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Research Paper On Type 1 Diabetes

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Writing a thesis can be an arduous task, especially when dealing with complex topics such as Type 1

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Approximately 6% of siblings of people with T1D will also develop the disease, as compared with a
prevalence of.4% in the general population (Levin and Tomer 2003; Leoni 2003). As a result, the
cells fail to absorb the glucose, and blood glucose levels increase abnormally. SpeedyPaper website,
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Statistics Essay Example: A Case of Hilton Hotel Workforce Flexibility Free Essay Example on
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Islet abnormalities in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diabetes. There are also some people that are
affected around the whole body but these reactions are classed as very rare and can occur at the start
of insulin treatment or many years after. These good figures likely echo a move by most research
institutions towards a largely laparoscopic method, the executed system of broad controls and
inclusion of a multidisciplinary method. The complications with type 2 diabetes is similar to type 1
diabetes but hypoglycemia can’t happen if treated with diet alone. Glucose is used by the cells in the
body to generate energy. A study was conducted concerning treatment and management of the
condition. Inflammations of the lymph glands, a serum sickness and muscle pains have all been a
reaction. Chronic Diabetes can give rise to other diseases like heart failure, kidney failure, loss of
eyesight, nerve damage, and depression. Type 1 diabetes can be inherited although it is not an
inherited disease, there is some genetic factor. After this the samples were put in cuvettes and then
entered into a colorimeter, to determine the concentration of the glucose. What is Diabetes? Answer:
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterized by high blood glucose and a decrease in insulin levels
in the blood. Question 2. How is insulin produced. We made this test valid because the independent
variable was the urine. Children diagnosed with diabetes faces challenges regarding treatment, due to
their rapid growth and organ maturation, the family's expectation on the child's abilities as well as
adolescents pose a challenge in the management of the disease. The insulin produced by genetic
engineering is identical to human insulin which is an added advantage of this process. Solutions were
found through series of studies and experiments as scientists try to uncover the whole existence of
diabetes starting off from its onset. Proper glucose control may reduce the risks of developing
diabetes-associated complications among type 1 diabetes; adolescents usually have problems fitting
in the difficult aspects of the diabetes treatment regime. The treatment and management of a chronic
illness is a life-long task for the patient, the caregiver, and healthcare provider. Diabetes is a severe
metabolic disorder that causes high blood glucose. Intriguingly, the gender of the diabetic parent also
seems to contribute to disease transmission, with offspring of diabetic fathers being at a greater risk
(about 9%) than those of diabetic mothers (about 3%). This is also considered a milder type of
diabetes in comparison to type 1, but. There are some people that are affected in a specific area, such
as rashes at the injection site, so they are trying to get rid o the harmful bacteria to help lower the
affect of rejection insulins by doing this it will reduce some allergic reactions to about 2-3% of
people treated with pork or cow insulin. Type 1 diabetes is more difficult to control because of the
big lack of insulin that the pancreas should be producing. It is a chronic disease characterized by the
destruction of pancreatic ?-cells leading to complete insulin deficiency. Signs and Symptoms Before
someone is diagnosed with. It will discuss the many surgical and non-surgical options currently
available, as well as those under study. Insulin can also be taken in addition to the medication. The
research study was approved by the Virginia Intuitional review board with names of the children, the
grade, and date of birth as the indicator for data collection purposes.
If you are using mobile phone, you could also use menu drawer from browser. Individuals in the
nursing practice would be more prepared to deal with the condition through reliance on these
findings. The technology which made this possible was the development of combaining DNA
techniques. In conclusion I think that diabetes is becoming a big problem, especially as obesity is the
leading cause of it and although type 1 diabetes is more common with children, the number of kids
with type 2 diabetes is increasing every year because of obesity. People with a sedentary lifestyle,
lack of physical exercise, polycystic ovarian syndrome, high cholesterol, hypertension, and obesity
are at a high risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. They think this because it is thought that it is
decreasing the value of human and animal life as everything can be made the scientific way by just
producing genes instead of getting it from an animal and not making things like they are disposable.
