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Yonatan Sisay

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Addis Ababa University

School of Graduate Studies

Addis Ababa Institute of Technology

Dam Breach Analysis & Inundation Map for Melka Wakena Dam

A Thesis Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Addis Ababa

University in Partial Fulfillment of the Degree of Master of Science in
Civil Engineering

(Major in Hydraulic Engineering)


Yonatan Sisay Asfaw

SUPERVISED BY: - Dr.Ing. Asie Kemal

October, 2016

This to Certify That This Thesis Entitled Dam Breach Analysis & Inundation Map for Melka
Wakena Dam, Done and Submitted

Yonatan Sisay Asfaw

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of Degree Of

Master of Science (M.Sc)
Civil Engineering (Major in Hydraulic Engineering)

Addis Ababa University

School of Graduate Studies

Addis Ababa Institute of Technology


Dr.Ing. Asie Kemal

October, 2016
Addis Ababa University

School of Graduate Studies

Addis Ababa Institute of Technology

Dam Breach Analysis & Inundation Map for Melka Wakena Dam

A Thesis Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Addis Ababa University in Partial
Fulfillment of the Degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering

(Major in Hydraulic Engineering)


Yonatan Sisay Asfaw

Approved by Board of Examiners

Advisor Signature

Internal Examiner Signature

External Examiner Signature

Chairman (Department of Graduate Committee) Signature

This study presented dam breach analysis & inundation map for Melka Wakena Dam. Melka Wakena
Dam is an earth-rock fill dam with 42m height and 2000m long. The dam was designed to produce
Hydropower of 153 MW. In this study, the Melka Wakena Dam breaching outflow hydrographs and
downstream flood propagations were simulated by applying computer programs to recognize the possible
relationships among the peak flows, dam breach parameters and downstream river parameter.
Dam breach analysis & inundation map involved with reservoir routing and river routing techniques. The
key inputs required in the flows routing processes include time to dam failure in hours (TFH), side slope
of dam breach (SS), shape of opening, downstream channel geometries, Manning roughness coefficients
and inflows to reservoir. The reservoir components of routing were performed applying HEC-RAS
computer program. Similarly, the HEC-RAS computer program was applied to conduct unsteady flow
routing through the river components of the testing waterways and produced various peak flows for given
conditions at specified downstream reach stations.

The maximum breach discharge resulted from HEC-RAS model was 36,527.15m3/s which results in
overtopping the dam by 18cm and the maximum breach discharge results for piping 32,627.70m3/s. The
influences of dam breach and river parameters on maximum breaching outflow discharges were analyzed
at the dam site and downstream stations. Dam breach analysis & inundation map analyses results showed
that the maximum discharge and downstream routing. The breach discharge for overtopping maximum
than piping.

Key Words: - Dam Break, Inundation Map, Dam Breach Parameters, HEC-RAS.


First of all I would like to give my deepest gratitude to my advisor Dr.Ing. Asie Kemal for his continuous
supports and advices; without him this paper would not be accomplished.

Secondly, I would like to thank Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy Employees starting from their
archive department up to the Engineers who did not hesitate to help me while I was in their company to
collect information for the paper. And I would also like to thank employees of the Ethiopian Electric
Power Corporation employees for providing me the geographical information data of the Wabi Shebelle
River without any delaying.

At last but not the least I would like to give my deepest gratitude to my family and friends for their endless
support and loving me unconditionally, without their support I would not stand where I am right now.


1. INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………...............................1
1.1. Background…………………………………………………………………………………….....1
1.2. Objective……………………………………………………………………………………….....3
1.2.1. General Objective………………………………………………………………………….3
1.2.2. Specific Objective…………………………………………………………………………3
2.1. Background…………………………………………………………………………………….....4
2.2. Types of Dames…………………………………………………………………………………...4
2.3. Dam Breach Analysis Purpose………………………………………………………....................7
2.4. Causes of Dam Failures…………………………………………………………………………...7
2.5. Dam Failure Examples…………………………………………………………………………....8
2.6. Dam Breach Analysis Study Approaches………………………………………………………..10
2.6.1. Event-Based Approach…………………………………………………………………...11 Fair Weather (Non-Hydrologic) Failure………………………………………….11 Hydrologic Failure……………………………………………………………….15
2.6.2. Risk-Based (Consequences-Based) Approach…………………………………………...15 Inflow Design Flood and the Incremental Hazard Evaluation…………………....16 Loss of Life / Population at Risk……………………………………………….....17
2.6.3. Tiered Dam Breach Analysis……………………………………………………………..19
2.7. Dam Breach Parameter………………………………………………………………………….20
2.7.1. Dam Breach Parameter Definitions……………………………………………………....21
2.8. Breach Mechanisms for Embankment Dams…………………………………………………....22
2.9. Available Approaches…………………………………………………………………………...25
2.9.1. Empirical Models for Predicting Breach Parameters…………………………………….27
2.9.2. Empirical Models for Predicting Breach Outflows…………………………………….....32

2.10. Overview of Dam Breach Hydrograph Model…………………………………………………35
2.10.1. Dam breach hydrograph and peak outflow generation tools…………………………….35
2.10.2. Breach hydrograph generation and downstream hydraulic routing……………………...38
2.10.3. Recommendations for selecting modeling software……………………………………..41
3.1. Location………………………………………………………………………………………....42
3.2. Climatic Characteristics…………………………………………………………………………44
3.3. Wabi Shebelle River…………………………………………………………………………….44
4.1. Data Gathering and Processing………………………………………………………………….45
4.2. Dam Breach Analysis Procedures………………………………………………………………45
4.2.1. Predicting the Outflow Hydrographs…………………………………………………….46
4.2.2. Defining the River Geometry…………………………………………………………….47
4.2.3. Describing Reservoir Characteristics…………………………………………………….47
4.2.4. Physical Descriptions of Dam……………………………………………………………48
4.2.5. Determining Inflow Hydrograph to the Reservoir……………………………………….48
4.2.6. Estimating Dam Breach Characteristics…………………………………………………49
4.2.7. Routing Breach Outflow Hydrographs through Downstream Reaches………………….51
4.2.8. Defining Channel Geometry and Boundary Conditions…………………………………51
4.2.9. Selecting Manning Coefficients, “n” values……………………………………………..52
5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS…………………………………………………………………..53
5.1. Breach Parameter Estimates…………………………………………………………………….54
5.2. Outflow hydrograph due to dam breach………………………………………………………...57
5.3. Routing of the hydrograph through the downstream……………………………………………60
5.4. Inundation map for the downstream…………………………………………………………….65
5.5. Emergency Action Plan…………………………………………………………………………66
6. CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATION……………………………………………………..69
6.1. Conclusions……………………………………………………………………………………...69
6.2. Recommendation………………………………………………………………………………..70


Table 2.1: Causes of Dam Failure 1975-2011…………………………………………………………….8

Table 2.2: Range of Initial Reservoir Pool Levels for a Fair Weather (Non-Hydrologic) Analysis
(FEMA, 2013)…………………………………………………………………………………………....13

Table 2.3: Recommended IDF Requirements for Dams Using Prescriptive App. (FEMA, 2012)……...17

Table 2.4: Tiered Approach Dam Breach Inundation Mapping for use in EAPs (FEMA, 2013)……….20

Table 2.5: Values of Cb according to the reservoir size……………………………………………….....31

Table 5.1: Summary of Breach Parameter Estimates……………………………………………………55

Table 5.2: Summary of Results for Peak Flow…………………………………………………………..60


Figure 2.1: Types of embankment dams…………………………………………………………………...6

Figure 2.2: Teton Dam failure, Rexburg, ID, June 1976………………………………………………….9

Figure 2.3: Erosion on the downstream face of a cohesive soil embankment dam……………………...23

Figure 2.4: Overtopping trapezoidal breach progression………………………………………………...23

Figure 2.5: Schematic of piping hole…………………………………………………………………….25

Figure 2.6: The growth of the breach…………………………………………………………………….36

Figure 3.1: Melka Wakana Embankment Dam…………………………………………………………..42

Figure 3.2: Wabe Shebelle River basin…………………………………………………………………..43

Figure 3.3: Melka Wakana reservoir location…………………………………………………………….43

Figure 4.1: HEC-RAS geometry data……………………………………………………………………47

Figure 4.2: Elevation – Volume curves………………………………………………………………….47

Figure 4.3: Inflow Hydrograph (72 Hours 0.5PMF)……………………………………………………..48

Figure 5.1: HEC-RAS Unsteady Flow Simulation Computer Run……………………………………...53

Figure 5.2: Dam Break Flood Profile……………………………………………………………………56

Figure 5.3: the discharge flowing out of the dam during the dam break for overtopping……………….57

Figure 5.4: the discharge flowing out of the dam during the dam break for piping………………………57

Figure 5.5: the discharge flowing out of the dam during the dam break for overtopping……………….58

Figure 5.6: the discharge flowing out of the dam during the dam break for piping……………………..58

Figure 5.7: the discharge flowing out of the dam during the dam break for overtopping……………….59

Figure 5.8: the discharge flowing out of the dam during the dam break for piping……………………..59

Figure 5.9: the discharge flowing out of the dam during the dam break for overtopping……………….61

Figure 5.10: the discharge at the RS 19000 for overtopping…………………………………………….61

Figure 5.11: the discharge at the RS 12028.59 for overtopping…………………………………………62

Figure 5.12: the discharge at the RS 1000 for overtopping……………………………………………...62

Figure 5.13: the discharge flowing out of the dam during the dam break for piping……………………63

Figure 5.14: the discharge at the RS 19000 for piping…………………………………………………..63

Figure 5.15: the discharge at the RS 12028.59 for piping……………………………………………….64

Figure 5.16: the discharge at the RS 1000 for piping……………………………………………………64

Figure 5.17: inundation map for overtopping failure and depth of water level in meter ………………..65

Figure 5.18: inundation map for piping failure and depth of water level in meter ……………………...66

Dam Breach Analysis & Inundation Map for Melka Wakana Dam


1.1. Background
Dams are an important part of this nation’s infrastructure, providing flood control, water supply,
irrigation, hydropower, navigation, and recreation benefits. Despite their many beneficial uses and
value, dams also present risks to property and life due to their potential to fail and cause catastrophic
flooding. Catastrophic flooding occurs when dam fails and the impounded water escapes through the
breach into the downstream valley. When dams fail, property damage is certain, but loss of life can vary
dramatically with the extent of the inundation area, the size of the population at risk, and the amount of
warning time available.

There may be many reasons for dam failures, among them the floods occurring in river basins near
existing dams, triggered by intensive rain is the most responsible one. When the flood hydrograph
entering a dam reservoir reaches a peak value of unusual magnitude, the amount of water exceeding the
capacity of the dam reservoir should be diverted downstream of the dam. If a spillway built for just that
function was not designed for that kind of magnitude, excess water may spill over the dam crest. In case
this happens, a breach may form in the dam body in minutes or hours depending on the type of material
used in the dam body. As this breach gets larger and larger in time, the enormous amount of water stored
in the reservoir upstream of the dam may start its motion as an uncontrolled flood wave downstream of
the dam. A flood caused by a dam failure may occur in a much bigger magnitude compared to those
floods generated by rain or snow melt. In the downstream river bed, the fast moving flood wave with its
great power having the potential to destroy whatever comes in its way, may provoke deadly
consequences should there be residential areas on its course.

Flood induced by dam breach happens occasionally throughout the world. Floods can induce serious
loss of life and significant economic losses. To recognize the possible effects of dam breaks, a detailed
knowledge of dam breakage processes and flood propagation is required. Warning time is the most
important parameter affecting potential loss of life due to dam failure. Numerical and hydraulic models
can be used to predict flood wave propagation and provide the information about the wave front arrival
time, area to be flooded and water depth. Therefore, models are useful tool for developing evacuation
plans and warning system for areas having potential flood risk. When population centers are located
close to dams, accurate prediction of breach parameters is crucial for development of effective

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emergency action plans. The development of a dam breach is a complex process involving numerous

The outflow flood hydrograph from a dam failure is dependent upon many factors. The primary factors
are the physical characteristics of the dam, the volume of the reservoir and the mode of failure. The
parameters which control the magnitude of the peak discharge and the shape of the outflow hydrograph
include: the breach dimensions; the manner and length of time for the breach to develop; the depth and
volume of water stored in the reservoir; and the inflow to the reservoir at the time of failure. The shape
and size of the breach and the elapsed time of development of the breach are in turn dependent upon the
geometry of the dam, construction materials, and the causal agent for failure.

Ethiopia can be considered as the water tower of Africa because of its high water resources availability.
The country has 12 river basins. The total mean annual flow from all the 12 river basins is estimated to
be 122 BMC (MoWR, 1999). Construction of dams has been commenced since the first dam was built
in 1939 and the dam was constructed on Akaki River to generate hydro-electric power. The dams built
so far are being used in order to alleviate the water related problems of the population. However, it
should be pointed out at the outset that the development of dams is being threatened by (1) sedimentation
problems arising from the degradation of catchment areas fueled by four pressure indicators namely
agricultural production, rapid population growth, poverty and wood energy demands, (2) in appropriate
runoff estimation methods resulting in over sizing or under-sizing of dams, (3) and unreliable spillway
flood estimation methods.

