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Optimal Force–Velocity Profile in Ballistic Movements—Altius

Article in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise · July 2011

DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0b013e31822d757a · Source: PubMed


258 13,526

5 authors, including:

Pierre Samozino Enrico Rejc

Université Savoie Mont Blanc University of Louisville


Alain Belli Jean-Benoît Morin

Université Jean Monnet Université Jean Monnet


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Optimal Force–Velocity Profile in Ballistic
Movements—Altius: Citius or Fortius?
Laboratory of Exercise Physiology (EA4338), University of Savoy, Le Bourget du Lac, FRANCE;
Department of Biomedical Sciences and Technologies, University of Udine, Udine, ITALY; and
Laboratory of Exercise Physiology (EA4338), University of Lyon, Saint Etienne, FRANCE

SAMOZINO, P., E. REJC, P. E. DI PRAMPERO, A. BELLI, and J.-B. MORIN. Optimal Force–Velocity Profile in Ballistic Move-
ments—Altius: Citius or Fortius? Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 44, No. 2, pp. 313–322, 2012. Purpose: The study’s purpose was to
determine the respective influences of the maximal power (P max ) and the force–velocity (F–v) mechanical profile of the lower limb
neuromuscular system on performance in ballistic movements. Methods: A theoretical integrative approach was proposed to express
ballistic performance as a mathematical function of P max and F–v profile. This equation was (i) validated from experimental data
obtained on 14 subjects during lower limb ballistic inclined push-offs and (ii) simulated to quantify the respective influence of P max and
F–v profile on performance. Results: The bias between performances predicted and obtained from experimental measurements was
4%–7%, confirming the validity of the proposed theoretical approach. Simulations showed that ballistic performance was mostly in-
fluenced not only by P max but also by the balance between force and velocity capabilities as described by the F–v profile. For each indi-
vidual, there is an optimal F–v profile that maximizes performance, whereas unfavorable F–v balances lead to differences in performance up
to 30% for a given P max . This optimal F–v profile, which can be accurately determined, depends on some individual characteristics
(limb extension range, P max ) and on the afterload involved in the movement (inertia, inclination). The lower the afterload, the more the opti-
mal F–v profile is oriented toward velocity capabilities and the greater the limitation of performance imposed by the maximal velocity of
lower limb extension. Conclusions: High ballistic performances are determined by both maximization of the power output capabilities and
optimization of the F–v mechanical profile of the lower limb neuromuscular system. Key Words: MAXIMAL POWER, JUMPING

allistic movements, notably jumping, have often shortest time during a push-off. From Newton’s second
been investigated to better understand the mechani- law of motion, the velocity reached by the body center of
cal limits of skeletal muscle function in vivo, be it mass (CM) at the end of a push-off (or takeoff velocity, vTO)
in animals (19,23) or in humans (6,9,20). One of the main directly depends on the mechanical impulse developed in
questions scientists, coaches, or athletes ask when explor- the movement direction (22,26,42). Because the ability to
ing factors for optimizing ballistic performance is which develop a high impulse cannot be considered as a mechan-
mechanical quality of the neuromuscular system is more ical property of the neuromuscular system, the issue is to
important: ‘‘force’’ or ‘‘velocity’’ mechanical capability? identify which mechanical capabilities of the lower limbs
Ballistic movements may be defined as maximal move- determine the impulse. Developing a high impulse during a
ments aiming to accelerate a moving mass as much as pos- lower limb push-off and, in turn, accelerating body mass as
sible, that is, to reach the highest possible velocity in the much as possible have often been assumed to depend on
power capabilities of the neuromuscular system involved in
the movement (14,19,26,29,36,40,43). This explains the
Address for correspondence: Pierre Samozino, Ph.D., Laboratoire de Physi- wide interest of sports performance practitioners in im-
ologie de l’Exercice, Université de Saint-Étienne, Médecine du sport et
Myologie - Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Bellevue, 42055 Saint-Étienne
proving muscular power (9,10,12,14,27). On this basis,
Cedex 02, France; E-mail: maximal power output (P max ) may be improved by in-
Submitted for publication November 2010. creasing the ability to develop high levels of force at low
Accepted for publication July 2011. velocities (force capabilities or strength) and/or lower levels
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL of force at high velocities (velocity capabilities) (10,11,27).
citations appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF The best strategy continues to be an everlasting source of
versions of this article on the journal’s Web site ( interest and debate (5,10–12,14,29).
0195-9131/12/4402-0313/0 The overall dynamic mechanical capabilities of the lower
MEDICINE & SCIENCE IN SPORTS & EXERCISE! limb neuromuscular system have been well described by
Copyright " 2012 by the American College of Sports Medicine inverse linear force–velocity (F–v) and parabolic power–
DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0b013e31822d757a velocity (P–v) relationships during various types of multijoint


