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9040121B OI-II Telestart T99 - EN

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Operating- and Installation Instructions

Telestart T99
Telestart T99 Webasto Thermo & Comfort SE

1 About this document ........................................................ 3 11.2 Changing the battery ................................................ 9
1.1 Purpose of the document ......................................... 3 12 Maintenance and handling.................................................9
1.2 Using this document................................................. 3
13 Installation overview Telestart T99 ....................................10
1.3 Use of symbols and highlighting ............................... 3
14 Scope of delivery ..............................................................11
2 Intended use ..................................................................... 3
14.1 Control elements (optional)..................................... 11
3 General safety information ............................................... 3
15 General ...........................................................................12
4 Overview........................................................................... 4
16 Installation .......................................................................12
5 Functional description ....................................................... 4 16.1 Installing the Telestart receiver ................................ 12
6 Setting up a vehicle heating system ................................... 4 16.2 Installing the aerial.................................................. 12

7 Heating or ventilation operating mode .............................. 5 16.3 Installing the ESVT adapter (Telestart wiring harness)
.............................................................................. 13
8 Operating time.................................................................. 5 16.5 Installing the control element.................................. 14
9 Switching the heater or ventilation on and off ................... 6 17 Annex ..............................................................................14

10 Pairing the hand-held transmitter ...................................... 7 17.1 Declaration of Conformity....................................... 14

10.1 Determining the installation position of the fuse ....... 7 17.2 Statutory regulations governing installation............. 15
10.2 Teaching the unit...................................................... 8 17.3 Technical data......................................................... 16

11 Battery ............................................................................. 8
11.1 Battery disposal ........................................................ 9

ii 9040121B OI-II Telestart T99

Webasto Thermo & Comfort SE Telestart T99

1 About this document nHand over these Operating and In- 3 General safety
1.1 Purpose of the stallation Instructions to the next information
document owner or user of the device.
These Operating and Installation In-
1.3 Use of symbols and
Danger of explosion
structions are part of the product and highlighting
In environments with combust-
provide the user with information on Texts with the symbol refer to separ- ible vapours, flammable dust
the safe operation of the Telestart T99. ate documents which are enclosed or and hazardous goods (e.g., pet-
These Operating and Installation In- are available from Webasto at https:// rol stations, tank facilities, fuel
structions explain all the functions of store, coal bunkers, timber yard
the control element. nTexts with the symbol refer to or grain warehouses).
Carefully read through and fol- technical features. u Do not switch on or operate
low the heater Operating and nTexts with the symbol or refer to the heater.
Installation Instructions and the possible material damage, risk of ac-
cident or injury. DANGER
safety information contained
Danger of poisoning and suffoc-
therein. nTexts with the symbol describe a ation
NOTE requirement for the following neces-
Do not operate the heater in
The actual availability of these sary action.
closed rooms that do not have
functions depends on each in- nTexts with the symbol describe an an exhaust extraction unit.
stalled heater. action.
u Do not switch on or operate
1.2 Using this document 2 Intended use the heater, also not with pro-
nBefore operating the Telestart T99, The control element Telestart T99 is grammed heating start.
carefully read and follow these Oper- currently approved for the following
ating and Installation Instructions as applications:
well as the operating instructions for Switching Webasto water heaters on
the heater. and off.

9040121B OI-II Telestart T99 3

Telestart T99 Webasto Thermo & Comfort SE

DANGER OFF Switching off heater or ventila- When pressing the transmitter, hold it
Risk of injury from the defective tion vertically upwards and do not cover the
unit ON + Changing the operating mode, top (see figure).
Do not operate a defective Tele- OFF see "Heating or ventilation oper- If you determine, since there is no feed-
start T99 and put it out of ser- ating mode" back, that the operating signal has not
vice by removing the fuse: Changing the operating time, reached the vehicle, it frequently helps
- damaged heater see "Operating time" to change your location by a few
u Contact a Webasto service 5 Functional description meters. Reception in built-up areas is
workshop. limited accordingly.
4 Overview NOTE
When retrofitting heaters that
1 are installed ex-works, the range
of functions may be limited.
3 Please consult your installation
partner about this.
4 6 Setting up a vehicle
heating system
Depending on the type of
Fig.1 vehicle, the air-conditioning sys-

