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Design and Fabrication of Multipurpose Organic Chopper Machine

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IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

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3rd NICTE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 725 (2020) 012021 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/725/1/012021

Design and fabrication of multipurpose organic chopper machine

Agung Sucipto, Andryan Kurnia, Agus Halim, Agustinus Purna Irawan*
Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas
Tarumanagara, Jakarta.

Abstract. This study aims to design and fabricate multi-purpose organic chopper
machine by utilizing local components. Research includes the design of
construction, cutting tools and working mechanisms that are in accordance with
user needs. The method used in this design is the most optimal component
selection, strength analysis using structural analysis software, manufacturing and
testing of product prototypes. The result of this study is a multipurpose organic
chopper machine prototype with a capacity of 600 kg/h, able to cut organic waste
to size ranging from 1 to 50 mm, and can be operated easily by the user. This
result is one of the references in the development of the next multifunctional
organic garbage counting machine. Keywords: design, multi-purpose organic
chopper machine.

1. Introduction
Garbage is often a problem in environmental management. Every day, thousands of tons
of waste will be produced in various types as the result of extensive community activities. In
general, waste can be divided into organic waste that can be recycled and waste that cannot be
recycled. Waste that can be recycled, especially the organic one, can be utilized as animal
food and organic fertilizer. Organic waste originates from household, agricultural, plantation
and food production activities from a food industry. During this time, there are organic waste
that has been put to good use and some are still thrown away to landfills. Seeing a great
opportunity to utilize organic waste, especially from agricultural and plantation products, this
research has designed a waste counting machine from agricultural waste [1], [2], [3], [4]. The
purpose of designing this multifunctional garbage chopper is to produce a machine that can be
used to chop up to a certain size, so that the waste produced can be easily utilized into other
forms such as animal food and compost fertilizer. The design of a multifunctional garbage
chopper includes the calculation of machine construction and cutting knife and making
prototypes of organic waste chopper products. The resulting machine is expected to be used to
facilitate the management of waste into useful materials for the next process. In general, the
design of a multifunctional organic garbage chopping machine consists of a motor that
functions as a drive, transmission system, casing, frame shaft, and chopper knives [1], [2], [5],
[6]. Things that must be considered in making this chopper machine is how to make a
machine that is ergonomic, affordable, and easily available on the market with a strong frame
anda sharp bladeto perform several times of cutting. Chopper machine must function
optimally according to its functions and needs and can be operated easily and safely [7], [8].
Ease of use and comfort in the work process is necessary to increase the productivity of
machine users in carrying out the process of displaying waste according to the capacity
produced by this multifunctional chopper machine.

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3rd NICTE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 725 (2020) 012021 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/725/1/012021

2. Method and material

The design method used in the design of this multifunctional chopper machine is the VDI
2221 (Verein Deutcher Ingenieure) method. This design method is one of the methods to
solve problems and optimize the use of materials and technology based on economic
conditions. Ideas and knowledge are basic sources of product design to meet consumer
demand and for the benefit of all parties. The design with the VDI 2221 method is divided
into several stages as follows: Classification of the Task, Conceptual Design, Embodiment
Design, Detail Design, Prototyping and testing of design machines [5], [6]. Some things to
consider in the design of multifunctional chopper machines are as follows: safety,
functionality, comfort, operation, power using a diesel motor, easy to obtain, low-priced, yet
good quality material, low production costs,ease of manufacture, low maintenance costs,
easeofmaintenance, the results of the slitting as needed, fuel saving and low noise levels
(Figure 1). The design starts with the making of a chopper machine design, cutting knife
design, transmission system design, cutting mechanism design, analysis of construction
strength using software, making prototype products, testing and repairing, and ends with the
use of machines in the process of chopping organic waste. The design limits are as follows:
The work capacity carried out using tools made in the final project is 600 kg per hour;
materials to be processed include straw, elephant grass and leaves; the influence of the shape
and working position of the existing equipment; mobility tools are designed to be easy to
move; discussion of fixed connections in frame construction, and shape construction of
machine frame sizes. Specification of multifunctional chopper machine: power using a diesel
motor 8 HP, pulley 102 mm (2 pieces), v-belt B-30 (3 pieces), shaft S45C, ∅38 mm.