Copyright © 2012 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
concentric extension movements (3,33,35,40,43). These re- P max and F–v profile on performance in ballistic lower limb
lationships describe the changes in external force generation movements. Moreover, force and velocity contributions to
and power output with increasing movement velocity and power output depend on the load involved (10,14). Con-
may be summarized through three typical variables: the the- sequently, the secondary aim of this study was to investigate
; ;
oretical maximal force at null velocity (F 0 ), the P max the whether the effects of the F–v profile on ballistic per-
lower limbs can produce over one extension, and the theo- formances (if any) depend on the afterloads (additional loads
retical maximal velocity at which lower limbs can extend and/or push-off orientation against gravity) involved in
during one extension under zero load (vY0 ). These three pa- the movement. To achieve these aims, the aforementioned
rameters represent the maximal mechanical capabilities of theoretical analysis was compared with experimental mea-
lower limbs to generate external force, power output, and surements during jumping.
extension velocity, respectively. Because they characterize
the mechanical limits of the entire neuromuscular function,
they encompass individual muscle mechanical properties THEORETICAL BACKGROUND
(e.g., intrinsic F–v and length–tension relationships, rate of This section is devoted to an analysis of ballistic per-
force development), some morphological factors (e.g., cross- formance through maximal jumps at different push-off
sectional area, fascicle length, pennation angle, tendon prop- angles. The entire lower limb neuromuscular system is
erties), and neural mechanisms (e.g., motor unit recruitment, considered as a force generator characterized by an inverse
firing frequency, motor unit synchronization, intermuscular linear F–v relationship and a given range of motion. The
coordination) (9). Graphically, F 0 and vY0 correspond to the maximal jumping performance can be well represented by
force axis and velocity axis intercepts of the linear F–v curve, the maximal vTO (vTOmax ) of the body CM. As detailed in the
respectively, and P max corresponds to the apex of the para- recent theoretical integrative approach, jumping perfor-
bolic P–v relationship. Under these conditions, the relation- mance can be expressed as a function of some mechanical
ship among these three parameters can be described by the characteristics of lower limbs. In this approach mentioned
following mathematical equation (41): above (see Samozino et al. [37]), vTOmax can be expressed
! as follows:
! F! v
Pmax ¼ 0 0 ½1$
4 0sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1
Y2 Y
; @ F0 2 Y F0 A
Consequently, two athletes with similar P max could theo- vTOmax ¼ hPO þ ðF 0 jgsin>Þj Y ½2$
4Yv 20 hPO 2v 0
retically present different F–v mechanical profiles, i.e., dif-
ferent combinations of F 0 and vY0 . The issue is therefore to where g is the gravitational acceleration (9.81 mIsj2), > is
determine whether the F–v profile may influence ballistic the push-off angle with respect to the horizontal (-), hPO
performances independently of P max . In other words, is it is the distance covered by the CM during push-off cor-
preferable to be ‘‘strong’’ or ‘‘fast’’ to reach the highest per- responding to the extension range of lower limbs (m), and
formance in ballistic movements? Such an analysis might ;
F 0 (NIkgj1 of moving mass) and vY0 (mIsj1) are the maxi-
provide greater insight into the relationship between me- mal force at theoretical null velocity and the theoretical
chanical properties of the neuromuscular system and func- maximal unloaded velocity of lower limbs, respectively.
tional performance, either to further explore animal motor The push-off angle >, assumed to be the same as the axis of
behaviors (19,20) or to program athletic training in humans, the force developed, is considered constant over the entire
as underlined in recent reviews (10,12,14). push-off. In equation 2, the afterload opposing in motion
The effects of the F–v mechanical profile on ballistic per- is taken into account through inertia (i.e., the moving
formance have been experimentally approached only through mass present here in the normalization of F 0 ) and gravity
studies led in athletes with different training backgrounds (g ( sin >, i.e., the component of the gravity opposed to the
(40,43), through different training protocols (5,7,11,16,27), movement).
or both (4,8). However, in these studies, the various F–v The F–v mechanical profile of lower limbs can be repre-
; ;
profiles of athletes were also associated with various P max sented by the ratio between F 0 and vY0 , i.e., by the slope of

values among subjects, making it impossible to identify the linear F–v relationship (SFv) given by the following
the sole effect of the F–v profile. The influence of force equation:
and velocity capabilities on jumping performance has been Y
recently addressed through a theoretical integrative approach F0
SFv ¼ j Y ½3$
mathematically expressing the maximal jump height an indi-
vidual can reach as a function of F 0 and vY0 (37). However, (with the force graphically represented on the vertical axis of
the observed positive effects of F 0 and vY0 on performance the F–v relationship).
were not independent from possible effects of P max , the latter Thus, the lower the SFv, the steeper the F–v relation-
being overlooked. ship and the higher the force capabilities compared with
On the basis of this theoretical approach, the main aim velocity ones (7). Note that SFv and P max are theorized to be
of this study was to determine the respective influences of independent.

