets from the Sun increases the Use her results.
. [1] [1]

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14 15

13 Mia and Chen investigate how the length of a candle affects the time it takes to (b) Which length of candle takes the least time to burn completely?
burn completely.
cm [1]
The table shows the time it takes for different lengths of candle to burn completely.

candle length time to burn completely (c) Predict how long it takes a 3 cm candle to burn completely.
in cm in minutes
minutes [1]
1 75

2 150 (d) Mia says,

4 300 ‘I think our investigation was not a fair test.’
5 370 Suggest one reason why Mia thinks their investigation was not a fair test.

(a) Draw a line graph to show their results. [1]





in minutes 250




0 1 2 3 4 5
length of candle
in cm

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16 17

14 This is a question about forces. (d) The car is moving.

(a) Write down the name of the equipment we use to measure force.

[1] 1000 N 2500 N

(b) The tractor is moving. What happens to the speed of the car?

Circle the correct answer.

2000 N 500 N decreases


decreases and increases

Circle the correct box that shows the direction the tractor moves.
stays the same


(c) The boat is moving.

Circle the correct box to show the direction of the force of gravity.


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18 19

15 When humans grow their skeletons grow. (c) When is the human brain 1.0 kg?

Here is some information about the mass of the human brain as humans grow. Circle the correct answer.

1.5 age 0.5 years

age 1 year

1.0 age 2 years

brain mass
in kg age 3 years

0.5 age 4 – 5 years


0 0.5 1 2 3 4–5 6–7 8–9 10–12 13–15 16–18 (d) Predict when the skeleton grows at the fastest rate.
in years Use the information in the bar chart to help you.

Circle the correct answer.

(a) What part of the skeleton surrounds and protects the brain?

[1] between the ages of 0 years to 0.5 years

between the ages of 0.5 years to 1 year

(b) Complete the sentences to describe what happens to the mass of the human between the ages of 1 year to 2 years
between the ages of 2 years to 3 years
Between the ages of 0 and 6 – 7 years the mass of the human brain

. between the ages of 3 years to 4 – 5 years

Between the ages of 6 – 7 and 8 – 9 years the mass of the human brain

Between the ages of 8 – 9 and 16 –18 years the mass of the human brain


© UCLES 2022 0846/01/A/M/22 © UCLES 2022 0846/01/A/M/22


1 The three states of matter are solid, liquid and gas.

Here is a diagram of the three states of matter of water.

Cambridge Primary Checkpoint
process X boiling
substance liquid substance
A water B
process Y process Z

(a) Name substance A and substance B.


SCIENCE 0846/02 A
Paper 2 April 2022
45 minutes
You must answer on the question paper.

No additional materials are needed.

(b) Name process X.

• Answer all questions.
• Use a black or dark blue pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
• Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the boxes at the top of the page. (c) Name process Y.
• Write your answer to each question in the space provided.
• Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid. [1]
• Do not write on any bar codes.
• You should show all your working in the booklet.
• You may use a calculator.
(d) Name process Z.

• The total mark for this paper is 50.
• The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].

This document has 20 pages.

IB22 05_0846_02/9RP
© UCLES 2022 [Turn over

© UCLES 2022 0846/02/A/M/22

3 4

2 The diagram shows a man parachuting. 3 Blessy investigates sinking.

Blessy uses a rubber ball that does not sink in water.

She adds one pin to the rubber ball then puts the rubber ball in the water.

She observes if the rubber ball sinks.

Here is part of her method.

collect a beaker of
water, pins and a
rubber ball

add onerubber
put the pin to the
ball in ball
rubber the water
and put
(a) A force slows the speed of the man.
it in the water
Write down the name of this force.

[1] record how many

no yes
B A pins are in the
rubber ball
(b) The weight of the man pulls him towards the Earth.
(a) A question is missing from box A in her method.
Weight is different to mass.
Write down this missing question.
Complete the sentences about the difference between weight and mass.

The unit of weight is .

The unit of mass is .


(b) An instruction is missing from box B in her method.

Write down this missing instruction.


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5 6

4 Plants have life cycles. 5 Ahmed ties three balloons to an empty drink container.

Look at part of the life cycle of a plant.

fertilisation seed production stage X germination

(a) Describe what happens during stage X.


drink container
(b) Suggest why stage X occurs during the life cycle of a plant. top of
[1] table

(c) Complete the sentence. He puts the drink container above the top of the table.
Seed production happens in the of a plant. [1] The forces are balanced so the drink container does not move.

(a) Ahmed measures the distance between the drink container and the top of the
(d) Complete the sentence. table.
Fertilisation happens when
Name the equipment he uses to measure the distance.
. [1]

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7 8

(b) Ahmed repeats the investigation with a smaller drink container. 7 Jamila finds pictures of different animals on the internet.

To make the forces balance he adds water to the smaller drink container.

Ahmed measures the water.

6 fox pygmy slow loris sloth
water 5

Complete the sentences.

Ahmed measures the water in a .

