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Deep Learning for Edge Computing: Current Trends,

Cross-Layer Optimizations, and Open Research Challenges

Alberto Marchisio1,* , Muhammad Abdullah Hanif1,* , Faiq Khalid1 , George Plastiras2 , Christos Kyrkou2 ,
Theocharis Theocharides2 , Muhammad Shafique1
Technische Universität Wien (TU Wien), Vienna, Austria
University of Cyprus (UCY), Nicosia, Cyprus
{alberto.marchisio, muhammad.hanif, faiq.khalid, muhammad.shafique},
{gplast01, kyrkou.christos, ttheocharides}

Abstract—In the Machine Learning era, Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) Input Pre-Trained Deep
have taken the spotlight, due to their unmatchable performance in Neural Network
several applications, such as image processing, computer vision, and
natural language processing. However, as DNNs grow in their complexity,

Input dimension
Design-Time Optimizations
their associated energy consumption becomes a challenging problem.

of the DNN
Such challenge heightens for edge computing, where the computing Network Network
devices are resource-constrained while operating on limited energy Pruning Quantization
budget. Therefore, specialized optimizations for deep learning have to
be performed at both software and hardware levels. In this paper, we Dataflow Selection for Efficient
comprehensively survey the current trends of such optimizations and Run-Time Optimization Mapping on the DNN Accelerator
discuss key open research mid-term and long-term challenges. Division of the image into tiles
Index Terms—pre-processing, pruning, quantization, DNN, accelerator, Attention and activity-based tile selection Hardware Optimized DNN and
hardware, software, performance, energy efficiency, low power, deep Characteristics Mapping Strategy
learning, neural networks, edge computing, IoT. DNN Hardware Accelerator
Only Selected
Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have become popular due to Tiles
the (1) availability of large datasets, (2) accessibility of hardware
resources for compute-intensive workloads (like GPGPUs) and (3)
open-source Deep Learning libraries. Nowadays, they are widely used Fig. 1: Our Flow for Cross-Layer Optimizations for Deep Learning.
in several applications like image classification [59], detection [58]
and segmentation [66]. Usually few years are required between the learning hardware practitioners about the security (Section V) and
invention of a novel DNN algorithm and its successful hardware other open research challenges (Section VI). An overview of our
deployment, as for the case of [34] and [67] implemented in [28]. work is depicted in Figure 1.
To achieve high efficiency products, optimizations at different levels A. Key Scientific Questions and Associated Challenges
of abstractions are required.
Low Power & Memory Budget: Performing DNN inference on
DNNs undoubtedly perform better the larger and deeper they
edge devices, which are typically resource- and power-constrained,
are, but this effect demands a continuously increased complexity
is a challenging task. For example, the ResNet-50 [23] requires more
on the hardware perspective to design specialized accelerators for
that 95MB of memory to store the weights and more than 3.8 billion
Deep Learning. Currently, there are several use-case scenarios where
multiplications to process a single image. Such amount of processing
hardware acceleration is beneficial for DNNs: (1) offline DNN
is infeasible to be deployed in edge devices to return real-time results.
training in data centers, (2) inference in data centers, (3) online
Latency: While mobile voice recognition applications like Ap-
learning on mobile devices and (4) inference on mobile devices.
ple Siri, Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant have the processing
While the discussed techniques are beneficial for multiple scenarios,
based on the cloud, for other critical applications (e.g., autonomous
in this paper, we focus mostly on the 4th scenario. Moreover, besides
vehicles, drones, and wearable healthcare devices) the near-sensor
the hardware acceleration, it is extremely important to start from an
processing is necessary to get a fast response from the DNN, as