314 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine

Copyright © 2012 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Substituting equation 3 in equation 2 gives the following: Vicenza, Italy) mounted on the back of the main frame. Force
0sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 and velocity analog outputs were sampled at a frequency of
S 2 2 S
Y Fv 1000 Hz using a data acquisition system (MP100; BIOPAC
vTOmax ¼ hPO @ Fv
þ ðF 0 jgsin>Þ þ A ½4$
4 hPO 2 Systems, Inc., Goleta, CA). The instantaneous power was cal-
; culated from the product of instantaneous force and velocity
On the other hand, from equations 1 and 3, F 0 can be
; values. Data were processed using the AcqKnowledge soft-
expressed as a function of P max and SFv:
ware (BIOPAC Systems, Inc.). An electric motor, positioned
Y pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiYffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
F 0 ¼ j4 P max SFv ½5$ in front of the carriage seat, allowed us to impose known
braking forces, acting along the direction of motion. The mo-
Substituting equation 5 in equation 4 gives the following:
tor, controlled by a personal computer, was linked to the seat
0sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1
2 pffiffiffiffiffiYffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi by a chain, its braking action initiating immediately at the
@ SFv 2 SFv A
vTOmax ¼ hPO þ ð2 jP max SFv jgsin>Þ þ ½6$ onset of the subject’s push. The braking force of the motor,
4 hPO 2
ranging from about 200 to 2300 N, was set using a custom-
Consequently, vTOmax can also be expressed as a func- built LabVIEW program (National Instruments, Austin, TX).
tion of P max , SFv, and hPO. Equation 6 is true for For each test, the subject was seated on the carriage seat,
Y Y secured by a safety belt tightened around the shoulders and
hPO 9 0, P max 9 gsin>2 =j4 SFv , and SFv G jgsin>2 =4 P max
(see appendices, Supplemental Digital Content 1a, abdomen, with the arms on handlebars. The starting posi-, for details on the com- tion, set with feet on the force plates and knees flexed at 90-,
putations of these values). In the present study, equation 6 was fixed thanks to adjustable blocks positioned on the rail
was (i) validated from experimental measurements and (ii) of the EXER to prevent the downward movement of the
simulated to analyze the respective influences of P max and carriage seat and, in turn, any countermovement.
SFv on jumping performance. F–v relationships of lower limb neuromuscular
system. To determine individual F–v relationships, each
subject performed horizontal maximal lower limb extension
METHODS USED IN THE EXPERIMENTAL against seven randomized motor braking forces: 0%, 40%,
VALIDATION 80%, 120%, 160%, 200%, and 240% of the subject’s body
Subjects and experimental protocol. Fourteen sub- weight. The condition without braking force (0% of body
jects (age = 26.3 T 4.5 yr, body mass = 83.9 T 18.3 kg, stature weight) was performed with the motor chain disconnected
= 1.81 T 0.07 m) gave their written informed consent to from the carriage seat. For each trial, subjects were asked
participate in this study, which was approved by the local to extend their lower limbs as fast as possible. Two trials,
ethical committee and in agreement with the Declaration of separated by 2 min of recovery, were completed at each
Helsinki. All subjects practiced physical activities including braking force. Mean force (F ), velocity (vY ), and power (P)
explosive efforts (e.g., basketball, rugby, soccer); eight of for the best trial of each condition were determined from the
them were rugby players (four played in the Italian first averages of instantaneous values over the entire push-off
league). After a 10-min warm-up and a brief familiarization phase. The push-off began when the velocity signal in-
with the laboratory equipment, each subject performed two creased and ended when the force signal (if takeoff) or the
series of maximal lower limb push-offs: (i) horizontal ex- velocity signal (if no takeoff) fell to zero. As previously
tensions with different resistive forces allowing us to deter- suggested (3,33,43), F–v relationships were determined by
mine F–v relationships of the lower limbs and (ii) inclined least squares linear regressions. Because P–v relationships
jumps used to compare experimental performances with are derived from the product of force and velocity, they were
theoretical predictions. logically described by second-degree polynomial functions.
Tests were realized on the Explosive Ergometer F–v curves were extrapolated to obtain F 0 (then normalized
(EXER, see Figure, Supplemental Digital Content 2, to total moving mass, i.e., body + carriage seat mass) and vY0 ,, for a schematic view of which correspond to the intercepts of the F–v curve with the
the EXER) consisting of a metal frame supporting one rail force and velocity axis, respectively. According to equation
; ;
on which a seat, fixed on a carriage, was free to move 3, SFv was then computed from F 0 and vY0 . Values of P max
(for more details, see Rejc et al. [34]). The total moving (normalized to body + carriage seat mass) were determined
mass (seat + carriage) was 31.6 kg. The main frame could be from the first mathematical derivation of P–v regression
inclined up to a maximum angle of 30- with respect to the equations. Moreover, to test the validity of equation 1, P max
horizontal. The subject could therefore accelerate himself or was also computed from this equation (PmaxTH ).
herself and the carriage seat backward by pushing on two Inclined push-off performance. To validate equa-
force plates (LAUMAS PA 300; Parma, Italy) positioned tion 6, each subject then performed two inclined maximal
perpendicular to the rail, the output of which was independent push-offs at three sled angles (>) (10-, 20-, and 30- above
of the point of application of the force within a wide area. The the horizontal) with the motor chain disconnected from
velocity of the carriage seat along the direction of motion was the carriage seat, following the same procedures described
continuously recorded by a wire tachometer (LIKA SGI, above. vTO was determined for each trial as the instantaneous

OPTIMAL FORCE–VELOCITY PROFILE Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercised 315

