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Computer Network

Components & Topologies


1. HUB is a network device that is used to connect multiple

computers in a network.
2. All the information send to the HUB is automatically sent to each
port to every device.(No privacy)
3. A HUB less expensive, less intelligent and less complicated.
4. HUB is generally used to connect to computers in a LAN.
5. Transmission mode of HUB is half duplex, data is either send or
received at once.
• Types of Hub
• Active Hub:- These are the hubs that have their power supply and can clean, boost,
and relay the signal along with the network. It serves both as a repeater as well as a
wiring center. These are used to extend the maximum distance between nodes.
• Passive Hub:- These are the hubs that collect wiring from nodes and power supply
from the active hub. These hubs relay signals onto the network without cleaning and
boosting them and can’t be used to extend the distance between nodes.
• Intelligent Hub:- It works like an active hub and includes remote management
capabilities. They also provide flexible data rates to network devices. It also enables an
administrator to monitor the traffic passing through the hub and to configure each
port in the hub.
• Advantage:
1. The HUB can broadcast the message.
2. It is less expensive, so anyone can use it.
3. Easy installation.
4. Robust. (if any node disable other device working properly)

• Disadvantage:

1. If the HUB is failed the entire network will stop working.

2. We can’t send private/personal data through HUB.
3. HUB doesn’t provide any security.
4. HUB can’t support full duplex transmission mode.
• Switch is a network device that can connect multiple computers
together in a network.
• It is mainly used to send private messages as well as there is no loss
of data.
• It uses MAC addresses (addresses of medium access control sublayer)
to send data packets to selected destination ports.
• It is supports unicast (one-to-one), multicast (one-to-many) and
broadcast (one-to-all) communications.
• Advantage:
• 1. It is used to unicast(one to one or private) the message.
• 2. It provides more security than HUB.
• 3. Switch support full duplex data transmission.
• 4. It is used to send the data packed based on MAC address.
• 5. It a node fails, there will be no effect in the entire network.

• Disadvantage :
• 1. If switch device fails then entire network will fail.
• 2. It is more expensive
• 3. Difficult to setup.

• A router is a layer 3 or network layer

device. Router is a network device which
works as a traffic controller. The main
work of router is to choose a
congestion(path without traffic) free path
through which the data packet will travel.
• Router receives the data packet from
sender, it analyses the data and then
forward the data packet to the
destination. A router can be used both in
LANs (Local Area Networks) and WANs
(Wide Area Networks)
Functions of Router
• Route to choose the best path for packet forwarding.
• Router read complex network address in packet.
• Its work, a network layer of OSI model.
• Efficiently direct packet from one network to another. Reduce excessive traffic.
• distance network.
• Connect dissimilar network.
• Prevent network bottleneck by isolating portions of the network.
Advantages of Router

• 1. Provides connection between two similar/

different types of network.
• 2. data transmission rate is high
• 3. it uses algorithm to find congestion free path.
• 4. it used both wired and wireless connection.
of Router

• 1. Router is more expensive,

compared to other network
• 2. Routers are complex to
• 3. Security issues.
• 4. It only work with routable

• repeater is a network device through

which we can boost our weak signal.
• When the signal travels in the network
,after travelling some distance the
intensity of the signal becomes low.
• In order to regenerate the weak signal
we should use repeater device.
• Advantages:

• 1. it is used to regenerate the weak signals.

• 2. it is cheaper than other network devices.
• 3. Repeater has the ability to extend the size of signals.
• 4. Increases or maintains the signal performance.

• Disadvantages:

• required no. Of repeater after some distance.

• 2. Repeaters also unable to connect dissimilar type of data .
• 3. They can't reduce network traffic.
Features of Repeaters
• Repeater can regenerate the signal without modifying it.
• Repeaters can be used in analog signals and digital signals.
• Repeaters can extend the range of networks.
• Dynamic networking is supported by repeater.
• Use of Repeaters reduces error and loss of data.
• Power is required for working of repeaters.
• Using repeater can add complexity in the network.
Types of Bridges:

There are three types of bridges

in computer networks, which are
as follows:

Transparent bridge

Source routing bridge

Translational bridge

• The bridge is a networking device in a computer

network that is used to connect multiple LANs to
a larger LAN. In computer networks, we have
multiple networking devices such as bridges,
hubs, routers, switches, etc, each device has its
own specification and is used for a particular
purpose. The bridge is a networking device that
connects the larger LAN networks with the
group of smaller LAN networks.