1 Housing with 3 Button OFF Fig.2 tem can perform these settings
transmitter automatically or partly autonom-
An optimum signal transmission is
2 Indicator lamp 4 Button ON ously. Ask your specialist dealer
achieved in an open area or from elev-
to explain the optimum settings.
Button Control ated locations. This makes it possible to
ON Switching on heater or ventila- operate the parking heater at distance
u Before switching on the heater (with
tion of approximately 1000 m from the the ignition on), set the vehicle heat-
vehicle. ing system to “warm”.

4 9040121B OI-II Telestart T99

Webasto Thermo & Comfort SE Telestart T99

u Set the vehicle fan to the lowest set- Change operating mode Display operating time
ting (lower power consumption).
7 Heating or ventilation
2x 3x
operating mode
Display operating mode 2x 3x

WHE000077A WHE000077A

Fig.4 Fig.5
u Briefly press the ON and OFF push u Briefly press the ON and OFF push
buttons simultaneously twice within buttons simultaneously three times
1 s. consecutively.
The indicator lamp changes colour. The LED flashes according to the op-
During the next time when the erating time. Count the number of
u Press and hold the ON and OFF
hand-held transmitter is operated, flashing pulses. The corresponding
push buttons simultaneously.
the heater operates in the selected operating time is specified in the
The indicator lamp lights up; the op-
operating mode until the operating table. Also count the first flashing
erating mode is displayed:
mode changes. pulse that appears immediately after
nRed for heating the third time the ON and OFF push
nGreen for ventilation buttons are pressed.
u Release the ON and OFF push but-
8 Operating time
The operating time of the heater or Set operating time
tons (or after 3 s). u Briefly press the ON and OFF push
The indicator lamp goes out. vehicle fan (ventilation) can be set on
the transmitter in 10-minute incre- buttons simultaneously three times
NOTE consecutively.
ments. The operating time is set to 30
The ventilation function is op- minutes at the factory. The LED flashes according to the set
tional. operating time (see table).

9040121B OI-II Telestart T99 5

Telestart T99 Webasto Thermo & Comfort SE

u Press the OFF push button within 10 NOTE 9 Switching the heater
s after the operating time indicator Permanent mode is only suitable or ventilation on and
lights up. for use with continuous opera-
The indicator lamp flashes according
tion heaters.
to the next operating time. Switching on heater or ventilation
If using a non-continuous heater,
u Press the OFF push button until the the maximum operating time of
indicator lamp flashes according to the respective heater is used.
the desired operating time.
NOTE Reset to default settings.
Save the setting: do not press
u Press the ON and OFF push
any push button or the ON push
buttons simultaneously for at
button for 10 s.
least 10 s. Ignore colour
Flashing Operat- Flashing Operat- changes that occur in the LED. WHE000077A

pulses ing pulses ing time Factory setting: heating mode, Fig.6
(num- time (number) (minutes operating time 30 minutes.
ü Hold the hand-held transmitter ver-
ber) (minute )
tically upward.
u Press the ON push button (> 1 s) un-
1 10 8 80 til the indicator lamp lights up.
2 20 9 90 - The indicator lamp lights up (con-
3 30 10 100 firmation of reception). The operat-
4 40 11 110 ing indicator then flashes until the
5 50 12 120 set operating time is complete. (See
6 60 Lights for Perman- chapter 8 Operating time )
10 s ent mode
7 70