The volume of water he measures is cm .
[2] spoonbill eagle camel

6 This question is about dissolving. Complete the sentences using these animals.
Draw a line between the word and its correct meaning. (a) The animal that grips and tears the flesh of its prey is the
word meaning .

It grips its prey because it has

insoluble a solid that dissolves in water
soluble the liquid that dissolves a solid
(b) The animal that hears its prey when it is a long distance away is the

solution a solid that does not dissolve in water .

It hears its prey because it has

solvent a mixture of a dissolved solid and water ·
[3] [2]

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9 10

8 Mia is playing a guitar. 9 Oliver investigates shadows.

He makes a butterfly shape.

transparent material
butterfly shape

opaque material

(a) Complete the sentence.

Mia hears the guitar because the air between the guitar and her ear

. [1]

He shines a light on the butterfly shape.

(b) Complete the sentence.
A shadow is made on a screen.
Changing the length of the guitar string will change the

of the sound. [1] (a) Draw the shadow Oliver sees on the screen.

(c) Complete the sentence.

Plucking the guitar string with more force will make the sound

. [1]



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11 12

(b) The butterfly is moved closer to the screen. 10 Different materials have different properties.

The light is not moved. Draw a line between each material and its correct property.

Describe what happens to the shadow. material property

[1] colourless gas

copper attracted towards a magnet

gasoline silver liquid

oxygen red-brown
pink solidsolid

salt flammable

steel white solid


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13 14

11 Safia connects an electrical circuit. 12 Class 6 investigate where insects live.

switch cell They look under logs of wood.

logs of wood
at the top of
wire the pile

lamp A lamp B
logs of wood
Lamp A does not light. at the bottom
of the pile
(a) Safia says,
‘Lamp B will light.’

Tick () to show if Safia is correct.

yes no They count the number of insects under each log.

Explain your answer. (a) Class 6 make their investigation a fair test.

Circle one way they make their investigation a fair test.

add water to each log
(b) What does Safia do to make lamp A light?
different children count the number of insects
only count the first ten insects

(c) What flows through the electrical circuit when lamp A lights? use gloves to lift the logs

[1] use the same size logs


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15 16

(b) The class make a prediction, 13 Chen cooks some rice.

He puts the rice in boiling water.

‘Most of the insects will be found under
the logs at the bottom of the pile. He keeps the water boiling for 15 minutes until the rice is cooked.
The reason is that the logs at the bottom
of the pile are cooler.’ (a) What is the temperature of the boiling water?

Write down two other reasons why they make this prediction.

(b) Describe how Chen separates the rice from the water.
The logs at the bottom of the pile are

The logs at the bottom of the pile are

. (c)
(b) What type of change is cooking rice?

[2] Tick () the correct answer.

(c) They measure the temperature under the logs at the bottom of the pile. reversible irreversible

Name the equipment they use to measure the temperature. Explain your answer.


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17 18

14 Pierre and Youssef make a model of a part of the Solar System. 15 The diagram shows the outline of a body.




Not drawn to scale

(a) Write down the name of the path labelled X.


(b) Pierre says,

‘The Earth spins on its axis once a day.’

Tick () two sentences that show Pierre is correct.


Different parts of the Earth are in day or night. (a) Which label on the outline of the body shows the position of the brain?

Circle the correct answer.

The Earth moves around the Sun.

A B C D E [1]
The Moon moves around the Earth.

There are 12 months in a year.

There are 24 hours in a day.


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19 20

(b) Look at the picture of an organ. 16 Here is a table of information about some materials.

does it have a
is it attracted to a
material melting point is it transparent?
below 20 °C?
A no no yes

B no no no
Which label on the outline of the body shows the position of this organ?
C no yes yes
Circle the correct answer.
D yes no no
A B C D E [1] E no yes no

(c) What is the function of this organ? One of the materials is water.

Circle the correct answer. Circle the material that is water.

chewing food A B C D E
breaking down poisons

digesting food

taking in oxygen


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1 Pierre and Yuri draw a diagram of the human body.

Cambridge Primary Checkpoint top of diagram


SCIENCE 0846/01
Paper 1 October 2022
45 minutes

You must answer on the question paper.

No additional materials are needed.

INSTRUCTIONS bottom of diagram

• Answer all questions.
• Use a black or dark blue pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
• Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the boxes at the top of the page.
• Write your answer to each question in the space provided. They want to draw five different organs.
• Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid.
• Do not write on any bar codes. brain
• You should show all your working in the booklet.
• You may use a calculator. heart

• The total mark for this paper is 50.
• The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ]. lungs


This document has 20 pages. Any blank pages are indicated.

IB22 10_0846_01/7RP
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© UCLES 2022 0846/01/O/N/22

3 4

Put the organs in order from the top of the diagram to the bottom of the diagram. 2 (a) Look at the pictures of magnets.

One has been done for you. What happens to the magnets?

Tick () the correct box.

top of the diagram attract repel


bottom of the diagram



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5 6

(b) Magnets attract some metals. 4 Seeds are dispersed by different methods.

Which metal is attracted to a magnet? (a) Complete the table.

