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Abimael Leoul Dam Breach Analy

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Dam Breach Analysis Using HEC-RAS and HEC-

GeoRAS: The Case of Kesem Kebena Dam


Abimael Leoul

Addis Ababa University

December 2015
Addis Ababa University

Addis Ababa Institute of Technology

School of Graduate Studies

School of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Dam Breach Analysis Using HEC-RAS and HEC-GeoRAS: The

Case of Kesem Kebena Dam
A thesis submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Addis Ababa University in Partial
fulfillment of the Degree of Masters of Science in Civil Engineering under Hydraulic


Abimael Leoul


Dr. - Ing. Asie Kemal

December, 2015
Addis Ababa University
Addis Ababa Institute of Technology
School of Graduate Studies
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Dam Breach Analysis Using HEC-RAS and HEC-GeoRAS: The

Case of Kesem Kebena Dam
A thesis submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Addis Ababa University in partial
fulfillment of the Degree of Masters of Science in Civil Engineering under Hydraulic


Abimael Leoul Zewdiea

Approval by Board of Examiners

Dr. Esayas G/Youhannes ------------------

Chairman (Department of graduate committee) Signature

Dr.-Ing. Asie Kemal -----------------

Advisor Signature

Dr. Daneal F/Selassie -----------------

Internal Examiner Signature

Dr.-Ing. Nigussie Teklie -----------------

External Examiner Signature
The undersigned certify that he has read the thesis entitled: Dam Breach Analysis Using HEC-
RAS and HEC-GeoRAS: The Case of Kesem Kebena Dam and hereby recommend for
acceptance by the Addis Ababa University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of Master of Science.

Dr.-Ing. Asie Kemal (Advisor)

Dam breach analysis is generally used to predict flood on the downstream of the dam but also
it is crucial to predict dam breach parameters, outflow hydrograph and its downstream nature
of propagation. Results from dam breach analysis can be used to protect downstream population
and it can also be used while designing and implementing future infrastructure. Kesem Dam,
found in the Kesem sub-basin of Awash Basin in Ethiopia has been selected as a case study
dam in this paper.

Within this study the dam has been checked for both overtopping and piping using one
dimensional river analysis model HEC-RAS and empirical equations are used to predict dam
breach parameters for the use in the model. PMF inflow with a peak 9237.77m3/s is used for
overtopping failure. The spill way have adequate capacity for the flood due to the PMF and
breaching of the embankment was not possible in HEC-RAS. Piping failure was simulated in
HEC-RAS using breach parameters obtained from the empirical equations.

The modeling process was towards performing unsteady flow calculations in the intent of
routing the breach outflow downstream of Kesem Dam from the dam up to the downstream
boundary which is 60km from the dam. The models HEC-RAS and HEC-GeoRAS are used
alternatively. HEC-GeoRAS extracts topographic data from Digital Elevation Model (DEM)
and prepares geometric file in ArcGIS. The geometric file is imported into HEC-RAS. Using
the geometric file and unsteady flow data (PMF inflow, initial flow and normal depth) unsteady
flow calculation is performed in HEC-RAS. Geometric file with water surface elevation
attached to it is exported to ArcGIS where HEC-GeoRAS uses it to prepare a flood map. The
produced map is overlaid on an aerial map to see towns and infrastructures that are affected by
the flood.

Key words: Dam Breach Analysis, Flood Mapping, HEC-RAS, HEC-GeoRAS

First of all, I would like to thank Ministry of Education (MOE) for giving me this chance to
study in Addis Ababa University. Most of all, my greatest appreciation goes to my advisor, Dr.-
Ing. Asie Kemal, who invested his time, knowledge and energy throughout the whole research
work. He is very supportive, willing and generally great. Furthermore, I would like to express
my warmest gratitude to Water Works Design and Supervision Enterprise and Ethiopian
Ministry of Water Resources and Energy for their unprecedented collaboration during data
collection. Lastly I want to thank my family and friends, who were encouraging and supporting
me to finish this research.

ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................................... i

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ................................................................................................................. ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................................. iii

LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES ..................................................................................................... v

LIST OF ACRONYMS ................................................................................................................... vii

1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 1

1.1. Background................................................................................................................... 1

1.2. Problem statement ...................................................................................................... 2

1.3. Objective of the research ............................................................................................. 3

1.4. Significance of the research ......................................................................................... 3

1.5. Scope and Limitation of the research .......................................................................... 4

1.6. Structure of the thesis .................................................................................................. 4

2. LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................ 4

2.1. Dam breach History...................................................................................................... 4

2.2. Dam Breach Analysis .................................................................................................... 7

2.2.1. Dam breach scenario ............................................................................................ 7

2.2.2. Dam breach parameter estimation .................................................................... 12

2.2.3. Dam breach analysis using HEC-RAS and HEC-GEORAS...................................... 15

2.3. Hazard Potential Classification ................................................................................... 18

2.4. Topography ................................................................................................................ 19

2.5. Hydrology ................................................................................................................... 21

2.5.1. Hydrometeorology .............................................................................................. 21

2.5.2. Inflow Design flood ............................................................................................. 24

2.6. Previous work on Kesem dam .................................................................................... 30

3. METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................. 32

3.1. Location of the study area ......................................................................................... 33

3.2. Data collection............................................................................................................ 35

3.3. Digital Elevation Model .............................................................................................. 36

3.4. Dam breach parameter .............................................................................................. 36

3.5. Hydraulic model development ................................................................................... 38

3.5.1. HEC-GeoRAS Modeling ....................................................................................... 38

3.5.2. HEC-RAS Modeling .............................................................................................. 41

3.6. Flood Plain Mapping................................................................................................... 47

4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ................................................................................................ 48

4.1. Dam Breach Parameter .............................................................................................. 48

4.2. Unsteady flow analysis ............................................................................................... 51

4.2.1. Unsteady flow analysis of overtopping .............................................................. 51

4.2.2. Unsteady flow analysis of piping ........................................................................ 52

4.3. Peak flow equations and Envelop curve .................................................................... 56

4.4. Flood Mapping ........................................................................................................... 58

5. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ........................................................................... 61

5.1. Conclusion .................................................................................................................. 61

5.2. Recommendation ....................................................................................................... 62

6. REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................... 63

APPENDIX 1 PMF inflow hydrograph of the entire catchment ................................................ 66

APPENDIX 2 Elevation, area and capacity relationship of Kesem Reservoir ............................ 68

APPENDIX 3 Breach outflow hydrograph using Dam breach parameters from Macdonald and
Langridge-Monopolis ................................................................................................................ 69

APPENDIX 4 Breach outflow hydrograph using breach parameters from Froehlich ............... 75


Figure 2-1 List of major dam failures in the world ..................................................................... 5
Figure 2-2 Breach process for an overtopping failure .............................................................. 10
Figure 2-3Breach process for a piping failure .......................................................................... 11
Figure 2-4. Dimensions of a dam breach .................................................................................. 12
Figure 2-5 One-Dimensional Full Dynamic Routing ............................................................... 16
Figure 2-6 Level Pool Routing ................................................................................................. 16
Figure 2-7 Surface Topographic Map of the Study Area ......................................................... 20
Figure 2-8 Map of Movement of Air Masses Affecting East Africa .......................................... 22
Figure 2-9 Hydrometric Network of Awash and Kesem River catchment ............................... 23
Figure 2-10 Synthetic Triangular Unit Hydrograph of Upland Catchment .............................. 26
Figure 2-11 Synthetic Triangular Unit Hydrograph of Lowland Catchment ........................... 27
Figure 2-12 Synthetic Triangular Unit Hydrograph of Entire Catchment ................................ 27
Figure 2-13 PMF Hydrograph of Upland Catchment by USBR Method ................................. 28
Figure 2-14 PMF Hydrograph of Lowland Catchment by USBR Method ............................... 29
Figure 2-15 PMF Hydrograph of Entire Catchment by USBR Method ................................... 29
Figure 2-16 PMF Hydrograph of Entire Catchment by USBR Method (Upland and Lowland
combined) ................................................................................................................................. 30
Figure 2-17 Outflow hydrograph of flow through the breach .................................................. 31
Figure 3-1 Summary of the methodology of Dam Breach Analysis ........................................ 32
Figure 3-2 Location of the Study Area ..................................................................................... 34
Figure 3-3 Cross Section Profile along Kesem Dam Axis ....................................................... 35
Figure 3-4 Digital Elevation Model of the Study Area............................................................. 36
Figure 3-5HEC-GeoRAS tool in ARCGIS ............................................................................... 38

Figure 3-6HEC-GeoRAS layers on ARCGIS ........................................................................... 40
Figure 3-7 Cross section cut lines of Kesem River and land use layer of the study area ......... 41
Figure 3-8profile of Kesem dam in HEC-RAS......................................................................... 42
Figure 3-9Dam breach data of Kesem dam in HEC-RAS ........................................................ 43
Figure 3-10Geometric data of Kesem River ............................................................................. 44
Figure 3-11PMF Inflow Hydrograph of Kesem River as an upstream boundary condition in
HEC-RAS ................................................................................................................................. 45
Figure 3-12unsteady flow analysis window ............................................................................. 46
Figure 4-1 Kesem dam profile with maximum water surface .................................................. 51
Figure 4-2 Kesem dam profile with water surface profile at the spillway crust level .............. 52
Figure 4-3 Hydrographs after unsteady flow analysis using Froehlich (2008) ........................ 53
Figure 4-4 Hydrographs after unsteady flow analysis using MacDonald and Langridge-
Monopolis (1984)...................................................................................................................... 53
Figure 4-5 Breach out flow hydrograph of Froehlich (2008) and MacDonald and Langridge-
Monopolis (1984)...................................................................................................................... 54
Figure 4-6 Kesem dam profile after the breach ........................................................................ 55
Figure 4-7Water surface profile of Kesem river ....................................................................... 55
Figure 4-8 Peak outflow envelop curve of Historical dam failures ......................................... 57
Figure 4-9Flood map on a TIN derived from DEM .................................................................. 58
Figure 4-10 Aerial map of the study area ................................................................................. 59
Figure 4-11 Flood map on an aerial map of the study area ...................................................... 59
Figure 4-12Perspective plot of water surface profile in HEC-RAS ......................................... 60

BEED: Breach Erosion of Earth Dam

BFF: Breach Formation Factor

DEM: Digital Elevation Model

FEMA: Federal Emergency Management Agency

FERC: Federal Energy Regulatory commission

GIS: Geographical Information System

HEC: Hydrologic Engineering Center

MOWIE: Minister of Water, Irrigation and Energy

PMF: Probable Maximum Flood

RAS: River Analysis System

SDF: Standard Project Flood

TIN: Triangulated Irregular Network

USBR: United States Bureau of Reclamation

USACE: United States Army Corps of Engineers

UTM: Universal Transvers Mercator

WWDSE: Water Works Design and Supervision Enterprise

1.1. Background
While dams provide the ability to control the flow of fresh water and function to simplify our
lives in many ways, they also pose an inherent and inevitable threat to the environment and to
public safety. Since the creation of the first dams, dams have been failing due to unpredictable
environmental conditions, poor engineering, or improper management. Unfortunately, when
dams fail they often do so catastrophically because of the large amount of potential energy

Dams are complex structures subjected to several forces that can cause failure, these forces re
active over the entire life of the dam, and the fact that a dam has stood safely for years is not
necessarily an indication that it will not fail. One of the forces inducing failure is seepage
through the dam or its foundation. All dams seep, but if the seepage is too high in the dam it
can cause a structural failure (“landslide” of the materials in the dam). If the seepage comes to
the ground surface on or below the dam and exits too fast, it can carry soil out of the dam or
foundation, and cause an internal erosion or “piping” failure. Another way a dam can fail is by
being overtopped and washed out. Overtopping is the result of having inadequate emergency
spillway capacity or a clogging of spillways.

Many efforts have been made to reduce the potential hazard of dams as well as to provide
emergency action plans for the event of a dam failure. Dam breach analysis can provide basic
information about flood events that can be beneficial in dam engineering, emergency action
planning, and floodplain management.

Major rehabilitation of the dam is not normally necessary if the dam was designed in accordance
with good engineering practice, was built using good construction standards, and is operated
and maintained properly. Engineers generally agree that the design of a dam is not complete
until after the dam has been built and the reservoir has filled with water. Design engineers
should inspect their dam periodically after construction to ensure that the design is working and
the structure is properly operated and maintained.

Different organizations and researchers have contributed their findings in the analysis of dam
break and its consequence. The have derived regression equations based on data from historical

dam failure events that are used in predicting the breach geometry. This include Macdonald and
Langridge Monopolies and Froehlich. Development of analytical models using the principle of
hydraulics and sediment transport are also useful in simulating the breach process and
downstream flooding.

The use of geographic information systems (GIS) has become more mainstream and data have
become more readily available. In particular, the availability of terrain data has improved the
proficiency with which skilled engineers can develop hydraulic models capable of simulating a
dam breach scenario and evaluating the resultant flood wave.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) developed by Hydrologic
Engineering Center which models dam failure scenarios and HEC- GeoRAS which is a set of
Arc GIS tool which models development and analysis of the flooded area using GIS have been
used in different dam breach analysis studies. And have provided information for floodplain
managers and emergency management personnel which they use to protect against the loss of
life and property damage.