6 9040121B OI-II Telestart T99

Webasto Thermo & Comfort SE Telestart T99

NOTE ü Hold the hand-held transmitter ver- NOTE

Secure the ON push button on tically upward. When switching the unit on
the hand-held transmitter u Press the OFF push button (> 1 s) with the push button, the oper-
against being pressed uninten- until the indicator lamp lights up ating mode (heater or ventila-
tionally so that the heater is not (approx. 2 s). The indicator lamp tion) and the operating time,
started up accidentally. then goes out. which were last used with the
NOTE NOTE hand-held transmitter, are al-
If the signal cannot be transmit- If the signal cannot be transmit- ways selected.
ted correctly, the LED flashes ted correctly, the LED flashes 10 Pairing the hand-held
(approx. 4 s.) and then goes (approx. 4 s.) and then goes transmitter
out. out.
The hand-held transmitter Telestart T99
u Repeat this procedure at a u Repeat this procedure at a must be paired with the Telestart re-
different location with better different location with better ceiver in the vehicle.
reception. reception. 10.1 Determining the
Switching off heater or ventilation installation position of
the fuse
Depending on the heater and its install-
ation or application, the Telestart fuse
is installed in the engine compartment
or the vehicle interior.
ü The parking heater mode is dis-
played on the push button.
Fig.7 u Press the push button (switch the
heater off).

9040121B OI-II Telestart T99 7

Telestart T99 Webasto Thermo & Comfort SE

10.2 Teaching the unit u Never expose the battery to high

2-6s heat.
u Do not transport the battery together
with metal objects, e.g. necklaces or
hair pins.
u The risk of the battery leaking is
greatest when the battery is dis-
charged. To avoid damage to the
hand-held transmitter you should re-
Fig.11 move the battery when it is dis-
Fig.9 charged or if the hand-held transmit-
u Press the OFF push button after 2 s
Determine the fuse installation posi-
u (do not wait for longer than 6 s). ter will not be used for a prolonged
tion of the Telestart module (image The hand-held transmitter has now period.
serves as an example, in the heater's been paired. u If liquid from a damaged battery
wiring harness). comes in contact with clothing, the
11 Battery
u Pull the fuse of the Telestart mod- eyes or the skin, immediately flush
ule. ATTENTION the affected area with ample water.
Improper use can cause the bat- u Dispose of the battery in accordance
teries to leak, overheat or ex- with locally applicable disposal regu-
plode. lations. Insulate the contacts with in-
<5s u When handling the battery, follow all sulating tape.
instructions and warnings that are u Keep new and used batteries out of
supplied with or printed on the bat- the reach of children. Swallowing the
tery. battery can seriously damage your
u The battery is not rechargeable health. If a battery is swallowed im-
therefore never attempt to charge mediately seek medical assistance.
Fig.10 the battery.
u Reset the fuse within 5 s. u Never short-circuit the battery.

8 9040121B OI-II Telestart T99

Webasto Thermo & Comfort SE Telestart T99

11.1 Battery disposal 12 Maintenance and

Batteries and electronic devices are
Battery and hand-held transmitter:
subject to the current versions of
the European Directive 2006/66/EC nAvoid damage
or 2002/96/EC and must not be nDo not let it heat up over 70 °C (e.g.
disposed of as household waste. direct sunlight)
Every consumer is therefore legally 1
nOperating temperature 0 °C to +50
obligated to dispose of batteries 2 °C
and used/scrap electronic devices WHE000078A WHE000084A nOnly store the unit in a dry and dust-
in the marked recycling containers Fig.12 free environment
at a waste collection point or re- u Insert a suitable object, e.g. screw- nProtect against moisture
turn to retail trade. Return is free driver, into the recess on the side (1) nStore at room temperature
of charge. in the direction of the arrow.
u Pry open the battery cover upwards
Dispose of packaging in corresponding with the object.
recycling container in accordance with u Remove the battery cover.
national regulations. u Remove the battery (2).
11.2 Changing the battery NOTE
If the indicator lamp in the hand-held Ensure the correct polarity when
transmitter flashes orange or does not inserting the battery into the
light up when the button is pressed, hand-held transmitter.
the battery in the hand-held transmitter u
The new battery must be the same
must be replaced.
type of battery.
u Clip the battery cover back onto the
radio remote control housing.