Figure 1. The design focus of the multifunctional chopper machine [1], [2]

3. Result and discussion

A multifunctional chopper machine design has been done using local materials that are
freely available on the market. The method used is the component selection method using the
VDI 2221 method. The design of cutting blades using knife material used in multipurpose
organic waste crusher refers to the SNI 7580: 2010 standard, HSS (High Speed Steel)
material. The material recommended for the chopper blade material is hard steel with a
minimum hardness requirement of 45 HRC [9], [10], [11]. The selected cutting angle of 30o is
the optimal cutting angle obtained based on the distance between the blades designed at 52
mm (Figure 2). If the knife has a cutting angle that is more than 30o or less than 30o, the speed

3rd NICTE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 725 (2020) 012021 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/725/1/012021

of the chopping to get to the disposal section will be reduced because the contact angle that
occurs becomes too large or too small so that the chopped direction will not lead to the next
arrangement of the blade. The number of knives used is as many as 15 pieces with the
division of 3 knives in 5 arrangements with an installation angle of 120o, which is the optimal
number because the enumeration target of 0 - 50 mm has been reached. If the number of
blades is increased, it will reduce the effectiveness of work and increase the load on the shaft
with less significant changes in yield. The chopping output system chosen in the form of a
exhaust fan has proven to be very effective in terms of both work effectiveness and cost
because it speeds up the process of removing chopped products by not adding other parts such
as screw conveyors which will increase costs but cannot provide an increase in work speed as
well as the exhaust fan [10], [11], [12], [13], [14].

Figure 2. The knife of chopper machine design [1], [2]

To determine the loading of the existing force on a construction that has been designed
and added to the load of each part of the design, the analysis of stress that occurs in the
construction is done according to the design. In the right frame there are parts in the form of
tubes, shafts, bearings, and pulleys. This section has a downward force of 564N. While the
right side of this tool has a loading force of 810N. The connection used in this design is a
permanent connection to the welding process.The maximum value of von mises stress on the
loading force is 4.02 MPa (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Stress distribution of chopper machine construction [1], [2]

3rd NICTE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 725 (2020) 012021 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/725/1/012021

The maksimum stress is experienced at the connection point under the frame to the axle.
This stress occurs because this part is the most basic loading point in the design. This point is
also connected by using a welding process. In this design, maximum deflection occurs in the
part where the power transmission occurs. Deflection has a large value in this section due to
the tensile force in the v belt. Tensile force between the shaft pulley with the motor pulley
causes the possibility of shifting or the frame being slightly curved downward. The maximum
deflection in this design is 0.0921 mm (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Deflection distribustion of chopper machine construction [1], [2]

The multifunctional organic garbage chopper machine has been tested for working
capacity 5 times. The final result obtained is 794.8 kg/h. The resulting capacity is more than
what the designer wants which is 600 kg/h. This can be caused by the speed in entering
organic waste in the tests that are too fast and the maximum rotation used at 2432 r/min while
at the time of design a minimum rotation of 1700 r/min is used. Up to 96.48% of the chopped
organic garbageas the result of the testing done 5 times with a sample of 100 g have length
below 50 mm while only 3.52% of them have length above 50 mm. Thus, this design has
produced a prototype of a multifunctional organic garbage chopper machine that can work
well and can be further developed.

a.The knife chopper machine b. Prototype of chopper machine

Figure 5. Prototype of chopper machine construction [1], [2]

4. Conclution
A multifunctional organic garbage chopper machine has been produced by utilizing local
materials that are freely available on the market. This machine is very useful for turning

3rd NICTE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 725 (2020) 012021 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/725/1/012021

organic waste into useful products such as animal food and compost. The result of this study
is a multipurpose organic chopper machine prototype with a capacity of 600 kg/h, able to cut
organic waste to size ranging from 1 to 50 mm, and can be operated easily by the user. The
prototype of the mutifunction chopper machine will be a reference in the development of the
next product, so as to produce a product that is useful for the community in utilizing waste
into useful products.

5. References
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