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SS1 2ND Term Physics Exam QSTNS

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Instruction: Answer all questions in section A and three in B
SECTION A (Objective Test Questions: Choose correct option from A-D)

1. Cooking pots are usually made of metals because metals (A) have high coefficient of expansion
(B) have low specific heat capacity (C) are poor radiators of heat (D) are good conductors of
2. The mechanism of heat transfer from one point to another through the vibrations of the molecules
of the medium is called (A) Convection (B) Conduction (C) radiation (D) diffusion
3. On a hot and sunny day, the most comfortable colour of attire is (A) black (B) white (C) red (D)
4. The heat from the sun reaches the earth’s surface by the process of (A) convection (B) conduction
(C) radiation (D) precipitation
5. A blacksmith heated a metal whose cubic expansivity is 6.3 ×10−6 K −1. The area expansivity is
(A) 6.3 ×10−6 K −1 (B) 4.2 ×10−6 K −1 (C) 2.1 ×10−6 K −1 (D) 2.0 ×10−6 K −1
6. The sagging of overhead cables is the consequence of (A) linear expansivity (B) superficial
expansivity (C) cubic expansivity (D) apparent expansivity
7. When a very hot water is poured into two identical thin and thick glass tumblers in equal
volumes, the thick one cracks because (A) glass is a good conductor of heat (B) of the uneven
expansion of the glass (C) glass is a crystal (D) of the even expansion of glass
8. A metal of volume 40 cm3 is heated from 30o C to 90 o C , the increase in volume is (A) 0.40 cm3
(B) 0.14 cm3 (C) 4.00 cm3 (D) 1.20 cm3 [ Linear expansivity of the metal¿ 2.0 ×10−5 K −1]
9. Which of the following sources of energy is renewable? (A) Petroleum (B) Charcoal (C) Hydro
(D) Nuclear
10. If a cage containing a truck of coal weighing 750 kg is raised to a height of 90 m in 1 minute ,
what I the total power expended? (A) 11.50 kW (B) ) 12.60 kW (C) ) 11.25 kW (D) ) 12.10 kW
[ g=10 ms−2]
11. What factor does not affect the amount of work done? (A) Force (B) distance (C) time (D) none
of these
12. The faster an object travels (A) The greater its kinetic energy (B) The less its potential energy
(C) The greater its potential energy (D) All of the above
13. The S.I unit of work is the (A) Newton (N) (B) Newton/metre(N/m) (C) Joule(J) (D)
14. What is the gravitational potential energy of an object (A) energy due to only the motion of the
object (B) potential energy stored in the nuclei of the object’s atoms (C) energy due to only the
height of the object above Earth’s surface (D) energy due to the motion and position of the object
above Earth’s surface
15. A car with a mass of 1800 kg is travelling at a speed of 16.0 ms−1 . What is the kinetic energy of
the car? (A) 4.61 ×10 5 J (B) 2.30 ×105 J (C) 5.6 ×10 4 J (D) 2.88 ×10 6 J
16. Water stored in a dam possesses (A) no energy (B) electrical energy (C) kinetic energy (D)
potential energy
17. If the speed of an object is doubled then its kinetic energy is (A) doubled (B) quadrupled (C)
halved (D) tripled
18. The coefficient of volume expansion(β ) is related to the coefficient of linear expansion(α ) as
follows: (A) β=α (B) β=2 α (C) β=3 α (D) β=
19. A steel pipe with an initial length of 5 m is heated from 20o C to 120o C . If the coefficient of
linear expansion of for steel is 1.2 ×10−5 ℃−1, what is the change in length of the pipe? (A)
0.06 cm (B) 0.12 cm (C) 0.24 cm (D) 0.36 cm
20. Why are expansion joints used in long bridges and railways? (A) To reduce thermal expansion
(B) To increase thermal expansion (C) To allow for thermal expansion and contraction (D) To
prevent any kind of expansion
21. In what range of temperature is the expansion of water anomalous? (A) −4 ℃ ¿ 0 ℃ (B)
4 ℃ ¿ 100℃ (C) 0 ℃ ¿ 4 ℃ (D) −4 ℃ ¿ 4 ℃
22. The linear expansivity of brass is 2 ×10−5 ℃−1. If the volume of a piece of brass is 10 cm3 at
0 ℃ , what will be its volume at 100 ℃ ? (A) 10.02 cm3 (B) 10.04 cm3 (C) 10.06 cm3 (D)
10.20 cm
23. The Joule is equivalent to? (A) kg m2 s−1 (B) kg 2 ms−2 (C) kg m2 s−2 (D) kg ms−1
24. A man weighing 200 N runs up a staircase in 5 s . Calculate the power of the man. (A) 1000 W
(B) 360 W (C) 40 W (D) 1800 W
25. In a good thermos flask, heat loss is reduced through the following features EXCEPT (A) The
lens surface (B) the insulating cork (C) silvered walls (D) The cork lid
26. A man standing 2 m from a charcoal fire is warmed by? (A) Convection (B) radiation (C)
refraction (D) Conduction
27. Which of the following devices converts chemical energy to electrical energy? (A) Dry cells (B)
electric fan (C) electric iron (D) microwave
28. The energy in the nucleus of atoms produce heat which can be used to generate (A) electrical
energy (B) potential energy (C) kinetic energy (D) mechanical energy
29. Which of the following concepts is a method of heat transfer that does not require a material
medium? (A) Conduction (B) Diffusion (C) Convection (D) Radiation
30. A quantity of water at 0 ℃ is heated to 30 ℃ . For each degree rise in temperature, its density
will (A) rise steadily (B) fall steadily (C) fall and then rises (D) rise and then falls
31. A 40 kg girl climbing a flight of stairs expends energy at the rate of 50 W . The time taken for the
her to reach a height of 20m is (A) 16 s (B) 32 s (C) 80 s (D) 160 s
32. If a water pump in your house is capable of lifting 1000 kg of water through a vertical height of
10 m in 10 s , to an overhead tank, the power of the pump is (A) 1.0 kW (B) 10.0 kW (C)
12.5 kW (D) 20.0 kW [ g=10 ms−2]
33. A bar of initial length l 0 is heated through a temperature change ∆ θ to a new length l . The linear
l−l 0 l−l 0 l−lo
expansivity, α , of the bar is (A) (B) (C) lo ¿ ∆ θ ¿ (D)
l∆θ l 0 ∆θ lo(1+ ∆ θ)
34. Which of the following is NOT an application of expansion in metals? (A) Bimetallic strip
thermometers (B) Temperature control in an electric iron (C) compensated balance wheel of a
watch (D) sagging of telegraph wires
35. During summer, the balance wheel of a clock expands. What effect does this have on the
accuracy of the clock? (A) The clock gains time (B) The accuracy of the clock is not affected
(C) The clock loses time (D) The clock stops working
36. If a pump is capable of lifting 5000 kg of water through a vertical height of 60 m in 15 min, the
power of the pump is (A) 2.5 ×105 Js−1 (B) 2.5 ×10 4 Js−1 (C) 3.3 ×103 Js −1 (D) 3.3 ×102 Js −1
37. Which of the following correctly describes the energy changes in the generation of light by a
hydroelectric power station? (A) Electrical → mechanical → potential → light (B)
potential → mechanical→ electrical →light (C) mechanical → sound → electrical → light
(D) kinetic → mechanical → electrical → light
In the figure above, the work done by the force of 100 N inclined at an angle of 60° to the object
dragged horizontally to a distance of 8 m is (A) 600 J (B) 800 J (C) 400 J (D) 100 J