9040121B OI-II Telestart T99 9

Telestart T99 Webasto Thermo & Comfort SE

13 Installation overview Telestart T99



8 7

1 Disc antenna 5 UniControl (option) 9 Male connector for heaters

2 Telestart receiver 6 MultiControl (option) 10 Control element connection of the
3 ESVT adapter (Telestart wiring har- 7 Push button (option)
4 Extra control element (optional) 8 Female connector ESVT cable for
second control element

10 9040121B Telestart T99

Webasto Thermo & Comfort SE Telestart T99

14 Scope of delivery No. Individual parts Number 14.1 Control elements

1 Telestart T99 transmit- 1 (optional)
1 2
(incl. battery)
2 1 1
Telestart T99 receiver
3 ESVT adapter 1
Telestart wiring har-
4 Mounting bracket 1 2 3
5 Disc antenna 1
6 CR2032 lithium cell 3 V 1
Not pictured:
Telestart T99 Operating 1 Fig.14 Operation examples
5 3 and installation instruc-
1 Push button (op- 3 MultiControl
tional) (optional)
Webasto Service Con- 1
2 UniControl (op-
tact Information
4 u Remove Telestart from the pack-
aging. DANGER
u Check the completeness of the deliv- Danger of fire and explosion
ery. u One of the control elements
u Check the complete delivery for shown must be installed in
Fig.13 damage. addition to the Telestart T99
to be able to switch off the
heater in an emergency.

9040121B OI-II Telestart T99 11

Telestart T99 Webasto Thermo & Comfort SE

15 General 1 Preferred install- 2 Optional installa-

These installation instructions describe ation position tion position
the initial installation and upgrade of a NOTE
Webasto Telestart receiver for Webasto The aerial must not be mounted
heaters. more than 150 mm away from
NOTE the centre of the window on the
If another Webasto control ele- left or right side.
ment is not provided, the push If it is installed at a different loc-
button must be installed. ation, a loss of range must be
16 Installation Fig.15 Mounting bracket
u Install the receiver on the mounting
u Maintain a minimum distance of 20
16.1 Installing the Telestart
bracket. mm ± 5 from the body panel (for op-
receiver timum reception).
16.2 Installing the aerial
u Install the aerial cable as follows:
The Telestart T99 must be in- route the aerial cable under the
stalled in the interior of the < 300 mm
vehicle headliner trim, along the left
vehicle. or right under the crossbeam trim to
u Determine the installation location of under the instrument panel to the
the Telestart T99 in the passenger 2 Telestart receiver and plug it in.
< 25 mm
compartment of the vehicle (when NOTE
retrofitting, preferably near the con- Clean the windscreen with a de-
1 1
trol element or push button). greasing cleaner (e.g. spirit).
u Fasten the mounting bracket using
self-tapping screws NOTE
Do not shorten or bend the aer-
ial cable (smallest winding dia-
Do not damage any electric Fig.16 Installation location of the aer- meter 50 mm).
cables or pipes while drilling. ial, front or rear window

12 9040121B OI-II Telestart T99

Webasto Thermo & Comfort SE Telestart T99

16.3 Installing the ESVT Adjusting the ESVT adapter (Tele-

adapter (Telestart start wiring harness) pin assign-
wiring harness) ment
ü The ESVT adapter has been adap- NOTE
ted (for W-bus or analogue mode). The pins are factory fitted on
For wires at the ESVT adapter: see the wires of the W-bus. 08
Installation overview. u Adjust the ESVT adapter provided by
u Route the ESVT adapter in the pas- "pinning" it to the existing installa-
senger compartment under the tion situation (select control ele-
vehicle's instrument panel. ments and heater).
u Connect the heater wiring harness: u Please note chapter 16.1 Installing
route the 4-pin connector from the the Telestart receiver .
heater wiring harness (control ele-
Fig.18 Male connector for heaters
ment connection) into the vehicle in-
terior. See wiring diagram and in-
stallation instructions for the heater. 8
u Connect the control element con- I II III IIII
nector: connect the ESVT adapter to
the 4-pin connector of the control Analog --- sw rt br
element or push button.
u Connect the Telestart receiver: con-
W-Bus ge --- rt br
nect the ESVT adapter to the Tele- Fig.19 Male connector ESVT cable
start receiver

