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Ipc A 610standardinelectricandelectronic

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IPC-A-610 Standard in Electric and Electronic Laboratory for Engineering

Students A Systematic Literature Review

Article · May 2020


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2 authors:

Muhammad Khair Noordin Murugan Subramaniam

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


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Murugan Subramaniama
Muhammad Khair Noordinb
Aini Najwa Azmic
Faculty of Education, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM, Skudai, Johor Darul
Takzim, Malaysia


Printed circuit board (PCB) creates platform for the majority of the electronic component
placement. Component connectivity has been converted from manual soldering to surface
mount technology (SMT) or well known as a solder paste technology. Even though SMT has
conquered the electronics era in recent decades; manual soldering still plays a significant part
behind the scene. Introduction of instruments such as Six Sigma and Total Quality Management
emphasis on minimizing the frequency of occurrence of defects. Since defects cannot be
eliminated but can be reduced; the method called rework and troubleshooting carries weight to
repair the faulty components turn into good components. In this context, it is most welcome to
repair the defective Printed Circuit Board Assembly (PCBA) by using "manual soldering"
because manual soldering can be carried out immediately without queuing in the soldering oven
(James et al., 2019). The goal of this study is to construct standard understanding of
International Patent Classification (IPC) among Malaysian engineering students during their
practical activity in engineering laboratory. Currently, end consumers prefer to repair the
electronics gadget instead of buying the fresh units. In addition, purchasing repaired device
becomes popular among clients who prefer to own more than one device such as mobile phone,
laptop, tablet and other electronic gadgets. Therefore, IPC expertise will assist the repairer make
a choice on the repaired units without relying on In-Circuit-Test (ICT) and Functionality-

Keywords: IPC; Failure; Soldering; Inspection; Quality; Troubleshooting; Surface Mount



The soldering quality and efficiency differ based on tip geometry, board thickness, temperature,
flux type, method and abilities. Every day, soldering knowledge is just not enough. Therefore,
the technical note defines some basic thumb rules to be applied to all required manual soldering
operations. With the appropriate reference standard, productivity will enhance, the right
instruments and methods, board quality and rework consistency and board harm will be held to
a minimum (Sloan and Huerta, 2017). Knowledge of the IPC-A-610 standard plays an
important part among engineers in making the right choice to accept the reworked PCB based
on criteria set (IPC-A-610D, 2004).


Automated optical inspection (aoi) is commonly used in the electronic manufacturing sectors
to fix solder joint and connectivity issues in the printed circuit board (pcb). An automatic optical
inspection (aoi) algorithm was created to check solder joint flaws of integrated circuit (ic) parts
on printed circuit boards (pcbs). The findings of the inspection indicate that ic solder joint
failures such as excess solder, lack of solder, no solder, lead lift, lead bend, shift, and bridged
and pseudo joints can be efficiently recognized (wu and zhang, 2011).

Figure 1: Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) and Manual Inspection according to IPC-A-

Figure 1 demonstrates the word AOI system, paper, algorithm and printed circuit board
heavily connected to each other. But the term "inspection" or known as "manual inspection"
has the highest density. Manual inspection always refers to decision-making abilities according
to the criteria set out in IPC-A-610. In this context, knowledge of IPC-A-610 provides adequate
guidance to make the right choice to accept or reject PCBs with solder joint problems.

Figure 2: Solder and Manual Inspection according to IPC-A-610

The bibliometric network of Figure 2 indicates that there are three clusters. Each cluster
evaluated with a minimum of 10 term occurrences. After that, evaluated again with a minimum
of 5 term occurrences. The bibliometric network demonstrates that IPC-A-610 Standard has
been strongly discussed with PCB, Industries, Solder Joint, test method and application. While
reducing the occurrence period from 10 to 5, the network does not directly link the term IPC to
the term university, student or engineering student. This is because the primary focus of
universities is on theoretical understanding and simulation of software. As well as less
concentrate on practical skills.


A systematic literature review starts with VOSviewer software version 1.6.11. The software
promotes simulating ris, csv, and txt format from Web-of-Science (WoS) and converting
bibliometric maps, network visualization, overlay visualization, and density visualization into
required form (Eck and Waltman, 2016). Initial information collection has been extracted from
WoS and has the earliest citation database; it has strong coverage with citation information and
bibliographic data dating back to 1900 (Mascarenhas et al., 2018). Keywords; IPC; soldering;
inspection; quality; troubleshooting; surface mount technology used to analyze the hypothesis.
As of June 23, 2019, the information was collected and narrowed down to the engineering sector
alone. In total, 181 WoS papers were selected for systematic literature review. Table 2,
demonstrates the protocol for the systematic review of literature.