Circle the correct answer.
seed dispersed by


cherry ..............................


dandelion ..............................
3 A fizzy drinks bottle is made from clear plastic.

Draw a line between each property of the plastic and the reason the plastic is
used to make the bottle.
property reason
maple ..............................
so the water in the drink does not
dissolve the bottle

so the plastic does not
poison the drink sandbur ..............................

insoluble in water
so the bottle is cheap to make

non-toxic so you can see the drink ..............................

witch hazel
inside the bottle
so the plastic does not break
shatterproof if it is dropped
(b) Germination and seed dispersal are two parts of the life cycle of a plant.

so the bottle keeps its shape Write down two other parts of the life cycle of a plant.
so the bottle can be 2
recycled easily

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7 8

5 This question is about the movement of the Earth around the Sun. 7 Mia is roller-skating.

Earth Mia
Sun X

Z roller skates
Not drawn to scale

The Earth moves around the Sun in the direction shown by the arrow.

Write down the time it takes the Earth to move from: Mia wants to reduce the friction between the ground and her roller skates.
X to Y
Write down two ways she can reduce this friction.
Y to Z
Y to X
6 Acetone is a solvent.

It has a low boiling point and evaporates easily.

(a) What is the meaning of the word solvent?


(b) Complete the sentence about the meaning of boiling point.

Boiling point is the at which a

becomes a .

(c) The evaporation of acetone is a reversible process.

Explain why.


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9 10

8 The diagram shows living things in a food chain. 9 The diagram shows the volume of different sounds.


jet plane 150


grass grasshopper frog snake bird 130

120 drill
(a) Food chains have arrows to show the feeding relationship.
industrial noise 110
Draw four arrows on the diagram to show the correct feeding relationship. [1]
100 stereo music

(b) Which animal in the diagram is the prey of the snake? inside car 90

[1] 80
70 office

(c) Food chains contain producers and consumers. home 60

50 wind turbine
Explain the difference between producers and consumers.
bedroom 30
falling leaf 10

(a) Volume is measured in decibels.

Which piece of equipment measures decibels?


(b) Use the diagram to complete these sentences.

The volume inside a car is decibels.
The object with the lowest volume of sound is .

The object that has a volume of 50 decibels is .


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11 12

(c) Loud sounds may damage our hearing. 10 Safia heats a white solid substance.

It is not safe to hear sounds above 109 decibels. She measures the temperature of the substance every minute.

How many objects in the table produce sounds that are above 109 decibels? She plots her results on a line graph.

[1] Here is her graph.

10 The human body has many organs.
Draw a line to match each organ to its correct function.
organ function
heart filters blood and makes urine
in °C 25
kidney pumps blood
large intestine digests food 15

skin protects and feels

stomach takes water back into the body 0

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[2] in minutes

(a) Safia thinks the result at 7 minutes is incorrect.

Suggest why she thinks the result is incorrect.


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13 14

(b) Safia says, 12

11 Blessy wants to find out how exercise changes her heart rate.

‘The temperature keeps going up the longer I heat the substance.’ She uses this equipment.

Tick () to show if Safia is correct.

yes no

Explain your answer using information from the line graph.

heart-rate monitor

[1] (a) What does the reading of 98 mean?

Circle the correct answer.

(c) Safia decides to repeat her experiment to get a second set of results.
98 heart beats in one day
Explain why this is a good idea.
98 heart beats in one hour

98 heart beats in one minute

98 heart beats in one month

98 heart beats in one second


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15 16

(b) Blessy writes a sentence in her book. 13

12 Chen uses a mirror to look at the reflection of a candle.

I need to measure the heart rate for the same length of time. mirror

Which one of the following describes this sentence?

Circle the correct answer.

a conclusion

a fair test

a prediction eye candle

a result
(a) Draw light rays to show how Chen sees the reflection of the candle. [3]
a question
(b) Mirrors reflect light to produce a clear image of the object.

(c) Blessy does an experiment. Circle one other object that reflects light to produce a clear image.

She then writes this sentence in her book. black card

china mug
The more exercise I do the higher the heart rate.
shiny metal saucepan

Which one of the following describes this sentence? wooden ruler

Circle the correct answer. wool coat

a conclusion [1]

a fair test

a method

a prediction

a question

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17 18

13 The three states of matter are solid, liquid and gas. 15
14 Hassan and Lily measure light intensity.

Look at the flowchart. They measure light intensity in different places.

It shows what processes take place when water changes between the three states
of matter.

water vapour

light intensity
process D equipment

process C

process A
ice liquid water
process B
(a) Hassan says,
(a) Write down the name of process A.
‘I predict that the outside has a higher light
intensity than in the classroom.’

Explain why the light intensity is different outside compared to in the classroom.
(b) Write down the name of process B.


(c) Write down the name of process C.

(b) Lily draws a table of results.
light intensity
in units
(d) Write down the name of process D.

[1] field 8

playground 9

classroom 6

dining room 5

cupboard 2

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19 20

15 Complete the bar chart: BLANK PAGE

• draw the two other bars

• write the names of the places under the bars.


light 6
units 4

16 ................... ................... ................... ................... ...................

