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Making Websites Win CRE

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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in
a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means—electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without prior written
permission, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

The clients of Conversion Rate Experts (CRE) all bring unique

circumstances, aims, market positioning, web presence, expertise, and
opportunities to the table. The client stories and testimonials presented in
this book therefore cannot be viewed as “typical” results because each client
came to CRE with a unique situation and each was provided with unique
solutions or recommendations. Each should be viewed and interpreted
as a unique case study—some with more detail than others, but each
presenting insight into that company’s specialized experience with CRE.


Apply the customer-centric methodology that has
doubled the sales of many leading websites

I SBN 978-1-5445-0053-9 Hardcover

978-1-5445-0051-5 Paperback
978-1-5445-0052-2 Ebook
To our brilliant colleagues in Conversion Rate Experts.

To our equally great clients.

To all our company’s friends and followers, who have

helped us in innumerable ways over the past ten years.

And to the friends and families of everyone who works so hard at

Conversion Rate Experts. Thank you for helping to make it all happen.
About the authors ................................................................................................11

How to get the most value from this book ...................................................13

Praise from clients ...............................................................................................17

Foreword by Avinash Kaushik ...........................................................................25


—AND HOW TO DO IT RIGHT, LIKE THE WINNERS ...................29

Why this is the only book of its kind (and why it will transform
your website, your business and your career, like it has ours) ..............30

Terminology and other details.........................................................................39

Ulterior motives: Why we wrote this book ...................................................39

What you’ll get from each section ..................................................................40

How we define conversion rate optimization (CRO)..................................42

(Few people appreciate) why CRO is the most important

activity for your business—and your career................................................52

Reasons to start CRO now .................................................................................57

Why doubling a website’s conversion rate is easier than it sounds....59

Choose your role models wisely: Take inspiration from this awe-
inspiring story of how one of our clients went from zero to half
a billion dollars .....................................................................................................60
Why the world’s top websites are winning (and how yours can

Why you should avoid meek tweaking (and not just because it
sounds creepy) ......................................................................................................72

DiPS (Diagnose → Problem → Solution) thrashes meek tweaking .......75


CAN BE IMPROVED ...................................................................81

A goldmine of techniques ..................................................................................82

Why it pays to understand your visitors .......................................................82

Techniques for low-traffic websites ...............................................................84

Installing a tag manager (to help you activate and deactivate tags
without having to speak with your IT department each time) ...............88

Diagnose by…using web analytics (to track where your visitors

came from, and which links they clicked on) ..............................................88

Diagnose by…capturing easy-to-interpret click maps (to see

exactly where visitors clicked—even if it wasn’t on a link) .....................90

Diagnose by…using session-recording tools (to see videos of

visitors’ screens and more) ...............................................................................93

Diagnose by…using form-analytics software (to identify which

of your form fields are causing trouble) .......................................................95

Diagnose by…using live chat (to let your visitors tell you what’s
wrong with your pages) ......................................................................................97

Diagnose by…using cobrowsing (so your visitors can share their

screens with you)..................................................................................................99

Diagnose by…using survey tools (to ask your visitors and

customers whatever you want to know)........................................................99

Diagnose by…using exit survey tools (to ask your visitors why
they didn’t take action) ................................................................................... 107
Diagnose by…using on-page survey tools (to ask questions at
exactly the right moment) .............................................................................. 109

Diagnose by…using a persistent “Give Feedback” button (to

allow your visitors to report issues to you)............................................... 111

Diagnose by…using your website’s search tool (to discover

what your visitors can’t otherwise find) ..................................................... 112

Diagnose by…using search engines (to be notified when people

say things about you) ....................................................................................... 114

Interlude (ice creams not included): why it’s essential to

empathize with your visitors.......................................................................... 115

Diagnose by…using method marketing (become a customer so

that you understand at least one customer deeply) ............................. 117

Diagnose by…using method marketing with offline competitors

(because the offline world often has solved problems that the
online world hasn’t).......................................................................................... 124

Diagnose by…becoming a face-to-face salesperson (to learn

how to sell the product) .................................................................................. 127

Diagnose by…seeing how others describe it in writing (because

their words are likely to reveal a lot) .......................................................... 130

Diagnose by…talking to a “VOC aggregator” (perhaps the fastest

way to understand users) ............................................................................... 132

Diagnose by…encouraging your visitors to phone you (so you can

understand them better) ................................................................................ 134

Diagnose by…creating—and then studying—a knowledge base of

answers to your visitors’ questions (to manage the long tail of
obstacles)............................................................................................................. 135

Diagnose by…running user tests (to see your pages’

shortcomings firsthand) .................................................................................. 136

Diagnose by…using eye tracking (to identify where your visitors

are looking) ......................................................................................................... 143
Diagnose by…using pop-up surveys (to recruit participants for
your user tests) .................................................................................................. 145

Measure your wins…using A/B testing (to test different versions

of your webpages to see which is the best) .............................................. 148

Know your market by…analyzing your competitors (to see what

they have learned about their visitors) ...................................................... 153

Why each of the twenty-five techniques for understanding your

visitors is like a spotlight ............................................................................... 154


PROVEN, EASY-TO-IMPLEMENT SOLUTIONS .........................155

The ingredients of a winning website ........................................................ 156

Winning websites…are written well: if visitors can’t understand

your writing, here’s how to improve it ........................................................ 157

Winning websites…are user-friendly: if visitors struggle to use

your website, here’s how to make it easy to use ..................................... 173

Winning websites…give people what they want: here’s what to

do if your website doesn’t satisfy your visitors’ needs ......................... 182

Winning websites…make the benefits clear: if your visitors

aren’t persuaded of the benefits, here’s what to do.............................. 191

Winning websites…have irresistible offers: if people aren’t

persuaded it’s a great deal, here’s how to optimize what they’ll get... 200

Winning websites…are trustworthy: if visitors are wary, here’s

how to make your website a powerhouse of credibility and proof ... 216

Winning websites…remove risk: how to use guarantees to

remove visitors’ fear of commitment .......................................................... 226

Winning websites…are like water chutes: if your website doesn’t

appeal to both early- and late-stage buyers, here’s how to design
unbeatable multistep funnels ....................................................................... 233
Winning websites…manage complexity: can your visitors not see
the wood for the trees? Here’s an eight-step approach to
managing complex sales ................................................................................. 241

Winning websites…sail past the competition: if your visitors are

choosing your competitors, here’s how to win ........................................ 287

Winning websites…keep attention: if your visitors are forgetting

about you, here’s how to make them keep coming back...................... 300

Winning websites…get prompt action: if your visitors are taking

their time, here’s how to get them to act immediately ......................... 306

Winning websites…thrive in an imperfect world: if parts of your

sales funnel are outside of your control (and are terrible), here’s
how to win regardless ...................................................................................... 311

Winning websites…have a huge lifetime customer value (LCV):

how to identify opportunities to increase your LCV, the powerful
conversion metric that people forget about............................................. 316


AT RECORD-BREAKING SPEED ...............................................323

A useful case study in conversion: how we helped grow a

company by 470% in a year ........................................................................... 324

Now it’s your turn to win................................................................................. 347

Let’s keep in touch! .......................................................................................... 349

Acknowledgements .......................................................................................... 351

About the authors
DR. KARL BLANKS and BEN JESSON help websites win.
They are the founders of Conversion Rate Experts (CRE),
the world’s leading agency for conversion rate optimization
(CRO)—a term coined by the company in 2007.
Over the past ten years, CRE has worked in over 80 dif-
ferent verticals, in 9 languages, and in 22 countries, helping
to optimize the profits of some of the web’s most sophis-
ticated companies, including:

• Many Silicon Valley giants—the world’s biggest, most

successful websites.
• Websites of leading blue-chip enterprises.
• Award-winning, fast-growing startups.

CRE increases the profits of businesses scientifically

by analyzing their websites’ visitors, creating optimized
pages and then A/B testing them to measure the increase
in sales. It has generated billions in revenue for its clients
and double- and triple-digit improvements are the norm.
CRE is the recipient of a Queen’s Award for Enterprise
for Outstanding Achievement in Innovation, the UK’s top
award for businesses. The award was given for CRE’s work
codifying the methodology that the world’s leading com-
panies now use to improve their websites.

about the authors 11

How to get the most value from this book

Links to resources for growing your business

The electronic version of this book contains links to many
great resources for growing your business. The paper version
doesn’t contain any links, because links add clutter and tend
to age quickly. Don’t despair, though. For nearly everything
we’ve mentioned, assume that we’ve chosen wording that
will allow you to find it easily in a search. Alternatively, you
can see all of the links at www.conversion-rate-experts.

Our podcast
You can hear some of our most popular talks by subscribing
to the Conversion Rate Experts podcast. You can find details

Free gifts and goodies

One of the great services we provide is that of a filter, direct-
ing our followers to the best new tools, companies and
sources of useful information. If you’d like to be kept up
to date with our new discoveries, get our free email news-
letter from You’ll

how to get the most value from this book 13

be in good company—our subscribers include people from
many of the world’s leading companies.
Plus, when you join, you’ll get some useful reports,
including examples of winning pages we’ve designed that
have more than doubled the sales of our clients.

The free guides accompanying this book help you get started quickly.

14 making websites win

All profits from this book go to feeding
chronically hungry children
CRE pays for the ongoing feeding of 280 children in Liberia.
The program is run by Mary’s Meals, a charity that sets up
school feeding programs in some of the world’s poorest
communities, where hunger and poverty prevent children
from gaining an education.
All proceeds from this book will be donated to Mary’s
Meals to help it continue its great work.

proceeds from this book 15

Praise from clients who have implemented
the advice in this book
We’ve grown many companies using the techniques
described in this book. Below are some quotes, taken from
our website, from clients we’ve helped over the last ten years.

“Really extraordinary ‘off-the-chart’ results.” —Google, the

leading internet technology company (CRE has worked with
Google on several projects, including the launch of Google’s
Android phone.)

“Conversion rate optimization was my secret weapon for growth at

companies like Dropbox, Eventbrite and LogMeIn. After meeting
the team at Conversion Rate Experts I learned that I was only
scratching the surface of the potential gains from conversion
rate optimization. They are by far the most advanced group in
conversion rate optimization that I’ve ever worked with. Their
approach is truly the best I’ve ever seen.” —Sean Ellis, Dropbox’s
first marketer and founder of

“About $10 million of increased potential revenue. Before using

Conversion Rate Experts, it was a lot of guessing.” —Jenny Craig,
the leading weight-loss company.

praise from clients 17

241% increase in sign-ups for MyFitnessPal. “We’ve seen more
than 4X increases in conversion rate on some pages, which we’ve
been thrilled about. I think there isn’t a company in the world that
couldn’t benefit from working with these guys.” —MyFitnessPal,
the world’s largest diet-and-fitness community, which went on
to sell for half a billion dollars.

“It’s been really remarkable to see that process in action…and to

realize that this is a process. They have helped Moz add more
than $1 million to our bottom line this year. Our conversion rate
is up 170% of what it was four months ago. They’re the best in the
business.” —Rand Fishkin, Moz, the search marketing industry’s
leading SEO software provider, with a community of hundreds
of thousands members.

“They increased our conversion rate by 300%. What can I say?

They’ve taught us more about our customers in the last six months
than I knew about our customers in the last four years. They were
fantastic in telling us exactly what to test on the sites to get the
best results.” —Vodafone, one of the world’s largest wireless
telecoms providers.

“They helped us get our CRO program off the ground. We now
have a much deeper understanding of some of the key customer
pain points and, more importantly, a well-defined road map on
how to address them.” —Hertz, the car-rental company with
locations in 150 countries.

18 making websites win

“We’ve seen about a five-fold increase in our business, and they’ve
been a huge part of making that happen.” —SimpliSafe, which
designs—and markets—home security alarms.

“They were able to take us to territory that we might have felt

internally a bit uncomfortable with, and might not have gone there
ourselves. They balance strategy and execution with aplomb.”
—goHenry, a financial services technology (FinTech) company
that combines web and mobile apps.

“Conversion Rate Experts were looking for monumental wins, and

suggested big changes across our business. They recommended,
and helped us to build, what became the second-busiest financial
community in the UK.” —, one of the UK’s most
popular financial comparison websites.

“They passed amazing amounts of knowledge off to our team and

inspired our team with their enthusiasm and passion for what
they do. We’ve even had some product test pages where they’ve
converted 100% better than the previous page.” —Cogeco Peer
1 Hosting, one of the world’s top-five hosting providers, hosting
more than one percent of the internet.

“We gained confidence about making big changes because CRE

told us that it’s the big changes that would have the big impact.”
—TopCashback, which we have helped to be the fifth-fastest-
growing company in the UK, growing sales by 2,600% (that’s 27
times) in three years.

praise from clients 19

“I learned a tremendous amount. They are the best in the business.”
—PayPal, one of the world’s largest internet payment companies.

“Each percentage point of conversion is very, very important to

us and worth a lot of money. Great fun, great results, great return
on investment.” —, the high-profile gaming website.

“It was a professional dream come true for me to have worked

with them. In some of the places like the top of the funnel, we
almost doubled our conversion rates. It’s helped all of us on the
team get better at what we do.” —TINYpulse, an online B2B
software platform for engaging employees.

“Conversion rate is the fastest, easiest way to see an increase

in your business. The conversion rate was originally less than
5%, and Conversion Rate Experts increased it to 20%–25%.”
—, a leading recruitment platform for voice-
over artists, having a user base of over 200,000 individuals
and companies.

363% increase in conversion rate for Crazy Egg, the leading click-
mapping platform. “Instead of saying, ‘We want to do this, or we
want to do that, or I think this would be best for the business,’ they
got data to back up their decisions and they did that. Which is
why we had such a substantial lift.” —Neil Patel, founder. “They
focused on understanding our customers. We believe that led to
the increase in conversions.” —Hiten Shah, founder.

20 making websites win

63% increase in sales for Morphsuits, the fancy dress company
that became the UK’s 18th fastest growing company. “We know,
when we’re thinking about making changes, that anything that
they’re suggesting is backed up by the data.” —Morphsuits

“If you don’t have a solid conversion rate plan, I would definitely
advise you to get in touch with Conversion Rate Experts.” —Dell,
the multinational computer technology company.

“Conversion Rate Experts are by far and away the number one
in the world. They have helped us transform our business and
our processes around testing. As a direct result of working
with Conversion Rate Experts, we’ve doubled our revenue.”
—HomeFinder, a leading real-estate website.

“I went into this project fairly skeptical that we’d be able to achieve
a 30%+ improvement. At 50%+, it far exceeded our expecta-
tions.” —AAG, America’s largest provider of government-insured
reverse mortgages.

“Working with Conversion Rate Experts has been extremely stun-

ning in terms of results. It’s definitely driving a lot of revenue.”
—Xero, the disruptive cloud software company.

“The decision making process is based on real data, tested data,

rather than just gut feeling. The results that we’ve achieved have
been very impressive.” —Companies Made Simple, the company
formation service that has created over half a million companies.

praise from clients 21

“The work that we’ve done with Conversion Rate Experts has
resulted in additional revenue of around £1 million per year. It’s
been a huge learning experience for the entire team. I wish we
had done it a lot earlier.” —Health Express, an online clinic.

“Sales have increased from £16 million to £31 million per year.”
—, an online travel operator.

“They are brilliant. The results speak for themselves. Sales nearly
tripled.” —, a leading comparison website for
broadband services.

“The results have been great.” —FreestyleXtreme, “Earth’s largest

action-sports store.”

“They show you how to increase your conversion rate in a

structured, analytical and scientific manner. On some of our
online shop pages, we increased our conversion rate by up to
100%.” —DefShop, one of Europe’s leading online hip-hop
clothing retailers.

“We’ve been really pleased with our experience with Conversion

Rate Experts. We’ve seen uplift in the order of 50%, 60%, even
up to 100% for some of the individual tests.” —Dr Dave Chaffey,
Smart Insights, a marketing authority website that helps mar-
keters to plan, manage and optimize their marketing.

22 making websites win

“Sales doubled. They’ve instilled a testing culture within our
company.” —PhotoShelter, a worldwide leader in photography
portfolio websites.

“Some of our senior executives didn’t understand how CRO could

have such a big financial impact. CRE understands our pain, our
industry, and our visitors’ frustrations. One test alone gave a 44%
increase.” —The Foundry, a visual-effects software company
whose clients include Pixar, ILM, Walt Disney Animation Studios,
and Sony Pictures Imageworks.

praise from clients 23

Foreword by Avinash Kaushik, Digital
Marketing Evangelist, Google
If you ask “why experiment” to people who live and cham-
pion experimentation, they’ll answer that it allows decisions
to be based on data. This is true.
Or, they may tell you that it allows you to get answers
fast, without needing to have long debates with your team.
This is also true.
Or, you’ll hear that, because one never knows exactly
who the visitor is, it is difficult to anticipate the visitors’
expectations—and hence why not let an n-variable mul-
tivariate experiment figure out the best solution for each
type of visitor. This is especially true.
Or, you’ll hear a string of explanations around statistics,
confidence intervals, and significance—that a business
should be improved with the same discipline and control
that would be applied to most feats of manufacturing and
engineering. I like this; why not overcome all human barriers
via brute force math! :-)
The above reasons are certainly exciting and contribute
to why I champion experimentation. They are not at the
core, though.
I see experimentation as a solution to a set of pernicious
problems with business culture. I am heartbroken about the

foreword 25
power dynamic in most organizations, where decisions are
based not on customer needs but the opinions of the person
with the most senior job title. (In a speech in 2006, I framed
this as HiPPO-driven decision-making—HiPPO standing
for the Highest Paid Person’s Opinion.) Experimentation
reduces that power dynamic with amazing results.
In addition, I deeply believe in heuristic evaluations, in
which a broad cross section of company employees use a
website or mobile app as customers. Heuristic evaluations
create a democracy of ideas, capturing insights from beyond
the User Experience team and Digital team. The only way
to allow this democracy to thrive is to build an experimen-
tation model—to put all the ideas through testing.
In my experience, most companies operate as if the
world is static. As if tastes don’t change, preferences don’t
evolve, and disruptive competitors don’t show up. In reality,
change is the only constant. Experimentation assumes this is
true and fosters a culture of mental agility that constantly
explores boundaries (and pushes against them).
Finally, most people and companies are risk-averse.
What I love the most about experimentation is that it allows
us to accommodate for the short-term risk we are willing
to tolerate. You may be deeply shy, your company may be
a cash cow, and even the slightest change to the ecosystem
may mean death, but that’s no problem. Experimentation
allows you to dial-in the level of risk you want to take (you
may even choose to show a test to only a small fraction of
your visitors). On the other hand, if you realize that taking

26 making websites win

bold risks is the only way to protect your confident position
in the market, then experimentation allows you to execute
precisely that—to learn and keep kicking butt!
It’s about leveraging experimentation to influence a shift
in culture, as we all know culture eats strategy for breakfast.
That is the reason you should buy this lovingly crafted
book. The deep and broad digital experience Karl and Ben
have accumulated in their years of practice is reflected in
every chapter.
The book is broken into easily digestible chunks. Section
One is best shared with every boss who stands in your way.
Section Two will help you quickly set up the foundations on
which your ideas democracy can flower. Section Three will
give you a lifetime of ideas that will fuel the fundamental
shift you are trying to accomplish.
If you are standing in a bookstore wondering if you want
to buy this book, jump to the section about how “Winning
websites…manage complexity” and scan Step 7. Then rush
to the cashier to check out.
A culture of experimentation has benefits that far sur-
pass “this button is better than that” or “this offer is better
than that.”
Solve for culture and your career will never be the
same again.
Carpe diem!

foreword 27

Why most
web design
is done
—and how to do it right,
like the winners

why most web design is done wrong 29

Why this is the only book of its kind (and
why it will transform your website, your
business and your career, like it has ours)
Most websites lose. Almost all of them.
Many of them never make a profit. Like chocolate
teapots, they look nice but flop as soon as you pour hot
customers into them.
Others are successful at first, and then get pushed out
of business by their competitors.
This book is about how to buck the trend, to make
websites that customers love and that are outrageously
It has the ability to transform your business and your
career. Really. That’s an extraordinary claim—and extraor-
dinary claims require extraordinary proof.
So here goes:

1. This book is based on experimentally proven

facts—not theory
Have you ever looked at a company’s marketing materials
and wondered, “Does this really make people buy?”
We have. And in 2005, we began a quest to find out
for certain.
One of us, Ben, was running the website for a company
that sold phones for travelers. The other, Karl, was a Cam-
bridge PhD scientist. Together, we discussed how we’d
be able to carry out scientific experiments on the website.
We’d change a page and then measure—via an A/B

30 making websites win

test—whether our new version had increased (or decreased)
the company’s sales.
The results were astonishing. Within a year, we managed
to triple—to $9 million—the sales of the company—even
though the worldwide demand for travel phones was
decreasing by 15% per year:

Sales went through the roof the first time we applied A/B testing to a company.
Rather than rescaling the axes, we drew on the wall, hoping to penetrate the ceiling
tiles. (Those dashed lines represent interim forecasts we kept beating.)

In doing so, we began to build a database of what works

(and what doesn’t).
Since then, we have applied the same methodology to
hundreds of companies. Double- and triple-digit improve-
ments have been the norm, and many of the companies
have won awards for fast growth. With each success (and
failure), we update our database of what works. And each

why most web design is done wrong 31

time an activity turns out to be fruitful (or fruitless), we
adjust our methodology accordingly.
In this book, we have distilled many of the most suc-
cessful ones—the activities and strategies that most reliably
grow a business.
It’s exciting to have the power to walk into any business
and be able to permanently, dramatically, and measurably
grow its sales—all without having to leave the building. Most
salespeople dream of being able to do that.
You see, the majority of web design and copywriting
is still in the pre-scientific age. The average webpage was
designed less scientifically than the average toilet brush.
Most web designers rely on inspiration, not experimentation.
They are oblivious to what works and what doesn’t. They
violate proven principles.
By the time you finish this book, you’ll know what works
in web design. You’ll know how to write copy that works.
And you’ll be able to easily spot the mistakes in any web-
page—or, indeed, in any marketing materials.

2. The techniques in this book are teachable

On the strength of our success with the travel phone com-
pany, we published an article about the approach we had
developed. It immediately went viral. On that week, accord-
ing to the statistics service, our website was the
third fastest growing in the world.
The following day, we received an email out of the blue
from one of Google’s senior managers, who invited us to

32 making websites win

become the first worldwide consulting partner for Google’s
testing tool.
And so our company, Conversion Rate Experts, was born.
At the time, hardly anyone was doing this type of market-
ing. (We even gave it a name: conversion rate optimization,
or CRO.)
As we grew, we hired new team members. We discovered
that the most successful ones were readers of our blog. So
we continued to publish valuable articles with the ulte-
rior motive that each one attracted both clients and new
team members.
Plus, every time we published an article, we received
emails from people telling us how it had helped them to
grow their businesses.
This book is a compilation of the most useful of those
articles. For the first time, they are organized in an order that
allows you to quickly become great at conversion. Impor-
tantly, the book teaches you the right mental models, so your
understanding of conversion will be deep and intuitive.
Of course, there’s a limit to what a book can achieve. A
book about songwriting won’t turn you into Paul McCartney,
and a book about CRO—even a dense one like this—won’t
make you great at conversion overnight. However, it
does contain ample information to generate millions for
a company.
The best conversion practitioners are like sponges,
obsessed with learning. (Which, come to think of it, sponges
aren’t. Who came up with that analogy?)

why most web design is done wrong 33

3. This book works whatever your situation
This book is about universal truths. We have yet to find a
business for which the techniques in this book don’t apply.
We have applied our methodology to pretty much all kinds
of websites:

• In nine languages
• In twenty-two countries worldwide: Australia,
Canada, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany,
India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Malaysia,
New Zealand, Norway, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, United
Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and United States
• Of all sizes—from startups to large enterprises
• In business-to-consumer (B2C) and busi-
ness-to-business (B2B)
• In more than eighty industry verticals, including
finance, health, retail, travel, technology, leisure, and
food (you name it, we’ve sold it)
• With different types of product: selling physical goods,
services, software, and information
• With all types of business: merchants, affiliates,
publishers, social networks, e-commerce and lead-gen-
eration sites
• In many media and formats: desktop websites, mobile
websites, native mobile apps, email marketing, offline
advertising, and more

The book is useful for whatever job role you have:

34 making websites win

• If you are creating your first website, and you are
hoping that it will drive results (rather than just be a
brochure website), then this book will help you to under-
stand what the pages need to say—which is much more
important than how the pages are created.
• If you are a web designer or marketing executive,
this book will give you key skills and resources to make
websites that beat their competitors and dominate their
• If you are a CEO or in senior management, this book
will reveal the key activities on which your team should
be concentrating.

In short, the skills you learn from this book will work for
you now, and for whatever you do next.

4. What you will—and won’t—get from this book

(this book focuses on improving websites—
because that’s what the most successful web
businesses do)
In the 1990s, websites were designed for designers,
whose goals were typically (1) to use the project as an oppor-
tunity to learn the technologies (Flash, XML, CSS, and
others) and (2) to populate their portfolios to show off their
newfound capabilities. It wasn’t uncommon for a website
to be impossibly difficult to use.
In 2000, websites were designed for search engines.
To get traffic from search engines, webmasters obsessed

why most web design is done wrong 35

over search engine optimization (SEO), making websites
“search engine friendly.” Unfortunately, the search engines,
which were still primitive, accidentally rewarded some prac-
tices that were very user-unfriendly, including pages that
were stuffed with keywords to the point of being illegible,
light gray text on a white background, and “links pages”
with endless reciprocal links.
In 2010, websites were designed for companies.
Search engines had become less trickable, and so agencies
became free to focus on what their clients wanted. And what
did the clients want? Well, some of them wanted quirky diag-
onal navigation bars, some wanted parallax scrolling, and
some wanted spinny icons. Others wanted best practices,
crammed with marketing techniques and things “borrowed”
from competitors. They wanted the kind of thing you see
when you browse galleries of website themes.
And that’s where we are today.
However, throughout that period, there were a small
number of companies that didn’t follow those trends. These
companies, the most successful websites, focus on their
customers. Customer-centric design was—and still is—sur-
prisingly rare. The websites look nothing like the ones you
see in theme galleries. Customers like them, they visit them
often, and they spend a lot. Customer-centric, customer-
optimized websites are winning. They are the subject of
this book.
If you study any one of the winning websites, you’ll
find they are built of “engines” of conversion, of perfected

36 making websites win

landing pages and irresistible offers, of compelling copy and
user-friendly interfaces, of viral loops and streamlined order
flows. And if you visit the companies themselves, you’ll find
that their team members are engineers finely tuning those
conversion engines.
Web companies that are struggling, on the other hand,
tend to focus on different things. Some of them spend their
time on brute-force SEO. Others prioritize pretty web design.
Many don’t ever change their websites, because they have
created knots of complexity that they can’t change. Of
course, those disciplines, and many others, are important.
But we find that they become easy when you have created
a high-converting website.
So, important as they are, this book will not address
many aspects of web design and marketing. You’ll need a
different book if you want to learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript,
SEO, or advertising. In this book, we encourage you to focus
on what’s essential: Creating pages that visitors love and
that convert like crazy. If coding is an obstacle for you, you
can get great results using this book’s methodology with a
website builder tool like SquareSpace, Wix, Shopify, Big-
Commerce (a former client of ours), LeadPages, Unbounce,
ClickFunnels, or PageWiz. Then, imagine how easy it is to
get visitors once you have created a website that people love
and that has a huge lifetime customer value. Advertising
becomes simple when you can afford to outbid all the com-
petition. SEO is a piece of cake when you have a website
that people want to link to.

why most web design is done wrong 37

5. This book works even on the most
sophisticated companies
Our clients include many of the world’s most sophisticated
web companies. In fact, we believe we have designed pages
for more top 500 websites than any other company. This has
been both a privilege and a curse. We have been fortunate
enough to work with some of the world’s best marketers,
and we have had to improve upon some of the world’s most
difficult-to-beat pages.
As such, our methodology has had a trial by fire.
We once read an article called something like “100
must-have web analytics reports.” Anyone who’s famil-
iar with the Pareto principle will know that there aren’t
100 must-have anythings. At the end of a project, we ask
ourselves the following question: “If we had to repeat that
project in one-tenth of the time, what were the vital few
activities that were most fruitful? What could we do dif-
ferently next time?”
This book is about the vital few.

6. This book works on all marketing materials,

not just websites
Even though this book is about optimizing webpages, it’s
equally applicable to any content that is important enough
to be hyperoptimized.
The techniques can be applied with great success to
almost any media, provided it’s important enough to be
worth making great. We’ve used it successfully on press

38 making websites win

releases, marketing email sequences, video scripts, webi-
nars, print ads, Facebook ads, and much more.

Terminology and other details

Throughout this book, for brevity, we will usually refer to
“products” when we mean “products and services.” All of
the advice is just as applicable to services. (And we should
know—we sell services.)
We don’t get paid for mentioning or recommending any
tools or techniques.
We mention the tools and products of several companies
that have been clients of ours. In all cases, we were using
and recommending these companies before they became
clients. (We reference hundreds of resources throughout
the book, so it was inevitable that a few of them would
be clients.)

Ulterior motives: Why we wrote this book

We wrote this book for two reasons:

Might you be a kindred spirit?

We want this book to be a mechanism for attracting like-
minded specialists. Our company mission is to remain the
best in the world at CRO—and that’s a tall order.
You can imagine that people who are proven experts at
website creation, copywriting, analytics, marketing research,
design, and so on are in great demand and have no problem
being happily employed. If you believe you’re world-class

why most web design is done wrong 39

at CRO, and you’re up for stiff challenges and high rewards,
we’d love to hear from you.

If your company isn’t yet large enough to be our

Many of our clients were small when they first started read-
ing our articles. In fact, we often hear from readers who
attribute their success to the advice we published.
This book provides you with enough information to more
than double the sales of an early stage business.
And, who knows, perhaps one day we will work together.

What you’ll get from each section

If you want to become an expert in CRO, you’ll probably
want to read all of this book. If, on the other hand, you want
to carry out CRO for only one project, you can dip in and
out of the relevant chapters.
Here’s how this book is structured:

Section 1: The one you’re halfway through reading

In the rest of this section (“Why Most Web Design Is Done
Wrong—and How to Do It Like the Winners”), we define
what conversion entails (when it’s done right). We explain
why it should be the number-one priority for your company
(and for your career)—as it is for the world’s most successful
web companies. We describe The Power Law of CRO and
how it can drive a company into an economic “virtuous

40 making websites win

circle” of growth. This will help you to win the support and
enthusiasm of your colleagues.
We also point out the conversion principles that are
followed by the top web companies—the winners—and
that are strikingly absent from most other web companies.
Most people do CRO the wrong way round. They behave
like physicians prescribing remedies before having diag-
nosed the patient. These “malpracticing physicians of
marketing” prescribe testimonials, guarantees, and punchy
headlines—and have no idea why the visitors aren’t taking
action. We introduce our customer-centric DiPS (Diag-
nose → Problem → Solution) approach, which thrashes the
alternative—as you’d expect, given that the alternative is
so absurd.

Section 2: Diagnosis (the D of DiPS)

In Section 2, (“Diagnosis: Understanding Why Your Vis-
itors Aren’t Converting”), we take you on a grand tour
of tools and techniques you can use to diagnose and
improve your website’s problems. To overextend the
medical analogy, these are the web stethoscopes, landing
page thermometers, and the homepage ear-microscope
doodads. These techniques will allow you to deeply
understand your visitors—and how they interact with
your website. That way, you’ll empathically understand
them, and you’ll be able to identify exactly why they aren’t
converting into customers.

why most web design is done wrong 41

Section 3: Common problems and solutions (the
P and S of DiPS)
Fortunately, there aren’t an infinite number of reasons why
visitors don’t convert. In fact, our research has revealed
that most websites underperform in just fourteen ways.
In Section 3, (“Making Websites Win: The Most Common
Problems That Make Web Visitors Abandon—And Proven,
Easy-To-Implement Solutions”) we devote a chapter to each
of them. In each chapter, we describe the most effective
techniques for getting your website “firing on all four-
teen cylinders.”

Section 4: Bringing it all together

In Section 4, we describe a case study of how we helped to
grow a financial-technology company by 470% in just a year.
We reveal exactly how the steps were carried out, so you
can see how the principles and techniques described above
come together in practice—with record-breaking results.
Okay, that’s enough overviewing. It’s time to explain
what conversion entails (when done right), and why it should
be the number-one priority for your company—and for
your career.

How we define conversion rate

optimization (CRO)
What is a conversion rate?
Your conversion rate is the percentage of your visitors who
end up reaching a given goal. This diagram illustrates it:

42 making websites win

The most useful definition of conversion rate is broad.

Two things are worth noting:

1. The “content” can be any item of messaging or any

user interface. Of course, it can be a landing page, but
it can also be a checkout page, an explainer video, the
warranty application card that comes with a product, an
email asking customers to refer their friends, the sales
script that a customer service operator uses, a radio ad,
… you get the idea. We have optimized all of the above
and more. If you restrict yourself to landing pages, you’re
going to struggle to triple a company’s sales.
2. The “goal” is often to maximize sales—but not
always. The goal of an early-stage social network, for
example, may be to acquire new non-paying users. The
goal of a knowledge base article may be to minimize
the number of customers who need to call customer
service, so the call center operatives can have less-hur-
ried cigarette breaks. Always, the goal is to optimize the

why most web design is done wrong 43

content for whatever it was created for—its raison d’etre
(that’s French for “raisin for eating.” Who needs Google
Translate?). The content exists to do a job, so it must
excel at that job. You may think it’s obvious to optimize
something for its entire reason for existing. Incredibly, in
the world of marketing, it’s vanishingly rare.

What is A/B testing?

A/B testing is a powerful way to increase conversion rates.
Here’s how it works:
If you had two possible headlines for your webpage but
couldn’t decide which one to use, you could run an A/B
test in which

• half of your visitors would see Headline A, and

• the other half would see Headline B.