[Neglect frictional effect]

39. A car travelling at 60 ms−1 produces a force of 400 N . Calculate the power of the engine in kW
(A) 25 (B) 22 (C) 24 (D) 20
40. A man whose mass is 80 kg climbs a staircase in 20 s and expends a power of 120 W . Find the
height of the staircase. (A) 1.8 m (B) 2.0 m (C) 2.5 m (D) 3.0 m [ g=10 ms−2]
41. The expansion of solids can be considered a disadvantage in the (A) Balance wheel of a watch
(B) Fitting of wheels on rims (C) Fire alarm (D) Thermostat
42. A metal rod 800mm long is heated from 10 ℃ to 95 ℃ . If it expands by 1.36 mm , the linear
expansivity of the metal is (A) 2.0 ×102 K−1 (B) 2.0 ×10−2 K −1 (C) 2.0 ×103 K −1 (D)
−5 −1
2.0 ×10 K
43. Metal rods of length 20 meach are laid end to end on a bridge at 25 ℃ . What gap will be
provided between consecutive rails for the bridge to withstand 75 ℃ ? (A) 0.22 m (B) 0.25 m
(C) 0.02 m (D) 0.20 m
The diagram above shows the force acting on an object


through a distance (x ). The work done on this object is (A) Fx J (B)