Large dam projects are prone to delays. The dams built in Ethiopia are no exception to the rule and all
have been delayed by at least one year. A complex geology has been one of the reasons for the delays,
leading to landslides and tunnel collapses. The Gibe II dam has been affected by such problems even
after its completion, when a tunnel collapsed and put the hydropower plant out of service for several
months. The construction of large dams entails many tangible and intangible costs. The financial cost
itself is already substantial. Resettlement adds to the social costs of the dams. Sedimentation from
unchecked erosion in the upper watershed of rivers reduces the lifespan of reservoirs. Environmental
costs are imposed on communities living downstream of the dams in Ethiopia (Wikipedia, 2015).

The purpose of the dam breach analyses has been to illustrate how the flood wave propagates and
attenuates along the river valley from Melka Wakena dam. In the present analyses the HEC-RAS model
is used for simulation of the flood wave caused by dam failure. This model is one of the most widely
accepted model of its kind.

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1.2. Objective
1.2.1. General Objective
The term dam break analysis usually relates to the process of studying a dam failure phenomenon and
analyzing the resulting consequences at the downstream region. This generally deals with simulation of
assumed failure for existing dams and analyzing the resulting consequences. The prime objective is
prediction of the reservoir outflow hydrograph and the routing of that hydrograph through the
downstream valley to determine dam failure consequences and to facilitate effective emergency action

1.2.2. Specific Objective

 Prediction of breach parameter.
 Prediction of outflow hydrograph due to dam breach.
 Routing of the hydrograph through the downstream valley using a model.
 Produced inundation map for the downstream.
 Prepare Emergency Action Plan (EAP).

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Floods resulting from dam failures led to catastrophic and tragic consequences in the past. Researchers
have been working to develop computer programs that would help to design new dams or evaluate
existing dams.
The actual failure mechanics of dam failure have not been well understood for either earthen or concrete
dams. In earlier attempts to predict downstream flooding due to dam failures, it was usually assumed
that the dam failed completely and instantaneously (Abinet, 2010). Some investigators of dam-break
flood waves assumed the breach encompasses the entire dam and that it occurs instantaneously. Others,
such as Army Corps of Engineers (1960), have recognized the need to assume a partial failure rather
than complete breaches.

Several researchers have devolved regression equations to estimate breach size, shape, and time to dam
failure from historical dam breach information. A few researchers have tried to develop computer
models to simulate the physical breaching process.

2.2.Types of Dames
Dams may be classified by purpose, type, size, and hazard potential, the latter of which varies greatly
between States and Federal agencies. This section describes the most common types of dams.
There are numerous intended purposes for man-made dam structures, such as flood retarding,
diversionary, irrigation and water supply, hydroelectric power generation, and recreational. Recreation,
flood control, and fire protection are the three most common applications. Fire protection, as defined by
the NID data dictionary, includes stock ponds and small farm ponds.

The NID classifies dams by the type of construction material used with the majority listed as either a
concrete or embankment type dam. Concrete dams include arch, buttress, concrete, gravity, masonry,
multi-arch, and roller-compacted concrete (RCC) and are typically constructed of concrete or other
masonry components. Embankment dams are made of earthen materials and may be filled with rock,
earth, or other materials resistant to erosion.

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Concrete Dams

There are several types of concrete dams ranging from conventional design styles such as gravity, arch,
multi-arch, and buttress dams to newer design approaches such as RCC dams.

Embankment Dams

Embankment dams are made from compacted earth. There are several types, as shown in Figure 2-1.
The two most common types of embankment dams are rock-fill and earth-fill dams.

Earth-fill dams are composed of suitable soils obtained from borrow areas or required excavation that
are spread and compacted in layers by mechanical means. Earth-fill dams may be constructed with
homogenous layers (homogeneous dam) or zones of different materials of varying characteristics
(zoned-earth dam). Earth-fill dams are typically trapezoidal in shape and rely on their weight to hold
back the force of water, similarly to concrete gravity dams. Typical zones include a clay core and filter
and drain zones.

A unique category of earth-fill embankment dams are tailings dams used by the mining industry.
Tailings dams are often constructed of coarse tailings produced by the mine but may also consist of
other soils obtained near the construction site. Tailings dams often rely on the stored tailings to control
seepage, but otherwise include many of the same design features as conventional water storage dams.

Rock-fill dams are constructed from compacted earth fill that contains a high percentage of rocks and
other larger particles. The fill typically drains easily and therefore no drainage layer is required. To
prevent seepage, rock-fill dams have an impervious zone on the upstream side of the dam or within the
embankment. The impervious zone can be made from a variety of materials including masonry, concrete,
plastic, steel pile sheets, timber, or clay. If clay is used, it is often separated from the fill by a filter to
prevent erosion of the clay into the fill material.

Earth-fill dams may include a water-tight core can also be made from asphalt concrete. Dams with this
type of core are called concrete-asphalt core embankment dams. Most concrete-asphalt dams use rock
and/or gravel as the main fill material. These types of dams are considered especially appropriate for
areas susceptible to earthquakes due to the flexible nature of the asphalt core.

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Figure 2.1: Types of embankment dams

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2.3.Dam Breach Analysis Purpose

In the context of risk informed decision making, dam breach analyses are needed for determining the
potential consequences of a failure mode’s occurrence over a range of loading conditions. It can also
be used as part of a dam’s remedial design process in the selection of alternatives. The type of analysis
as well as the level of accuracy required by the results must be scalable to the potential hazards and
complexity of the downstream area being modeled. For risk informed decision making, the dam breach
parameters are based on best estimates from similar case studies considering the range of possible values
associated with the potential failure mode’s specifics and the dam’s characteristics.
The results of dam breach analyses are typically tabulated in spreadsheet form and plotted on inundation
maps of sufficient detail to understand the potential consequences associated with life loss and
economics. These can then be used to formulate estimates of the potential for loss of human life and
the economic impacts of resulting damages; however, analysis of social and environmental impacts,
damage to national security installations, and political and legal ramifications (which are not easily
evaluated and are based on subjective or qualitative evaluation) may be required.

2.4.Causes of Dam Failures

Depending on the type of dam and site-specific conditions, a dam may be susceptible to failure from
multiple causes. Additionally, the breach shape and timing of a dam failure varies depending on the type
of dam. For instance, concrete gravity dams tend to have a partial breach, as one or more monolith
sections formed during dam construction fail, whereas concrete arch dams tend to fail suddenly and
completely (Canadian Dam Association, 2007b). In contrast, embankment dams do not usually have a
complete or sudden failure, but rather tend to breach to the point where the reservoir is depleted or to
where the breached materials resist erosion, such as at the dam foundation.
The most common causes of dam failure between January 1975 and January 2011are summarized in
Table 2-1. Flood or overtopping was the most common cause of dam failure, followed by piping or

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Table 2.1: Causes of Dam Failure 1975-2011

Percentage of Dam
Cause of Failure Number of Dam Failures

Flood or Overtopping 465 70.9%

Piping or Seepage 94 14.3%

Structural 12 1.8%

Human Related 4 0.6%

Animal Activities 7 1.1%

Spillway 11 1.7%

Erosion/Slide/Instability 13 2.0%

Unknown 32 4.9%

Other 18 2.7%

Total number of dam failures 656

2.5.Dam Failure Examples

The following examples of dam failures illustrate that dams fail for a number of causes. These examples
illustrate the need for dam breach inundation modeling and mapping to identify the flood risk and the
importance of developing EAPs to mitigate the potential loss of life and other losses that can result from
dam failure incidences.
Flooding and overtopping failure: - The Kaloko Reservoir Dam in Kauai, HI, failed due to
overtopping during an extreme rain event in March 2006. This earth dam was built in 1890 with a storage
capacity of about 420 million gallons. The embankment had a maximum height of about 40 feet. The
dam crest was about 770 feet long and 15 feet wide. There were seven deaths reported due to this dam

The southern embankment of the Lake Delhi Dam in Delhi, IA, failed on July 24, 2010, due to heavy
raining and flooding. The dam failed after receiving about 10 inches of rainfall in 12 hours. Before the

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breach, river levels upstream of the dam had reached 24.22 feet, 10 feet above flood stage, breaking the
May 2004 record of 21.66 feet.

Piping and seepage failure: - In 1976, the failure of the Teton Dam in Idaho led to flooding in the cities
of Sugar City and Rexburg (Figure 2-2). The dam failure killed 14 people and caused over $1 billion in
property damage. Over 2,000,000 cubic feet per second of sediment-filled water emptied through the
breach into the remaining 6 miles of the Teton River canyon, after which the flood spread out and
swallowed on the Snake River Plain. Study of the dam’s environment and structure placed blame for the
collapse on cracks in the permeable soil (loess) used in the core and on cracks in the foundation bedrock
that allowed water to seep under the dam. The combination of these flaws is believed to have allowed
water to seep through the dam, which led to internal erosion, called piping, which eventually caused the
dam’s collapse.

Figure 2.2: Teton Dam failure, Rexburg, ID, June 1976

Structural failure: - The Kingston Plant coal waste dam failed in Harriman, TN, on December 22,
2008. This was a 40-acre pond used by the Tennessee Valley Authority to hold slurry generated by the
coal-burning Kingston Steam Plant. The dam gave way just before 1 a.m., burying a road and railroad
tracks leading to the plant. Although no one was seriously injured or hospitalized, 5.4 million cubic
yards (> 1 billion gallons) of sludge damaged 12 homes and covered hundreds of acres.

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Spillway gate failure: - A spillway gate of Folsom Dam in California failed in 1995, increasing flows
into the American River significantly. The spillway was repaired and the USBR carried out an
investigation of the water flow patterns around the spillway using numerical modeling,

Earthquake failure: - The Lower San Fernando Dam in California failed during an earthquake in 1971,
causing the fill in the dam wall to liquefy which resulted in the collapse of the upstream part of the dam.
A disastrous flood was only prevented because the reservoir level happened to be low at the time of the
earthquake and no water escaped downstream.

Poor design/construction failure:- In August 2008, the Redlands Ranch Dam located in Havasu, AZ,
failed due to neglect and poor design and construction. No loss of life was reported, but 426 people were
evacuated by helicopter and there was significant damage to the landscape.

2.6.Dam Breach Analysis Study Approaches

The two primary dam breach study approaches used by State governments and Federal agencies are an
event-based approach and a risk-based approach. The event-based approach has been traditionally the
most widely used for dam breach analysis. The event-based approach is a deterministic method based
on specific precipitation and non-precipitation events for the dam breach analysis and downstream
inundation mapping. For the event-based approach, both a non-hydrologic “fair weather failure,” also
referred to as a “sunny day failure,” and a specific hydrologic failure event, such as the Probable
Maximum Flood (PMF), are usually established based on a dam’s hazard potential classification
(FEMA, 2013).
In the past two decades, risk-based approaches to dam breach analysis have become more acceptable
for dam safety and dam design purposes. A risk-based approach is commonly used for dam design
purposes to establish the SDF or IDF for a dam. For a risk-based approach, the downstream
consequences for a range of hydrologic dam failure events are evaluated (FEMA, 2007).

Dam breach inundation studies are used for multiple purposes, including:
 Evaluating and establishing the hazard potential classification for a dam

 Estimating the potential for loss of life

 Evaluating dam safety risk and prioritizing dams within a dam safety portfolio

 Selecting the appropriate SDF or IDF for dam and spillway design

 Developing EAPs and exercise planning associated with dam safety permitting

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 Developing breach inundation zone mapping for flood warning systems and flood evacuation

 Developing breach inundation zone mapping for dam breach consequence studies and for flood
mitigation planning

 Developing dam breach inundation zone mapping for risk communication to inform the public
of the risk living downstream of dams.

2.6.1. Event-Based Approach

An event-based approach is a deterministic method that requires the use of a specific or series of specific
precipitation and non-precipitation events for the evaluation of dam failure and downstream inundation
mapping. These events include extreme rainfall and runoff events that can lead to natural floods of
variable magnitude. The maximum flood for which a dam is to be designed or evaluated is often
dependent on its existing hazard potential classification or size classification (FEMA, 2013).
Typically, several hydrologic and non-hydrologic (fair weather) events are evaluated as part of an event-
based dam safety analysis. For hydrologic failure events, an extreme flood event ranging from the 50-
year event for low-hazard dams up to the PMF for high-hazard dams is selected based on the potential
for loss of life due to a dam failure or for significant economic and environmental losses. Typically, the
hazard potential classification of the dam is used to select the extreme hydrologic failure event. The
PMF is the flood that may be expected from the most severe combination of critical meteorological and
hydrologic conditions that are reasonably possible in the drainage basin under study. The Probable
Maximum Precipitation (PMP) is an estimate of the maximum possible precipitation depth over a given
size catchment for a given length of time (Stedinger et al. 1996).