• (It is a network device that is used to separate

LAN into number of section. Note: It operates
both physical as well in data link layer of OSI
1.By using bridge device we can extend the network.
2. It broadcast the data to each node like hub and repeaters.
3.Collision (takkar )can be reduced.
4. It is more intelligent.
1. It doesn't establish connection between two different network.
2. Once it broadcast the message is sent and is not capable to stop the
3. It is more expensive.
4. The transmission rate of data is slow.
Uses of Bridge in Computer Network:

• Bridges are used to increase the network capacity as they can integrate multiple LANs together.
• In the OSI model, it can be used to transmit the data to multiple nodes of the network.
• Used to broadcast the data even if the MAC address or destination address is unavailable.
• The bridge is used to divide LANs into multiple segments.
• To control the traffic in the network.
• It can interconnect two LANs with a similar protocols.
• It can filter the data based on destination/MAC address

• Gateway is a hardware device that

is used to connect to dissimilar type
of network.
• It allows us to send and receive
data through the internet even if it
is LAN network

• Notes: it operates in all 7 layers of

OSI model

• (switch is work as gateway like

house door)
How does Gateway work?
• Gateway has a simple working methodology of five steps-
• It gets data from the network
• It intercepts and analyzes the received data.
• It routes the data to the destination address
• It converts the received data to make that compatible with the receiver network
• It sends the final data inside the network
Advantages and Disadvantages of Gateways

• Advantages:
1. It connects network which has different protocols
2. It operates in all 7 layers of OSI model
3. We cant access the internet without gateway
4. It provides security.
• Disadvantages:
1. It is more expensive
2. Data transmission rate is slow
3. Difficult to maintain as well as complex
4. Less intelligent

• NIC stands for Network Interface Card NIC is

additionally called Ethernet or physical or network
card. NIC is one of the major and imperative
components to associate a gadget to the network.
Each gadget that must be associated with a network
must have a network interface card. Even the
switches comprise of NIC in arrange to associate to
the systems. It is the foremost essential network
component without which you cannot interface any
gadget to a network. It could be a circuit board or a
card which is introduced in the computer or PC so
that it acts as an arbiter for organizing and
computer or PC. It is shown on layer 2 of the OSI
show which is an information interface layer that
employs MAC address.

• 1)Internal Network Card-> In this cards the motherboard has
a slot for the network Card (where it can be inserted) It
requires a network Cable(Rj45) to provide network access

• 2)External Network Card-> The laptop and desktop that

don't have internal NIC's used wifi and usb cable for external
network Card
Characteristics of NIC

• Physical network address All network connectors have a universally interesting physical address burned onto
the card by the card producer. The physical address extraordinarily recognizes each individual card that
interfaces to the network cable or media. For this reason, the physical address is additionally called the Media
Access Control (MAC) address. MAC addresses are six bytes long. An ordinary MAC address might appear as
00-00-86-47-F6-65, where the primary three bytes are the merchant ID and the other three are special
• Network connection port Network connector cards will have one or more ports that are arranged to put
through particularly to a given sort of arranging cable. A few more seasoned cards might have double ports so
that they can interface to more than one network cable sort. Be beyond any doubt to choose a card with a port
that matches the network media to utilize in your environment.
• Status indicator lights Network connectors ordinarily have one or more Light Emanating Diode (Led) status
lights that can give data on the state of the network association. Most connectors have an interface lights that
demonstrates in the event that there’s a flag from the organize. If the interface isn’t list, there’s, by and large,
an issue with the cable or the physical connection. Most connectors have a movement light that flashes when
parcels are calmed or sent. On the off chance that the light flickers constantly, the organization can be abused
or there could be a framework creating arrange clamor.
• Modem stands for Modulator/Demodulator. The modem is defined as a networking device that is used
to connect devices connected in the network to the internet.
• The main function of a modem is to convert the analog signals that come from telephone wire into a
digital form. In digital form, these converted signals are stored in the form of 0s and 1s. T
• he modem can perform both the task of modulation and demodulation simultaneously.
• Modems are majorly used to transfer digital data in personal systems.
• The modem is also known as a signal translator as it translates one signal into another signal by
modulating the digital signal into an analog signal for transmission and then demodulates receiving
analog signals into digital signals.
advantages of NIC
• The communication speed utilizing the
Web is high ordinarily in Gigabytes.
• Highly dependable connection.
• Many peripheral gadgets can be associated
with utilizing numerous ports of NIC cards.
• Bulk information can be shared among
numerous clients.
Disadvantages of NIC
• Badly arranged in case of wired cable NIC,
because it isn’t versatile like a remote
• The arrangement ought to be appropriate
for superior communication.
• Data is unsecured.
Features of Modem
• Modems can modulate as well as demodulate the signals simultaneously.
• Modem allows to connect only a specific number of devices to the internet.
• According to the features of modem, it’s price ranges.
• Modems can be upgraded with the help of a specific software patch.
• To use the devices over the internet with a modem devices need to be configured with
an Internet Service Provider(ISP).
• When the modem is connected to Hub it slows down its process.
Working of Modem

• Step 1: Data Generation:When data needs to be transmitted it is first

generated. Therefore computer system generated the data which is in
digital form of 0s and 1s.
• Step 2: Modulation:Modulation is defined as a process of converting
digital data signals of the computer into analog data signals so that these
signals can travel on the internet. The digital data is encoded onto a
carrier wave.