Fig.17 Detaching the ESVT cable insu-


9040121B OI-II Telestart T99 13

Telestart T99 Webasto Thermo & Comfort SE

16.5 Installing the control

The analogue switch input on the Tele-
start T99 is set at the factory for opera-
10 tion together with a push button.
MultiControl and UniControl
u Connect the control element to the
connector of the ESVT adapter.
Fig.22 Installing the control element push
u Observe the following requirements: button
1. Remove the wrap from the tied- ü The ESVT adapter is pinned accord-
back wires on both connection ing to the specifications for push
Fig.20 Female connector ESVT cable for plugs to the heater and control ele- buttons, see Installing the ESVT ad-
second control element ment. apter (Telestart wiring harness).
u Route and install the ESVT adapter.
2. Pin the required wires into the con-
u Drill a 16mm dia. hole at the installa-
nection plugs according to the spe-
10 tion location agreed with the cus-
cifications in the figures.
1 2 3 4 tomer.
3. Tie back and re-insulate the unne- u Install the push button.
--- sw rt br cessary wire ends.
Analog u Connect the ESVT adapter to the
16.4 Cable colours connection plug on the push button.
W-Bus ge --- rt br
Abbrevi- Colour Abbrevi- Colour 17 Annex
ation ation 17.1 Declaration of
sw gr rt br br brown rt red Conformity
ge yellow sw black CE-Declaration of Conformity and
Fig.21 Female connector ESVT cable gr grey UKCA-Declaration of Conformity

14 9040121B OI-II Telestart T99

Webasto Thermo & Comfort SE Telestart T99

The Telestart T99 was developed, man-

ufactured, tested and supplied in ac-
cordance with the relevant directives,
regulations and standards for safety,
EMC and environmental compatibility.
Webasto declares that the product
Telestart T99 is manufactured and de-
livered in accordance with the direct-
ives and regulations.
The complete CE Declaration of Con-
formity and UKCA Declaration of Con-
formity can be found in the download
area at
17.2 Statutory regulations
governing installation
Regulation Typ approval number
ECR R10 E1 10 R - 059049
The stipulations of these regulations are
binding in the area covered by EU Dir-
ective 70/156/EEC and/or 2007/46/EC
(for new vehicle models from
29/04/2009) and should also be ob-
served in countries where there are no
specific regulations. Failure to follow
the installation instructions and the
notes contained therein will lead to all
liability being refused by Webasto.

9040121B OI-II Telestart T99 15

Telestart T99 Webasto Thermo & Comfort SE

17.3 Technical data

Hand-held transmitter
Basic functions ON, OFF, heating, ventilation
Status indicator LED (red/green/orange)
Size L/W/H [mm] 61.8 x 32.9 x 13.9
Weight [g] 32 (including battery)
Transmitting power [dBm] +5
Transmitting frequency [MHz] 869.0
Reception sensitivity [dBm] -118
Battery [V] 3 (recommended: Varta battery CR2032)
Operating temperature / Storage temperature (without 0 to +50 / -40 to +85
battery) [ºC]
Protection class IP44
Operating voltage [V] 9 to 16
Current consumption [mA] < 2 (no-load current)
Size L/W/H [mm] 92.0 x 64.0 x 24.2
Weight (g) 66
Transmitting frequency [MHz] 869.0
Transmitting power [dBm] +14
Reception sensitivity [dBm] -128
Operating temperature / Storage temperature [ºC] -40 to +85
Protection class IP42
Range [m] General: ≥ 1000 (outdoors)
Aerial connector Aaerial connector with FAKRA interface, I-coded
Connections MQS 6-pin socket housing
No. of transmitters Up to 4 transmitters can be paired to one receiver.
16 9040121B Telestart T99
Ident No. 9040121B • 06/2021 • Errors and omissions excepted • © Webasto Thermo & Comfort SE
These are the original instructions. The German language is binding.
You can request your language if it is missing. The telephone number of each country can be found in the Webasto service centre leaflet or the website of
the respective Webasto representative of your country.

Europe, Asia Pacific UK only

Webasto Thermo & Comfort SE Webasto Thermo & Comfort UK Ltd

Postfach 1410 Webasto House
82199 Gilching White Rose Way
Germany Doncaster Carr
South Yorkshire
Company address: DN4 5JH
Friedrichshafener Str. 9 United Kingdom
82205 Gilching

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