The greatest advantage to using an event-based approach is that it is a direct approach, less complicated
to perform and regulate, and produces more conservative breach inundation zone mapping when
compared to a risk-based approach. High-hazard potential dams are typically evaluated using a full PMF,
and significant- or low-hazard potential dams are evaluated on a percentage of a PMF or some more
frequent storm event. Fair Weather (Non-Hydrologic) Failure

As defined by FEMA (2013) a fair weather (Sunny Day) breach is a dam failure that occurs during fair
weather (i.e., non-hydrologic or non-precipitation) conditions. A fair weather breach is analyzed by
establishing an initial reservoir water level and commencing a breach analysis without additional inflow

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from a storm event. A fair weather breach is typically used to model piping failures for hydrologic,
geologic, structural, seismic, and human-influenced failure modes.
Base flow conditions for a fair weather failure are typically ignored because of the small discharge and
volume compared to that of a dam breach. As a general guidance, base flow can be ignored if the dam
breach flow is two times greater than the base flow. Where base flow is considered, the discharge is
typically estimated based on reported base flows through the dam’s outlet works or from stream gage
records. The three most common initial water level elevations for fair weather breach analyses are as

Normal Pool Elevation (invert of the highest elevation of the primary outlet)
A breach at the normal pool elevation of the reservoir is used to estimate the volume and associated
breach discharge that would result from a failure event during fair weather conditions. For an
embankment dam, this type of event is modeled as piping/internal erosion failure, whereas for a concrete
dam, this event is modeled as a monolith collapse resulting from sliding, foundation instabilities, or a
seismic event.

Invert of Auxiliary Spillway (lowest uncontrolled spillway)

A breach of the dam with the reservoir water level set at the auxiliary spillway (also referred to as an
emergency spillway) is common practice to simulate a breach during disoperation of the primary outlet
works. Initiation of dam failure is typically the same as for the reservoir level at normal pool.

Top of Dam / Maximum High Pool

The reservoir level set to the top of the dam to represent the maximum amount of volume that may be
stored in the reservoir. This condition may be selected to evaluate the most conservative non-hydrologic
event. In practice, dams without adequate spillways or pump storage facilities, where the water level
during non-hydrologic events is maintained at the top of dam, are unique situations subject to this
conservative assumption. A breach event when the water level is at the top of dam may be modeled as
a piping / internal erosion failure or as an overtopping failure with the water level just above the top of
dam invert.
Various Federal agency publications provide guidance for establishing the initial water surface elevation
of a reservoir during a fair weather failure event. Each of these specified elevations is used to
characterize different failure modes as well as the potential volume of the reservoir at the time of failure.

Table 2-2. provides the recommended water surface elevation of a reservoir for used in dam breach
modeling based on published documents from Federal agencies and dam safety resource groups. The

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normal pool elevation is recommended as the default volume for the fair weather failure. States should
consider a larger storage volume for dams where the primary and emergency spillway systems are
considered susceptible to blockage resulting in a higher water surface elevation and volume during a
non-hydrologic event.

Table 2.2: Range of Initial Reservoir Pool Levels for a Fair Weather (Non-Hydrologic) Analysis
(FEMA, 2013)
Referenced Initial Failure Supporting
Reservoir Supporting
Name in Inflow to Mode Federal
WSEL Documentation
Publication Reservoir Organization

Federal Guidelines
Federal for Dam Safety:
Emergency Selecting and
Normal full Normal None
Management Accommodating
reservoir(1) stream flow specified
Agency Inflow Design Floods
(FEMA) for Dams. pp. 17.
Federal Engineering
Energy Guidelines for the
Normal full Normal None
Regulatory Evaluation of
reservoir stream flow specified
Commission Hydropower Plants.
(FERC) Ch 2. pp. 2-7. 1993.
Mine Safety Engineering and
Normal pool Normal and Health Design Manual: Coal
elevation stream flow Administratio Refuse Disposal
n (MSHA) Facilities. 2009.
National Dam Simplified
Normal pool Normal Safety Inundation Maps for
elevation(2) stream flow Review Board Emergency Action
(NDSRB) Plans. 2009.
Normal pool Reduce Dam Safety
Risk Modernization
Blueprint /
Top of active Normal Department of
Piping Phase 1: Launch Risk
conservation stream flow the Interior
Reduction /
Inundation Mapping /
Modeling Subproject
Report. 2011.
Piping/inte Natural National Engineering
Seismic rnal Resources Manual: 210-V.
stream flow
erosion Conservation 1982.

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Invert of Service
Reduce Dam Safety
spillway Risk Modernization
Blueprint /
Top of joint Implementation
use(3) (auxiliary Piping USDOI Phase 1: Launch Risk
stream flow
spillway) Reduction /
Inundation Mapping /
Modeling Subproject
Report. 2011.
Reduce Dam Safety
Between Below top Risk Modernization
of dam Blueprint /
normal pool and Hydrologically (piping); Implementation
top of dam induced static above top USDOI Phase 1: Launch Risk
failure of dam Reduction /
(overflow Inundation Mapping /
breach) Modeling Subproject
Report. 2011.

Top of dam National Engineering

Normal Not
Static NRCS Manual: 210-V.
stream flow specified
ic failure Reduce Dam Safety
or Risk Modernization
overtoppin Blueprint /
Other g (caused Implementation
Seismic by USDOI Phase 1: Launch Risk
liquefactio Reduction /
n) and Inundation Mapping /
seismic- Modeling Subproject
induced Report. 2011.
Modeling, mapping,
inflow as
Normal Low and Consequences
required to U.S. Army
Pool: 90% Production Center
produce the Corps of
exceedance Piping Standard Operating
90% Engineers
duration pool Procedures (Final-
exceedance (USACE)
elevation Draft). Unpublished
draft, 2011.
Constant Modeling, mapping,
Normal High
inflow as and Consequences
Pool: 10% Piping USACE
required to Production Center
produce the Standard Operating

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duration pool 10% Procedures (Final-

elevation exceedance Draft). 2011.

WSEL = Water Surface Elevation

(1) Normal reservoir level: “For a reservoir with a fixed overflow sill the lowest crest level of that sill.
For a reservoir whose outflow is controlled wholly or partly by moveable gates, siphons or other means,
it is the maximum level to which water may rise under normal operating conditions, exclusive of any
provision for flood surcharge”.

(2) For small and intermediate-sized dams, it may be appropriate to use a single fair weather failure with
the initial elevation set to the top of the dam instead of the rainy and fair weather situations. This
“eliminates the need for expensive watershed and spillway studies and provides a reasonable upper limit
estimate for warning and evacuation”

(3) Joint use is a designation for dams with gated spillways. In these cases, the top of joint use is not the
invert of the spillway but rather some elevation that places water up on the gates. Hydrologic Failure

Hydrologic breaches that occur with extreme precipitation and runoff are termed “rainy day” or
hydrologic failures. Hydrologic failures that cause dam breach events are generally analyzed based on
the IDF established by the dam’s hazard potential and hazard size classification, typically a PMF for
high-hazard potential dams. For significant-hazard potential dams, the breach event may include a
breach of the PMF and IDF that could range from the 1-percent-annual-chance flood event (often called
the 100-year flood) to a percentage of the PMF (FEMA, 2013).

2.6.2. Risk-Based (Consequences-Based) Approach

A risk-based approach to dam design and dam safety evaluations has been developed to account for the
downstream consequences of a potential dam failure. The consequences evaluation is not based on the
probability of failure, but instead on the potential loss of life or increase in economic losses caused by a
potential dam failure.
A benefit of the risk-based approach is that it may demonstrate, via an incremental damage assessment,
that areas located downstream of a dam may be marginally affected by the reduction in the SDF or IDF
design standard for a dam. By lowering the SDF or IDF requirements, limited funding for needed
rehabilitation measures can be used for more dams, resulting in an overall increase in dam safety.

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A disadvantage of the risk-based approach is that by reducing the SDF or IDF to less than the full PMF
based on downstream consequences, new development in the downstream breach inundation zone could
alter the consequences, resulting in the need for future dam rehabilitation measures to increase spillway
capacity. Effective risk communication as a component of the local development approval process can
assist in reducing the occurrence of “hazard creep,” an occurrence where new downstream development
in a dam breach inundation zone increases the dam’s hazard potential classification or SDF/IDF design
requirement. Inflow Design Flood and the Incremental Hazard Evaluation

IDF is defined as “the flood flow above which the incremental increase in water surface elevation
downstream due to failure of a dam or other water retaining structure is no longer considered to present
an unacceptable additional downstream threat” (FEMA, 2004). Therefore, incremental hazard
evaluation and the establishment of the IDF is, in essence, a risk-based approach.
The selection of the IDF is based on the evaluation of the magnitude of several flood events (FEMA,
2013). The incremental hazard evaluation begins with simulation of a dam failure during a hydrologic
flooding condition, typically beginning with the PMF or percentage of the PMF as specified by the State
hazard potential classification requirements. The same hydrologic event is then run for non-failure
conditions. The water surface elevations for both the breach and non-breach events are compared to
determine the increase in the water surface elevation resulting from the dam breach. If the incremental
increase in downstream water surface elevation between the failure and non-failure scenarios results in
an acceptable increase in consequences, ( as defined by State requirements) a smaller percentage of the
PMF flood inflow or other magnitude flood is then used to repeat the process. The process is repeated
until the incremental increase in consequences due to failure falls within acceptable requirements.

Once the appropriate IDF for the dam has been selected, the IDF is then routed through the dam to
determine whether the flood can be safely passed without failure. Should the IDF pass safely, then no
further evaluation or action is required; however, if the IDF cannot pass safely, then measures must be
taken to enable the project to safely accommodate all floods up to the IDF to alleviate the incremental
increase in unacceptable additional consequences a failure may have on areas downstream.

New guidance in Selecting and Accommodating Inflow Design Floods for Dams includes the
recommendations shown in Table 2-3.

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Table 2.3: Recommended IDF Requirements for Dams Using Prescriptive App. (FEMA, 2012)

Hazard Potential
Classification Definition of Hazard Potential
Inflow Design Flood

Probable loss of life due to dam failure or

High PMF(1)

No probable loss of human life but can cause 0.1-percent-annual-chance

Significant economic loss, environmental damage, or exceedance flood
disruption of lifeline facilities due to dam
failure or disoperation (1,000-year flood)(2)

No probable loss of human life and low 1-percent-annual-chance

economic and/or environmental losses due to exceedance flood

dam failure or disoperation (100-year flood)

PMF = Probable maximum flood

(1) Incremental consequence analysis, risk-informed decision making, or site-specific PMP studies may
be used to evaluate the potential for selecting an IDF lower than the prescribed minimum. An IDF less
than the 0.2-percent-annual-chance exceedance flood (500-year flood) are not recommended.
(2) Incremental consequence analysis or risk-informed decision making studies may be used to evaluate
the potential for selecting an IDF lower than the prescribed minimum. An IDF less than the 1-percent-
annual-chance exceedance flood (100-year flood) are not recommended. Loss of Life / Population at Risk

It is important that consistent approaches for consequence estimation be adopted across the dam-safety
sector. FEMA’s Estimating Loss of Life for Dam Failure Scenarios discusses the strengths and
limitations of several methods for estimating loss of life. This section further describes the procedure

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described in (USBR 1986, 1999) as it is the most currently and widely used procedure for estimating
loss of life resulting from dam failure.
Probable loss of life is an important factor used in hazard potential classification systems and emergency
action planning. USBR (1999) presents a risk-based method to estimate the number of fatalities that
would result from dam failure. This method was developed using data from about 40 floods, many of
which were caused by dam failure. These publications outline the following seven steps to complete an
analysis for loss of life:

 Step 1: Determine dam failure scenarios to evaluate

 Step 2: Determine time categories for which loss of life estimates are needed
 Step 3: Determine when dam failure warnings would be initiated
 Step 4: Determine area flooded for each dam failure scenario
 Step 5: Estimate the number of people at risk for each failure scenario and time category
 Step 6: Apply empirically based equations or methods for estimating fatalities
 Step 7: Evaluate uncertainty
The number of fatalities resulting from dam failure is most influenced by three factors: 1) the number
of people occupying the dam failure floodplain, 2) the amount of warning provided to the people exposed
to dangerous flooding, and 3) the severity of the flooding (FEMA, 2013). Without exception, dam
failures that have caused high fatality rates were those in which residences were destroyed and timely
dam failure warnings were not issued. Estimating when dam failure warnings would be initiated is
probably the most important part of estimating the loss of life that would result from dam failure.

For each failure scenario and time category, the population at risk must be calculated. Population at risk
is defined as the number of people occupying the dam failure floodplain prior to the issuance of any
warning. The method developed for estimating loss of life provides recommended fatality rates based
on the flood severity, amount of warning time, and a measure of whether people understand the severity
of the flooding. Recommended fatality rates for estimating loss of life may be determined based on a set
of criteria that includes 15 different combinations of flood severity, warning times, and flood severity

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2.6.3. Tiered Dam Breach Analysis

A tiered approach to dam breach analyses can be used to establish an initial dam hazard potential
classification and to produce dam breach inundation zone mapping for EAPs. The tiered dam breach
analysis structure is not appropriate for use in dam design (FEMA, 2013).

A tiered study approach was developed by the USDOI and is presented in their report titled Reduce
Dam Safety Risk Modernization Blueprint / Implementation Phase 1: Launch Risk Reduction /
Inundation Mapping / Modeling Subproject Report (USDOI, 2011). The tiered dam breach analysis
approach presented in this document adapts the USDOI approach and provides additional detail.

The NDRSB EAP Workgroup (2009) noted that the cost of detailed dam breach studies is consistently
cited as the primary impediment to EAP development and, therefore, many States have adopted a form
of simplified and conservative inundation maps for use in EAPs. The NDRSB EAP Workgroup also
stated that although detailed studies often provide a more precise representation of potential flooding
for a given set of assumptions, a more accurate representation of dam failure flooding is not necessarily
provided (FEMA, 2013).