algorithm which is highly-optimized at the software level, e.g., by
well as due to privacy and security reasons. Moreover, not only
reducing the number of DNN inferences through pre-processing, and
latency, but also security and privacy issues motivate near-sensor
reducing the computations for each inference through pruning and
processing. Therefore, specialized hardware accelerators are required
quantization. Although these kind of optimizations are transparent
to efficiently perform the DNN inference at the edge to meet the
while considering inference in edge devices, they are beneficial
latency, security, and privacy requirements.
to achieve several order of magnitudes of energy improvements.
Accuracy vs. Speed and Efficiency: High accuracy DNNs are
If matched with specialized hardware accelerators and optimized
extremely computational and memory intensive. Even though some
dataflows, these improvements will grow further.
of the recent trends hint towards designing DNNs with small memory
After discussing the main scientific questions and challenges
footprint [26] [25], the most promising approach is to compress the
(Section I-A), we survey the current trends of deep learning for
DNN by parameter pruning, sharing and quantization. Several dense
edge computing (Section II). We then present our methodology
DNN accelerators have been proposed, but to facilitate compression
(Section III) of different cross-layer optimizations, supported by case
optimizations like pruning, sparse DNN accelerators can achieve
study analyses (Section IV), before raising questions for future deep
better results in terms of efficiency.
*Alberto Marchisio and Muhammad Abdullah Hanif have equal contribu- Redundant Operations: DNNs usually contain several redundant
tions. operations, like multiplications with zero, and correlated inputs in
2 [71], binarization [54] and approximate computing [4] [18] have to
1 6 6 leverage the trade-off between accuracy and efficiency.
7 5 7 5 Hardware Accelerators: The optimizations at the software level
3 2
σ1T = 3.52
2 7
σ2T = 2.81
7 should be supported by specialized hardware accelerators in a co-
8 8
4 4 design fashion [47] [19]. Recent advances in the datacenter comput-
ing deep learning [27] have inspired accelerators for edge devices.
Specialized accelerators like [5] [28] exploit the concurrency and the
1 6
6 parallelism available in the processing of the DNNs, especially for
7 5 7
3 2 convolutional leyers, while [20] takes care also of the fully-connected
2 7 7 layers. These architectures, however, accelerate dense DNNs, and
8 8
4 4
cannot exploit the sparsity introduced by pruning. Therefore, spe-
cialized accelerators for sparse DNNs are required [13] [52]. Chal-
5 CLASS-BLIND 5 lenging aspects of these accelerators are flexibility, reconfigurability
1 6 6
and data reuse [35] [39] [65]. Moreover, particular types of DNNs,
5 5
3 2 like CapsuleNets [60] and GANs [11] present several differences in
2 7 7
8 8 the computation patterns, as compared to traditional DNNs. These
challenges are addressed by their specialized accelerators. For exam-
Fig. 2: Different magnitude-based pruning schemes. ple, CapsAcc [46] adopts a data reuse policy to efficiently process the
routing-by-agreement algorithm on a systolyc array-based accelerator
streaming applications. Therefore, we do not necessarily need to for CapsuleNets, and GANAX [76] propose a unified MIMD-SIMD
process the complete set of inputs at every stage. A challenging task design for concurrent execution of GANs.
is finding these redundancies and eliminating them efficiently. Optimizations for Object Detection: DNNs have been used
Memory: Significant cycles and energy may be required for successfully in a variety of tasks such as classification and detec-
memory data transfer to/from the computational array, which necessi- tion. Numerous detectors have been proposed by the deep learning
tates efficient memory architectures and data organization strategies community, including Faster R-CNN [58], R-FCN [7], YOLO [56]
for DNNs hardware. Moreover, following the in-memory comput- and SSD [40]. These object detectors are separated into two main
ing trends, memristor devices allow to use resistive memories for categories: 1) Region-based detectors, a two-stage approach, with