Kesem dam and irrigation project is located 225 km east of Addis Ababa and 40 km NW of
Metehara town. The project involves 90 m high rock earth fill dam to impound half a billion
cubic meter of water to irrigate 20,000 hectare of land for sugar cane plantation (MOWR, 2007).

Since sugarcane plantations and small towns are present downstream of the dam, dam breach
analysis should be done as a precaution for reasons that may result due to dam failure.

1.2. Problem statement

Several problems cause dam failure like overtopping, piping, earth quake, land slide etc. Due
to this reasons our world have experienced some catastrophic dam failures. Like the Banqiao
dam which failed in august 8, 1975 killed an estimate of 171,000 people and 11 million people
lost their homes (Fish, 2013). As dams pose a serious threat to residents, businesses,
infrastructures, landowners, crops etc. downstream of them, it has always been important to
analyze the causes and results of dam failure. In Ethiopia, in contrary to the development of
dams, such per event analysis is not being carried out by designers or researchers. Hence, dam
breach modelling is vital to identify the possible causes of dam failure, simulate the breaching
process so that design parameters can be reviewed, map the area that shall be flooded in order

to demarcate prone areas while planning the downstream are for various infrastructures, alert
concerned bodies to a precaution on dam safety plans and formulate a hazard management

Kesem dam impounds half a billion cubic meter of water to irrigate 20,000 hectare of land.
Kesem dam is classified under high hazard dam since there are towns and wide irrigation lands
which if the dam fails leads to loss of life and property.

1.3. Objective of the research

General objective:-

 Estimating the breach outflow of Kesem dam and preparing a flood map for the use in
flood mitigation.

The specific objectives of this research are as follows

 Identify dam failure scenarios due to which Kesem dam may fails.
 Estimate dam breach parameters: define the size, shape and timing of the breach using
appropriate empirical formulas.
 Rout the outflow hydrograph from the breached dam throughout downstream from the
dam to the downstream boundary of the simulation using HEC-RAS (US Army
Hydrologic Engineering Center-River Analysis System)
 Map the inundation area with ARC GIS and HEC-GEO RAS.

1.4. Significance of the research

Dams are an important part of this nation’s infrastructure, providing flood control, water supply
and irrigation and hydropower benefits. Despite their many beneficial uses and value, dams
also present risks to property and life due to their potential to fail and cause catastrophic
flooding. This research is going to be used by flood plain managers to save lives and property,
if Kesem dam fails in the future.

1.5. Scope and Limitation of the research
This thesis covers dam breach parameter estimation which includes dam breach dimensions and
breach formation time. Dam breach scenario will be selected and outflow hydrograph from the
breach is routed.

One dimensional flood simulation model which is based on unsteady flow equations will be
used for analysis. The flood resulting from the breach will be mapped using software’s.

Since high resolution Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is not available in our country Digital
Elevation Model with a resolution of only 30x30m grid will be used to prepare geometric data
which represents elevations on the study area with some error.

1.6. Structure of the thesis

This thesis is organized in six chapters. Chapter one deals with the general introduction,
statement of the problem and objective of the study. Chapter two gives the literature review on
dam breach analysis, hazard classification, topography of the study area, and hydrology of the
study area. Chapter three gives an overview on methodology of the thesis, it includes location
of the study area, data collection, processing and analysis. In Chapter four is the result and
discussion part of the work namely dam breach analysis, unsteady flow analysis and flood
mapping. Chapter five is about conclusion and recommendation. And finally in Chapter six list
of the References are included.

In this part of the work literatures related to Dam breach analysis and the area under study
(documents which can help to know topography, hydrology and others) are reviewed.

2.1. Dam breach History

A dam is a barrier across flowing water that obstructs, directs or slows down the flow, often
creating a reservoir, lake or impoundment. Dams are considered “installations containing
dangerous forces” due to the massive impact of a possible destruction on the civilian population
and environment. Hundreds of dams have failed and every year many dikes breach due to high
flow in the river, sea storm surges, etc. often leasing to catastrophic consequences (Zagonjolli,
2007). List of the major dam failures are shown on the table below.

Figure 2-1 List of major dam failures in the world

Dam year Location Fatalities Details

Marib Dam 575 Sheba, yemen Unknown cause, possibly neglect. The
consequent failure of the irrigation
system provoked the migration of up to
50,000 people from Yemen.
Puentes 1802 Lorca, Spain 608 1,800 houses and 40,000 trees
Dam destroyed.
Bilberry 1852 Holme, valley, 81 Failed due to heavy rain.
reservoir United
Dale Dike 1864 South, 244 Defective construction, small leak in
Reservoir Yorkshire, wall grew until dam failed. More than
united 600 houses were damaged or
kingdom destroyed.
Mill River 1874 Williamsburg, 139 Lax regulation and cost cutting lead to
Dam United states an insufficient design, which fell apart
when the reservoir was full. 600
million gallons of water were released,
wiping out 4 towns and making
national headlines. This dam break lead
to an increased regulation of dam
South Fork 1889 Johnstown, 2,209 Blamed locally on poor maintenance
Dam United States by owners; court deemed it an “Act of
God”. Following heavy rainfall.
Walnut 1890 Wickenburg, 100 Heavy snow and rain following public
Grove dam United States calls by the dam’s chief engineer to
strengthen the earthen structure.
Austin 1911 Austin, United 78 Poor design, use of dynamite to remedy
Dam States structural problems. Destroyed paper
mill and much of the town of Austin.
Tigra Dam 1917 Gwalior, India 1,000 Failed due to water infiltrating through
foundation. Possibly more fatalities.
Gleno dam 1923 Province of 356 Poor construction and design.
Bergamo, Italy
St. Francis 1935 Santa Clarita, 600 Geological instability of canyon wall
Dam United States that could not have been detected with
available technology of the time.
Secondary 1942 Molare, Italy 111 Geological unstable base combined
Dam of with flood.
Mohne 1943 Ruhr, Germany 1,579 Destroyed bombing during operation
Dam Chastise in world war 2.

Kurenivka 1961 Kiev, Ukraine 1,500 Caused by heavy rains
Panshet 1961 Pune, India 1,000 Dam burst due to pressure of
Dam accumulated rain water.
Vajont dam 1963 Monte Toc, 2,000 The dam did not collapse but 110km/h
Italy landslide fill the reservoir, and water
escaped over the top of the dam.
Sempor 1967 Central Java 2,000 Flash floods overtopped the dam
Dam Province, during construction.
republic of
Banqiao 1975 Zhumadian, 171,000 Extreme rainfall, 11 million people lost
Dam China their homes. worst dam failure
Machchu-2 1979 Morbi, India 5,000 Heavy rain and flooding beyond
Dam spillway capacity.
Kantale 1986 Kantale, Sri 180 Poor maintenance, leakage and
Dam Lanka consequent failure.
Koshi 2008 Koshi Zone, 250 Heavy rain. The flood affected over 2.3
Barrage Nepal million people.
Situ 2009 Tangerang, 98 Poor maintenance and heavy monsoon
Gintung Indonesia rain.
Germano 2015 Minas Gerais, 13 Two tailings dam failed. One village
mine Brazil destroyed, 600 people evacuated, 19
tailings missing. Iron west sludge polluted
Dams Doce River.

With most structural failures damage is limited to an area in the immediate vicinity of the
structure, but the breaching of the dam and the consequent uncontrolled release of the
impounded reservoir water can cause destruction over a large area downstream of the dam. The
structural stability and security of such dams, therefore, is of major importance for public safety
(J andrew charles, 2011).

2.2. Dam Breach Analysis
Dam breach analysis is the simulation of a breach hydrograph (flow through the breach in the
dam versus time) and the subsequent downstream inundation. In recent years, dam safety draws
increasing attention from the public. This is because floods resulting from dam failures can lead
to devastating disasters with tremendous loss of life and property, especially in densely
populated areas. Analysis of dam failures is of critical importance for disasters prevention and
mitigation. Hence, a robust understanding of the characteristics of dam failures (e.g., failure
mode, cause, and key influence factors) is needed (Y.Xu, 2007).

Studies have been carried out worldwide to understand causes of failure for different types of
earth dam (zoned earth fill dam, earth fill dam with core wall and homogeneous earth fill dam).
The world data as of 2000 indicate that there are about 50,000 large man-made dams in
operation (J. Nemmert, 2010). Approximately 80% of the world dams are earth or rock fill dams
(Zhang, 2010). In the past few years more than 1609 dam failure cases were seen and compiled
these failure cases into a database. Among these cases, 66% are earth dams (Zhang, 2010).

2.2.1. Dam breach scenario

Dam breach inundation studies usually assume one of two failure scenarios “Fair Weather” or
“sunny day” Failure and Hydrologic Failure.

A fair weather (Sunny Day) breach is a dam failure that occurs during fair weather (i.e., non-
hydrologic or non-precipitation) conditions. A fair weather breach is analyzed by establishing
an initial reservoir water level and commencing a breach analysis without additional inflow
from a storm event. A fair weather breach is typically used to model piping failures for
hydrologic, geologic, structural, seismic, and human-influenced failure modes.

Hydrologic breaches that occur with extreme precipitation and runoff are termed “rainy day” or
hydrologic failures.

Based on approximately 900 cases of dam failures, a statistical analysis of the failure
characteristics has been conducted for earth dams. The modes and causes of failure for carefully
classified earth dams, as well as their relation to potential locations at risk, have also been
studied (Y.Xu, 2007). Several features can be observed:

1. The most common causes of earth dam failures are overtopping and piping in the dam body
or foundation.

2. For homogeneous earthfill dams and zoned earthfill dams, piping in the dam body/foundation
is a dominant failure cause. Overtopping is also identified as an important failure cause.

3. For earth fill dams with core walls, failures are mostly attributed to overtopping. Piping in
the dam body/foundation appears to be less likely.

4. For homogeneous earthfill dams and zoned earthfill dams, spillways, foundations, and
downstream slopes are believed to be potential locations at risk for overtopping failure; while
any part of the dam body/foundation can be a potential location at risk for piping failure.

5. The overtopping failure of earthfill dams with core walls is similar to that of
homogeneous/zoned earth fill dams, except that the core wall may erode more slowly.

6. For the piping failure of earth fill dams with core walls, foundations, abutments, or their
interfaces with the dam body are noticeable potential locations at risk; the piping paths may still
pass through the dam due to either hydraulic fracturing of the core wall or poor contact with the
embedded structures.

Overtopping Failure: In general, during an overtopping failure of an earthen dam, a head cut
erosion process will first starts on the downstream side of the dam embankment. While water
is going over the dam crest, the dam crest acts like a broad-crested weir. The head cut begins to
cut into the dam crest, the weir crest length will become shorter, and the appropriate weir
coefficient will trend towards a sharp crested weir value. When the head cut reaches the
upstream side of the dam crest, a mass failure of the upstream crest may occur, and the hydraulic
control section will act very much like a sharp-crested weir. The head cut will continue to erode
upstream through the dam embankment, as well as erode down through the dam and widen at
the same time (Brunner, 2014).

Piping failure: Water is seeping through the dam at a significant enough rate, such that it is
initially eroding material and transporting it out of the dam. As the material is eroded, a large
hole is formed, thus able to carry more water and erode more material. The movement of water
through the dam during this process is modeled as a pressurized orifice type flow. During piping

flow process, erosion and head cutting will begin to occur on the downstream side of the dam
as a result of flow exiting the pipe. As the piping hole grows large, materials above the hole will
begin to slough off and fall into moving water. The head cutting and sloughing processes will
continue to move back towards the upstream side of the dam while the piping hole continues to
grow simultaneously. If the piping hole is large enough, the weight of the material above the
hole may be too great to be maintained, and a mass caving of material will occur. This will
result in a large rise in outflow through the breach and will accelerate the breaching process.
Also at this point, the hydraulics of the flow transitions from orifice type flow to open air weir
type flow. The head cutting and erosion process then continues back through the dam, as well
as downward. Additionally, the breach will be widening. Depending on the volume of water
behind the dam, the breach may continue to cut down and widen until the natural channel bed
is reached. Then the breach will go into a widening phase (Brunner, 2014).

Figure 2-2 Breach process for an overtopping failure

Figure 2-3Breach process for a piping failure

2.2.2. Dam breach parameter estimation
The term breach parameters include the parameters needed to physically describe the breach
(breach depth, breach width, and side slope angles) as well as parameters that define the time
required for breach initiation and development (Wahl, 1998).

Figure 2-4. Dimensions of a dam breach

The estimation of dam breach location, dimensions and development time are crucial in any
assessment of a dam’s potential risk. This is especially true in a risk assessment where dams
will be ranked based on the potential for loss of life and property damage. The breach
parameters will directly affect the estimation of the peak flow coming out of the dam, as well
as any possible warning time available to downstream locations. Unfortunately, the breach
location, size, and formation time, are often the most uncertain pieces of information in a dam
failure analysis (Brunner, 2014).

The dam breach dimensions and breach development time must be estimated for every failure
scenario that will be evaluated. This requirement includes different failure modes as well as
different hydrologic event. The breach parameter associated with a PMF (probable maximum
flood) hydrologic event will be greatly different from the breach parameters for a sunny day
failure at a normal pool elevation. Therefore, for each combination of pool elevation (hydrologic
event) and failure scenario, a corresponding set of breach parameters must be developed.