Although in spite of this too much insulin can make the blood glucose level go too low and give you
hypoglycemia which is sometimes called a hypo. Apart from medications, Diabetes can be kept in
check by maintaining a healthy diet, proper exercise, optimum sleep and water consumption, and
abstaining from tobacco, alcohol, and junk food consumption. To make it more valid I would make
sure that there was the exact same amount of Benedict’s solution in each urine sample as one might
have more than the other and that could get anomalous results as the test is not fair. On the other
hand, human data is much more inconsistent and does not provide definitive evidence for or against
viral triggers. Type 1 diabetes is more difficult to control because of the big lack of insulin that the
pancreas should be producing. Symptoms and Diagnosis People with auditory neuropathy may have
normal hearing, or hearing loss. Numerous ? cell autoantigens have been implicated in the disease.
Patients with islet transplants can typically remain in stage 4 for considerable periods of time if
immunosuppressive therapy can sufficiently maintain viable ? cells. It was fair test because I only had
one independent variable, which was the urine sample. This is because with this diabetes you still
make insulin (unlike type 1 diabetes). The insulin will go into tissue cells which will lower the blood
sugar. Nevertheless, 40% of people with type 2 diabetes may still have insulin shots and sometimes
people with type 2 diabetes require oral medication such as tablets. Although these observations
support the idea that infections may protect individuals from autoimmune diseases, the mechanisms
of this protective effect are not yet well-understood. A low fat vegetarian diet, combined with regular
exercise, helps reduce blood pressure and can control, or even eliminate, non-insulin dependent
diabetes. Order now Diabetes mellitus type I and type II show distinct differences in their
manifestation and occurrence. Chronic Diabetes includes Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, in which Type
1 is caused due to genetic reasons, whereas Type 2 is caused due to an irregular lifestyle. In order to
do this I had to do a qualitative test- using Clinistix (to see if there is any glucose in the samples) and
quantative test- Benedict’s test (to see the amount of glucose in the samples). On the other hand,
doctors don’t compare the urine samples to other patients and that’s why they undertake a lot of tests
to see if someone has diabetes. Scientists are looking for new ways to give insulin. Type 1 diabetes is
caused due to genetic disorder, whereas Type 2 diabetes is primarily a lifestyle disorder. The
pancreatic stuff and the insulin protein contained within them were bought from animals slaughtered
for food in a similar but more complex than used by a doctor or medical student. Reversible Diabetes
includes prediabetes and gestational diabetes. A model of this disease pathogenesis has been
proposed in which the development of Type 1 Diabetes is categorized into 5 stages, which are
defined by characteristic changes in metabolic and ?-cell function (Weir and Bonner-Weir 2004).
This reaction can be very difficult and even life threatening.
We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Big vats of bacteria now make tons of human
insulin, so this can make pure human insulin. Chronic Diabetes can give rise to other diseases like
heart failure, kidney failure, loss of eyesight, nerve damage, and depression. However, women with
gestational Diabetes stand a risk of suffering from Type 2 diabetes later on in their lives. With type 2
diabetes, the illness and symptoms tend to develop gradually over weeks or months. These
symptoms tend to develop quite quickly, after treatment is started, the symptoms soon settle and go.
This suggests a higher genetic component for early onset IDDM vs. Additional data collected from
five complete genome scans have identified 18 other genomic intervals that may influence the risk of
T1D. Pain diaries can also be reviewed periodically by the physician which will encourage patient
involvement and facilitate outcome assessments. The exact cause or causes of the disease are still
unclear, however, a combination of genetic and environmental factors seem to be involved. In spite
of extensive investigation, the exact cellular and molecular mechanisms that lead to the onset of
IDDM have yet to be elucidated. In many other states, it ranks far much higher due to their deprived
status of dealing with the illness. I will also put in about the two practical’s we did where we had to
test how much diabetes was in the urine. The other types of Diabetes are prediabetes and gestational
diabetes. Talreja D, Talreja R, Talreja R. (2005) Diabetes Mellitus. The cause of type 2 diabetes is
when your pancreas does not produce enough insulin or the insulin that is made does not work
properly. Diagnosis of T1DM DM is a disease of hyperglycemia and diagnosis of both T1DM and
T2DM rely on demonstrating either a fasting or postmeal hyperglycemia (Champe, 2005). In this
paper, different sources are analyzed with regard to the authors'examinations on the effects of dietary
in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. I think next time we should were gloves to help prevent this.