In their effort to increase the number of EAPs for dams, a tiered approach in dam inundation modeling
has gained popularity with many State and Federal dam safety programs. Instead, the tiered approach is
used to determine the appropriate level of complexity in the assessment, modeling, and mapping of a
dam failure based on a dam’s hazard potential, size, and the complexity of the downstream area under

The level of analysis for the tiered approach should correlate the sophistication and accuracy of the
analyses with the scale and complexity of the dam and downstream area under investigation. Therefore,
analysis of high-hazard potential dams located upstream of populated areas or complex floodplains
should use more sophisticated modeling and additional sensitivity studies to properly assess the
consequences of a dam failure; whereas, analysis of low-hazard potential dams situated upstream of
sparsely populated areas may rely on more approximate methods of analyses.

In general, as the sophistication of the modeling increases, so does the level of effort, time, and cost
necessary to conduct the analysis. Table 2-2. Provides guidance to determine the tier level for analysis
for dam failure inundation modeling and mapping. The dam failure analysis should be continued
downstream to a point where the breach flood no longer poses a risk to life and property damage, such
as the confluence with a large river or reservoir with the capacity to store the flood waters.

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Table 2.4: Tiered Approach Dam Breach Inundation Mapping for use in EAPs (FEMA, 2013)
Breach Peak Breach Downstream
Tier Level Applicable to Parameter Discharge Routing of Breach
Prediction Prediction Hydrograph
• Low-hazard Models
potential / small (SMPDBK,
Tier 1 – Basic level size GeoDam-
Empirical DSAT,1D HEC-
Screening and • First level BREACH, or
Equations RAS Steady State,
Simple Analysis screening for Technical
significant- or Release [TR]-
Hydrologic Routing
high-hazard dams 66) or HEC-
• Significant-
hazard potential / HEC-RAS (Steady
Tier 2 – intermediate size Empirical or Unsteady
Intermediate • High-hazard Equations Modeling) 1-D or 2-
Unsteady Model
dams with limited D models
population at risk
• High-hazard
potential / large Empirical
size dams with Equations, HEC-RAS Unsteady
Tier 3 – Advanced sufficient NWS Model or 2-D
Unsteady Model
population at risk BREACH, or models
to justify WinDAM
advanced analyses
Tier 1 and 2 analyses are most appropriate for low-hazard potential / small sized and significant-hazard
potential / intermediate-sized dams with a limited number of structures. More detailed surveying or
modeling may be warranted for Tier 3 analyses for high-hazard potential / large-sized dams, those with
a large population in the evacuation area, or those with significant downstream hydraulic complexities

2.7. Dam Breach Parameter

A key element for calculating a dam breach hydrograph for a specific dam involves estimating the dam
breach parameters for dam breach modeling related to the geometry and timing (e.g., width, depth,
shape, and time of failure) of the breach formation.

It has been noted by several sources that the selection of breach parameters for modeling dam breaches
contain the greatest uncertainty of all aspects of dam failure analysis and therefore a careful evaluation
and understanding of the associated breach parameters is necessary (Wurbs, 1987; USBR, 1998; Wahl,
2004; Gee, 2008, etc.).

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A number of methods are available for estimating breach parameters for use in dam breach studies.
Since the selection of the breach parameters is specific to each dam, guidance is provided describing
methods currently applied by dam safety professionals without recommending a standardized method.

2.7.1. Dam Breach Parameter Definitions

For the purposes of this discussion, the term breach parameters will include the parameters needed to
physically describe the breach (breach depth, breach width, and side slope angles) as well as parameters
that define the time required for breach initiation and development. The physical parameters are shown
graphically in Figure 1 and are briefly summarized below.

 Breach depth - Also referred to as breach height in many publications. This is the vertical extent
of the breach, measured from the dam crest down to the invert of the breach. Some publications
cite the reservoir head on the breach, measured from the reservoir water surface to the breach

 Breach width - The ultimate breach width and the rate of breach width expansion can
dramatically affect the peak flow rate and resulting inundation levels downstream from the dam.
Case studies typically report either the average breach width or the breach width at the top and
bottom of the breach opening.

 Breach side slope factor - The breach side slope factor along with the breach width and depth
fully specifies the shape of the breach opening. Accurately predicting the breach side slope
angles is generally of secondary importance to predicting the breach width and depth.

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The breach width is described as the average breach width (Bave) in several of the empirical equations.
The breach height (hb) is the vertical extent from the top of the dam to the invert elevation of the breach.
Many publications and equations also use the height of the water (hw), which is the vertical extent from
the maximum water surface to the invert elevation of the breach

When breach formation times are reported in case studies, there is often some question as to whether
the reported times are only for the breach formation phase, or if they might also include some portion
of the breach initiation phase. Distinguishing between the two during (or after) a failure is a difficult
task, even for a trained observer. In the interest of promoting more accurate reporting of breach initiation
and breach formation times, the following definitions are offered:

Breach initiation time - The breach initiation time begins with the first flow over or through a dam that
will initiate warning, evacuation, or heightened awareness of the potential for dam failure. The breach
initiation time ends at the start of the breach formation phase (see next item).

Breach formation time - The duration of time between the first breaching of the upstream face of the
dam until the breach is fully formed. For overtopping failures the beginning of breach formation is after
the downstream face of the dam has eroded away and the resulting crevasse has progressed back across
the width of the dam crest to reach the upstream face.

A dam breach usually occurs in two distinct phases starting with the breach initiation followed by the
breach formation.

2.8. Breach Mechanisms for Embankment Dams

Although breaching in embankment dams may occur for a variety of reasons, breaches in embankment
dams are most often modeled as overtopping or piping failures.

Overtopping Failures
Overtopping failures can occur very differently depending on the composition of the dam. Perhaps the
simplest overtopping failure to discuss is failure of a cohesive soil embankment. According to a study
by Ralston (1987), a small head cut typically forms on the downstream face of a cohesive soil
embankment and progresses upstream as shown in Figure 2.3.

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Figure 2.3: Erosion on the downstream face of a cohesive soil embankment dam

The breach is considered to begin when erosion occurs across the width of the dam crest. After the
breach initiates at the top of the dam crest, it enlarges to its ultimate extent. If there is no physical reason
to believe the embankment would fail at a certain location, the breach should be modeled as initiating
at the maximum section typically located at the centerline of the downstream main channel. A
generalized trapezoidal breach progression is illustrated in Figure 2.4.

Figure 2.4: Overtopping trapezoidal breach progression

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The breach may stop growing when the reservoir has emptied and there is no more water to erode the
dam or the dam has completely eroded to the bottom of the reservoir or has reached bedrock (Gee, 2009).
The breach progression may be modeled as either a linear progression or a sine wave progression:

 Linear progression: rate of erosion remains the same for the duration of erosion development)

 Sine wave progression: breach grows very slowly at the beginning and end of development and
rapidly in between

In a study by the State of Colorado Department of Natural Resources, no significant difference were
found between linear and sine wave progression models when comparing one overtopping case study in
HEC-Hydrologic Modeling System (HMS) and HEC-RAS (2010). Both progressions should be
evaluated and the progression with the more conservative results should be utilized.

Piping / Internal Erosion Failures

Piping and internal erosion occurs when concentrated seepage develops within an embankment dam.
The seepage slowly erodes the dam, leaving large voids in the soil. Typically, piping begins near the
downstream toe of the dam and works its way toward the upper reservoir. As the voids become larger,
erosion becomes more rapid. Water flow through the embankment will appear muddy as erosion
increases. Once the erosion reaches the reservoir, the piping hole can enlarge and cause the dam crest to
collapse. Figure 2.5 shows a schematic of a fully formed piping hole.
Piping failures are typically modeled in two phases, before and after the dam crest collapses. Water flow
through the piping hole is modeled as orifice flow before the dam crest collapses and as weir flow after
the dam crest collapses. For small dams constructed from cohesive soils, it is possible for the reservoir
to completely empty before the dam crest collapses (State of Colorado Department of Natural Resources,

There are several possible options to identify the breach initiation time. For breaches associated with a
hydrologic event, the initiation can be considered to begin when the reservoir water level reaches a
certain elevation or after the water level has exceeded a certain elevation for a specified Duration. For
fair weather breach analysis, an initiation time should be specified regardless of pool elevation (Gee,

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Figure 2.5: Schematic of piping hole

2.9. Available Approaches

Most methods are either based on

I. case study data from past failures or on
II. Physical models that do not account for the actual true erosion mechanism and flow
regimes that a dam breach may face.

Here is a discussion about these two methods:

I. Case study methods are not very accurate because they are mostly based on small database of
failed dams, especially of small dams. Case study data are not good in predicting the initiation
time of a breach, breach’s rate formation, and the total time required for failure. But under case
studies, there are 3 methods:
 parametric models: they first predict time of failure and ultimate breach geometry and
compute breach outflows using hydraulics principles, second they simulate breach
growth as being time dependent
 predictor equations: these equations are most of the time empirical and they estimate
peak discharge based on case study data
 analysis by comparison: if the dam under study has characteristics similar to that of
another actual failed dam with a well-documented failure, the breach characteristics and
hydrograph can be determined by comparison. In other words, this method neglects the

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process of breaching and is only based on comparison with a similar breached

dam(comparative methods)
II. Physically based models such as BREACH give more extensive information but suffer from their
limited accuracy ([16], p.5). The current models are mostly based on geotechnical concepts and
sediment transport relations that are not applicable or are not well tested on dam’s breach

Other physical models like DAMBRK simulate the breach of the dam and the resulting reservoir
outflow. The geometry and time of formation of the breach should be given to this program as an input,
and the output will give the breach enlargement as function of time (e.g., linear increase of breach
dimensions). The required input parameters should be found from either comparative methods or from
prediction equations or other physical models.

Problems of These Approaches

The problems of these three approaches are:
 Comparative analysis: this analysis is only appropriate to small dams, because most case studies
in this approach are based on small dams.
 Predictor equations: the same restriction of the comparative analysis applies for the predictor
equation method. Therefore the regression relations based on the available data have high
 Physical models: the main flaws from which this method suffers are due to insufficient
understanding of breach development; breach and high erosion dominating dam breach.

Breach characteristics
When a small variation in one of the breach parameters (width, depth, failure time and overtopping head)
occurs, large changes in peak flows will take place especially for reservoirs with relatively small storage.
In 1984, Singh and Snorrason used some models such as DAMBRK and HEC-1 on 8 hypothetical
breached dams to assess which breach parameter affects mostly the peak outflow.

Failure Time
They found that if failure time were reduced by half its initial value, the peak outflow for a PMF
hydrograph would increase by 13 to 83 %. But for large reservoirs, the change in peak outflow was
much smaller showing a variation of only 1 to 5 %.
Breach Width
It seems that the changes in breach width is more effective for large dams because it produced larger
changes (35-87%) in peak outflow and smaller changes (6-50%) for small reservoirs.

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Breach Depth
If breach depth is changed, little change in peak outflow has been identified, leading to the conclusion
that the change in peak flow is not really dependent on the reservoir size.

Other studies conducted by Petrascheck and Sydler (1984) also proved that change in the breach width
and breach formation time would significantly affect the outflow peak discharge, inundation levels, and
flood arrival time. For locations not far from the dam, both breach width and breach formation time will
have a great influence.

Some critical results have been found by Wurbs(1987). In large reservoirs, the peak outflow takes place
at the moment when the maximum depth and width of the breach are attained. Changes in reservoir head
are relatively slight during the breach formation period. In small reservoirs, a huge change in the level
of the reservoir takes place during the formation of the breach; consequently the peak outflow occurs
sometime before reaching the final breach. Here, the formation rate of breach is crucial.

2.9.1. Empirical Models for Predicting Breach Parameters

Using case study data, many researchers developed formulas that enabled them to predict breach
parameters like time of breach formation and breach geometry. In the following, a discussion concerning
each method is given

Johnson and Illes (1976)

They were the first to predict failure shapes for earth, gravity, and arch concrete dams. For earth dams,
their proposition was that the breach shape begins as a triangle and ends as a trapezoid. They also
realized that failure width (general) B is given by:
0.5hd < B < 3hd for earth fill dams
hd=dam height (m)
Most other studies assume that the breach shape of earthen dam is trapezoidal.

Singh and Snorrason (1982, 84)

Their study was conducted on 20 case studies and they came up with the following. The breach width
is constrained by:
2hd < B < 5hd
B=breach width (m)

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hd=dam height (m)

0.15 m < dovtopp < 0.61 m
dovertopp = the maximum overtopping height above the crest of the dam before failure
0.25hr < tf < 1.0 hr

tf =failure time (hr)

MacDonald and Langridge-Monopolis (1984)

Based on 42 case studies, they suggested that most of the breach side slope are approximately 1h: 2v
and that the breach shape could be trapezoidal or triangular and this depends on whether the breach has
reached the bottom of the dam or not. They also estimated the quantity of eroded embankment materials
Ver (m3) for earth dams based on time of failure tf.
Ver = 0.0261(Vout*hw) 0.769
Vout=volume of water discharged through breach (m3)
hw = hydraulic depth of water at dam at failure above breach bottom (m)
tf = 0.0179(Ver)0.364
tf =failure time (hr)
Ver =volume of water discharged through breach (m3)
On the other hand, for non-earth fill dams they came up only with estimation for volume of eroded
embankment material Ver.

