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Model Questions for B.E. Entrance Test (2073)
Set: I (B) Time: 2 hours Date: 2073/04/08

Section: I Select the Best Alternative on the answer sheet given 601 = 60
1. If the unit of length, mass and time each be doubled, the unit of work is increased by
(A) four times (B) two times (C) six times (D) no change
2. In gravity free space, the liquid in a capillary tube will rise to
(A) same height as on earth (B) less height as on earth
(C) infinite height (D) slightly more height than that on earth
3. Two bars of copper having same length but unequal diameter are heated to the same
temperature. The change in length will be
(A) same for both bars (B) more than thicker bar
(C) more than thinner bar
(D) determined by the ratio of length and diameter of the bars
4. When light passes from one medium to another medium, the physical quantity which remains
unchanged is
(A) velocity (B) wavelength (C) refractive index (D) frequency
5. Which of the following is conserved when light waves interfere?
(A) intensity (B) momentum (C) amplitude (D) energy
6. A charge q1 exerts some force on a second charge q2. If third charge q3is brought near, the
force of q1 exerted on q2
(A) decreases (B) increases
(C) increases if q3is of same sign of q1 and decreases if q3 is of opposite sign
(D) remains unchanged
7. At the temperature of inversion, the emf in a thermocouple is
(A) zero (B) maximum
(C) minimum (D) half its maximum value
8. The magnetism of the magnet is due to
(A) the spin motion of electron (B) cosmic ray
(C) the earth (D) pressure of big magnet inside the earth
9. As an empty vessel is filled with water, frequency
(A) increases (B) decreases (C) remains the same (D) none of above
10. Cathode rays can be deflected by
(A) magnetic field only (B) electric field only
(C) both type of field (D) none
11. The mechanical efficiency of a two stroke cycle engine is…………..the mechanical
efficiency of a four stroke cycle engine.
(A) half of (B) two times less than (C) more than (D) equal to
12. The pressure at the end of compression process in diesel engines compared to that of petrol
engines would be.
(A) half (B) same (C) higher (D) less

13. The source of energy from biomass is considered as a .. . . . . type of source of energy.
(A) Non renewable (B) Renewable (C) both (D) all of the above
14. The maximum percentage of ingredients in cement is that of ……..
(A) magnesia (B) lime (C) alumina (D) silica
15. In concrete 1:2:4 indicates the ratio between cement, sand and . . . . .
(A) water (B) coarse aggregate (C) reinforcement (D) gypsum
16. In brick masonry the frog of the brick is generally kept on ………
(A) bottom face (B) top face (C) exposed face (D) interior face
17. Which of the following sign denotes that pedestrian are prohibited from crossing the road.
(A) Red Standing Man (B) Green Walking Man
(C) Flashing Green Man (D) none
18. In circuits, a capacitor allows ……….. …. to pass through it.
(A) Both AC &DC (B) DC only (C) AC only (D) neither DC nor AC
19. Which of the following is non-renewable type source of energy?
(A) Solar energy (B) geothermal energy (C) ocean energy (D) Coal energy
20. A step-down transformer increases
(A) voltage (B) frequency (C) power (D) current
21. A Wattmeter is a device to measures real . . . . .
(A) power (B) AC current (C) voltage (D) DC current
22. In n-p-n transistor the p-type crystal act as ….
(A) emitter only (B) collector only (C) base only (D) either emitter or collector
23. ISP stands for …. Provider
(A) intranet service (B) internet service (C) internet security (D) intranet security
24. Magnetic disk contains ….
(A) tracks and colony (B) tracks and sectors (C) lane and sectors (D) none
25. Which strength does not change with temperature?
(A) Normality (B) gm / liter (C) Molarity (D) Molarity
26. The amount of H2SO4 present in 200 ml of 2N H2SO4 is
(A) 39.2 g (B) 49 g (C) 19.6 g (D) 98 g
27. pH of 0.2 N H2SO4 is
(A) 0.69 (B) 1.2 (C)0.76 (D) 0.56
28. During electrolysis, electrons are
(A) gained (B) lost
(C) lost by cations and gained by anions (D) gained by cations and lost by anions
29. How many litres of O2 at NTP are required to burn completely 2.2 g of propane?
(A) 22.4 L (B) 5.6L (C) 44 L (D) 84 L
30. Aqueous solution of sodium carbonate is
(A) alkaline (B) neutral (C) acidic (D) amphoteric
31. Catalytic oxidation of ammonia in air forms
(A) NO2 (B) N2O (C) NO (D) N2O5

32. Producer gas is a mixture of
(A) CO + H2 (B) NH3 + N2 (C) CO + N2 (D) CO + N2 +CO2
33. Malachite is the ore of
(A) Zn (B) Cu (C) Fe (D) Na
34. Ammonia reacts with copper sulphate solution to form
(A) Deep blue precipitate (B) Yellow precipitate
(C) Black precipitate (D) Blueish white precipitate
35. Benzene is less reactive due to
(A) delocalization of Pi electrons (B) three pi bonds
(C) six C-atoms & six H-atoms (D) twelve sigma bonds
36. A hydrocarbon having molecular formula C3H6 forms isomers equal to
(A) 4 (B) 2 (C) 6 (D) 5
37. If a > b > 0 and a, b R then which of the following is not true?
(A) (B) (C) a – b > 0 (D) b - a > 0

