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Judges and Kings

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Judges, Kings, Prophets

The Five Eras of the Deuteronomistic History

Moses and Lawgiving Joshua and the Conquest Judges and Apostasy The Rise and Glories of the Monarchy The Disintegration of the Kingdom

Joshua and the conquest of the promised land

Etymologically related to the name of Jesus which mean YHWH saves. He was chosen by Moses because of his faith and courage He was a savior of his people He was an instrument of God s saving act The greatness of Joshua as a leader and liberator is regarded as a reflection of the greatness of Moses Crossing the Jordan River: Joshua 3

Book of Joshua
1. God is a warrior 2. Land is a gift Division of Canaan according to the twelve tribes of Israel

The death of Joshua made Israelites turn to local heroes for military and leadership They were known as JUDGES, regarded by the Israelites as leaders appointed by YHWH, to deliver them from their enemies Period between the settlement and the establishment of the monarchy There were two kinds of Judges, one a military leader who inspired by God to fight Israelites enemies (e.g., Gideon and Samson), the other a judicial and administrative official. For around two hundred years, the different tribes of Israel were under the leadership of the judges

ISRAELS CYCLE OF INFIDELITY The Israelites worship the idols

God allows their enemies to attack and oppress them

God raises a judge to deliver the Israelites from their oppressors, and They live in peace until the judge dies

The Israelites repent and cry to God for help

The Kingdom of Jerusalem

As time went on, the need for a common ruler became apparent in Israel Samuel Samuel gave in to the persistent request of the people and inaugurated the monarchy by anointing Israel s first king.

The Kingdom of Jerusalem

Rights of the King The sons of Israel will have to serve the king as his soldiers or servants The daughters of Israel will have to serve the king, as his ladies-in-waiting in the royal court The king shall collect taxes and claim the best fruits of the people s labor

The united monarchy

" Israel government was theocratic

" YHWH was the true king " The patriarchs, prophets, priests and judges were regarded as mere vicars of YHWH

The Kingdom of Jerusalem

Saul - from the tribe of Benjamin Read Samuel 9:2 Sins of Saul:
 He refused to follow Samuel advice, i.e. to offer sacrifice  He was jealous of David  He summoned the spirit of the dead, an act abomination in Israel

The kingdom of Jerusalem

King David
 Son of Jesse from the tribe of Judah  He was considered as the real founder of the monarchy  The early years of David s reign were years of civil war

The Holy City of Jerusalem

King David expanded the city and had the Ark of the Covenant brought into it Today, Jerusalem is a city of three religions: Judaism, Islam and Christianity

David: Lights and Shadows

His defeat of Goliath His friendship with Jonathan, King Saul s son He ruled justly and compassionately He was polygamous He committed adultery and murder

King Solomon
Solomon inherited his father s kingdom He was endowed with Godgiven wisdom Solomon built a magnificent Temple for God and even larger palace for himself Solomon had organized his court, a start was made on editing the sacred tradition He was a great king Solomon played the great lord too much The Bible credits him with 700 wives and 300 concubines He exploited his people

Two Kingdoms
From 933 there were two kingdoms Northern Kingdom or Israel, with Samaria as its capital Southern Kingdom or Judah, with Jerusalem as its capital

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