You could then tally the orders for each headline and deter-
mine which headline brought you the most.
A/B testing software makes it easy to carry out such
tests. Each of your visitors will see a different version of
the page—Version A or Version B, or even Version C, D, or
E—and then the software will work out, on average, which
of the elements performed the best. The winner can then
be promoted.
In most tests, Version A is the existing version, often
called the “control,” which you are trying to beat.

44 making websites win

If we were to use A/B testing software on the following
page, we could test the following:

On every webpage, there are many changes you could make to increase your profits.

Powerful, isn’t it?

What is multivariate testing?

Most A/B testing software also allows you to carry out mul-
tivariate tests. What are they?

why most web design is done wrong 45

Multivariate tests let you effectively carry out several
A/B tests concurrently, so you make the most of your traffic.
So while you are testing which headline to use, you could
also test other page elements—such as text, images, prices,
offers, and buttons—all at once. Each visitor will see a dif-
ferent combination of headline, text, images, and buttons.
Then, once enough data have been collected, the multi-
variate testing software will tell you which version of each
page element, on average, brought in the most customers.
Throughout this book, we’ll use “A/B testing” as a catch-
all term to describe A/B testing, multivariate testing, and
any other types of scientifically controlled experiments.

Four huge benefits of A/B testing

When you A/B test, you get the following benefits:

1. You get to discard your missteps

Most marketing is based on mere opinions; A/B testing
reveals the truth. If a test doesn’t produce a winner, you
haven’t lost a thing; you learn from it and discard the losing
variation. You certainly don’t keep it, which is what happens
in companies that don’t test. Quando não há testes, há o risco de manter a variante que
não dá certo por meras opiniões ou achismos

One of our first clients, whose sales we more than tripled,

stopped A/B testing after we finished working with it. Its
marketing manager then began making radical changes.
He persuaded his team that there was no need to A/B test,
because the changes were “obviously improvements.”
Within a year, the company’s sales had plummeted, and

46 making websites win

no one in the company knew why. The marketing manager
was fired. Had he A/B tested his changes, he wouldn’t have
broken the company.
The following story from Microsoft’s Senior Statistician,
Roger Longbotham, describes how Microsoft avoided a
similar disaster:

We ran an experiment for a site where the management

was reluctant to run the test because they considered it a
“no-brainer” that the treatment would win. We agreed the
value proposition looked quite promising but proceeded with
the experiment. The treatment had some unexpected and
subtle negative aspects that would not have been detected
had we not run the experiment. If the treatment had been
launched we estimate the annual loss to the site would have
been in the millions of dollars.

2. You keep only your successes

If something works, you get to know. So you never acci-
dentally throw away something that works. This process
repeats over and over, meaning that only better-performing
versions of pages are kept, so your conversion rate (and
revenue) can only go up.

why most web design is done wrong 47

With iterative testing, your profits can only go up—because you keep only
the winners.
Manutenção dos vencedores e descarte das variantes que
não convertem: manter e aprimorar o que deu certo

3. You learn what you should be doing more (and less) of

A/B testing is like a compass: It tells you which direction
to move in. One of our clients, a company in the telecoms
industry, was debating whether to lower the price of its
top-selling phone. The phone was already the lowest priced
in the marketplace. To measure how price sensitive the
company’s visitors were, we A/B tested the existing price
against zero dollars (completely free of charge). To every-
one’s surprise, the zero-dollar offer didn’t sell more phones.
Our research revealed that users were concerned that the
free-phone deal was “too good to be true.” Concluding that
the visitors weren’t sensitive to the price of the handset,
we went in the other direction by A/B testing higher prices.
The winning page featured two higher-priced premium
versions of the phone alongside the standard product. We
Precificação, posicionamento de marca,
tipo de valor atribuído ao produto: tudo
pode ser testado
48 making websites win
then obtained a further win by offering optional upsells
including accessories, insurance, call credit, and 24-hour
customer support. So not only did A/B testing save the
company from pointlessly destroying its margins, but it
revealed an unexpected opportunity for growing the profits.

4. You never need to make hard decisions

Most companies run according to the following process:

Get Idea → Decide Whether to Implement It → Implement It.

A/B testing allows you to postpone the decision-making

until you know the correct answer, at which point the deci-
sion is a no-brainer:
Mitiga a incerteza

Get Idea → Implement It (as a Test) → Decide Whether to Keep It.

A/B testing thus eradicates the laborious decision-making

stage, allowing companies to move faster. Endless pontif-
ication about “Should we do it?” is replaced with a simple
“Let’s test it and find out!”

Testing is the stopwatch; your website is the

Whichever type of testing you use, the software won’t tell
you what to test.
Unfortunately, that’s the most important part. Roger
Longbotham said, “What you place upon the statistical

why most web design is done wrong 49

framework is what ultimately determines the attractiveness
of your test results.”
As with all tools, A/B testing is subject to the equation
“GI → GO,” which stands for “Garbage In leads to Garbage
Out.” In other words, if you put garbage into an A/B test,
you’ll get garbage out of it (albeit optimized garbage).
The A/B testing software is to CRO what a stopwatch is
to a sprinter. The stopwatch doesn’t make the sprinter any
faster. It just measures the sprinter’s performance, and tells
Testes A/B por
si só não
melhoram a
them what is their personal best. performance,
mas mensuram
That’s where CRO expertise comes into play. Just as o desempenho
atual como ele
GI → GO, also AI → AO (A being Awesomeness). This book pode melhorar

will give you loads of great insights, ideas, and awesomeness

Cronômetro x

to put into your tests.

Let’s improve your website’s personal best.

So what is CRO?
Back in 2005, when we worked in-house, we tried hard to
outsource conversion. It turned out to be impossible. There
were many vendors, but each pushed its own solution:

• The live chat companies claimed that live chat was the
• The analytics companies claimed that analytics software
was the answer.
• The usability companies claimed that usability was the
answer. CRO não é formado ou definido por apenas
um aspecto, trata-se de uma análise holística
das plataformas

50 making websites win

• The multivariate testing vendors claimed that multivar-
iate testing software was the answer.
• The copywriters claimed that copywriting was the
• The eye-tracking companies claimed that eye-tracking
was the answer.

And so on.
What we wanted was an independent advisor who was
effectively a “hub” for conversion, who had used all of the
services, who was completely impartial, and who knew how
to get the best results.
We ended up doing it ourselves. As a result, we learned
what worked. We now spend all of our time designing pages
that convert—and then we put our necks on the line by
insisting that we test our creations, to prove that we’ve
measurably improved things. Over the past ten years, we
have tried an enormous number of techniques, some of
which were real gems. We have pulled together the best
ones (along with practical, easy ways to get them done) and
added many techniques that we developed ourselves. At
each stage, we have shared our findings on our blog, which
has rewarded us by attracting kindred spirits, people who
share our passion. Hopefully, you’ll be one of them.
We coined the term conversion rate optimization (CRO)
in 2007 to describe this process of pulling together all of
the available tools, techniques, and skills—with the goal
of improving a website’s conversion rates. CRO takes the

why most web design is done wrong 51

Magia e adivinhação x Dados

guesswork out of creating highly profitable websites. It’s a

series of strategies and activities that allow you to achieve
significant increases in profits from your website easily and
reliably. User testing and A/B testing software allow you
to carry out tests; CRO tells you what to test, by revealing
how to create webpages that convert your visitors. Um web design
Strictly speaking, CRO is web design done right. It’s feito
corretamente é

making a page that is perfectly designed to sell, or get sign-

um web design
que converte,
que atinge o
ups, or get downloads, or whatever the page is there for. seu objetivo

Even ten years later, though, the practice of CRO looks so

different from how most web design is carried out that it
still warrants having a separate name.

(Few people appreciate) why CRO is the

most important activity for your business—
and your career
Many companies start doing CRO without realizing its true
potential. In this chapter, you will discover the three bene-
fits of CRO that can drive your company into an economic
“virtuous circle” of growth.

Benefit 1: The obvious one—CRO gets you more

customers, free
The obvious reason to improve your conversion rate is that
you want more customers without having to spend a penny
more on advertising.
Your revenue is equal to…

52 making websites win

• your visitors multiplied by…
• your conversion rate (the percentage of your visitors that
turn into customers) multiplied by…
• the lifetime customer spend (the amount that each of
them spends with you):

Benefit 1: Doubling your conversion rate doubles your revenue.

So if you double your conversion rate, you double your reve-

nue. (Whenever we say “double” in this chapter, it’s to make
the examples easy to understand. But, as you’ll see, even a
small increase can result in one heck of an office party. We
highly recommend you carry out the calculations for your
own business. They can be eye-opening.)
But CRO has other, even better benefits…

Benefit 2: Your profit is even more sensitive to

your conversion rate than your revenue is
Your profit is your revenue minus all your costs:
Profit = Revenue − Costs

why most web design is done wrong 53

melhora de desempenho sem adição de custos na produção

When you double your conversion rate, all your costs

don’t double:

• Your variable costs do double (by definition). This

includes all costs that scale in proportion to the number
of units sold, including the cost of goods sold, the costs
of direct labor, distribution, and customer support.
• But your ad costs remain the same.
• And your fixed costs stay the same (by definition).

As a result, your profit increases disproportionately.

Sometimes profoundly. The following diagram shows
how a doubling of conversion rate can cause the profit to
multiply by four times:

Benefit 2: An increase in conversion rate has a disproportionate effect on profit.

54 making websites win

The effect can be even greater. For some companies, a small
increase in conversion rate can mean the difference between
suffering a loss and making a profit.

Benefit 3 (an even more exciting one): CRO opens

up floods of traffic anúncios sem impactos drásticos e/ou negativos nos gastos
O CRO te permite estrategicamente conduzir os investimentos para

melhorando a atração de novos consumidores

Once your conversion rate has increased, you’re more
profitable. It pays to sacrifice some of that profit into increas-
ing your advertising bid prices—which can dramatically
increase your number of customers. You can outbid your
competitors and profitably dominate all the advertising
space in your market.
Many of our clients find that CRO unlocks marketing
opportunities that were previously prohibitively expensive,
allowing them to get loads of new customers.
For startups and small-to-medium sized businesses,
CRO is often the catalyst that enables them to start adver-
tising, profitably, in PPC, magazines, newspapers, direct
mail, radio, and TV. Clients also become able to pay affiliates
more—which wins the affiliates over from their competitors.
The principle even applies to SEO: if a company will generate
twice as much revenue from the number-one spot, it can
afford to spend twice as much to capture it.
This principle is so extreme that many advertising
agencies pay us to work on their clients’ websites, because
they understand that CRO allows their clients to profitably
increase their ad spends. With the right combination of CRO
and traffic buying, you can displace competitors for good.

why most web design is done wrong 55

Benefit 1 × Benefit 2 × Benefit 3 = The Power Law
of CRO
Here’s the best bit: Benefits 1, 2 and 3 are multiplicative.
Which means your profit has a power-law relationship to
your conversion rate. (That is, your profit is equal to your
conversion rate to the power of something—maybe squared,
cubed, or even more.)
Looking at the equations from above, you can see why:

The Power Law of CRO, which explains why so many of our clients have won awards
for fast growth.

Of course, the multipliers depend on the financials of

the business. You can see how your own profits would be
affected by an increase in conversion rate by modeling
different scenarios in a spreadsheet.

56 making websites win

Incredibly, that’s not the end of it. As the number of
orders grows, economies of scale kick in. These further
increase the amount you can afford to spend on getting
more customers.
CRO is a virtuous circle. The world’s leading web com-
panies all focus on it—on user experience, conversion flows,
network effects, and customer journeys.
Without doing CRO, it’s impossible to win.

Why CRO is a great career choice O CRO

In our experience, the best career strategy is to (1) Create provas do
valor que foi

more value. CRO allows you to reliably do this, and then

criado para
um negócio

(2) Prove you’ve done so. A/B testing allows you to do this.
As such, CRO makes for a fantastic career choice.
There’s a serious shortage of people who have proof that they
can grow businesses. Amazingly, most people’s résumés
have no quantifiable evidence that they have ever created
value. Thanks to CRO, many of our clients, followers, and
team members have incredibly impressive success stories
on their résumés.
Plus, if you’re anything like us, you’ll find it end-
lessly fascinating.

Reasons to start CRO now

The first-mover advantage
As long as you have a higher profit-per-visitor than your
competitors do, then every day you’ll have a slight unfair
economic advantage over them.

why most web design is done wrong 57

The wider you make that gap, the faster you accelerate
ahead. That gap becomes a moat that makes your business
robust against competitors’ attacks.
If your competitors aren’t focusing on CRO already,
they will be soon, because the market will keep getting
more competitive.
Every day you’re ahead, you have an unfair advantage—
the wind is in your sails. Every day you are behind, you have
an unfair disadvantage—you’re playing catch-up.
The difference depends on how soon you start, and how
fast you move.

Does your business depend on free traffic?

If your web business depends on free traffic from search
engines or social media sites, you’ll get the following addi-
tional benefits:

• Because CRO enables you to profitably advertise in

different media, your business will become much more
stable. You’ll no longer be hooked on free traffic and no
longer at the whim of a search engine algorithm change.
• CRO will make your website customer-centric, so your
customers will like you more and stay with you for longer.
It also means other websites are more likely to link to
yours. Links e tráfego orgânicos

58 making websites win

Why doubling a website’s conversion rate is
easier than it sounds
What’s your current conversion rate? Five percent? Ten?
Don’t know? A 5% conversion rate means that of every
twenty visitors to your site, nineteen walk away empty-
handed. Do you really believe you couldn’t lower that
number to eighteen out of twenty?
Look at it another way: To double your conversion rate,
you just need to increase the conversion rate of your

• ads by 19%;
• landing page by 19%;
• shopping cart by 19%; and
• checkout by 19%.

(The figure is 19%, not 25%, because each improvement

compounds upon the previous one.)
These increases may sound daunting, but to increase
your landing page’s conversion rate by 19%, for example,
you would have to make just a 1.76% improvement to ten
aspects of your landing page:

• Your company’s tagline

• Your headline
• Your introductory text
• Your offer
• Your guarantee
• Your picture

why most web design is done wrong 59

• Your readability
• Your usability
• Your navigation
• Your products
• Your pricing
• Your offers
• Your premium
• Your testimonials
• Your call-to-action
• Your site layout
• Your return policy

And the list goes on…

Does a 25% increase sound more achievable now?
Also, don’t be daunted by the number of techniques
described in this book. If you did everything in it, you’d prob-
ably be the best marketer in the world. A single breakthrough
can double your conversion rate. The most important thing
is to take action.

Choose your role models wisely: Take

inspiration from this awe-inspiring story
of how one of our clients went from zero to
half a billion dollars
We recently sorted through some old business cards from
a conference we spoke at. We came across the following
card, which had some interesting notes on it:

60 making websites win

Notes from our first conversation with Mike Lee of MyFitnessPal.

Our founder Karl had spoken at the conference. After the

talk, he was approached by an entrepreneur called Mike
Lee. Mike didn’t have a business card handy, so Karl wrote
notes on one of his own cards.
Mike mentioned that he loved our articles. His company,
MyFitnessPal, had created a smartphone app for counting
calories. The company had just begun, but Mike was a fan of
our articles and was already optimizing his business using
multivariate testing.
Mike and his brother and cofounder, Albert, subse-
quently hired us to help MyFitnessPal grow even faster.
Mike and Albert recently sold MyFitnessPal for just
under half a billion dollars.
Some people think that CRO is an activity to do “when
we get round to it.”
Successful companies start immediately.
In fact, successful web companies do many things

why most web design is done wrong 61

differently. Their behavior is startlingly different from
the unsuccessful companies. In the following chapter,
we describe three of the key differences—differences
so profound that just by following them you’ll gain a
huge advantage.

Why the world’s top websites are winning

(and how yours can too)
As far as we are aware, no other company has had the priv-
ilege of designing pages for as many of the world’s top 500
websites as we have. We say privilege because these com-
panies are, by definition, already great at creating websites,
and many of them wouldn’t normally ask an external com-
pany to design pages for them.
When we look at how those companies improve their
websites, it’s striking how their practices have almost nothing
in common with the way that most other companies do it.
Their approach is perhaps best described as “Scientific Web
Design.” In this chapter, you will learn the three principles
by which Scientific Web Design differs from most other
web design, and we explain why it’s much more effective.

Principle 1: The top companies design for

function, not aesthetics Asobre
função prevalece
a estética

Take a look at the following two hammers:

62 making websites win

The hammer on the left is popular with professionals. The one on the right belongs
to Karl’s mother.

why most web design is done wrong 63

Both hammers have been meticulously designed, but for
different goals. Karl’s mother’s hammer was designed for
beauty. The Stanley hammer was designed for hammering.
They represent two approaches to design:

1. Aesthetic: Karl’s mother’s hammer represents good

design to people who believe that design means “opti-
mize for beauty.” It’s not good for hammering, so Karl’s
mother uses her other hammer instead.
2. Functional: The Stanley hammer represents good design
to people who believe that design means “optimize for
the product’s core function.”

Similarly, there are two approaches to web design:

1. Aesthetic: Most web agencies design for beauty, paying

little more than lip service toward the goals of the busi-
ness and its customers.
2. Functional: In our opinion, good web design means
understanding your visitors—and your business—deeply,
then designing to meet both of their needs. And by
deeply, we mean not obeying an executive who says, “I
know my customers,” but instead gaining deep insights
through extensive research.

Which approach is most effective? Take a look at the

homepages of Google, eBay, Amazon, Craigslist, Linke-
dIn, Facebook, Wikipedia, YouTube, and other leading

64 making websites win

websites and decide for yourself. Are they designed for
beauty, or does their form follow their function?
It amazes us how few people have noticed this.
To be clear, it’s fine to optimize for beauty if your insights
indicate that your visitors will buy more as a result. At that
point, functional design and aesthetic design become the
same thing, and you should test making your website more
beautiful. The mistake happens when companies think that
pure aesthetics are a substitute for research and testing.
Scientific Web Design is functional.

Why not design for function and aesthetics?

Some people ask why they shouldn’t optimize for function
and aesthetics. Even if their visitors are perfectly happy with
the current appearance of the website, what’s the harm in
being beautiful regardless?
It’s like asking “What’s the harm in giving an Olympic
sprinter an egg and spoon to carry while he runs?” They
don’t realize that beauty, like an egg and spoon, tends to
slow progress to a crawl.
One of our first clients had one of the most beautiful,
polished sites we had ever seen. We first noticed a problem
when we asked the head developer to italicize a particular
word. “That’s not just a fifteen-minute job,” he replied, “It
will have to wait till next week.” We were amazed. We had
just come from working in-house, where we had tripled our
employer’s sales in twelve months. We were used to making
changes quickly. Putting a word into italics would have

why most web design is done wrong 65

taken us sixty seconds. We had taken that agility for granted.
Imagine if your site were as easy to edit as Wikipedia,
Google Docs, or Justin Jackson’s article “This Is a Web Page”
(which we urge you to read). How much more work would
you get done? How quickly could you iterate? Typical web
marketers could edit a Wikipedia page in one minute, but
would take at least a day to make a similar change to their
own site. That’s over a thousand times longer. Much of that
time difference is because their own site is more compli-
cated for aesthetic reasons: Fonts are substituted, decorative
images are included, layouts are complicated, and orna-
mental graphics are added. The technical burden soon
becomes immense: changes must be checked on multiple
devices running multiple browsers on multiple operating
systems; plug-ins conflict; fonts don’t render…
…and before long, you’re no longer outraged that it takes
seven days—seven days!—to turn a word into italics.
Meanwhile, Facebook has pushed live several thousand
more changes.
If your website is already more beautiful than Ama-
zon’s, and your customers are happy with its appearance,
are you sure that the best way to grow your business is to
make it more beautiful—or have you just run out of ideas?
Beauty can lead to sluggishness, and sluggishness can lead
to economic death.
If you do make your website more beautiful, ensure
your designs are minimalist—visually and technically. Keep
them elegantly simple and easy to update. And don’t forget

66 making websites win

that—like the Stanley hammer—good functional design has
a beauty of its own.

Principle 2: The top companies carry out

experiments on their websites
When top companies change their websites, they measure
the effects of the changes, using A/B testing software or
some other type of experimental technique. We have already
described the benefits of A/B testing. The following quotes
may be useful if you’re trying to persuade your company to
adopt a culture of testing:

“Being able to figure out quickly what works and what doesn’t
can mean the difference between survival and extinction.”
—Hal Varian, Google Chief Economist

“If you double the number of experiments you do per year

you’re going to double your inventiveness.” —Jeff Bezos, CEO
of Amazon Experimentação X inventividade

Here’s another great quote by Jeff Bezos:

“…successful invention, if you want to do a lot of that, you

basically have to increase your rate of experimentation and
that you can think of as a process—how do you go about orga-
nizing your systems, your people, all of your assets, your own
daily life and how you spend time, how do you increase those
things to increase your rate of experimentation?”

why most web design is done wrong 67

Principle 3: For reasons that are subtle, the top
companies make frequent, incremental changes,
and rarely (if ever) have huge site redesigns

“Every work day Facebook is safely updated with hundreds

of changes including bug fixes, new features, and product
improvements. Given hundreds of engineers, thousands of
changes every week and hundreds of millions of users we
have worldwide, this task seems like it should be impossible.”
—Chuck Rossi, Facebook’s Release Engineering Manager

The top companies update their sites frequently—often

weekly and sometimes daily. The changes are usually
improvements to parts of pages rather than complete page
redesigns or website redesigns. If you update your site in
incremental iterations like this, you get three benefits:

1. You get to see what’s working (and what’s not working)

on a granular level.
2. Your site-improvement process stays nimble because
it’s always in use and is not mothballed until the next
3. You decrease the amount of work-in-progress (work
that has been carried out, but is not yet at a stage where
it can bear fruit).

Work-in-progress is the toadstool of business; it looks

harmless but is poisonous. For example,

68 making websites win

• Any work-in-progress is wasted money until it sees
the light of day.
• Managing work-in-progress is work in itself, par-
ticularly with large projects. Large projects constipate
• Problems aren’t seen until the eleventh hour. Some
companies hire us after having had a sitewide redesign
that actually decreased their conversion rate. In fact, at
the time of writing, we are rescuing a website for which
one of our clients had paid tens of millions of dollars.
You might expect that a website that cost that much
would perform extremely well. However, we are rede-
signing it page by page, and our pages are considerably
outperforming the existing ones.
• The longer a project takes, the greater the expec-
tation for a massive win once the redesign goes live.
This results in the additional inertia of deliberation,
double- and triple-checking, and design-by-committee,
all of which erode speed (a dangerous practice in highly
competitive markets). It’s no surprise then, that:
• Many projects are never completed.

That’s why Scientific Web Design entails carrying out fre-

quent, iterative changes.

why most web design is done wrong 69

Why do some people willfully ignore these
Some people choose not to follow the three principles of
Scientific Web Design, for several reasons:

• Some people avoid accountability.

• People who work for agencies may not want their per-
formance to be measured soon and frequently. There’s
good money in quoting for huge white-elephant proj-
ects, delaying that moment of truth until all the money
is in the bank.
• To uninitiated buyers, aesthetic design is easier to
sell. Whether it’s hammers or websites, some people
buy beauty.

How to follow all three principles—and why it

makes life hard in the short term but easier in
the long term
The three principles of Scientific Web Design are embedded
into our methodology as follows:

• First, analyze your website and visitors. Through inten-

sive research, identify the biggest opportunities for
• Next, implement the changes in frequent, small, tar-
geted iterations.
• Put your neck on the line (like we do) by insisting that

70 making websites win

the changes be A/B tested to prove (or disprove) that
they have grown the business.

This makes life challenging, because of course not every

experiment results in a win; but there’s a strength in it too:
you get immediate feedback, so you discover what works
(and what doesn’t) for your specific marketplace.
That’s rare in business.
By taking this approach, your internal processes over
time get reengineered for speed and profits—a hallmark
of the top online businesses.

How can you benefit from Scientific Web Design?

By the fact that you are reading this, you are probably already
persuaded of the principles of Scientific Web Design. If so,
here’s what you can do:

• If you are a marketer or designer, ensure that you

follow the three success principles: Design pages that
fulfill their primary purpose, measure and test every-
thing you create, and minimize your work-in-progress.
Learn how to make websites ultra-effective.
• If you are a manager, director, or company owner
and you are struggling to persuade your team to show
any interest in CRO, first set the “ground rules”: Insist
that they always follow the three principles. (1) Design
pages that fulfill their primary purpose. (2) Measure and
test everything you create. (3) Minimize your work-in-

why most web design is done wrong 71

progress. Pushing conversion knowledge upon someone
is futile unless they are hungry for it. By setting the
“rules of the game” (insisting that your team follows the
three principles), you align their goals with those of your
business, and your team will devour any information
that will be useful to them. Then, when they measur-
ably grow your business, your challenge becomes to
pay them enough to keep them. Conversion skills are
in short supply.
• Whoever you are, spread the word. We estimate that,
worldwide, fewer than 1% of marketing decisions follow
the principles of Scientific Web Design. Much of the
web-design industry actively avoids them. So when
you see people violating the principles described in
this chapter, speak out. Write your own articles about
this subject. Be the child who dares to tell the emperor
that he’s wearing no clothes (and is carrying an egg and
spoon). You don’t need to have a scientific background—
you just need to have the diligence and discipline to
follow the principles. And when you encounter people
who dare to follow the principles of Scientific Web
Design, encourage and support them. They haven’t
chosen the easy path.

Why you should avoid meek tweaking (and

not just because it sounds creepy)
Just because your changes are going to be incremental and

72 making websites win

frequent doesn’t mean they should be minor or trivial. In
fact, the biggest mistake people make when optimizing
their websites is what we call “meek tweaking.” They set
up A/B testing software, then they make daft changes. They
change button colors and shuffle items around the page, just
because they read that it worked for someone else. They
do the Garbage In → Garbage Out thing.
The following graph explains why that approach is more
harmful than it sounds.

In A/B tests, small improvements take much longer to detect.

The horizontal axis shows the improvement you are looking

to detect. The vertical axis shows the time it will take to
detect that improvement.
The curved line shows how long it will take for an A/B

why most web design is done wrong 73

test to reach completion. It’s for a page that gets 300 views/
day (that’s about 9,000 views/month). The shape of the
curve would be similar (just higher or lower) for other traf-
fic volumes.
Imagine that you have just designed a new version of
such a page, and your new version has an 80% higher con-
version rate than the existing version. As you can see in the
graph, the time taken to detect that improvement would
be just two days.
Whereas if your new version was only 20% better than
the existing page, the A/B test would take twenty-three
days to reach completion.
In other words, to detect an improvement that’s a
quarter as large (20% compared with 80%), then your
A/B test would take over ten times as long (twenty-three
days compared with two days).
If you were looking to detect a 10% improvement, then
the A/B test would take several months to conclude.
The moral of the story is that small improvements take
ages to detect, disproportionately and counterintuitively so.
So you should aim for bold, targeted changes, because

1. Each change gets you more profit (an 80% improve-

ment gives four times the benefit of a 20% improvement,
2. It’s more fun and interesting.
3. It’s much quicker.

74 making websites win

Whereas if you’re doing what we call meek tweaking—making
small, arbitrary changes, then

1. You tend to get no wins. Your A/B tests never reach

2. This becomes disheartening, and you lose motivation.
3. You lose the buy-in from all the other people in your
company whom you persuaded that A/B testing was
going to be a good idea.

DiPS (Diagnose → Problem → Solution)

thrashes meek tweaking
Most marketers do things to their websites that they’d never
do to their bodies.
The most common causes of death in people are heart
disease, cancer, stroke, respiratory infection, diabetes, and
dementia. However, on seeing that list, only a fool would
rush to a pharmacy and start taking medication against
all of those ailments, wolfing down pills for diseases they
don’t have. Such behavior would cause more harm than
good. Instead, sensibly, when someone is ill, they go to a
physician who first diagnoses what’s wrong and only then
prescribes the most relevant remedy.
That may sound obvious for health, but it’s not what
people do with their websites. Most web marketers run
straight to the “marketing pharmacy” and cram their
webpages with every possible remedy. Then they wonder

why most web design is done wrong 75

why they have a website that’s cluttered and converts no
better—or even worse—than the previous version. It’s mar-
keting malpractice. Their visitors had specific objections,
but instead of overcoming those objections, the marketers
filled their pages with irrelevant distractions. They should
be struck off.
Your visitors’ attention is limited. You must treat
it preciously.

DiPS: A formula for success

The following approach to conversion is much more effective
than the one described above. We call it Diagnose–Prob-
lem–Solution (DiPS for short). DiPS is the web-marketing
equivalent of the physician doing tests to diagnose what is
wrong, then analyzing the test data to identify the problem,
and then coming up with an appropriate solution.
To implement DiPS, you first need to carry out research
to diagnose your website’s problems. You’ll need to under-
stand a lot about your visitors and how they interact with
your website.

Conversion solutions are highly targeted; the

problems are like locks—the solutions like keys
Here’s an example to illustrate why DiPS is so effective. And
why the alternative—blindly applying best practices—is
so ineffective.
Imagine that a company, ABC Corps, had just launched
a new product, the ABCmatic.

76 making websites win

Would you buy one? Probably not, for one of the fol-
lowing reasons:

1. You don’t know what it does.

2. You know what it does, but you don’t know why you’d
need one.
3. You aren’t convinced that it will do what it claims to do.
4. You don’t know whether it’s compatible with your
existing technology.
5. You think it’s too expensive.
6. You don’t trust the company. You’ve never heard of
them before.
7. You are going to think about it.

If you don’t know what the ABCmatic does, ABC Corps

would have to explain what it does. Would a guarantee help
instead? No. Would a lower price help instead? Not at all.
Would testimonials help? No. None of those things would
help one iota. The only thing that could advance your deci-
sion is an explanation of what the ABCmatic does—such as
“ABCmatic allows you to manage your computer’s memory.”
In fact, all those other solutions would merely reduce the
chance that you’d ever find the paragraph that explains
what the product does. The problem is like a lock, and the
solution is like a key.
Now, imagine that you understand what the ABCmatic
does, but can’t understand why that would benefit you.
Would a guarantee help? No! Would a lower price help?

why most web design is done wrong 77

No! Would a price discount help? No! The only thing that
would advance your decision is an explanation of how the
features relate to benefits that you care about—such as an
explanation that “The ABCmatic helps to clear your com-
puter’s memory cache, so your computer runs up to twice
as fast.” That would do the job. Nothing else would.
And so, for each objection, you need to display a clear

• If visitors don’t know what it does, then explain what

it does.
• If visitors know what it does, but they don’t know why
they’d need one, then explain the benefits.
• If visitors aren’t convinced that it will do what it claims
to do, then add proof.
• If visitors don’t know whether it’s compatible with your
existing technology, then explain the compatibility
• If visitors think it’s too expensive, then justify the price.
• If visitors don’t trust the company, then show evi-
dence that the company is trustworthy.
• If visitors are going to think about it, then provide
reasons to act promptly.

It’s the same with every single page element on a website.

Every image, every word has a very specific purpose—usu-
ally to create a thought in the visitors’ minds that will move
them closer to taking action. Guarantees, for example, are

78 making websites win

mechanisms that have two very specific functions: to reduce
risk and to demonstrate that the company is confident in
its claims. So guarantees work only when risk and proof are
issues. In other situations, they make no difference. Negative
headlines are another example of a mechanism. Negative
headlines (such as “7 Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing
a CRM”) work when the visitors have decided that they’ll
do something (in this case, choose a CRM) and their main
thought is “How can I avoid making the wrong decision?”
In such cases, negative headlines work great; otherwise,
they don’t.
Most marketers know some conversion mechanisms, but
few understand each mechanism’s function. So they litter
pages with “best practices”—a practice that’s far from best.
The best marketers create funnels that counter each
objection at the exact moment that the visitors are thinking
it. And the only way to do that is to understand the visi-
tors well.
The best marketers find out—not guess—exactly why
their visitors aren’t currently converting.
If only there were some great techniques for finding out…

why most web design is done wrong 79


The ultimate guide to tools and
techniques to understand how
your website can be improved

diagnosis 81
A goldmine of techniques
In 2008, we published the most comprehensive article about
how to understand your website’s visitors. Back then, there
were hardly any tools for doing it: our list contained just
fourteen. As evidence of how much the web has changed
since then, this section contains 200 resources—software,
techniques and UX tools for finding out exactly why your
potential customers aren’t converting.
It’s pure gold.

Why it pays to understand your visitors

It’s hard to delight people if you don’t know them.
Winning web businesses understand their customers
better than their competitors do.
Fortune magazine described our approach as “a com-
bination of multivariate statistical analysis and good
old-fashioned detective work.” This section is about the
detective work.
So what do you need to know about your visitors? You
need to know

• what makes them tick;

• what stops them from ticking more often;
• how you can increase their dollars-per-tick (we might
be straining the “tick” analogy here).

At the very least, you need to understand why most of them

leave without buying.

82 making websites win

Unfortunately, those nonconverting visitors come and
go without a trace. How can you find out what they wanted?
How do you know what would have persuaded them to
take action?
If you owned a real-life bricks-and-mortar store, this
would be easy: You’d hear their objections. You’d be able
to ask questions. You’d hear what they muttered as they
headed for the door.
Capturing the voice of the customer is more difficult
on the web, but it can be done. It’s what our Research
Department does every day. Over the past ten years, we
have carried out research for hundreds of companies. We
have used every type of tool. (We often use whichever
tools our clients are already using, so we are forced to
know them all.)
We are also constantly testing out new ways of using
the tools. What’s the best question to ask visitors when they
exit a page? And how do you word that question to get the
highest response rate?
We know it, we’ve tested it, and in this section we share
all the details. We will describe the tools and techniques that
we have found to be the most useful—those that generate
the most “insights per minute.” Each technique provides
insight into a different aspect of your visitors’ behavior—
including what the visitors want, what they like, how they
make decisions, and what they don’t like. Together, they
create a clear picture of how you can improve your website’s
performance and profits.

diagnosis 83
How we’ve categorized the following techniques
It used to be that each software solution carried out a specific
function. Now, they all tend to be turning into all-purpose
suites, making them hard to categorize. We have grouped
each software solution into the functionality for which
we most often use it.
Mobile web usage has skyrocketed, but the tools for
understanding visitors have been slow to catch up. It’s finally
happening, though. Throughout this series, we will label
some of the tools as being “mobile-friendly.” That doesn’t
mean that the others aren’t; it just means that either the tool
has been specifically built for mobile, or that we have expe-
rience using the tool on mobile devices, and it works well.
Some of the techniques require a lot of visitors. So before
we dive in, let’s take a quick tour of which of them you should
focus on if you have a low-traffic website.