Table 2: Systematic Literature Review Protocol

Description Conditions / Results

To perform a systematic literature review of theoretical and
Objective practical understanding of the soldering process in accordance
with IPC-A-610 Standard.
To evaluate current studies on problem solving abilities among
graduate engineers in the region of hand soldering and surface
mount technology.
To determine the gap and the direction of future studies.

Source of Data Web-Of-Science (WoS)

Problem solving Skills Among Graduate Engineers at workplace /
Area of Interest
Manufacturing environment

Workplace competence; Problem Solving Skills; Manufacturing;

Search field Engineering; Soldering; IPC-A-610 and Surface Mount

Covered Period 23/June/2019

Preliminary Document
181- Web Of Science

Engineering Related
Papers screened

Documents Analysis Information based on content analysed with the aid of VOSviewer


Figure 3's bibliometric network shows that there are three clusters. Inspection, failure, and
impact words have the greatest occurrences in their own clusters. At the same moment, these
three keywords have a very strong connection between each other.

First cluster is made up of 43 items. In this cluster, the word "impact" has the largest
incidence. Since the words "impact, temperature and strength" are tightly situated with "impact
"; it proves that temperature and solder strength have had an impact on the functionality of the
PCBs. In this cluster, the word "students" has less numbers and is far from the word "effect and
change". Here it can be concluded that students still have little exposure about the cause and
effect of PCB failures.

In the second cluster, the word "failures" is extremely linked to the terms "measurement
and detection". In the manufacturing process of PCBs, failure detection is very important to
avoid reaching customers with defective PCBs which incur high costs and waste. Therefore,
adequate measurement and inspection is needed to identify the failure at an early point. Analysis
shows that the word "students" from the first cluster is not immediately linked to the word
"failure". It demonstrates that students are completely unaware of the sort of failure happening
at the workplace.

Figure 3: The analysis of abstract and title; 181 WoS documents (Keywords: Training and

The third cluster comprises of 32 items with a minimum of 5 occurrences. This cluster
primarily describes the technique of inspection. Where the inspection technique is strongly
linked to the word "operator." The inspection is carried out in industrial environment
by operators and the engineers have to train them to inspect the solder condition of the PCBs
according to standard operation procedure (SOP). The SOP will be created based on the IPC-
A-610 standard by the engineers. The third cluster obviously explains that engineers acquire
understanding of solder joint from electronics sectors and not from universities.

The bibliometric network demonstrates that there is zero link between terms IPC,
Solder, Inspection and Students. But there are 6 papers accessible in Web-Of-Science that show
connectivity between the terms student, training, solder, and inspection. The overview of six
papers is shown in Table 2.

As mentioned in (Chandran et al., 2010), the University Research Team has been
involved with 3 leading university equipment and has so far granted RM 4.9 million in study
grants concentrating on multiple fields including nanotechnology, novel solder material,
material surface modification and fresh methodology in solder joint assessment. This
declaration explains that, before entering the industrial world, engineering learners must have
basic understanding of solder joints which is transforming very rapidly. According to (Lakshmi
Munukutla, Albert McHenry, Robert Darveaux, 2005) understanding of solder kinds such as
lead-free is similarly essential in increasing green technology. Not only should future graduates
have strong theoretical knowledge and professional abilities, but they also need to have a
profound understanding of the production and management of electronic manufacturing
companies. In addition, practical skills such as manual soldering operation, product assembly
operation, product labeling code operation and product inspection operation should be mastered
in a associated situation so that each graduate can adapt to work requirements as quickly as
possible (Tian and Yang, 2018). Based on (James et al., 2019) bi-manual haptic training
simulation interface for soldering SMD parts that speed up the skill learning curve and highly
suggested for vocational schools and universities. Nevertheless, as noted by (Youtang et al.,

2009), to improve student capacity, new courses and new skills must be added to engineering
classes. As suggested by (Manjabacas et al., 2009), soldering practice in the University
Education System is very essential. It is necessary to take into account the concept of the
multidisciplinary instructional system and involve an appropriate quantity of engineering
content. This requires the undergraduates to attain a particular professional training. The
fundamentals of the method and the mechanical conduct of the solder joints must be adequately

The six articles as in table 2 obviously demonstrate the significance of solder joint
assessment, soldering abilities, soldering tool choice, soldering wire kinds and solder joint
acceptance standard. Fundamental data on solder joints obviously described with a correct
pictorial diagram in IPC-A-610. Therefore, knowledge about IPC-A-610 is really essential
among engineering students to make the correct solder joint choice.