analog computation, with additional cost of ADC/DAC overhead. a region proposal stage followed by a classifier, and 2) Single-
Is a CMOS-based design with traditional memory hierarchy the shot detectors, consist of a single Convolutional Neural Network
optimal solution for DNN processing, or should we adopt in-memory (CNN) trained to perform object detection. Region-based detectors
computing for deep learning at the edge? use a region proposal method, such as Selective Search algorithm, to
Security: Due to outsourcing of training and data dependencies, produce regions-of-interest (RoIs) for object detection. These RoIs
DNNs possess several security vulnerabilities that can be exploited are then warped into fixed size images and feed into a CNN network
to perform security attacks, e.g., adversarial examples, backdoors and one-by-one. This process is time consuming due to the large number
data poisoning, for confidence reduction (ambiguity in classification), of RoIs that can be extracted ( 2000) and processed by a single
random or targeted misclassification and model stealing. These secu- CNN. Considering a typical 1000 × 600 image, there will be roughly
rity vulnerabilities raise fundamental challenges like model privacy 20000 potential RoIs per image, where different methods, such as
and secure execution of DNNs, regarding ensuring the robustness non-maximum suppression (NMS), is applied on the proposed RoIs
of DNN-based systems. Traditionally, the pre-processing, data en- to reduce their count to 2000.
cryption and watermarking are used, however, all these defenses can Single-shot detectors such as YOLO [56], have shown significant
be neutralized by sophisticated model stealing or black-box attacks. potential, especially for resource-constrained applications, compared
Therefore, there is a dire need to develop more sophisticated and to region proposal approaches by trading accuracy with real-time
efficient defenses to ensure model privacy and secure execution of processing speed. To this end, single-shot detectors avoid the multi-
the DNNs. stage process by processing the whole image at once. The detector
receives an input image, resizes the image based on the CNN input
II. C URRENT T RENDS size and then splits the input image into a grid, where for each grid it
DNN compression is an attractive solution to reduce the complexity generates bounding boxes and class probabilities based on the number
of a given network. The work of [14] proposed a 3-step method (prun- of objects. Thus, the whole image is processed only once, which
ing, quantization and encoding) to significantly reduce the memory makes this approach faster than the region proposal based approach.
footprint of a given DNN. Network pruning was first used in [10] to
reduce the number of connections. Several different pruning method-
ologies have been explored in the literature Different magnitude-
based pruning methods are shown in Figure 2. Structured pruning Combining the current trends for targeting the above-discussed sci-
[75] employs constraints on some DNN parameters (e.g., kernel, filter, entific challenges, we propose a methodology to apply optimizations
channel) to maintain a certain structure. Another approach is to prune across different software and hardware layers. The flow of our cross-
the redundant and least significant weights, regardless of the structure layer methodology (shown in Figure 3), can be summarized in the
of the DNN itself [15] [45], and share the weights to reduce the following key steps:
dimensionality [14]. Other compression methods, based on variational • Software-Level Optimizations: The software-level optimizations
dropout [44], knowledge transfer [24] and low-rank approximations mainly include network pruning (Step-1 in Fig. 3) and quantization
[70] are promising as well. On the other hand, techniques which (Step-2 in Fig. 3) of the parameters. Network pruning is usually
are focusing on reducing the precision, like quantization [79] performed iteratively, where, in each iteration, a small number of
Software-level Optimizations Hardware-level
Pre-Trained Optimizations
Neural Network Pruning
Network Hardware Accelerator
Design 4