(c) Hassan made the prediction,

‘I predict that the outside has a higher light

intensity than in the classroom.’

Hassan is correct.

Use the results in the table to explain why.


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reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the
publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.

To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge
Assessment International Education Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download
at after the live examination series.

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Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is a department of the University of Cambridge.

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1 The diagram shows an ocean food web.

Cambridge Primary Checkpoint



SCIENCE 0097/01
Paper 1 April 2023 sea otter
35 minutes

You must answer on the question paper.

sea urchin
No additional materials are needed.

• Answer all questions.
• Use a black or dark blue pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
• Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the boxes at the top of the page.
• Write your answer to each question in the space provided. Not drawn to scale
• Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid.
• Do not write on any bar codes.
• You should show all your working in the booklet.
(a) Write down a food chain from the food web that includes the fish.
• You may use a calculator.

• The total mark for this paper is 40.
(b) Write down the name of one herbivore in the food web.
• The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].

(c) A toxic substance enters the ocean.

The kelp absorbs this toxic substance.

Explain how this toxic substance moves from the kelp to the sea otter.


This document has 16 pages. Any blank pages are indicated.

(d) Write down the name of the energy source for the food web.
IB23 05_0097_01/3RP
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3 4

2 Rajiv adds a piece of iron to copper sulfate solution. 3 There are different types of electrical circuits.

A chemical reaction takes place and the mixture becomes warmer. (a) Symbols are used to draw electrical circuits.

Iron is a grey solid and copper sulfate is a blue solution. Complete the table by writing one name and drawing three symbols.

After five minutes the iron is covered by a pink solid because copper is made.
name diagram symbol
The solution changes colour to green because iron sulfate is made.

(a) Write down the name of one reactant in this chemical reaction.

(b) Write down one observation that shows this chemical reaction takes place.

[1] ......................

(c) Describe one measurement Rajiv makes that shows a chemical reaction
takes place. lamp



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5 6

(b) Chen makes two different electrical circuits. 4 Planet Earth has rocks and soil.

He uses: (a) The three rock types are metamorphic, igneous and sedimentary.

• two identical lamps in each circuit Draw a line to match each rock type to its correct description.
• one cell in each circuit. rock type description
Complete the table by drawing two circuit diagrams. a very hard rock formed
metamorphic when lava from volcanoes
type of circuit circuit diagram cools

a very hard rock formed

igneous from other rocks using
heat and pressure

series formed when tiny pieces of

rock are pressed together


(b) Fossils form in sedimentary rocks.

The pictures show how a fossil of an ammonite is formed and found.


parallel ammonite


Write descriptions for pictures B and D.

A Ammonite dies and falls to the bottom of the sea.

B .

(c) Complete the conclusion. C Over millions of years the sedimentary rock moves.

The lamps are the brightest in the circuit D .

because . [1] [2]

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7 8

(c) Mike compares two soils.

5 Increase in height is one physical change that happens to females during puberty.

Describe two other physical changes that happen to females during puberty.


soil A soil B

Soils are made from a mixture of:

• clay

• sand

• organic matter

Complete the sentences.

Soil A is mostly made from because

Soil B is mostly made from because


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9 10

6 Safia investigates how the temperature of water affects the time taken for a salt tablet (b) Safia uses equipment to accurately measure 25 cm3 of water and the time
to dissolve completely. taken.

In her first experiment Safia: Complete the sentences.

• puts 25 cm3 of water into a beaker To accurately measure 25 cm3 of water, Safia uses a .

• measures the temperature of the water To accurately measure the time taken, Safia uses a .
• adds a salt tablet to the water

• stirs the salt tablet and water until the salt tablet dissolves
(c) Safia wants to make her results more reliable.
• records the time taken for the salt tablet to dissolve completely. Describe what she does to make her results more reliable.
Safia repeats the experiment four more times using water at different temperatures.

(a) Look at the table of results. [1]

experiment temperature of water time taken to dissolve

(d) The rate of dissolving increases as the temperature of water increases.
number in °C in seconds
1 .................... 82 Explain why.
2 37 41 Use ideas about the particle model.
3 45 24

4 54 12 [1]
5 64 6

Look at the diagram of part of a thermometer showing the temperature reading for
experiment 1.




Record this temperature reading in the table of results.


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11 12

7 Blessy makes a model of the Solar System. 8 Force diagrams are used to show the size and direction of forces.
Look at the two force diagrams.

200 N 200 N

force diagram A

300 N 200 N

(a) Write down two ways this model helps Blessy understand the Solar System.

1 force diagram B

(a) One of the arrows is labelled 300 N.

2 Complete the sentences.

N is used because it measures .

[2] kg is not used because it measures .
(b) Write down one way this model does not help Blessy understand the Solar
System. (b) Describe what happens in force diagram A.

[1] [1]

(c) Describe and explain what happens in force diagram B.




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13 14

9 Jamila heats 3.5 g of solid zinc carbonate. 10 Priya investigates the spread of mould.

Look at the diagram of the equipment Jamila uses. Mould is a type of fungus.