Ver = 0.00348(Vout*hw) 0.852

Ver =volume of water discharged through breach (m3)
hw = hydraulic depth of water at dam at failure above breach bottom (m)
They could not predict the failure time for non-earth fill dams because sometimes the Failure of such
dams may be caused by structural problems instead of erosion. They also found it crucial that the
estimation of breach parameters and outflows should be conducted using several iterations.

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FERC (1987)
FERC proposed usually
2hd < B < 4hd
But B can range
hd < B < 5hd
B=is the breach width (m)
hd=dam height (m)

0.25 < Z < 1 (engineered, compacted dams)

1 < Z < 2 (non-engineered, slag or refuse dams)
Z =horizontal side slope factor (Z horizontal: 1vertical) for breach opening

0.1 < tf < 1 hours (engineered, compacted earth dam)

0.1 < tf < 0.5 hours (non-engineered, poorly compacted)

tf =failure time (hr)

Froehlich (1987, 1995)

In his research, he used 43 case studies. He used no dimensional analysis in order to create equations
that estimate the average breach width, side slope and the time of failure. These equations are:
Bavg= 0.47K0(S)0.25
Bavg is the no dimensional average width= (Btop+Bbottom)/ (2hb)
hb=height of breach (m) and
S=dimensionless storage=(S/hb3)
Ko = constant=1.4 if there is overtopping, else 1

Z=0.075 Kc(hw) 1.57(Wavg) 0.73

Z = is the side slope factor,
hw=dimensionless height of water above breach bottom (hw/hb)

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Wavg=average dimensionless embankment width= (Wcrest+Wbottom)/ (2/hb)

Kc = constant=0.6 if there is a core or 1.0 if no core is present

tf = 0.79(S)0.47
tf =dimensionless breach formation time=tf /(ghb)0.5
These equations were based on very specific dam characteristics like the presence of core, height of
water above breach bottom, the extent of overtopping and so on. He also realized that overtopping causes
the most breach extension and erode at a higher rate than any other failure mode.

In 1995, 8 years after his first study, he published new and revised equations based now on 63 case
studies. This time, the new equations are not non dimensional. These equations have better estimated
coefficients. These new equations are:
Bavg (m) =0.1803K0Vw0.32 hb0.19
K0=constant=1.4 if there is overtopping and 1 if else.

tf =0.000254Vw0.53 hb(-0.9)
tf =failure time (hr)
Z=1.4 if there is overtopping, if not Z=0.9

Reclamation (1988)
They develop these equations for earthen dams where:
B = 3hw
tf (hours) = 0.011B and B is in meters


hw =height measured from the initial reservoir water level to the breach bottom elevation
which is assumed to be the streambed elevation at the toe of the dam.
tf =failure time (hr)
B=is the breach width (m)
Reclamation uses these formulas in the SMPDBK model. The suggested formulas are conservative, and
thus they represent a factor of safety for the hazard classification procedure.

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Singh and Scarlatos (1988)

Their study is based on 52 case studies. They found that the top widths 106% to 174% larger than the
bottom width with an average of 129% and an acceptable standard deviation of 18 %. Whereas, they
found that the ratio of the top breach width to dam height was widely distributed. The breach side slopes
were inclined40o to 80o with the horizontal. Moreover, most failure times were less than 3 hours.

Von Thun and Gillette (1990)

They have used the data of Froehlich (1987) and MacDonald and Langridge-Monopolis (1984) in order
to develop some breach parameters ([32]; [16], p.15). In their work, they assumed that side slopes of
breach are 1H: 1V except for dams that have cohesive shells or very wide cohesive cores, where slopes
of 1:2 or 1:3 (H: V) are more acceptable.
The relation proposed by Von Thun and Gillette is for the average breach width, and it is given by.
Bavg (m) =2.5hw+Cb
Bavg= average breach width (m)
hw = the depth of water at the dam at the time of failure,
Cb = is dependent on the reservoir storage (see table 2-6):

Table 2.5: Values of Cb according to the reservoir size

Size of reservoir (m3) Cb (m)
<1,23*106 6.1
1.23*106-6.17*106 18.3

6.17*106-1.23*107 42.7

>1.23*107 54.9

They plotted the volume of the eroded embankment versus water outflow volume and water depth above
the breach invert, with upper bounds of reasonable breach geometry estimates. These methods are
dependent on the amount of erosion that occurs:
tf (hr) = 0.020hw + 0.25 (erosion resistant)
tf (hr) = 0.015hw (easily erodible)
tf should be in hours
hw= the depth of water at the dam at the time of failure (m)
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Moreover, they have suggested other equations that estimate the time of failure using the average lateral
erosion rate (the ratio of the final breach width to breach formation time) and depth of water above the
breach invert. They conclude that there is abettor estimation using these equations than the first ones
that they developed. These new equations are:

2.9.2. Empirical Models for Predicting Breach Outflows

Some other researchers have conducted studies to determine the peak outflow as a function of the breach
parameters (dam height, reservoir storage volume). A discussion of each of these methods is given

Kirkpatrick (1977)
Using data from 13 failed embankment dams and 6 other hypothetical failures; he related the peak flow
versus the depth of water behind the dam at failure. This equation is written as:
QP=f (hw)
QP = peak flow (m3/s)
hw= the depth of water at the dam at the time of failure (m)
But the flaw of this method is that among the case study failures he used is the St.Francis Dam in
California, which was a concrete gravity dam.

SCS (1981)
The Soil Conservation Service used the 13 cases studied by Kirkpatrick in order to develop another
method, for earth dam, that relates the peak dam failure outflow to the depth of water at the dam at the
time of failure. The equation is given by:
When Hw >31.4 m

Qp=16.6Hw1.85 ……………………………………………… (1)

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Hw = the height of water directly at the reservoir before breach measured from the bottom
of the final breach.
Qp = peak outflow through the breach (m3/s).
When Hw <31.4m
Qp = 0.000421 (VwHw/WH) 1.35…..………………………… (2)
Vw=reservoir water volume at the time of failure (m3)
W=average width from the bottom of the final breach to the top of the embankment (m)
H=distance from the bottom of the final breach to the top of the embankment (m)
But the flow calculated in (2) should not exceed the value given by (1) and not less than
Qp =1.77Hw2.5
Hw = the height of water directly at the reservoir before breach measured from the bottom
of the final breach (m)
Qp = peak outflow through the breach (m3/s).
From the plot of the results of this method with that of the observed flows, it appears that there is a good
matching between calculated and measured peak flows except at the low peak flows.

The problem of this method is that it does not provide a way for determining a peak outflow that provides
a factor of safety when evaluating downstream flooding.

Reclamation (1982)
Used the work done by SCS and proposed a similar envelope equation for peak breach outflow using
case study data from 21 failed dams.

Singh and Snorrason (1982 and 1984)

They established methods relating the peak outflow to the dam height and stored water in the reservoir.
These relations were found using the results of eight simulated dam failures analyzed using DAMBRK
and HEC-1. Therefore these equations were developed using simulation.

MacDonald and Langridge-Monopolis (1984)

They did a best-fit analysis and boundary curves on 42 failed earth dams in order to determine peak
outflow. The developed equation is:
Qp =3.85(VwHw) 0.41

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Qp = peak outflow through the breach (m3/s).
Vw= the total quantity of stored water at failure (m3)
Hw = the hydraulic height of water directly at the reservoir before breach. This formula
will exaggerate the peak flow for embankment dams (m)

They have also tried to establish similar relations on non-earthen dams, but this attempt did not succeed
because the standard deviation of the data was large.

Costa (1985)
This method is mainly based on regression analysis. It applies for both embankment and concrete dams,
because the 31 cases studied to develop this method were a mix of both embankment and concrete dams.
The peak outflow is given by:
Qp =0.763(VwHw) 0.42
Qp = peak outflow through the breach (m3/s).
Vw= the total quantity of stored water at failure (m3)
Hw = the hydraulic height of water directly at the reservoir before breach. This formula
will exaggerate the peak flow for embankment dams (m)
But this formula overestimates the peak outflow for the embankment dams because a concrete dam will
have bigger breach than a similar embankment dam having the same volume.

Froehlich (1995)
The equation is found by running a multiple linear regression on 22 dams where discharge data were
available. This equation is given by:
Qp =0.607Vw0.295Hw1.24
Qp = peak outflow through the breach (m3/s).
Vw= the total quantity of stored water at failure (m3)
Hw= the hydraulic height of water directly at the reservoir before breach. This formula will
exaggerate the peak flow for embankment dams (m)
This equation gives a good agreement with the measured computed peak flows over the entire range.

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2.10. Overview of Dam Breach Hydrograph Model

Performing a dam breach model involves prediction of the dam breach hydrograph and the routing of
that hydrograph downstream. A number of modeling tools are available to perform dam breach
modeling, ranging from simple methods to complex models. With advancements in GIS-based
modeling, many models can interface with digital terrain data to produce automated dam breach
inundation zone delineations.
Dam breach modeling can be divided into two categories, each of which has a number of models, tools,
or equations, ranging from simple to advanced:

 Tools that generate the dam breach peak discharge and/or hydrograph only; and

 Tools that develop a breach hydrograph and perform downstream flood routing

Simplified numerical models typically relate the breach hydrograph (or breach peak flow) to simple
reservoir characteristics such as reservoir volume and dam height. These models may or may not include
hydrologic modeling to determine the envelope maximum water depths to calculate the breach flow.
Most simplified models do not consider complicated downstream conditions such as backwater effects.
Additionally, reservoir routing (if present) uses level pool routing methods; in other words, the reservoir
water surface is considered level during drawdown. This simplification is not applicable to all situations.
The main benefit of simplified numerical models is that substantially less time is required to set up and
execute these models.

2.10.1. Dam breach hydrograph and peak outflow generation tools

The most common methods for either breach hydrograph generation or dam breach peak outflow
computation are discussed in this section. These models/methods do not include the capability of a
hydraulic routing of the breach hydrograph downstream. The NWS BREACH model is no longer
supported by the NWS.

The ARS recently developed WinDam B in cooperation with the NRCS and Kansas State University,
which expands on the capabilities of WinDam A.


The NWS BREACH model was the first widely applied and most well-known, physically based model
to predict the breach characteristics and the discharge hydrograph emanating from a breached earthen
dam. Since 2005, the NWS has not supported code development; however, given the model’s

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significance in dam breach studies and its ongoing use for some dam breach studies, a description of the
model is included in this document. The model was initially developed in 1987 with updates in 1988,
1991, and 2005. The BREACH program is no longer supported by the NWS and is not available for
download on the NWS Web site. It is still used because it is known to more accurately predict breach
progression than other available methods and perhaps because it has not yet been replaced by another
freely available, non-proprietary program that performs the same function.
BREACH couples the conservation of mass of the reservoir inflow, spillway outflow, and breach
outflow with the sediment transport capacity of the unsteady uniform flow along an erosion-formed
breach. The growth of the breach, as shown in Figure 4-6, is dependent on the dam’s material properties
and the assumed location of the downstream face of the dam. Sediment transport equations are used in
the model to compute the rate of erosion and size of a breach based on supplied soil characteristics of
the dam material and the inflow hydrograph. Enlargement of the breach is further evaluated by a sudden
collapse due to excess hydrostatic pressure and breach width expansion by slope stability (Gee, 2010).
The outflow hydrograph is obtained through a time-stepping solution.

Figure 2.6: The growth of the breach

As documented in the BREACH Manual developed by Fread in 1991, the BREACH model considers
the possible existence of the following complexities:
 Core material having properties that differ from those of the outer portions of the dam

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 The necessity of forming an eroded ditch along the downstream face of the dam prior to the
actual breach formation by the overtopping water
 The downstream face of the dam having a grass cover or being composed of a material of larger
grain size than the outer portion of the dam
 Enlargement of the breach through the mechanism of one or more sudden structural collapses
due to the hydrostatic pressure force exceeding the resisting shear and cohesive forces
 Enlargement of the breach width by slope stability theory
 Initiation of the breach via piping with subsequent progression to a free surface breach flow
 Erosion transport for either non-cohesive (granular) materials or cohesive (clay) materials

Wahl (2004) suggests that the BREACH model is constrained, as other similar models, in that it does
not adequately model head cutting erosion processes that dominate the breaching of cohesive soil
embankments. Another limitation of the BREACH model is that the breach hydrograph prediction is
simulated without incorporating downstream effects, such as tail water and dynamic effects on the flow
within the upstream reservoir, because it uses level pool reservoir routing. This program may be used in
conjunction with other programs to simulate downstream dynamic effects using the breach parameter
results (i.e., breach width and development time) as input into a separate flood routing model that can
determine the breach hydrograph itself, while accounting for dynamic water-level effects of the reservoir
and downstream tail water effects (Fread, 1988; Wahl, 2010).

The NWS DAMBRK and FLDWAV software contain a BREACH subprogram that simulates piping
and overtopping failures in earthen dams when users provide the typical dam and reservoir
characteristics, thus generating breach parameters.