Techniques for low-traffic websites

Why conversion is hard for low-traffic websites
If you are a startup or a small company, you are in a chicken-
and-egg situation: Pra ter ovo precisa de galinha; pra
ter galinha precisa de ovo

• To afford visitors, you need a good conversion rate.

• But it’s hard to improve your conversion rate if you
have no visitors.

Low-traffic websites have two problems:

Problem 1: How can you understand your visitors?

84 making websites win

For example, how can find out what’s stopping them from
taking action? It’s not easy when there aren’t many of them
to ask. Tumbleweed can’t tell you how it feels.
Problem 2: How can you measure what works? High-
traffic websites rely on A/B tests to measure whether their
changes make a statistically significant difference. But
A/B tests often don’t reach significance when there isn’t
enough traffic.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, take heart in the knowl-
edge that every successful company has had to pass through
this stage at one point.
We’ll tackle the first of those problems now. We’ll
address Problem 2 later, in the chapter on A/B testing.

The solution to Problem 1: The techniques you

should use to understand your visitors if your
website doesn’t get much traffic
Some of the techniques we mention in this section rely upon
a website getting lots of traffic. Some surveys, for example,
typically get a completion rate of 3%. If your business is
small, we recommend that you make the most of the fol-
lowing techniques, which can be carried out even if your
website gets just a few visitors per day. Each of them is
described in detail in the following chapters:

• User tests tend to be the most fruitful technique. Ask a

friend—or anyone you can get your hands on—to partic-
ipate. Once your website is refined enough, aim to user

diagnosis 85
test it on people who are from your target demographic
and psychographic.
• Watch session recordings of the visitors you have.
Doing so will give you insight into how web visitors
see your website. Plus, you’ll see your creation through
fresh eyes.
• Speak to salespeople (what we call “VOC Aggrega-
tors”)—people who have sold face-to-face the same
type of product—or similar products.
• Analyze competitors’ websites. Or, if you don’t have
any obvious competitors, look at companies that are
successful within adjacent fields. For example, if you
sell B2B software, look at other B2B software vendors.
• Add your phone number prominently to the top of
every page. Even if you have no plans to encourage
phone calls on an ongoing basis, it can help to get at
least a few of them. In fact, you may be able to charm
your early callers into becoming long-term user testers.
• Increase the incentives for visitors to complete surveys.
The more you offer as an incentive, the higher percent-
age of responses you are likely to get.

It’s easier to learn CRO by working on high-traffic

websites A análise de dados demanda volume de dados
Low-traffic websites aren’t the best places to learn the craft
of CRO; it’s easier to learn by working on websites that get
lots of traffic.

86 making websites win

So, if you want to become world-class at CRO, you
would benefit from finding an opportunity to work on a
high-traffic website. If the low-traffic website in question is
yours, and you can’t afford to take a sabbatical working on
a high-traffic website, then you may want to hire someone
who has.
With high-traffic websites, you get exposed to fire
hoses of feedback. Feedback fire hoses are valuable for
two reasons. In the short term, they allow you to iterate
and improve what you’re working on. But they also hone
your craft. The top performers in many fields of endeavor
are those who have, at some point in their careers, been
exposed to fire hoses of feedback. Most successful movie
comedians, for example, developed their comedy intuition
by performing night after night in front of live audiences,
getting instant feedback on every word, movement, and ges-
ture they made. Most successful bands began their careers
playing in front of live audiences, learning—on a second-
by-second basis—what audiences liked and disliked. So if
you want to become great at conversion, seek opportunities
to work on high-traffic websites. Ideally, you want to work
in a company that’s big enough to have loads of traffic and
agile enough to allow you to move fast. In doing so, you’ll
quickly develop a knack of knowing what will convert—and
what won’t.
Then, when you’ve learned the craft, you’ll find it much
easier to grow a low-traffic website.
Right, on to the techniques…

diagnosis 87
Installing a tag manager (to help you
activate and deactivate tags without having
to speak with your IT department each time)
This section will no doubt persuade you to install multiple
tools on your website. You may get tired of asking your
developers to activate, manage, and deactivate tags. So
before we continue, you may benefit from installing a tag-
management solution. Tag-management solutions provide
marketers with an easy-to-use interface that doesn’t require
the user to have IT skills or IT permissions.

Tools for tag management

Google Tag Manager is very popular. Alternatives include
Adobe Activation Core Service, Conversant Tag Manager,
Ensighten, IBM Digital Data Exchange, Qubit Opentag,
Rakuten Storm Tag Manager, SuperTag by Datalicious, Tag
Manager by Impact Radius, TagCommander, Tealium iQ,
and UberTags.

Diagnose by…using web analytics (to track

where your visitors came from, and which
links they clicked on)
Web analytics software gives you details about the visitors to
your website—where they came from, and which links they
clicked on once they arrived. It’s essential for CRO, but it
tells only a small part of the story. It’s like the closed-circuit
TV cameras in a supermarket. They give an aerial view of
where visitors entered the store, but they don’t reveal why
revelam por onde os
88 making websites win visitantes vêm, mas não o
índices (semiótica) deixados na página,
mas não revelam as motivações do
visitante dentro da página

the visitors came. They show the path that visitors took
through the store, but they don’t reveal what the visitors
were thinking. They show you exactly where and when the
visitors left the store, but not why. Or what to do about it. For
that, you’ll need qualitative tools, which are described later.
You’ll find web analytics most useful in the early stages
of a project, when you are seeking to identify on which
pages to start work. It will also inform the pages on which
you should implement the tools described in the rest of
the chapters in this section. If a page gets no visitors, then
changing it will have no effect. Nor will changing a page that
already has 100% conversion rate. Web analytics software
will help you to identify the arteries of the website—the
high-traffic flows that lead to successful conversions. Along
with other tools, it can also help you to spot the aspects of
those flows that are currently underperforming.

Tools for web analytics

Despite being free, Google Analytics is a sophisticated
and powerful web analytics suite. It is sufficient for most
websites, and most of our clients use it or its enterprise
equivalent, Google Analytics 360.
Google Analytics alternatives include Adobe Analytics,
Webtrends, Quantcast Measure, Woopra, Piwik, and Flurry
Analytics specializes in mobile apps.
Kissmetrics and Mixpanel provide additional function-
ality that can be useful to conversion marketers. Cohort
reports, for example, show how groups of visitors behave

diagnosis 89
over a long period. Amplitude helps marketers to under-
stand how users behave within a website or app.

Diagnose by…capturing easy-to-interpret

click maps (to see exactly where visitors
clicked—even if it wasn’t on a link)
Whereas web analytics software tells you what links your
visitors click on, click-mapping software shows you which
parts of your pages your visitors click on. There’s a subtle
difference: click-mapping software shows you clicks even
if they weren’t on a link. This information is displayed as a
“heat map,” like this:

Crazy Egg’s confetti map shows exactly where visitors clicked—even if it wasn’t on
a link.

90 making websites win

Click-mapping offers several advantages:

1. It will reveal things that are getting clicked but are

not clickable. You’ll discover that visitors are clicking
on parts of the page that aren’t links but perhaps should
be. For example, if you discover visitors are clicking on
a product photo, you may choose to allow the picture to
be magnified, or you may decide readers want to read
more information about it. Similarly, they may wrongly
believe that a particular graphic is navigation.
2. It will also reveal, at a glance, which parts of the page
are getting the most attention. This can be particularly
useful when you’re showing the data to people who
aren’t experienced in web analytics.
3. If several of the links on your page lead to the same
URL—for example, if there are three links to a particular
product page—click-mapping will show you which of
the links your visitors clicked on. This is technically
possible with analytics, but requires some set-up.
4. Have you ever wondered how far visitors scroll down
your pages? Many click-mapping tools can give you the
answer, in the form of easy-to-interpret scroll maps.
If some of your pages are long, scroll maps can reveal
which parts of the page get the most attention (based on
the average viewing time). This can be great for identify-
ing which parts of your page are most important to your
visitors. If one of your pages has a “false bottom”—a gap
in the design that appears to visitors to be the bottom

diagnosis 91
of the page—then a scroll map will reveal that visitors
aren’t scrolling. (You then need to work out whether
that’s because they didn’t realize that the page could
be scrolled, or because they weren’t interested enough
to scroll.)

We recommend you study click-mapping reports of your

most important pages (in terms of revenue and traffic) and
of any pages you feel may have usability issues.
Of course, most heat maps show many things that are
predictable, but that’s not why you should use heat maps.
Ignore the predictable heat and look for the anomalies.

Tools for click-mapping

We often use Crazy Egg (mobile-friendly), Hotjar
(mobile-friendly), Clicktale (mobile-friendly) and sev-
eral A/B testing tools that include similar functionality.
Other alternatives include Fullstory, Inspectlet, Decibel
Insight (mobile-friendly), Jaco, Lucky Orange, MouseStats,
Ptengine, UsabilityTools, userTrack, and Zeerat.

92 making websites win

Diagnose by…using session-recording tools
(to see videos of visitors’ screens and more)

Hotjar’s session recordings allow you to see how your visitors struggled their way
through your website.

Web analytics software is concerned mostly with the move-

ment of visitors between pages. Session-recording tools
can be a great complement, revealing what visitors did
on each page, by capturing each visitor’s keystrokes and
mouse movement.
Session-recording tools can be useful in the follow-
ing ways:

1. Replay sessions: Watch movies of your visitors’ screens

as they use your website. You can view visitors’ brows-
ing sessions as videos, as if you were looking over their
shoulders. You can choose which video to watch based

diagnosis 93
on attributes such as the visitor’s country of origin, how
much time they spend on the site, or the number of
pages they visited. You may choose to watch videos of
visitors who appear to be struggling—for example, those
who visit the same page several times.
2. Get a feel for how people use websites: Session-re-
cording tools are not a substitute for carrying out user
tests, which are described later. However, watching a
few videos will give you a better idea of how people
interact with websites.
3. See errors: The software can display a report of errors
that users have encountered.
4. Analyze funnels: Get to see where your visitors are
dropping off. Clicktale, in particular, makes it easy to
study funnels for opportunities.
5. See scroll maps: Scroll maps reveal how far down your
page visitors scrolled.

Tools for recording sessions

Clicktale (mobile-friendly) pioneered session-recording
software. Alternatives include Hotjar (mobile-friendly),
Inspectlet, UsabilityTools, UserReplay, SessionCam, Full-
Story, Decibel Insight (mobile-friendly), and Mouseflow.
(Each tool tends to have multiple functions, so our choice of
tool often depends on the combination of features and func-
tions that a particular client requires. Also, some of our clients
already have a tool installed when we begin the project.)

94 making websites win

Some companies—such as those in financial services—
are regulated as to how their data must be stored. Clicktale
offers an enterprise version for such cases. IBM Tealeaf is
another popular alternative for enterprises. Decibel Insight
offers on-premises deployment, so you can store data in
your own environment and have complete control.

Diagnose by…using form-analytics software

(to identify which of your form fields are
causing trouble)
Form-analytics software allows you to study how people
are interacting with your forms. The software is extremely
important, because visitors who interact with forms are
very likely to convert. By finding out why they bail, you can
unlock great profits.
The software can report on many issues, including
the following:

• The overall success of the form: how many visitors

landed on it, and what percentage of them interacted
with it, tried to submit it, and successfully submitted it.
• The percentage of visitors who dropped out at each
form field. Knowing this information allows you to fix—
or remove—the form fields that are causing visitors to
lose their patience and abandon your website.
• The amount of time that visitors spend on each
field. Even if the visitors don’t abandon at a particular
field—maybe it’s early in the form and they are still

diagnosis 95
motivated—it may fatigue them, causing them to aban-
don later.
• Which fields tend to get left blank. A blank response
often indicates that a field is confusing or intimidating.
Such fields reduce a visitor’s resolve to complete the
• Which fields result in error messages, which the visitors
then need to edit before they can resubmit the form.
• Which browsers and devices are performing poorly.
Maybe your form is hard to use on small mobile devices.

Tools for form analytics

Options include Clicktale (mobile-friendly), Hotjar (mobile-
friendly), Formisimo, Decibel Insight (mobile-friendly),
SessionCam, and Inspectlet.

96 making websites win

Diagnose by…using live chat (to let your
visitors tell you what’s wrong with your

Live chat software helps in several ways: you can convert visitors via the
chat conversations, you can discover their objections, and you can test your

Live chat can allow you to hear from visitors who wouldn’t
phone you. Such visitors might prefer live chat for some of
the following reasons:

• They are in a public place (or at work) and don’t want

to be heard.

diagnosis 97
• They appreciate that, unlike phone calls, live chat doesn’t
cost money.
• They don’t want to be stuck at the end of a phone waiting
for someone to answer.
• They feel that a live chat session is less of a commitment
than a phone call.

Live chat can reveal the following:

1. which pages are giving people problems;

2. which products people are asking questions about;
3. what visitors’ main questions, concerns, and objec-
tions are;
4. which of your answers, reassurances, and counter-
objections persuade visitors to take further action.

Live chat can have two additional benefits:

• If your customer service team is providing your live

chat, you may choose to read through the transcripts
of the chats regularly to find insights you can apply to
your website.
• If the customer service team uses canned responses,
then study them. They can be pure, field-tested copy-
writing gold—provided they have been refined over time
to be the best responses.
• Using live chat may increase your conversion rate, by
personally helping the visitors to take action.

98 making websites win

Tools for live chat
Popular tools for live chat include Zendesk Chat, LiveChat,
Drift, Freshdesk, Olark, LivePerson, HappyFox, SnapEn-
gage, LiveAgent, Intercom (for web apps), and Comm100.
Some of them, like Intercom, allow you to track, help, and
convert visitors across multiple browsing sessions.

Diagnose by…using cobrowsing (so your

visitors can share their screens with you)
Cobrowsing software allows your visitors to share their
screens with a customer-support person. Cobrowsing tends
to be particularly useful when you struggle to work out
what your visitors are seeing—for example, if the visitor
is looking at a dynamically generated page, like a page of
search results or an interface in a web app.

Tools for cobrowsing

Tools for cobrowsing include Pega, Oracle Service Cloud,
and Surfly.

Diagnose by…using survey tools (to ask

your visitors and customers whatever you
want to know)
To help us grow our clients’ businesses, we carry out exten-
sive research. Over ten million people have seen our surveys.
Surveys are powerful, because your customers know the
answers to a surprising number of your marketing questions.
So why not ask them?

diagnosis 99
Awesome, tested questions to ask your
The following questions can provide invaluable insights.
We recommend you identify the ones that will populate
the gaps in your existing knowledge.

• “How likely are you to recommend us to a friend or

colleague?” Answers should be on a scale of 0 (not 1)
to 10. This is known as the “Net Promoter Question.”
It can be deceptively useful. In the chapter on lifetime
customer value (LCV), you’ll see the theory behind it,
and details of how to analyze the data from it.
• “In the past six months, have you criticized or spoken
highly of [YourCompanyName] to a friend, colleague,
or family member? If so, please give details.” This
is a great way to jog the customer’s memory and elicit
specific criticism or specific praise. In the latter case,
you might get a response that could be used as a tes-
timonial. (If you want to use it that way, be sure to get
permission first.)
• “If you could have us create something just for you,
what would it be?” Your customers can be a good
source of ideas for new products, and this question is
a great way of collecting those ideas. More straightfor-
ward—but less thought-provoking—wording would be
“What other products or services should we offer?”
• If you don’t know how you differ from your competitors,
there’s a good chance your customers can tell you. “How

100 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
would you describe us to a friend?” reveals why your
customers like you. Similarly, you could ask a question
along the lines of the following: “Which other options
did you consider before choosing our product or
service?” or “Why did you decide to use us?” It’s
particularly important to ask questions from this group
before you undertake any re-branding exercise, so you
understand what your existing positioning is.
• “Do you use us for all your [ProductType] or do you
also use alternative companies? If so, why?”
• “Why do you use [YourCompanyName or YourPro-
ductName] rather than the alternatives?”
• If you want your customers to use you more often, you
could do worse than to ask them “What would per-
suade you to use us more often?” Can you see how
survey questions can save you a lot of trial and error?
• “How could we persuade your friends or colleagues
to use us?” “If you were in charge of our company,
how would you persuade people like yourself to use
us?” and “If you were in charge of our company, how
would you spread the word about us?”

Not every answer will be valuable, but even a single gem

can lead to a boost in profits.

The answer to this one question could skyrocket

your sales
We have devised one question that’s incredibly useful. In

diagnosis 101
fact, it almost always reveals an easy way to increase a com-
pany’s sales. It works like magic on any business—online
or offline.
We arrived at it after seeing a TV program about a
military assault course—a series of rope swings, climbing
nets, and muddy pools. The TV presenter was interview-
ing people who had just finished the course, asking them
what had been the worst obstacle. Several of the finishers
mentioned a tall wall that had been tough to climb. The
scene then cut to a view of that wall, revealing that, sure
enough, many people were still stuck behind the wall. After
several attempts at climbing it, they were giving up and
dropping out.
We wondered how we could adapt that question to sales
processes, to identify the conceptual “walls” that prevent
prospects from buying.
We devised the question, asked it of our clients’ cus-
tomers, and discovered that it has an incredible ability to
identify obstacles—and hence opportunities for growth. The
question is so valuable, it deserves its own page (but it’s not
going to get one). The question is…rabba dabba dabba (this
is supposed to be a drum roll) dabba dabba dabba…TISH!

“What nearly stopped you buying from us?”

The wording can be modified depending on what your

company does. It could also end with “from using us” or
“from signing up.”

102 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
You can also ask the question in many ways. For example,
you can use a survey on your website’s thank-you page or
even email the customer a link to the survey. In other cases,
it’s worth asking the question when speaking to custom-
ers—either face-to-face or on the phone.
There are some important subtleties and realizations
as to why the question works so well.

Reason 1: You put it to your customers, not to those

who didn’t buy from you
This might sound counterintuitive. Surely, you might think,
if Alice buys one of your sports cars and Bob doesn’t, it’s
Bob’s opinions that you need to hear. But the problem with
nonbuyers like Bob is that they are a mixed bunch. Some of
them will be qualified to buy from you and many of them
won’t. For example, some Bobs just want to test drive a
sports car and have no intention of buying. If you ask Bobs
why they didn’t buy, their responses can be red herrings;
often they complain about price. The Alices, on the other
hand, are (by definition) qualified prospects. And you’d
like more of them.

Reason 2: Your customers have been through the

entire sales funnel and your noncustomers haven’t
Your customers know what they are talking about. They’ve
paid enough attention to make a decision, so they know
enough to be able to make good suggestions. A noncus-
tomer, on the other hand, may have bailed after only a few

diagnosis 10 3
seconds. His or her opinion—however strong—is much less
likely to be accurate. When your buyers criticize you, they
are likely to be right.

Reason 3: Even though your customers overcame

every barrier to buying from you, they weren’t
oblivious to the barriers
When you ask Alice, “What nearly stopped you buying from
us?” she will still remember the biggest barriers. And for
every Alice who successfully overcame the barriers, you’ll
almost certainly find there were several people who gave
up. When you remove the barrier, sales increase.
There are clear benefits to asking this question. And it
works on any process that you’d like more people to complete.
So…what’s nearly stopping you from asking it?

Other things you need to know about your

You need to know which of your products your customers
like most, and why.
The products that are most liked aren’t necessarily
the ones that you sell most of. Just because a restaurant
might sell a lot of lasagna doesn’t mean their lasagna is
well liked. In fact, it might be deterring customers from
ever coming back.
By knowing which of your products is most liked, you can

104 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
• design the most effective sales funnel, so your most-
liked products aren’t hidden away; and
• improve your existing products, to make purchasers
more likely to buy from you again.

Your survey can constantly be changing, which will allow

you to keep getting deeper insights into your visitors and
customers. A survey may reveal insights that you decide to
explore further in subsequent surveys.

Asking questions to your noncustomers

So far, we have only discussed customers but your non-
customers are a valuable source of information, too. After
all, they are the ones you are trying to convert. You can
ask noncustomers many of the questions above, via exit
surveys, survey panels, and many other techniques, all of
which we’ll describe in the following chapters.

What to do if you have no one to survey

If you have no one to survey—perhaps because you’re work-
ing on a startup or a product for a new market—then Google
Consumer Surveys can be useful. You choose your target
audience from Google’s panel of users, type your questions,
and then receive responses within hours. It works best for
products and services that have broad appeal. Similar, but
more flexible, is Pollfish.

diagnosis 10 5
Learn more about questions
For more about the subject of asking questions, visit
our website and watch the talk “Golden questions” that
reveal exactly why your visitors aren’t converting (slides
and video).”

Tools for surveying

We often use the following survey tools: SurveyMonkey,
Google Forms (which has few features, but is agile) and
Survey Gizmo. Other popular solutions include Medallia
Digital (mobile-friendly), Survey Anyplace (specifically
for mobile), Wufoo, Clicktools, Polldaddy, Typeform, and
Uservoice. If yours is a professional services company, then
CLIENTPulse is purpose-made to find out all the things
you need to know.

106 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
Diagnose by…using exit survey tools (to ask
your visitors why they didn’t take action)

Visitors don’t know why they abandoned until after they abandoned. Exit surveys
allow you to gather insights that couldn’t have been gathered any sooner.

One of the best times to capture your visitors’ objections is

as soon as they have them: at the moment that they leave
your website. The following questions can come in useful
in exit surveys:

• Question 1: What was the purpose of your visit?

• Question 2: Were you able to complete the purpose of
your visit today?
• If they answer no to Question 2, ask Question 3: What
stopped you completing the purpose of your visit today?

diagnosis 10 7
If your website has multiple distinct segments of visitors,
you may choose to add a question that reveals the visitor’s
segment too.

Tools for exit surveys

iPerceptions provides a ready-made way of implement-
ing exit surveys. You can also create them using Usabilla,
Informizely, Qualaroo (mobile-friendly), Hotjar (mobile-
friendly), Medallia Digital (mobile-friendly), and ForeSee.

108 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
Diagnose by…using on-page survey tools (to
ask questions at exactly the right moment)

Exit surveys allow your visitors to tell you why they abandoned your website.

d i a g n o s i s 10 9
Some information can best be obtained by surveying your
visitors while they are on a specific page. In doing so, you
can ask questions at the exact moment that the visitors are
thinking the thoughts you want to hear. On-page survey
tools let you add surveys to the corner of a page or, more
prominently, to its middle, obscuring the other content.
Several options are available:

• You can decide what type of response you want. You

can have radio buttons, multiple-answer checkboxes,
or open text fields.
• You can decide who will participate in the survey. For
example, you could arrange to show the survey only to
returning visitors who have been viewing the page for
fifty seconds.
• You can ask several questions in one survey.
• You can receive email notifications of responses.
Sometimes respondents ask questions to which they
expect answers.

Tools for on-page surveys

We often use Qualaroo (mobile-friendly), Informizely,
and Hotjar. Alternatives include Medallia Digital
(mobile-friendly), Webreep, Feedback Lite, PopSurvey
and WebEngage.

110 making websites win

Diagnose by…using a persistent “Give
Feedback” button (to allow your visitors to
report issues to you)

“Give Feedback” buttons allow your visitors to leave feedback at a time of their choosing.

Have you ever been frustrated by a website, but couldn’t find

any way to communicate your frustrations to its creators?
Your own visitors never need to feel that way. Simply
add a “Give Feedback” button to every page of your website.
Such buttons tend to be placed statically on the side of the
page, like a little Levis tab (albeit one that slides down your
jeans when you stand up).
We have such a button on our website. It’s a green “Feed-
back” button on the right-hand side of each page.
Though “Give Feedback” buttons are simple, they can
be highly effective, acting as persistent open invitations
for feedback.

diagnosis 111
Tools for “Give Feedback” buttons
You can easily add a “Give Feedback” button using one of
the following solutions: Survicate, Feedback Lite, Feedback-
ify, Usabilla, Qualtrics, Medallia Digital (mobile-friendly),
and SurveyGizmo (the “Give Feedback” button is one of
its many features). For Conversion Rate Experts’ website,
for reasons of leanness, we don’t use a hosted software
solution; we simply link our “Feedback” button to the form
on our “Contact Us” page.
The software hosts the feedback forms, and then allows
the website’s creators to view—and manage—the responses.
(In several of the apps, the feedback is managed using
an interface similar to that of an email client, having an
inbox and folders.) If visitors leave their email addresses,
the website’s customer-support team can easily reply to
the feedback.

Diagnose by…using your website’s search

tool (to discover what your visitors can’t
otherwise find)
Your website’s “Search This Site” feature is useful in two
ways. Not only does it help your visitors find what they are
looking for, but the resulting site search report in your ana-
lytics package also provides you with a wealth of information
about how to improve your website. It tells you what your
visitors want but can’t find.
Look through the search logs for a particular page.

112 making websites win

• Are visitors searching for content that doesn’t exist? If
so, consider adding it to your website.
• Are they searching for content that does exist? If so,
check whether the search would have revealed the most
relevant page. Also, consider whether the content they
were looking for should be added to—or made more
prominent on—the page from which they launched their
• What language do the visitors use in their searches?
Consider aligning your language with theirs.

diagnosis 113
Diagnose by…using search engines (to be
notified when people say things about you)

Search engines allow you to track what the world is saying about your company and
products. Moz Fresh Web Explorer is great for this.

Several search engines track mentions in real time, allowing

you to discover what people are saying about your website
on blogs, forums, and in social media.
As you read through the results, make a list of what
people are saying. What do they like about your website?
What don’t they like about it?

114 making websites win

Then consider how you can fix any problems.
When we redesigned our own website, we used this
technique to make a list of people who had commented on
our old website. We then personally asked those people for
feedback about our new design.

Tools for tracking what people are saying about

The following tools can be useful for tracking mentions:
Moz Fresh Web Explorer, Google Alerts, Talkwalker Alerts,
Mention, Ninja Outreach, Twitter Search, BuzzSumo,
and Facebook.
Salesforce Marketing Cloud provides powerful tools for
real-time analysis and monitoring of social media.

Interlude (ice creams not included): why it’s

essential to empathize with your visitors
The Roman poet Horace once said, “If you wish me to
weep, you yourself must first feel grief.” In other words, you
can’t arouse a feeling in someone until you have experienced
that feeling yourself.
In his book Making Ads Pay, the veteran copywriter John
Caples illustrated this by describing a demonstration that
his physics professor once carried out (you can see it on
YouTube). The professor fastened two tuning forks close to
each other, then struck one of them hard with a hammer. Its
sound rang out like a chime. Then he seized the vibrating
fork with his hand, and the music stopped. To the class’s

diagnosis 115
surprise, the other tuning fork had started to vibrate and
was giving off the same musical note.
Caples observed that emotional vibrations work in the
same way; they travel from one person to another. When
you write, the tuning fork within you must vibrate at the
same frequency as the tuning forks within your visitors.
So before you can write compelling copy, you must emo-
tionally empathize with your visitors.
It isn’t easy, though. As a web marketer, your work is
almost intrinsically ivory-tower work. It’s hard to even meet
your visitors, never mind empathize with them. So how do
you develop this emotional resonance?
Quantitative feedback tools—like clickstream analytics—
don’t help, because they just give you numbers. Qualitative
feedback tools—like surveys—can give you the voice of the
visitor, but they aren’t sufficient to turn you into a tuning
fork. Several of the following techniques (method marketing
plus to a lesser extent face-to-face selling, encouraging vis-
itors to phone you, and talking to “VOC aggregators”)—are
what we call ultra-qualitative. They are at the core of how
we approach conversion. You don’t hear much about them
because no one has found a way to package them into neat
little subscription services. You’ll never see ads for them.
That doesn’t make them any less valuable.

116 making websites win

Diagnose by…using method marketing
(become a customer so that you
understand at least one customer deeply)
Method marketing is a term that was coined by the marketer
Denny Hatch. It’s inspired by the “method” approach to
acting. It’s said that when Robert De Niro came to New
York for the filming of the movie Taxi Driver, he arrived
early and proceeded to get a job as a real taxi driver. For two
weeks, he worked long shifts. By the time filming began, De
Niro was no longer a Hollywood celebrity trying to imagine
how it must feel to be a taxi driver. He actually was a taxi
driver. He had experienced the dangers. He had suffered
the fatigue. And he felt at home in his car. He had gained
the tacit knowledge of a real taxi driver.
Tacit knowledge is knowledge that is difficult to learn
from the words of others. Perhaps the best way to appreciate
its power is to read the following list:

Tacit knowledge: things that you can’t

understand unless you have experienced them
Many things can’t be understood unless you’ve experienced
them yourself. People who have had certain experiences
find them difficult to articulate to people who haven’t:

• being a parent;
• having a migraine;
• orgasm;
• being drunk;

diagnosis 117
• flying;
• being blind;
• having a loved one die;
• spiritual enlightenment;
• meditation;
• hallucinogens;
• being gay;
• holding your newborn child;
• being underwater;
• the tastes of certain foods;
• being dumped;
• having an addiction;
• having depression, anxiety, stress, or any other type of
mental illness;
• being an identical twin; and
• falling in love (incidentally, Norwegians have a word,
Forelsket, which means “the indescribable euphoria
experienced as you begin to fall in love”).

In such cases, no amount of explanation can convey

the depth of experience. Words aren’t enough. You
wouldn’t understand.
Such hard-to-communicate knowledge is known as tacit
knowledge. All our consultants gain tacit knowledge by doing
method marketing. They become a customer and live the
life of the customer. So by the time they begin copywriting,
they are writing from the heart. Of course, they then face the
challenge of communicating their tacit knowledge, trying

118 making websites win

to welcome outsiders into the club. That’s why copywriting
is hard. But at least they are trying to persuade the visitors
from the perspective of a knowledgeable insider—not a
naive outsider.
As proof of how valuable we think this technique is, the
following images show examples of how much commitment
we put into it.

To sell Dysons, use Dysons. As part of our research program, we use our clients’

diagnosis 119
Getting under the skin of the customers.

Why are we wearing superhero suits? We helped the

company Morphsuits to win an award for fast growth.
Morphsuits became the eighteenth fastest growing com-
pany in the United Kingdom, and its directors were invited
to Richard Branson’s house to collect their Sunday Times
Fast Track awards. The previous photo shows us testing out
our fancy dress Morphsuits. It’s hard to persuade someone
to buy a Lycra bodysuit unless you have personally expe-
rienced its benefits (“When you’re wearing a Morphsuit,
things just happen”)—and you have managed to overcome
your own objections.
The following photo shows some antibodies that we
had ordered from a client that sold scientific supplies. We
weren’t able to test the antibodies. In fact, we were wary

1 20 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
about going anywhere near them. But during the unboxing
process, we noticed some valuable information that was
wrongly absent from the website.

By following the buying process for these clinical antibodies, we discovered

opportunities for growing the client’s sales.

diagnosis 12 1
If we aren’t the target customer, we find someone who is. At this point, marketing
becomes anthropology.

To truly understand a product, we become real users. Some products—like this

fitness program—require more effort and commitment than others.

1 22 making websites win

You can only truly understand some products—like food supplements—once you
have made them part of your life.

There should be no exceptions to this rule. When one of

our consultants was uncomfortable joining a dating site to
understand how the whole process worked, our cofounder
Karl stepped in. Karl stopped short of going on a date, but
the process revealed many insights—including the fact
that Karl’s “datability index” was 40%. (Karl insists that
this indicated the presence of a major bug in the website’s
rating algorithm.)

diagnosis 12 3
When growing a company that sold houses, we visited one of the company’s sales
offices and followed the customer journey of buying a house. (We stopped short of
buying the house, a decision we now regret.)

Diagnose by…using method marketing with

offline competitors (because the offline
world often has solved problems that the
online world hasn’t)
You can learn a lot from carrying out method marketing
with competitors, particularly with offline ones. Most
online businesses have offline equivalents that you can visit.
Offline companies are less subject to ivory-tower syndrome
than online companies, because they have face-to-face
contact with customers. Their sales funnels tend to be
more sophisticated.
The following photo shows us carrying out grueling
research at the local bingo hall:

1 24 making websites win

The onboarding process for offline bingo gave us many ideas for growing an online
bingo company.

We learned that offline bingo is excellent regarding usability.

Offline bingo halls have solved many problems that online
bingo still hadn’t solved. New players were led through an
elegant onboarding process that introduced them to every
type of game and service.
Finally, we have helped to grow several clients in weight
loss, including MyFitnessPal, one of the world’s most-
downloaded mobile apps for weight loss, which recently
sold for almost half a billion dollars. And we have learned
a lot of techniques by attending offline weight-loss clubs.

diagnosis 12 5
The great thing about weight-loss groups is that you can
speak with real customers. In fact, that’s what the meeting
is—a one-hour discussion group.
The following photos show Karl starting and finishing
a weight-loss program. He adopted the traditional before-
and-after poses.

Left: At the first weigh-in, doing the traditional “before” pose. Right: Not so humble
now, Karl strutting around like he owns the place, after proudly receiving his Slimmer
of the Month award. The activity gave us insights that we have used to grow many
clients in the weight-loss industry. (Karl’s subsequent fall from grace is not pictured.)

1 26 making websites win

He lost thirty-two pounds and gained even more insights.
Then he regained the pounds.