Copyright © 2012 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
velocity value when the force signal fell to zero. Push-off in P max and SFv at different push-off angles (>), each variable
distance (hPO) was determined for each subject by integrating being studied separately.
the velocity signal over time during the push-off phase.
Statistical analyses. All data are presented as mean T
SD. For each subject and each sled angle condition, the RESULTS
highest vTO reached in the two trials was compared with Validation of the theoretical approach. Individual
vTOmax computed according to equation 6, from P max , hPO, F–v and P–v relationships were well fitted by linear
and SFv. After checking distributions normality with the (r2 = 0.75–0.99, P e 0.012) and second-degree polynomial
Shapiro–Wilk test, the difference between vTO and vTOmax (r2 = 0.70–1.00, P e 0.024) regressions, respectively. Figure 1
(bias) was computed and tested using a t-test for paired shows these relationships for two typical subjects with dif-
samples. To complete this comparison, the absolute dif- ferent F–v profiles (i.e., different F 0 , vY0 , and SFv) and dif-
; ;
ference between vTO and vTOmax (absolute bias) was also ferent P max capabilities. Mean T SD values of hPO, vY0 , F 0 ,
calculated as jðvTOmax jvTO Þvj1
TO j100 (36). Using; the same
P max , and SFv were 0.39 T 0.04 m, 2.78 T 0.63 mIsj1, 24.2 T
comparison method, experimental values of P max were 2.97 NIkgj1 (or 17.3 T 1.60 NIkgj1 when normalized to
compared with theoretical values (PmaxTH ). After checking body + carriage seat mass), 16.34 T 2.26 WIkgj1 (or 11.78 T
the homogeneity of variances, the effect of sled angle was 1.80 WIkgj1 when normalized to body + carriage seat
tested with a one-way ANOVA for repeated measures on mass), and j9.33 T 3.31 NIsImj1Ikgj1 (or j6.64 T
vTO and vTOmax . When a significant effect was detected, a 2.12 NIsImj1Ikgj1 when normalized to body + carriage seat
post hoc Newman–Keuls comparison was used to locate mass), respectively. The difference between P max and PmaxTH
the significant differences. For all statistical analyses, a was not significant and very low (absolute bias = 1.81% T
P value of 0.05 was accepted as the level of significance. 0.76%), which shows the validity of equation 1. Mean T SD
values of vTO and vTOmax , as well as mean values of absolute
bias, are presented in Table 1. For each push-off angle, vTO
and vTOmax were not significantly different, and bias was
j0.05 T 0.17 mIsj1 (see Figure, Supplemental Digital
The relative influences of P max and SFv on vTOmax were Content 3,, which shows
analyzed via equation 6. First, vTOmax changes with SFv were bias and limits of agreement in a Bland–Altman plot). On
determined for different P max values at different push-off the other hand, the effect of push-off angle was significant
angles (>). The range of P max and SFv values used in the on both vTO and vTOmax , with differences between every
; ;
simulations was obtained from data (P max , F 0 , vY0 ) previously condition (Table 1).
; ;
reported for human maximal lower limb extensions: P max Theoretical simulations. As expected, P max positively
from 10 to 40 WIkg and SFv until to j40 NIsIm Ikgj1
j1 j1
affects vTOmax , which is clearly shown in Figure 2 for both
(32,33,36,43). The effect of hPO on performance, previously vertical (> = 90-) and horizontal (> = 0-) push-offs. The
studied and discussed (see Samozino et al. [37]), was not main original result was the curvilinear changes in vTOmax
specifically treated here; hPO was set at 0.4 m, which is a with SFv for a given P max (Fig. 2). Such variations highlight
typical value for humans. Then, sensitivity analyses were the existence of an optimal SFv (SFvopt ) maximizing vTOmax for
performed to assess the respective weight of each variable given P max and hPO. Moreover, SFvopt values seem to change
plotting relative variations in vTOmax against relative variations slightly as a function of both P max and > values, ranging

– –
FIGURE 1—Typical F–v (left panel) and P–v (right panel) relationships for two subjects with different F–v profiles (SFv = jF0/v–0) and P max values

(gray cross). Subject 1 (open circles) presents a lower P max and an F–v profile more oriented toward force capabilities than subject 2 ( filled circles), who
presents an F–v profile more oriented toward velocity capabilities.

316 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine

Copyright © 2012 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
TABLE 1. Mean T SD of vTO obtained with experimental and theoretical approaches,
absolute bias between these two approaches, and t-test comparison results.
Experimental Values Theoretical Values Absolute
> (-) (vTO (mIsj1)) (vTOmax (mIsj1)) t-Test Bias (%)
10 2.45 T 0.22 2.43 T 0.18 ns 4.40 T 4.94
20 2.32 T 0.25a 2.25 T 0.16a ns 6.56 T 5.46
30 2.14 T 0.23ab 2.07 T 0.15ab ns 5.73 T 3.89
Significantly different from > = 10-.
Significantly different from > = 20-.
ns, nonsignificative difference between experimental and theoretical values.

from j18 to j6 NIsImj1Ikgj1 for the conditions simulated

in Figure 2. The dependence of SFvopt on P max , >, and hPO
can be mathematically analyzed: the expression of SFvopt as a
function of these three variables is a real solution canceling
out the first mathematical derivative of vTOmax with respect
to SFv (see appendices, Supplemental Digital Content 1b,, for detailed computations
of SFvopt ). Whatever the value of P max , SFvopt decreases when FIGURE 3—Changes in optimal F–v profile (SFvopt) as a function of

> increases (Fig. 3). For both vertical and horizontal push- the push-off angle (>) for different P max values. The hPO is fixed here at
offs, the sensitivity analysis showed that vTOmax is more in- 0.4 m.
fluenced by P max than by SFv, at least when the SFv reference
value is equal to SFvopt (Fig. 4). Moreover, the respective (inertia, inclination). The concept of optimal F–v profile and
effects of P max and SFv on vTOmax seem to decrease with de- the proposed approach make it possible to clarify some
creasing > (Fig. 4). scientific issues previously discussed about the mechanical
capabilities of lower limbs that determine ballistic perfor-
mance and about the relationships between lower limb
DISCUSSION neuromuscular system structure and function. The following
The original and main findings of this study are that bal- discussion is devoted to detailing these different points.
listic performance of the lower limbs depends on both P max Validity of the theoretical approach. These findings
capabilities and the F–v profile, with the existence of an were obtained using a theoretical integrative approach based
individual optimal F–v profile corresponding to the best on fundamental principles of dynamics and on the F–v linear
balance between force and velocity capabilities. This opti- model characterizing the dynamic mechanical capabilities of
mal F–v profile, which can be accurately determined, the neuromuscular system during a lower limb extension.
depends on some individual characteristics (limb extension This linear model, as well as the parabolic P–v relationship,
range, P max ) and on the afterload involved in the movement has been well supported and experimentally described for


