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David 4 (Member's Copy)

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DAVID – Part 4, Leading People To God.



Learning Outcomes:
I. INTRODUCTION To live our lives such that others
can see God at work in our
David’s belief and faith in God is without doubt strong and firm. He did not
just pay lip-service but demonstrated his love and dedication to God in all
that he did. Because of this, those around him can testify to the Objective:
faithfulness and greatness of God through David’s life. At the end of this lesson, you
will be able to learn:
• How David showed God at
Let look at how David is able to show God at work through his life.
work in his life
• His willingness and courage to
acknowledge God in his life
II. DAVID STOOD UP FOR GOD • Impact of David’s acts and
David showed courage in the face of formidable opponent when he proclamation to the people
confronted the Philistines. He was making a point to Israel when he stood around him.
before them and challenged them and Saul in 1 Sam 17:26 and 32 – 36.
David asked the men
1SA 17:26
Why was David upset and what is the reason for David’s confidence in standing near him, "What will be
slaying Goliath? done for the man who kills this
Philistine and removes this
disgrace from Israel? Who is this
uncircumcised Philistine that he
What was he trying to say to Israel? should defy the armies of the
living God?"


Twice David had the chance to kill Saul – who have been very jealous of
He came to the sheep
1SA 24:3

David and had tried many times to kill David. But both times David did not pens along the way; a cave was
seize the opportunity. there, and Saul went in to
relieve himself. David and his
In the first case in 1 Sam 24:3 - 7, who was David addressing and what men were far back in the cave.
was the reason he gave for not killing Saul? The men said, "This is the day
the LORD spoke of when he said
to you, `I will give your enemy
into your hands for you to deal
with as you wish.' “Then David
What do you think David’s men would be thinking about what David just crept up unnoticed and cut off a
did? corner of Saul's robe. Afterward,
David was conscience-stricken
for having cut off a corner of his
robe. He said to his men, "The
In the second case, in 1 Sam 26:7 – 16, besides Abishai, who else was LORD forbid that I should do
David addressing? What did he tell him? such a thing to my master, the
LORD's anointed, or lift my hand
against him; for he is the
anointed of the LORD." With
these words David rebuked his
men and did not allow them to
What do you think Abner would think about what David just did? attack Saul. And Saul left the
cave and went his way.


The story of David and Abigail is an interesting ‘love story’. Read 1 Sam When Abigail went to
1SA 25:36

25: 9 to 39 for the full story. Nabal, he was in the house

holding a banquet like that of a
king. He was in high spirits and
Why was David angry? very drunk. So she told him
nothing until daybreak. 37 Then
in the morning, when Nabal was
sober, his wife told him all these
What did Abigail do on behalf of her husband? How did she show her things, and his heart failed him
recognition of God’s anointing on David? and he became like a stone. 38
About ten days later, the LORD
struck Nabal and he died.

Leader’s Notes
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DAVID – Part 4, Leading People To God. YOUNG ADULT CELLS
In ver 32, David recognized that the meeting he had with Abigail as
divinely appointed. What did he said was the purpose?

How did David’s reply affirm Abigail’s belief in God?


In 2 Sam 6:20 to 22, David’s first wife ridiculed him for his behaviour David said to Michal, "It
2SA 6:21

when the Ark was transported into Jerusalem. But to David, it was a was before the LORD, who chose
joyous occasion and he was not afraid to show it. me rather than your father or
anyone from his house when he
appointed me ruler over the
What were the reasons David gave to Michal for what he did? What did he LORD's people Israel--I will
say he will continue doing and why? celebrate before the LORD. I will
become even more undignified
than this, and I will be
humiliated in my own eyes. But
by these slave girls you spoke
of, I will be held in honor."
Do you think Michal understood what David said? After God’s judgment on
her? And Michal daughter of Saul had
no children to the day of her


At the peak of David’s career, he had been victorious in many of the
battles with warring neighbouring countries. Without doubt, David and his
men were very capable fighting men.

In 2 Sam 22 David wrote a song to commemorate the victories God gave


What did David attribute his victories to and to whom was the song

Do you think the Israelites were able to see God in the same faith as


In his dying days, David gave Solomon his final words of advice (1 King
2:1 – 4). Normally this is a sacred moment where the king or elder "I am about to go the way
1KI 2:2

statesman would pass on the wisdom of life to the next generation. of all the earth," he said. "So be
strong, show yourself a man,
What is David’s key advice to Solomon? Is there a basis for David’s and observe what the LORD
advice? your God requires: Walk in his
ways, and keep his decrees and
commands, his laws and
requirements, as written in the
Law of Moses, so that you may
What do you think is Solomon thinking about David’s advice? prosper in all you do and
wherever you go, and that the
LORD may keep his promise to
me: `If your descendants watch
how they live, and if they walk
faithfully before me with all their
heart and soul, you will never
VI. CONCLUSION: fail to have a man on the throne
of Israel.'
No doubt God is central in David’s life. He lives, sings and communicates
his beliefs, faith, dedication, relationship and love for God everyday and

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Leader’s Notes
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