The information included therein contains every procedure and the test device used to test for
diabetes. It is a chronic disease characterized by the destruction of pancreatic ?-cells leading to
complete insulin deficiency. The cow and pig insulin were purified, bottled, and sold. People with
type 2 diabetes need to manage their diet (balanced diet with less sugar), exercise and require home
blood glucose testing. Usually, when the blood glucose levels increase, it sends a signal to the
pancreas to produce insulin, helping the cells absorb the glucose. She has raised 12 children, seven of
whom still live in the vicinity. Should people with diabetes 2 receive medical treatment? Solutions
were found through series of studies and experiments as scientists try to uncover the whole
existence of diabetes starting off from its onset. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find
out how to manage cookies. There are also various drugs that can be used that can reduce the blood
glucose level. Insulin produced by the beta cells of Islets of Langerhans of the pancreas is responsible
for regulating glucose levels in the blood.
There are different types of insulin, synthetic human insulin (Humulin) or animal insulin. The
advantages of diabetes resolution achieved through surgery are imperative. There are also various
drugs that can be used that can reduce the blood glucose level. First your blood sugar level is tested
and then you are given a liquid with a high amount of sugar to drink (75 grams of glucose and 100
grams for women who are pregnant) and a blood test is given every half hour or so for 3 hours. It is
more common in people who are overweight or obese. Most Hindu’s are vegetarian, but those who
aren’t vegetarian aren’t’ allowed to have beef. Answer: Diabetes can trigger coronary artery disease
resulting in heart failure. Question 4. Can diabetes cause kidney failure. The sequence of amino acids
(the building blocks that make up the protein) is slightly different in insulins from the different
species. Type 2 diabetes is caused due to an unhealthy lifestyle and obesity. Order from one of our
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abnormalities in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diabetes. Then I could make it reliable by averaging
the result (without anomalous data) and checking the anomalous data at the end. There is also a type
which suppresses a hormone called glucagon, which is released into the bloodstream by the pancreas
and stops insulin from working. Similar to all other surgical events, the benefits of surgery must be
compared to against the impending risks. In the UK about 1 in 20 people aged over 65 and around 1
in 5 people over 85 have diabetes. I also think that next time we should also repeat the whole test a
few times to make sure that our results are right. These vary in the speed and duration of a
therapeutic effect and are variously referred to as rapid acting, short-acting, intermediate acting and
long acting (Talreja, 2005). But at the moment, injections are the most widely used method. As I said
before about vegetarians I think they had a point as them not eating meat (most of the junk food is
meat example, burgers, fried chicken ext) this makes them healthy and reduces possibility of getting
diabetes, so what I’m saying is not that everyone turns into vegetarians but they think more about
what they eat. Synthetic human insulin (insulin made by genetic engineering) is said to be far better
than animal insulin. Without insulin treatment, this condition leads to death (Weir and Bonner-Weir
2004). This condition usually gets reversed once the fetus is delivered. This is probably because
certain people are more likely to develop an autoimmune disease such as diabetes, and this is
because to their genetic make-up, which is inherited. People with a sedentary lifestyle, lack of
physical exercise, polycystic ovarian syndrome, high cholesterol, hypertension, and obesity are at a
high risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. Even with the innovative pharmacotherapies (drug
therapies), diabetic patients still develop micro- and macro-vascular effects. Thank you, GetEssay, for
delivering my paper in record of 72 hours. Concordance rates for monozygotic twins vary between
35 - 70%, while the concordance rates for dizygotic twins is about 11 %. The dependent variable in
this experiment was the colour of the end pad of the Clinistix. Forty percent of individuals with T1D
develop the disease before the age of 20 years. One advantages of genetic engineered insulin is that
there won’t be any more problems with the animal cruelty so strict vegetarians can use it because no
animals are involved and human insulin does not violate religious beliefs the way that animal
products did.. With the help of genetic engineering, human genes could be transferred into other
mammals for the production of insulin.