There are numerous methods for predicting the breach parameters that serve as input to an
analysis using different models. Three basic approaches can be identified: - 1) Comparative
analysis of similar case studies 2) The use of predictor equations based on numerous case
studies. 3) The use of a physically based dam breach simulation model that uses principles of
hydraulics and sediment transport to simulate the development of the breach. This approach is
more difficult, but also offers the potential for more detailed results, such as prediction of breach
initiation time and prediction of intermediate breach dimensions as well as ultimate breach
parameters (Wahl, 1998).

The empirical approach relies on statistical analysis of data obtained from documented failures.
The four most widely used and accepted empirically derived enveloping curves and/or
equations for predicting breach parameters are: - 1) MacDonald & Langridge – Monopolis
(1984) 2) USBR (1988) 3) Von Thun and Gillette (1990) 4)Froehlich (1995a, 1995b, 2008).
These methods have reasonably good correlation when comparing predicted values to actual
observed values (CDWR, 2010).

Froehlich (1995) utilized 63 earthen, zoned earthen, earthen with a core wall (i.e. clay), and
rock fill data sets to develop a set of equations to estimate average breach width, side slopes,
and failure time (Gee, 2009). Froehlich (2008) updated the breach equation based on addition
of new data. In the application of these equations reported herein, the height of the breach is
calculated by assuming that the breach goes from the top of the dam to the natural ground
elevation at the centerline of the breach location. Froehlich method is more preferable since it
is only dependent on volume of the reservoir, height of the breach and assumed side slop. The
method also distinguishes between piping and overtopping failures using a variable coefficient
termed the Failure Mode Factor, Ko. The Froehlich method breach development time does not
distinguish between overtopping or piping breach failures modes. The development time
estimate is inversely related to the breach height while being directly related to the reservoir
volume. This means dams with greater height tend to produce shorter failure times for a given
reservoir volume which appears to be a valid conclusion considering the greater head driving
the breach formation (CDWR, 2010).

Froehlich’s equations are as follows:

Average breach width:𝐵𝑎𝑣𝑔 = 0.27𝐾𝑜 𝑉𝑤0.32 𝐻𝑏0.04 (Froehlich 2008)

Where 𝐵𝑎𝑣𝑔 Average breach width

𝐾𝑜 Failure mode factor 1 for piping and 1.3 for overtopping

𝑉𝑤 Volume of the reservoir above the bottom of the breach

𝐻𝑏 Breach height which is the vertical distance from the dam crest to the breach invert.

Breach Development Time: 𝑇𝑓 = 63.2(𝑔𝐻𝑤2 )0.5

Where 𝑇𝑓 Breach development time in hours 𝑔 Gravitational acceleration

Froehlich recommends breach side slope of 0.7:1(horizontal: vertical) for piping and 1.0:1 for

The MacDonald & Langridge-Monopolis method computes a volume of embankment eroded

during breach formation, based on the product of the reservoir volume (Vw) and maximum water
depth (Hw).This product, termed the Breach Formation Factor (BFF), loosely represents the
erosive potential of the water stored in the reservoir. The breach dimensions are calculated based
on the volume of embankment material eroded and the dam geometry. This method considers
the dam geometry (height, crest width, and embankment slopes), and the breach development
time computed is directly related to the embankment volume eroded (CDWR,
2010).MacDonald & Langridge-Monopolis (1984) Empirical formula is as follows.

Volume Eroded 𝑉𝑒𝑟 = 0.0261𝐵𝐹𝐹 0.769 (Best fit all data)

Volume Eroded 𝑉𝑒𝑟 = 0.00348𝐵𝐹𝐹 0.852 (Rock fill)

𝑉𝑒𝑟 −𝐻𝑏 (𝐶𝑍𝑏 + 𝑏 𝑏 3 )
Bottom Breach Width 𝐵𝑏 = 𝐻 𝑍
𝐻𝑏 (𝐶+ 𝑏 3 )

Breach Development Time 𝑇𝑓 = 0.0179𝑉𝑒𝑟 0.364 Breach Side slopes 0.5:1

BFF = Vout* Hw

2.2.3. Dam breach analysis using HEC-RAS and HEC-GEORAS
Hydrologic Engineering Center’s River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) is a one-dimensional
river hydraulics model used for steady flow and unsteady-flow water surface profile
computations though a network of open channels (HEC, 2010).

In dam break study HEC-RAS is used to rout the inflow hydrograph throughout the reservoir
and the outflow hydrograph of the breach throughout the downstream of the river.

HEC-RAC can be used to route an inflowing flood hydrograph through the reservoir with any
of the following three methods.

 One-dimensional unsteady flow routing (full saint Venant equation)

 Two-dimensional unsteady flow routing (full saint venant equation or diffusion
wave equation); or
 With level pool routing

Full unsteady flow routing (one or two dimensional) is more accurate for both with and without
breach scenarios since it can capture the water surface slope through the pool as the inflowing
hydrograph arrives, as well as the change in the water surface slope that occurs during a breach
of the dam (Brunner, 2014).

HEC-RAS can be used to model the reservoir using fully dynamic wave routing. If it is not
possible, or reasonable to perform full dynamic wave routing through the reservoir, or if the
presumed difference between level pool routing and dynamic routing is small, then level pool
routing can be performed with HEC-RAC.

Figure 2-5 One-Dimensional Full Dynamic Routing

Figure 2-6 Level Pool Routing

HEC-RAS can model the downstream area as a combination of one-dimensional stream and
storage area; a combination of one-dimensional stream, storage areas, and two-dimensional
flow area; or as a single two-dimensional flow area (Brunner, 2014).

When developing an unsteady flow model for dam break application the following list of things
should be considered (Brunner, 2014);

 Cross section spacing and hydraulic properties

 Computational time step
 Manning’s Roughness Coefficient
 Modeling bridge and culvert crossings
 Modeling steep streams
 Drop in the bed profile
 Initial condition (low flow)
 Downstream boundary condition

HEC-GeoRAS is a geographic river analysis system developed using ArcGIS Desktop and
ArcGIS Spatial Analyst and 3D Analyst extensions. The geodatabase design supports analysis
of spatial data for hydraulic modeling and floodplain mapping. GeoRAS uses ArcGIS Desktop
to develop spatial data input for HEC-RAS models from digital terrain models and other GIS
datasets. After the model results are calculated in HEC-RAS, they can be post processed in
GeoRAS, then the floodplain depths and extents can be mapped.

Dam break is a complicated and comprehensive process and the actual failure mechanics are
not well understood. Neither current physical based models nor empirical models could fully
explain dam break mechanisms and impacts (Xiong, 2011). The dam break tool in HEC-RAS
was applied to Foster Joseph Sayers Dam break simulation and analysis based on given
geometry data. The dam break due to piping elongates the time period of high water surface
level, which increases the duration of risk. However, the dam break does not increase the
downstream maximum water surface elevation significantly at previous design PMF. Foster
Joseph Sayer dam break has greater impact on the downstream location where is nearer the dam
in accordance with the comparison of the hydrographs at different locations (Xiong, 2011).

An analysis of dam failure models provides a scenario generating tool for identifying the
resulting hazards. Floodplain managers and emergency management personnel may then utilize
the resulting contingencies to protect against the loss of life and property damage HEC-RAS
used in concert with HEC-GeoRAS provide the capabilities to create a river hydraulics model,
simulate a dam failure, and map the resulting flood wave. Because of the availability of digital
terrain data and processing capabilities, GIS is well suited to assist in performing dam failure
analysis. The proper analysis of the hazards associated with dam failure will assist in land use
planning and in developing emergency response plans to help mitigate catastrophic loss to
human life and property (Cameron T., 2008).

2.3. Hazard Potential Classification

Hazard Potential Classification is a system that categorizes dams according to the degree of
adverse incremental consequences of a failure or mis-operation of a dam. The hazard potential
classification does not reflect in any way on the current condition of the dam (e.g., safety,
structural integrity, flood routing capacity) (FEMA, 2004).

According to FEMA Three classification levels are adopted as follows: LOW, SIGNIFICANT,
and HIGH, listed in order of increasing adverse incremental consequences. The classification
levels build on each other, i.e., the higher order classification levels add to the list of
consequences for the lower classification levels.

Dams assigned the low hazard potential classification are those where failure or misoperation
results in no probable loss of human life and low economic and/or environmental losses, Dams
assigned the significant hazard potential classification are those dams where failure or
misoperation results in no probable loss of human life but can cause economic loss,
environmental damage, disruption of lifeline facilities, or can impact other concerns and Dams
assigned the high hazard potential classification are those where failure or mis-operation will
probably cause loss of human life.

When selecting hazard class for a dam the following considerations must be taken into account
(Bruce, 2007).

 Population at Risk
 Property Damage and Economic loss

 Environmental Damage
 Current Development

2.4. Topography
The Kesem river catchment to dam site covers about 3000 km2 and extends from an altitude of
almost 3600 m down to 860 m elevation (WWDSE, 2007). It rises on the high Ethiopian plateau
and descends the western scrap of the Great Rift Valley to join the Awash.

The most prominent feature of the Kesem valley is the steepness of slopes linking the plateau
of the north, west and south extremities of the catchment with the gorges and canyons of the
central area. The channels of the upper Kesem, narrow and highly sinuous features in fine
sediments, cascade into narrow, flat-floored trenches where they braid amongst the boulder and
cobble bed materials.

For a large part of the central Kesem catchment the valley floor broadens, up to half a kilometer
wide, allowing a complicated braided channel pattern. Channels seldom impinge on the
bordering steep slopes. Often, in the upper parts of this section, traditional irrigated agriculture
interposes between the channels and side slopes. Very little material appears to be contributed
by the bank erosion in this section. For the final section of its course the character of the Kesem
changes once more as it becomes constrained in narrow gorges and canyons, interrupted at
irregular intervals by wider reaches which have become depositional areas for course fluvial
sediments (WWDSE, 2007).

The channels are narrow and highly sinuous at higher levels before cascading into narrow flat
floored trenches. The dam site lies on a steep sloped valley. The topography of the site has been
shaped by tectonic activity with subsequent erosion. The slopes on the valley walls range 70o
to 85o forming plateau surface at the top of the abutments. The study area has a wide variety of
topographic features ranging from Moderate to high hills, faulted lava platform steps, dissected
gorges and high volcanic pediments hills, an upland plateau, and escarpments, deep dissected

Figure 2-7 Surface Topographic Map of the Study Area

2.5. Hydrology
2.5.1. Hydrometeorology
A vivid coverage of the climatology of Ethiopia has been made in the Report on Survey of the
Awash Basin by the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (1965), in an
exclusive volume on Climatology and Hydrology (Vol. III). ). As per the detailed study, the
country lies on the boundary between the subtropical high pressure belt and the actual tropical
zone, that is, the area affected for at least part of the year by the inter-tropical front. The relief
of east Africa is characterized by the great depression of the Rift, running approximately north-
south between 30o E and 40o E and marked by lakes, and the Awash valley. This depression
forms the boundary of the meteorological influence of maritime air masses originating in the
Indian Ocean.

Movement of air masses from three zones influence the climate of east Africa the zone east of
rift, the zone west of rift and the awash valley (WWDSE, 2007).

With respect to the zone east of Rift, Indian Ocean air stream, which is cool and damp but stable,
affects the eastern tip of Africa. This stream does not give rise to any large scale precipitation
except some local showers. In summer, the inter tropical front moves north and crosses this
zone. Rainfall occurs along a succession of fronts coming from the southwest. This rainfall
affects vast areas but just to the east of the Rift.

In the zone west of the Rift, the effects of north easterly continental air stream controlled by
the large Egyptian zone of high pressure are felt in the winter. This cool air stream of desert
origin gives the dry season. From the month of March onwards, the inter tropical front rapidly
reenters the northern hemisphere and heavy rainfall accompanies these fronts and affects the
high lands in the southwestern of the country.

In the middle and lower Awash also, the above processes continue to occur. Nevertheless, the
position of the valley in leeward side of the high ground, considerably reduces the rainfall,
because of the faults in the Rift. Further north, the Egyptian and Arabian subtropical
anticyclones help to accentuate the desert character of the land by the divergence and subsidence
with which they are associated.

Figure 2-8 Map of Movement of Air Masses Affecting East Africa

Daily rainfall data were obtained for 14 stations in and around Kesem catchment and are used
to estimate the average rainfall in the study area (WWDSE, 2007). The long-term rainfall station
at Addis Ababa was also included in the study. Of these, five stations, namely, Sheno, Shola
Gebeya, Balchi, ChefaDonsa and Aleltu are situated within the catchment. The Hydrometric
network of awash basin is shown in Figure 2.8.

Figure 2-9 Hydrometric Network of Awash and Kesem River catchment

2.5.2. Inflow Design flood
Design floods are the hypothetical floods, which are adopted as the basis for the design of
engineering structures on or along the streams or rivers (WWDSE, 2007). The cost and risk
involved in particular design application determine the magnitude of this flood.

From the hydrologic analysis point of view, the design floods could be classified into two
groups (WWDSE, 2007). In the first one, the design flood is conceptualized on hydrologic
considerations such as the “Probable Maximum Flood” (PMF) and “Standard Project Flood”
(SPF). The PMF is based on the concept, that there exists some kind of upper limits on flood
producing factors like storm rainfall and/or snow melt, catchment type and wetness. Such floods
are analyzed by detailed analysis of hydrological and hydro meteorological factors, using
physics based methods of analysis. The concept of SPF is not as definite, but is based usually
on maximum experienced values of the causative factors. In the second group, the statistically
derived floods are included with the associated Return Periods (exceedance probability). A T
year return period flood, by definition is that flood magnitude (peak, volume or any other
element of flood), which will be equalized or exceeded on an average once in T years.