38. If one root of the equation x2 – ax + 1= 0 is then the other root is

(A) 1- (B) - (C) (D) 1+

39. If cosec2x = cosec2 then general value of x is

(A) n (B) n (C) 2n (D) n (-1)n
40. If A2-A+I=0 then A-1 equals
(A) A (B) I – A (C) A + I (D) A-2

(A) 1 (B) 1/2 (C) 2 (D) 4
42. The second derivative of f(x) = 1/x at point (1,1) is equal to
(A) 2 (B) -1 (C) 1 (D) -2

(A) tan-1x + c (B) + cos-1x + c (C) - cos-1x + c (D) - sin-1x + c
44. The number of unit vectors perpendicular to and are
(A) 2 (B) 1 (C) 3 (D) 4
45. If the line 2x + 3y + 4 + k (-x+y+5) = 0 is horizontal then the value of k is
(A) 2 (B) 1 (C) 0 (D) 3
46. If two vectors whose direction ratios are 1, 2, 3 and –k, 2, 1 are perpendicular to each other then
(A) k = 6 (B) k = 4 (C) k = 7 (D) k = 3
47. He was acquitted of the crime. The synonym of ‘acquitted’ is
(A) accused (B) released (C) killed (D) humiliated
48. Which of the following words has /η/ sound in the final position?
(A) think (B) sink (C) wing (D) sign
49. The word ‘engineer’ has its primary stress on its ………… syllable.
(A) first (B) third (C) second (D) fourth
50. Which of the following words ends at a vowel sound?
(A) fine (B) find (C) wine (D) flow

51. Two and two ………… four.
(A) make (B) will be made (C) have made (D) makes
52. She got him ………… hard.
(A) work (B) to work (C) working (D) worked
53. She said to me, “Hellow!” The reported speech form of this sentence is …………
(A) She said hellow to me (B) She remarked hellow
(C) She greeted me (D) She wished me hellow
54. Unless you work hard, you …………
(A) can’t succeed (B) can’t succeed (C) could succeed (D) could have succeeded
55. I feel the room …………
(A) move (B) moved (C) have been moving (D) moving
56. He thanked me for what …………
(A) I have done for him (B) I had done for him (C) I do for him (D) I did for him
57. I congratulated her ………… her success.
(A) for (B) in (C) on (D) at
58. The passive voice of ‘The farmers are planting rice’ is
(A) rice was being planted by the farmers (B) rice is planted by the farmers
(C) rice has been planted by the farmers (D) rice is being planted by the farmers
59. No one helps her, …………?
(A) does he (B) do they (C) does she (D) don’t they
60. Which of the following is a simple sentence?
(A) He finished watching television and went to bed.
(B) The students worked hard in order that they might pass.
(C) He is not only famous but also intelligent. (D) The earth revolves round the sun.

Section: II Select the Best Alternative on the answer sheet given 402 = 80
61. Given that . Also, . What is the angle between and ?
(A) 90 (B) 0 (C) 135 (D) 145
62. A car is moving along a straight line whose equation of motion is s = 12t + 3f2 – 2t3, where s
is in meter and t is in seconds. The velocity of the car at start will be
(A) 7 m/s (B) 9 m/s (C) 12 m/s (D) 13 m/s
63. A marble block of mass 2 kg lying on ice when given a velocity of 6 m/s is stopped by
friction in 10 s. Then the coefficient of fiction is
(A) 0.01 (B) 0.02 (C) 0.06 (D) 0.03
64. Angular momentum of a wheel changes from 2L to 5L in 3 seconds. The magnitude of torque
acting on it is
(A) L (B) L/3 (C) L/2 (D) L/5
65. A big drop of radius R in formed by 1000 small droplets of water, then radius of small drop
(A) R/2 (B) R/10 (C) R/6 (D) R/5
66. The temperature coefficient of resistance of the material of wire is 0.00125 perC. Its
resistance at 300K is 1. At what temperature will the resistance of the wire will be 2?
(A) 1100K (B) 1154K (C) 1400K (D) 1127K
67. A perfect body emits radiation at temperature T1K. If it is to radiate 16 times this power, its
temperature T2 will be
(A) T2 = 2 T1 (B) T2 = 8 T1 (C) T2 = 4 T1 (D) T2 = 16 T1
68. A sound wave of frequency 500Hz covers a distance of 1 km in 5 second between points x
and y. The number of waves between x and y are
(A) 2500 (B) 1000 (C) 500 (D) 5000
69. The distance between object and image in a displacement method is D. The distance through
which the lens is displaced is d. The ratio of the magnifications of the two images is
(A) (B) (C) (D)