The risk of getting affected with diabetes increases with age. Alternative treatments targeting diverse
models of this disease need vigilant and responsible assessment. In most cases, type 1 diabetes is
thought to be an autoimmune disease. Diabetes is a lifelong chronic disease in which there are high
levels of sugar in the blood Diabetes. In this essay I will include type 1 and type 2 of diabetes
mellitus, they have different causes and can be treated differently. These diagnostic criteria are
defined based on risk for diabetic retinopathy (Englegau, 1997). As I wrote in my essay previously
the advantages of Humulin are that. The occurrence of the disease, from 1994 to 2004, among
elderly individuals, went up by 63% (Rubino et al. 1). Diabetes is, at the moment, ranked as the 6th
leading cause of death in the United States (Rubino et al. 1). In many other nations, it ranks far
higher due to their extremely poor techniques of dealing with the illness. The World Health
Organization (WHO) estimates that there are over 177 million cases worldwide and this number will
increase to at least 370 million by 2030 (Gad et al., 2003). Further, the disease is associated with a
series of secondary health complications. A doctor may give you a series of tests to diagnose your
diabetes. Reversible Diabetes includes prediabetes and gestational diabetes. The symptoms that
usually occur when you first develop type 1 diabetes are: You are very thirsty a lot of the time; you
pass a lot of urine, tiredness, weight loss, and generally feeling unwell. We worked in groups to
undertake these experiments. These good figures likely echo a move by most research institutions
towards a largely laparoscopic method, the executed system of broad controls and inclusion of a
multidisciplinary method. Fujita and Inagaki 2017 conducted a study about metformin and put
emphasis on the use of metformin in lowering glucoses in type of type 2 diabetes. Type I usually
starts in childhood and is due to the destruction of the beta cells of the pancreas by the body's
autoimmune system hence no insulin is produced, or production is insufficient. We found out that as
the glucose concentration increases the light absorbance increases however there was an anomalous
result which was 12% which had 0.36 light absorbance. This is because there is increased
hypoglycaemia following the transfer. What made the experiment not reliable was that if there was
an anomalous result; we didn’t figure out why there was an anomalous result and carried the
experiment a few more times to make sure that the result was correct. Then eating something starchy
like bread or something with carbohydrates could also help. The way the test works to see if you
have diabetes is that after you are given the first blood test before you drink it, your blood glucose
levels will be low. Forty percent of individuals with T1D develop the disease before the age of 20
years. You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many
more. Even if it did make it through the stomach, the digestive enzymes secreted by the digestive
part of the pancreas would digest the insulin protein molecule. We made this test valid because the
independent variable was the urine. The test can only be reliable if your glucose levels aren’t
affected, such as by illness or taking medicines. However, the only way to confirm that you have the
disease is to have a blood test to look at the level of glucose in your blood. Pig insulin is structurally
closer to human insulin than is cow insulin. Data from twin studies (i.e. Levin and Tomer 2003;
Leoni 2003) also seem to strongly suggest a genetic predisposition to IDDM. A model of this disease
pathogenesis has been proposed in which the development of Type 1 Diabetes is categorized into 5
stages, which are defined by characteristic changes in metabolic and ?-cell function (Weir and
Bonner-Weir 2004).
Basically, the diabetic should aim to eat a diet low in fat, salt and sugar and high in fibre and with
plenty of fruit and vegetables. This is a great example of profound research work. The natural history
of chronic painful peripheral neuropathy in a community diabetes population. Type 1 diabetes can be
inherited although it is not an inherited disease, there is some genetic factor. However, without
treatment, the blood glucose level becomes very high and acids form in the bloodstream called
ketosis. Chronic Diabetes includes Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, in which Type 1 is caused due to
genetic reasons, whereas Type 2 is caused due to an irregular lifestyle. Gestational Diabetes is caused
in pregnant women, and it occurs mainly during the gestational phase, thus the name. Insulin cannot
be taken as a pill because the juices in the stomach would destroy the insulin before it could work. If
you are using mobile phone, you could also use menu drawer from browser. We also used a fresh
pipette for each solution as if we used the same one then we would have mixed the samples and then
it wouldn’t be reliable, we had also repeated the test to make sure there wasn’t any anomalous
results; we also made sure that we didn’t touch the end bit of the chemical on the clinistix so that
wouldn’t mess with the results. For example, it has been suggested that abnormalities in the
apoptosis of ?-cells might lead to an autoimmune response. Symptoms and Diagnosis People with
auditory neuropathy may have normal hearing, or hearing loss. The most common is an immediate
hypersensitive reaction. But due to deficiency of insulin in the body, the above process was not
regulated, and the patient's glucose level rose above the normal, and there was a buildup of ketone
bodies turning the blood acidic hence the low pH. You can’t copy Sorry, but it's not possible to copy
the text due to security reasons. We made this test valid because the independent variable was the
urine. The Taffey home is a two-storey wooden house with a shanty i. Type I usually starts in
childhood and is due to the destruction of the beta cells of the pancreas by the body's autoimmune
system hence no insulin is produced, or production is insufficient. The way this is engineered is that
the insulin gene is extracted and is inserted into the E coli cell, to produce insulin that is chemically
and biologically identical to natural insulin. Also, some people may not have a choice, as they may
be vegetarian or cannot have certain meats and so using Humulin would be the only option. Data
gathered over many years of surgery showcases the success and durability of diabetes management
gained after the surgery. You will then have a blood test in the morning- before you have had
anything to eat to see your glucose levels. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic.