Based on Indian Standards Norms for design Flood and US Soil Conservation Service Norms
the Kesem dam which is proposed to store about 500 Mm3 in its reservoir, has to be designed
for PMF (WWDSE, 2007). Indian Standards Norms for design Flood and US Soil Conservation
Service Norms are shown in table 2.1 and table 2.2 below.

Table 2-1 Indian standards norms for design flood

Design storm precipitation for

Type of structure Temporary storage Emergency spillway Free board
Type1, Low cost and 25 year 0.25 PMF 6 hour 0.375 PMF 6 hour
low downstream hazard Frequency Precipitation Precipitation
in the event of failure
Type 2, Moderate cost
with no down stream 50 year 0.375 PMF 6 hours 0.66 PMF 6 hour
hazard in the event of Frequency Precipitation Precipitation
failure or low cost with
moderate down stream
hazard(serious loss of
Type 3, high cost low or
Moderate cost with high 100 year 0.5 PMF 6 hour 1 PMF 6 hour
Downstream hazard in Frequency Precipitation Precipitation
the event of failure
(may involve loss of
Table 2-2. US Soil Conservation Service Norms

Gross storage Hydraulic Head Inflow Design

Classification (Mm3) Flood
Small Between 0.5 to 10 Between 7.5 and 100 year flood
Intermediate Between 10 and 60 Between 12 and 30 SPF
Large Greater than 60 Greater than 30 PMF

The essential requirement for derivation of the design PMF inflow hydrograph is a unit
hydrograph (WWDSE, 2007). A unit hydrograph is a direct runoff hydrograph resulting from

one unit depth of rainfall excess occurring uniformly in time and space, within the “unit
duration” (Chow, 1960).

The Kesem catchment is very peculiar in a way that to estimate the critical PMF hydrograph at
the dam site the catchment area up to dam site was divided into up land area of 1462 km2 and
the balance low land area of 1673 km2 (WWDSE, 2007). Synthetic Triangular unit hydrograph
where derived for the upland catchment, low land catchment and the entire catchment. The
following figures show the unit hydrograph for upland catchment, lowland catchment and the
entire catchment.




Discharge (m3/s)






0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time (hrs)

Figure 2-10 Synthetic Triangular Unit Hydrograph of Upland Catchment




Discharge (m3/s)







0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Time (hrs)

Figure 2-11 Synthetic Triangular Unit Hydrograph of Lowland Catchment




Discharge (m3/s)





0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (hrs)

Figure 2-12 Synthetic Triangular Unit Hydrograph of Entire Catchment

PMF inflow Hydrograph is obtained by convoluting the unit hydrograph with appropriate
Probable Maximum Precipitation ( (Chow, 1960)).

To estimate the flood hydrograph of Kesem catchment upstream of the dam three alternative
hydrographs were made. The first one develops the flood hydrographs for the up land
catchment, the second for the lowland catchment and the third one for the entire catchment
(WWDSE, 2007). The other two PMF inflow hydrographs represent the upland and lowland
catchments separately. If these are judiciously combined, they can produce another PMF inflow
hydrograph for the entire catchment. PMF hydrograph of the entire catchment and PMF
hydrograph of upland and lowland catchment combined are both used for flood routing exercise
since they are closer to actually observed shapes of floods from records (WWDSE, 2007). The
following figures show PMF hydrographs of all the cases.



Discharge (m3/s)





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (hrs)

Figure 2-13 PMF Hydrograph of Upland Catchment by USBR Method



Discharge (m3/s)




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Time (hrs)

Figure 2-14 PMF Hydrograph of Lowland Catchment by USBR Method




Discharge (m3/s)







0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Time (Hours)

Figure 2-15 PMF Hydrograph of Entire Catchment by USBR Method




Discharge (m3/s)







0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Time (hrs)

Figure 2-16 PMF Hydrograph of Entire Catchment by USBR Method (Upland and Lowland

2.6. Previous work on Kesem dam

Dam breach analysis of Kesem dam for dam breach scenarios overtopping and piping has been
done using the model BREACH to model the dam break and HEC-RAS to simulate the unsteady
flow analysis.

PMF with a peak of 8888m3/s has been obtained and was used as an inflow in the BREACH
model for overtopping failure mode. The spillway could accommodate the flood and breaching
of embankment dam was not possible. Hence, piping failure mode was checked. Breach
parameters and breach outflow hydrograph where performed by BREACH model.

Breach top width (m) 275.17m

Breach bottom width (m) 27.23m

Breach side slop 1.46

Breach formation time (hrs) 5.344hrs

Peak Breach outflow (m3/s) 92,037.88m3/s

This peak outflow through the breach is routed downstream and its propagation is analyzed in
terms of area coverage and flood depth. HEC-RAS and HEC-GeoRAS are the models used for
hydraulic computation and flood mapping, respectively.

Figure 2-17 Outflow hydrograph of flow through the breach

The methodology adopted in this study follows literature review, data collection, organization
and analysis of data as per the requirement of the model in use. Figure 3-1 shows summery of
the methodology.

Figure 3-1 Summary of the methodology of Dam Breach Analysis

As the chart shows the first step in dam breach analysis is Dam hazard classification (High,
Significant and low), the next step is to select dam failure Scenario (overtopping, piping,
earthquake, land slide etc.). Before starting to work in the software’s breach parameters are
estimated for an input to HEC-RAS. In software analysis, first HEC-GeoRAS prepares ArcGIS
geometric files using elevations from Digital Elevation Model for the use in HEC-RAS.
Geometric files prepared using HEC-GeoRAS are imported into HEC-RAS and are used for
unsteady flow analysis. After unsteady flow analysis the output from HEC-RAS which contains
cross sections with water surface elevation attached to them is imported into ArcGIS and is used
to prepare a flood map.

3.1. Location of the study area

The study area, Kesem Dam and Irrigation Project, is located at the southern end of the Afar
depression (rift) in Afar regional state, 225km East of Addis Ababa and 40 Km NW of Metehara

The Kesem river catchment covers about 3,000 km2 area and extends from an altitude of almost
3600 m down to 860 m a.m.s.l (above mean sea level). It rises on the high Ethiopian plateau
and descends to the western scrap of the Great Rift Valley to join the Awash River at its middle
section. Kesem dam is constructed on Kesem River and is geographically located at 9o8′45″
Latitude and 39o53′31″ Longitude.

It lies in between UTM 37 zone coordinates of 580000, 608000mE and 9810000-1020000mN

covering 200 Km2 of area in western part of Sabure sub-sheet (index name, 1:50,000 scale
topographic map). The project involves construction of dam to impound half a billion cubic
meters of water in order to irrigate 20,000 hectare of land for sugar cane plantation (WWDSE,
2007). Figure 3.2 shows location of the study area which includes Kesem dam and Kesem

Kesem Reservoir

Kesem Dam

Figure 3-2 Location of the Study Area

Cross section along Kesem dam axis which is obtained from Digital Elevation Model of the
study area is shown in figure-3.3.

Figure 3-3 Cross Section Profile along Kesem Dam Axis

3.2. Data collection

The study is based on existing Meteorological, hydrologic and topographic data collected by
different organizations. At this stage of the research the collection of data from different offices
and field observation are done before desk work ((selection, organizing, literature review on
dam break modeling and previous work).

Topographic data for awash basin which includes the Kesem catchment was collected from
Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity (MoWIE) in the form of Digital Elevation Model
(DEM) which is a continuous representation of elevation values over a topographic surface.

Nowadays Digital elevation model (DEM) is being used for determining elevations at any point,
slop and aspect and for finding features on the terrain, such as drainage basins and watershed,
drainage networks and channels, peaks and pits and other landforms.

Hydrologic data of Kesem River including Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) inflow
hydrograph, reservoir capacity, base flow and reservoir storage versus elevation curve are
collected from Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity (MoWIE) and from Water Works
Design and supervision Enterprise.

3.3. Digital Elevation Model
Dam breach analysis involves routing the outflow hydrograph from the breached dam
throughout downstream of the river from the dam up to the downstream boundary, this will
require elevation data of the reservoir and elevation data of the cross section of the river
including the flood plain. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is used as a source of elevation data
for this study.

Digital Elevation Model (DEM) consists of a sampled array of elevation for a number of ground
positions at regular spaced intervals (USGC, 1993). Digital Elevation Model have various
spatial resolutions, in this study 30m grid size of DEM is used. Digital Elevation model for the
study area is shown in figure-3.4.

Figure 3-4 Digital Elevation Model of the Study Area

3.4. Dam breach parameter

The estimation of possible breach dimensions and development time is necessary in any
assessment of dam safety since breach parameters will directly and substantially affect the
estimate of the flow, inundated areas and warning time at the downstream locations (Gee, 2009).

The available breach parameter and peak breach flow estimation techniques can be classified
into three categories, as follows: Comparative analysis, Regression-based methods based on

data collected from actual dam failures, and Physically-based simulation models (Chauhan,

Agency guidelines are generally in the form of suggested ranges (FERC 1987) or conservative
upper bound estimates (USBR 1988). Therefore, they do not appear to be intended for obtaining
accurate breach flow estimates. The physically-based embankment dam breach models, such as
BREACH (Fread, 1988) and BEED (Singh and Scarlatos 1985) rely on bed-load type erosion
formulas, which may be appropriate for some stages of the breach process, but are not consistent
with the mechanics of much of the breaching process as observed in the field or laboratory
(Wahl 1988). Therefore, in practice, most widely used methods for predicting breach
parameters are based on regression analyses of data collected from dam failures (Chauhan,

In this study the MacDonald and Langridge-Monopolis (1984) and Froehlich (2008) which are
empirical formulas developed from regression analysis of data collected from various dam
failures, are used to estimate the Dam breach parameters of Kesem Dam.

Summary of MacDonald and Langridge-Monopolis (1984) and Froehlich (2008) empirical

equations are shown in table-3.1.

Table 3-1.MacDonald and Langridge-Monopolis (1984) and Froehlich (2008) empirical


Breach MacDonald and

Parameters Langridge-Monopolis(1984) Froehlich (2008)

Volume Eroded 𝑉𝑒𝑟 = 0.0261(𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 × ℎ𝑤 )0.769

𝑉𝑒𝑟 (earth fill)
(m ) 𝑉𝑒𝑟 = 0.00348(𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 × ℎ𝑤 )0.852
(rock fill)

2 ℎ𝑏 𝑍𝑏 𝑍3
Breach Width 𝑉𝑒𝑟 − ℎ𝑏 (𝐶𝑍𝑏 + ) = 0.27 𝐾𝑜 𝑉𝑤 0.32 𝐻𝑏 0.04
𝐵 𝐵𝑏 = ℎ𝑏 𝑍3
(m) ℎ𝑏 (𝐶 + ) 𝐾𝑜 =1.0 for piping
𝐾𝑜 =1.3 for overtopping
Side Slope 0.5:1 0.7:1 piping
(H:V) 1.0:1 overtopping

Development 𝑉𝑤
Time 𝑇𝑓 = 0.0179𝑉𝑒𝑟 0.364 (ℎ𝑟) 𝑇𝑓 = 63.2 √ (𝑠𝑒𝑐)
𝑇𝑓 𝑔𝐻𝑏 2

3.5. Hydraulic model development

Hydraulic model of Natural River could be successfully analyzed with four equations:
continuity, energy, momentum, and manning. The manning equation is considered to be
empirical and is used to estimate friction loss while the energy equation is considered semi-
empirical (Saleh, 2009).

One-dimensional (1D) flow routing approaches such as HEC-RAS and some which are based
on the saint venant equations or variations, still from the majority of traditional numerical
hydraulic models used in practical engineering. The widespread usage in practice might be
explained not only by the fact that 1D models are (in comparison to higher dimension hydraulic
models) simpler to use and require a minimal amount of input data and computer power, but
also because the basic concept and programs have already been around for several decades ( US
Army Corps of Engineering, 2001).

In this study, the hydraulic model used is HEC-RAS which is a public domain model developed
by the US Army Crop of Engineers (USACE, 2002). It performs one dimensional steady and
unsteady flow calculations on a network of natural or manmade open channel.

3.5.1. HEC-GeoRAS Modeling

HEC-GeoRAS is set of ArcGIS tools specifically designed to process geospatial data for use
with the Hydrologic Engineering Center’s River Analysis System (HEC-RAS). The extension
allows users to create an HEC-RAS import file containing geometric data from an existing
digital elevation model (DEM) (Hydraulic Engineering Center, 2005).

Figure 3-5HEC-GeoRAS tool in ARCGIS

Essential data required to work with HEC-GeoRAS are terrain data (Digital Elevation Model
DEM) and land use information. The geometry file for HEC-RAS contains information on
cross-sections, hydraulic structures, river banks and other physical attributes of river channels.
The pre-processing using HEC-GeoRAS involves creating these attributes in GIS, and then
exporting them to the HEC-RAS geometry file. In HEC-GeoRAS, each attribute is stored in a
separate feature class called as RAS Layer (Hydraulic Engineering Center, 2005). After creating
RAS layers, these are added to the map document with a pre-assigned symbology. Since these
layers are empty they are populated by digitizing each layer.