• puts one slice of bread into four different plastic bags

• prepares each slice of bread differently

• seals each bag closed

zinc carbonate
• leaves the slices of bread for three days.

heat The diagram shows one of the slices of bread at the start of the investigation.

Jamila heats the solid zinc carbonate in the test-tube for five minutes. plastic bag

She notices that during the heating a gas is made. slice of bread

After heating she lets the test-tube and its contents cool. A

She finds there is only 2.6 g of solid left in the test-tube.

(a) Calculate the decrease in mass of solid after heating.

After three days Priya records the amount of mould on each slice of bread.

Look at the table.

g [1]
slice of how slice of bread is observation after
bread prepared three days
(b) Explain why the mass of solid decreases during heating.
touched by hands inside small amount
[1] A gloves of mould

(c) One of the properties of a gas is that a gas has mass. touched by hands
B washed in soap and no mould
Write down one other property of a gas. water

[1] touched by hands that have mould on part

not been washed of the bread

touched by hands washed in mould on part

D water but no soap of the bread

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15 16

(a) Which scientific question is Priya investigating? BLANK PAGE

Tick (✓) one box.

Is mould a type of fungus?

Does temperature affect the growth of mould?

Which type of mould grows on bread?

Does washing hands stop the growth of mould?


(b) Write down two variables Priya controls in her investigation.


(c) Priya does not open the bags at the end of the investigation.

Suggest why this is important.


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reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the
publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.

To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge
Assessment International Education Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download
at after the live examination series.

Cambridge Assessment International Education is part of Cambridge Assessment. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of the University of Cambridge
Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is a department of the University of Cambridge.

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1 The diagram shows part of the circulatory system.

Cambridge Primary Checkpoint


SCIENCE 0097/02
Paper 2 April 2023
35 minutes X
You must answer on the question paper.

No additional materials are needed.

(a) Name the organ labelled X.
• Answer all questions. [1]
• Use a black or dark blue pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
• Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the boxes at the top of the page.
• Write your answer to each question in the space provided.
• Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid. (b) Describe the function of the organ labelled X.
• Do not write on any bar codes.
• You should show all your working in the booklet.
• You may use a calculator.

• The total mark for this paper is 40. (c) Write down the name of two types of blood vessel shown in the diagram.
• The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].


This document has 16 pages. Any blank pages are indicated.

IB23 05_0097_02/5RP
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3 4

(d) A scientist measures the percentage of oxygen in the blood travelling through 2 Chen finds information about the melting points and boiling points of some
different blood vessels. substances.

The table shows the results. melting point boiling point

in °C in °C
blood percentage (%)
vessel of oxygen ethanol −144 78

A 99 propanone −95 56

B 79 salt solution −6 106

C 83 water 0 100

D 75
(a) What is the meaning of the words melting point?
E 92

The blood vessels are found in different parts of the body.

Which blood vessel transports blood from the lungs to the heart? [2]

(b) Which substance has the greatest difference between its melting point and its
Explain your answer. boiling point?

(c) Salt solution is a mixture of salt and water.

Describe the effect of adding salt to the boiling point of water.


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5 6

3 Pierre draws a diagram. 4 Safia and Mia investigate floating.

The diagram shows the appearance of the Moon at different times during one cycle. They use six identical small containers with lids.

Safia puts a different mass of sand into each container.

A Mia drops the containers into the water.

All the containers float.

Look at the diagram of one of these containers.

B container

distance above the water


C water

Mia measures the distance above the water shown in the diagram.
(a) Pierre did not draw the appearance of the Moon at times A, B and C.
Here are her results.
He did not see the Moon at these times.
mass of sand distance above the water
Suggest why he did not see the Moon at times A, B and C. in g in cm
2.5 4.0
5.0 3.5
7.5 3.0
10.0 2.5
(b) Look at the diagram.
12.5 3.0
There are eight circles on the diagram. 15.0 1.5

Complete circles A, B and C to show the appearance of the Moon at these times.
(a) There is one anomalous result.
Complete the sentence.
(c) How much time does it take the Moon to complete this cycle? The anomalous result is mass of sand g and

Circle the correct answer. distance above the water cm. [1]

one day one week one month one year


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7 8

(b) Complete the line graph by: 5 Carlos investigates how different types of exercise affects his breathing rate.

• plotting the last three points using small crosses Carlos:

• drawing a line of best fit.
• counts how many times he breathes in for one minute before exercising
• exercises by walking around the room for one minute
• counts how many times he breathes in for one minute
• rests for five minutes.
2.5 Carlos repeats his method two more times but changes the type of exercise each
distance above the water 2.0 time.
in cm
(a) What is the independent variable in this investigation?

0.5 (b) Explain why Carlos rests between each type of exercise.

0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0
mass of sand
in g

(c) Complete the sentence to describe the pattern in the results.

As the mass of sand in the container increases


(d) Mia wants to improve the investigation.

She wants to include a container that sinks in water.

Complete the sentences.

I think Mia should use a container with g of sand.