Chronic diabetes types are more commonly found as compared to reversible ones. Rarely, type 1
diabetes could occur due to other causes like a severe inflammation of the pancreas, or surgical
removal of the pancreas for various reasons. Diabetes. There are two forms of Diabetes know as type
1 and type 2. Both o. This is with an aim of comparing the significance of surgery over medication.
Type 1 diabetes is caused due to genetic disorder, whereas Type 2 diabetes is primarily a lifestyle
disorder. People with a sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical exercise, polycystic ovarian syndrome,
high cholesterol, hypertension, and obesity are at a high risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.
However, women with gestational Diabetes stand a risk of suffering from Type 2 diabetes later on in
their lives.
There are also arguments that IDDM is not purely a genetic disorder; rather, it has been suggested
that certain environmental factors also play an important role and may trigger or accelerate
autoimmune diseases in genetically predisposed individuals. The majority of the reviewed studies
indicate that indeed, the glycemic index is a major consideration in diabetes mellitus management.
They think this because it is thought that it is decreasing the value of human and animal life as
everything can be made the scientific way by just producing genes instead of getting it from an
animal and not making things like they are disposable. The entire assignment was quite a great
challenge for me, but not for the writer at GetEssay. In the UK about 1 in 20 people aged over 65
and around. The term ketoacidosis can happen in both but more often in type one. The most common
types of Diabetes are Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. The condition appears from lack of the insulin
hormone as the pancreas tissues are damaged. Fingerprints on the clear side may affect the results so
you have to be careful whilst holding it. It is sometimes called Benedict’s reagent because a reagent
is a chemical that is added to another substance to produce a chemical reaction in order to have
valuable effect. In undiagnosed patients with diabetes that do not receive appropriate treatment, it
can provoke serious complications such as stroke, kidney failure and heart disease. SpeedyPaper
website, please click below to request its removal: Request the removal of this essay People also
read Statistics Essay Example: A Case of Hilton Hotel Workforce Flexibility Free Essay Example on
Multicultural Education Law Essay Example: Fisher v. Diabetes is caused by the lack of the hormone
insulin. Even with the new-fangled pharmaco-therapies, diabetic patients still develop micro- and
macro-vascular effects. Some believe genetics are solely responsible for T1D, while others believe
environment plays a role. This is absorbed through the gut wall into the bloodstream. These good
figures likely echo a move by most research institutions towards a largely laparoscopic method, the
executed system of broad controls and inclusion of a multidisciplinary method. Although the
pathogenic factors are active early on, complications usually develop later as the disease progresses
and are not as common during early stages. The insulin from animals is usually insulin from cows
(bovine) and pigs (porcine). Then plotting the results of the urine samples B, C, D and E onto the
graph and seeing the point of the standard curve line that the results hit- that would determine the
percentage of glucose in those samples. Blood sugar, Carbohydrate, Diabetes 1474 Words 4 Pages
fingers. Some glycogen or fat is then broken down back into glucose and some is released back into
the bloodstream to keep the blood glucose level normal. Purely restrictive processes also
considerably enhanced diabetes, even though seemingly less successfully compared to transplant
operations. Synthetic human insulin (insulin made by genetic engineering) is said to be far better than
animal insulin. Since then, numerous studies have come up confirming the efficiency of pancreas
transplant and islet cell transplant in treating T1D. In these sorts of cases the allergy is usually due to
the insulin molecule itself rather than additives. University of Texas Free Essay Example on
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sulphite, sodium hydroxide and tartaric acid and is a chemical compound (the union of 2 or more
chemical elements). In both the medicine world and the general public, cholecystectomy is mainly
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