The Stream Centerline layer is used to identify the connectivity of the river system. It is created
in the downstream direction and is used to assign river stations to the cross sections, bridges,
and other structures to order computational nodes in the HEC-RAS model. The Cross-Sectional
Cut Lines layer is the principal data constructed using HEC-GeoRAS. Cut lines are digitized
across the floodplain area to capture the profile of the land surface. Cross sections should be
digitized perpendicular to the path of flow in the channel and overbank areas to be consistent
with one- dimensional flow characteristics. Having created the bank lines and flow path
centerlines prior to laying out cut line locations is advantageous. A summary of RAS Layers
and their use in building a hydraulic model is provided in table-3.2.

Table 3-2. Summary of HEC-GeoRAS layers and corresponding output for HEC-RAS

RAS layers Description

Stream Centerline Used to identify the connectivity of the river
network and assign river stations to
computation points.
Cross-Sectional Cut Lines Used to extract elevation transects from the
DEM at specified locations and other cross-
sectional properties.
Bank Lines Used in conjunction with the cut lines to
identify the main channel from overbank
Flow Path Centerlines Used to identify the center of mass of flow in
the main channel and overbanks to compute
the downstream reach lengths between cross
Land Use Used to assign flow roughness factors
(Manning’s n values) to the cross sections.
Inline Structures Used to extract the weir profile from the
DEM for inline structures (dams).

Storage Areas Used to define the extent of detention areas
and develop the elevation- volume
relationship from the DEM.

Stream Centerline, Bank Lines and Flow Path layers that are digitized in ArcGIS using the
HEC-GeoRAS tool are shown in figure-3.6.

Bank Line
kesem abi.dem
High : 3697.3
Flow Path
Low : 564.4

Figure 3-6HEC-GeoRAS layers on ARCGIS

Stream Center Line
The final task before exporting the GIS data to HEC-RAS geometry file is assigning Manning’s
n value to individual cross-sections. HEC-GeoRAS accomplishes this by using a land use
feature class with Manning’s n stored for different land use types. Figure-3.7shows cross section
cutline of Kesem River and their corresponding land use.

land cover_ land use
<all other values>
Acacia Bushland/Thicket
Acacia Shrubland/Grassland
Barren Or Sparsely Vegetated
Bush Woodland
Cropland (Sugar Cane And Other Crops)
Cropland with Grassland Savanna
Cropland with Shrubland
Cropland/Savanna/Bushland Mosaic
Cropland/Tropical Forest
Degraded Tropical Forest/Cropland
Fir/Cedar Forest
Grassland With Cropland
Grassland, Herbaceous Wetland
Grassland/Woodland Mosaic
Herbaceous Wetlands (Sud)
Herbaceous With Woody Wetlands (Okavanga Swamp)
Inland Water
Low Open Forest/Woodland
Low Shrub - Bushland Savanna with Cropland
Montane Broadleaf Evergreen Woodland

Montane Dry Sparse Forest/Grassland
Open And Fragmented Forest
Secondary Semi-deciduous Forest/Woodland
Semi-Desert Grassland with Shrubland
Shrub Savanna
Tropical Forest
Tropical Plantations
Woodland/Grass/Shrub Mosaic
no match
0 2.5 5 10 Kilometers

Figure 3-7 Cross section cut lines of Kesem River and land use layer of the study area

3.5.2. HEC-RAS Modeling

HEC-RAS is a one-dimensional river hydraulics model used for steady- flow and unsteady-
flow water surface profile computations though a network of open channels (HEC, 2010).
Because HEC-RAS solves the full Saint-Venant equations, it is well suited for computing the
flood wave propagation resulting from a dam failure scenario (Cameron T., 2008). Dam Profile

A dam is modeled in HEC-RAS as an inline structure. An inline structure is represented with a
weir profile (that includes the spillway).An inline structure can be directly added to HEC-RAS
or it can be imported from ARCGIS together with other geometric data. In this study the inline
stricture is imported from ARCGIS.

Inline structure data are entered in HEC-RAS. This data include a weir/Embankment profile,
and any gated spillways that may be modeled (HEC, 2010). In this study only weir and

Embankment profile are entered since the spillway is not gated. Figure-3.8shows profile of
Kesem dam as an in line structure in HEC-RAC.

Figure 3-8profile of Kesem dam in HEC-RAS Dam Breach Data

To model dam failure in HEC-RAS Dam Breach parameters (breach shape and formation time)
estimated using different empirical formulas and failure mode must be entered in HEC-RAS.
Since HEC-RAS supports both over toping and piping failure mode breach parameters
estimated for each failure mode is used for dam failure modeling in HEC-RAS. Data entry in
HEC-RAS of breach information for Kesem dam is shown in Figure-3.9.

Figure 3-9Dam breach data of Kesem dam in HEC-RAS Channel Cross Section data

Cross sections are one of the key inputs to HEC-RAS. Cross sections are digitized in ArcGIS
using the HEC-GeoRAS tool and are imported into HEC-RAS along with other geometric data.
Cross section cutlines are used to extract elevation data from the terrain to create a ground
profile across channel flow (Merwade, 2012).The intersection of cutlines with HEC-GeoRAS
layers such as centerline and flow path lines are used to compute HEC-RAS attributes such as
bank station (locations that separate channel from flood plain), downstream reach length
(distance between cross sections) and Mannings (n) (Merwade, 2012).Cross sections provide
useful information such as elevation across the flood plain, station points and Mannings
roughness coefficient which are then used for Dam Breach analysis in HEC-RAS. In this study
cross section cut lines are digitized every 200m along downstream of the river from the dam up
to the downstream boundary 60km from the dam. Figure-3.10 show cross section cutline across
Kesem River and other geometric data in HEC-RAS.

River Cross section cutline

Figure 3-10Geometric data of Kesem River Unsteady flow analysis

Flood is a typical example of unsteady flow since the stage of the flow changes instantaneously
as the flood wave pass by (Chow, 1960). In this study HEC-RAS is used to simulate unsteady
flow throughout the downstream of Kesem River from Kesem dam up to the downstream
boundary 60km from the dam. Once all of the geometric data are entered in to HEC-RAS,
required unsteady flow data must be entered to undertake the unsteady flood simulation.
Unsteady flow data includes boundary conditions at all of the external boundaries of the system,
as well as any desired internal locations, and set the initial flow and storage area condition at
the beginning of the simulation. Generally unsteady flow data required are boundary condition
and initial condition.

There are different types of boundary conditions some of them are Flow Hydrograph, Stage
Hydrograph, Stage and Flow hydrograph, Rating Curve, Normal Depth, Lateral Inflow
hydrograph etc. Unsteady flow data used as a boundary condition in this study are PMF Inflow
Hydrograph and Normal depth. The PMF Inflow Hydrograph is used as an upstream boundary

condition. Inflow Hydrograph boundary condition of Kesem River and its plot are shown on

Normal depth is used as a downstream boundary condition. Normal depth can only be used as
a downstream boundary condition for an open ended reach. To use normal depth it is required
to enter a friction slope for the reach in the vicinity of the boundary condition. The slope of the
water surface is often a good estimate of the friction slope (HEC, 2010).

Figure 3-11PMF Inflow Hydrograph of Kesem River as an upstream boundary condition in

In addition to the boundary condition, initial condition should be established at the beginning
of the unsteady flow simulation. Initial condition consists of flow and stage information at each
of the cross sections, as well as elevations for any storage areas defined in the system (HEC,

Once all the geometric and unsteady flow data have been entered, unsteady flow calculations
can be performed. Unsteady flow analysis window where unsteady flow analysis can be
computed in HEC-RAS is shown in Figure 3.12.

Figure 3-12unsteady flow analysis window

3.6. Flood Plain Mapping
After unsteady flow analysis in HEC-RAS where water surface elevation at locations from
upstream boundary to downstream boundary are obtained, the next step is to use this water
surface elevations for flood mapping. Floodplain mapping is accomplished in the GIS using
HEC-GeoRAS. HEC-GeoRAS is a set of ArcGIS tool which is specially designed to serve as a
bridge between HEC-RAS and ArcGIS. It prepares geometric files on ArcGIS and also it export
and import geometric files from and to HEC-RAS and ArcGIS.

To prepare the map in ArcGIS GIS information is exported from HEC-RAS and read into the
GIS with GeoRAS. The geo-referenced cross sections are imported and water surface elevations
attached to the cross sections are used to create a continuous water surface. The water surface
is then compared with the terrain model and the floodplain is identified where the water surface
is higher than the terrain. HEC-GeoRAS produces inundation maps for flood extent and depth.

Based on the methodology and input requirement of the model selected, all the necessary steps
are undertaken and the Dam Breach Analysis is simulated. So in this part all the necessary
results will be shown and discussed towards the objective of the research.

4.1. Dam Breach Parameter

Estimating the dam breach parameters is one of the most important things that have to be done
before dam breach analysis is simulated. Both MacDonald and Langridge-Monopolis (1984)
and Froehlich (2008) are used to estimate breach parameters. The modes of failure for this dam
are assumed to be overtopping and piping type of failure.

Breach parameters are estimated for both overtopping and piping and are used as an input for
HEC-RAS. This dam breach parameters breach width, breach side slope and breach formation
time are used as a geometric data during unsteady flow analysis. Results of dam breach
parameter calculations for overtopping and piping failure mode for both MacDonald and
Langridge-Monopolis (1984) and Froehlich (2008) methods are as follows.

Overtopping: - Froehlich (2008):

Average breach width 𝐵𝑎𝑣𝑔 = 0.27 𝐾𝑜 𝑉𝑤 0.32 𝐻𝑏 0.04 377.4m

𝐵𝑎𝑣𝑔 = 215.14m


Breach formation time 𝑡𝑓 = 63.2√𝑔𝐻𝑤 2 = 1.982 hrs

Overtopping: - MacDonald and Langridge-Monopolis (1984)

Volume of material eroded from the dam embankment 𝑉𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑑 = 0.00348 (𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 ∗ 𝐻𝑤 )0.852

𝑉𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑑 = 3,664,595.25𝑚3

𝑉𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑑 −𝐻𝑏 2 ( 𝐶𝑍𝑏 + 𝑏 𝑏 3 )
Bottom Width of the breach 𝑊𝑏 = 𝐻 𝑍
𝐻𝑏 (𝐶+ 𝑏 3 )

𝑊𝑏 = 356.13𝑚

Breach formation time 𝑡𝑓 = 0.0178 (𝑉𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑑 )0.364 437.63m

𝑡𝑓 = 4.36 ℎ𝑟𝑠


Piping: - Froehlich (2008): 248.96m

Average breach width 𝐵𝑎𝑣𝑔 = 0.27 𝐾𝑜 𝑉𝑤 0.32 𝐻𝑏 0.04

𝐵𝑎𝑣𝑔 = 192.96m Bavg


Breach formation time 𝑡𝑓 = 63.2√𝑔𝐻𝑤 2 = = 1.535 hrs

Piping: - MacDonald and Langridge-Monopolis (1984)

Volume of material eroded from the dam embankment 𝑉𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑑 = 0.00348 (𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 ∗ 𝐻𝑤 )0.852

𝑉𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑑 = 2,536,087.89𝑚3

𝑉𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑑 −𝐻𝑏 2 ( 𝐶𝑍𝑏 + 𝑏 𝑏 3 )
Bottom Width of the breach 𝑊𝑏 = 𝐻 𝑍
𝐻𝑏 (𝐶+ 𝑏 3 )

𝑊𝑏 = 148.7 𝑚

Breach formation time 𝑡𝑓 = 0.0178 (𝑉𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑑 )0.364

𝑡𝑓 = 3.81ℎ𝑟𝑠

Table 4-1 summary of estimated breach parameters

Table Overtopping
Dam breach parameters Froehlich (2008) Macdonald and Langridge-
Monopolis (1984)
Breach bottom width 215.14m 356.13m
Breach side slope 1.0:1 0.5:1
Breach formation time 1.982hrs 4.36hrs
Breach bottom width 136.95m 148.7m
Breach side slope 0.7:1 0.5:1
Breach formation time 1.535hrs 3.81 hrs

Based on the results from unsteady flow analysis, envelop curve and peak outflow regression
equations, breach parameters from one of the method are selected.

4.2. Unsteady flow analysis
Unsteady flow analysis is the basic part of dam breach analysis where flood from the dam to
the downstream boundary routed. With all the necessary data HEC-RAS can perform unsteady
flow analysis. After entering boundary conditions for the farthest upstream and downstream
cross sections and initial conditions in to HEC-RAS unsteady flow simulation can be initiated.

In unsteady flow analysis of this study PMF inflow hydrograph of Kesem River and normal
depth of the farthest downstream vicinity are used as a boundary condition and initial flow and
elevation for the storage area are used as an initial condition.

4.2.1. Unsteady flow analysis of overtopping

Unsteady flow simulation of overtopping failure in HEC-RAS requires PMF inflow hydrograph
as an upstream boundary condition. Overtopping failure occurs when the flood due to the PMF
inflow passes over the embankment.

Flood resulting from the PMF of Kesem River did not overtop the dam during unsteady flow
simulation. The PMF rise the reservoir water surface elevation only to 939m which is 2m below
the dam crest. Figure 4.1 shows the maximum water surface elevation on the dam profile during
unsteady flow simulation.

Figure 4-1 Kesem dam profile with maximum water surface

4.2.2. Unsteady flow analysis of piping
Unsteady flow analysis due to piping of Kesem dam in HEC-RAS is done after entering the
necessary data for the simulation to begin. Dam breach parameters and boundary conditions are
the necessary data that are inputted in HEC-RAS. For comparison two empirical formulas
MacDonald and Langridge-Monopolis (1984) and Froehlich (2008) are used to estimate breach
parameters. Unsteady flow analysis of piping in HEC-RAS is done for both methods.