This will sink because


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9 10

(c) Here are his results. 6 Look at the table of information about substances.

number of times Carlos breathes in
type of exercise
for one minute substance melting point does it
electrical thermal
conductivity conductivity in °C
before exercise 25 in water?
walking 28 A high high 3670 no
running 45 B low low 10 yes
jumping 52 C high high 30 no
D high high 590 no
Complete the sentence about the results.
E low low 35 yes
Carlos breathes faster when he exercises. F high high 970 no
He does this to get more into his body. [1] G low low 870 no

Metals are substances that have these properties:

• high electrical conductivity

• high thermal conductivity

(a) Which substances in the table are metals?


(b) Blessy sorts the substances into two groups.

Group 1 contains B, C and E.

Group 2 contains A, D, F and G.

Explain how Blessy sorts the substances into these two groups.

Group 1

Group 2


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11 12

7 Mike does two different investigations using light rays. 8 Lily draws a diagram of the rock cycle.



water sediment
investigation A investigation B

(a) Describe what happens to the light ray in investigation A. metamorphic

Complete the sentences.

In investigation A the light ray changes .

This is called . rock


(b) Describe what happens to the light ray in investigation B. (a) Circle process A.

Complete the sentences.

burial erosion heating melting
In investigation B the light ray changes .

This is called .

(b) Circle process B.

(c) Mike removes the water from the container in investigation A.

Describe what happens to the light ray. cooling erosion melting solidification

[1] [1]

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13 14

(c) Describe the processes of sedimentation and metamorphism. 10 Boiling and evaporation are two physical changes.

sedimentation (a) Name the process that is the reverse of evaporation.

(b) Write down one similarity between boiling and evaporation.

[2] [1]

(c) Write down two differences between boiling and evaporation.

9 Some fungi cause diseases in the body.
(a) Name one other type of living thing that causes diseases in the body.


(b) Mucus is a defence mechanism against infectious diseases.

Which organ system of the body contains mucus?


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15 16


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at after the live examination series.

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Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is a department of the University of Cambridge.

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1 Look at the food web from a wetland habitat.

Cambridge Primary Checkpoint


SCIENCE 0097/01 otter

Paper 1 October 2023
35 minutes
You must answer on the question paper.

No additional materials are needed.

• Answer all questions.
• Use a black or dark blue pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
• Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the boxes at the top of the page.
• Write your answer to each question in the space provided.
• Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid. shrimp periwinkle
• Do not write on any bar codes.
• You should show all your working in the booklet.
• You may use a calculator.

• The total mark for this paper is 40.
(a) Write down one food chain from this food web that includes the minnow.
• The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].

(b) Write down the name of one carnivore from this food web.


(c) Write down the name of one living thing in this food web that gains energy
from the terrapin.


This document has 16 pages. Any blank pages are indicated.

1B23 10_0097_01/6RP
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© UCLES 2023 0097/01/O/N/23

3 4

2 Baking soda is a white solid. 3 Safia investigates how light is reflected from two mirrors.

Vinegar is a colourless solution. She draws a diagram to show the result of her investigation.

Chen adds baking soda to vinegar. Look at the diagram showing a ray of light and two mirrors.

The mixture fizzes and bubbles and a colourless solution is made. top mirror

The temperature of the mixture goes down. ray of light

Two of the substances made are carbon dioxide and water.

(a) Chen concludes a chemical reaction has taken place.

Write down two observations that support his conclusion.

bottom mirror

2 (a) The ray of light is reflected when it touches the bottom mirror.

[2] Describe what happens when a ray of light is reflected.

(b) Write down the names of the reactants in this reaction.


(b) Complete the sentences to show the number of reflections from each mirror.
(c) Which product is a colourless liquid?
The top mirror has reflections.
The bottom mirror has reflections.

(c) Safia wants to increase the total number of reflections.

Describe what Safia does to increase the total number of reflections.


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5 6

4 Hassan collects information about different igneous rocks. 5 Ahmed investigates the growth of a fungus called yeast.

igneous crystal size
rock in mm • puts the same mass of yeast into two bottles, A and B
• puts the same mass of sugar in each bottle
A 10.2 grey
• puts 50 cm3 of water into bottle A
B 8.4 black
• puts 50 cm3 of acid into bottle B
C 15.2 grey
• puts a balloon over the top of each bottle
D 0.5 black
• measures the circumference of each balloon every 15 minutes.
E no crystals grey
F no crystals black The diagram shows his investigation after 60 minutes.

(a) Which igneous rocks have crystal sizes larger than 8 mm and are grey in

(b) Igneous rocks are formed from molten rock.

Molten rock that cools the slowest has the biggest crystals. yeast, sugar yeast, sugar
and water and acid
Complete the sentences.

The igneous rock that cooled the slowest is .

bottle A bottle B
The igneous rock E has no crystals because
(a) The circumference is the distance around the outside of the balloon.

. Ahmed uses a piece of string and a ruler to measure the circumference of the
Describe how Ahmed uses the string and ruler to measure the circumference.


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7 8

(b) Ahmed records his results in a table. 6 This question is about the properties of gases.