• Step 3: Transmission: The resultant of modulation that is modulated

data is transmitted over the communication line to the modem that is
receiving it.
• Step 4: Demodulation:Demodulation is defined as a process in which
analog data signals from the internet are converted into digital data
signals so they can be understood by computer systems. In the process
of demodulation the digital data from the carrier wave is decoded.
• Step 5: Decoding: The resultant of demodulation that is demodulated
data is being sent to the computer systems for their further use.
• of Modem
What is Network

• Topology defines the structure of

the network of how all the
components are interconnected
to each other. .
Types of Network

• Mesh Topology
• Star Topology
• Bus Topology
• Ring Topology
• Tree Topology
• Hybrid Topology
Bus Topology

• The bus topology is designed in such a way that all the stations are
connected through a single cable known as a backbone cable.
• Each node is either connected to the backbone cable by drop cable
or directly connected to the backbone cable.
• When a node wants to send a message over the network, it puts a
message over the network. All the stations available in the network
will receive the message whether it has been addressed or not.
• The bus topology is mainly used in 802.3 (ethernet) and 802.4
standard networks.
• The configuration of a bus topology is quite simpler as compared
to other topologies.
• The backbone cable is considered as a "single lane" through which
the message is broadcast to all the stations.
Advantages of Bus topology:
• Low-cost cable: In bus topology, nodes are directly connected to the cable without passing through a hub.
Therefore, the initial cost of installation is low.
• Moderate data speeds: Coaxial or twisted pair cables are mainly used in bus-based networks that support upto 10
• Familiar technology: Bus topology is a familiar technology as the installation and troubleshooting techniques are
well known, and hardware components are easily available.
• Limited failure: A failure in one node will not have any effect on other nodes.
Disadvantages of Bus topology:
• Extensive cabling: A bus topology is quite simpler, but still it requires a lot of cabling.
• Difficult troubleshooting: It requires specialized test equipment to determine the cable faults. If any fault occurs in
the cable, then it would disrupt the communication for all the nodes.
• Signal interference: If two nodes send the messages simultaneously, then the signals of both the nodes collide
with each other.
• Reconfiguration difficult: Adding new devices to the network would slow down the network.
Ring Topology

• Ring topology is like a bus topology, but with connected ends.

• The node that receives the message from the previous computer will
retransmit to the next node.
• The data flows in one direction, i.e., it is unidirectional.
• The data flows in a single loop continuously known as an endless loop.
• It has no terminated ends, i.e., each node is connected to other node
and having no termination point.
• The data in a ring topology flow in a clockwise direction.
• The most common access method of the ring topology is token
• Token passing: It is a network access method in which token is passed
from one node to another node.
• Token: It is a frame that circulates around the network.
Advantages of Ring topology:
• Network Management: Faulty devices can be removed from the network without
bringing the network down.
• Product availability: Many hardware and software tools for network operation and
monitoring are available.
• Cost: Twisted pair cabling is inexpensive and easily available. Therefore, the installation
cost is very low.
• Reliable: It is a more reliable network because the communication system is not
dependent on the single host computer.
Disadvantages of Ring topology:
• Difficult troubleshooting: It requires specialized test equipment to determine the cable
faults. If any fault occurs in the cable, then it would disrupt the communication for all
the nodes.
• Failure: The breakdown in one station leads to the failure of the overall network.
• Reconfiguration difficult: Adding new devices to the network would slow down the
• Delay: Communication delay is directly proportional to the number of nodes. Adding
new devices increases the communication delay.
Star Topology