The starting water surface elevation for piping is taken at the crest of the spillway, since the
spill way is only used during flood events. Figure 4.2 shows water surface elevation before
piping begins.

Figure 4-2 Kesem dam profile with water surface profile at the spillway crust level
Using breach parameters from Froehlich (2008) and MacDonald and Langridge-Monopolis
(1984) for unsteady flow analysis in HEC-RAS out flow hydrograph from the breached dam
and hydrograph at every cross section are obtained after the unsteady flow simulation. Figure
4.3 and Figure 4.4 shows hydrographs at the inline structure and at 20km, 40km and 60km from
the dam for both Froehlich (2008) and MacDonald and Langridge-Monopolis (1984)

Breach out flow hydrograph

Hydrograph 20km
Downstream of the dam

Hydrograph 40km
Downstream of the dam
Hydrograph 60km
Downstream of the dam

Figure 4-3 Hydrographs after unsteady flow analysis using Froehlich (2008)

Breach out flow hydrograph

Hydrograph 20km
Downstream of the dam

Hydrograph 40km
Downstream of the dam

Hydrograph 60km
Downstream of the dam

Figure 4-4 Hydrographs after unsteady flow analysis using MacDonald and Langridge-
Monopolis (1984)

Both Froehlich (2008) and MacDonald and Langridge-Monopolis (1984) have their own
importance, Froehlich (2008) differentiate between piping and overtopping and MacDonald and
Langridge-Monopolis (1984) differentiate between earth fill dam and rock fill dam. Breach
parameters from both equations are more or less similar but breach formation time which is one
of the parameters is 1.535 hrs for Froehlich (2008) and 3.81hrs for MacDonald and Langridge-
Monopolis (1984). This makes the magnitude of the pick outflow to diminish and the out flow
flood to take longer time to pass through the breach in case of MacDonald and Langridge-
Monopolis (1984). Figure 4.5 shows the difference between breach out flow hydrographs using
Froehlich (2008) and MacDonald and Langridge-Monopolis (1984).



Figure 4-5 Breach out flow hydrograph of Froehlich (2008) and MacDonald and Langridge-
Monopolis (1984)
After unsteady flow analysis due to piping is simulated in HEC-RAS, HEC-RAS can show the
breach on the inline structure and water surface profile of Kesem River. Figure 4.6 and Figure
4.7 shows breach on Kesem dam and water surface profile of Kesem River.

Figure 4-6 Kesem dam profile after the breach
kesem dam breach inline piping 1 mac emp Plan: empty breach 9/26/2015
kesem river kesem ds of dame

Crit Max WS
900 Ground

Elevation (m)



10000 20000 30000 40000

Main Channel Distance (m)

Figure 4-7Water surface profile of Kesem river

4.3. Peak flow equations and Envelop curve
The computed peak outflow from the HEC-RAS model for both Froehlich (2008) (Qp =
123,685.8m3/s) and MacDonald and Langridge Monopolis (1984) (Qp= 72,670.8m3/s) are
compered to Peak outflow regression equations as a test for reasonableness. Several researchers
have developed equations from historical dam failure data. The equations developed are only
used for comparison purpose.

Shown below is peak outflow equations and there resulting peak outflow for Kesem dam breach.

 USBR (1982): 𝑄 = 19.1(ℎ𝑤 )1.85 = 49,483𝑚3

hw -Depth of water above the breach invert at time of breach (70m)
 MacDonald and Langridge Monopolis (1984): 𝑄 = 3.85(𝑉𝑤 ℎ𝑤 )0.411 = 81,618.04𝑚3
Vw -volume of water above the breach invert (480Mm3)
 Soil conservation service (SCS,1981): 𝑄 = 16.6ℎ𝑤 1.85 = 43,007.03𝑚3
 Hagen (1982): 𝑄 = 0.54(𝑆ℎ𝑑 )0.5 = 106,477.265𝑚3
S - Reservoir storage for water surface elevation at breach time (480M3)
hd – height of the dam (81m)
 Singh and Snorrason (1984): 𝑄 = 13.4(ℎ𝑑 )1.89 = 54,217.794𝑚3
 Costa (1985): 𝑄 = 1.122(𝑆)0.57 = 99,609.41𝑚3

Peak outflow obtained from the HEC-RAS model using breach parameters from Macdonald
and Langridge Monopolis (1984) is closer to peak outflow from regression equations, than peak
outflow obtained from the model using breach parameters from Froehlich (2008). Peak outflow
from the model using breach parameters from Macdonald and Langridge Monopolis (1984)
have an average error of 0.3 when compared with results from peak outflow regression
equations and peak outflow from the model using breach parameters from Froehlich (2008)
have an average error of 0.4 when compared with results from peak outflow regression

In addition to the peak flow equations, the model peak outflow can also be compared to envelop
curve of historical failure. The flowing figure shows the envelop curve and where peak outflows
from the model lay on the envelop curve using breach parameters from both Macdonald and
Langridge Monopolis (1984) and Froehlich (2008).

Froehlich (2008) Qp- 4,271,521.367cfs (120,000m3/s)

Macdonald and Langridge Monopolis (1984) Qp- 2,272,026.669cfs


Hydraulic Depth 230ft

Figure 4-8 Peak outflow envelop curve of Historical dam failures

Peak outflow obtained from the HEC-RAS model using breach parameters from Macdonald
and Langridge Monopolis (1984) lays in the envelop curve but peak outflow obtained from
HEC-RAS using breach parameters from Froehlich (2008) lays outside of the curve. This shows
that breach parameters obtained from Macdonald and Langridge Monopolis (1984) is more
accurate than breach parameters obtained from Froehlich (2008).

4.4. Flood Mapping
Flood mapping is the final step in dam breach analysis. In this study the HEC-GeoRAS tool in
GIS performs the flood mapping process in GIS. The flood map shows the maximum water
surface and up to where this maximum water surface extends on the flood plain. The flood map
is created on a type of DEM called TIN which is derived from a raster DEM. Once the flood
map is created it can be shown on the TIN itself or on an aerial map of the study area. Since
peak outflow from HEC-RAS using breach parameters from Macdonald and Langridge
Monopolis (1984) is more accurate when compared with results of peak outflow regression
equations and lays inside the envelop curve, water surface elevations obtained using breach
parameters from Macdonald and Langridge Monopolis (1984) are used for the mapping process.
Figure 4.8 shows map of the flood due to piping of Kesem Dam on a TIN and figure 4.10 shows
map of flood due to piping of Kesem dam on an aerial map. Figure 4.9 shows the map of the
study area.

d Max WS
0.00012207 - 12.34429094
12.34429095 - 29.1323606
29.13236061 - 42.95782973
42.95782974 - 70.11500124
70.11500125 - 125.9106445

0 2.5 5 10 Kilometers

Figure 4-9Flood map on a TIN derived from DEM

The flood map covers 183km2 of land which is under water. The map shows different water
surface elevations, differentiating them with color.

. Sabure Town
Alibete Village

Figure 4-10 Aerial map of the study area

d Max WS
0.00012207 - 12.34429094
12.34429095 - 29.1323606
29.13236061 - 42.95782973
42.95782974 - 70.11500124
70.11500125 - 125.9106445

Figure 4-11 Flood map on an aerial map of the study area

As seen from the flood map that is overlain on areal map of the study area Sabure Town and
Alibete village are affected by the flood.

The water surface profile can also be displayed on the XYZ perspective plot in HEC-RAS.
Figure 4.11 shows the XYZ perspective plot for unsteady flow analysis of Kesem River.

kesem dam breach inli ne piping 1 mac lag Plan: lag piping 9/27/2015
19638.08 Legend
18107.9 WS Max WS
16895.73 15284.77
16086.27 Ground
9940.1259333.102 8526.476
12381.08 10741.17 7719.104 Bank Sta
11334.96 7112.835

Figure 4-12Perspective plot of water surface profile in HEC-RAS

5.1. Conclusion
For correct management of flood due to dam breach analysis and its consequence, Models and
Empirical Formulas that are most widely used and can give more similar result when compared
to historical failures. The river hydraulics model HEC-RAS have been used for computing flood
wave propagation resulting from a dam failure scenario in different countries worldwide and is
generally adequate for unsteady flow water surface computation.

Dam breach is modeled after selecting a failure scenario. Failure scenarios selected for this
study are overtopping and piping, because most historical dam failures are due to those types
of failure scenario. In this study Kesem dam can safely pass the PMF inflow of Kesem River
without overtopping the embankment, this is because the dam have adequate spillway capacity
and free board.

Empirical formulas are used to predict the breach parameters of Kesem dam. Froehlich (2008)
and MacDonald and Langridge-Monopolis (1984) are used to estimate the breach parameter,
where in turn the breach parameters are used for unsteady flow calculations in HEC-RAS. When
peak outflow obtained with this empirical equations was compared to peak outflow empirical
equations and peak out flow envelop curve from historical dam failure, MacDonald and
Langridge-Monopolis (1984) was found to be more accurate as can be seen in the result. Peak
outflow obtained using MacDonald and Langridge-Monopolis (1984) have an error of 0.3 when
compared to peak outflow equations and lays inside the peak outflow envelop curve. Peak
outflow obtained using Froehlich (2008) have an error of 0.4 when compared to peak outflow
empirical equations from historical failure and lays outside the peak outflow envelop curve.
Hence, Peak outflow using MacDonald and Langridge-Monopolis (1984) was chosen for
unsteady flow analysis in HEC-RAS and Inundation Mapping in ArcGIS.

Previous dam breach analysis on Kesem dam used two models BREACH and HEC-RAS.
BREACH was used to estimate the breach parameters and calculate the breach outflow
hydrograph and HEC-RAS was used to perform the flood routing. Whereas, the present study
calculates the breach parameters using empirical equations and performs both outflow
hydrograph calculation and flood routing in HEC-RAS. When comparing the peak outflow and

breach parameters of the previous study and the present study it can be concluded that they are
more or less similar other than the fact that they are performed with different methodology.

From the plotted flood map on ARCGIS TIN and aerial map, it can be seen that the flood affects
18300 hectares of area. The XYZ plot also show the extent of the water surface on the cross
sections. The XYZ perspective plot in HEC-RAS and the flood map on ARCGIS are somewhat
different, this is because HEC-RAS only sees elevation deferens on the cross sections not in
between the cross sections but it is a different case for ARCGIS it can see elevation difference
everywhere depending on the quality of DEM. From the map it can be concluded the flood from
the dam breach covers Sabure town, Alibete village and irrigation farms.

5.2. Recommendation
The study benefited from the hydrological data obtained from different sources, mainly from
the development of the area and availability of DEM of the study area. However, the work also
faced limitations with regard to both data quantity and quality. To better understand and increase
the knowledge on dam breach analysis in Ethiopia, row elevation data of the flood plain and
there proper utilization is very crucial. New elevation data should be collected for a better
information about the flood plain.

Although there are number of dams for hydropower, irrigation and water supply in Ethiopia,
dam breach analysis have been given very little and/or no attention in the country. But it is very
essential towards mitigating loss of life and property due to the flood from the dam breach. In
the future more studies on dam breach analysis have to be done in this country.

The current study uses regression equations to predict the breach parameters, but physically
based dam breach models give more detailed results even though they are more difficult. Future
dam breach studies should consider to use physically based model to predict dam breach

When any unusual seeping of water is observed from the dam body any personnel who
constantly observes the dam must inform the concerned body. The concerned body must try to
save the dam before irreversible damage is done. If the actions taken to save the dam don’t
work, the authorities around the flood prone area have to evacuate peoples that are in danger
because of the flood.