Training & 2
Quantization Hardware
Validation Approximations 5
sets Retraining

Compressed Network Hardware

Network Network Error-Resilience Architecture
Structure Parameters
Evaluation 3 Dataflow 6

Stop Sign

Pre-Processing DNN Inference

Image Tiling Compressed Network
& Tile Efficient Efficient
Selection Hardware Dataflow
Fig. 4: Selective Search approach proposed in [72].
Fig. 3: Cross-Layer Optimizations for Deep Learning.
example, a basic DNN model, such as AlexNet [34], consists of five
parameters are removed and the resultant network is fine-tuned by
convolutional and three fully connected layers, and contains a total of
retraining for a limited number of epochs. The accuracy of the
61 million parameters. Recent approaches propose the design of DNN
network is then analyzed and, on the basis of the accuracy loss,
models from scratch using different optimizations, such as successive
a decision is made whether to continue the pruning process or to
smaller 3 × 3 convolutions to approximate the receptive field of 7 × 7
proceed to the quantization phase. Once the network is pruned,
filters, along with a deeper network [67] leading to a decrease of
an effective quantization level is selected for the weights and the
the number of parameters. Our previous work [36] shows that by
activations of the network. The accuracy loss in the quantization
parameter space exploration in the design of a DNN based on a
phase is also compensated by fine-tuning the network parameters.
specific application, such as an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), it
Note, although here pruning and quantization are listed as two
is possible to design an efficient architecture that can perform vehicle
independent processes, they can be combined in a single loop
detection up to 40× faster with minimal impact on the accuracy.
where the level of both optimizations (i.e., pruning and quanti-
There are different pre-processing techniques aiming to increase
zation) is selected jointly. One such work, where both pruning and
the accuracy of a detector while reducing the processing time. For
quantization are enclosed in a single loop, is CLIP-Q [71].
region based approaches, a brute-froce approach used for object
• Hardware-level Optimizations: An efficient hardware architecture
detection is the sliding windows approach [8] [22] [74]. Using
(Step-4 in Fig. 3) can process the compressed network in a highly
windows of varied sizes and aspect ratios, to detect different object
energy- and performance-efficient manner. This phase requires a
types at different viewing distances, a window is slided on the input
thorough knowledge of the dataflow and the reuse of different
image from right to left, and from up to down, to identify objects
parameters of the network. Once the hardware architecture has been
using classification. Each windows produced by the previous step, is
finalized, different types of approximations can be applied (Step-5
warped into a fixed size image and fed into a CNN classifier to extract
in Fig. 3) to further improve its energy/power efficiency. The level
a large amount of features. Moreover, an SVM classifier is used to
and type of approximation are based on the error-resilience of the
identify the class and the bounding box of the particular object.
compressed network to different types of errors (Step-3 in Fig. 3).
Once the hardware has been designed, a highly efficient dataflow A more sensible way to select regions of the image, is to use a
is decided based on the network characteristics and the hardware region proposal method to extract RoIs for object detection. The work
architecture (Step-6 in Fig. 3). in [72] proposed a selective search algorithm based on hierarchical
• Run-Time Optimizations: Based on the application, certain opti- grouping, starting with each individual pixel as its own group. For
mizations can also be employed at run-time to reduce the number each group, the texture is calculated. Afterwards, the groups that are
of samples to be processed. For example, in case of object detection the closest with respect to the texture are combined. First, smaller
application [58], a high-resolution image can be divided into groups are grouped together, and the region merging continues until
multiple smaller images (known as tiling) and a selection criterion everything is combined together as shown in Fig. 4 (see details
can be applied to select images with high activity regions. This in [72]). Although these methods have shown remarkable accuracy
process enables us to design DNNs which accept smaller inputs results, they often lead to increased execution time and power
and thus are more computationally and latency-wise efficient. consumption, especially when they are deployed on edge devices.
On the other hand, for single shot detectors a pre-processing
By exploiting the above optimizations, we can significantly improve
technique that has been widely used is resizing the input image
the efficiency of complex and inherently resource-intensive DNNs.
in fed into the DNN. This technique basically is a key step to
IV. O PTIMIZATIONS C ASE S TUDIES reduce the processing time along with the processed data. Most
DNNs are trained on datasets that involve low-resolution images with
A. Selective Data Processing During Inference considerably large objects with large pixel coverage. The trained
A general trend of DNN design has been to add more layers and models perform really well on those types of input data, and the
designing deeper models to get better accuracy, without considering resizing has no impact on the accuracy of the DNN. When these
the memory or power budget. Thus, it is challenging in many cases models are tested on high-resolution images they yield significantly
to use existing DNN models on resource-contrained enviroments lower accuracy. In particular, when a high resolution image is resized
without developing specialized DNN models for edge inference. For there is a significant loss of information, where the pixels representing
Accuracy Compression
Dense CNN 99.2% 1x
Class-Distribution [15] +0.03% 12x
Class-Blind v1 [45] +0.02% 86x
Class-Blind v2 [45] -0.19% 191x

Fig. 7: Comparison of Pruning Methods for the LeNet-5.

and feeding the original image to the DNN, there is an increase in

the accuracy of each detector. On the contrary, the performance in
terms of Frames-per-Second (FPS) is decreased along with the Power
Consumption which makes this method suitable for exploration for
edge devices. Our Selective Tile Processing technique shows that with
minimal impact on the performance of an existing DNN (−3F P S),
Fig. 5: Comparison between predictions using DroNet [36] with STP [53] there is an increase of 20% of the accuracy and 1.5× decrease of
(Left) and Resizing (Right). the power consumption when implemented on an edge device.
Tiny-YoloV3 Tiny-YoloV3-Resizing DroNetV3 DroNetV3-Resizing DroNet-STP B. Software-Level Optimizations at Design Time