• Star topology is an arrangement of the

network in which every node is connected to
the central hub, switch or a central
• The central computer is known as
a server, and the peripheral devices
attached to the server are known as clients.
• Coaxial cable or RJ-45 cables are used to
connect the computers.
• Hubs or Switches are mainly used as
connection devices in a physical star
• Star topology is the most popular
topology in network implementation.
Advantages of Star topology
• Efficient troubleshooting: Troubleshooting is quite efficient in a star topology as compared to bus topology. In a bus topology, the manager has to
inspect the kilometers of cable. In a star topology, all the stations are connected to the centralized network. Therefore, th e network administrator has
to go to the single station to troubleshoot the problem.
• Network control: Complex network control features can be easily implemented in the star topology. Any changes made in the star topology are
automatically accommodated.
• Limited failure: As each station is connected to the central hub with its own cable, therefore failure in one cable will not affect the entire network.
• Familiar technology: Star topology is a familiar technology as its tools are cost-effective.
• Easily expandable: It is easily expandable as new stations can be added to the open ports on the hub.
• Cost effective: Star topology networks are cost-effective as it uses inexpensive coaxial cable.
• High data speeds: It supports a bandwidth of approx 100Mbps. Ethernet 100BaseT is one of the most popular Star topology networks.

Disadvantages of Star topology

• A Central point of failure: If the central hub or switch goes down, then all the connected nodes will not be able to communicate with each other.
• Cable: Sometimes cable routing becomes difficult when a significant amount of routing is required.
Tree topology
• Tree topology combines the characteristics
of bus topology and star topology.
• A tree topology is a type of structure in
which all the computers are connected with
each other in hierarchical fashion.
• The top-most node in tree topology is known
as a root node, and all other nodes are the
descendants of the root node.
• There is only one path exists between two
nodes for the data transmission. Thus, it
forms a parent-child hierarchy.
Advantages of Tree topology
• Support for broadband transmission: Tree topology is mainly used to provide broadband transmission, i.e., signals are sent over
long distances without being attenuated.
• Easily expandable: We can add the new device to the existing network. Therefore, we can say that tree topology is easily
• Easily manageable: In tree topology, the whole network is divided into segments known as star networks which can be easily
managed and maintained.
• Error detection: Error detection and error correction are very easy in a tree topology.
• Limited failure: The breakdown in one station does not affect the entire network.
• Point-to-point wiring: It has point-to-point wiring for individual segments.
disadvantages of Tree topology
• Difficult troubleshooting: If any fault occurs in the node, then it becomes difficult to troubleshoot the problem.
• High cost: Devices required for broadband transmission are very costly.
• Failure: A tree topology mainly relies on main bus cable and failure in main bus cable will damage the overall network.
• Reconfiguration difficult: If new devices are added, then it becomes difficult to reconfigure.
Mesh topology

• Mesh technology is an arrangement of the network in which

computers are interconnected with each other through
various redundant connections.
• There are multiple paths from one computer to another
• It does not contain the switch, hub or any central computer
which acts as a central point of communication.
• The Internet is an example of the mesh topology.
• Mesh topology is mainly used for WAN implementations
where communication failures are a critical concern.
• Mesh topology is mainly used for wireless networks.
Advantages of Mesh topology:
• Reliable: The mesh topology networks are very reliable as if any link breakdown will not affect the
communication between connected computers.
• Fast Communication: Communication is very fast between the nodes.
• Easier Reconfiguration: Adding new devices would not disrupt the communication between other devices.
Disadvantages of Mesh topology
• Cost: A mesh topology contains a large number of connected devices such as a router and more
transmission media than other topologies.
• Management: Mesh topology networks are very large and very difficult to maintain and manage. If the
network is not monitored carefully, then the communication link failure goes undetected.
• Efficiency: In this topology, redundant connections are high that reduces the efficiency of the network.
Hybrid Topology

• The combination of various different topologies is

known as Hybrid topology.
• A Hybrid topology is a connection between
different links and nodes to transfer the data.
• When two or more different topologies are
combined together is termed as Hybrid topology and
if similar topologies are connected with each other
will not result in Hybrid topology. For example, if
there exist a ring topology in one branch of ICICI
bank and bus topology in another branch of ICICI
bank, connecting these two topologies will result in
Hybrid topology.
Advantages of Hybrid Topology
• Reliable: If a fault occurs in any part of the network will not affect the functioning of the rest of the network.
• Scalable: Size of the network can be easily expanded by adding new devices without affecting the functionality of
the existing network.
• Flexible: This topology is very flexible as it can be designed according to the requirements of the organization.
• Effective: Hybrid topology is very effective as it can be designed in such a way that the strength of the network is
maximized and weakness of the network is minimized.
Disadvantages of Hybrid topology
• Complex design: The major drawback of the Hybrid topology is the design of the Hybrid network. It is very difficult
to design the architecture of the Hybrid network.
• Costly Hub: The Hubs used in the Hybrid topology are very expensive as these hubs are different from usual Hubs
used in other topologies.
• Costly infrastructure: The infrastructure cost is very high as a hybrid network requires a lot of cabling, network
devices, etc.

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