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APPENDIX 1 PMF inflow hydrograph of the entire catchment
Direct surface PMF
runoff Hydrograph Base Flow Hydrograph
(m3/s) (m3/s) (m3/s)

0 310 310
29.8448 310 339.8448
89.5344 310 399.5344
179.0688 310 489.0688
298.448 310 608.448
447.672 310 757.672
626.7408 310 936.7408
850.5768 310 1160.5768
1119.18 310 1429.18
1432.5872 310 1742.5872
1758.1016 310 2068.1016
2095.5392 310 2405.5392
2459.8224 310 2769.8224
2865.8736 310 3175.8736
3343.5376 310 3653.5376
3922.6776 310 4232.6776
4594.4064 310 4904.4064
5328.7872 310 5638.7872
6066.1488 310 6376.1488
6767.7592 310 7077.7592
7433.5448 310 7743.5448
8024.792 310 8334.792
8502.7136 310 8812.7136
8819.6352 310 9129.6352
8927.772 310 9237.772
8791.1704 310 9101.1704
8457.284 310 8767.284
8021.5168 310 8331.5168
7508.0464 310 7818.0464
6916.9464 310 7226.9464
6272.008 310 6582.008
5606.0936 310 5916.0936
4919.2952 310 5229.2952
4211.576 310 4521.576
3539.516 310 3849.516
2903.2992 310 3213.2992
2311.8864 310 2621.8864
1774.2384 310 2084.2384
1308.2768 310 1618.2768
931.9232 310 1241.9232
654.1384 310 964.1384
457.0008 310 767.0008

304.6672 310 614.6672
188.1768 310 498.1768
107.5296 310 417.5296
53.7648 310 363.7648
17.9216 310 327.9216
0 310 310

APPENDIX 2 Elevation, area and capacity relationship of Kesem
Elevation Original Area Capacity
(m) (km2) (MCM)
930 28.66 480
928 26.38 410
926 24.5 365
924 21.29 324
922 19 285
920 16.5 248
918 13.86 216
916 12.7 190
914 11.29 165
912 10.1 143
910 9.45 124.7
909 8.9 113.6
908 8.34 103
906 7.76 89
904 6.73 74.68
902 5.68 61.8
900 5.1 52
898 4.18 40.4
896 3.78 35.72
894 2.98 27.26
892 2.29 20.67
890 2 17.8
888 1.62 13.3
886 1.38 11.56
884 1.06 8.51
882 0.84 6.13
880 0.68 5.1
878 0.5 3.6
876 0.42 3.07
874 0.32 2.4
872 0.28 2
870 0.22 1.7
868 0.18 1.4
866 0.14 0.9
864 0.09 0.5
862 0.05 0.2
860 0 0

APPENDIX 3 Breach outflow hydrograph using Dam breach
parameters from Macdonald and Langridge-Monopolis
River: kesem river Reach: kesem ds of dame RS:
Stage Flow
1 20Jul2015 2400 931.11 310.38
2 21Jul2015 0005 931.1 374.29
3 21Jul2015 0010 931.1 578.74
4 21Jul2015 0015 930.96 869.59
5 21Jul2015 0020 930.94 1356.96
6 21Jul2015 0025 930.91 1976.62
7 21Jul2015 0030 930.8 2710.48
8 21Jul2015 0035 930.72 3596.91
9 21Jul2015 0040 930.63 4621.29
10 21Jul2015 0045 930.51 5775.41
11 21Jul2015 0050 930.37 7062.89
12 21Jul2015 0055 930.22 8489.24
13 21Jul2015 0100 930.05 10052.16
14 21Jul2015 0105 929.84 11761.06
15 21Jul2015 0110 929.62 13597.78
16 21Jul2015 0115 929.38 15555.28
17 21Jul2015 0120 929.11 17626.51
18 21Jul2015 0125 928.79 19799.97
19 21Jul2015 0130 928.43 22069.26
20 21Jul2015 0135 928.03 24426.03
21 21Jul2015 0140 927.56 26855.79
22 21Jul2015 0145 926.94 31987.12
23 21Jul2015 0150 926.15 40679.11
24 21Jul2015 0155 925.18 49383.71
25 21Jul2015 0200 923.94 58048.04
26 21Jul2015 0205 922.39 66360.09
27 21Jul2015 0210 920.77 70518.41
28 21Jul2015 0215 919 71827.07
29 21Jul2015 0220 917.05 72507.2
30 21Jul2015 0225 914.98 72670.8
31 21Jul2015 0230 912.69 72060.66
32 21Jul2015 0235 910.31 70956.92
33 21Jul2015 0240 907.7 69005.88
34 21Jul2015 0245 904.94 66326.91

35 21Jul2015 0250 902.12 63007.54
36 21Jul2015 0255 898.97 58404.44
37 21Jul2015 0300 895.99 54035
38 21Jul2015 0305 893.06 49642.19
39 21Jul2015 0310 890.35 45789.22
40 21Jul2015 0315 887.76 42212.87
41 21Jul2015 0320 885.31 38952.82
42 21Jul2015 0325 882.79 35372.93
43 21Jul2015 0330 880.47 32440.87
44 21Jul2015 0335 878.17 29578.76
45 21Jul2015 0340 875.86 26768.61
46 21Jul2015 0345 873.4 23476.48
47 21Jul2015 0350 869.89 15720.35
48 21Jul2015 0355 867.88 10014.62
49 21Jul2015 0400 866.07 6045.1
50 21Jul2015 0405 864.64 3535.43
51 21Jul2015 0410 863.21 1721.92
52 21Jul2015 0415 862.64 1327.31
53 21Jul2015 0420 862.09 898.59
54 21Jul2015 0425 861.67 694.05
55 21Jul2015 0430 861.89 886.06
56 21Jul2015 0435 862.09 1047.58
57 21Jul2015 0440 862.3 1205.06
58 21Jul2015 0445 862.39 1251.99
59 21Jul2015 0450 862.47 1306.7
60 21Jul2015 0455 862.53 1359.26
61 21Jul2015 0500 862.52 1356.58
62 21Jul2015 0505 862.51 1332.41
63 21Jul2015 0510 862.53 1352.1
64 21Jul2015 0515 862.52 1347.25
65 21Jul2015 0520 862.48 1308.87
66 21Jul2015 0525 862.46 1287.09
67 21Jul2015 0530 862.43 1261.57
68 21Jul2015 0535 862.38 1220.29
69 21Jul2015 0540 862.34 1184.29
70 21Jul2015 0545 862.3 1153.84
71 21Jul2015 0550 862.24 1105.64
72 21Jul2015 0555 862.2 1070.1
73 21Jul2015 0600 862.15 1031.57
74 21Jul2015 0605 862.13 1028.98
75 21Jul2015 0610 862.14 1043.06
76 21Jul2015 0615 862.18 1070.46
77 21Jul2015 0620 862.23 1109.82

78 21Jul2015 0625 862.28 1152.61
79 21Jul2015 0630 862.33 1200.05
80 21Jul2015 0635 862.32 1169.85
81 21Jul2015 0640 862.33 1180.37
82 21Jul2015 0645 862.28 1145.93
83 21Jul2015 0650 862.24 1107.26
84 21Jul2015 0655 862.21 1083.91
85 21Jul2015 0700 862.17 1056.29
86 21Jul2015 0705 862.16 1048.39
87 21Jul2015 0710 862.18 1063.81
88 21Jul2015 0715 862.21 1093.6
89 21Jul2015 0720 862.26 1135.72
90 21Jul2015 0725 862.32 1184.81
91 21Jul2015 0730 862.38 1237.38
92 21Jul2015 0735 862.33 1186.78
93 21Jul2015 0740 862.31 1159.45
94 21Jul2015 0745 862.28 1138.83
95 21Jul2015 0750 862.21 1081.49
96 21Jul2015 0755 862.19 1065.51
97 21Jul2015 0800 862.22 1098.28
98 21Jul2015 0805 862.24 1125.08
99 21Jul2015 0810 862.27 1154.2
100 21Jul2015 0815 862.32 1189.79
101 21Jul2015 0820 862.36 1203.24
102 21Jul2015 0825 862.39 1239.8
103 21Jul2015 0830 862.34 1189.02
104 21Jul2015 0835 862.34 1185.65
105 21Jul2015 0840 862.32 1180.21
106 21Jul2015 0845 862.26 1115.59
107 21Jul2015 0850 862.25 1116.69
108 21Jul2015 0855 862.2 1077.62
109 21Jul2015 0900 862.16 1045.45
110 21Jul2015 0905 862.16 1047.28
111 21Jul2015 0910 862.17 1062.06
112 21Jul2015 0915 862.2 1091.1
113 21Jul2015 0920 862.26 1135.14
114 21Jul2015 0925 862.33 1193.92
115 21Jul2015 0930 862.41 1262.85
116 21Jul2015 0935 862.4 1239.02
117 21Jul2015 0940 862.39 1234.2
118 21Jul2015 0945 862.38 1228.04
119 21Jul2015 0950 862.33 1179.25
120 21Jul2015 0955 862.32 1168.09

121 21Jul2015 1000 862.28 1142.63
122 21Jul2015 1005 862.23 1090.23
123 21Jul2015 1010 862.2 1074.96
124 21Jul2015 1015 862.21 1087.06
125 21Jul2015 1020 862.25 1124.84
126 21Jul2015 1025 862.31 1179.77
127 21Jul2015 1030 862.39 1257.12
128 21Jul2015 1035 862.5 1343.31
129 21Jul2015 1040 862.49 1329.45
130 21Jul2015 1045 862.48 1303.25
131 21Jul2015 1050 862.51 1332.42
132 21Jul2015 1055 862.5 1334.69
133 21Jul2015 1100 862.48 1303.78
134 21Jul2015 1105 862.48 1308.06
135 21Jul2015 1110 862.48 1314.37
136 21Jul2015 1115 862.46 1292.16
137 21Jul2015 1120 862.45 1280.61
138 21Jul2015 1125 862.45 1283.41
139 21Jul2015 1130 862.43 1264.07
140 21Jul2015 1135 862.41 1244.88
141 21Jul2015 1140 862.4 1240.62
142 21Jul2015 1145 862.37 1214.39
143 21Jul2015 1150 862.34 1188.82
144 21Jul2015 1155 862.31 1169.88
145 21Jul2015 1200 862.27 1129.77
146 21Jul2015 1205 862.23 1100.87
147 21Jul2015 1210 862.19 1064.1
148 21Jul2015 1215 862.14 1029.75
149 21Jul2015 1220 862.13 1027.37
150 21Jul2015 1225 862.15 1043.77
151 21Jul2015 1230 862.19 1076.16
152 21Jul2015 1235 862.24 1122.85
153 21Jul2015 1240 862.3 1175.61
154 21Jul2015 1245 862.37 1235.23
155 21Jul2015 1250 862.35 1196.42
156 21Jul2015 1255 862.35 1200.81
157 21Jul2015 1300 862.32 1179.43
158 21Jul2015 1305 862.27 1123.38
159 21Jul2015 1310 862.25 1119.95
160 21Jul2015 1315 862.21 1076.61
161 21Jul2015 1320 862.17 1047.88
162 21Jul2015 1325 862.15 1046.01
163 21Jul2015 1330 862.13 1028.99

164 21Jul2015 1335 862.15 1044.51
165 21Jul2015 1340 862.21 1091.86
166 21Jul2015 1345 862.27 1148.86
167 21Jul2015 1350 862.34 1209.6
168 21Jul2015 1355 862.38 1226.66
169 21Jul2015 1400 862.36 1210.76
170 21Jul2015 1405 862.33 1177.06
171 21Jul2015 1410 862.31 1166.62
172 21Jul2015 1415 862.26 1127.03
173 21Jul2015 1420 862.23 1093.34
174 21Jul2015 1425 862.18 1062.21
175 21Jul2015 1430 862.17 1058.16
176 21Jul2015 1435 862.18 1067.52
177 21Jul2015 1440 862.22 1099.26
178 21Jul2015 1445 862.27 1148.97
179 21Jul2015 1450 862.35 1213.32
180 21Jul2015 1455 862.45 1299.9
181 21Jul2015 1500 862.42 1268.58
182 21Jul2015 1505 862.39 1226.67
183 21Jul2015 1510 862.37 1214.51
184 21Jul2015 1515 862.3 1150.46
185 21Jul2015 1520 862.25 1108.2
186 21Jul2015 1525 862.2 1075.34
187 21Jul2015 1530 862.19 1073.29
188 21Jul2015 1535 862.2 1080.63
189 21Jul2015 1540 862.22 1096.19
190 21Jul2015 1545 862.24 1112.64
191 21Jul2015 1550 862.25 1123.59
192 21Jul2015 1555 863.37 2381.78
193 21Jul2015 1600 862.82 1589
194 21Jul2015 1605 862.31 1099.21
195 21Jul2015 1610 861.8 728
196 21Jul2015 1615 862.05 1012.11
197 21Jul2015 1620 862.28 1194.19
198 21Jul2015 1625 862.31 1177.16
199 21Jul2015 1630 862.38 1226.16
200 21Jul2015 1635 862.41 1263.36
201 21Jul2015 1640 862.38 1224.19
202 21Jul2015 1645 862.38 1217.55
203 21Jul2015 1650 862.37 1223.18
204 21Jul2015 1655 862.32 1170.33
205 21Jul2015 1700 862.31 1161.47
206 21Jul2015 1705 862.27 1139.17

207 21Jul2015 1710 862.22 1086.68
208 21Jul2015 1715 862.19 1072.51
209 21Jul2015 1720 862.2 1081.97
210 21Jul2015 1725 862.23 1109.48
211 21Jul2015 1730 862.28 1156.86
212 21Jul2015 1735 862.35 1218.86
213 21Jul2015 1740 862.44 1294.82
214 21Jul2015 1745 862.43 1274.2
215 21Jul2015 1750 862.43 1262.98
216 21Jul2015 1755 862.43 1273.18
217 21Jul2015 1800 862.41 1248.9
218 21Jul2015 1805 862.38 1218.84
219 21Jul2015 1810 862.37 1213.7
220 21Jul2015 1815 862.33 1179.16
221 21Jul2015 1820 862.29 1147.73
222 21Jul2015 1825 862.26 1127.75
223 21Jul2015 1830 862.21 1076.81
224 21Jul2015 1835 862.17 1053.97
225 21Jul2015 1840 862.18 1066.78
226 21Jul2015 1845 862.22 1098.79
227 21Jul2015 1850 862.28 1155.3
228 21Jul2015 1855 862.36 1224.7
229 21Jul2015 1900 862.47 1322.62
230 21Jul2015 1905 862.5 1320.88
231 21Jul2015 1910 862.53 1354.27
232 21Jul2015 1915 862.53 1351.68
233 21Jul2015 1920 862.49 1319.85
234 21Jul2015 1925 862.48 1309.08
235 21Jul2015 1930 862.48 1313.05
236 21Jul2015 1935 862.46 1290.38
237 21Jul2015 1940 862.44 1272.48
238 21Jul2015 1945 862.43 1270.89
239 21Jul2015 1950 862.41 1249.49
240 21Jul2015 1955 862.38 1224.21
241 21Jul2015 2000 862.37 1213.65
242 21Jul2015 2005 862.33 1184.37
243 21Jul2015 2010 862.3 1154.22
244 21Jul2015 2015 862.27 1129.64
245 21Jul2015 2020 862.22 1086.4
246 21Jul2015 2025 862.18 1055.84
247 21Jul2015 2030 862.11 1005.7
248 21Jul2015 2035 862.09 997.52
249 21Jul2015 2040 862.1 1013.46