For model compression, among the pruning techniques, the


magnitude-based pruning method is the most common one, since




it is effective in terms of memory savings, and at the same time




relatively simple to implement. Iteratively pruning and retraining the


sparse network guarantees to maintain a good level of accuracy, while



significantly reduces the memory footprint. Although this approach
requires more retraining iterations, it is beneficial to reduce the com-
Fig. 6: Accuracy, frames-per-second (FPS), and power consumption using putations of the sparse model at the inference stage, i.e., amenable
different DNNs with original, resized image and images with STP. to the edge devices. In our previous work in [45], we presented a
an object are reduced, leading to an accuracy reduction. class-blind pruning method for achieving significant DNN sparsity.
To this end, we proposed a Selective Tile Processing (STP) [53] Figure 7 presents the tradeoff between accuracy and compression
approach where the input image is separated into smaller regions, achieved by pruning. The results have been measured, as a case
called tiles, in order to avoid resizing the input image and to maintain study using the LeNet-5 on the MNIST dataset. The compression
the object resolution. Given an input image and the DNN input, the gains achieved at this stage, however, are not completely refelected
number of tiles are extracted and are uniformly distributed across the into gains during inference. Indeed, some additional memory for
input image while maintaining a constant overlap between the tiles. storing the locations of nonzero weights/parameters in the sparse
Fig. 5 shows how the tiles are distributed across a high-resolution matrix must be allocated. Even though a structured pruning scheme
image using 512 × 512 tiles compared to resizing the image to 512 × usually requires less overhead than unstructured pruning, sparse
512 before fed into the DNN. It is clear that the localization of the coding schemes like Compressed Sparse Row/Column (CSR, CSC)
object and the accuracy are better using the tiling approach. On the [14] have been demonstrated to be effective.
other hand, there is a notable increase of the number of images that To further reduce the complexity of the network, without accuracy
need to be fed into the DNN for processing. Given the image on Fig. loss, a fixed-point quantization can be applied. Our previous work
5, there are 12 tiles extracted compared to the original image, leading in [19] shows that 12-bit fixed-point is the optimal design choice
to a 12× increase of the processing time for each frame. for the computations during inference, because the quantized DNN
To solve the aforementioned problem, we propose two mechanisms has the same accuracy as the original one. Further reduction to an
that utilize statistical information gathered over time in order to select 8-bit representation (or even to a lower bit-width) can be obtained,
only a few tiles for processing, while keeping track of the activity but it may require re-training to compensate for the accuracy loss
in non-processed tiles. A Memory Mechanism that is able to use depending upon the application requirements and the type of DNN
prior information from previous processed frames aiming to store used. More aggressive type of quantizations include binary [54] and
and load the position of previously detected targets in an efficient ternary [80] quantizations where the weights are represented using
way. Using the Intersection Over Union (IoU) metric, we are able 1 and 2 bits, respectively. However, these methods require complex
to categorize each detected bounding box as new or already detected training algorithms, which can ensure reasonable accuracy even when
object. Moreover, with the use of a memory buffer, we are able to the weights have been quantized to 1 or 2-bits.
have an estimate of the position of the objects in a frame without As an example, Figure 8 shows how to chose Pareto-optimal
having to again process the specific tile that contains the object. points of the design space for Class-Blind pruning and Fixed-Point
The second mechanism is an Attention Mechanism, which selects quantization, by analyzing the Pareto-frontiers between accuracy and
the tiles that need to be processed by the DNN on the next frame. efficiency. Following this design flow, we obtain a compressed DNN.
Using both memory and attention mechanism, we combine gathered Alternatively, another approach is described in the work of [71],
information from previous frames, such as the number of objects where pruning and quantization are combined in a parallel fashion
detected in each tile, to select one or more tiles for processing by before retraining the network.
selecting the tiles with the highest weighted score presented in [53].
Fig. 6 shows the impact that resizing and tiling has on the accuracy C. Hardware-Level Optimizations
of different DNNs trained and evaluated on the same pedestrian DNNs require massive computations, which are typically difficult
dataset tested on Jetson TX2. Note, by avoiding the resizing step, to deploy at the edge. Most of the computations involved are matrix
Software-Level Optimizations Classification Accuracy [%age] MED of a Multiplier
74.8 4