FIGURE 2—Changes in maximal CM vTO (vTOmax) reached at the end of a lower limb push-off, as a function of the changes in the F–v profile (SFv) for

different P max values and at two push-off angles (>). The hPO is fixed here at 0.4 m. For the vertical push-off (> = 90-), the corresponding jump height
(obtained from basic ballistic equations) is presented on the additional y axis. Open circles represent the vTOmax reached for an optimal F–v profile

OPTIMAL FORCE–VELOCITY PROFILE Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercised 317

Copyright © 2012 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

FIGURE 4—Sensitivity analyses: relative changes in maximal CM vTO (vTOmax) as a function of the relative variations of P max and F–v profile (SFv) for
– j1
two > values. The reference value for P max is 25 WIkg and corresponds to the optimal F–v profile value for SFv (j14.0 for > = 90- and j8.20 for > = 0-).
The hPO is fixed here at 0.4 m. For SFv, the higher the normalized variation, the lower the value because SFv values are only negative and the more
the F–v profile tends toward force capabilities.

multijoint movements (3,33,43,44). The linearity of the F–v power capability brings new insights into the recurrent de-
relationship, usually presented as hyperbolic for isolated bate about the role of ‘‘power’’ in impulsive performance,
muscles (17), is explained by the integrative feature of the such as jumping (22,26,42). On the basis of Newton’s sec-
model. The force generator and, in turn, its maximal force ond law of motion, some authors stated that jumping per-
; ;
(F 0 ), unloaded velocity (vY0 ), and power (P max ) refer here to formance does not depend on the muscular capability to
the entire in vivo neuromuscular system involving several develop power but rather on the capability to develop a high
muscles with different mixed fiber composition, architec- impulse (26,42). Even if fundamental principles of dynamics
tural characteristics, anatomical joint configuration, level directly relate mechanical impulse to vTO (and in turn jump-
of neural activation, and specific coordination strategies ing performance), the capability to generate impulse does not
(7–9,44). The limits of this theoretical approach have been represent an intrinsic mechanical property of the lower limb
previously discussed (37), but the significance and accu- neuromuscular system, contrary to P max . It is important to
racy of its predictions have not been quantified yet. Besides differentiate mechanical outputs (e.g., external force, move-
validating equation 1 (P max and PmaxTH are very close), the ment velocity, power output, impulse, mechanical work) from
; ;
present results showed no differences between predicted mechanical capabilities of lower limbs (P max , vY0 , F 0 ). On
(vTOmax ) and measured (vTO) values, associated to a low the one hand, mechanical outputs represent the mechanical
absolute bias from 4% to 6.6%. This is within the range of entities that can be externally measured during a movement
reproducibility indices previously reported for different and are often used to characterize movement dynamics from
variables (performance, velocity, force, or power) mea- a mechanical point of view. On the other hand, mechanical
sured during lower limb maximal extensions (3,18). These capabilities of lower limbs characterize the mechanical lim-
results support the validity of the proposed theoretical ap- its of the neuromuscular function and refer to the theoretical
proach, which was strengthened by the sensibility of both maximal values of some mechanical outputs that could be
predicted and experimental values to changes in push-off reached by an individual. The proposed theoretical approach
angles. Obviously, the accuracy of equation 6 is enhanced demonstrates that the ability to develop a high impulse
when muscular properties (P max and SFv) are assessed in against the ground and, in turn, the ability to reach maximal
the same conditions (e.g., joints and muscle groups in- CM velocity at the end of a push-off are highly related to
volved, range of motion) under which the actual perfor- the P max the lower limbs can produce (over a given exten-
mance is studied, as it was done here on the EXER. sion range).

Muscular capabilities determining jumping per- That said, the present results show that P max is not the
formance. Among the muscular characteristics determin- only muscular property involved in jumping performance.
; ;
ing jumping performance, P max has the greatest weight. Indeed, two individuals with the same P max (and the same
Although expected, the importance of P max in setting bal- hPO) may achieve different performances, be it during a
listic performance needed to be established, as concluded by vertical jump or a horizontal push-off (Fig. 2). These dif-
Cronin and Sleivert (12) in their recent review: ‘‘power is ferences are due to their respective F–v profiles (SFv), i.e., to
only one aspect that affects performance and it is quite likely their respective ratios between maximal force (F 0 ) and ve-
that other strength measures may be equally if not more locity (vY0 ) capabilities. For each individual (given his/her
important for determining the success of certain tasks.’’ The P max and hPO), there is an optimal F–v profile that max-
present results clearly demonstrate this idea. On the other imizes performance. The more this F–v profile differs from
hand, the dependence of ballistic performances on muscular the optimal one, the lower the performance in comparison