APPENDIX 4 Breach outflow hydrograph using breach
parameters from Froehlich
River: kesem river Reach: kesem ds of dame
RS: 33702.87
Stage Flow
1 20Jul2015 2400 931.11 310.38
2 21Jul2015 0005 931.1 663.74
3 21Jul2015 0010 931.07 1798.64
4 21Jul2015 0015 930.89 3653.69
5 21Jul2015 0020 930.8 6335.69
6 21Jul2015 0025 930.64 9766.08
7 21Jul2015 0030 930.36 13910.82
8 21Jul2015 0035 930.04 18805.96
9 21Jul2015 0040 929.63 24439.88
10 21Jul2015 0045 929.08 30869.32
11 21Jul2015 0050 927.93 50922.57
12 21Jul2015 0055 926.5 71311.6
13 21Jul2015 0100 924.44 91442.68
14 21Jul2015 0105 921.94 102854.6
15 21Jul2015 0110 918.81 112619.2
16 21Jul2015 0115 915 119779.9
17 21Jul2015 0120 910.22 123661.5
18 21Jul2015 0125 904.27 123658.8
19 21Jul2015 0130 897.57 118268.3
20 21Jul2015 0135 890.92 105581.5
21 21Jul2015 0140 887.7 85327.77
22 21Jul2015 0145 884.76 69455.02
23 21Jul2015 0150 882.08 56598.68
24 21Jul2015 0155 879.79 46570.15
25 21Jul2015 0200 877.79 38570.9
26 21Jul2015 0205 875.79 31372
27 21Jul2015 0210 874 25569.22
28 21Jul2015 0215 870.74 16323.04
29 21Jul2015 0220 868.73 10810.77
30 21Jul2015 0225 866.97 7213.38
31 21Jul2015 0230 865.29 4302.72
32 21Jul2015 0235 863.67 1933.69
33 21Jul2015 0240 862.78 1337.01
34 21Jul2015 0245 861.18 113.28

35 21Jul2015 0250 861.71 684.97
36 21Jul2015 0255 861.72 704.52
37 21Jul2015 0300 862.1 969.11
38 21Jul2015 0305 862.2 1039.84
39 21Jul2015 0310 862.19 1023.51
40 21Jul2015 0315 862.19 1015.37
41 21Jul2015 0320 862.23 1050.92
42 21Jul2015 0325 862.25 1068.05
43 21Jul2015 0330 862.24 1061.44
44 21Jul2015 0335 862.23 1050.16
45 21Jul2015 0340 862.26 1074.05
46 21Jul2015 0345 862.3 1109.58
47 21Jul2015 0350 862.33 1134.25
48 21Jul2015 0355 862.36 1153.76
49 21Jul2015 0400 862.4 1186.67
50 21Jul2015 0405 862.47 1240.64
51 21Jul2015 0410 862.55 1313.05
52 21Jul2015 0415 862.67 1411.34
53 21Jul2015 0420 862.83 1549.9
54 21Jul2015 0425 862.97 1677.96
55 21Jul2015 0430 862.94 1645.81
56 21Jul2015 0435 862.87 1568.79
57 21Jul2015 0440 862.82 1530.23
58 21Jul2015 0445 862.76 1486.08
59 21Jul2015 0450 862.73 1456.26
60 21Jul2015 0455 862.7 1434.98
61 21Jul2015 0500 862.67 1404.03
62 21Jul2015 0505 862.64 1375.27
63 21Jul2015 0510 862.6 1345.51
64 21Jul2015 0515 862.55 1302.94
65 21Jul2015 0520 862.5 1260.13
66 21Jul2015 0525 862.44 1211.26
67 21Jul2015 0530 862.23 946.03
68 21Jul2015 0535 862.42 1192.32
69 21Jul2015 0540 862.46 1230.65
70 21Jul2015 0545 862.54 1297.88
71 21Jul2015 0550 862.63 1381.54
72 21Jul2015 0555 862.76 1491.87
73 21Jul2015 0600 862.88 1597.2
74 21Jul2015 0605 862.82 1542.84
75 21Jul2015 0610 862.77 1489.57
76 21Jul2015 0615 862.74 1459.4
77 21Jul2015 0620 862.69 1420.55

78 21Jul2015 0625 862.64 1375.11
79 21Jul2015 0630 862.6 1340.98
80 21Jul2015 0635 862.55 1300.59
81 21Jul2015 0640 862.49 1248.64
82 21Jul2015 0645 862.43 1202.68
83 21Jul2015 0650 862.36 1141.61
84 21Jul2015 0655 862.32 1119.38
85 21Jul2015 0700 862.31 1113.48
86 21Jul2015 0705 862.32 1125.59
87 21Jul2015 0710 862.36 1157.99
88 21Jul2015 0715 862.42 1201.41
89 21Jul2015 0720 862.49 1257.5
90 21Jul2015 0725 862.57 1329.38
91 21Jul2015 0730 862.69 1430.89
92 21Jul2015 0735 862.86 1581.24
93 21Jul2015 0740 863.1 1812.47
94 21Jul2015 0745 863.02 1720.12
95 21Jul2015 0750 863.01 1704.16
96 21Jul2015 0755 862.95 1652.13
97 21Jul2015 0800 862.87 1567.34
98 21Jul2015 0805 862.8 1516.97
99 21Jul2015 0810 862.75 1471.58
100 21Jul2015 0815 862.71 1440.7
101 21Jul2015 0820 862.69 1424.02
102 21Jul2015 0825 862.66 1390.86
103 21Jul2015 0830 862.62 1359.03
104 21Jul2015 0835 862.58 1328.12
105 21Jul2015 0840 862.53 1281.22
106 21Jul2015 0845 862.47 1235.34
107 21Jul2015 0850 862.41 1183.78
108 21Jul2015 0855 862.34 1123.18
109 21Jul2015 0900 862.31 1112.87
110 21Jul2015 0905 862.31 1113.66
111 21Jul2015 0910 862.3 1109.94
112 21Jul2015 0915 862.31 1113.17
113 21Jul2015 0920 862.33 1129.26
114 21Jul2015 0925 862.35 1147
115 21Jul2015 0930 862.36 1156.26
116 21Jul2015 0935 862.36 1156.45
117 21Jul2015 0940 862.35 1148.46
118 21Jul2015 0945 862.34 1134.55
119 21Jul2015 0950 862.32 1116.04
120 21Jul2015 0955 862.29 1092.37

121 21Jul2015 1000 862.25 1064.55
122 21Jul2015 1005 862.22 1041.16
123 21Jul2015 1010 862.19 1022.37
124 21Jul2015 1015 862.18 1016.18
125 21Jul2015 1020 862.17 1007.02
126 21Jul2015 1025 862.16 1002.41
127 21Jul2015 1030 862.16 1000.84
128 21Jul2015 1035 862.16 997.76
129 21Jul2015 1040 862.15 992.86
130 21Jul2015 1045 862.15 992.44
131 21Jul2015 1050 862.15 992.43
132 21Jul2015 1055 862.15 989.68
133 21Jul2015 1100 862.14 986.17
134 21Jul2015 1105 862.14 986.28
135 21Jul2015 1110 862.14 985.53
136 21Jul2015 1115 862.13 981.23
137 21Jul2015 1120 862.12 974.32
138 21Jul2015 1125 862.12 970.13
139 21Jul2015 1130 862.11 964.43
140 21Jul2015 1135 862.09 950.6
141 21Jul2015 1140 862.07 936.72
142 21Jul2015 1145 862.06 926.52
143 21Jul2015 1150 862.03 906.67
144 21Jul2015 1155 861.99 879.39
145 21Jul2015 1200 861.97 860.76
146 21Jul2015 1205 861.92 826.18
147 21Jul2015 1210 861.87 793.49
148 21Jul2015 1215 861.82 759.59
149 21Jul2015 1220 861.82 766.3
150 21Jul2015 1225 861.87 798.49
151 21Jul2015 1230 861.96 859.63
152 21Jul2015 1235 862.1 960.43
153 21Jul2015 1240 862.3 1119.02
154 21Jul2015 1245 862.54 1308.75
155 21Jul2015 1250 862.57 1325.43
156 21Jul2015 1255 862.52 1275.25
157 21Jul2015 1300 862.49 1252.88
158 21Jul2015 1305 862.43 1206.01
159 21Jul2015 1310 862.39 1170.34
160 21Jul2015 1315 862.38 1163.43
161 21Jul2015 1320 862.41 1193.19
162 21Jul2015 1325 862.46 1238.3
163 21Jul2015 1330 862.52 1284.62

164 21Jul2015 1335 862.58 1333.44
165 21Jul2015 1340 862.63 1379.79
166 21Jul2015 1345 862.56 1305.66
167 21Jul2015 1350 862.53 1284.34
168 21Jul2015 1355 862.56 1313.51
169 21Jul2015 1400 862.54 1294.21
170 21Jul2015 1405 862.49 1252.44
171 21Jul2015 1410 862.43 1203.84
172 21Jul2015 1415 862.37 1154.95
173 21Jul2015 1420 862.33 1126.17
174 21Jul2015 1425 862.3 1105.83
175 21Jul2015 1430 862.31 1115.69
176 21Jul2015 1435 862.34 1141.29
177 21Jul2015 1440 862.39 1177.87
178 21Jul2015 1445 862.44 1221.02
179 21Jul2015 1450 862.51 1276.61
180 21Jul2015 1455 862.6 1349.97
181 21Jul2015 1500 862.72 1452.29
182 21Jul2015 1505 862.86 1578.97
183 21Jul2015 1510 862.82 1537.89
184 21Jul2015 1515 862.77 1486.54
185 21Jul2015 1520 862.74 1464.01
186 21Jul2015 1525 862.71 1443.89
187 21Jul2015 1530 862.68 1413.01
188 21Jul2015 1535 862.65 1381.41
189 21Jul2015 1540 862.62 1357.75
190 21Jul2015 1545 862.57 1316.22
191 21Jul2015 1550 862.52 1273.37
192 21Jul2015 1555 862.46 1228.6
193 21Jul2015 1600 862.4 1173.09
194 21Jul2015 1605 862.33 1115.49
195 21Jul2015 1610 862.31 1110.67
196 21Jul2015 1615 862.34 1135.05
197 21Jul2015 1620 862.36 1157.14
198 21Jul2015 1625 862.4 1187.2
199 21Jul2015 1630 862.45 1230.55
200 21Jul2015 1635 862.53 1295.82
201 21Jul2015 1640 862.64 1388.15
202 21Jul2015 1645 862.79 1521.11
203 21Jul2015 1650 863.02 1736.06
204 21Jul2015 1655 863.09 1787.16
205 21Jul2015 1700 863.09 1788.89
206 21Jul2015 1705 863.01 1703.2

207 21Jul2015 1710 862.96 1661.29
208 21Jul2015 1715 862.89 1594.99
209 21Jul2015 1720 862.82 1529.03
210 21Jul2015 1725 862.79 1507.24
211 21Jul2015 1730 862.77 1495.91
212 21Jul2015 1735 862.75 1473.26
213 21Jul2015 1740 862.72 1451.65
214 21Jul2015 1745 862.71 1436.35
215 21Jul2015 1750 862.68 1413.16
216 21Jul2015 1755 862.65 1382.94
217 21Jul2015 1800 862.62 1357.09
218 21Jul2015 1805 862.57 1320.66
219 21Jul2015 1810 862.52 1275.81
220 21Jul2015 1815 862.47 1231.46
221 21Jul2015 1820 862.4 1175.38
222 21Jul2015 1825 862.33 1120.7
223 21Jul2015 1830 862.28 1077.07
224 21Jul2015 1835 862.21 1028.3
225 21Jul2015 1840 862.12 966.38
226 21Jul2015 1845 862.04 904.97
227 21Jul2015 1850 861.96 854.83
228 21Jul2015 1855 861.9 812.35
229 21Jul2015 1900 861.93 838.86
230 21Jul2015 1905 862.01 897.51
231 21Jul2015 1910 862.12 973.68
232 21Jul2015 1915 862.27 1094.68
233 21Jul2015 1920 862.27 1084.8
234 21Jul2015 1925 862.2 1024.89
235 21Jul2015 1930 862.19 1018.04
236 21Jul2015 1935 862.2 1028.03
237 21Jul2015 1940 862.17 1009.3
238 21Jul2015 1945 862.12 971.15
239 21Jul2015 1950 862.14 981.75
240 21Jul2015 1955 862.14 985.88
241 21Jul2015 2000 862.1 956.78
242 21Jul2015 2005 862.07 933.66
243 21Jul2015 2010 862.09 946.77
244 21Jul2015 2015 862.06 928.42
245 21Jul2015 2020 862 882.44
246 21Jul2015 2025 862.01 891.11
247 21Jul2015 2030 862.02 897.93
248 21Jul2015 2035 862.01 891.73
249 21Jul2015 2040 861.96 856.6


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