HEC-HMS is a hydrologic modeling program typically used to conduct hydrologic simulations of the
precipitation-runoff process of dendritic drainage basins. The program can also be used to perform dam
failure analysis. HEC-HMS was developed by the USACE in 1992 to replace the HEC-1 program. The
program has been updated several times since its initial release and the most current version of the HEC-
HMS program can be found at the USACE’s HEC’s The following paragraphs have been adapted from
HMS user support documents developed by the USACE.
In HEC-HMS, the user identifies ultimate breach parameters (i.e., breadth width, side slopes, time-of-
failure) for dam breach simulations. Because the user defines the ultimate breach parameters, both
earthen and concrete dam breaches may be simulated.

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A dam breach simulation in HEC-HMS may be computed through two breach methods: overtopping or
piping. For overtopping, the failure is simulated at a point on the top of the dam and expands in a
trapezoidal shape until it reaches the maximum size input into the program. The piping dam breach
function of HEC-HMS is used to simulate failures caused by piping inside an earthen dam. The failure
begins with the water naturally seeping through the dam core until it increases in velocity and quantity
enough to begin eroding fine sediments out of the soil matrix. The piping failure uses many of the same
user-input parameters as the dam overtopping breach; however, it also requires the initial piping
elevation and piping coefficient. The time growth curve may be specified in HEC-HMS as either linear,
non-linear (sine wave), or user specified.

Similar to the precursor program HEC-1, HEC-HMS uses a level pool routing procedure for the
upstream reservoir to estimate the breach hydrograph. The reservoir is represented as either a controlled
or uncontrolled water body with the assumption of level pool and a monotonically increasing storage-
outflow function. Hydrologic routing employs the continuity equation and an analytical or empirical
relationship between reservoir/reach storage and the discharge. Output results from HEC-HMS include
a resulting breach hydrograph that must be used in conjunction with other software, such as HEC-RAS,
for downstream routing of the generated flood wave.

The main advantage of using HEC-HMS to simulate a dam failure is the ease of program use. The
program does not suffer from the instability issues of its counterpart HEC-RAS. A major difference
between HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS, , is that HEC-HMS uses level pool routing whereas HEC-RAS uses
dynamic pool routing (full St. Venant equations of conservation of mass and conservation of
momentum) for reservoir drawdown. However, dynamic routing requires detailed bathymetric data for
the reservoir, which are frequently difficult and expensive to obtain. Level pool routing, on the other
hand, only requires a simple stage-storage curve for estimating reservoir drawdown. Goodell et al.
(2009) argued that dynamic routing is generally a more accurate method for estimating reservoir
drawdown. However, level-pool routing is often an adequate method for drawdown computation. This
is especially true for small reservoirs that are roughly equal in length and width and do not have a
considerably long fetch length.

2.10.2. Breach hydrograph generation and downstream hydraulic routing

This section addresses the most common tools that can perform both breach hydrograph generation and
downstream routing of the associated breach hydrograph.

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USACE HEC-1 Program

The USACE’s HEC-1 program was first developed in 1968 and last updated in 1998, after which it was
replaced by the hydrologic modeling software HEC-HMS, developed in 1992. Although, the HEC-1 has
been superseded, some Federal documentation still references the use of the HEC-1 model for dam
failure analysis, primarily because most of these documents pre-date the common application of the
USACE HEC-HMS or HEC-RAS programs for dam failure simulation. For this reason, a discussion of
HEC-1 is included within this document.
The program includes a dam safety analysis capability that uses simplified hydraulic techniques to
estimate the potential for and consequences of dam overtopping or structural failures on downstream
areas in a floodplain. A dam failure analysis has two main components: the reservoir component and the
dam safety simulation component. The reservoir component is employed in a stream network model to
simulate a dam failure. Most of the modeling effort is characterizing the inflows to the dam under
investigation, specifying the characteristics of the dam failure, and routing the dam failure hydrograph
to a desired location in the downstream

Floodplain. The dam safety simulation differs from reservoir routing in that the elevation-outflow
relation is computed by determining the flow over the top of the dam (dam overtopping) and/or through
the dam breach (piping/internal erosion), as well as through other reservoir outlet works. The elevation-
outflow characteristics are then combined with the level pool storage routing to simulate a dam failure.

A dam breach is simulated in the HEC-1 program using the methodology incorporated by Fread in the
NWS DAMBRK program (Fread, 1979). Structural failures are modeled by assuming certain
geometrical shapes for the dam breach. The outflow from a dam breach may be reduced by backwater
from downstream constrictions or other flow resistances. HEC-1 allows a tail water rating curve or a
single cross-section (and a calculated normal-depth rating curve) to be used to reflect such flow
resistance. Submergence effects are calculated in the same manner as in DAMBRK. The dam-break
simulation assumes that the reservoir pool remains level and routes the flood wave downstream using
steady-state theory (USACE, 1998).


The USACE HEC-RAS program released in 1995 is a one-dimensional steady- and unsteady-flow
modeling program. The current version of the program can perform four functions: (1) steady-flow
routing, (2) unsteady-flow routing, (3) movable-boundary flow for sediment transport analysis, and (4)
water quality analysis.

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The following discussion on HEC-RAS is adapted from user support documents developed by the

The steady-flow component of the modeling system uses a standard step method intended for the
solution of water surface profiles for steady, gradually varied flow. The basic computations are based
on the one-dimensional energy equation in which energy losses are evaluated by friction and
contraction/expansion of the channel. The momentum equation may be used when the water surface
profile is rapidly varied in conditions such as a mixed flow regime. The system can handle a full network
of channels, a dendritic system, or a single river reach. The steady-flow component is capable of
modeling subcritical, supercritical, and mixed flow regime water surface profiles. To perform a steady-
state analysis for routing a resulting breach flow downstream in HEC-RAS, an upstream boundary
condition must be provided in the model. This boundary condition is the peak outflow generated from
the breach hydrograph that has been determined externally, in such forms as HEC-HMS, NWS
BREACH, or an empirical equation.

The unsteady component of the HEC-RAS modeling simulates one-dimensional unsteady flow and can
perform subcritical, supercritical or mixed flow regime computations. The governing equations for
unsteady flow are the conservation of mass (continuity) and momentum equations derived from the full
equations of motion (St. Venant equations). Upstream boundary conditions typically consist of an inflow
hydrograph from the upstream watershed into a defined reservoir. For a dam breach analysis, the
reservoir outflow is dynamically routed downstream.

Failure modes integrated into the HEC-RAS model include overtopping and piping. Additional failure
modes may be approximated with variations to one of those two methods. Overtopping failures start at
the top of the dam while a piping failure can start at a specified elevation/location and grow to the
maximum specified extents. Breach parameters, such as breach width, depth, side slopes, and
development time are estimated external to the model. Values for the breach size and development time
are needed to produce a reliable estimate of the outflow hydrographs and resulting downstream
inundation areas.

In HEC-RAS, both steady-state and unsteady-flow analysis use the same set of geometric data. This
geometric data includes the reservoir storage volume, dam and downstream channel characteristics,
cross-sectional data, etc. Differences in results between these two routing methods are a result of the
computation procedures and inclusion of flow attenuation in unsteady-flow routing. The ASPFM has
noted a generally small computational difference of 0.1 to 1 foot between steady and unsteady-flow

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analysis based on hypothetical event analysis (Altinakar, 2008). Further suggesting that while the
difference between the two methods can be outside of this specified range, these differences do not
necessarily mean that unsteady flow is more accurate than steady flow. The ASPFM has identified three
key features between the steady-state and unsteady flow that provide computation differences:

1. Losses: Steady-flow losses computations use absolute differences in velocity head at adjacent
cross-sections multiplied by an expansion or contraction coefficient, whereas unsteady-flow loss
computations are computed by the momentum equation.

2. Friction Slope: Average friction slope between cross-sections is determined by averaging the
conveyance method for steady flow. For unsteady flow, the average friction slope between cross-
sections is computed directly from a simple average of the computed friction slopes.

3. Discharge: Steady-flow computations compute losses through downstream obstructions, such

as culverts and bridges, directly from the obstruction geometry and the type of flow conditions
through the structure. In unsteady flow, a family of curves is developed for defining the
headwater-tail water-discharge relationships through each obstruction for a full range of flow.

HEC-RAS can perform inundation mapping of water surface profile results directly using the RAS
Mapper or the external HEC-GeoRAS tool. Using the HEC-RAS geometry and computed water surface
profiles, RAS Mapper creates an inundation depth and floodplain boundary dataset. Additional
geospatial data can be generated for analysis of velocity, shear stress, stream power, ice thickness, and
floodway encroachment data. HEC-GeoRAS is a set of GIS tools that prepare the geometric date for
import into HEC-RAS and generate the flood inundation data from the HEC-RAS output.

2.10.3. Recommendations for selecting modeling software

The selection of an appropriate model for computing a dam breach is dependent on type of results
needed, the level of effort that can be expended, and the potential for loss of life and economic damages
that can result from a dam failure.
For dams in rural areas where the potential for loss of life is low, a tier 1 level study using simplified
methods may be appropriate. For areas where a potential dam breach can result in the loss of life an
intermediate tier 2 level or advanced tier 3 should be performed. The intermediate tier 2 level study may
be used for areas where more detailed calculations are justified because of the potential for loss of life.
Advanced tier 3 level studies may be needed to develop dam breach inundation zone mapping for
urbanized areas and for unconfined floodplains.

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3.1. Location
Melka Wakana Dam is located in the highlands of Bale Zonal Administration about some 280Km.south-
east of Addis Ababa. It lies 70N of the equator. The Dam is at the Wabe Shebelle River a large water
course, flowing along the south-east cost of the country towards the territory of Somalia.

The 2300m-2400m elevation of altitude has highly influenced the climatic situation of the vicinity. The
mean annual temperature is not greater than 13-14C (Max 28C).the dam is in the upper course of the
river where the mean annual flow is 827x106 m3 and the maximum high-water flow is 530 m3/s. The
terrain conditions of the region are favorable for creating a reservoir for the over-year regulation,
capacity 763 m3, and for installing a derivation hydro power plant.

The rock-fill dam with a length of 2,000 m and maximum height of 42 m is filled with local materials
with the central loamy core and the rock apron slopes. The areal cement grouting and the cement-grout
curtain to a depth of 25 to 30 m are provided in the dam foundation. The automatic flood gate without
shutters on the top edge of the discharge structure is designed for flood discharge with flows of up to
640 cubic m/s. The water diversion chute (horizontally curved) has a variable grade over the length and
ends in a ski jump spillway, which dumps water into the river channel. Construction of dam started on
1983 and commissioned on 1988.

Figure 3.1: Melka Wakana Embankment Dam

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Figure 3.2: Wabe Shebelle River basin

Melka Wakana Reservoir as seen from VHR satellite images

Figure 3.3: Melka Wakana reservoir location

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3.2. Climatic Characteristics

Most of Ethiopia is characterized by tropical climate moderated by altitude with a marked wet season.
The southwestern Ethiopia is characterized by humid tropical climate with rainfall higher than 1,000
mm. In the highlands of Ethiopia, temperatures are reasonably warm the year round but rarely hot.
In Ethiopia in general there are three seasons: the first is the dry season (locally known as Bega) which
prevails from October to January; the second is the small rainy season (Belg) that runs from February
to May and the third is the main rainy season (Kiremt) which prevails from June to September. Rainfall
is above 1,000 mm a year almost everywhere in the highlands and it rises to as much as 2,000 – 3,000
mm in the wetter southwestern parts. Annual rainfall decreases when one moves to the east and north of
the country. Night time temperatures fall nearly or below freezing in mountainous areas (higher than
2,500 m). In the northern lowlands, Danakil depression, the southern lowlands, and Ogaden, rainfall is
low (below 300 mm/year) and temperatures are high (higher than> 30 °C) during the whole year. Since
Ethiopia is situated in the north-eastern part of Africa, it is influenced from the northeast to the Southeast
by monsoons bringing moisture from the Indian Ocean. In the northern hemisphere summer, moisture
laden winds gradually penetrate into the countries as the African sector of the Inter-Tropical
Convergence Zone (ITCZ) progresses northward. The orographic influence on rainfall depth is also
marked in the mountainous areas that surround the Project. As a result, rainfall varies highly both
seasonally and annually. Nearly 79% of the annual rainfall occurs in the period of June-September.

3.3. Wabi Shebelle River

Wabi Sheble river basin has an area of 202,697 Km2, covering parts of the regions Oromia, Harari and
Somali. This river basin has a lowest elevation of 184 m. and a highest elevation of 4182 m. The total
mean annual flow from the river basins is estimated at about 3.16 BMC.

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4.1. Data Gathering and Processing

Most of the original data gathered and compiled by the Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy and
Electric Power Corporation is used in this analysis. The main purpose of gathering data in creating a
modeling methodology is for defining the size, type, elevation and storage relations of the subject dam,
and the geometries of the downstream river reaches. Data gathered for modeling were grouped into the
following categories:

Reservoir characteristics: The reservoir characteristics consist of reservoir storage elevation curve and
reservoir surface area elevation curve.

Dam characteristics: This category includes data about name of dam, dam type, dam size, location of
the dam, elevation of downstream toe of dam, design water storage pool elevation, maximum flood
surcharge elevation, spillway crest elevation, crest of dam elevation, and height of the dam measured
from downstream toe to the crest, and category of the dam.