Diagnose by…becoming a face-to-face

salesperson (to learn how to sell the
Your website is effectively your 24/7 robot salesperson. And
the robot is no smarter than its inventor. If you can’t sell
your products in person, you’ll struggle to sell them online.
Method marketing helps, but it allows you to understand
only one customer (yourself ). The best way to understand
many customers well—albeit not quite so deeply—is to sell
the product face-to-face.
In 2003 our founders, Ben and Karl, ran a web business
called Mobal that provided cell phones to travelers. Mobal
had a large Japanese presence, so Nokia asked Mobal to set
up and manage Japan’s first bricks-and-mortar Nokia store.
We took on the project because we relished the opportu-
nity for our team to spend time selling face-to-face with
our visitors.

diagnosis 127
By opening and running Japan’s first Nokia store, we learned rich insights that
helped us to triple the sales of an online phone store.

Once the store was open, we created a spreadsheet for our

team to complete. It contained two columns:

• Column 1: Objections. To this column, our team

members added all the objections that they heard from
visitors. For example, visitors would say, “Instead of
buying one of these phones, I will save money by buying
a local prepaid SIM card when I arrive in my destination
• Column 2: Counterobjections. To this column, our
team members added the responses that they found
to be the most effective. For example, in response to
the objection above, we would reply: “If you buy a local
prepaid SIM card at your destination, you won’t know

1 28 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
your phone number until you arrive, so your friends and
family won’t know how to contact you.”

The spreadsheet of objections and counterobjections

became our knowledge base of tried-and-tested sales copy.
We incorporated its content into the website, to great suc-
cess; we more than doubled the conversion rate and the
revenue of the business.
Usually, though, you can’t open a bricks-and-mortar
store. The following example is from the other end of the
scrappiness spectrum. While developing a new type of SIM
card for world phones, we realized that we had spent too
much time in our office ivory tower. So we visited a local
flea market, where we spent several hours trying to sell
the new prototype product face-to-face.

If you don’t have an offline store, create one. Flea markets are an easy way to get in
front of users quickly.

diagnosis 12 9
eficácia das ferramentas pois o
visitante/cliente não vai forjar um
comportamento que julga ser
melhor aceito socialmente
At first, we told our stall’s visitors that we were carrying out
market research and that we wanted to hear their feedback.
This had two problems: (1) people didn’t want to speak
about market research, and (2) those who did tended to
give responses that were polite and false. Only when we
tried to close the sale did we hear their true objections. So
from then on, we tried to sell in earnest (even though our
prime motive was to gather feedback). If a visitor showed
interest, we would take down their name so we could notify
them when the product became available.
This activity became a core part of our process for devel-
oping new products. Because our product was aimed at
travelers, we soon graduated from flea markets to airports,
where we would rent space for an exhibition stand.

Diagnose by…seeing how others describe it

in writing (because their words are likely to
reveal a lot)
The closer you are to a business, the more you have the
“curse of knowledge,” the cognitive bias that makes it hard
to see things through the eyes of those less experienced. It
can help to read how other people have tried to describe
your product. The following methods are often useful:

• Read Wikipedia: If your company, your product, or the

generic type of product has a page on Wikipedia, then
study the words that the writers have used. Wikipedia
articles are usually excellent in terms of intelligibility,

1 30 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
which is particularly important for products that are
technical or complex. We have seen several products
for which the Wikipedia page was clearer and more
persuasive than the company’s official landing page.
(We once tried, unsuccessfully, to persuade a client to
point some of its AdWords traffic at its Wikipedia page.)
• Read reviews: Reviews on online stores like Amazon
reveal a lot about the buyers’ psychology—particularly
their likes and dislikes. Pay attention to the wording
used in the reviews.
• Look for places where customers sell the product to
others: There’s no purer copywriting than when buyers
recommend products to their friends. Search Twitter
and Facebook for instances of customers recommending
your product to their followers. If your company has
a tell-a-friend program that allows the customers to
send a personalized message to their friends, then those
messages can be a great source of sales copy. (Check
first that you are OK to analyze those messages without
breaking any laws or terms and conditions.) Not only do
the messages reveal the persuasive arguments, but they
also tell you the exact wording that customers use. By
analyzing the frequency of words used, you can establish
the lexicon you should use in your copywriting.

diagnosis 13 1
Diagnose by…talking to a “VOC aggregator”
(perhaps the fastest way to understand users)
What VOC aggregators are, and why you need to
find yours
According to Paul Graham of Y Combinator, to grow an early
stage web business, you should spend all of your waking
hours on the following three activities:

• Build the product.

• Talk to users.
• Exercise.

We agree. We spend a good fraction of our time talking with

our clients’ users. It’s priceless, but it’s also time-consuming.
So we also talk to people who spend their whole lives
speaking with users. For example, salespeople, consultants,
and customer-support staff. We call these people “Voice-
of-Customer Aggregators” (or “VOC aggregators”). VOC
aggregators already understand the users. And they don’t
just know facts like “The average user is forty years old with
2.4 children”; they know the users intuitively, much like
you know your own family. In fact, they can often second-
guess how the users would react to a particular idea. Plus,
because they speak with so many users, they know the
relative importance of each issue. When you talk to a VOC
aggregator, you harness the wisdom of thousands of hours
of conversations with users.
Of course, you still need to talk to users. But you can

1 32 making websites win

accelerate your understanding by identifying your market’s
VOC aggregators and then talking to them.
With this in mind, the updated formula would be:

• Build the product.

• Talk to users—and to people who talk to users.
• Exercise.

How to benefit from VOC aggregation

Here’s what you can do:

1. Identify your own industry’s VOC aggregators. They

may be resellers, consultants, telesales people, custom-
er-support people. They may work for your company or
for other companies in the same supply chain. They may
work for online companies, mail-order companies, or
bricks-and-mortar companies. So, for example, when
we work for manufacturers of consumer electronics,
we spend a lot of time speaking with the staff of bricks-
and-mortar electronics stores.
2. Talk to them. Ask them how they would sell your prod-
uct. Their approach is likely to mirror the logic of how
their customers buy.
3. Implement as much of their feedback as you can.
Add the rest to your product road map and marketing
road map.

diagnosis 13 3
While we were working with Sony, we visited a store that
sold its devices. The shop assistant was great at selling
the product.
She sold several of the devices each week, and she knew
the answers to all the questions that visitors asked. We asked
her for her views on the product’s website, which she knew
well because she had studied it when searching for answers
to her visitors’ questions. She described twenty-two facts
that her visitors needed to know but that weren’t mentioned
on the company’s website. We incorporated these facts into
the webpage, making it much more persuasive.
For many products, the salespeople hold decision
trees in their heads. What they say depends on how visi-
tors answered the previous questions. In such cases, you
should map out the decision trees, consolidate them, and
then turn them into conversion flows. We did exactly this
for a blue-chip financial services company. After speaking
with its call center team, we made changes that resulted in
a 214% increase in orders.

Diagnose by…encouraging your visitors to

phone you (so you can understand them
If your phone number is displayed prominently on your
pages, speak with your inbound telesales team or whoever
answers the calls. They will already understand your visitors
deeply, with a level of empathy you could never get from a
survey tool. In fact, you may well discover that your page

1 34 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
should be a distilled version of words and logic that the
salesperson says to the callers.
If the price of your product is low, you may find that it’s
economically unviable to invite phone calls. Regardless,
we still recommend you add a phone number for just a
day or so, for research purposes. The first few phone calls
can reveal breakthrough insights. Not only do phone calls
help you to understand your visitors, but they also help you
to understand yourself. A phone call can be an “intuition
pump”—on the phone, you’ll find yourself intuitively using
words and logic that you hadn’t thought to write on your
pages. Just as stand-up comedians come up with many of
their best lines while performing in front of an audience,
you’ll find that much of your best sales copy comes while
you are selling on the phone or in person, one-to-one.

Diagnose by…creating—and then

studying—a knowledge base of answers
to your visitors’ questions (to manage the
long tail of obstacles)
Knowledge base software helps you to corral users’ questions
and to organize your responses. By studying the knowledge
base, you can understand your visitors’ intentions, their likes,
their objections, and your most effective counterobjections.
Plus, the knowledge base doesn’t just help you gain insight;
it helps visitors to convert.

diagnosis 13 5
Tools for knowledge bases
The following knowledge base solutions are popular: Help
Scout, Zendesk, KnowledgeOwl, Moxie, Intercom, Help-
juice, and Freshdesk.

Diagnose by…running user tests (to see

your pages’ shortcomings firsthand)
We carry out user tests every day. They are an amazing
way to get deep, granular insights into your pages—and
to identify exactly how you can make them convert better.
A user test (or usability test) involves observing some-
one using your website and noting any issues that arise.
User testing is not rocket science—in fact, it’s mundane—but
it’s perhaps the most powerful technique in this book.

How to identify your usability problems using

usability tests
There are several ways to carry out user tests. Most involve
the following:

1. Giving participants tasks to carry out

2. Watching in silence as they complete them
3. Asking them about their thoughts
4. Recording the results for later analysis

How to recruit people to user test your website

Ideally, your participants would be people who represent

1 36 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
your target market. However, at first, you can get great
results by testing on whoever’s at hand. Those people
sitting near you right now—they’ll do. Or a family member.
This practice has a name: hallway usability testing—which
makes it sound more legitimate than it feels when you’re
doing it. Hallway usability tests are effective because many
usability problems are so obvious they could be detected
by anyone.
Once you sense that you’re getting diminishing returns
from your hallway antics, and your website’s remaining
problems are too sophisticated to be detected by a layman,
start to look for test participants who are from the website’s
target demographic. For example, when we doubled the
sales of a web app for photographers, we recruited pho-
tographers to test the website. You can recruit visitors
directly from the website using an invitation powered by
Ethnio or Hotjar.
It can be surprisingly effective to carry out what we
call retrospective moderated user tests, in which you contact
someone who has just completed your website’s goal
(e.g., made a purchase), and ask them if they’d be willing
to retrace their steps. Such people are, by definition, qual-
ified, and have recently gone through all of the thought
processes required to buy. Take notes as they show you
the path they took through your funnel, and ask them to
describe what they thought at each stage. They tend to be
excellent at recalling the hoops they had to jump through
and the obstacles at which they nearly fell.

diagnosis 137
Counterintuitively, regardless of which of the previous
methods you choose for recruiting, you tend to learn more
from users who aren’t web-savvy. People who use the
web a lot tend to be better at coping with pages that contain
errors. People who don’t use the web much are more easily
derailed—and can therefore provide more insights.

How to carry out a user test

If the participants aren’t from your exact target market, tell
them anything they need to imagine:

• Do they need to pretend they are someone else? For

example, if you were working on the website of a car
manufacturer, you might say to the test participant,
“Imagine that you owned a car made by [company].”
• Do they need to pretend they are in a particular situ-
ation? For example, you may need to say, “Imagine that
you are an existing customer and your car has broken

Then, give them the task you’d like them to complete. The
task is usually a typical goal of the website. For example, if
your website sells quirky gifts, the task might be “Add to
your basket some smoking mittens, some metal-detecting
sandals, and a photo-realistic bacon scarf ” (those are all
real products, amazingly). You may choose to set the goal
in general terms or specifically, depending on whether you
want to exclude certain possibilities:

1 38 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
• To consider all possibilities, you may state the goal
implicitly: “Imagine that your car has broken down.
What would you do next?” (About ten years ago, we
carried out a user test in which the participant, to our
surprise, asked for a Yellow Pages, and didn’t even con-
sider using a computer.)
• To be more specific, you may choose to state the goal in
general terms: “How would you get your car repaired?”
• You may choose to state the goal specifically: “Assume
you have typed [search terms] into Google and clicked
on the first search result. You arrive on this page. How
would you find the location of your nearest repair

Encourage criticism. The participant needs to know that

you won’t take criticism personally. We sometimes find it
helps to pretend that the website was designed by someone
else, and that we aren’t happy with it. That way, the user
feels more comfortable criticizing it.
You want the visit to be as natural as possible. Tell them
that once they have started the task, you’ll stay quiet and
watch, and you’ll refrain from helping unless they really
need you.
During the test, take notes. You’ll soon have a huge list
of ideas for improving your website. Most tests provide
something worthwhile, and it’s rare to go more than three
tests without getting an idea that’s so important you’ll want
to stop everything until it’s implemented.

diagnosis 13 9
Steve Krug, the author of a great book called Don’t Make
Me Think, has a useful script (a Word document) for carrying
out user tests. The script was designed for user tests in labs,
so you may want to ignore the references to microphones
and screen recordings.
The hardest thing about user testing is the emotional
aspect. Not only can they feel awkward, but also they can
make you want to cry. Because the truth hurts. For that
reason, most marketers shy away from them. The best mar-
keters are those who rapidly accept the criticism, use it to
improve the page, and then user test again.

How to outsource your user testing

If you are too busy—or introverted—to carry out usability
tests, you can pay for a service to do unmoderated user tests
for you. Here’s how the services typically work:

• You tell the service which page you want to test.

• You select the type of users that you’d like to participate.
• You specify what the user’s task should be.
• After a delay, usually of a few hours, you will receive
videos of users carrying out the task.

The following services provide unmoderated user tests:

• UserTesting, WhatUsersDo, TryMyUI (mobile-friendly),

Userlytics, UserBob, and Userbrain.
• Lookback (mobile-friendly) is similar, but you provide

1 40 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
the participants (you might choose to send your existing
customers to it).
• UsersThink and userinput are low-cost alternatives that
provide written reports instead of videos.
• UsabilityHub allows you to carry out tests for free, pro-
vided that, in exchange, you complete other people’s
• Watchsend is for iPhone apps.
• Testapic provides a user testing service in French; uxline
does it in Spanish; Testaisso does it in Portuguese.

To learn more about usability testing, see our talk, “How

to make millions from usability testing.”

Tools for recording the screen during user tests

You can use one of the following to record your screen during
a user test: Camtasia, ScreenFlow, Jing, Morae, Silverback,
and UX Recorder (for iOS websites). Some of those tools
can also simultaneously record video from the webcam, so
you can capture the users’ facial expressions (frustration,
confusion, despondency, etc.).

How to identify usability problems caused by

technical errors
One type of usability problem occurs when the website
malfunctions. This is particularly common when the visitor
is using an uncommon device or browser version—or when
the page is new. The solution is to follow a robust quality-

diagnosis 14 1
assurance process before any page goes live. Smashing
Magazine’s list of “45 web design checklists and question-
naires” can be useful.
Session-recording software can help a lot with finding
such problems. Options include Clicktale, Inspectlet, Hotjar,
and Tealeaf—all of which also help to identify problems
with online forms.

Other tools and services for user testing

You might also want to check out the following tools for
user testing:

• Loop11, UsabilityHub, and UserZoom are useful.

• Mechanical Turk can be used to find participants.
• Pear Note and Reframer help you to write notes while
observing a user test.
• If you are a usability expert, Capian can help you to
create reports of your expert reviews.
• The Accessibility Priority Tool is a spreadsheet that
scores different aspects of a website’s usability and

There’s a great benefit in carrying out at least a

few user tests yourself
Whichever tools and services you use, we highly recom-
mend that you (and everyone else who creates pages for
your website) should carry out at least a few tests. By testing

1 42 making websites win

in-person, you can ask questions of the users. You can even
propose solutions to their objections, and collaborate with
them on the solutions.
We talk more about user testing in an article called “How
to eliminate the usability problems that stifle your growth,”
which you can find on our website.

Diagnose by…using eye tracking (to identify

where your visitors are looking)
Just because something is on your page doesn’t mean that
anyone looks at it. While your users are participating in
user tests, you can track their eye movements using an
eye-tracking apparatus.

Users’ gaze is influenced by surrounding cues. For example, they tend to look at
whatever the person on the page is looking at. (Image credit: Objective and Tobii.)

Eye tracking is great for understanding how users look

at webpages. The data from a browsing session can be
converted into a movie of the user’s eye movements, or
displayed as a static chart like a heat map or movement map.
Professional eye-tracking hardware tends to cost thou-
sands of dollars. However, a service called LookTracker

diagnosis 143
allows you to get professional eye-tracking reports on
demand. The LookTracker service works much like the
user testing tools mentioned above. EyesDecide provides
a similar service, but the eye-tracking reports are gathered
via the users’ webcams.

Eye tracking can reveal what your visitors see and what they don’t. The headline of
the right-hand page is more compelling, causing visitors to read on. (Image credit:

1 44 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
EyeQuant and Feng-GUI use a computer algorithm to pre-
dict your visitors’ eye tracking, based on the contrast and
layout of the page elements.

Diagnose by…using pop-up surveys (to

recruit participants for your user tests)
Once you have fixed the more obvious problems with your
website, it’s time to carry out some user tests on qualified
prospects—that is, people who actually visit your website.
A software platform called Ethnio provides an easy way
of recruiting people for user tests. In this chapter, we’ll
describe its features. Hotjar (mobile-friendly) has this
feature too, and you could probably create the same func-
tionality using a combination of other tools.
Once Ethnio is installed on your website, you can use
it to easily display a pop-up survey that asks your visitors if
they’d like to participate in a user test. You can target the
survey to specific types of visitors—for example, those who
use a particular browser or are in a specific geolocation. You
can design the survey to ask questions that will help you to
determine whether you want to interview the person. For
example, you may ask them why they visited your site and
whether this is their first visit.

diagnosis 14 5
A overlay inviting users to participate in a user test.

To incentivize people for participating in your tests, you’ll

probably need to offer a reward. We like to reward people
with gift cards from, because they are quick
to send and they require only the recipient’s email address.
Also, visitors instantly recognize them as being valuable—
they’re clearly not some sneaky voucher that’s full of weasel
clauses and restrictions. With an incentive, about 5% of
visitors tend to respond, though this varies greatly from
industry to industry.
People’s willingness to participate in user tests depends
on which type of market you’re in; visitors to some types of
website—such as financial services or health issues—tend
to be reluctant to start a conversation. In other markets,
visitors love to get involved.
Once visitors have completed the survey, their details

1 46 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
appear in a table in Ethnio’s or Hotjar’s interface. You can
then decide whether you’d like to carry out a user test
with them.

Ethnio’s control panel allows you to manage your user tests. (Image credit: Ethnio.)

You can interview them however you like—by phone (with

screen-sharing software such as, Zoom, GoToMeet-
ing) or in person. Ethnio can also help you to set up the call.
Bear in mind that the people who want to be interviewed
are self-selecting; they don’t necessarily represent your
average visitor. In particular, they may be more time-rich
and cash-poor than your average visitor. However, they
still tend to be much more qualified than your average user
testing participant.
It can help to record the phone call. To do so, you’ll need
to get the user’s permission.
Ethnio provides a great sample script to use when inter-
viewing visitors.

diagnosis 147
Measure your wins…using A/B testing (to
test different versions of your webpages to
see which is the best)
A/B testing software allows you to create different varia-
tions of a page and then measure which converts best. You
can then promote the winning page to become your official
new version.
A/B testing doesn’t generate many insights. However,
it does give the final word on whether your insights and
intuitions were accurate. A winning A/B test is your visitors
voting with their feet (and often their credit cards).
For further information on A/B testing, see a report we
wrote titled “A/B testing 101.” Also, we recommend you
read the help files for whatever A/B testing software you
use. The help files tend to be written well, and their advice
will be correct for that software and whichever methods
and algorithms it uses.

Tools for A/B testing

Popular platforms include Optimizely, Google Optimize,
VWO,, and Adobe Target. There are many
alternatives, though. We created the industry’s first and
most comprehensive comparison website for them. It
compares software solutions for split-testing—A/B testing
and multivariate testing—allowing you to see the differ-
ences easily.

1 48 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
Our comprehensive summary of A/B testing tools:

How to measure what’s working if your website

doesn’t get much traffic
In the chapter on low-traffic websites, we explained how it
can be difficult to measure what’s working on low-traffic
websites, because A/B tests often don’t reach significance.
Many people with low traffic websites thus believe that
testing isn’t suitable for them.
But that isn’t the case. Done correctly, there’s no reason
why you shouldn’t be testing often on your website and
realizing all the benefits that go with it.
How many conversions do you need for A/B testing? It
depends on the following factors:

diagnosis 14 9
• Your current conversion rate. The fewer conversions
you get, the longer it takes to detect a doubling.
• The increase in conversion rate that you’re trying
to detect. A 100% increase can be detected about four
times as fast as a 50% increase.
• How statistically confident you want to be. If you
wanted to be 99.99% sure that your new page wasn’t
winning just by chance, you’d have to wait a long time.

So what should a low-traffic website do? Several strategies

are effective:

• Test the biggest, boldest ideas. When you have low

traffic, it’s especially important to test big, bold ideas
that are more likely to move the needle significantly.
Test things that your visitors care about. Overcome their
main objections. Highlight the things they love. Change
the offer, or at least how it’s presented. Test things that
might double or halve the number of conversions, but
are unlikely to make no difference.
• Measure “micro-conversions.” Imagine conversion
goals as a spectrum. On the right-hand side of the spec-
trum is what you ideally want—something like net profit
or lifetime customer value. Such metrics tend to be
untimely, meaning that you’d take months or years to
measure their true value. On the left-hand side of the
spectrum lie metrics like click-through rate or engage-
ment rate. Such “intermediate” metrics are much larger

1 50 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
in number and can be measured instantly, but you can’t
be confident that they correlate with overall long-term
success. The less traffic your website gets, the more
you need to rely on “intermediate” metrics toward the
left-hand side of the spectrum.
• Test on major pages. Maybe this one is obvious, but test
only those pages that almost all of your customers see,
like your main landing page or your checkout funnel.
• Combine similar pages into one test. If you have ten
landing pages, and you want to test the call-to-action
button, then apply the same change to all of those pages
and include them in the same test. Some companies
have many more landing pages than they need, maybe
because they wanted to make each landing page bespoke
to a particular keyword. We often consolidate such pages
into one, and then optimize the heck out it.
• Reduce the statistical significance at which you’ll
declare a winner. It has become the norm to declare a
winning test at a statistical significance of 95%, but that’s
not to say you can’t use a different figure. It would be a
shame to conclude that “If I can’t have 95% confidence,
I won’t run an A/B test at all.” That’s like saying, “I’m a
perfectionist. If I can’t do it perfectly, I won’t do it at all.”
Most marketing decisions are made without any mea-
surement, so don’t rule out the possibility of ending a
test at, say, 90% confidence—or even 85% confidence—
especially if the alternative is just to launch the page and
hope for the best. Sure, your chances of declaring false

diagnosis 151
positives increase slightly, but the benefits of being able
to test more ideas usually hugely outweighs the slim risk
of promoting a page that was actually losing.
• Fixed-period testing. Many A/B testing tools now mon-
itor your tests on an ongoing basis and tell you when
there’s a winner. In addition, though, you may choose
to specify a maximum duration for each test, after which
you’ll make a decision regardless. If the control was
winning at that point, you may choose to promote it. If
the challenger was winning, and you’re confident that
it was based on a research-driven hypothesis, then you
may choose to promote it. If the challenger was based
on a risky hypothesis, you may choose not to take the
risk. Either way, this approach is more rigorous than
how most early stage companies make decisions.
• Temporarily increase the amount of traffic to the
page being tested, even if it means sacrificing some
profitability. If the new page wins, the traffic may turn
out to be more profitable than you had expected.

You can estimate how long an A/B test would take by using
a calculator like Optimizely’s.
Regardless of whether you carry out A/B tests, we highly
recommend you use user tests as a way of measuring the
performance of pages. In fact, if the A/B test duration cal-
culator shows that your all of your tests would take more
than six months, we recommend you use only user tests,
and return to A/B testing once your business has grown.

1 52 making websites win

User tests have many, huge advantages over A/B tests:

• They are quick to carry out. A user test can take less
than ten minutes.
• They allow you to gather qualitative insights. A
two-month-long A/B test may tell you which page
performed better, but a ten-minute-long user test tells
you why.
• They provide insights that are granular. An A/B test
will only reveal which page is better—that’s just one fact
about the whole page—but a user test will reveal which
parts of the page work.

Know your market by…analyzing your

competitors (to see what they have learned
about their visitors)
Although it’s not our favorite technique, it can be useful to
analyze the websites of your competitors, for two reasons:

1. You may find that they have recognized—and solved—a

problem that you haven’t.
2. You need to work out how you will position your com-
pany relative to your competitors. After all, your visitors
will be looking at your competitors’ websites too. No
company exists in a vacuum.

You may wish to also carry out user tests on your compet-

diagnosis 153
itors’ websites, to get an independent view on how users
perceive them.
You can learn a lot from your competitors. But to beat
them, you’ll need to do things they don’t.

Why each of the twenty-five techniques

for understanding your visitors is like a
Now that you know what each of the twenty-five techniques
does, try to identify which combination of them will give
you the insights you need.
As in many fields of creativity, it helps to have a spirit of
experimentation. Don’t give up because your first attempt
did not reveal insights. Each technique and each question
is like a spotlight that shines light on a different aspect of
your visitors’ behavior. The more information you gather,
the more problems and opportunities you will spot.
You might, for example, discover that your visitors’ main
objection is that they don’t trust you. Or that you don’t pro-
vide what they want. Or that they like what they see, but
they are just browsing.
How do you remedy those problems?
You look them up in Section 3, that’s how…

1 54 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n

The most common problems
that make web visitors
abandon—and proven, easy-
to-implement solutions

making websites win 155

The ingredients of a winning website
At the end of Section 1, we described the DiPS (Diagnose
→ Problem → Solution) formula for improving websites.
We explained how you need to begin with diagnosis, to
identify how your website can be improved.
Then, in Section 2, we described twenty-five diagnosis
techniques we use. After implementing just a few of them,
you’ll have a big list of identified problems (which you may
prefer to think of as opportunities).
This section is about implementing solutions to those
problems (opportunities). A good solution is one that elim-
inates the problem entirely, unblocking your website’s
profits like that gloopy stuff unblocks the hairs from a shower
drain—and in a manner that’s no less satisfying.
Fortunately, not all blockages are unique. During the
hundreds of research projects we have carried out, we have
identified the major categories into which most problems
fall. Your company’s biggest problem will almost certainly be
among them. Each of the following chapters is dedicated to
one of those problems. Some of them are subtle; if you miss
them, or fail to recognize their scope, you could waste time
working on the wrong aspect of your business. (We see this
happen a lot.) By reading each chapter, you’ll become better
at spotting each problem when you see it in research data.
Here’s how to use this section of the book: Refer to your
research to identify which problem is causing your visitors
to abandon your website. Then, skip to the corresponding
chapter, which will explain how to think about the problem,

1 56 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
and will then describe some proven, effective ways of fixing
it. Of course, there are many way to overcome each problem.
For example, there are over a hundred ways of overcoming
lack of trust, and some of them are much more effective
than others. For each problem, we will describe strategies
that we’ve found to be robust—that tend to work reliably
in most situations.

Winning websites…are written well: if

visitors can’t understand your writing,
here’s how to improve it
Why you should learn to write clearly—and why
so few people are good at it
When we ask a website’s visitors why they didn’t buy, they
often report that they were confused. They hadn’t under-
stood the words on the site. And visitors can’t buy what
they can’t understand.
So, with millions of dollars at stake, why are many web-
sites confusing?
Because writing intelligibly is harder than it sounds.
For example, read the following sentence from a popular
newspaper, written by an otherwise great writer:

Dance music aficionados can argue interminably over which

of the legendary singles Frankie Knuckles produced in the late
80s—singles, you can say without fear of contradiction, that
played a part in changing the face of pop music for ever—is
the best.

making websites win 157

That sentence is free of typos and punctuation errors. And
it uses sophisticated words accurately. According to many
rules of English, it’s written well.
Yet most people struggle to understand it, let alone work
out what’s wrong with it, or how to fix it.
It’s hard to write clearly. In fact, it’s hard to find some-
one who can teach you how to write clearly. Schools tend
to spend more time teaching pupils how to sound smart,
or how to analyze Shakespearian prose, than how to be
understood. Students are more likely to be told to memorize
poetry than to carry out a readability test.
This is a disservice. Poetry can be life-enriching, but the
purpose of almost all writing is to communicate information.
So if your school didn’t teach you how to write intelli-
gibly, how can you learn?
This chapter describes some fantastic resources for
helping you to write more clearly. They have helped us to
generate hundreds of millions for our clients. It’s hard to
overstate how useful they are.
But first, let’s explore why so many writers are hard
to understand.

Many books teach you to avoid errors, but that’s

not the problem
When most people want to improve their writing, they buy a
book like “Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach
to Punctuation,” which is about how to avoid making mis-
takes. Such books describe rules like the following:

1 58 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
• “When there are parentheses at the end of a sentence,
put the period after the closing parenthesis (like this).”
• “If your whole sentence is in parentheses, put the period
inside the closing parenthesis. (Like this.)”

Such rules may be useful to know, but they make little

difference to whether your readers understand what you
are saying.

Many teachers specialize in sounding intelligent;

if you follow their advice, your sales will plummet
Many teachers encourage writing in what Richard Lanham
calls the “Official Style”—a style that sounds intelligent but
that is hard to read. Lanham’s book Revising Prose teaches
you how to translate Official-Style sentences into plain
language. It contains a great example of how Warren Buf-
fett, the world’s most-famous investor, translated a fund
prospectus into plain language. Buffett changed hard-to-
read sentences like

“Adjustments made to shorten portfolio maturity and duration

are made to limit capital losses during periods when interest
rates are expected to rise”

into easy-to-read text:

“When we expect a major and sustained increase in rates, we

will concentrate on short-term issues.”

making websites win 159

No wonder fellow investors hang on Buffett’s every word.
The Official Style is prevalent in academic literature too.
On the website LOL My Thesis, graduates self-deprecatingly
translate the titles of their theses from the Official Style into
plain language—usually to comic effect:

• Original title of thesis: “Environmental enrichment

and the striatum: The influence of environment on
inhibitory circuitry within the striatum of environmen-
tally enriched animals and behavioural consequences.”
Rewritten title: “Having toys and bright colours in their
cages makes mice smarter in their brains!”
• Original title of thesis: “Challenging ritual and explor-
ing deposition within the canals of Chavín de Huántar.”
Rewritten title: “Ancient Peruvians threw stuff down a
drain: maybe it was ritual, probably just trash.”
• Original title of thesis: “The Punch Brothers’ The Blind
Leaving the Blind: how heterogeneous stylistic tech-
niques provide new interpretations of genre.” Rewritten
title: “A band that detests genre classifications is just
gonna have to put up with it.”

The rewritten titles are facetious, and many of them omit

useful information. But they also reveal a truth: The Official
Style is like medieval armor. It defends you from attack, but
people can no longer hear what you’re saying.
If you were to write your website in the Official Style, your
conversion rate would bomb. Your visitors would leave con-

1 60 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
fused. Teachers and bosses may like intelligent-sounding
text, but readers prefer text that’s easy to understand.

How to write so that people will understand you

Faced with all this bad advice, how can you learn to write
well? Clear writing is a big subject for a little chapter, so
in this chapter we describe several tools and techniques
that will help immensely—and then we recommend some
resources that will transform your life with just a few hours’

A simple technique that helps you to write easy-to-

read copy
By far the most effective technique for improving your
writing is simple: carry out readability tests. A readability
test is simply a user test carried out specifically on a piece
of writing.
If you run readability tests on everything you write, you’ll
quickly become aware of how your readers struggle. Make a
note of every point at which they falter, and then fix it. You
can make the fixes during the test, or afterward, depending
on how much fixing there is to do, and how quick you are
at editing.

Speak first, write later

If you struggle to write clearly, you will find the following
workaround useful. One of our clients, a company called
Moz, had a common problem. Moz’s founder, Rand Fishkin,

making websites win 161

mentioned that in seven minutes he could persuade almost
anyone to sign up. So face-to-face, Rand’s conversion rate
was high. But he was frustrated that his website’s conversion
rate was much lower.
We asked Rand to film himself saying what he would
say during those seven minutes.

Rand Fishkin was masterful at selling his company’s service face-to-face—so we

recorded him doing it.

We transcribed the video, then used the transcript as a

template for the company’s new landing page. And we
embedded the video itself into the page.
The new page beat the old one, with a 52% higher con-
version rate during the A/B test. Rand reported that, in total,
we almost tripled his company’s conversion rate. (If you’d
like to learn more about this project, see the detailed case
study we wrote about it.)
Many people find that their spoken English is easier to

1 62 making websites win

understand than their written English. If you are one of
those people, try the following workflow:

• Record yourself.
• Get the recording transcribed. We highly recommend
Speechpad for fast, accurate transcription.
• Edit your transcript and incorporate it into your website.
• A/B test the new page to confirm that your changes have
increased your profits.

Be aware of the reader’s memory buffer

To make your writing easy to understand, there’s one princi-
ple above all others that you should understand: You should
be constantly aware of the reader’s memory buffer. As a
person reads, his or her brain constantly processes and inter-
prets the incoming words. In doing so, it loads the words
into a short-term memory—a buffer—and then discharges
them when the meaning has been understood.
The buffer memory is surprisingly small—it struggles
to hold more than about fifteen words. Fortunately, most
sentences contain frequent resolution points, at which the
meaning can be understood and the buffer unloaded. In the
following examples, we have labeled with pipes (“|”) the
main resolution points—the points at which the words in
the buffer can be interpreted. We have also labeled, in ever-
fading shades, the points at which the short-term memory
has gone too long without a break.

making websites win 163

Dance music aficionados| can argue interminably over| which of
the legendary singles Frankie Knuckles produced in the late 80s—
singles, you can say without fear of contradiction, that played
a part in changing the face of pop music for ever—is the best.|

The pipes feel like points at which your brain gets to “take
a breath.” When you read the faded words, you may get
the same panicky feeling that you get when you are diving
underwater and you are starting to run out of oxygen. By
the time you reach the final pipe, your short-term memory
is gasping for breath.
The following text contains another example of the
same phenomenon:

To pass the Bechdel test,| a movie must have at least two

female characters| who are named| and talk to each other|
about something other than a man.|

Pulp Fiction, all three movies of the original Star Wars trilogy,
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II, The Social Network,
Avatar, and Finding Nemo reportedly fail the test.|

To understand where those resolution points (the pipes)

lie, you could study linguistic parse trees. However, they
are hard to learn. Fortunately, there’s an easier way. With
a few minutes’ practice, you’ll discover that you can sense
it, just by reading a sentence word by word, and noting the
points at which your understanding resolves.