Decision making and problem solving skills among graduate engineers are one of the most
significant skills employers are looking for. Employers always prefer to enter their organization
with "work prepared" engineer. PCB failures due to solder joint are common defects in the
electronic industries and have a high impact on productivity. Knowledge of solder joint and
solder paste is really essential in this context. Since undergraduate engineering students have
practical classes in their engineering laboratory; awareness about IPC-A-610 must be
introduced. As a course material, teachers and academic advisers should prepare good and
defective samples to teach the student to inspect and make their choice either acceptable or not
according to IPC-A-610 standard.

To conclude, academic teachers and universities must conduct a systematic evaluation

to evaluate the student's knowledge and understanding of PCB and soldering situation and
appropriate criteria in accordance with the IPC-A-610 standard. As mentioned in Figure 4, such
a correct evaluation will generate "job prepared" engineers and will boost the employability
rate among graduate engineers.

Table 3: The summary of 6 publications related to Students and Solder joint

Article Author/ year Journal Methodology Source
Success story of Chandran, Dennis Prem Proceedings of 0 Quantitative Web Of
collaboration between Kumar the Science
Intel and Malaysian Sow, Yeek Kooi IEEE/CPMT
universities to establish Harizan, Mohd Hasri International
and enhance teaching Mohd Electronics
and research in Kooi, Chee Choong Manufacturing
electronic packaging Hoy, Teoh Teik Technology
Foong, Chong Kim/2010 (IEMT)
Graduate Education Munukutla,Lakshmi; Engineering 0 Quantitative Web of
with Industry Relevance McHenry,Albert; Technology Science
The Practice and Tian, Yi Computer 0 Quantitative Web Of
Exploration of Working Yang, Xiao-ping/2018 Science Science
and Learning Proceeding
Alternation Course paper
Majoring in Applied
Electronic Technology

of Advanced Vocational
Design of a bi-manual James, Jose Soldering and 0 Quantitative Web of
haptic interface for skill Rao R, Bhavani Surface Mount Science
acquisition in surface Neamtu, Gabriel/2019 Technology
mount device soldering
Research and Practice Youtang, G A O Technology and 0 Quantitative Web of
for Innovation Yuan, X U Application of Science
Capability Electrical and Xiao, X U E Electronic
Electric Information Dayong, Huang/2009 Information
Specialties Research
An Educational Manjabacas, M. C. AIP Conference 0 Quantitative Web Of
Proposal: Martínez, A. Proceedings Science
A Soldering Practice For Miguel, V.
Mechanical Engineering Coello, J.
Students Calatayud, A./2009

Electric and Electronic


Give Introduction about IPC-A-610

Give exposure about solder iron

tips/Flux/Wick/Solder Wire

Laboratory Report Equipment Handing Written Test

Academic Lecturer will perform the


Grading their task with


Figure 4: IPC-A-610 Standard in Electric and Electronics Engineering Laboratory Course

Chandran, D.P.K., Sow, Y.K., Harizan, M.H.M., Kooi, C.C., Hoy, T.T., Foong, C.K., 2010. Success story of
collaboration between Intel and Malaysian universities to establish and enhance teaching and research in
electronic packaging. Proc. IEEE/CPMT Int. Electron. Manuf. Technol. Symp.

Eck, N.J. Van, Waltman, L., 2016. VOSviewer Manual. Manual 1–28.

IPC-A-610D, 2004. Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies. Ipc 392.

James, J., Rao R, B., Neamtu, G., 2019. Design of a bi-manual haptic interface for skill acquisition in surface
mount device soldering. Solder. Surf. Mt. Technol. 31, 133–142.

Lakshmi Munukutla, Albert McHenry, Robert Darveaux, G.T., 2005. Graduate Education with Industry

Manjabacas, M.C., Martínez, A., Miguel, V., Coello, J., Calatayud, A., 2009. An educational proposal: A soldering
practice for mechanical engineering students. AIP Conf. Proc. 1181, 704–714.

Mascarenhas, C., Ferreira, J.J., Marques, C., 2018. University-industry cooperation: A systematic literature review
and research agenda. Sci. Public Policy 45, 708–718.

Sloan, D., Huerta, L., 2017. Hand Soldering Basics 1 1–6.

Tian, Y., Yang, X., 2018. The Practice and Exploration of Working and Learning Alternation Course Majoring in
Applied Electronic Technology of Advanced Vocational College.

Wu, F., Zhang, X., 2011. Feature-extraction-based inspection algorithm for IC solder joints. IEEE Trans.
Components, Packag. Manuf. Technol. 1, 689–694.

Youtang, G.A.O., Yuan, X.U., Xiao, X.U.E., Dayong, H., 2009. Research and Practice for Innovation Capability
Electrical and Electric Information Specialties 17–21.


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