General Information: This category of data is for general information purposes. It includes
jurisdictions of the dam owner (city, town, and country area), geographic information, watershed
boundary, and others.

Downstream Information: Data gathered under this category includes bank stations, reach stations,
downstream developments, cross section plots, Manning roughness coefficients, and other pertinent
hydraulic structures.

Inflow Hydrograph: The inflow hydrograph data category includes the flood events hydrograph
provided by the dam owner.

4.2. Dam Breach Analysis Procedures

The parameters of dam breach depend on type of the dam and mode of failure. The shape and duration
of the breach, together with the size of the dam and the reservoir, would determine, to a great extent, the
characteristics of the breach outflow hydrographs. Overtopping and piping mode of failure is assumed
in this study. Hydraulic analysis of dam breach includes two primary tasks, the prediction of the reservoir
outflow hydrograph and the routing of that hydrograph through the downstream valley.

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Dam Breach Analysis & Inundation Map for Melka Wakana Dam

4.2.1. Predicting the Outflow Hydrographs

For flood hydrograph estimation, the breach modeled by defining acceptable dam breach parameters is
the core of this project. Predicting the outflow hydrographs at the dam location is done using HEC-RAS
under different scenarios. The process of predicting the outflow hydrograph is a multi-steps approach
and began with defining the river geometry, the reservoir characteristics, physical description of Melka
Wakana Dam, and its detailing breach characteristics

Several researchers have developed peak flow regression equation form historic dam failure data. The
peak flow equation were derived from data for earthen, zoned earthen, earthen with impervious core. In
general, the peak flow equation should be used for comparison purposes.

Once a breach hydrograph is computed in HEC-RAS, the computed peak flow from the model can be
compared to these regression equations as a test for reasonableness.

The maximum breach outflow that will be obtained from the analysis should be checked for its
reasonableness. Literatures recommended that one can check the reasonableness of the maximum breach
outflow obtained by one method with other methods.

First, using MacDonald-Langridge-Monopolis method the maximum breach outflow should be

calculated because the breach parameters are estimated using this method.

MacDonal and Langridge-Monopolis (1984)

Q=3.85(Vwhw) 0.411
Q= peak breach outflow (cubic meters per second)
hw= depth of water above the breach invert at time of breach (meters)
Vw= volume of water above breach invert at time of failure (cubic meters)

For verification of the reasonableness of the value of breach out flow obtained by the analysis we have
to compare it with the value obtained by empirical formula as shown above or with the envelope. But
the envelope as discussed in chapter three will not be the true upper bound because it only taken in to
account fourteen historical dam failure incidents. Therefore, the value obtained using the empirical
relationship suggested by MacDonald-Langridge-Monopolis as show above will be used as an upper
peak breach outflow.

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4.2.2. Defining the River Geometry

When using HEC-RAS the first task after creating the project is to create the geometry of the river. This
can be done by importing the river geometry from ArcGIS by using software called HEC-GeoRAS
which is modeled to integrate the two software. The geometry of the Wabi Shebelle River generated
from ArcGIS was exported to HEC-RAS as shown in the figure below



e b
23259.54 s


b e


wabe shabel


Figure 4.1: HEC-RAS geometry data

4.2.4. Describing Reservoir Characteristics

The original data is the input in the HEC-RAS model. The collected data concerning the reservoir
characteristics is Elevation -Volume curves.

Elevation - Volume curves

Elevation (m)

0.00 100.00 200.00 300.00 400.00 500.00 600.00 700.00 800.00 900.00
Volume (MCM)

Figure 4.2: Elevation – Volume curves

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Dam Breach Analysis & Inundation Map for Melka Wakana Dam

4.2.4. Physical Descriptions of Dam

This step includes the identification of dam height, dam crest width. In this study, data about the physical
characterizes of the Melka Wakena Dam are used as an input in HEC-RAS modeling.
 Crest Length: 2000m
 Crest Width: 10m
 Maximum Height above river bed: 42m
 Average Upstream Embankment slope: 2.5H:1V
 Average Downstream Embankment slope: 2.5H:1V
 Embankment Material: Rock fill
 Storage Capacity: 763x106m3

4.2.5. Determining Inflow Hydrograph to the Reservoir

The inflow design flood is expected to cause the dam to breach in order to analyze the worst case of dam
breach analysis. Inflow hydrographs generated from three days half PMF was used to design the spillway
and this hydrograph was used for the breach analysis.

Figure 4.3: Inflow Hydrograph (72 Hours 0.5PMF)

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Dam Breach Analysis & Inundation Map for Melka Wakana Dam

4.2.6. Estimating Dam Breach Characteristics

The following regression equation have been used to estimate breach parameter for embankments dam
 Froehlich (1995a)
 Froehlich (2008)
 MacDonald and Langridge-Monopolis (1984)
For this these, the Froehlich (1995a), Froehlich (2008) MacDonald and Langridge-Monopolis (1984)
regression equations for predicting breach size and development time were used. This dam is within the
range of the data used to develop these regression equations, therefore the equations are considered to
be an appropriate methodology for estimating the breach parameters.

Froehlich (1995a): Froehlich utilized 63 earthen, zoned earthen, earthen with a core wall (i.e., clay),
and rock fill data sets to develop as set of equations to predict average breach width, side slopes, and
failure time the data that Froehlich used for his regression analysis had the following ranges

 Height of the dams: 3.66 --- 92.96 meters

 Volume of water at breach time: 0.0130 --- 660.0 m3 x 106
Froehlich’s regression equations for average breach width and failure time are
Bave = 0.1803 Ko Vw0.32 hb0.19
tf = 0.00254 Vw0.53 hb-0.90
Bave = average breach width (meters)
Ko = constant (1.4 for overtopping failures, 1.0 for piping
W = reservoir volume at time of failure (cubic meters)
hb = height of the final breach (meters)
tf = breach formation time (hours)
Froehlich states that the average side slopes should be:
1.4H:1V overtopping failures
0.9H:1V otherwise (i.e piping/ seepage)

Froehlich (2008): In 2008, Dr. Froehlich updated his breach equations based on the addition of new
data Dr. Froehlich utilized 74 earthen, zoned earthen, earthen with a core wall (i.e., clay), and rock fill
date sets to develop as set of equations to predict average breach width, side slopes, and failure time.
The data that Froehlich used for his regression analysis had the following ranges:
 Height of the dams: 3.05-92.96 meters
 Volume of water at breach time: 0.0139-660.0m3x 106
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Froehlich’s regression equations for average breach width and failure time are:

Bave = 0.27Ko Vw0.32 hb0.04

tf = 63.2(Vw/(ghb2))0.5

Bave = average breach width (meters)
Ko = constant (1.3 for overtopping failures, 1.0 for piping)
Vw = reservoir volume at time of failure (cubic meters)
hb =height of the final breach (meters)
g = gravitational acceleration (9.80665 meters per second squared)
tf = breach formation time (seconds)
froehlich’s 2008 paper states that the average side slopes should be:
1.0H:1V overtopping failures
0.7H:1V otherwise ( i.e piping/seepage)

MacDonald and Langridge-Monopolis (1984): MacDonald and Langridge-Monopolis utilized 42 data

sets (predominantly earth fill dam, earth fill dams with a clay core, rock fill dams) to develop a
relationship for what they call the “Breach Formation Factor”. The Breach Formation Factor is a product
of the volume of water coming out of the dam and the height of water above the dam. MacDonald and
Langridge-Monopolis then related the breach formation factor to the volume of material eroded from
the dam’s embankments. The data that MacDonald and Langridge-Monopolis used for their regression
analysis had the following ranges:
 Height of the dams: 4.27-92.96 meters
 Breach outflow volume: 0.0037-660.0m3x106
The following is the MacDonald and Langridge-Monopolis equation for volume of material eroded and
breach formation time, as reported by wahl (1998)

For earthfill dam:

Veroded = 0.0261 (Vout*hw) 0.769

tf = 0.0179 (Veroded) 0.36
Veroded = volume of material eroded from the dam embankment (cubic meters)
Vout = volume of water that passes through the breach (cubic meters);

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hw = depth of water above the bottom of the breach (meters)

tf = breach formation time (hours)
MacDonald and Langridge-Monopolis stated that the breach should be trapezoidal with side slopes of
0.5H: 1V. The base width of the breach can computed from the dam geometry with the following
equation (State of Washington, 1992):

Wb= Veroded-hb 2(CZb+hbZbZ3/3)

hb (C+hbZ3/2)

Wb = bottom width of the breach (meters)
hb = height from the top of the dam to bottom of breach (meters)
Z3 = Z1+Z2
Z1 = average slope (Z1:1) of the upstream face of dam
Z2 = average slope (Z2:1) of the downstream face of dam
Zb = side slopes of the breach (Zb:1),0.5 for the Macdonald method

4.2.7. Routing Breach Outflow Hydrographs through Downstream Reaches

Dam-break flood hydrograph is a dynamic and unsteady phenomenon. Therefore, the preferred approach
is to utilize a fully developed Unsteady State flow routing model. In order to accurately model the flows,
the unsteady flow computer program, HEC-RAS was used to route breaching outflow hydrographs
through natural waterways.

The implicit formulation of the St. Venant equation is well-suited from the standpoint of accuracy for
formulating unsteady flows in a natural channel. Therefore, HEC-RAS is chosen for unsteady state flood
routing, and this technique simultaneously computes the discharge, water surface elevation, and velocity
throughout the river reach. The following parameters are crucial in running HEC-RAS to perform
unsteady flow routing:

4.2.8. Defining Channel Geometry and Boundary Conditions

During modeling of the downstream channel of the Melka Wakana Dam using HEC-RAS, the first step
is to establish the external boundary conditions. The upstream boundary is selected at a location such
that it is independent of the downstream conditions. The downstream boundary was selected at a location
that is independent of flow conditions below the boundary. The last downstream cross section is set at a
reasonable distance and a normal depth is chosen to define the downstream boundary conditions.

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After the routing reach is established by the boundary locations, cross sections are obtained to represent
the reaches. Cross section locations are measured from downstream to upstream.
For the purposes of this study, default values of expansion and contraction coefficients are used
throughout the unsteady state analysis. The program by default assigns a value of 0.3 and 0.1 for
expansion and contraction coefficient, respectively.

4.2.9. Selecting Manning Coefficients, “n” values

Manning’s coefficient n is used to describe the resistance to flow due to channel roughness caused by
sand/gravel bed-forms, bank vegetation and obstructions, bend effects, and circulation-eddy losses and
so on.
In unsteady state river routing simulation, results were often very sensitive to the Manning n values.
Selection of the Manning n is aimed to reflect the influence of bank and bed materials, channel
obstructions, irregularity of the river banks and to minimize potential biasness of the results.

By referring the Wabe Shebelle river bed and bank materials and Chow, Manning n values 0.048 and
0.042 are taken for the banks and flow channel respectively.

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The dam breach analysis and inundation map for Melka Wakana Dam as a testing basis involved testing
a number of dam breach parameters. The parameters defined for the reservoir and river component of
the analysis were prepared based on existing data and some empirical formulas. With the aid of
hydrologic and hydraulic modeling software, reservoir and river flow routings were carried out to
establish relationships among the characteristics influencing a peak flow at the dam and specified
location in the downstream. The findings were discussed in the following sub-sections.

Figure 5.1: HEC-RAS Unsteady Flow Simulation Computer Run

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5.1. Breach Parameter Estimates

For this thesis
 Froehlich (1995A)
 Froehlich (2008)
 MacDonald and Langridge Monopolis (1984)
The following are the calculations for each method

Froehlich (1995a)

Bave = 0.1803 Ko Vw0.32 hb0.19

Bave = 0.1803 *1.4 * (827x106)0.32 * (42)0.19
Bave = 366.56 meters (for over topping failure)
Bave = 0.1803 * 1.0 * (827x106)0.32 * (42)0.19
Bave = 261.83 meters (for piping failure)
tf = 0.00254 Vw0.53 hb-0.9
tf = 0.00254 * (827x106)0.53 * (42)-0.90
tf = 4.68 hours

The Froehlich (1995a) method assumes a side slope of 1.4H:1V for an overtopping breach and 0.9H:1V
for a piping breach. Given the breach height of 42 meters, this yields a bottom width for the breach of
Wb = 307.76 meters for overtopping and Wb = 224.03 meters

Froehlich (2008)

Bave = 0.27 Ko Vw0.32 hb0.04

Bave = 0.27 *1.3 * (827x106)0.32 * (42)0.04
Bave = 290.96 meters (for over topping failure)
Bave = 0.27 * 1.0 * (827x106)0.32 * (42)0.04
Bave = 223.82 meters (for piping failure)
tf = 63.2 ( Vw/(g hb2))0.5
tf = 63.2 * (827x106/(9.81 * (42)2))0.5
tf = 3.84 hours

The Froehlich (1995a) method assumes a side slope of 1.0H:1V for an overtopping breach and 0.7H:1V
for a piping breach. Given the breach height of 42 meters, this yields a bottom width for the breach of
Wb = 248.96 meters for overtopping and Wb = 194.42 meters

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MacDonald and Langridge Monopolis (1984)

Veroded = 0.00348 (Vout*hw) 0.852

Veroded = 0.00348 (606x106*40.10) 0.852
Veroded = 2.45x106 cubic meters of material

To compute the bottom width of the breach, the method says to use side slopes of 0.5H: 1V.The user
must also estimate an average side slope for both the upstream and downstream embankment of the dam.
In our case average side slope of 2.5H:1V were used for both upstream and downstream. The bottom
width equation is

Wb = Veroded-hb 2(CZb+hbZbZ3/3)

hb (C+hbZ3/2)

Wb = (2.45x106-422(10*0.5+42*0.5*5/3))/(42(10+42*5/2))
Wb = 493.76 meters
tf = 0.0179 (Veroded) 0.364
tf = 0.0179 (2.45x106 )0.364
tf = 3.79 hours

Table 5.1: Summary of Breach Parameter Estimates

Breach Bottom Width Breach Side Failure
(meters) Slopes (H:1V) Time

307.76m (overtopping) 1.40

Froehlich (1995a) 4.68h
224.03m (piping) 0.9

248.96m (overtopping) 1.00

Froehlich (2008) 3.84h
194.42m (piping) 0.7

MacDonald and Langridge-

493.76m 0.50 3.79h

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From here, all three set of parameters should be entered into HEC-RAS software and run as separate
breach plans. This will result in three different breach outflow hydrographs. However, once the
hydrographs are routed downstream, they will begin to converge towards each other.