1 64 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
(Incidentally, dependency length is the number of words
during which the reader needs to “hold their breath” before
they can reach a resolution point.)
If you aim to go easy on your readers’ memory buffers,
several priceless rules of thumb emerge:

• You can enforce resolution points by keeping sentences

short. A period is a resolution point. As you become
more sophisticated, you’ll discover that certain types
of long sentences are fine, provided they have what’s
called right-branched clauses, like this one, or this one,
or even this one.
• In each sentence, minimize the distance between the
start of the subject and the end of the verb. In the
example above, we mentioned the following sentence:
“Pulp Fiction, all three movies of the original Star Wars
trilogy, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II, The
Social Network, Avatar, and Finding Nemo reportedly fail
the test.” You could improve it by moving the verb fail
to the start: “The following movies reportedly fail the
test: The original Star Wars trilogy, Harry Potter and the
Deathly Hallows: Part II, Pulp Fiction, The Social Network,
Avatar, and Finding Nemo.”
• “Omit needless words,” advised Strunk and White.
Buffer memory is the reason. Needless words don’t
just waste time; they make ideas too big to fit in buffer
• Replace nominalizations with action verbs. Nomi-

making websites win 16 5

nalizations are where verbs are stated as though they
were nouns. So, for example,

° Meet becomes a meeting.

° Investigated becomes an investigation.
° Tested becomes a test.

Nominalizations are bad because they require a (usually

meaningless) verb, like had, plus prepositions to link them:

° Meet becomes had a meeting. (What was being had?)

° Investigated becomes held an investigation. (What
was being held?)
° Tested becomes carried out a test. (What was carried?)

You can spot nominalizations by looking for verbs that

aren’t really describing what’s happening (like had, held,
and carried in the sentences above). The verb to be is the
most common culprit. If you ever see to be (or its variations
like is and was), you’ll probably find a more action-ey verb
hiding nearby, maybe inside a noun. Ask yourself, what is
actually being done here? For example, when you see the
following sentence:

My recommendation is to carry out an improvement initiative

on the website

the word is indicates that the verb is hiding elsewhere. In

1 66 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
this case, it’s in the word improvement. You should rewrite
the sentence as follows:

I recommend we improve the website.

If in doubt, use the following sentence structure

The human brain is great at understanding sentences that
have the following structure:

The woman threw the ball to the dog.

In other words…

A living entity does something (maybe to something else,

preferably another living entity).

Next time you are struggling to write a sentence, try writing

it in that format. For most conversion copywriting, the living
entities should be you (the reader) and we (the company).
When you first try it, you’ll feel like it isn’t going to work.
You’ll be surprised how often it does.

A few more tips for writing good sentences

The following tips can improve any sentence:

• Make abstract sentences concrete. Ask yourself, “If

making websites win 167

I were making a movie of this sentence, what would I
point the camera at?” And then describe that.
• Use action verbs, verbs that describe what is actually
• You’d always put the punchline at the end of a joke. Sim-
ilarly, put the main point of a sentence at its end. To
check that you’ve done this right, read the sentence out
loud and hammer your fist on the desk to emphasize the
the last word(s). If the words are in the wrong order, the
hammering will sound silly.

° Bad: The hammer test reveals that the words are in

a suboptimal order in this sentence.
° Good: This sentence has its words in a better order,
and so the hammer test works great.

• If you ever find yourself italicizing or bolding a word to

add emphasis, that’s a clue that the word might belong
at the end of the sentence. Rearrange the sentence to put
the word at the end, and see if it sounds better that way.

1 68 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
Hemingway “makes your writing bold and clear”
Hemingway highlights long, complex sentences and
common errors. It’s free. You won’t agree with all of its
suggestions, but it provides a fresh pair of (robot) eyes. We
use it regularly.

The Hemingway app suggests how you could have made your sentences easier
to read.

Grammarly: “The world’s most accurate grammar

Grammarly is the best proofreading tool we’ve found. Like
Hemingway, it isn’t always right, but it can point out mis-
takes that you have overlooked.

making websites win 16 9

Grammarly spots mistakes that even your English teacher would have missed.

Some fantastic resources to improve your writing

On our office bookshelf, we have fifty-two books about
writing, but only a few of them will help you to improve the
clarity of your writing.
We recommend you start at the top of the following list
and work your way down. If punctuation bores you, don’t
be deterred. Most of the books aren’t about grammatical
pedantry; they are about simple, practical techniques that
will transform you into a better writer. The one by Stephen
Wilbers is so good—so transformational—you’ll be amazed
you haven’t discovered it before.

• Free guides from the Plain English Campaign. The

1 70 making websites win

Plain English Campaign has some useful free guides.
Start with “How to write in plain English.” Then read
“The A to Z of alternative words,” which urges you to
use words like use instead of utilizing words like utilize.
• The second half of The Elements of Style by Strunk
and White (the section written by E.B. White) concisely
describes how to write clearly—and why it’s important
to do so.
• The first 86 pages of A Pocket Style Manual by Diana
Hacker and Nancy Sommers include all the grammar
and punctuation advice you’ll ever need (explained
extremely concisely), plus many tips for making your
writing readable. This is the only book that we keep
on our desks.
• Keys to Great Writing by Stephen Wilbers. This is our
favorite book on the list. It teaches you the mechan-
ics of writing well. It’s brilliantly concise and is full of
techniques that actually work. You have probably never
heard of most of them. You may enjoy this book even
if you hated English classes at school. We suspect that
it particularly appeals to programmers, because it pro-
vides a much-needed logical framework for writing.
The book summarizes several other books, including
two other favorites of ours: Style: The Basics of Clarity
and Grace and The Sense of Structure: Writing from the
Reader’s Perspective.
• Writing Tools: 55 Essential Strategies for Every Writer
by Roy Peter Clark. Why have we begun this paragraph

making websites win 171

with a question that we immediately answer? Because
that’s a useful literary technique for introducing a sub-
ject. If you’d like to discover more literary techniques,
this book is full of them. Once you become aware of each
technique, you’ll begin to spot it in other people’s writing.
• The Sense of Style by Steven Pinker. Pinker is a
cognitive scientist. In this book he explains how a
knowledge of linguistics can help you to write better.
By teaching you how language works, he helps you to
become more intuitive about how to write well. If you
want an even deeper understanding of how language
works, then read Pinker’s prior book The Language
• The Elements of Eloquence by Mark Forsyth. This
book describes simple techniques that help you to write
great phrases. The techniques appear in almost all great
writing (particularly poetry, song lyrics, and marketing
slogans). This is one of those books that makes you
wonder, “How come they resisted teaching me that at
school? Did my teachers not know all those awesome
techniques—but Shakespeare, Bob Dylan, and Paul
Simon did?” Unlike some books about writing, this one
works great as an audiobook.

Every chapter in this section is, to some extent, about writ-

ing—what to say, how to say it, and when to say it. However,
it all begins with writing clearly. That’s a prerequisite to
everything else.

1 72 making websites win

If you write intelligibly, you stand a chance of persuad-
ing your visitors.
And if you don’t, you don’t.

Winning websites…are user-friendly: if

visitors struggle to use your website, here’s
how to make it easy to use
Usability problems kill conversions.
There’s no easier way to grow a business than to elim-
inate them.
We have described how user tests can help you to iden-
tify usability problems. In this chapter, we describe how to
solve them.

Why are so many designers “usability blind”?

If you’re a sadist with a technical bent, you will enjoy run-
ning usability tests. During tests, we see users caught in
wild-goose chases, scratching their heads, and sometimes
swearing or even hitting their keyboards.
Why do marketers make websites that cause people to
punch peripherals? Because marketers are afflicted with the
curse of knowledge, a cognitive bias that makes it extremely
difficult to think about a problem from the perspective of
someone who’s less informed. Marketers spend so long
looking at their own websites, they can’t imagine what it
would be like to see the website for the first time.
As a result, the website’s users appear to be stupid. It’s
a compelling illusion. But look at it another way:

making websites win 173

1. Our users desired something.
2. We created a website to satisfy that desire.
3. And our users still can’t get what they desire.

Now who’s stupid?

How can you overcome the curse of knowledge? Design
your processes for what you perceive to be a busy, lazy,
drunk, amnesiac idiot—what lawyers call a “moron in a
hurry” (really). Even geniuses with time on their hands will
be grateful that you did.

Why is usability hard to learn?

Usability is hard to learn because great examples are hard
to detect. Usable solutions are invisibly elegant—like you
never notice that you have a spleen until you have a problem
with your spleen.
Also, for reasons we don’t understand, some people
seem to be almost genetically predisposed to recognizing
usability. And others seem to be blind to it.

How can you design pages that are easy to use?

It can take years to become great at designing easy-to-use
pages. The following tips can help a lot:

1. Watch a lot of user tests

Most people are surprised when they first watch a user test.
They are surprised that the visitors see and do things they
hadn’t expected. The more you watch user tests, the more

1 74 making websites win

you internalize the insights and become empathetic. First,
you become aware how of how erratic users can be. After
that, you become better at second-guessing how users
will behave.

2. Watch eye-tracking sessions

Eyes don’t move the way one might expect. They move
from fixation point to fixation point in rapid jumps called
saccades. The more you watch eye-tracking sessions, the
more you become aware of how users see (and don’t see)
things. You learn the importance of controlling the users’
eye movements.

3. Learn all the user-interface elements that are at

your disposal
As you use the web, become aware of the page elements that
each website uses. The best conversion practitioners have
an almost encyclopedic knowledge of the web. They appear
to have read the whole of the internet. It comes in useful.
When faced with a particular problem, it helps to be able to
recall how another website has effectively solved it. We are
avid collectors of effective marketing elements. Every time
you see something that works well, take a screenshot of it
and store it in a “swipe file” folder. Incidentally, this doesn’t
just apply to the web. Our swipe file contains thousands of
examples from direct mail and offline space advertising for
almost every industry.

making websites win 175

4. Learn the most important concepts of usability
There are many good books about usability, but the fol-
lowing ones will teach you most of the concepts you need
to know:

• Don’t Make Me Think by Steve Krug is an excellent

introduction to web usability. We passionately believe
it should be on the school curriculum.
• Designed for Use by Lukas Mathis is less entertaining
than Don’t Make Me Think, but it covers more usability
concepts. If this book list seems worryingly short, that’s
testament to how much ground this book covers.
• The Visual Display of Quantitative Information by
Edward R. Tufte contains many examples of complex
data shown in beautifully elegant ways. Don’t be put off
by its technical-sounding title. It’s fun to read.

5. Use tools for wireframing and prototyping (so your

designs can be user tested before they get coded up)
To make your designs usable, design them in a format that
makes them easy to edit. (In fact, that’s true for anything you
ever create.) Once you have designed a first draft, user test
it on one or two people, and then incorporate your insights
into the design and user test again.
In doing so, you get a frequent sanity check that you are
proceeding along the right lines.
Every medium has its own low-fidelity format.

1 76 making websites win

Fiction writers use plot outlines. Moviemakers use sto-
ryboards. Artists use pencil outlines. And web designers
use wireframes.
A wireframe shows the layout of a page, with key text,
but without any detail. Most of the images in Section 3 of
this book are wireframes. The most important feature of a
wireframe (or of any low-fidelity format) is that it contains
only the core ideas with no incidental trimmings. This gives
three big advantages:

1. Wireframes are easy to create and edit. A change that

takes a company a week to implement on a live website
may take ten seconds to make on a wireframe.
2. Wireframes are easy to interpret. We once observed
a user test of a page that had been designed in high
fidelity. “I don’t like the colors,” the user commented.
“Ignore the colors,” the designer replied. “I don’t like
the cartoon dog,” the user said. “Ignore the dog,” the
designer replied. “I don’t like the feel of the page,” the
user said. “Ignore the feel,” the designer responded.
The user became irritated: “For heaven’s sake, what
are you asking me to look at?!” With wireframes, users
intuitively understand what you are trying to show them.
3. Wireframes help you to focus on what matters: the words.
To illustrate this, take one of your pages, select all the
text, and paste it into a plain text editor. You may be sur-
prised at what you see. (For many websites, this exercise
is much more useful than it may sound.) Some pages are

making websites win 177

so beautifully designed, it’s easy to overlook the words.
But the words are what win A/B tests.

Ten years ago, the best way to create wireframes was with
paper and Post-its. Some people still prefer to work that
way. However, there is now an abundance of good software
for doing it.
The following wireframing tools make it easy to
display your work-in-progress designs. Some of them
allow you to create working prototypes. Many of them allow
you to create pixel-perfect final designs. Some even output
production-ready code:
The tools that we use most often are Sketch, Bal-
samiq Mockups and UXPin. However, there are a crazy
number of good alternatives, including…taking a very deep
breath…Adobe Brackets, Antetype, AppCooker (for iOS
apps), (outputs code for mobile and responsive
apps),, Axure (a complex, sophisticated wire-
frame tool suite), Balsamiq Mockups, Canva, CanvasFlip,
Craft, Creately, Demonstrate,, FileSquare, Fire-
works, FlairBuilder (for apps, mobile-friendly), Flinto and
Flinto Lite (mobile-friendly), Fluid (specializes in mobile),
Framer JS (allows you to prototype and code apps for desk-
top and mobile),…gasping for air…Fuse, Gliffy, Handcraft,
HotGloo, Indigo Studio by Infragistics, iPlotz, iRise, Justin-
mind (mobile-friendly), Keynote, Koncept App, Lucidchart,
Macaw (outputs HTML and CSS), Mockflow (outputs
HTML and CSS), Mockplus, MockingBird, moqups, Naview,

1 78 making websites win

NinjaMock, Notism (works with video too), OmniGraffle,
Origami Studio, Patternry (for designing style guides),…
starting to go blue in the face, gasp…Photoshop Wireframing
Kit (templates for commonly used wireframing elements),
Pidoco, POP (lets you upload your pen-on-paper prototypes
and make them clickable), Principle, Power Mockup (a
mockup and wireframe toolkit for PowerPoint),,
ProtoPie, ProtoShare, ProtoSketch, Prototyp, Prott, Real-
time Board, Sketch (very popular, a successor to Fireworks),…
feeling lightheaded, gasp…templates for paper sketches,
UXPin, Visio, Webflow,, WireframeSketcher,
and Wirify (a wireframing tool that lets you turn any existing
website into a wireframe in one click).
The following are tools for people who like to draw by
hand: Apple Pencil for iPad Pro, iskn, livescribe pens, Paper
and Pencil by 53, and Penultimate.

6. Use design-feedback tools (to make it easier to

test your designs)
Design-feedback tools like Verify (mobile-friendly) and five-
second test allow you to get quick feedback on what you’ve
created. Alternatives include IntuitionHQ and PickFu.
Here’s how they work. You upload your designs or ideas,
and then ask the panel for feedback in a variety of formats:

• Five-second test: The user is shown your design for

five seconds. They then answer questions that you set
them, like “What do you remember seeing?”

making websites win 179

• First-click analysis: You set the users a task, and then
see where they click first. The aggregated clicks are
displayed as a heat map.
• Question test: You ask the users questions about your
• Multiclick test: You link several pages together and
then set the users a task. The software records how the
users navigate your website.
• Annotation test: You ask the users a question—for exam-
ple, “What do you like and dislike about this design?”—and
then ask them to annotate their feedback onto your design.
• Preference test: You upload two designs—two head-
lines, for example—and ask users which they prefer.
Preference tests force the users to choose from two
alternatives. They can provide insights that would take
years with A/B testing. You just have to bear in mind
that the insights are based on the users’ opinions, which
possibly may not correspond to their actions.

All of which can provide invaluable insights.

Regardless of how your designs were created, InVision
app (mobile-friendly) allows you to easily turn them into
functional prototype websites. You upload your page designs
to InVision, and then link them together to make the site
navigable. Then, you can carry out user tests on what, to the
users, appears to be a real website, even though it hasn’t seen
a smidgen of code. Alternatives that have this functionality
include and Marvel.

1 80 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
InVision app (mobile-friendly) also allows other people
to give written feedback on your work-in-progress designs.
You upload your designs, and then invite others to annotate
them with whatever type of feedback you desire. Notable
has similar functionality. Alternatives include Notable
Prototypes (a variation of Notable), Firefly and BugHerd.
Composite connects to Photoshop files, turning them into
clickable prototypes.
To gather feedback on your work-in-progress videos,
you can use, a fantastic web-based platform.
Alternatives include Wipster, Symu, Vidhub, Remark, and
Kollaborate. Such services provide great benefits; it’s hard
to gather and record such feedback even when everyone’s
in the same room.
Optimal Workshop provides several tools (OptimalSort,
Treejack, and Chalkmark) to help you optimize your web-
site’s navigation and information architecture. The tools
are described in our article about card sorting. Alterna-
tives for card sorting include SimpleCardSort, UsabiliTEST,
and Xsort.

Usability underpins all conversion

Almost every win has great usability woven into it—just
like most successful books have “good grammar” in them.
Usability underpins all conversion.
Along with readability, usability is a life skill that’s worth
developing. The world has no shortage of things that are
infuriatingly confusing to use.

making websites win 181

If you can make things easy to use, the world will love you.

Winning websites…give people what they

want: here’s what to do if your website
doesn’t satisfy your visitors’ needs
For over ten years, we have been urging companies to
dominate their markets. In fact, that’s one of the main
things that we help our clients to do. Many of them are
now leaders in their verticals. In this chapter, we describe
a powerful growth strategy that’s hidden in plain sight. It’s
used by many of the web’s most successful companies, it’s
ridiculously effective for dominating an industry, and yet
many companies overlook it.
It’s based around a major conversion killer: lack
of interest.
Here’s what we mean by “lack of interest”:

• Visitors to your website can’t find what they want.

• Maybe because you don’t even offer it.
• So they leave.

What can you do about that? Should you do anything

about that?
In this chapter, we hope to persuade you that it’s imper-
ative that you do something about it. And then we go on
to describe a step-by-step process for implementing this
strategy—a strategy by which many companies wipe out
their competitors.

1 82 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
“Monopoly is the condition of every successful business.” —
Peter Thiel, venture capitalist and cofounder of PayPal

How superstores—and leading e-commerce

stores—use this principle to gain a formidable
It’s crucial that your company becomes the dominant
player in its industry, by satisfying as many of your visi-
tors’ intentions as possible. If it doesn’t, another business
will take that space, capture those economies of scale, and
push your company out.
Most superstores sell a huge number of products. If a
visitor wants bananas then, yes, the superstore has bananas.
If a visitor wants pet insurance then, yes, the superstore sells
that too. And if a visitor wants children’s T-shirts then, yes,
it sells those too. By satisfying all of the visitors’ intentions
and desires, the store mops up more of the money that the
visitors are willing to spend.
The preceding approach has a huge impact. If you can
satisfy twice as many of your visitors’ intentions, you effec-
tively halve the cost of acquiring a customer. (Because the
cost of acquisition gets divided over twice as many pur-
chases.) Plus, if a visitor can get everything they want from
you, they are less likely to visit one of your competitors.
For contrast, let’s consider an imaginary company
that couldn’t easily adopt the above strategy. Let’s call it
“One Trick Squirrel.” One Trick Squirrel makes nothing but

making websites win 183

smooth peanut butter. It doesn’t even make the type with
bits in. (It disposes of the bits in a landfill site.) One Trick
Squirrel Peanut Butter could be the best in the world, but
a One Trick Squirrel store could never be large, because it
satisfies only one need—and few people want all of their
weekly groceries to be peanut butter.
There’s a limit to how large a store can become if it
doesn’t satisfy many visitors’ intentions. Amazon began
to do this early, presumably because many of its senior team
members were from the retail industry, so they understood
this economic imperative. So if you visit and
search for a book called Soils of Outer Mongolia, you will
find what you need.
Amazon created Amazon Marketplace to ensure that
whatever a visitor wants, Amazon can provide (even if it’s via
a marketplace seller). Amazon understands the importance
of giving visitors whatever they want. It’s good for financial
reasons, but it’s also great for the visitor experience. And it
means that Amazon is often the first place that Amazon’s
customers look—to the extent that some people forget that
there are alternatives. Amazon is now nicknamed “The
Everything Store”—and that was by strategy, not by chance.

How to do gap analysis for visitor intentions:

a practical process that can generate
breakthrough results
We use the following process to identify—and quantify—the
opportunities for satisfying a website’s visitor intentions.

1 84 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
Begin by using an on-page survey to ask your visitors why
they visited your website:

An on-page survey to identify your visitors’ intentions.

Wait till you have collected at least a hundred responses.

Then create a table with the following columns:

Table headings for gap analysis of visitor intentions.

making websites win 185

• Column 1: Your visitors’ intentions. In this column, list
all the responses to the question “What did you come
to our website to do?” Of course, no two responses are
the same, so you’ll need to group all the responses that
had similar meanings. (For example, if one response
was “Buy pet insurance” and another was “To see if I
should get pet insurance,” you might want to categorize
them both as “Pet insurance.”)
• Column 2: Percentage of all visits (%). Enter the per-
centage of visitors who gave each response.
• Column 3: Do we satisfy this intention? Enter a yes
or a no, depending on whether this is a visitor intention
that your website satisfies. For the example above, if you
did sell pet insurance, you’d write “Yes.” If you didn’t,
you’d write “No.”

1 86 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
You may find that you satisfy only a small percentage of your visitors’ needs.

Most companies don’t think beyond this point. If the visi-

tor wants pet insurance, and the website doesn’t offer pet
insurance, the company dismisses the visitor as having
been unqualified.
However, the opportunity comes when you add the
following two columns:

• Column 4: How do we currently monetize this inten-

tion? How could we monetize this intention?
• Column 5: How much revenue do we currently gener-

making websites win 187

ate from this? How much revenue could we generate
from this?

Columns 4 and 5 allow you to estimate the opportunity cost,

revealing how you could increase your profit per visitor.
For new products, you will have to estimate the value for
Column 5. You can base your estimates on knowledge of
your competitors’ sales; information from suppliers; sales
figures from a trial run; or calculations based on the survey
responses, making assumptions about conversion rates.
Why is it so important to increase the profit per
visitor? Because for many websites, the key metric is the
acceptable cost per acquisition, which is how much you can
afford to spend on acquiring each visitor. And that figure
depends on how much profit you can generate from each
visitor. So…

• if you can increase your profit-per-visitor,

• you can afford to spend more per visitor,
• and thus outbid your competitors on ads,
• which means you get the lion’s share of the traffic.

Of course, conversely, if your competitors can monetize

your visitors better than you can, then there’s a good chance
they can do the same to you.
(It might sound mercenary to talk about “monetizing
visitors.” However, from a visitor’s-eye view, monetization
tends to be a good thing; as a consumer, you’ll find that

1 88 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
there’s a large correlation between the companies you like
and the ones you give money to.)

How to populate Column 4—an easy way to

generate ideas for monetizing visitor intentions
The following methods may help you identify products and
services that would satisfy your visitors’ intentions:

• Method 1: Temporarily add a Google AdSense box to

the page. AdSense is powered by auction bidding, so
the ads that are shown will be those that the advertisers
(and Google) are confident will persuade your visitors
to spend money. Once the ads are live on your website,
study which products and services they promote.
• Method 2: Look at which products and services your
competitors offer—particularly those that they push
• Method 3: Identify companies that have similar econom-
ics to yours, and look at which products they cross-sell.
Perhaps your company sells a B2B commodity, like safety
signage. If so, look for other companies that sell B2B
commodities, and see what other products and ser-
vices they offer. You may be inspired to discover that
the domain registrar GoDaddy cross-sells office produc-
tivity software. Or that the printing company Vistaprint
cross-sells an email-marketing service. Not only will
this reveal products you should be cross-selling, but
you may also discover that the similar companies (like

m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n 189
GoDaddy)—or even the cross-sold companies (like the
office software)—should be cross-selling your products.

An easy, risk-free way to add products and

If your research reveals that you should be selling pet
insurance, you don’t need to set up an insurance company
overnight. The following process allows you to explore
tentatively how you could offer a new product range. The
steps are listed in terms of increasing risk and commitment:

• Continue running ads on your page: If the ads are

generating significant revenues, you could continue to
run them. Some of our clients make a significant fraction
of their revenue from displaying ads.
• Continue advertising other companies’ products,
but bypass the ad network: Contact companies that
are advertising on your page, and do deals with them
directly. They can pay you on a cost-per-impression
basis, or on a performance basis with a cost-per-acqui-
sition deal or a cost-per-lead deal.
• If you believe that it would be strategically wise,
you may choose to handle more of the value chain
in-house—by stopping the ads and instead designing,
manufacturing, or providing a similar product or ser-
vice yourself.

1 90 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
An example of creating additional product ranges
While studying Morphsuits’ analytics, we noticed that many
visitors were searching for a type of Halloween suit that
didn’t exist. Armed with the data, Morphsuits started man-
ufacturing the new type of suit, safe in the knowledge that
there was zero risk in creating it. The new suit became a top
seller. We weren’t surprised. We even knew approximately
how many it would sell.
The Morphsuits team is extremely dynamic and has
taken this principle far. Over the past few years, they have
rebranded into MorphCostumes and increased their number
of suits from 71 to over 300.

Winning websites…make the benefits clear:

if your visitors aren’t persuaded of the
benefits, here’s what to do
Even if your visitors can understand your writing…even
if they can use your website…and even if you offer what
they came for…they may not understand—or like—your
value proposition.
In this chapter, we describe how to increase your con-
version rate by fixing three of the most common problems
with value propositions.

What is a value proposition?

Your value proposition can be defined as the benefits of
your product or service minus its costs.
Value Proposition = Benefits − Costs

making websites win 191

The costs aren’t limited to the financials; they also
include economic risk and the cost of time and resources.

A more buyer-centric definition of value

The previous definition can be a bit too seller-centric. To
aid clear thinking, we also find it useful to think of a value
proposition as perceived through the eyes of an individual
buyer. This view reflects more accurately what happens
when a purchase is made:

• The decision is made in the mind of the buyer.

• The value of each feature will be different for each buyer.
For example, some car buyers will find value in an ash-
tray; others won’t. Either way, it’s clear that the “value”
being discussed is the value to each buyer. Thus, in
the customer’s-eye definition, the value proposition is
different for each buyer.
• Buyers’ reasoning tends to be in terms of pros and cons,
not benefits and costs—just listen to your own reasoning
next time you buy something. If you create mental “pros
and cons” lists and not “benefits and costs” lists, then
it seems a shame to switch to the benefits-and-costs
view when you’re being a marketer, thus abandoning
your lifetime of intuition.

Value Proposition = Pros − Cons

We find it useful to view a value proposition both ways—

1 92 making websites win

through the seller’s eyes and the buyer’s eyes—as two sides
of the same coin.
Let’s start by focusing on the pros:

Three ways companies fail to communicate their

benefits (the pros)—and several ways to fix the
1. It’s a myth that you should always talk in terms of
benefits and not features
Some marketing experts say that all sales copy should be
expressed not in terms of features (a product’s properties)
but in terms of benefits (how the product helps the user).
This isn’t true. You should sometimes state the features,
sometimes state the benefits, and often state both.
The “always talk in terms of benefits” myth came from
an observation that when buyers read features, they often
think, “So what?” They don’t understand how the features
will help their lives. People looking to buy ebook readers, for
example, might discover that a particular ebook reader has
the feature of cellular connectivity. But the buyers may not
understand how cellular connectivity would be useful. They
would appreciate an explanation of how cellular connectiv-
ity would allow them to buy and instantly download books
from anywhere in the world—on vacation, for example.
Sometimes, even obvious benefits are worth stating.
Buyers might understand that a flight will take them to
a beach, but an explicit mention of that benefit will still
psychologically take them there. It activates those neurons.

making websites win 193

However, there are times when you shouldn’t explic-
itly mention benefits. One of them is when the benefit is
taboo. A charity website shouldn’t explicitly say, “Donate
today and you can show off to your friends and probably
go to heaven.” Another is when the benefit is so obvious—
or unimpressive—as to be a waste of words, and possibly
patronizing. On a car manufacturer’s website, it’s probably
worth mentioning that a car has a maximum speed of 120
mph, but it wouldn’t be worth explaining the benefits of that.
The second half of “mention benefits and not features” is
clearly nonsense. You should usually state features. Imagine a
laptop manufacturer’s website that says, “Lets you store loads
of files” but then refuses to state the size of the hard drive.
Benefits alone can leave the reader thinking, “Yeah, right.”
Benefits usually need proof to support them, and features are
the most compelling type of proof. It’s not enough to hear that
a car is “really, really safe.” You want to know it has air bags.
So when shouldn’t you mention features? You should
omit them when the benefit is not in doubt—or when there is
little space and the benefit is better supported by a different
type of proof. With fitness videos, for example, customers
are much more persuaded by celebrity endorsements and
by testimonials from other successful customers than they
are by what’s in the video itself.
As with most aspects of CRO, you become more effective
when you ignore rules like “Technique X is good; Technique
Y is bad” and instead understand the technique’s function.
Now that you understand the function of features and ben-

1 94 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
efits, you’ll be able to spot when to state a feature, when to
state a benefit, and when to state both.

2. Many companies don’t make it clear what their

products or services do
Some products or services—particularly those that are com-
plex—can be hard to describe. When such products are sold
using a traditional brand-marketing approach, the results
are often disastrous. The visitors don’t buy because they
don’t understand what they’ll get.
For example,

• Unclear branding waffle: “Music, Meet Home.”

• Copy that wins: “The world’s leading speaker system:
Play any song in any room from any phone.”


• Unclear branding waffle: “Introducing the oases of

freshness: The Aquaris, the Tritona, the Anapos.”
• Copy that wins: “Choose your water filter jug: a slim one
for the fridge, a large one for the table, or a watertight
one for on the go.”


• Unclear branding waffle: “Express yourself. Impress


making websites win 195

• Copy that wins: “The ultimate suite of cloud-based
tools for all your marketing communications.”

You get the idea.

If you are asked to improve the website of a technical
product that is currently being sold with a brand-marketing
approach, here’s a useful tip: see if the product has a Wiki-
pedia page. The Wikipedia page is likely to contain valuable
plain-language descriptions that are absent from the man-
ufacturer’s landing page. Plain language almost always
beats branding waffle.
Many marketers aren’t aware that their website has this
problem. The problem goes beneath the radar because vis-
itors seldom report that they are “struggling to understand
the value proposition.” Instead, they say things like “I’m
still researching.” Also, most unclear descriptions aren’t as
obviously bad as the ones above. The best way to identify
unclear benefits is through user testing. During user tests,
listen for clues that the users haven’t understood the product
or service. For example, you may find that a user’s objections
to buying don’t make sense. Or that the user has gone quiet.
Unclear product descriptions are guaranteed to kill
conversions. So whenever we spot them, we know that a
big win is just around the corner. Clarifying the benefits
of complex, hard-to-explain products has led to many of
our biggest wins.

1 96 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
3. Some companies forget to mention some valuable
The travel-phone company Mobal gave away a high-quality
travel adapter with every phone. But it forgot to mention
the travel adapter anywhere on its website. When we added
the travel adapter to the website, sales increased. So we
added it to the offline marketing campaigns too. This was
one of the many contributing factors that allowed us to
triple Mobal’s sales in one year.
We used this technique to great effect when we cre-
ated more than $1 million of additional sales for Moz. In
a case study on our website, we describe how we added
to Moz’s landing page many features that previously
went unmentioned.
To ensure that you aren’t making this mistake, list
all of the elements of value that your visitors get, and then
check that your website communicates them all clearly.
It can help for you to order the product yourself, so you
see the whole package with your own eyes. Also, ask your
customers why they bought, and then ensure that all of
their reasons are featured in your marketing materials with
appropriate prominence.

4. Many companies don’t make it clear what happens

once the visitor says yes
Many websites—particularly those that sell services—don’t
help their visitors to envisage the postorder experience.
There are many ways of overcoming this problem. The

making websites win 197

following method, common in Japan, is rarely seen in the
Western world. Japanese consumers expect to be shown
what they are going to get. All Japanese restaurants, for
example, have plastic food in their windows, showing what
each meal looks like.
Similarly, many Japanese companies display cartoon
flowcharts that show what will happen once a visitor orders
the product or service. We created the following flowchart
for Mobal, to show Mobal’s Japanese customers what to
expect once they had ordered a travel phone.

A future-pacing flowchart for a travel-phone service.

The flowchart makes it clear how the process works: the

order is placed, the phone is delivered, the phone is charged,
the person flies abroad, calls are made, Mobal sends an
itemized bill, the person returns home, and then the whole

1 98 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
process is repeated for subsequent trips. The cartoon was
so effective on the Japanese website, we transferred it to
Mobal’s USA website, to similar success.
Such flowcharts are an example of what the hyp-
notism world calls future pacing: The buyer is told what
they are going to experience over the next few days, weeks,
or months. (This is closely related to the sales technique of
making the prospect “think beyond the sale.”) Even though
future-pacing diagrams are less common in the West, they
are extremely effective here, because

• They answer the questions that the visitors are

asking: “If I order this product or service, what will
happen next? What will be the process I follow?”
• They allow the visitors to rehearse mentally the pro-
cess of using the service, visualizing it as being part of
their lives.

So if your product or service has an unclear postsale

experience, then a future-pacing flowchart may help to
increase your sales. We frequently get wins by adding them.

Future-pacing videos and how to create them

Once you have created a future-pacing diagram, you
may find that it would benefit from being turned into
a video. If so, remember that the process of creating a
video should be no different from the process of creating
a webpage. To begin, create the video in a low-res, highly

making websites win 199

editable format, which you can test on users—just as you
would do with a webpage wireframe. If your video designer
isn’t comfortable carrying out user tests (in our experience,
most aren’t), you may prefer to do it yourself, as follows:

• Create your storyboard using the animation function-

ality of PowerPoint or Google Slides.
• If you wish to add a voice-over, record it in ScreenFlow.
• Iteratively test the draft video on users until you are
confident that it communicates the message clearly.
• Only then should you get a high-quality version made.