318 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine

Copyright © 2012 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
with the one that could be reached with the same power force and velocity capabilities (through SFvopt ) according to
capabilities (Fig. 2). The values of SFv observed here (from movement specificities. The subjects tested here presented
j16.8 to j4.9 NIsImj1Ikgj1) are consistent with F 0 and an overall unfavorable balance toward velocity capabilities
Y ; ;
v0 values previously reported (3,32,33,43). P max and F 0 for vertical jumps (SFv from 36% to 104% of their respective
values were slightly lower than those reported during vertical SFvopt ) and toward force capabilities for horizontal push-offs
push-offs (3,32,33), which is likely due to the specific sitting (SFv from 66% to 227% of SFvopt ).
position imposed by the EXER compared with the totally F–v profile and athletic training. Assessing F–v
extended hip configuration usually tested. Individuals, nota- profiles when seeking to identify the optimal balance be-
bly rugby players, as most of our subjects were, may present tween force and velocity capabilities may be of interest to set
very different F–v profiles, as shown by coefficients of vari- training loads and regimens, as previously proposed using
ation for SFv of beyond 30% compared with coefficients of power–load relationships (10,20,27,38). Values of SFv allow
; ;
variation below 20% for P max or F 0 . Most of these different comparisons among athletes independently from their power
individual F–v profiles differ from the optimal ones, thus capabilities (which is not possible from only F 0 and vY0
characterizing unfavorable balances between force and ve- values) and, thus, to know whether an athlete, as compared
locity capabilities. Indeed, individual F–v profiles observed in with another one, is characterized by a ‘‘force’’ or a
this study ranged from 36% to 104% of the optimal ones ‘‘velocity’’ profile (Fig. 1). To the best of our knowledge,
maximizing vertical jumping performance. Simulations of only Bosco (2) proposed an index to compare athletes’ F–v
equation 6 showed that such unfavorable F–v balances may profiles dividing jump height reached with an additional
be related to differences up to 30% in jump height between load (100% of body mass) by unloaded jump height: the
two individuals with similar power capabilities (Figs. 2 and higher this index, the higher the force capabilities compared
4). Consequently, we think that the F–v profile represents a with the velocity ones. However, Bosco’s index does not
muscular quality that has to be considered attentively not only allow the orientation of training loads for a given athlete
by scientists working on muscle function during maximal according to his/her own strengths and weaknesses and to
efforts but also by coaches for training purposes. movement specificities. Therefore, we propose the individ-
Effect of afterloads on optimal F–v profile. The ual value of SFv, expressed relatively to SFvopt , as a good and
optimal F–v profile depends on some individual char- practical index to characterize the F–v profile and to design
acteristics (hPO, P max ) and on the afterload opposing in appropriate training programs. The present results showed
motion (inertia, inclination). On the one hand, the F–v pro- that improving ballistic performance may be achieved
file does affect jumping performances when SFv is expressed through increasing power capabilities (i.e., shifting F–v
through values normalized to the total moving mass relationships upward and/or to the right [21]) and moving
(NIsImj1Ikgj1), which may be body mass, body mass plus the F–v profile as close to the optimal one as possible. Such
additional loads, or projectile mass. Thus, the interpretation changes in the F–v relationship, notably in its slope, may be
of F–v profiles is dependent on the movement considered. achieved by specific strength training (7,8,21). An athlete
On the other hand, the computation of the optimal F–v presenting an unfavorable F–v balance in favor of force
profile also takes account of the total moving mass: SFvopt is a (relatively to his/her optimal profile corresponding to target
function of P max , itself expressed relative to moving mass. movement specificities) should improve his/her velocity
Consequently, for a given athlete, the optimal F–v profile is capabilities as a priority by training with maximal efforts
not the same for a javelin throw (high P max relative to and light (e.g., G30% of one repetition maximum, the latter
; ;
moving mass) and for a shot put (low relative P max , see the being close to F 0 ) or negative loading, which is often called
different curves in Fig. 3). The optimal F–v profile also ‘‘ballistic’’ or ‘‘power’’ training (7,8,11,25,27). On the con-
depends on the push-off angle and more generally on the trary, an athlete with an imbalanced F–v profile oriented
magnitude of the gravity component opposing motion (the toward velocity should follow a strength training with heavy
lower the push-off angle, the more the optimal F–v profile is loads (975%–80% of one repetition maximum) to increase
oriented toward velocity capabilities). Thus, the optimal F–v his/her force capabilities as a priority (7,8,27). In both cases,
profile is not the same when seeking to maximize perfor- it is likely that (i) P max will increase and (ii) the F–v profile
mance during the first push of a sprint or during a vertical will be optimized (i.e., change toward the optimal one),
jump; velocity capabilities are more important in the former partly or totally correcting unfavorable F–v balances. As
case; force capabilities, in the latter. This is in line with the shown in the present study, these two changes would
theoretical framework proposed by Minetti (28) showing both result in a higher performance. The mechanisms un-
that power output developed during maximal efforts is less derlying these changes in F–v relationships, specific to the
dependent on muscle strength when the exercise does not kind of training, include changes in mixed fiber composi-
involve gravity, as in horizontal extensions. Such horizontal tion, muscle architecture (hypertrophy, pennation angle),
(or very horizontally inclined) push-offs are thus especially and neural activation (voluntary activation level, firing
limited by the velocity capabilities of lower limbs. The frequency, rate of EMG rise, intermuscular coordina-
originality of the present theoretical approach is to allow tion strategies) (1,7,15,27). These theoretical findings
the accurate determination of the optimal balance between support previous experimental results about the velocity (or

OPTIMAL FORCE–VELOCITY PROFILE Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercised 319