For our case using Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) conditions analyzed overtopping and piping
Failures mode.

In this Dam Break Analysis, using mixed flow regime simulation, both upstream and downstream
boundary conditions (inflow hydrograph and rating curve, respectively) and dam dimensions were

MW Dam Overtopping (MacDonald) Plan: Plan MacDonald overtopping 9/29/2016

wabe shabel wabe shabel

Crit Max WS


Elevat io n (m)



10000 15000 20000 25000
Main Channel Distance (m)

Figure 5.2: Dam Break Flood Profile

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Dam Breach Analysis & Inundation Map for Melka Wakana Dam

5.2. Outflow hydrograph due to dam breach.

Unsteady-flow simulations were performed for Probable Maximum Flood (PMF).Once a breach
hydrograph is computed in HEC-RAS, the computed peak flow from the model can be compared to
these regression equations as a test for reasonableness.

For Froehlich (1995a)

Using HEC-RAS model computed peak flow is
Qp = 35,494.02 m3/s (overtopping)
Qp = 25,255.13 m3/s (piping)

Plan: Overtopping 1995 River: wabe shabel Reach: wabe shabel RS: 23259.53
40000 Le gend
Flow (m3/ s)






1800 2400 0600 1200
12Aug2015 13Aug2015

Figure 5.3: the discharge flowing out of the dam during the dam break for overtopping

Plan: Froehlich 1995a River: wabe shabel Reach: wabe shabel RS: 23259.53
30000 Le gend

25000 Flow

Flow (m3/ s)




1800 2400 0600 1200
12Aug2015 13Aug2015

Figure 5.4: the discharge flowing out of the dam during the dam break for piping

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For Froehlich (2008)

Using HEC-RAS model computed peak flow is
Qp = 28,067.77 m3/s (overtopping)
Qp = 25,087.70 m3/s (piping)

Plan: Froehlic 2008 River: wabe shabel Reach: wabe shabel RS: 23259.53
30000 Le gend

25000 Flow

Flow (m3/ s)




1800 2400 0600 1200
12Aug2015 13Aug2015

Figure 5.5: the discharge flowing out of the dam during the dam break for overtopping

Plan: Froehlich 2008 River: wabe shabel Reach: wabe shabel RS: 23259.53
30000 Le gend

25000 Flow

Flow (m3/ s)




1800 2400 0600 1200
12Aug2015 13Aug2015

Figure 5.6: the discharge flowing out of the dam during the dam break for piping

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For MacDonald and Langridge-Monopolis

Using HEC-RAS model computed peak flow is
Qp = 36,527.15m3/s (overtopping)
Qp = 32,627.70 m3/s (piping)
Using regression equations
Qp = 3.85 (Vw hw) 0.412
Qp = 3.85 * ((763x106) (40.1)) 0.412
Qp = 80,455.6 m3/s
Plan: MacDonald ovtop River: wabe shabel Reach: wabe shabel RS: 23259.53
40000 Le gend
Flow (m3/ s)






1800 2400 0600 1200
12Aug2015 13Aug2015

Figure 5.7: the discharge flowing out of the dam during the dam break for overtopping

Plan: MacDonald piping River: wabe shabel Reach: wabe shabel RS: 23259.53
35000 Le gend

30000 Flow

Flow (m3/ s)





1800 2400 0600 1200
12Aug2015 13Aug2015

Figure 5.8: the discharge flowing out of the dam during the dam break for piping

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From the above HEC-RAS model results we get three different peak flow, but selected the method which
have larger value than the other. Ones we select used selected method to make downstream routing,
inundation map and emergence action plane.

MacDonald and Langridge-Monopolis gives the largest peak flow, therefor use the result of MacDonald
and Langridge-Monopolis for downstream routing, inundation map and emergence action plane.

Qp= 36,527.15 m3/s (for overtopping) and

Qp = 32,627.70 m3/s (for piping).

Table 5.2: Summary of Results for Peak Flow

Peak Flow (m3/s)


Overtopping Piping

Froehlich (1995a) 35,494.02 m3/s 25,255.13 m3/s

Froehlich (2008) 28,067.77 m3/s 25,087.70 m3/s

MacDonald and Langridge-Monopolis 36,527.15 m3/s 32,627.70 m3/s

5.3. Routing of the hydrograph through the downstream

The results from MacDonald and Langridge-Monopolis method for the two failure case are presented
as figures. The results are given for 4 selected locations. The maximum discharge decrease from
36,527.15 m3/s at the outlet of Melka Wakana dam to 35,179.22 m3/s downstream of the river for
overtopping failure and the maximum discharge decrease from 32,627.70 m3/s at the outlet of Melka
Wakana dam to 30,159.74 m3/s downstream of the river for piping failure.

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For overtopping

Plan: MacDonald ovtop River: wabe shabel Reach: wabe shabel RS: 23259.53
40000 Le gend

35000 Flow


Flow (m3/ s)





1800 2400 0600 1200
12Aug2015 13Aug2015

Figure 5.9: the discharge flowing out of the dam during the dam break for overtopping.

Plan: MacDonald ovtop River: wabe shabel Reach: wabe shabel RS: 19000
40000 Le gend

35000 Flow


Flow (m3/ s)





1800 2400 0600 1200
12Aug2015 13Aug2015

Figure 5.10: the discharge at the RS 19000 for overtopping.

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Dam Breach Analysis & Inundation Map for Melka Wakana Dam

Plan: MacDonald ovtop River: wabe shabel Reach: wabe shabel RS: 12028.59
40000 Le gend

35000 Flow


Flow (m3/ s)





1800 2400 0600 1200
12Aug2015 13Aug2015

Figure 5.11: the discharge at the RS 12028.59 for overtopping

Plan: MacDonald ovtop River: wabe shabel Reach: wabe shabel RS: 1000
40000 Le gend

35000 Flow


Flow (m3/ s)





1800 2400 0600 1200
12Aug2015 13Aug2015

Figure 5.12: the discharge at the RS 1000 for overtopping

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For piping

Plan: MacDonald piping River: wabe shabel Reach: wabe shabel RS: 23259.53
35000 Le gend


Flow (m3/ s)





1800 2400 0600 1200
12Aug2015 13Aug2015

Figure 5.13: the discharge flowing out of the dam during the dam break for piping

Plan: MacDonald piping River: wabe shabel Reach: wabe shabel RS: 19000
35000 Le gend


Flow (m3/ s)





1800 2400 0600 1200
12Aug2015 13Aug2015

Figure 5.14: the discharge at the RS 19000 for piping

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Dam Breach Analysis & Inundation Map for Melka Wakana Dam

Plan: MacDonald piping River: wabe shabel Reach: wabe shabel RS: 12028.59
35000 Le gend


Flow (m3/ s)





1800 2400 0600 1200
12Aug2015 13Aug2015

Figure 5.15: the discharge at the RS 12028.59 for piping

Pla n: MacDonald piping River: wabe shabel Reach: wabe shabel RS: 1000
35000 Le gend


Flow (m3/ s)





1800 2400 0600 1200
12Aug2015 13Aug2015

Figure 5.16: the discharge at the RS 1000 for piping

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Dam Breach Analysis & Inundation Map for Melka Wakana Dam

5.4. Inundation map for the downstream

The inundation map provides a description of the areal extent of flooding which would be produced by
the dam break flood. It should also identify zones of high velocity flow and depict inundation for
representative cross-sections of the channel.

For overtopping

Figure 5.17: inundation map for overtopping failure and depth of water level in meter

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Dam Breach Analysis & Inundation Map for Melka Wakana Dam

For piping

Figure 5.18: inundation map for piping failure and depth of water level in meter

5.5. Emergency Action Plan

The purpose of the Emergency Action Plan (EAP) is to safeguard lives and secondarily to reduce
property damage in the event that Melka Wakana dam would fail. To carry out this mission, the EAP
 Procedures to monitor Melka Wakana dam periodically.

 Warn and evacuate the isolated residences at risk. These procedures are to supplement and be
used in conjunction with County’s Emergency Operation Plan.

Failure of the Melka Wakana dam could cause significant damage to (all roads and isolated residences
downstream of the dam within the danger reach) located downstream of the dam.
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Dam Breach Analysis & Inundation Map for Melka Wakana Dam

Operating procedure
The dam will be inspected periodically each year for maintenance and distress signals.
The dam observer will inspect the dam and Flood Warning for the area and complete the following tasks.

 The dam observer will note & record water levels in reservoir and the rate at which the pool is

 If the dam shows signs of internal piping (muddy seepage exiting the downstream embankment),
erosion, slope failures, blocked spillways, or other ominous distress signs, the dam observer send
massage to police to roadblock downstream roads and warn any isolated residences in the danger
reach. The dam observer may contact to designated engineer to provide assistance.

 If the pool level rises too within one meter of the dam crest, the dam observer will contact the
County Emergency Operations Center to dispatch police to roadblock downstream roads and
warn any isolated residences in the danger reach.

Preventative actions
Listed below are potential emergency actions which may prevent or delay the failure of the dam. They
should be considered based on site-specific conditions, as well as the risk of failure and risk to
Possible Actions to be taken in the event of:

Imminent Overtopping by Flood Waters:

 Open drain or flood gates to maximum capacity.

 Place sand bags along the dam crest to increase freeboard.

 Place riprap or sandbags in damaged areas of dam.

 Provide erosion protection on downstream slope by placing riprap or other appropriate materials.

 Divert flood waters around dam if possible (such as emergency spillway)

Erosion of Dam by Seepage through the Embankment, Foundation, or Abutments:

 Plug the seepage with appropriate material such as (riprap, hay bales, bentonite, sandbags, soil,
or plastic sheeting if the leak is on upstream face of dam).

 Lower the reservoir level until the flow decreases to a non-erosive velocity or stops leaking.

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 Place a sand and gravel filter over the seepage exit area to minimize loss of embankment soils.

 Continue lowering the reservoir level until the seepage stops or is controlled. Refill reservoir to
normal levels only after seepage is repaired.

Supplies and resources

In an emergency situation, equipment and supplies may be needed. The following supplies and resources
may be needed during an emergency:
 earthmoving equipment

 sand and gravel

 sandbags

 riprap

 pumps

 pipe

 Laborers.

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6.1. Conclusions
Dam failure places populations at risk; however, tools exist to evaluate the contingencies. HEC-RAS
used in concert with HEC-GeoRAS provide the capabilities to create a river hydraulics model, simulate
a dam failure, and map the resulting flood wave. The main goal of this study was to create a flood hazard
map for Melka Wakana Dam along with a flood protection measure framework. Based on these flood
hydrographs, unsteady-flow simulations were performed in order to define areas where overtopping and
piping will occur during large flood events. The hydraulic modeling results were incorporated into a
representative flood hazard map. Based on the encountered hazard situation, a flood protection measure
framework was developed as Emergency Action Plan (EAP).

The Melka Wakana Dam breach has been simulated for overtopping and piping breach. With a breach
Bottom Width 493.76m and time of 3.79h.The simulated results reached peak discharges of
36,527.15m3/s and 32,627.70m3/s, for overtopping and piping breach respectively. The maximum
discharge at the lower end, 22 km below the dam, was reduced to 35,179.22m3/s and 30,159.74m3/s,
for overtopping and piping breach respectively and Dam overtopped by 18cm.

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Dam Breach Analysis & Inundation Map for Melka Wakana Dam

6.2. Recommendation
Dam breach analysis and inundation map for Melka Wakana Dam as a testing basis involved making a
number of assumptions based on literature reviews and historic data. In the real world, there is a large
degree of uncertainty associated with the breach parameters and breaching outflow estimation. It would
be helpful to minimize the ambiguities associated with breach parameters estimation using different
modeling software and analysis techniques for obtaining a wider range of dam and reservoir
characteristics and downstream river characteristics data.
In this study, only one dimensional unsteady flow routing technique was used to carry out dam breach
analysis. There are a number of assumptions in the modeling software. It would be helpful to utilize a
different version of the software and enhance the findings of this study.

Finally, I would like to recommend the dam owner to give special attention to the Dam breach analysis
and make a detail investigation by using the latest dam breach software’s.

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