70. A ray of light incident on a 60 angled prism of refractive index suffers minimum
deviation. The angle of incidence is
(A) 70 (B) 0 (C) 45 (D) 60
71. The periods of oscillation of two magnets in the same field are in the ratio 2:1. If their
moments of inertia are equal, ratio of their magnetic moment is
(A) 1:2 (B) 2:1 (C) 4:1 (D) 1:4
72. A 10 F capacitor is charged to a potential difference of 50V and is connected to another
uncharged capacitor in parallel. Now, the common potential difference between 20volts. The
capacitance of second capacitor is
(A) 10F (B) 30F (C) 20F (D) 15F
73. In step-up transformer, the turn ratio is 1:2. A Leclanche cell (emf 1.5V) is connected across
the primary. The voltage developed in the secondary would be
(A) 3.0V (B) zero (C) 1.5V (D) 1.75V
74. In a photo-electric cell, the wavelength of incident light is charged from 4000Å to 3000Å
then change in stopping potential will be
(A) 0.66V (B) 1.03V (C) 0.33V (D) 0.49V
75. The radio-active substance has a half life of four months. Three-fourths of the substance will
decay in
(A) 3 months (B) 4 months (C) 12 months (D) 8 months

76. For the object shown select the correct top view.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

77. For the object shown here select the correct left side view

(A) (B) (C) (D)

78. The pH of 0.001 M HCl solution will be

(A) 0.001 (B) 10-3 (C) 3 (D) 2
79. A current of 0.75 ampere is passed through a solution of a salt of a metal for 45 min, and the
increase in wt. of cathode is 0.6662 g, the eq.wt. of metal is
(A) 31.75 g (B) 32.5g (C) 37.5 g (D) 53
80. IUPAC name of CH3-CH2 - CH2 -CH (OCH3) - CO Br is
(A) 2- methoxylpentanoyl bromide (B) 3- methoxylpentanoyl bromide
(C) 3-methoxyhexanoyl bromide (D) 2-methoxyhexanoyl bromide
81. A gas formed by treating iron sulphide and dilute sulphuric acid on reaction with copper
sulphate in acidic medium forms
(A) White ppt. (B) Black ppt. (C) Red ppt. (D) yellow ppt.
82. If f(x) = 1+ , and (fof) (x) = x then is equal to
(A) 2 (B) 1 (C) – 1 (D) -2

83. If A1, A2, A3 are the areas of excircles and A be the area of incircle then equals
(A) (B) (C) (D)

84. The number of triangles that can be formed with 10 points as vertices, n of them being collinear is
110 then n is equal to
(A) 3 (B) 5 (C) 4 (D) 6
85. If a, 4, b are in A.P. ; a, 2, b are in G.P. then a, 1, b are in
(A) A.P. (B) G.P. (C) A.G.P. (D) H.P.

86. If z = cos + i sin then zn + equals

(A) 2cosn (B) 2sinn i (C) -2cosn (D) -2sinn i

(A) e2 -1 (B) e2 (C) 1 (D) e2 + 1

88. If be the angle between the vectors and and . then equals
(A) (B) (C) (D) 0

89. If sum of the slopes of the lines x2 + 3y2 = 0 is twice the product of the slopes then is equal to
(A) – 2 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 0

90. If the line lx+my=1 be a tangent to the circle x2+y2=a2 then the locus of the point (l, m) is
(A) a straight line (B) a circle (C) a parabola (D) an ellipse
91. The equation of directrix of the parabola x2 + 8y - 2x = 7 is
(A) y = - 3 (B) y = 0 (C) y = 2 (D) y = 3
92. The plane 6x + 4y + 3z = 12 cuts the axes in A, B, C ; then the area of the ABC is
(A) sq. units (B) sq. units (C) sq. units (D) sq. Units

93. then equals

(A) (B) (C) (D)

94. If the rate of change of volume of a sphere is equal to the rate of change of its radius then its radius is
equal to
(A) 1 (B) (C) (D)

(A) cos +c (B) sin +c (C) tan +c (D) tan +c
96. The area of the region between the curve y = x3 and the line y = x lying in the first quadrant is
(A) 2 sq. units (B) sq. units (C) 1 sq. unit (D) sq. units

Read the passage and answer the questions from 97 to 100.

In the twentieth century, architects in large cities designed structures in a way that reduced noise and yet made
living as comfortable as possible. They used such techniques as making walls hollow and filling this wall
space with materials that absorb noise. Thick carpets and heavy curtains were used to cover floors and
windows. Air conditioners and furnaces were designed to filter air through sound proofing materials.
However, after much time and effort had been spent in making building less noisy, it was discovered that
people also reacted adversely to the lack of sound. Now, architects are designing structures that reduce
undesirable noise, but retain the kind of noise that people seem to need.
97. In the second sentence, the word ‘they’ refers to
(A) techniques (B) cities (C) structures (D) architects
98. Which of the following is not mentioned as absorbing sound?
(A) filled hollow walls (B) air filter (C) air conditioners and fillers
(D) thick carpets and heavy curtains
99. Architects are now designing
(A) new techniques sound proofing (B) structure with some noise
(C) the ideal noise (D) adverse buildings
100. According to the passage, people live most comfortably with
(A) noisy furnaces (B) silence (C) reduced noise (D) certain noises


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