x J (C) Fx2 J (D) J
2 x

45. The melting point of naphthalene is 78 ℃ . What is this temperature in Kelvin? (A) 100 K (B)
835 K (C) 378 K (D) 444 K
46. At 4 ℃ the volume of a fixed mass of water is (A) constant (B) minimum (C) maximum (D) zero
47. Which of the following sources of energy is/are exhaustible? I Solar II Fossil fuels III Tidal
power (A) II only (B) III only (C) I and II only (D) II and III only
48. The engine of a train produces a force of 3000 N when moving at 30 ms−1 . Calculate the power
of the engine. (A) 1.00 ×102 W (B) 3.00 ×10 4 W (C) 9.00 ×10 4 W (D) 3.00 ×105 W
49. Tea pots are often silver-coated to prevent heat loss by (A) Convention and conduction (B)
radiation only (C) conduction only (D) convection only
50. The radiator of a motor car is cooled by (A) radiation (B) conduction (C) convection (D)
radiation and conduction
51. When left in a freezer, a bottle full of water cracks on freezing into ice because of the (A)
contraction of the bottle (A) decrease in the volume of water (C) increase in the volume of
water (D) expansion of the bottle
52. The crackling noise produced by aluminium roofing sheets on
a house during a hot sunny day is as a result of (A) Thermal
equilibrium of the sheets (B) conduction of heat by the
sheets (C) contraction of the sheets (D) expansion of the
53. Which of the following statements about anomalous expansion of water are correct? I There is
contraction between 0 ℃ and 4 ℃ II There is expansion between 0 ℃ and 100 ℃ III The
volume is minimum at 4 ℃ (A) I and II only (B) II and III only (C) I and III only (D) II and IV
54. In a thermos flask, heat loss by radiation is minimized by the
(A) silvered surfaces (B) vacuum within the double walls (C) plastic stopper (D) cork support
55. Which of the following concepts is a method of heat transfer that does not require a material
medium? (A) conduction (B) Radiation (C) Diffusion (D) connection
56. An aluminium rod of length 1.8 m at 10 ℃ is heated to produce a difference in length of
0.007 m . Calculate the temperature to which it is heated. (Linear expansivity of Aluminium
¿ 2.3 ×10 K ¿ (A) 155 ℃ (B) 160 ℃ (C) 169 ℃ (D) 179 ℃
57. The cubic expansivity of mecury is 1.8 ×10−4 K−1 and the linear expansivity of glass is
−6 −1
8.0 ×10 K . Calculate the apparent expansivity of mecury in a glass container. (A)
−4 −1 −4 −1 −4 −1 −4 −1
1.00 ×10 K (B) 1.56 ×10 K (C) 1.72 ×10 K (D) 2.04 × 10 K
58. In the formation of sea breeze wind blows from (A) sky to land (B) sea to sky (C) land to sea (D)
sea to land
59. Which of the following statements is NOT correct? (A) A sea breeze is due to convection in air
(B) Cotton materials are better than woolen ones for use in hot weather (C) Convectional
currents play an important role in the cooling of the engine of a motorcar. (D) The vacuum space
in a thermos flask helps to reduce heat loss by radiation.
60. The kinetic energy of a body depends on its (A) mass only (B) mass and height (C) mass and
speed (D) speed only


INSTRUCTION: Answer Question One (1) And Any Other Two (2) Questions From This Section

1. (a) State the Principle of Conservation of energy

(b) Identify and state the energy transformation which takes place during the operation of the
following devices: (i) Electric generator (ii) Photocell (iii) Mobile phone earpiece
(c) An elevator carries 10 people of average weight of 700 N through a height of 50 m in 100 s .
Calculate the: (i) Work done (ii) Power exerted by the elevator.
2. (a) Define Linear expansivity
(b) Outline two(2) advantages and two(2) disadvantages of thermal expansion of solids
(c) A copper rod whose length at 30 ℃ is 10.0 m is heated to 5 0 ℃ . Find its new length.
[Take the linear expansivity of copper¿ 0.000017 K −1]

3. (a) Explain, with the aid of a diagram, the term “Anomalous expansion of water”
(b) Why do cold drinks bottles break when kept in freezer?
(c) The temperature of glass vessel containing 100 cm3 of mecury is raised from 1 0 ℃ to
10 0 ℃ .
Calculate the apparent cubic expansion of the mecury.
[ Real cubic expansivity of mecury =1.82× 10−4 K −1 ] ¿2.4 × 10−5 K−1 ¿
4. (a) In a tabular form, distinguish between Conduction, Convection and Radiation
(b) State two(2) practical applications each of good and bad conductors of heat.
(c) Mention ANY two(2) features of a thermos flask and state how each of those features help to
minimize heat losses.

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