Accuracy [%]
Optimal Pruning: Class_Blind Optimal Quantization Point 74.4 3

74 2
73.2 1
72.8 0
Accurate Approximate Approximate Approximate
Multiplier Multiplier 1 Multiplier 2 Multiplier 3
Type of Multiplier used in DNN Inference Hardware
Fig. 9: Effects of approximations in the multipliers of a DNN inference
Marchisio et al. [47] hardware on the classification accuracy of the LeNeT network when used
Pre-trained Compressed for the CiFAR-10 dataset [16]. MED represents Mean Error Distance of a
DNN Pruning Quantization DNN multiplier computed using uniform input distribution.

Fig. 8: Combining Pruning and Quantization as software-level optimizations. celerator weight memories. Most of the works towards hardware-
multiplications, which require multiply-and-accumulate (MAC) units. level approximation in DNN-based systems have been carried out
A MAC multiplies the weight and the activation, and updates the in approximating computational modules of the DNN accelerators,
partial sum. Depending upon the architecture of the accelerator like adders and multipliers. Few of the prominent works include [73]
and the dataflow mapping strategy (e.g., Weight Stationary, Output [78] [49] [50]. To highlight what impact of approximations in the
Stationary, Row Stationary 1 [5]), different data reuse scenarios can multipliers used for DNN inference, Fig. 9 shows how the accuracy
be exploited, like weight, input activation, and output activation reuse of the LeNeT network for the CiFAR-10 dataset decreases when
[20], for convolutional and fully-connected layers. the approximation level of the multipliers is increased. To cater the
A DNN hardware accelerator can further benefit from the network accuracy loss due to approximations, the work in [73] proposed to
sparsity, introduced by pruning. For this reason, specialized designs incorporate approximations in the forward pass of the training process
for handling relative indexing and skipping multiplications in which to tune the network for the introduced approximations.
one of the terms is equal to zero. The load imbalance problem All the above-mentioned approaches result in some accuracy loss
can be mitigated by the utilization of queues [13]. The dataflow and, therefore, can hardly be used in any safety-critical application
(e.g., PlanarTiled-InputStationary-CartesianProduct-sparse [52]) has because of their stringent accuracy constraints. To address this, we
to manage the coordinates of all the nonzero weights, input and proposed CANN [16], an approach where curable approximations are
output activations. Moreover, the support of different bit-widths can applied in the system such that approximation errors introduced by
be handled by having flexible-size processing elements [65]. one module are completely cured by the subsequent module/s while
DNN Inference at the Edge: Accurate or Approximate? DNNs ensuring efficiency gains of approximate computing.
are considered to be inherently error-resilient [38] and, therefore, can In-Memory Computing: The main operations in state-of-the-art
leverage approximate computing for achieving significant efficiency DNNs are vector-matrix and matrix-matrix multiplications, which
gains at the cost of minor accuracy loss, that may be compensated are highly data intensive. Therefore, the memory access latency and
through re-training. The efficiency gain-per-unit accuracy drop de- access energy can potentially become the critical bottlenecks. In-
pends on the error-resilience of the DNNs, which also depends on memory computing and near-memory computing have emerged as
the type of application and other characteristics of the DNNs [38]. promising paradigms for addressing such bottlenecks. Several archi-
Applications like image classification, which generate only one output tectures have been proposed which make use of ReRAM crossbars
(i.e., class of the image) per input sample are considered to be more for realizing in-memory computing, i.e., performing computations
error-resilient as compared to the applications like object detection, where the data is stored. PRIME [6] reported around 895x efficiency
which produce more sophisticated output. Various techniques based gains in the overall energy consumption of the accelerator compared
on fault/noise injection have been proposed to evaluate the error- to the then state-of-the-art. PIPELAYER [68] proposed a hardware
resilience of the DNNs [55] [18]. These techniques help in quantify- architecture for improving the overall throughput of ReRAM crossbar
ing the amount of approximation that can be applied in a DNN. based accelerators. However, there are some practical issues associ-
Approximations can be employed both at the hardware and the ated with ReRAM crossbars when used for computations which limit
software level. However, here we mainly talk about hardware-level the offline trained networks to perform as expected on such these
approximations, because the pruning and the quantization techniques, accelerators. To address these issues, recently, a device variability-
perfect examples of software-level optimizations/approximations, aware training methodology has also been proposed in [42], which
have already been discussed in Section IV-B. Hardware-level approx- trains a network while adding stochastic noise in the parameters of the
imations include architecture- and circuit-level simplifications. These network. The noise is modeled based on the variation-characteristics
types can further be classified into data, and functional approxima- of the hardware and, therefore, helps in maintaining high accuracy
tions [63], where data approximations refer to approximations in data even when there are significant variations in the network parameters
storage [61] (i.e., memories) and functional approximations refer to because of the device variations.
approximations in the functionality of the processing units [17] [62]
In memories, aggressive voltage scaling is one of the most
prominent approaches which can lead to significant efficiency gains. Recently, security for machine learning, especially in DNNs, has
Towards this, Kim et al. [33] proposed MATIC, a memory-adaptive become one of the prime challenges to ensure robustness of DNN-
training approach that enables aggressive voltage scaling of ac- based systems. This is because these systems are highly vulnerable to
1 Weight Stationary: maximize convolutional reuse and filter reuse, Output data poisoning, model stealing and adversarial example [64] [21]. In
Stationary: maximize partial sum accumulation and input feature map reuse. this section, we present a brief overview of the recent advancements
Row Stationary: maximize all these parameters. in security attacks and corresponding defenses for DNNs (Fig. 10).
(a) Training Dataset Validation Dataset White-box Attacks (b) Target Image TriSec Attack [29]
DNN Model Structure e.g., FGSM, JSMA, TrISec