Look at the table that shows some properties of four gases.

circumference of balloon
time in cm
gas colour of gas odour of gas

bottle A bottle B carbon dioxide colourless odourless

chlorine pale green like bleach

0 8 cm 8 cm
15 10 cm 8 cm nitrogen colourless odourless
30 14 cm 9 cm oxygen colourless odourless
45 16 cm 9 cm
(a) Write down two other properties of all gases.
60 18 cm 10 cm
Ahmed has made two mistakes in his results table.
Write down the two mistakes Ahmed has made.

(b) Blessy thinks that all gases are colourless.

Explain why Blessy is not correct.

Use information from the table in your answer.


(c) Acid is a defence mechanism in the human body.

Which organ in the human body uses acid as a defence mechanism?

Circle the correct answer.

brain intestine lungs mouth stomach


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9 10

7 Mia has two electrical circuits. 8 The diagram shows the order of the planets in the Solar System.


electrical circuit A electrical circuit B

Not drawn to scale
Both circuits have identical components.

Complete the sentences. (a) Look at the diagram.

The parallel circuit is electrical circuit . Draw the orbit of Earth’s Moon on the diagram.
The circuit with the brightest lamps is electrical circuit .
[1] (b) Write down the names of two planets further from the Sun than Saturn.

and [1]

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11 12

9 The diagram shows the human circulatory system. 10 This question is about melting point and boiling point.

the (a) Describe the change of state that happens at the melting point.
from to [1]

(b) What is meant by the words boiling point?

organ X
blood vessel Y

(c) Ethanoic acid has a melting point of 17 °C and a boiling point of 118 °C.
the body
Room temperature is 25 °C.
(a) Organ X pumps blood through the circulatory system.
Tick () one box to show if ethanoic acid is a solid, liquid or gas at room
Name organ X. temperature.

[1] solid

(b) Blood vessel Y is a vein.

Name one other type of blood vessel in the human circulatory system.

[1] gas

Explain your answer.

(c) What is a function of the human circulatory system?

Tick () one correct box.

break down food [2]

control the body

move the bones

transport waste


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13 14

11 A force diagram is a type of model. 12 The table shows the percentage of the Moon visible from Earth each night.

Look at the force diagram for a box.

percentage (%) of the
line Moon visible from Earth
arrow 1 1
2 5
3 10

box 4 18
5 25
(a) Which statements describe how this model helps students understand forces?
6 38
Tick () two correct boxes.
7 48

forces cannot be seen 8 60

9 70
10 80
forces cannot be heard
(a) Complete the line graph by:

• plotting the last four points as small crosses

the arrow shows the direction of a force • drawing a line through all the points.

the arrow shows the type of force 90

the length of the line shows the direction of a force 70

percentage (%)
the length of the line shows the type of force of the Moon 50
visible from Earth
[2] 40

(b) Look at the force diagram of the box. 30

Complete the sentence about the movement of the box. 20

The box moves 10

because 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
. night
[2] [2]

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15 16

(b) Complete the sentence to describe the pattern. BLANK PAGE

As the number of nights increases the


13 Mass and weight are different.

(a) Draw a straight line to match each description to its correct measurement.

description measurement

mass of an apple 40 kg

weight of a book 100 g

mass of a chair 10 N


(b) Complete the sentences.

Choose words from the list.

decreases increases stays the same

When gravity decreases, the mass .

When gravity increases, the weight .


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reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the
publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.

To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge
Assessment International Education Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download
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Cambridge Assessment International Education is part of Cambridge Assessment. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of the University of Cambridge
Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is a department of the University of Cambridge.

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1 The picture shows part of an organ system in the human body.

Cambridge Primary Checkpoint


SCIENCE 0097/02
(a) Name this organ system.
Paper 2 October 2023
35 minutes [1]

You must answer on the question paper.

No additional materials are needed.

(b) Which gas moves from the lungs into the blood?

• Answer all questions.
• Use a black or dark blue pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
• Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the boxes at the top of the page. (c) Look at the picture of an animal.
• Write your answer to each question in the space provided.
• Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid.
• Do not write on any bar codes.
• You should show all your working in the booklet.
• You may use a calculator.

• The total mark for this paper is 40.
• The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ]. Suggest why this animal is likely to have lungs similar to humans.

Tick () one box.

the animal is a reptile

the animal is an invertebrate

the animal is a mammal

the animal is a vertebrate

This document has 16 pages. Any blank pages are indicated.
IB23 10_0097_02/7RP
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3 4

2 Glucose dissolves in water to make glucose solution. 3 Priya draws a diagram of an electrical circuit.

The table shows the maximum mass of glucose that dissolves in 100 g of water at
different temperatures.

temperature maximum mass of glucose

in °C in g
10 40
20 47

30 54
40 61
50 67

60 75 (a) This electrical circuit is a parallel circuit containing six electrical symbols.

(a) Describe the relationship between the temperature of the water and the Complete the sentences with the names of the electrical symbols.
maximum mass of glucose dissolved.
The circuit has only one .
Explain your answer using ideas about particles.
The circuit has only two .
The circuit has only three .
(b) Priya changes the parallel circuit to make it into a series circuit.
[2] Draw this series circuit containing the six electrical symbols.