Copyright © 2012 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
load)-specific changes in performance after training with output developed during an unloaded maximal jump de-
light or heavy loads (10,25,27), with the additional origi- pends on the F–v profile. Consequently, jumping perfor-
nality of controlling the respective effects of F–v qualities mance depends directly on the mean power output developed
and P max capabilities. during push-off (for a given hPO), and the latter can be
F–v profile and optimal load. The proposed approach maximized by both maximizing P max and optimizing the
brings new insight into the understanding of the relation- F–v profile. This is illustrated in Figure 5, which shows the
ships between structure and mechanical function of the power output developed during a vertical jump (expressed
lower limb neuromuscular system and, notably, the effect of relatively to P max ) according to the F–v profile expressed
specific changes in the F–v relationship on athletic perfor- relatively to the optimal one (power output was computed
mance. The concept of the F–v profile could be related to the from equations 6 and 9 of Samozino et al. (36), see appen-
maximum dynamic output hypothesis proposed and dis- dices for more details, Supplemental Digital Content 1c,
cussed by Jaric and Markovic (20) and supported by recent An optimal F–v profile,
studies (6,13,30). Their hypothesis states that the optimal i.e., an optimal balance between F 0 and vY0 , allows the de-
load-maximizing power output in ballistic movements for velopment of P max during an unloaded jump (Fig. 5, left
physically active individuals corresponds to their own body panel) and thus maximization of jumping performance
weight and inertia (20). They argued that this optimal load (Fig. 5, right panel). Consequently, the body mass represents
would be related to the particular design of the muscular the optimal load for individuals with optimal F–v profiles.
system (notably its mechanical properties), itself influenced An athlete with an unfavorable F–v balance develops a
by the actual load individuals regularly overcome during power output lower than P max during an unloaded jump.
their daily activities. They pointed out, however, that the Such an athlete would produce P max against a load lower
different evidences provided needed to be supported by than body mass if he/she presents a velocity profile and
theoretical frameworks describing the general aspects of the higher than body mass in the case of a force profile.
neuromuscular system’s ability to provide the P max output The present theoretical framework may help to explain and
against a particular load. This may be done using the theo- understand the possible interindividual differences in opti-
retical approach proposed here. Indeed, the slope of the F–v mal load previously observed, discussed, and debated
relationship and, thus, the ratio between F 0 and vY0 are di- (6,20,24,30,31,39). The influence of training history re-
rectly related to the optimal velocity and force-maximizing cently proposed supports our findings because training
power output and so to the corresponding optimal load. background specificities directly affect the F–v profile
From F–v and P–v relationships (Fig. 1), the higher the vY0 , (8,10,27), which influences the optimal load (39). This is in
the higher the optimal velocity and the lower the optimal line with the maximum dynamic output hypothesis stating
load. Conversely, high F 0 values are associated with high that strength-trained athletes (with high force capabilities)
optimal loads. Consequently, the optimal load corresponds present optimal loads higher than their body mass (20,39).
to the mass and inertia of the body only for individuals de- In animals and humans, the lower limbs’ neuromuscular
veloping their individual P max during an unloaded vertical system is likely designed to work optimally against loads
jump. Because (i) maximal jump height changes with F–v usually supported and mobilized (20,23). Consequently,
profile for a given P max (Fig. 2, left panel) and (ii) jump animals would naturally present F–v profiles optimizing
height and power output (relative to body mass) developed ballistic performance such as horizontal jumps, when these
during a vertical jump are positively related (36), the power latter represent their main survival behavior.

FIGURE 5—Left panel: changes in power output developed during a vertical jump (expressed in %P max) with changes in F–v profile (SFv, expressed in

%SFvopt). Right panel: effect of the power output developed during a vertical jump (expressed in %P max) on the jump height reached (expressed

relatively to the jump height that could be reached, should the F–v profile be optimal). Values of P max and hPO were fixed here at 25 WIkgj1 and 0.4 m,

320 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine

Copyright © 2012 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
CONCLUSIONS chanical quality was put forward by a theoretical integrative
approach and validated here from comparisons between
Ballistic performance is mostly determined not only
; theoretically predicted performances and experimental mea-
by the P max lower limbs can generate but also by the F–v
surements during jumping. This approach was discussed here
mechanical profile characterizing the ratio between maximal
for lower limb extensions, but the results may be also ap-
force capabilities and maximal unloaded extension velocity.
plied to other multijoint muscular efforts, such as upper limb
This F–v profile of lower limbs, independent from power
ballistic movements, or more complex movements such as
capabilities, may be optimized to maximize performance.
sprint running.
Altius is neither citius nor fortius but an optimal balance
between the two. This optimal F–v profile depends on in-
dividual and movement specificities, notably on the after- The authors thank Alberto Botter (Udine Rugby Football Club) for
load involved (inertia and gravity): the lower the afterload, his help in recruitment of the subjects tested and the subjects for
their ‘‘explosive’’ implication in the protocol.
the more the optimal F–v profile will be oriented toward No funding for this study from the National Institutes of Health,
velocity capabilities. Considering F–v profile may help better Wellcome Trust, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, or others was
understand the relationships between neuromuscular system received.
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
mechanical properties and functional performance, notably The results of the present study do not constitute endorsement by
to optimize sport performance and training. This original me- the American College of Sports Medicine.