This process will ensure that your final video will con-
vert visitors.
The previous techniques provide four opportunities for
optimizing your benefits and pros. In the next chapter, we
will describe how to optimize the other side of your value
propositions: the costs and cons.

Winning websites…have irresistible offers:

if people aren’t persuaded it’s a great deal,
here’s how to optimize what they’ll get
Even if your visitors can easily understand your value
proposition, they may be turned off by the way the value
is packaged and presented. The success of Facebook relative
to—as parodied in The Onion—reveals
how disastrous it can be to get your pricing model wrong.
This chapter contains a list of tips, strategies, and things

20 0 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
to consider to grow your profits by optimizing your pricing
and offers.
As you read the following points, we recommend you
make notes of how each of them might apply to your business.

Establish your long-term strategy for pricing

• Deciding what and how you will monetize. (Class-, for example, chose to charge a monthly fee,
whereas Facebook chose instead to monetize from ad
• Does your market benefit from economies of scale?
(Most do.) If so, your ideal pricing strategy may be pen-
etration pricing—charging a low price, basing your
financial model on eventually reaching market-dominat-
ing economies of scale on the supply side and demand
° Supply-side economies of scale: The more you
sell, the higher your profitability.
 As you sell more, your cost of sales (unit costs)
usually becomes lower.
 As you sell more, your overheads become rel-
atively smaller.
° Demand-side economies of scale: The more cus-
tomers you get, the more value each customer gets
from your service, for the following reasons.
 You may benefit from having a network of cus-
tomers. For example, if a phone system had only

making websites win 2 01

two users, only one type of call could be made.
If it had twelve users, sixty-six different types of
calls could be made. The overall value of a phone
system to its users is roughly proportional to the
square of the number of people with phones.
 You may benefit from there being a market of
complementary products and services. The
project-management web app Basecamp has
many integrations, which it promotes on its web-
site. At the bottom of the page, it shows off how
quickly it’s acquiring new users, to persuade
other companies to add integrations.
 You may benefit from having a bigger knowl-
edge base, more forums, or more trained
users. The ecosystem of knowledge around a
product can be valuable in itself. WordPress
grows partly because it’s easy to find a Word-
Press developer and it’s easy for those developers
to find answers to their questions.
 Perception that yours is the standard: Users
are aware of the value of choosing the ultimate
winner—especially when they have to commit
time and resources to your company—so they
will be attracted by the perception that you’ll win.
• Price high at first, then lower prices: This approach is
good at mopping up all the money available in the mar-
ketplace. A book can be launched in hardback only, thus
commanding a high price from those who are willing to

20 2 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
pay it, and then later it can be released in paperback to
mop up mass-market sales. This approach tends to be
more effective with products (e.g., consumer electronics)
than as a strategy with platforms (e.g., online stores). It
also allows statements like “Used to be $XXX” to be
used in the future advertising.
• Communicate that prices will keep increasing:
This approach provides a kind of scarcity. It encour-
ages buyers to act now, because they know prices will
increase. It is useful when the major challenge is getting
visitors to act promptly.

How to price the product

The following three principles are useful when considering
how to price a product.

1. Consider the gaps in the market

Which market segment isn’t currently being served? High-
end customers? Low-end customers? Enterprise customers?
Small businesses? Occasional users?
To your target market, what represents value? (Gillette
succeeded by being first to acknowledge that no one wants
to pay for the razor handle—they want to pay per shave.)
What would their “dream product” be? We find it’s
useful to ask yourself, “What would definitely work if only
we were prepared to do it?” Write it down, even if it’s miles
from being possible. Once you know what it is, you may be

m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n 203
able to think creatively about how you could offer it. This
approach led us to create the highly successful $49 world
phone, with no monthly fees, which became the standard
in the world phone market.

2. Price high or price low?

For a given product or service, pricing low and pricing high
each has its advantages. The challenge is to work out where
on the continuum your winning strategy lies:

• Low prices lead to high conversion rates, more repeat

purchases (or higher customer retention), high tell-a-
friend rates and word-of-mouth, and favorable reviews.
• High prices lead to high profit per visitor, and thus
a greater amount you can afford to spend to acquire
customers—so you can spend more on advertising, pay
more to affiliates and salespeople, etc.

Neither of above two options is intrinsically better than

the other. Bear in mind that, in any market, there can only
be one cheapest option—and that many people don’t want
the cheapest option: most people don’t buy the cheapest
car available, the cheapest shampoo available, the cheapest
clothes available, the cheapest watches available, and the
cheapest insurance available. They tend to buy options they
perceive to be of higher value. There are many opportunities
for the high-profit-margin option, provided you can find
features and benefits that customers would be willing to

20 4 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
pay a premium for. A good mindset is to imagine that you
will charge a premium price, and then use your marketing
knowhow to justify that price.
Note that many companies take external investment
to fund their costs of client acquisition in the short term.
The investment gives them all the previously mentioned
benefits of high prices and low prices, and is based on the
assumption that the strategic benefits of growing quickly
will be worth it in the end.

Offer strategies
Once you have decided on your pricing strategy, you are
ready to start packaging up your offers. Here are some of
the many options available to you:

Lead with a “no-brainer”

Decide at what point in your offer sequence you mone-
tize your services. The winning strategy is usually to defer
gratification, making the initial purchase a “no-brainer,”
and then make money on the subsequent payments:

• Make the headline offer irresistibly appealing. This

often involves understanding what main criteria your
prospects are using to determine value. Set low prices
for the criteria people consider when judging value.
° Charge low prices for the easily comparable
aspects: Supermarkets are very competitive on
prices of comparable products, like Heinz baked

m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n 205
beans, and charge more for products that are less
easy to compare, like artisanal balsamic vinegar.
° Make your money on the things people don’t
consider when making a decision: Restaurants
often have low-priced meals, then make all their
money on drinks.
° Consider stripping down the features of your
service, then charging for extras. Car dealers often
have a low headline rate, then charge for extras.
• It can help to make the initial purchase free. If you
can’t make it free, make it seem cheaper:
° Offer a “free trial,” which may be a no-strings,
completely free sample, perhaps with a discount
voucher if they decide to continue. This works if your
service is fantastic, and the best way to persuade
buyers is to get them using it.
° Offer a free trial with an ongoing monthly charge
if the customer continues.
° If it’s not possible to offer a sample, consider a simu-
lation of a sample. Freebird is a service that allows
travelers to get an alternative flight if theirs is can-
celed. As part of Freebird’s conversion funnel, it
allows users to experience the whole process as a
simulation, to demonstrate how easy it is.
° Consider offering something small and irresistible
for an amazing price, just to get something into the
buyer’s shopping cart. Once the buyer has accepted

20 6 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
that they’ll be going through the checkout, they are
more likely to buy other things.
° Offer an initial discount (e.g., only $9.99/month
for the first three months; $19.99/month afterward).
° Multibuy deals: Buy one, get one free is effective—
more effective than “half-price,” because it keeps
a high price on the product (so doesn’t lower its
perceived value) and encourages the customer to
buy twice as much. The same goes for other types
of multibuy deals.
° State that “We won’t bill you until N days after
your purchase.”
° Allow the buyer to pay in installments (e.g., three
monthly payments of $9.99). This works well if your
research reveals that many buyers don’t currently
have the money to pay for the product outright.
• Allow the buyer to “return it within X days for your
money back.”

Other principles for creating the offer package

• An ongoing monthly fee almost always beats taking a

one-off charge. It represents less initial risk for buyers,
and customers pay as they receive value, which feels
more reasonable.
• Ensure that the first product that people buy is one of
your most liked ones. This will make customers much

making websites win 207

more likely to return. Survey customers to ensure that
you know which of your products are most liked. (Note
that your most frequently bought product isn’t neces-
sarily the ones that’s most liked.)
• Upsell and cross-sell. Creatively think of other things
that the buyer would pay for, such as:
° better service;
° better customer support;
° insurance;
° extra information (e.g., a valuable ebook);
° quicker or better service;
° complementary products they’d also buy (for inspira-
tion, study the conversion funnels of companies that
sell commodities in highly competitive markets like
domain names, business cards, and cell phone plans;
° for inspiration, ask customers (maybe via a survey)
what other services they’d like you to offer and what
other related services they currently use.

Add premiums (free gifts) and incentives

• Information is a good thing to give away as a premium,

because it has zero (or almost zero) costs of sale and can
have incredibly high perceived value. Think of valuable
information that your customers would love to have. For
example, someone buying a health supplement to help
them sleep may highly desire a report that describes

20 8 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
how to get a good night’s sleep. You can deliver the
information in a wide range of formats, including audio,
video, electronic or printed reports, software, tools, or
access to websites.
• If some of your offering involves information, consider
how the information can be made to educate the buyers
about how to buy your type of product, and how to appre-
ciate the ways in which your product is superior. This
works well in B2B sales, because B2B buying is often
complex. For example, a seller of web hosting can bene-
fit from giving away a guide called “7 Mistakes to Avoid
When Choosing a Web Hosting Solution.”
• Consider offering particular premiums only to custom-
ers who spend more than a certain amount. One
of our favorite techniques is to offer a valuable free
report for customers who buy one unit, an additional
free report for customers who buy three units, and a
further free report for customers who buy five units.
A buyer who wants that third report can never get it if
they always order one unit at a time. This offer alone
can greatly increase the average order value.
• If a customer is paying with someone else’s money
(such as their employer’s), consider options that will
reward the person personally. Companies that sell to
businesses often use the following rewards such as
meals, events, air miles, cash back, and gift vouchers. (Of
course, don’t offer anything that’s unethical or illegal.)
• Offer premiums to encourage prospects to behave in

m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n 209
a certain way. For example, if you want all the orders to
be placed via the web, or via the phone, offer a premium
for people who do so.
• Offer discounted prices if people order quickly (e.g.,
early bird discounts) or in large quantities.

Versioning: Different prices for different people

It helps to have different pricing for different people:

• Many customers have a price in mind before they

begin, and will pay that price regardless. (A friend of
ours went looking for a suit, expecting to pay about
$700. He found one that looked good, but it cost just
$70. He decided against it, preferring to stick to his plan
of finding one that cost more. Imagine how frustrated
the store owner would have been to know that not only
did she not sell the suit, but that she would have sold it
if she had charged ten times as much for it.)
• Create pricing segments for each of your groups
of customers. For example, you may choose to have
different prices for enterprises, small businesses, and
domestic consumers. Then, start from the point of
view of the customer: begin with the price they’d be
prepared to pay, and then work out what the product
or service should be at that level. Ensure that each
price level contains a “deal maker” or “deal breaker”

21 0 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
component that makes it worth it for the buyer to pay
the extra amount.
• Consider a price that’s ten times your current high-
est price, and then decide what people would pay. A
company that advises people on getting work permits
may charge $500 per client. The company might benefit
from exploring what a $5,000 service would entail. Who
would use it? Even if only a small fraction of buyers took
advantage of such an offer, the effect on the economics
of the business could be significant.
• Bestow status levels upon your customers: Have dif-
ferent levels of customers, and publicly reward those on
the higher levels by giving them a higher status. People
are naturally competitive and aspire to become better
customers. This technique is used by every producer of
luxury goods. Even credit card issuers manage to charge
more for premium gold and platinum cards.
• Offer a loyalty program, whereby the buyers get certain
rewards once they have purchased a certain number
of units from you. This encourages them to return for
more, thus forming a habit, and increasing your lifetime
customer value. As every cafe knows, it helps to give
customers free loyalty points to begin with, so their
reward account has value from the outset.

A/B testing your prices

Testing pricing can be a thorny issue. Some users may con-

making websites win 2 11

test it. However, changing pricing is one of the most surefire
ways of increasing (or decreasing) a company’s profits, so
there’s a high value in doing it (and a high cost to getting it
wrong—which is a good reason to A/B test it).
One effective option is to run A/B testing to offer dif-
ferent prices to different users, but then, once they have
ordered, to charge them all the lower price, to make it fair.
Bear in mind that—as with all A/B testing—buyers who
use more than one device may see different versions of
your pricing.
Another (less scientific) option is to test different prices
on different days or weeks.
In both cases, it can be hard to measure the results if
your buying cycle is long.

How to communicate the offer

Sometimes, you don’t need to change the offer or the value
proposition; it can be enough to change how you describe
it. The following techniques work well:

• Position yourself as—and actually be—the prospects’

trusted advisor, so they know you’re acting in their best
interests. This is incredibly important—be very careful
not to squander your integrity for the sake of one quick
• Make prices look larger by displaying the decimal points
(“Free gift—a $29.00 value”) or lower by hiding them
(“Costs only $29”).

21 2 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
• Odd prices work slightly better: $9.99 is perceived as
being disproportionately lower than $10.00. This is
presumably for the same reason that people get excited
when their car odometer clicks over to 10,000 (even
though it’s just another mile), and sad when they reach
their fortieth birthday (even though they’re only a day
older than they were the day before).
• If a price has been reduced, put a slash through it to
avoid confusion, so it’s clear that it’s not the current
price. So rather than saying “Was $119, now only $89,”
say, “Was $119, now only $89.”
• If something is free, and the offer sounds too good
to be true, mention that’s it’s free several times, in
different ways. For example: “It’s free, so you pay noth-
ing, no strings attached, no hidden charges, absolutely
no cost to you whatsoever.”
• Many people don’t understand percentages—at least
not at a gut level—so it’s much better to say “half-price”
or “one-third off ” than “50% off ” or “33% off.”
• Use apples-to-oranges comparisons to remind people
what great value the product is. If you’re selling a train-
ing course, compare it to the cost of a college education,
and show people who have gone on to get jobs, to high-
light the net benefit. If you’re selling a shed, compare it
to the cost of having a house extension. If you’re selling
a video conferencing solution, compare it with the price
of international travel. You can make almost any prod-
uct sound like a great deal by comparing it to the price

making websites win 2 13

of something the buyers are already squandering their
money on, like lattes or beer. Which makes you wonder
how anyone manages to sell lattes or beer.
• Consider expressing the price in a way that makes
the numeral less: like changing a monthly rate to a
daily rate.

Give a reason why you’re making such a great offer

Buyers don’t always want the cheapest option (e.g., a Casio
digital watch), but they do want a bargain (e.g., a Rolex
Submariner for only $3,000). However, a bargain needs a
good rationale. If the deal is great—as it should be—explain
why, with proof. The following approaches can help:

• “Our prices are great because we cut out the interme-

diaries and sell directly to the consumer.”
• “This is an opening sale.”
• “This price is a special product-launch price.”
• “This is a special offer for new customers.”
• “This is a special offer for existing customers.”
• “This is an end-of-line clearance promotion” (the offer
is about to change, and there’s scarcity).
• “This promotion is linked to a certain event” (e.g.
Christmas, summer, back to school or Black Friday).

In all cases, give indisputable proof. If the product was

previously sold at a higher price, give details (when, where,

21 4 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
how much)—and justify why that price was reasonable. If it’s
cheaper or better than competitors’ products, give details,
maybe with a comparison chart.

Payment options
Different customers tend to have different preferred meth-
ods of ordering and paying. It’s often best to offer the ones
they are most comfortable with:

• Payment method
° Credit card or debit card
° PayPal, Google Checkout, Amazon Pay or Apple Pay
° Direct debit or standing order
° Purchase order
° Credit card over the phone
° 0% finance
° Check
• Payment schedule
° Pay in multiple installments (which is good when
the initial price point is high).
° Till the person cancels: if your service is charged
on a monthly basis, you keep charging the customer
until they cancel it. You may choose to specify a
minimum term, before which the customer may
not cancel. (This is popular with telecoms provid-
ers.) The length of the minimum term (e.g., twelve
months, eighteen months, or twenty-four months)
can affect the take-up rate.

making websites win 2 15

• If your service has a monthly charge, consider also
offering an annual charge at a discount of, say, 15%. This
will do several things:
° It’ll be great for your cash flow.
° Customers will not cancel early (there are loads of
reasons why a customer may cancel early—their
situation may change, they may prefer to switch to
your competitor, their needs may change).

Change the offer

Regularly changing what you offer can have one big advantage:
Visitors have a reason to come back, just to “see what’s new.”
However, make sure you’re changing the offers for
customer-centric reasons (track the performance) and not
just because you’re personally bored and want a change.

Winning websites…are trustworthy: if visitors

are wary, here’s how to make your website a
powerhouse of credibility and proof
What if your visitors don’t trust you?
Sometimes, visitors don’t proceed because they aren’t
persuaded that your company is any good.
This is usually because your website lacks relevant trust
signals. There simply isn’t enough proof that the visitors
should use you. This chapter describes some highly effective
ways to use proof to improve your company’s credibility
(and sales).

21 6 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
What kind of proof should you add? There are tens—
maybe hundreds—of ways to show trust and credibility.
Some of them are particularly suited to certain types of
businesses, but most businesses benefit from the following:

Size and growth rate

Visitors are greatly influenced by the size and success of
companies. For daFlores, Latin America’s largest network
of florists, we gained a 44% uplift in sales by highlighting
how many Facebook fans the company had.

We demonstrated the huge size of daFlores by highlighting its army of

Facebook fans.

Reviews and testimonials (particularly from

authorities and experts)
In one experiment for a software company, we grew sales
by over 20% by creating a page that linked to hundreds of
customer reviews. (We gathered the reviews by surveying
the client’s customers.) The visitors were persuaded by
hearing the experiences of people like themselves.

making websites win 2 17

The following image shows how one company took a
bold approach by highlighting its worst reviews:

A bold approach: We know of one e-commerce company that demonstrates its

integrity by highlighting its worst reviews.

Data and statistical evidence

Buyers are much more likely to believe your claims if you
support them with hard data.
So if you sell cat food, it’s not enough to say that cats
like the taste of it. Why would people believe you? A popular
cat food brand supported its claim with data: “Eight out of
ten owners said their cat prefers it.”
Insurance companies don’t say, “We make it easy to
save on car insurance.” They support their claims with
data, like: “15 minutes can save you 15 percent or more on
car insurance.”
Restaurants that deliver fast food don’t say, “We’ll be
there as fast as our bikes can carry us—we promise.” They
say things like “Delivered in 30 minutes—or it’s free.”

21 8 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
Hand soap manufacturers don’t say that their product
“Kills a lot of germs.” They say, “Kills 99.9% of germs.” It
sounds much more convincing.
And in its 1962 ad, a particular oil refining company
didn’t just say “We supply a lot of oil.” It said, “Each day,
we supply enough energy to melt 7 million tons of glacier!”
With hindsight, maybe that last one was misjudged.

Celebrity associations
Celebrity associations can be more effective than you might
expect. When selling a diet, for example, many people will
be more influenced by a celebrity figurehead than by sci-
entific research.
Over the years, we have paired several of our clients
with celebrity figureheads. Most of the celebrities allow
their image to be used in return for a fixed fee for a specific
duration. In one case, the celebrity was happy to do it for
free, because she was a fan of the company.
A word of warning. Before you commit to a deal, though,
you may choose to first run an A/B test to measure how
the celebrity affects conversions. One of our clients had a
celebrity figurehead whose presence actually reduced sales.
The client’s branding agency hadn’t carried out A/B tests
(we’ve yet to see one that does), and so was oblivious that
they had caused such damage.

making websites win 2 19

Sometimes, the best way to prove something is to demon-
strate it.

A poster showing the space required to transport seventy-two people by either car,
bus, or bicycle. The photos demonstrate, better than words ever could, how single-
occupancy cars take up a disproportionate amount of road space. (Image credit:
Cycling Promotion.)

Social proof
In our case study about how we grew Crazy Egg’s conversion
rate by 363%, our winning landing page featured some of
Crazy Egg’s prestigious clients. Similarly, when we made
over $1 million for Moz, one of our winning pages had a
headline that incorporated the names of some of Moz’s
prestigious clients. Buyers are reassured when they see
that others similar to themselves have already chosen—and
like—a particular company.

220 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
It can help to mention your most prestigious customers. Readers think, “If it’s good
enough for those companies, it’s good enough for me.”

Two industries in which trust is particularly

Trust is more important in some industries than others.
Visitors to health and fitness companies and to finan-
cial institutions tend to be particularly concerned about
trust—because choosing an unsuitable company could
be calamitous.

• Health and fitness companies typically benefit from

being associated with medical professionals, celebrities,
research institutes, and universities.
• Financial institutions tend to benefit from displaying
proof of their longevity and size, and from demonstrat-
ing flawlessness.

making websites win 221

“Proof magnets”: A way of bolstering trust and
The world already contains a vast amount of proof of your
company’s merits, much of which you probably take for
granted. Across the web, there will be a lot of content that
would persuade your visitors if only they were to see it.
Search for reviews of your company, testimonials, positive
PR, etc., and you’ll probably find that only a fraction of this
proof ever gets seen by your visitors—either because it’s not
on your website, or because it’s tucked away in the corner
of a dusty “About Us” page.
Make sure your visitors see this proof, by incorporating
the best of it into your most-visited pages.
We have helped one of our clients, TopCashback, to win
the Fast Track 100 award three times in a row.

222 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
TopCashback’s homepage exhibits many types of proof.

TopCashback’s homepage features many types of proof:

• Big brands that TopCashback partners with, segmented

by category (e.g., fashion, travel, and hotels).
• The tabs at the bottom of the image link to
° logos showing authoritative national newspapers
and TV programs that TopCashback has been fea-
tured in;
° testimonials of members describing the benefits
of using TopCashback;

making websites win 223

° TopCashback’s TV ad, which is both informative
and persuasive (plus, the fact that it’s a national TV
ad is itself evidence of credibility);
° the “fun facts” section, which is actually a show-
case of compelling evidence that TopCashback is
the best at what it does:
 “We pay the highest rates: You’ll typically get at
least 5% more cashback with us.”
 “If you find a better rate elsewhere we’ll match it.”
 “We were the first cashback site in the world to
pass 100% of the cash to our members.”
 “We have the most offers” (with statistical

Combined, these elements are enough to convince the

most skeptical of visitors that TopCashback is trustworthy
and authoritative.

Taking it a step further: Proof investment

Beyond proof magnets lies proof investment. Once you under-
stand what would persuade your visitors, then you should
spend time, money, and ingenuity acquiring those things.
For example…

• If your visitors would be most persuaded by

° an association with a Hollywood celebrity…then
invest in acquiring that;
° rave reviews from experts…then work to gain them;

224 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
° your rapid growth or huge size…then set that as
a goal;
° awards…then aim to win awards.

This illustrates an important point: conversion is not an

afterthought. Conversion is identifying what type of
company your visitors would ideally love to do business
with…and then becoming that company. This approach
goes to the core of your business. It means that your cus-
tomer research determines the direction in which your
company grows.
As it should.
Hence, the company’s product strategy and marketing
strategy should be led by its conversion team.

What if visitors trust your company but not your

Just because visitors trust your website doesn’t mean they
have found a product that they trust. A visitor may be happy
to use your online pharmacy, but they still need to be per-
suaded of the efficacy of a particular drug.
A visitor may lack trust for several reasons:

• The product isn’t good.

• The product isn’t described well enough.
• The product isn’t the best choice for the visitor—per-
haps because the search functionality or navigation has
done a bad job.

making websites win 225

In such cases, your job is to persuade the visitor of the merits
of the product, but not at the expense of eroding their trust
in your company. Leading e-commerce companies are great
at this. They retain their trusted-advisor status by including
impartial customer reviews.
The same types of proof that were effective for building
trust in your company are equally effective at building trust in
a product. Just be aware that “lack of trust in your company”
and “lack of trust in the product” are two separate problems.
Both must be solved before a customer will place an order.

Winning websites…remove risk: how to

use guarantees to remove visitors’ fear of
A guarantee can be powerful, like a chainsaw.
Used right, it can cut through customer objections.
Used wrong, it can cut through profits.
In this chapter, we’ll describe how to know if a guaran-
tee would work for your business—and how to design and
implement a guarantee that works.

When (and why) do guarantees work?

Guarantees don’t always increase sales. To understand
when a guarantee would help, consider the two major func-
tions of a guarantee:
Function 1: A guarantee reduces the risk for the cus-
tomer. If the company doesn’t fulfill the guarantee’s promise,
the customer is compensated.

226 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
Function 2: A good guarantee self-evidently promises
that your business will be harmed if you don’t honor
your claims. It effectively says, “Our promise must be true.
Otherwise we wouldn’t be in business.” It thus acts as a
kind of proof.
Many people underestimate the importance of Func-
tion 2.
So guarantees are effective when…

• the visitors want what the company is promising,

• but they are nervous about the risk, or are skeptical
about the claims,
• and your service lives up to its claims.

In such cases, the new guarantee can have amazing results.

Just by adding and perfecting a guarantee, we boosted one
of our client’s sales by almost 50%.
A guarantee would not be effective for a hot dog cart,
though. Because visitors aren’t nervous about wasting a few
dollars on a hot dog. And hot dog carts don’t make claims
that make visitors skeptical.
However, if a hot dog cart were to claim to sell “the
best hot dog you’ve ever tasted,” then a guarantee would
help to overcome the prospects’ natural skepticism. And if
the cart were to increase the price of its hot dogs to $10, a
guarantee (such as “$10 for the best hot dog you have ever
tasted—or it’s free”) would help to reduce the customers’
risk, and therefore increase the sales.

making websites win 2 27

Ingredients of a highly effective guarantee
A great guarantee contains the following ingredients:

• It should guarantee that the customer will get the ben-

efits they desire. (In fact, you may consider charging
in terms of the benefit—like razor blade manufacturers
make their money on the blades, not the handle.) And it
should address the main risks about which the buyer
is tentative. If the buyer is worried about whether the
product will achieve a particular result, offer a perfor-
mance guarantee. If the buyer is worried whether they’ll
be happy, offer a satisfaction guarantee. If the buyer is
worried about whether the price is good enough, offer
a price-match guarantee. A guarantee will be effective
only if it addresses an existing concern.
• It should offset the risk—and ideally neutralize it—so,
if things go wrong, the buyer will be compensated for
their time, effort, and cost.
• It should have a name, indicating that it’s a tangible
thing. For example, “Our 100% Money-Back Guaran-
tee” or “Lifetime Guarantee.” The name makes a good
• The best guarantees are worded positively. They don’t
say, “If you dislike our service…”; they say, “We guar-
antee that you’ll love our service.” The most common
mistake with guarantees is to word the guarantee
negatively—as a “get-out clause”—rather than in
positive terms, as a promise. When you bring up the

228 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
subject of returns, use a phrase like “In the unlikely
event that…”
• Explain why you can afford to make the guarantee—
because you aren’t really taking a risk; most customers
are delighted.
• Sometimes it helps to put the guarantee in the voice of
the company’s chief spokesperson.
• Consider giving the guarantee a long claim period.
A guarantee with a deadline is effectively a time-lim-
ited offer. The buyer has a certain number of days
to make a decision. If your guarantee’s claim period
is short—fourteen days, for example—the principle
of urgency will be strongly working against you. On
the other hand, increasing your claim period from
twelve months to twenty-four months doubles your
financial risk with possibly no incremental increase in
conversion rate. The optimal period depends on many
factors, including your costs of sales, the quality of
the product, the time a customer perceives they will
need to evaluate the product, the typical lifetime of
the product, and the impracticality of returning the
product. To identify the optimal duration, we find it
useful to use financial scenario modeling supported
by A/B testing data.
• At the point of sale, it should be evident that your guar-
antee is easy to invoke.
• Emphasize that no strings are attached. In particular,
customers often worry that the guarantee will be nul-

m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n 229
lified if they use the product—or even take it out of the
box—so emphasize that they are encouraged to use it.
• Promise you’ll give a prompt refund. Customers worry
that it may take a long time to get the money back.
• The guarantee should be featured at all the points
where the buyer is thinking of the risk. That’s usually
near the call to action. Sometimes, it’s up front, too.
You may also choose to mention it when they abandon.

A nine-step checklist for implementing a

guarantee safely
Is your company hesitant to offer a bold guarantee? That’s
understandable. A guarantee can do harm if it’s imple-
mented badly. Also, with guarantees the feedback loop
is long, because you can’t calculate the costs of invoked
guarantees until after the guarantee period has expired.
The following workflow provides a low-risk way to imple-
ment a bold guarantee:

1. Create the guarantee, based on the principles described

2. Carry out scenario modeling, as follows: Create a
table in which the columns represent different values of
“uplift in conversion,” and the rows represent different
values of “percentage of customers who invoke the guar-
antee.” Then work out the net change in profit for each
combination. Also consider how guarantee claims would

230 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
be handled operationally (accepting returns, restocking
shelves, issuing refunds, etc.). If you are satisfied that the
guarantee will generate additional profits, then proceed
to the next step.
3. Run the guarantee as an A/B test for a short time—for
just a few days, if that’s all the risk you can bear.
4. Wait for the guarantee period to expire.
5. Calculate the increase in profits, based on the mea-
sured uplift in sales.
6. Calculate the cost of people invoking the guaran-
tee. In our experience, the invocation rate tends to be
lower than companies expect, sometimes by an order
of magnitude.
7. If you need more data (which you probably will),
return to Step 3 and run the guarantee for longer. By
doing this in small increments, you remove the risk
caused by the long feedback loop.
8. If you do have enough data, and the increase in profit
more than offsets the cost of returns, make the guaran-
tee permanent.
9. Return to Step 1, creating a bolder guarantee.

The most fruitful activities regarding guarantees

We’ve had wins from many types of guarantees: price-match
guarantees, satisfaction guarantees, payment-deferral guar-
antees—even weather guarantees. The wins typically come
from three activities:

making websites win 231

1. creating a guarantee for a company that doesn’t
already offer one;
2. improving the wording of a guarantee (some guar-
antees should be compact, and some should be long);
3. placing the guarantee at the right point in the conver-
sion flow.

If risk is a factor for your visitors, then those three activities

are likely to be effective for you.

The boldest guarantee we have tested

While we are on the subject of guarantees, you might be
interested to hear about the boldest guarantee we ever
tested. It was for the travel phone company Mobal. Previ-
ously, using financial modeling, we had correctly identified
that Mobal could make huge profits by selling each phone
at a subsidized price, and then making all of its money from
subsequent call charges. So each time we sold a phone, we
made a significant short-term loss. Offering a guarantee on
such an offer might have sounded reckless.
Because the stakes were so high, we carried out a sce-
nario analysis. It forecast that a guarantee would be likely
to increase the overall profits, even taking into account the
costs of servicing the guarantee. (This is where it helps to
have a Cambridge PhD scientist on your team.)
Fortunately, our modeling paid off. We tested a sixty-
day satisfaction guarantee—which was even longer than the
average customer’s trip. The conversion rate rose, and the

232 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
return rate turned out to be much lower than our safeguards
had allowed for—so the guarantee was a huge success.
Before long, the conversion rate was so high, Mobal was
able to invest profitably up to a quarter of a million dollars
per month in offline advertising, and the sales tripled within
twelve months to $9.1 million.

Winning websites…are like water chutes: if

your website doesn’t appeal to both early-
and late-stage buyers, here’s how to design
unbeatable multistep funnels
It’s easy to forget that some visitors aren’t ready
to buy
You hear marketers say that they “want to make visitors
reach for their credit cards.” But pushy selling is usually
thrashed by a sophisticated, relationship-building funnel.
In this chapter, we explain why you need to develop a
sophisticated multistep marketing funnel, which converts
even those visitors who are “just browsing.” Then, we pres-
ent the CRE Funnel Planner, a framework that makes it easy
to design sophisticated funnels.

What we can learn from bricks-and-mortar

About twenty-five years ago, offline bookstores learned not
to push the hard sale. They discovered they could convert
a visitor from “just browsing” to “buying” by making their
stores highly conducive to reading. They added chairs, read-

making websites win 233

ing areas, and even in-store coffee stores. They discovered
that the more time that visitors spent in the store, the more
likely the visitors were to buy.
Amazon has adopted the same approach, allowing vis-
itors to “look inside” books.

The Hazelnut Trail—a mental model that helps

you to design amazing conversion funnels
Imagine that you lost your beloved pet squirrel after letting
him off the leash during a walk in a nearby forest. How
would you coax him back home to his room? One effective
approach (according to the animal advisors we hired for this
convoluted analogy) would be to leave a trail of hazelnuts
from the forest all the way back to the house.
If you simply left all the hazelnuts in a large pile back at
home, then your squirrel wouldn’t make the journey. The
plan would work only if you left a trail of evenly spaced,
irresistibly high quality hazelnuts from where the squirrel
was last seen to where you wanted him to be.
The Hazelnut Trail is a useful analogy for an effective
marketing funnel. Like squirrels, people tend to act based
on rewards, especially short-term rewards. In his book The
Hidden Tools of Comedy (which we love), Steve Kaplan says,

“Everything we do, we do with the hopeful (at times deluded)

idea that it will improve our lives. Everything we’re wearing
today, every choice we’ve made, we made because we thought
it would, even infinitesimally, make things better for us.”

234 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
Your conversion funnel should be like a Hazelnut Trail. Your
visitors must be irresistibly attracted by each step of your
sales funnel. They must believe that every step will make
their lives at least slightly better.

The Conversion Rate Experts (CRE) Funnel

Planner makes it easy to plan your Hazelnut Trail
All of the previous advice is easier said than done. The CRE
Funnel Planner provides a valuable framework. It helps to
turn your one-step sales process into a much more sophis-
ticated, more profitable multistep process. It also makes
it easier to communicate your funnel to your colleagues.
The planner has the following three columns:

The CRE Funnel Planner: Much more powerful than you’d guess from those three
simple columns.

A (terrible) one-step funnel for a seller of fishing

Now, let’s populate the CRE Funnel Planner for InflataFish,
an imaginary company that sells inflatable fishing boats.

making websites win 235

A CRE Funnel Planner for an imaginary seller of inflatable fishing boats.