(b) Identify the solvent and the solute in the glucose solution.

The solvent is .

The solute is .

(c) Dissolving glucose in water is a physical change.

Explain why dissolving is a physical change.


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5 6

4 (a) Complete the rock cycle diagram by writing the names of the three types of 5 Anastasia finds pictures of some animals.
rock in the correct boxes.


molten rock cooling and weathering and erosion
crystallising followed by high pressure

........................................ ........................................
snail starfish scallop

Not drawn to scale

heating and high pressure
(a) Anastasia uses the pictures to make a key.
Complete the key.

(b) Fossils of dead animals are sometimes found in rocks. One animal has been done for you.

Describe how fossils are formed. Does the animal have a shell?

yes no

Is the animal inside two shells? Is the animal star shaped?


yes no yes no

....................... ....................... starfish

Does the animal have 8 arms?

yes no

............................ ............................

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7 8

(b) The snail is a herbivore in a food web. 6 Carlos and Mike investigate the rate of evaporation in four different samples of
salt solution.
A producer starts the food web.
Each salt solution contains 100 cm3 of water but different masses of salt.
Complete the sentence.
Carlos and Mike:
The source of energy for the producer in the food web is the .
• put one of the salt solutions into a beaker
• find the mass of the beaker and the salt solution

(c) A toxic substance is found in the soil. • put the beaker and salt solution into an oven with a temperature of 70 °C
• take the beaker and salt solution out of the oven after 8 hours
Describe how the toxic substance moves from the soil into the body of a snail
in the food web. • leave the beaker and salt solution to cool
• find the mass of the beaker and salt solution
• repeat this method for the other three salt solutions.

[2] Look at their results table.

mass in g of
change in
salt in salt beaker and salt beaker and salt mass
solution solution at start solution after 8 hours in g
5 125 65

10 130 80 50

15 135 90 45

20 140 100 40

(a) Calculate the change in mass for 5 g of salt in salt solution.

Write your answer in the table.


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9 10

(b) Carlos and Mike decide to test one more salt solution. (e) Tick () the box that shows a variable that is controlled to make the
investigation fair.
This solution contains 25 g of salt in 100 cm3 of water.
change in mass
Predict the change in mass in this experiment.

change in mass = g [1]

mass of salt in salt solution

(c) Describe one possible safety risk in this investigation and how to reduce this
mass of beaker and salt solution at start

safety risk
mass of beaker and salt solution after 8 hours

how to reduce this risk temperature of the oven


(d) Tick () the box that shows the independent variable in this investigation.

change in mass

mass of salt in salt solution

temperature of oven

time in the oven


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11 12

7 Lily investigates floating and sinking. 8 The diagrams show a section through the soil of a grassland and a desert.

She drops coins into a boat made of thin metal foil.

humus and minerals


clay and sand

boat made of
thin metal foil small rocks and stones

(a) The boat floats when there are 10 coins in the boat. grassland soil desert soil

Complete the sentence. (a) Write down a similarity between the grassland soil and the desert soil.
The boat sinks when there are 16 coins in the boat because

(b) Suggest why plants found in the grassland soil do not grow in the desert soil.
(b) Lily wants to make the boat sink when there are only 10 coins in the boat.

Suggest what she does to the boat to make it sink with only 10 coins. [1]


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13 14

9 Dengue fever is a disease caused by an infection with a virus. 10 Yuri uses a toy car to make a model.

The chart shows the number of people with dengue fever in a country. He uses the model to explain a property of a ray of light.

60 000 toy car

50 000 smooth
40 000 surface
number of
people with 30 000
dengue fever

20 000
(a) Describe two things that happen to the car as it travels from the smooth
10 000 surface to the rough surface.

1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 2
year [2]

(a) Which year had the highest number of people with dengue fever?
(b) Circle the property of a light ray shown by this model.

opaque reflection refraction transparent

(b) How many people had dengue fever in 1996? [1]
(c) The smooth surface in the model represents air.
(c) The disease is transmitted when people are bitten by insects.
Air is a medium that a light ray passes through.
Circle the name that describes an insect that transmits disease.
Write down the name of another medium that a light ray passes through.

bacteria consumer predator vector
(d) Describe one way to avoid being bitten by insects.


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15 16

11 The Moon changes in appearance over its monthly cycle. BLANK PAGE

(a) The diagram shows seven different phases of the Moon in the Northern

There are eight phases of the Moon but only seven are drawn in the diagram.

Explain why it is not possible to draw the other phase.


(b) The diagram shows a waxing crescent of the Moon in the Northern
Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere.

Northern Hemisphere Southern Hemisphere

Look at the diagrams.

Complete the sentences.

One similarity between the waxing crescents in the diagram is

One difference between the waxing crescents in the diagram is

Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every
. reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the
publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.

[1] To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge
Assessment International Education Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download
at after the live examination series.

Cambridge Assessment International Education is part of Cambridge Assessment. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of the University of Cambridge
Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is a department of the University of Cambridge.

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