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CM body center of mass
m body mass or moving mass (kg)
g gravitational acceleration on Earth (9.81 mIsj2)
F mean external force developed over push-off along the push-off axis (relative to moving mass (NIkgj1))
vY mean CM velocity over push-off along the push-off axis (mIsj1)
P mean power output developed over push-off (relative to moving mass (WIkgj1))
; Y
F0 theoretical maximal value of F that lower limbs can produce during one extension at a theoretical null vY (relative to moving mass (NIkgj1))
vY0 theoretical maximal value of vY at which lower limbs can extend during one extension under the influence of muscle action in a theoretical unloaded condition (mIsj1)
; Y
P max maximal P that lower limbs can produce during a push-off (WIkgj1)
PmaxTH theoretical value of P max estimated from equation 1 (WIkgj1)
hPO push-off distance determined by lower limb extension range (m)
vTO CM velocity at takeoff (mIsj1)
vTOmax maximal vTO an individual can reach (mIsj1)
> push-off angle with respect to the horizontal (-)
SFv slope of linear F–v relationship (NIsImj1Ikgj1)
SFvopt optimal value of SFv maximizing vTOmax for given values of P max and hPO (NIsImj1Ikgj1)

322 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine

Copyright © 2012 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


(a) variables values for which the presented equations are true

The variables presented in the equations ( F0 , v0 , Pmax , S Fv and hPO ) have to be consistent

with push-off dynamics.

• Being a distance, hPO has to be a real positive value:

hPO > 0 [A1]

• In order to takeoff, the mean vertical force developed during push-off (in N) has to be

higher than the body weight component along the axis of movement direction. Hence,

when expressed relative to body mass (in, the mean vertical force, and in turn

F0 , have to be a real positive value higher than the gravitational acceleration

component along the axis of movement direction:

F0 > g sin α [A2]

• In the same manner, in order to takeoff, the mean vertical velocity of the CM during

push-off has to be a positive value. Hence,

v0 > 0 [A3]

• From equations [1] and [3], v0 can be expressed as a function of Pmax and S Fv :

v0 = 2 [A4]
− S Fv

with S Fv < 0 , since F0 > 0 and v0 > 0 .

Since F0 > g sin α , and according to equation [1]:

v0 g sin α
Pmax > [A5]

Substituting equation [A4] in equation [A5] gives:

g sin α Pmax
Pmax > [A6]
2 − S Fv


( g sin α )²
Pmax > [A7]
−4 S Fv

• Since F0 > g sin α , and according to equation [3]:

g sin α
− S Fv > [A8]

Substituting equation [A4] in equation [A8], and after reduction, gives:

( g sin α )²
S Fv < − [A9]
4 Pmax

(b) mathematical expression of S Fv opt as a function of Pmax and hPO

The optimal slope of F-v relationship ( S Fv opt ) is the S Fv value maximizing vTO max . The

mathematical expression of S Fv opt as a function of Pmax and hPO is a real solution of:

d vTO max
=0 [A10]
d S Fv

The first mathematical derivative of vTO max ( Pmax , S Fv , hPO ) with respect to S Fv is:

 4 Pmax 
 S Fv − 
hPO − Pmax .S Fv 1  1 2  [A11]
= PO  + 
d vTO max h ² 2 1
S Fv + (2 − Pmax S Fv − g ) + S Fv 
d S Fv g  1 2  
2  4 hPO 2 
 4 S Fv 2 + (2 − Pmax S Fv − g )  
 4 hPO 
 

Equation [A10] has four solutions, of which only one corresponds to real values of S Fv

among values for which equation [6] is true:

g2 (−( g 4 )hPO 4 − 12 ghPO 3 Pmax 2 ) Z ( P , hPO )
S Fv opt = − − + max
3Pmax 3hPO 2 Pmax Z ( P , hPO )
3hPO 2 Pmax

1/ 3

Z ( Pmax , hPO ) = −( g 6 )hPO 6 − 18 g 3 hPO 5 Pmax 2 − 54hPO 4 Pmax 4 + 6 3 2 g 3 hPO 9 Pmax 6 + 27 hPO 8 Pmax 8 )

(c) power output developed during a vertical jump as a function of S Fv

According to basic ballistic principles, the height reached during a vertical jump (h in m) can

be expressed as a function of the CM vertical take-off velocity ( vTO ):

v ²TO
h= [A14]

From equations [6] and [A14], and substituting vTO by vTO max , the maximal jump height an

individual can reach can be expressed as a function of Pmax , S Fv and hPO .

On the other hand, the mean power output ( P in developed during a vertical jump

was expressed as a function of h and push-off distance ( hPO in m) (Samozino et al., 2008):

h gh
P = g( + 1) [A15]
hPO 2

Consequently, from equations [6], [A14] and [A15], P developed during the push-off of a

maximal vertical jump can be expressed as a function of Pmax , S Fv and hPO . This allows to

analyze changes in P according to changes in S Fv (for a given Pmax and hPO , Fig. 5).

Schematic view of the Explosive Ergometer (EXER). WT wire tachometer, CS carriage seat,

FP force platforms, M electric motor. Rail system (R) and lower frame (LF) are hinged (Hi)

so that R can be tilted upward (see text for further details). To allow the motor to act on the

seat without delays, a constant tension (We = 196 N) is applied to the steel chain (dotted line).

between the two approaches (m.s-1)

Bias + 1.96 SD

Differences in vTO



Bias - 1.96 SD

1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0

Averaged vTO by the two approaches (m.s-1)

Bland and Altman plot of differences between values of centre of mass take-off velocity ( vTO )

predicted from the proposed theoretical approach and those measured during the experimental

tests for push-off angles of 10° (black filled circles), 20° (grey filled circles) and 30° (open

circles). The solid horizontal line corresponds to the bias (mean differences). Upper and lower

horizontal dotted lines represent the limits of agreement (bias ± 1.96 SD of the differences).

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