InflataFish has a crude one-step sales process:

• The visitors want to look at inflatable fishing boats,

maybe to buy one but at the moment just to look.
• InflataFish wants to get the visitors to click on the
“Buy Now” button or order by phone, then pay.
• So InflataFish has overzealously reached for the
visitors’ credit cards. It has created a sales page (rep-
resented by the hazelnut-shaped bullet point) that
describes the boat and its features, advantages, and
benefits. InflataFish hopes that the visitors will click
“Buy Now” and spend $2,000 on a boat.

It’s equivalent to going to a nightclub and asking a stranger

to marry you.

A (good) multipart funnel for a seller of fishing

InflataFish would benefit from creating a multistep Hazel-
nut Trail, as follows:

236 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
A much-improved Hazelnut Trail for the same company.

In this case, the left-hand column is still the same—the

visitor just wants to look at inflatable fishing boats. And,
as before, InflataFish ultimately wants the visitor to click
the “Buy Now” button.
But now, InflataFish has set itself many intermediate
goals, each of which offers an appealing hazelnut reward:

• First, InflataFish wants to become the visitors’ trusted

advisor. It could do this by providing valuable free
reports that explain how to buy inflatable fishing boats.
And it could provide useful product-selection tools. Both
of those are high-quality hazelnut.
• Then, it wants to integrate the visitors into its com-

making websites win 2 37

munity. It could do this by providing a forum in which
its visitors could share fishing advice and experiences.
That’s another high-quality hazelnut.
• Then it wants to collect the visitors’ email addresses.
Which it does by providing three compelling offers
(hazelnuts), including
° a valuable free report called “How to plan the ultimate
fishing trip—100 great tips from our customers.”
° a free, useful DVD about buying and using fishing
° a useful email course delivered daily called “Angling
Alerts: The latest news for fishing enthusiasts.”

Then InflataFish wants the visitors to click on the “Buy

Now” button and pay for a boat. The visitors will do this
when they are ready. But only because over a period of hours,
days, weeks, months, or even years, they have gradually
moved through the Hazelnut Trail, always to the point that
matches their level of comfort, desire, and readiness.
It’s naively optimistic to hope that all visitors will go
along the whole trail in one step. Business relationships—like
personal relationships—take time to build.

“Readiness”—an important concept to

The word readiness is important when it comes to conver-
sion funnels. Many marketers forget that, to a large extent,
buyers will buy only when they are ready.

238 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
• Sometimes people become ready because of something
that has happened. For example,
° A cell-phone contract expires, so a person becomes
free to choose another carrier.
° On deciding to move house, a person starts to look
for a moving company.
° After eating too much over the holidays, a person
decides to join a weight-loss program.
• Sometimes people become ready to buy only once they
have started a project. For example, people tend to plan
a vacation on a day of their choosing, not when they
see an ad for travel insurance. As soon as they decide
to start planning, they begin a flurry of buying flights,
hotels, car hire, etc.

How to manage readiness

It can be prohibitively expensive to persuade visitors to
buy when they aren’t ready. It’s economically preferable
to accept that buyers will buy when they are ready.
There are two ways in which a travel company can get
a person’s attention when they are ready:

1. Appear in the prospect’s mind at the right time. By

building a relationship with a prospect, a company can
be the first thought that pops into a prospect’s mind
when they become ready.
2. Appear somewhere in the buying process. For exam-

m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n 239
ple, a company that sells travel insurance could ensure
that its marketing materials appear within the market-
ing funnels of other travel companies (such as hotels,
airlines, travel insurance, airport transport, etc.).

A sophisticated, $125m Hazelnut Trail

To see an excellent example of a Hazelnut Trail, visit, which is a UK-based financial
services company. Its website is extremely popular, getting
13 million unique visitors a month. In fact, one in six UK
citizens has opted in to its email list. In 2012, it sold for £87
million (about $125 million).
It’s not even obvious that the website is a commercial
venture. On arriving at the website, you’ll be invited to
subscribe to the free money-saving email. Then, you’ll be
shown the valuable best-buy guides that explain, in plain
language, how to buy different types of financial service.
Then, you’ll be introduced to the money-saving forum and
many other useful tools.
The website’s Hazelnut Trail is so effective you don’t
even feel like you’re dealing with a company. By the time
that you sign up for a financial product, you probably won’t
even feel like you have been sold to. The fact that the com-
pany gets paid at the end seems almost incidental.

240 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
Winning websites…manage complexity:
can your visitors not see the wood for the
trees? Here’s an eight-step approach to
managing complex sales
When we ask a website’s visitors why they didn’t buy, we
hear them say the same things over and over again. Lack
of trust comes up a lot, as does lack of understanding and
inability to find a suitable product.
However, some objections aren’t widespread—they
are product-specific. For example, there might be a
hundred reasons why a buyer isn’t ready to buy customer-
relationship-management (CRM) software, and each of the
reasons is specific to CRM software. Each objection has to
be tackled individually. What can you do if your visitors
have tens—or even hundreds—of different objections?
This is where conversion gets hard. For a marketer who
was hoping just to add a few testimonials and a guarantee,
the problem can seem overwhelming. It can only be solved
by a combination of process, diligence, and skill. And the
following steps:

• Step 1: A simple template to manage visitors’ objections

(and your counterobjections)
• Step 2: Should you use long or short copy? (Try to reduce
how many words you need, by reducing the commit-
ment. And then use as many words as you need.)
• Step 3: How to organize your persuasive copy using “sep-
aration of concerns”

making websites win 241

• Step 4: Make it clear where one module ends and the
next begins
• Step 5: Optimize your navigation
• Step 6: Two ways to improve how you label modules
• Step 7: How to use “progressive disclosure” to stop your
visitors getting lost in the detail (and then abandoning)
• Step 8: Fallback options to convert users who still can’t
find what they need

If your business has many different objections, this chapter

describes how you can overcome every single one of them.
Some of the steps may seem obvious, and some may require
a lot of discipline to implement, but together they represent
the easiest way to grow many businesses.

Step 1: A simple template to manage visitors’

objections (and your counterobjections)
In Section 2, we described how to identify your visitors’
objections. To manage all the responses, we recommend
you create what we call an “O/CO” table—a table with two
columns, one for objections and the other for counterob-
jections. Here’sa template O/CO table:

242 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
You can get an amazing amount of value from populating a simple table of your
objections and counterobjections (O/CO).

To begin with, the visitor type and visitor intention should be

broad—for example, “All visitors to” However, if
you work for a large enterprise—a national cell phone carrier,
say—it may be something narrower, like “Visitors who are
under contract with another carrier, who are looking for a
new phone on a pay-monthly rate plan.”
Into the objections column, add all of your visitors’
objections, as revealed by your research. To make your
list more manageable, you may wish to rank the objections
by how frequently they get mentioned.
In the counterobjections column, write down the most
effective responses you’d give to overcome each objection.
You can identify good counterobjections using the fol-
lowing techniques:

• Ask salespeople how they respond to each objection.

• Look through the company’s sales training materials
and sales scripts to see whether there are prewritten
responses to each objection. (If there aren’t, the table

m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n 2 43
you are creating should be added to the company’s sales
training course.)
• Ask live chat support representatives how they counter
each objection.
• See whether the company has “canned responses”
for live chat. They can be a goldmine of tested
• Come up with counterobjections yourself. With most
companies, this is the most fruitful method. The people
who are best at coming up with counterobjections tend
to be intelligent and diligent and have an obsessive
knowledge of direct-response marketing techniques,
persuasive copywriting, psychology, and usability—all
the core skills of CRO.

Step 2: Should you use long or short copy? (Try to

reduce how many words you need, by reducing
the commitment. And then use as many words as
you need.)
Your website will need to contain at least as many words as
you’d use when selling face-to-face.
But this raises an important point. Selling what? If
your company makes customer-relationship-management
(CRM) software, you have a wide choice over what you sell
at each stage:

• At one extreme, you could aim to complete every-

244 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
thing in one step, selling a three-year enterprise-wide
contract for the CRM, with a multimillion-dollar com-
mitment. This may require months of face-to-face
• At the other extreme, you could sell an instant free
trial with no credit card required—and postpone the
rest of the selling to a later stage in your conversion
funnel. It may take you no more than a minute of con-
versation to sell a free trial face-to-face.

If you ask for less, you don’t need to use as many words. So
it pays to explore how you can redesign your conversion
funnel so that each step becomes less commitment.
Of all the possible low-commitment steps, lead-
generation (or lead-gen) pages deserve a special mention,
because they are particularly effective. A lead-gen page is
a page designed to collect the visitors’ contact details—often
their email addresses. The “submit your email address” field
on a lead-gen page represents a low perceived commitment
to the visitor, but a high value to you as a marketer—because
it allows you to lead-nurture the visitor with long copy ad
infinitum (or, at least, ad tedium).
Of course, if you lower the commitment at an early
stage, bear in mind that you may have simply deferred
the commitment—and the persuasion required—to a
subsequent stage. Sometimes a free trial of the product
or service does that persuasion well. Also, it allows you to
collect the visitor’s contact details. Sometimes a free trial

m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n 245
doesn’t work, though, especially if the product or software
unavoidably requires the user to commit time or resources.
(Commitments can include money, work, time, and risk.)
Beware of suboptimizing a particular page only to discover
that the problem pops up further down the funnel. A super-
market could get more customers to the checkout by getting
the security guards to drag them there—or by closing off the
rest of the store—but it wouldn’t increase profits.
The most successful online retailers do both: They
reduce the commitment required from the buyers by pric-
ing products aggressively low, and then using many words.
In many situations, it’s most effective to offer a dual
path: to provide direct, low-commitment calls to action,
plus long copy. Successful software companies often pro-
vide a low-commitment way forward (a free trial), plus
detailed information for those who would prefer it. The
calls to action may be scattered throughout the copy, as in
the following image:

246 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
Many visitors want to know the features of software before they try it out, so it pays
to provide two paths. You can push a low-commitment free trial but also provide
pages and pages of information.

making websites win 2 47

Alternatively, the call to action may be in a lead-gen form
that’s either static or scrolls down the side of the page:

Your call to action may sit at the side of your long page.

248 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
You can offer as many paths as there are next steps that
you’d like the buyer to consider:

Sometimes it’s optimal to provide multiple paths. This example has three: (1) An
order button for visitors who are ready to buy, (2) a button for visitors who want
to schedule a trial, and (3) pages and pages of information for visitors who want
more details.

m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n 249
Step 3: How to organize your persuasive copy
using “separation of concerns”
No matter how long your page is, your visitors should be able
to easily find the information they need. They shouldn’t have
to read the whole page from start to end. A webpage should
be long like a phone book, not like a Russian novel.
Your challenge is thus one of information architecture:
How can you organize all the information so that visitors
see what they need—and at the right level of detail—without
getting bored? This is conversion at its hardest. It’s one of
the biggest challenges for many websites. It’s also extremely
fruitful when you get it right. In the following pages, we
present some techniques and concepts that don’t appear
in copywriting books. They will help you a great deal.
Separation of concerns is a fancy name for when infor-
mation is organized and encapsulated into modules. The
concept is closely related to the phrase “a place for every-
thing and everything in its place.” Separation of concerns
is essential when you’re managing a lot of content. For
website design, the modules can be paragraphs…

250 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
You can encapsulate benefits into clearly labeled paragraphs.

making websites win 2 51

…or page sections…

Many winning websites clearly encapsulate their content into separate

page sections.

…or pages, or groups of pages…

The navigation bars of many websites clearly encapsulate the content into groups
of pages. (In one of our case studies, we describe how we used this technique to
increase paid memberships for Smart Insights by 75%.)

252 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
By modularizing, you allow your visitors to easily find the
information that they need, and to ignore the rest.
It’s hard to stress how important it is to organize infor-
mation into an architecture that’s easy to navigate. Once a
visitor is lost, it’s difficult to show them counterobjec-
tions. They’ll never find them.
Separation of concerns may seem obvious and straight-
forward, but once a company does it badly, a mess quickly
ensues. We are fans of a particular brand of sit-stand desks.
However, whenever we recommend them to people, we
struggle to find the version we own (there are over twenty
variations, each with subtle differences). The problem is
common to many e-commerce websites that give each prod-
uct variation its own page. The visitor has to play a game of
spot the difference between different product pages, many
of which are almost identical except for a few differences.
Visitors don’t want to play spot the difference. If they are
buying a laptop, they don’t want to browse product names
like “ABC123-1Tw, ABC123-2Tb, etc.” Instead, they prefer
to see headings that reflect their current mindset and that
narrow down the choices. They want to be given choices
like “Do you want it with a 1 TB or 2 TB hard drive?” and
“Do you want it in black or white?”

making websites win 2 53

That’s not a store—it’s a warehouse! This is an example of how an e-commerce page
should not look. A product page should help buyers choose between the available
options. It shouldn’t be just a database dump.

The following hack is useful if you are unsure of the logic by

which your products or services should be sold: Phone the
company’s sales department, and ask an open-ended ques-
tion like “I’m having trouble choosing which sit-stand desk
to buy. Could you help me?” Then notice which questions
the sales advisor asks. If they are good, they’ll ask questions
that narrow down the choices. If they are great, they’ll have
a mental logic tree that elegantly narrows down the choices
in as few steps as possible. They almost certainly won’t ask
what the website asks: “Do you want Product ABC, Product
DEF, or Product GHI?” Only a web marketer would do that.
There’s one more reason to clearly modularize your
content: If information is hard to find for a visitor, it
will also be hard to find for the website’s editors. So it

254 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
will be even more likely to deteriorate over time. Poor
separation of concerns tends to snowball. Some telecoms
companies’ websites are messy to the point of being almost
irrecoverably out of control.

Step 4: Make it clear where one module ends and

the next begins
Once your information is clearly modularized, you need to
make it clear where one module ends and the next starts.
You can do this using a hierarchy of text sizes and format-
ting, as we do in this book, using the following techniques:

• Headings (and subheads) clearly show the start of sec-

tions (and subsections). However, be aware that readers
tend to be less aware of the structure than the writer is.
Readers are typically fine with Heading 1 and Heading
2 styles, and tend to be just about okay with Heading
3 styles. By the time a page has reached Heading 4 or
below, the readers often struggle to understand where
they are in the hierarchy.
• Paragraph returns indicate minor changes of topic.
• The opening sentence of a paragraph often introduces
the theme of the paragraph.
• Text in bold (like this) reveals key points, to help
• Bullet-point lists (like this one) represent parallel

making websites win 2 55

Another way to group information is to add background
colors to page sections.

To make it clear where one section ends and another starts, try using alternating
gray and white backgrounds. Imagine how much more confusing the page would be
without the backgrounds.

Another way to demarcate sections is to put information

into boxes.

256 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
It helps to clearly encapsulate content into separate page sections—and it doesn’t
take up any additional space or require any additional thinking.

Step 5: Optimize your navigation

Good navigation helps users find the information they are
seeking. Navigation elements include horizontal and verti-
cal navigation bars, tabs within pages, and on-page Johnson
boxes (like the list of links near the top of our article at www.
Your navigation should reflect how your visitors would
expect to find things. For example, for an e-commerce fash-
ion retailer:

• Users first expect to segment by age/gender (e.g.,

• And then by type of product (e.g., “Clothing”)
• And then by subcategory (e.g., “Dresses”)

The modularization should reflect the visitor’s mental

model—not the mental model of the website’s creator.
When we doubled the sales of the web app PhotoShel-

making websites win 2 57

ter, we managed to grow the sales by 12% by optimizing
the navigation:

PhotoShelter’s visitors converted much better after seeing examples. So we added

an “Examples” tab to the navigation bar, growing overall sales by 12%. (Image credit:

If you are unsure how to organize your information, card-

sorting allows your users to do it for you.

Step 6: Two ways to improve how you label

1. Label each module with a headline that’s clear and
It’s important to use the right words in a section’s heading.
Your words should concisely describe the contents of a
section in a way that will be obvious to visitors. Unfortu-
nately, many websites fail in this respect. In many websites’

258 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
navigation bars, for example, the headings can be under-
stood only by someone who’s already familiar with the
website. For example, companies often use the names of
their products in the navigation, even when the names
aren’t self-explanatory.
You might find it useful to think of it as “surprise nav-
igation.” With surprise navigation, you don’t know what
you’re going to get until you’ve got it. Surprise navigation
is as pointless as a road sign that can’t be understood until
you’ve arrived at the destination. It’s generous even to call
it navigation; it’s more like an in-joke.
Surprise navigation isn’t limited to navigation bars; it
also appears anywhere that has road sign functionality—
including headlines, subheads, the titles of page sections
and other page elements.
Surprise navigation is a common problem; it leads vis-
itors into oblivion, and it kills conversions.
You can eliminate yours by reading all of your head-
ings, including the tabs in your navigation, the headings
of pages, and the headings of sections—and then ensuring
that each heading would be understandable to a newcomer.
Then, to confirm that you were right, carry out user tests
and Treejack tests.

m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n 2 59
2. How to fix your headings: Many marketers
mistakenly label modules with “categorizers” when
they should have used “spoilers” or “teasers”
It’s often not enough for a heading to describe what’s in the
module. It should also tease or spoil.
So if your page has a section of media testimonials, intro-
duce it with a spoiler headline. That way, you communicate
the message even to skim-readers:

• Categorization headline: “Media mentions” (worse)

• Teaser headline: “See what the press are saying about
us…” (a bit better)
• Spoiler headline: “We’ve had rave reviews from TIME,
CNN, and many others!” (much better)

If you definitely want the user to click through, use a head-

line that teases, not spoils:

• Categorization headline: “A video of a kitten pouncing

on a hawk” (worse)
• Spoiler headline: “A kitten pounced on a hawk in a
playful way, because they are friends” (no better)
• Teaser headline: “A kitten pounced on a hawk. I was
expecting a nasty ending. What happened next is amaz-
ing!” (better)

Even many professional copywriters make the mistake of

260 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
using categorization headlines when they should have used
spoiler or teaser headlines:

• Categorization headline: “Meet the 4th-gen Thin-

koStat Learning Thermostat” (worse)
• Teaser headline: “The 4th-Generation ThinkoStat
Learning Thermostat. See how we’ve made the best
even better.” (better)
• Spoiler headline: “Meet the 4th-Generation ThinkoStat
Learning Thermostat: Now it controls your hot water,
it’s even more beautiful, and it’s easier to use.” (better)

Step 7: How to use “progressive disclosure” to

stop your visitors getting lost in the detail (and
then abandoning)
Progressive disclosure means hiding information so vis-
itors don’t see it until they need it. We rely heavily on
progressive disclosure. It is still greatly underused.
On the web, the most common method of progres-
sive disclosure is to put information onto another page.
That way, the visitor won’t see the information unless they
click on a link to it. This method has drawbacks, though.
Once a visitor clicks on a link to go to another page, they
may not return.
It’s often much better to use on-page elements.

making websites win 2 61

Examples of progressive disclosure
There are many ways to hide information within a page so
it’s revealed only when the user hovers over it or clicks on it:

Carousels with right and left arrows indicate that more products can be viewed.

An accordion can be used to hide detail.

Tooltips are a great way to conceal information until it’s needed.

262 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
It’s possible to use horizontal and vertical carousels in combination, to show two
different dimensions of data. For example, in an e-commerce store, you could show
thumbnails of color variations on the horizontal axis and photos of different views
of the product on the vertical axis.

When the users hover over an image, an alternative view can be shown.

m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n 2 63
Information can be hidden behind a “Read more” link (which, in the context of
a bookseller, might sound like a subtly placed marketing slogan). When clicked,
the “Read more” turns into “Read less” (which would be a terrible slogan for
a bookseller).

The information in a Help Center can be intuitively categorized into subjects. When
the user clicks on a triangle, the answer is revealed. You can keep the answers short
by linking to separate pages for users who want even more detail.

264 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
A tooltip can contain any kind of information.

m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n 265
There’s no limit to what can be put in a tooltip. A travel website may choose to
display the times of return trips when the user hovers over the outbound journey.

Visitors to were concerned that the company

had no phone number. We wrote a counterobjection that
explained why this perceived shortcoming was actually a
benefit. We added “Where’s our phone number?” to the
header, and linked it to an overlay. This was one of the
contributing factors that helped us make an additional $20
million (£14 million) per year for the company.

266 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
By keeping the information in an overlay, was able to counter one of
its biggest objections without distracting visitors away from its conversion funnel.

SimpliSafe is an innovative home security company.

We have helped it to grow its revenue by more than five
times. (Its team members are some of the smartest, most
dynamic people we’ve worked with.) Because SimpliSafe
sells self-install systems, its visitors need a lot of advice. In
the following example, SimpliSafe hides a huge amount of
information behind those turquoise plus (+) signs.

making websites win 2 67

When clicked, each one of the turquoise “+” signs reveals a different overlay (as
shown in the image below). (Image credit: SimpliSafe.)

Each overlay contains enough information to warrant having its own page. But
it’s better for it to be in an overlay, so the user doesn’t lose where they are in the
conversion funnel. (Image credit: SimpliSafe.)

At the start of this chapter, we described progressive dis-

closure as hiding information. However, it may be more

268 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
intuitive to think of progressive disclosure in the positive
sense—as adding information that otherwise may not
warrant space on the page.
There are so many ways to progressively disclose infor-
mation, how do you know where to start? Should you use a
tooltip or an exit overlay? In the following pages, we describe
the four types of “building blocks” with which you can build
progressive-disclosure elements.

Building blocks of progressive disclosure: 1. Ways to

indicate that more information can be revealed
You can use any of the following visual text cues to indicate
that more information can be revealed:

m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n 269
• Arrows, triangles, and chevrons indicate that infor-
mation will appear as an expanding element. (The
following image shows multiple types—not that you’d
normally include all of them on one page.)

• Text that’s made to look like a link—usually by being

a different color or underlined—is often effective and
uses no additional space.

27 0 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
• Icons with +, ?, or i on them use little space and hint at
the nature of the content that will appear.

making websites win 271

• Magnifying glasses, depending on context, can indi-
cate that the resulting information will be zoomed in,
or that a search field will appear.

27 2 making websites win

• Nothing—in other words, you give no clue that infor-
mation will be progressively disclosed. For example, if
a user hovers over a particular page element, a tooltip
may appear unannounced. Take this approach if you
aren’t anxious for the visitor to discover the information,
and you don’t want to clutter the interface.
• Showing elements that are abruptly cut off. If only
part of an element—a photo, for example—is visible,
visitors correctly guess that the rest of it can be revealed.
(This is one of the techniques we described on our web-
site in our article about how to make users scroll down
your page.)

making websites win 273

Building blocks of progressive disclosure: 2. Ways to
trigger the information
The information can be triggered in several ways:

• By users clicking on the area. Use this if you don’t want

to show the information unless users are keen to see it.

274 making websites win

• By users swiping, as with carousels. (Consider offer-
ing clickable arrows too, to supplement the swiping.)
Swiping is great for showing a large amount of extra
information without disorienting the visitor.

• By users hovering over the area. Use this option if you

are keen for the information to be viewed. Touchscreens
don’t support hovering, so touchscreen users usually
have to click instead.

making websites win 275

• When the user scrolls a certain distance down a page.

276 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
• When the user appears to be exiting the page, by
moving their pointer above the viewport of the browser.

making websites win 277

• Some websites effectively do progressive disclosure in
reverse; they reveal the information spontaneously when
the page loads, and then allow it to be hidden. Some
websites display notifications that appear when the
page loads and then disappear after a few seconds—or
when the user closes them. Qualaroo’s on-page surveys
appear spontaneously but can be hidden by clicking on
their “minimize” tabs.

278 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
Building blocks of progressive disclosure: 3. Formats
in which to present the information
The hidden information can appear in several formats:

• In a separate page. Do this if you aren’t anxious for the

visitor to return to the original page.
• In an overlay. Overlays can be effectively used if you
don’t want to distract the visitor from your conversion

making websites win 279

• In a carousel. These come in useful when there’s a lot
of similar information to show.

• In a tooltip (which is effectively a small overlay). These

are great for small amounts of information. They tend
to be anchored to a point on the page, so they can be
fiddly when triggered near the edge of the viewport.

280 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
• By a page section expanding within the page. These
are particularly useful when the information doesn’t
need to be hidden again. And when expanding them
won’t mess up the layout of the page.

making websites win 2 81

Building blocks of progressive disclosure: 4. Ways to
trigger the information to be hidden again
The revealed information can be hidden again in several

• By disappearing when the user stops hovering over

that section. This can help or hinder users, depending
on whether they are more likely to have problems con-
tinuing to hover over the content (because it’s small)
or hiding it (often because it’s large). Hovering doesn’t
apply to touchscreens, for which clicking must be used

282 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
• By users clicking on a “Close” icon. This is often the
best option; users tend to understand it well.

m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n 2 83
• By users clicking away from the page element. This
is convenient for users who are “in the know,” but it
isn’t discoverable, so it should be used in addition to
showing a “Close” icon.

284 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
• Spontaneously after a certain time period. This is often
used with information that appeared spontaneously too.

• When the user stops doing whatever triggered the


Step 8: Fallback options to convert users who

still can’t find what they need
Sometimes, visitors will fail to find information no matter
how well you have structured it.
In such cases, the following fallback options can
be effective:

m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n 2 85
• A search box: Search can help users to find what they
need, but only at the expense of “teleporting” them into
a different part of your website. Once they arrive on the
search results page, they often lose their bearings. Once
in a while, look through the queries in your search logs to
identify which information the visitors had failed to find
while browsing. Often, you’ll find that the information
wasn’t where users would have expected it to be.
• A knowledge base: Knowledge bases can help users find
answers to their questions. But, as with search boxes,
visitors who search knowledge bases often lose where
they were in the conversion funnel.
• Live chat: A live chat operator should be able to find
information that the visitor can’t. Whether live chat is
economically viable depends on the economics of your
business (and not on the whims of the customer-sup-
port team).
• A prominently placed phone number: Not all visitors
want to pick up the phone. But for those who do, phone
calls tend to convert extremely well. The main drawback
of phone calls is that they don’t scale easily; call centers
operatives need hiring, training, paying(!), and looking
after. As such, the ideal combination is usually for the
website to do as much of the work as possible.

286 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
Winning websites…sail past the
competition: if your visitors are choosing
your competitors, here’s how to win
If you don’t have a strategy for winning despite competitors,
you are doomed.
This chapter describes many powerful concepts and
techniques we have used to help our clients dominate in
some of the world’s most competitive markets.
Some of the things you’ll get in this chapter:

• four reasons why niching usually wins;

• how to spot good niches: three easy techniques you
can use;
• six ways to spot opportunities your competitors will
ignore; and
• some funny photos of good and bad competitive

How to make your visitors choose you (and not

your competitors)
No company exists in a vacuum. Sometimes, visitors
abandon your website simply because they prefer your
How can you win the sale?
You could attempt to become better than all of your
competitors in every way, but it’s hard being all things to

making websites win 2 87

all people. It’s much more effective to niche—to focus your
efforts on being the best in a small number of dimensions.
You can be the best by providing a subset of features
that some people would love:

• Budget airlines chose a single dimension in which to

excel: low headline prices. They lowered headline
prices by cutting costs and turning many features into
optional upsells, capturing the (large) segment of the
market that made its decision based primarily on head-
line price.
• Our client daFlores is an e-commerce store that
became successful by delivering a restricted range
of products—flowers—to a restricted geographical
location—Latin America—at a time when its compet-
itors hadn’t established the infrastructure to provide
this service.

Often, you can niche by targeting a particular group of

customers. For example,

• Our client is a job site that serves only voice-

over artists and people who are seeking voice-over
• Our client Moz serves SEOs. Moz’s product has changed
over the years, but its target market has remained
roughly the same throughout.

288 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
Niching often wins
When you niche your service to a particular group of needs
or customers, you get several powerful advantages. To illus-
trate the point, consider shampoo. If you study the shelves
of a supermarket, you’ll see shampoo for the following:

• Oily, itchy, and greasy hair

• Heavily dandruffy hair
• Suave professional hair
• Hair with fox poo it (to be fair, this one may not be in
the same section of the supermarket)

In fact, you’d struggle to find general-purpose shampoo

that isn’t niched to a particular type of hair.
Niched shampoos have displaced all the non-niched ones,
because they have been more successful with customers.

m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n 2 89
Four reasons why niching usually wins

An un-niched service (though clearly a multitalented person).

Niching is effective for several reasons:

1. A niched product is worded in terms of the cus-

290 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
tomer’s need. The niched product effectively says, “I
understand your situation, and I am a ready-made solu-
tion for it.” It’s hard to overlook a product that has
been designed to satisfy your exact need.
2. People are aware that niched things are often better.
A surgeon who specializes in a rare type of gastric opera-
tion will tend to be better at it than a surgeon who hasn’t.
Specialists tend to be more proficient than generalists,
because they have focused their resources on solving a
narrower problem. As a result, most people recognize
that specialization is an indicator of high perfor-
mance. So even if all shampoo bottles were to contain
the same ingredients, customers would still expect the
specialist ones to be better.
3. Niching allows you to become the best in the world.
No one checks into a hotel and asks the concierge,
“What’s the second-best Chinese restaurant nearby?”
Seth Godin argues that buyers always want the best in
the world. Though he admits that “the best” depends on
what the target segment wants (e.g., Chinese food), and
that “the world” may be restricted (e.g., to restaurants
within a certain distance of the hotel). Godin argues that,
to be successful, a person or company must define the
“world” it will be best in, and what it means by “best.”
And then, crucially, to not fall short.
4. Things that are niched get attention. All death-metal
bands have similar logos. Except for the band “Party
Cannon.” See if you can spot Party Cannon’s logo:

making websites win 2 91

Going to a death-metal festival? See if you can spot Party Cannon’s logo. (Image
credit: Party Cannon.)

“Each time our logo goes viral, we gain fans—which is awe-

some.” —Chris, Party Cannon

Niching works best for marginal outsiders

Niching works best in marketplaces that are noisy and over-
crowded. By being distinctive, you win a disproportionate
amount of attention.
Once you have grown to saturate your niche, though,
you need to satisfy more people and needs. At that

292 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
point, the winning strategy is to become less niched and
more moderate.
You see this happen during TV talent shows and political
campaigns. At the start of a political campaign, a candidate
benefits from being extreme. As the campaign progresses,
and competitors are eliminated, the wise candidate mellows,
sacrificing attention-getting antics in order to appeal to a
broader audience.

Tread on as few toes as possible

The software company HubSpot refuses to offer consulting
services. Instead, it operates a partner program for agencies.
As a result, many consultancies around the world evangelize
HubSpot. If HubSpot had chosen to offer consultancy ser-
vices, those same companies would have actively avoided
recommending HubSpot.
By being niched and focused, your company can be
symbiotic with other businesses. Neighboring companies
become allies.
By being unfocused and broad, your company treads
on more toes. Those allies become competitors.
Exercise restraint when widening the scope of your ser-
vices. Try to minimize your number of competitors. Keep
your footprint small.

m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n 2 93
How to spot good niches: Three easy techniques
you can use

• Look back at the success you have had over the past
year. You may find that it has a theme. You may have
already started niching inadvertently. Amplify that
niching by communicating it to your visitors. In his
book Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Peter Drucker
describes how Macy’s department store initially down-
played the growing effect of appliance sales on its
profits. It considered the sales to be an “embarrassing
success.” Macy’s profits rose only once it embraced
appliance sales as a part of its image.
• As markets grow, they fragment. If you can pick the
next dimension along which your market will fragment,
you can get there first. used to be the only
dating website anyone had heard of. As the industry
grew, many niched dating sites became successful.
There are now successful dating sites aimed at
° long-term relationships (eHarmony);
° time-starved professionals (Lovestruck);
° people who don’t want to pay (PlentyOfFish);
° people of certain religions (ChristianMingle);
° country folk (Muddy Matches);
° and, ahem, Tinder.
• What is luxury today will be mainstream tomorrow.
Study your most advanced, sophisticated, wealthiest
users. The problems they have today—and the solutions

294 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
they use—will soon be mass market. Such users give you
a glimpse of the future. When plasma TVs first came
out, they were used only by exhibitors at trade shows.
As prices fell, plasma TVs began to be bought by public
venues like bars. It took years before they began to be
bought for domestic use. What are your sophisticated
users buying today? How can you help to make that
service mainstream?

Niching works best when you create a new

When we started working with Mobal, it rented phones to
international travelers. So did its competitors. We created a
new value proposition for Mobal: a travel-phone you could
own for just $49, with no monthly fees.
Suddenly, Mobal was no longer one of many phone-
rental companies; it was the $49-travel-phone company.
Reviews in travel magazines would say, “If you need a phone
when you’re abroad, you have two options: (1) rent one or
(2) buy a Mobal phone.”
By creating a new category, Mobal became 50% of
the available options. And gained free coverage in TIME,
Inc., Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and almost every
travel magazine.

m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n 2 95
Six ways to spot niching opportunities your
competitors will ignore
One of the most common mistakes is simply to identify
an opportunity, and then aim to capture it. Just because
something is an opportunity today doesn’t mean it’s
worth chasing.
Instead, look for opportunities that you can seize
without a struggle, because your competitors won’t
stop you.
List your opportunities, and then run them through
the following checklist, to identify which of them your
competitors are likely to avoid:

1. Some competitors will avoid an opportunity because

it runs against their strategy, their brand, and what
they stand for: If Rolex were to start making cars, you
could predict with reasonable confidence that it would
target the luxury end of the market. Rolex would be
unlikely to compete with a company that sells low-end
cars. If Ikea were to launch a car, on the other hand, you
might expect it to be lower priced and more function-
ally designed. And maybe you’d need to assemble the
engine yourself. Ikea would, therefore, be less likely to
compete with a company that sells luxury cars.
2. Coca-Cola brands itself as being an age-old classic.
Pepsi is therefore safe to position itself as being modern,
because Coca-Cola will not attempt to occupy that

296 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
3. Some competitors will avoid an opportunity because it
would disrupt their existing business: When Google
first made its office software free, it was safe to assume
that Microsoft wouldn’t do the same. Such a move would
have undermined too much of Microsoft’s revenue. In
his book The Innovator’s Dilemma, Clayton Christensen
calls this principle dependency. Companies depend on
their existing customers, revenue, and investors and
are unlikely to upset them.
4. You ideally want to focus on an opportunity that will
inevitably grow—to “skate where the puck is going.”
Fortunately, many competitors will avoid such an oppor-
tunity because it isn’t big enough yet. This leaves a
gap that you can fill. Even when an opportunity will
imminently become large, many competitors will ignore
it until it happens.
5. Some competitors will avoid an opportunity because
they have a track record of failing at that activity.
Or not even trying. If a company has always failed at
something, or has always avoided doing it, you can
predict with reasonable confidence that it will continue
to do the same. Often, you’ll never find out the reasons.
Fortunately, you don’t need to. For example, when
Yahoo! acquires a tech company, you can be reason-
ably confident that that tech company will no longer
be a threat.
6. Some competitors will avoid an opportunity because
it doesn’t match their strengths. In this respect, it’s

making websites win 2 97

helpful to consider what Guy Kawasaki calls “your unfair
7. Some competitors will avoid an opportunity because
they don’t know something that you do. Your expe-
rience may reveal an opportunity that other companies
wouldn’t even recognize or appreciate.

Are the following psychological biases stopping

you from niching?
If niching is so effective, why do so few companies do
it? Because niching means overcoming three types of psy-
chological discomfort:

Discomfort 1: Focus = Neglect

Many people agree that they need to focus more. But they
think that focus means concentrate. It doesn’t. Focus means
neglect. As Steve Jobs said, “Focus means saying no to the
hundred other good ideas.” Focusing doesn’t feel empow-
ering; it feels embarrassing, upsetting, and scary. A sign
that you are focusing is that you frequently cringe at
the things you aren’t doing. Your head knows you are
doing the right thing, but your stomach turns at the things
you are neglecting.
How can you overcome the cringing feeling? Remind
yourself that your neglect can be temporary. Once you
dominate a particular niche, you can incrementally expand
the scope of your business. As Amazon has done. Amazon

298 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
started by being a bookstore and is heading toward being
an everything store.

Discomfort 2: You must ignore social proof

If you see people running out of a building, you would be
wise to copy them; maybe the building is on fire. People trust
social proof because it’s often a reliable indicator. However,
it can work against you. Next time your market research
reveals an opportunity and you wonder why no one
else has tried it, be aware that your desire for social
proof might be the only thing standing between you
and success.

Discomfort 3: You mustn’t conform

We tend to behave like those around us, to be liked or
accepted. This same instinct can cause marketers to feel a
twinge of discomfort every time they stray from the norm.
But niching means doing things that others don’t. So next
time you feel a twinge of awkwardness because your
company is doing something eccentric—because you
are sticking your neck out—remind yourself that your
desire for conformity might be holding you back.

The riches in niches

The best way to “beat your competitors” is often to redefine
yourself so that you have fewer of them.
Be prepared to go to war, but choose your battles wisely.

m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n 2 99
Winning websites…keep attention: if your
visitors are forgetting about you, here’s
how to make them keep coming back

Your visitors’ browsing sessions get can sidetracked by real life. This family, for
example, could possibly get distracted by eating, parenting, or the inevitable
breakdown of their relationships.

Your visitors aren’t all sitting in a usability testing lab in

isolation. They are real people living real lives:

• Their kids might ask to be fed, and they have to aban-

don their online shopping to go and “cook” a bowl of
breakfast cereal.
• Their taxi driver might arrive to take them to line
• Their dog might knock a glass of red wine onto the
floor, and so they hurriedly abandon the life insurance

300 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
form they were completing, and instead spend the next
twenty minutes mopping an excellently clingy shiraz
with apricot top notes out of their rug.

Stuff like that. Real lives can be distracting.

Once your visitors are distracted, they may never come
back. How can you, as a web marketer, overcome those
problems? You can’t make breakfasts. You can’t postpone
line dancing. You can’t absorb wine. So how can you make
those visitors come back?

Solution 1: Be memorable enough so that they

There are many ways to be memorable. Here are just
three examples:

• Have a memorable name: Once someone has heard

the name SurveyMonkey, they are likely to remember
it. That’s a conversion benefit that many of SurveyMon-
key’s competitors—Typeform, for example—don’t have.
If you want to create a great, memorable name for your
product or company, we highly recommend you get
the book “Hello, My Name is Awesome” by Alexandra
Watkins. Alexandra’s company, Eat My Words, also
offers a useful free PDF.
• Have an entertaining message: Dollar Shave Club
became famous overnight with a video ad that went
viral. Within four years, it sold to Unilever for $1 billion.

making websites win 3 01

• Be different: LingsCars is a real business. It’s much
larger than it appears. It achieves memorability by look-
ing absolutely crazy.

Dollar Shave Club became successful off the back of its entertaining explainer video.

302 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
You probably wouldn’t want to replicate it, but LingsCars shows how successful a
company can be just by standing out.

Solution 2: Establish ways to communicate with

the visitors on an ongoing basis
If you can get your visitors’ contact details, or get them
to follow you, then the pressure’s off. You no longer need
to persuade them in a single session; you can do it over a
period of days, weeks, months, or years.

• Offer a no-brainer deal with a tiny commitment.

Consider how you could greatly increase the conversion
rate of the first visit by greatly reducing the commitment

m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n 303
your visitors need to make. We described this in detail
in “Step 2: Should you use long or short copy?”
• Persuade your visitors to follow you on Facebook, Linke-
dIn, Twitter, YouTube, or whichever social network is
used most in your industry.
• Use ad retargeting to persuade your visitors to come
back. Retargeted ads are particularly effective. Visitors
who visited once tend to be extremely likely to visit
• Collect your visitors’ contact details—their email
addresses, postal addresses, and/or phone num-
bers—and then create a follow-up flow that keeps their
attention and persuades them to proceed. In many
industries—such as education—this beats everything

304 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
Many companies ask for contact details as soon as the visitors arrive. It may seem a
bit “forward” but it works.

The university-degrees niche is highly competitive. The winning call to action tends
to be to collect contact details and then follow up via email and phone.

All of the techniques listed here are effective at turning the

relationship into more than a one-night stand.

m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n 305
By using them, your business becomes resilient to
hungry kids, taxis, wine stains, and whatever else life throws
at your visitors.

Winning websites…get prompt action: if

your visitors are taking their time, here’s
how to get them to act immediately
In exit surveys, visitors often report that they need to go
away and think about it. Such responses are particularly
common for purchases that are complex and nonurgent.
In such cases, the best solution is usually to look for
reasons for urgency.

How travel agents use urgency

The travel industry is masterful at finding reasons for
urgency and scarcity—which it expresses frequently
throughout booking processes. At every step, there is a
genuine reason for the visitor to hurry up.
Let’s look for a hotel in New York and see the techniques
in action:

306 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
Notifications often appear over the page a few seconds after it loads, capturing the
visitors’ attention.

Within seconds of the page loading, a first notification

appears in the top-right corner:

Another urgency notification.

Ah, so it’s a competition! This communicates scarcity and

urgency. Almost immediately, a second notification appears:

An urgency notification.

making websites win 307

So those fourteen people aren’t just looking; they’re
booking. Note how the specific details make the urgency
more palpable.
A third notification appears:

Another urgency notification.

So not only are rooms selling out, they are becoming

more expensive!
And then:

A notification to communicate low commitment and to reduce the perceived risk.

which lowers the perceived risk of acting urgently.

A minute ago, we were idly browsing hotels. We didn’t
even know there was a Novotel hotel on Times Square. Now
we are caught in a Black Friday-style stampede for it.
Notice how the page elements above don’t just repeat

308 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
the same message. They manage to express urgency in
many subtly different ways.

Framing gains as losses

Ticket brokers focus on urgency too. Imagine you receive an
email announcing that an ’80s soft metal band are having
a reunion tour. You click on it out of curiosity. Before you
know it, the ticket broker has reserved particular seats for
you, and then show a timer at the side of the page:

A timer on a checkout page adds urgency—particularly when it’s getting close

to zero.

It’s the only animated part of the page, so it flickers its

message of urgency in the corner of your eye as you study
the page.
This alert doesn’t just express urgency. It has turned the
decision into a fear of loss. The seat numbers have already
been reserved for you; now you just need to decide whether
to abandon them or not. According to Prospect Theory,
changes that are framed as losses are weighed much more
heavily than changes that are framed as gains.
And before you can say “soft-rock poodle perm,” you

m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n 309
have bought tickets to see 90 minutes of new romantic
power ballads.

How some companies build scarcity into their

In our experience, almost all businesses have genuine scar-
city and urgency.
However, many companies manufacture scarcity and
urgency, in the same way that they manufacture their prod-
ucts. Manufacturers of luxury goods, like Rolex, Ferrari,
Louis Vuitton, build scarcity into their marketing plans.
Even if the product isn’t scarce, the offer can be. Com-
panies like Bose create rolling time-limited offers. For
example, Bose might offer free accessories for anyone who
orders by the end of the month. But what happens the fol-
lowing month? No more offer? Instead, the offer simply
switches to another time-limited offer, which expires at
the end of that month. Such offers allow the company to
always have a reason for the visitor to act promptly. An
extreme example of rolling time-limited offers are daily
deals websites.

Principles of urgency
Urgency is about time. Explore reasons why your visitors
should act promptly.

• Whenever possible, have a deadline, and always give

a reason why the deadline exists.

31 0 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
• If there are no inevitable deadlines, consider creating
deadlines. For example, offer a premium or discount
for people who respond within a certain period. (For
example, conferences usually have an early bird reg-
istration period.)
• Look for scarcity in your business. Scarcity causes
an inevitable deadline—the time at which the scarce
resource runs out.

Winning websites…thrive in an imperfect

world: if parts of your sales funnel are
outside of your control (and are terrible),
here’s how to win regardless
Are parts of your sales funnel outside of your
Many marketers have their hands tied, unable to edit
crucial parts of their funnels.
This is particularly common for businesses that
are paid for generating leads for other businesses—for
example, for financial services, education, health care, or
real estate:

• A financial services company might send its visitors

to an application form on a bank’s website. If the bank’s
website is terrible (many are), what can the financial
services company do?
• A college education broker might send its leads to an

making websites win 3 11

application form on a particular college’s website. If
the college’s website is terrible (many are), what can
the broker do?
• A real estate broker or a health care provider might
send its visitors to a local sales team that is terrible at
closing the deal (many are). What can the real estate
broker do?

The problem also occurs when part of the funnel is man-

aged by a different department that isn’t interested in
doing CRO. This happens surprisingly often. For example,
many of our clients hire us for help with their marketing
materials, but then discover through our research that
numerous opportunities lie within the onboarding and
usability of the product itself. This is really common with
web app companies.
The “other” part of the organization is typically much
worse at CRO. (We presume it’s because of the Dunning-
Kruger effect; people who lack particular skills also lack the
metacognition to appreciate their lack of skills.)
Regardless, it’s frustrating—for your visitors, who have
to face the Handover of Death, and for you, who knows it
could be prevented.

31 2 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
How can you protect your visitors from the Handover of Death?

Seven effective remedies for when you don’t

control the conversion page
Here’s what you can do to fix the problem:

1. Ensure your visitors are fully persuaded

Ensure that your visitors are fully persuaded before they
leave your website. Don’t rush them to leave. Don’t push

making websites win 3 13

them into a checkout process, for example, before they are
persuaded to take action.

2. Ensure your visitors qualify

Before your visitors leave, ensure that they qualify for the
product they are considering. Financial products, for exam-
ple, often have many qualification criteria. If you send a
visitor to apply for a mortgage that they aren’t qualified
for, they won’t (can’t) convert, and you are unlikely to see
them again.

3. Hustle your tracking code onto the ultimate

conversion page
If you are only able to track when someone clicks away from
your website, you will optimize your business for click-outs,
not for conversions. So do whatever you can to put tracking
code on the ultimate conversion page—even if it takes some
negotiating and hustling. That way, you can optimize for
the true goal.

4. Be a destination, not just the station

Build a relationship with your visitors. You don’t want
to simply be the station that your visitors pass through on
the way to their final destination. Find ways of providing
value to them, so they come to see you as a trusted advi-
sor. Get their contact details, or get them to follow you on
social media, so they remember to return next time they
need your advice.

31 4 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
5. Be memorable
Be memorable in terms of your name and branding, so that
visitors think of you next time they have the same need.

6. Have a reason why visitors should order via you

Offer visitors a reason to order via you rather than via a
competitor. A highly effective technique is to give away
information, because the marginal cost of doing so is almost
zero, yet it can provide significant value to the customer.
Information can be a deal maker. Shell Oil did this with
outrageous success by giving away booklets about motoring.
The booklets had titles like “How you can spot some car
problems before they cost big money” and “How to save
gasoline when you buy a car, drive a car, and take care of a
car.” The campaign was reported to be Shell’s most success-
ful ever, with three hundred million booklets given away.

7. Expand your influence

Do whatever you can to get permission to edit those
parts of the funnel that aren’t in your control. One of
our clients, a phone company, discovered that one-third
of all its inbound calls were from customers inquiring how
to use the travel adapters that came free with the phones.
We decided to contact the company that made the travel
adapters and offered to redesign its packaging to make it
more usable. After several rounds of iteratively designing
and then usability testing, we sent off the much-improved
packaging designs to the manufacturer. Several weeks later,

making websites win 3 15

when customers started receiving the newly designed travel
adapters, the problematic inbound customer calls dropped
to zero.

Winning websites…have a huge lifetime

customer value (LCV): how to identify
opportunities to increase your LCV, the
powerful conversion metric that people
forget about
Some people wrongly believe that CRO stops when
a customer places an order. In fact, increasing repeat
purchases is one of the easiest way to grow your business.
Another is to enthuse customers to tell their friends. In this
chapter, you’ll learn some techniques to turn visitors into
raving fans who love your company, spend a lot, and tell
their friends to do the same.

Your conversion funnel extends to the whole customer experience—and beyond.

31 6 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
To win at conversion, you must win at LCV. The most
successful companies can outbid their competitors in adver-
tising—not just because they outconvert their competitors,
but also because their customers keep returning to spend more.
That way, the cost of acquiring a customer can be recouped
over the total lifetime of the customer.
Furthermore, existing customers are easier to convert—
provided they had a good experience first time round.
So how can you get customers to spend more, and more
often? We have worked with many companies, and we have
noticed commonalities in the ones that have become most
successful. The following sections reveal our observations
on what works.

A mindset to maximize LCV

Does success come to those who deserve it?
Until recently, the answer was no. But the world is chang-
ing quickly, and the answer is moving toward yes. Good
people—and good companies—are increasingly getting what
they deserve. The phrase “If you build it, they will come”
used to be a “falsism.” But the internet has made consumers
much better at finding great products and services.
Here’s an example. In the past, a bad restaurant in a tour-
ist hotspot could prosper by preying on an endless supply
of naive customers. Now, thanks to sites like TripAdvisor,
prospective diners can find out the truth. So diners go to the
best restaurants and they avoid the bad ones. The top-rated
restaurants get almost all of the money.

making websites win 3 17

If we ran a restaurant, we’d focus on delivering value—
by cooking great food and making customers happy—in
the firm belief that everything else would look after itself,
because the truth would get out.
If your core value isn’t high, you’ll get almost no rewards
until you become the best available option for your target
market—at which point the rewards come rushing in.
Because everyone wants the best. No one goes shopping
for their second-best option.
So if you were running a restaurant, you’d want your
food and service to be not just good but the best, and you’d
want your employees to be not just happy but the happiest,
because being best is disproportionately more fruitful than
being second, third, or fourth. (Of course, the definition of
best requires you to niche to a particular target market and
a particular offering; a fast-food restaurant is the best at
satisfying particular needs of particular customers.)
So we advise our clients to “become deserving of what
you want.” To build a company that deserves to be hugely
successful, because it’s the best in the world at delivering
value. To focus their efforts on delivering and improving
every aspect of their service.
This isn’t just nice-to-hear fluff. Many marketers are
attracted to short-term hacks and black-hat secrets. (If you
ever go to a conference where one of the talks has a title
that mentions sneaky tricks, notice how full the room is.)
We find those that win at conversion tend to be those
that aim to build something great.

31 8 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
Use Net Promoter Score to improve customer
How can you measure whether you’re turning visitors into
raving fans? Net Promoter Score (NPS) can be simple and
effective. To measure your raving-fan-ness, simply ask
your customers the following question: “On a scale of 0 to
10, how likely are you to recommend us to a friend or col-
league?” You then calculate the percentage of respondents
who gave scores of 9 or 10 (NPS calls those people “Pro-
moters”), and then subtract the percentage of respondents
who gave scores of 0 to 6 (NPS calls them “Detractors”).
The theory is that Promoters will grow your business via
word of mouth and that Detractors will shrink your business
via word of mouth. An NPS of +100 would mean that every
customer would be a raving fan, evangelizing you wherever
they go. An NPS of –100 would mean the opposite, that
every customer is out there complaining. NPS isn’t just
useful as a metric; it’s useful as a concept. An NPS of +100
is a guiding star that every team member can envisage and
strive for.
Your raving fans are likely to make subsequent purchases,
and they are likely to recommend you to their friends.

Upsell and cross-sell

In addition to selling more of the same thing, you can also
increase LCV by satisfying additional needs. In the chapter
about giving people what they want, we described a process
to identify what your customers will buy from you, and

making websites win 3 19

how to explore which of those opportunities will make the
biggest impact.

No bounds: Let CRO permeate every aspect of a

One of our clients sells sheds online. Our CEO, Ben, was
the most in need of a new shed. (More accurately, he was
the person least reluctant to get one.) Ben had many insights
during the buying process. One of the more interesting
insights came once the shed was delivered to the front of his
house. Ben discovered that the shed’s components would
not fit easily through a standard doorway. They scraped the
paint off the house’s door frame. Based on this feedback,
our client redesigned all its sheds so that no component
was too large to fit through a doorway. This improved the
client’s customer feedback rating, which was already high.

320 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
In buying and constructing this shed, Ben made an observation that led to the
manufacturer redesigning its entire range.

Some people would deem shed-testing to be outside of the

remit of CRO. You can apply your CRO skills to every aspect
of a business, throughout the whole customer experience.
We’ve applied CRO to offline advertising, explainer videos,
product design, sales scripts, recruitment funnels, training
programs—and almost every other aspect of a business.
The following activities are often effective at increasing
customer satisfaction and LCV:

• Building the relationship with visitors via regular fol-

low-up—with an email autoresponder sequence or
lead-generation welcome pack.

making websites win 321

• Being more than a store. Becoming a community and/
or a trusted advisor.
• Creating and optimizing a refer-a-friend program.
• Cross-selling on your thank-you page. This can increase
the net profit considerably, because you have already
acquired the customers, so the additional gross profit
goes straight to the bottom line.

322 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n

See the
of CRO
in action
A case study showing exactly
how we grew a company at
record-breaking speed

see the power of cro in action 323

A useful case study in conversion: how we
helped grow a company by 470% in a year

We helped goHenry to grow by 470% in one year.

It can help to see how a project flows from start to finish.

In this section, we describe a project that helped a client of
ours to grow by 470%.
In early 2015, goHenry hired us to increase the effec-
tiveness of its digital marketing and grow its market share.
goHenry is a financial-technology (FinTech) company that
combines web and mobile apps to create a unique learning
tool for children. It ranked in the FinTech 100, a list of the
top companies in FinTech.
This section describes some of the things we’ve done.
Note that we refers to a team effort between Conversion
Rate Experts (with our expertise and proven system) and
goHenry (with its highly effective team).

324 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
goHenry’s growth was faster than the winner of the Sunday Times Fast Track 100.

Identifying the biggest opportunity, and

adopting a mobile-led approach to optimization
goHenry brought us in because it recognized that there
was an opportunity to adopt a faster-moving, more exper-
imental culture.
When we start working with new clients, we look for
the big opportunities, the changes we can put in place
quickly that will have a lasting—and scalable—effect
on the business.
We used the following techniques to help identify the
opportunities for goHenry:

• We studied its analytics data to understand existing

traffic sources—which channels were converting best,
and where were the big opportunities for growth.

see the power of cro in action 325

• We had a session with the goHenry team to discuss its
current approach to making changes on the website.
• We mapped the different aspects of the company’s busi-
ness model, to identify its “winning business model.”
• We took time to understand the regulatory regime in
which goHenry operates (which can be particularly
onerous for FinTech companies).

Two of the conclusions from the research were espe-

cially interesting:

• The winning business model for goHenry required it to

grow incredibly quickly—a strategy that we’ve applied
successfully with many of our clients. Businesses like
this tend to be “winner takes all.” goHenry had the first-
mover advantage, which can be formidable provided the
pace is kept up. So goHenry would need an approach to
optimization that was lean and structured.
• The success of goHenry depended on mobile users, so
we’d need to build the workflow around mobile from
the get-go.

Stepping into the visitors’ shoes—and why you

should focus on mobile in isolation
Before we made any changes on the website, we listened
to what the visitors were telling us. Because goHenry’s
visitors were on mobile devices, we listened to what the

326 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
mobile visitors were telling us. It sounds obvious, but it’s
often overlooked—even by companies with sophisticated
mobile websites.
Don’t assume that your mobile visitors are just desk-
top visitors on a different device. If you do, you’ll focus on
the user interface as the only difference between the two.
In fact—as we discovered when we gathered data on
goHenry’s visitors—mobile users can have very different
intentions, likes, and objections to their desktop coun-
terparts. You’ll need to address these specifically on your
mobile journey.

Some things we learned about goHenry’s mobile

visitors (and how they’re different from desktop
The difference between mobile users and desktop users
isn’t just about screen size. Mobile users are more likely to
have arrived from a social network, so they were different
in the following respects:

1. Mobile users were more impulsive. Many landed on

the site on a whim—so knew much less about what was
being offered. That’s bad news when you’re selling a
new and innovative product, like goHenry.
2. They were 50% less likely to have their children with
them when they signed up. Remember, goHenry is a
product for children, so this affected the mechanics of
the new funnel as well as the messaging we used.

see the power of cro in action 3 27

3. They were 40% more likely to have concerns about
trust and security (which are tough objections for a
FinTech to overcome).

Gather and analyze data on your mobile visitors in isolation—otherwise valuable

insights could be lost in the noise.

Knee-deep in insights about goHenry’s mobile visitors, we

set about designing a new mobile conversion funnel.
Here’s what happened.

A new mobile landing page increased sign-ups by

Using our insights on mobile visitors—and our workflow for
developing high-converting pages for them—we created a
new landing page for goHenry.
It won an A/B test convincingly, increasing sign-ups
by 78% over the original. Here it is:

328 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
At 2.5 m tall on mobile, our new page may have problems getting through doorways,
but it had no problem beating the original page by 78%.

s e e t h e p o w e r o f c r o i n a c t i o n 329
There are loads of reasons why our new page beat the orig-
inal. Here are just some of the proven techniques we used:

Reasons it won #1: We had a long story to tell, so we

created a long page
Our mobile visitors were intrigued but had many strong
objections—as you would expect when selling a new finan-
cial product for children.
A long page allows us to address systematically all of
the key objections, starting with the strongest.
Then, as each objection was addressed, we gave the
prospect an opportunity to proceed through the funnel by
sprinkling the “call to action” throughout the page. This
effectively made the page as short as possible—but as long
as necessary. This was particularly important on mobile.
There’s no such thing as a too-long page—only a too-
boring one. So we had to ensure that the page was engaging
from top to bottom.

Reasons it won #2: We used visual ways to present

the information
Our research revealed that mobile visitors landed on the
website with only a vague idea of what was being offered.
Coupled with their strong objections, we were dealing with
seriously volatile visitors, liable to self-destruct (leave the
website) at any time.
We had to find ways to get our message across quickly.

33 0 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
Just some of the ways we used to communicate the offer on mobile (all taken from
the same page).

Notice that the previous techniques use visual methods for

presenting complex information. Done right, this can be
especially effective on mobile, where attention spans are
as small as the screens.

Reasons it won #3: We built trust and credibility—fast

Selling a new financial product and selling a new product
for children are two of the toughest gigs in town. Buyers
understandably have issues with trust and credibility.
Combining the two—selling a new financial product for
children—is particularly difficult.
This became obvious when we looked at our research

see the power of cro in action 331

By using the trust inherent in the Visa brand, we wiped out issues with trust
and credibility.

We needed something that would wipe out trust issues fast.

The answer lay in the fact that goHenry is backed by
Visa, one of the world’s most well-known and trusted finan-
cial institutions.
By positioning Visa much more prominently as part of
the proposition—showing it even more prominently than
the goHenry brand—we reassured visitors that goHenry
was associated with a brand they already trusted.
Do you have similar examples of “hidden wealth” in
your business? Most of our clients have elements that could
be highly persuasive to prospects, but that the prospects
rarely see. Used correctly, such persuasion assets can be

33 2 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
amazingly effective. It’s worth thoroughly searching your
own business. Often, a fresh pair of eyes will spot something
you’ve overlooked.

We created a 191% increase from optimizing

mobile Facebook ads
When you’ve gathered loads of insights on your visitors,
it’s crazy to focus only on the website. Every interaction
a prospect, visitor, or customer has with your business
is an opportunity for optimization. Constantly look for
other areas to apply your learnings. We use our research
across all areas of the business, including offline.
Facebook was goHenry’s primary source of acquisi-
tion, so it was an obvious candidate for us to work on. We
optimized goHenry’s Facebook ad campaign, applying
multivariate testing to its ad creatives. By sending the ads
to our winning landing pages, we increased the number
of sign-ups by 191% (that’s nearly three times).

see the power of cro in action 333

So far, we’ve multivariate tested over 100 Facebook ads.

We created a 36% increase in sign-ups from

optimizing the pricing page
We knew that price was a major pain point for prospects, so
we turned our attention to the pricing page. Also, prospects
had objections about being locked in and how to cancel
the subscription.
We designed a new page to address these issues. It
increased sign-ups by 36% over the original:

33 4 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
During the A/B test, our new pricing page beat the control by 36%. You’ll see that it
includes more salesmanship than the original. Many companies make the mistake
of assuming that they don’t need to do any selling on their pricing page.

Here are some of the ways we addressed the pricing and

trust objections:

see the power of cro in action 335

In the absence of obvious competitors to goHenry, prospects were using
bank accounts as their “frame of reference.” But bank accounts are free. We
communicated that goHenry is much more than a payment account—it’s an online
learning tool. As such, its price is extremely low.

Pricing objections peaked on the pricing page, so we added our primary

counterobjection: the free trial.

33 6 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
On the pricing page, don’t forget to remind prospects of the value of your product.
We added a section covering all the great free features bundled with goHenry and
an image showing how much “stuff” you get.

see the power of cro in action 3 37

We created a 23% increase in sign-ups from
homepage optimization
We’ve already described how our new landing page beat
the original by 78%.
Next, we tested it against the current homepage. It won
again, by 23%.
It won because our research told us that half of the visi-
tors to the homepage were originally from the same source
as those on the landing page—they were just returning for a
second look. So it followed that they would have the same
objections and be persuaded by the same appeals.
How did we know this? We asked them.

Recycle, recycle, recycle—if you have winning content, look for other places you can
use it.

33 8 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
Do you know where your customers come from? If you
don’t, ask them the following question: “Where did you
first hear about us?”
You might be surprised at the answer.

We created an 8% uplift in card activations from

optimizing the postsale pages
Having made a huge impact increasing sign-ups, we turned
our attention to the activation funnel. When a child’s card
arrives in the mail, the parent must first activate it before it
can be used. This stage is crucial for goHenry; each unac-
tivated card is wasted money.
Before we began optimizing the card-activation stage,
we carried out dedicated usability studies. The studies
revealed two main issues:

• The activation process began with the standard member

log-in screen. Many parents didn’t consider themselves
members at this point, so weren’t sure they were in the
right place.
• There were a several “cognitive barriers” on the journey,
things that made members stop and think, diverting
attention from the task at hand.

When we designed a new funnel to address these issues,

card activations increased by 8%.

s e e t h e p o w e r o f c r o i n a c t i o n 339
Signpost your website so that visitors know they’re in the right place.

Be ruthless when designing your journeys—focus only on what’s necessary

to complete the task at hand. When parents were asked to load money into
their account, they had to define the amount in terms of a weekly allowance
(unnecessary decision #1), and how many weeks’ allowance to add (unnecessary
decision #2). Our new design removed both of these decisions.

340 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
We created an 11% uplift in card activations from
optimizing the offline journey
Don’t just limit optimization to your website. If part of your
journey happens offline, optimize that too.
That’s exactly what we did with goHenry’s card acti-
vation journey.
Our research told us that half of the children knew about
the card before it arrived in the mail. Now, if you’ve got
kids you’ll know how persuasive they can be, so it came as
no surprise that parents were more likely to activate when
their child knew about the card.
It followed that if we could make more kids aware of
the card, more cards would be activated.
So we sent the welcome letter to the kids instead. After
all, the purpose of goHenry is to teach children finan-
cial responsibility.
The result? Card activations increased by 11%.

see the power of cro in action 341

By sending the card and letter to kids (the letter on the right), we increased
activations by 11%, as measured using an offline A/B test.

Some of the tools we used on the goHenry project

Here are just a few of them:

• We use Qualaroo or Hotjar to add mobile-specific

pop-up surveys to key pages.
• Each interaction between finger and screen
expresses an intent—and you need to understand what
it is. Tools like Hotjar, Crazy Egg, and Inspectlet will
help you do just that.
• For maximum insights, use mobile screen recording
software to capture usability tests (or simply record
the test on another device). We use Lookback to build
an army of usability testers—or test recruiters—and have
the videos land right in your inbox. It will even film the
subject’s face during the test.

342 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
• If you can’t get friends or colleagues to help, use sites like to do remote usability testing on mobile.
(Tip: we love’s webcam-based tests
for mobile, so look out for this option.)
• Use tools like SurveyMonkey to conduct quick straw
polls. Verify is a good alternative.
• Make sure you can quickly view your wireframes
on mobile. We use InVision to rapidly add function-
ality to our mobile wireframes. Then, we combine the
wireframes with screenshots to create a semiworking
version of the entire funnel. Finally, we use a service
like to test the prototype funnel.
• We use A/B testing software like Optimizely to mea-
sure which page generates the most conversions.
Optimizely’s advanced custom audience features came
into their own on this project. Tests that would have been
prohibitively complex to run were suddenly within reach.

A tip for succeeding in highly regulated industries

If, like goHenry, you’re working in financial services—or any
tightly regulated vertical—you’ll need to work closely with
risk and compliance teams. This can be a major bottleneck
in getting your ideas approved. Where possible, submit your
ideas in “bite-size” chunks, each with a mini-business case.
Complexity in these submissions can otherwise be crippling.
Such “micro-approvals” are less onerous and much more
likely to succeed.

s e e t h e p o w e r o f c r o i n a c t i o n 3 43
What’s next?
We are now working on the goHenry app itself, aiming to
drive engagement and referrals.
On the website, we’re working on the sign-up funnel,
as well as other key parts of the journey such as forgotten
password and referrals.
Once complete, we will have rebuilt the entire site.
What’s unusual about this rebuild is that it has been
done iteratively, and with conversion at the heart of every
decision. Conversion, by definition, is the reason that any
website exists.
Every new page has been

• driven by visitors and

• measured to make sure it outperforms what went before

Nine out of every ten redesign projects we see go wrong.

Performance and conversion often nosedive, and expen-
sive—and time-consuming—remedial action is necessary.
(We know this because this is why many clients pick up the
phone and call us.)
By adopting the iterative approach we have outlined
above, we eliminate the risk. Plus, every new page is ROI-
positive from the moment it is pushed live.

What about desktop?

We have deliberately ignored desktop in this section, despite

344 m a k i n g w e b s i t e s w i n
the fact that we’ve worked extensively on goHenry’s desk-
top website. That’s because optimizing for mobile is just
like optimizing for desktop, but with the following addi-
tional obstacles:

• Mobile users can be more distractible, because they

are often on the move or multitasking.
• The connection speed is more likely to be low or
• The keyboard is more fiddly to use.
• The screen is much smaller (and smaller still when
the keyboard is active). In particular, users can struggle
to complete forms.
• The screen is often being viewed in bright light, so
low-contrast text and images can be harder to see.

s e e t h e p o w e r o f c r o i n a c t i o n 345
Now it’s your turn to win
This book contains enough information to hugely grow
any business.
More importantly, though, it provides a mental model
for improving businesses:

• By understanding your visitors, using the techniques

we’ve mentioned, you’ll be able to empathically antic-
ipate what will make them happy.
• And by understanding the key features of winning
websites, you’ll be identify your own company’s obsta-
cles, and then fix them so your company is firing on all

We wish you great success in making your website win.

now it’s your turn to win 3 47

Let’s keep in touch!
To see the links for all the resources mentioned in this book,
To keep up to date with our new discoveries, you can get
our free email newsletter from www.conversion-rate-experts.
com/gifts/. When you join, you’ll get some useful reports,
including examples of winning pages we’ve designed that
have more than doubled the sales of our clients.
We love hearing from readers who have achieved
great things by following our ideas and advice, so please
let us know how you get on! You can contact us at www.

l e t ’ s k e e p i n t o u c h ! 349
We’d like to thank the following awesome people for helping
to create this book:
Dave Redfern, Martin Stone, Jonathan Rozek, Tucker
Max, Avinash Kaushik, Ian Claudius, Mark Chait, Adam
Costa, Art Crowley, Bradd Libby, Casey Bell, Darcie Con-
nell, Eoin Edwards, Kamil Ropiak, Karol Barzowski, Lotte
Larsen, Nicolas Fradet, Nina Bordet, Pawel Banhegyi, Peter
Hardingham, Richard Bitz, Vicky Cargill, Will Smith, and
Chelsea Batten.

acknowledgements 3 51

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