Attack Image
[29], etc. DNN Structure Perceptibility
Data Poisoning Perceptibility (CR & SSI) vs and parameters Analysis
Validation Noise Analysis
Backdoor Training DNN Adversarial

Real-time Dataset
Parameters Examples Back-propagation algorithm to
Ranges for perceptibility
Neural Trojans (CR & SSI) generate attack noise
Trained DNN Model DNN Inferencing
QuSecNets [30] FAdeML [31]

Trained Model of
Inference Adversarial

Defended DNN
Noise Filtering Output Examples Noise vs Quantization Noise filtering
DNN Defenses

accuracy parameters accuracy analysis
Quantization (e.g., QuSecNets [30], Black-box Attacks analysis selection
FAdeML [31], Defended DNN
Score-based, Gradient- Integrate noise
Sobel Filtering Model Integrate quantization
based, Decision-based [32] filters with DNN

Fig. 10: (a) An overview of the different security attacks and corresponding defense strategies for machine learning, especially DNNs. (b) An example of our
training dataset-unaware imperceptible attack (e.g., TrISec [29]) and pre-processing based defense strategies (e.g., QuSecNets [30], FAdeML [31]).

A. Security Attacks: dataset. These defense strategies can be countered by using pruning or
Security vulnerabilities in DNNs can be exploited at different weight sensitivity analysis before adding the neural Trojans or before
development phases of DNN-based systems, i.e., training, hardware training it for backdoors [12]. Several defense strategies have been
implementation and inferencing. During the DNN training, attacker proposed to counter the adversarial attacks [77], e.g., DNN masking,
either can exploit the training dataset by introducing small patterned gradient masking, adversarial learning, generative adversarial network
noise, adding specially crafted backdoors [12], or modifying the DNN based defense, data augmentation, and pre-process the input data
structure and parameters (i.e., neural Trojans [41]), to train the DNNs (e.g., noise filtering [31], quantization [30]) to detect remove or make
for particular noise patterns or backdoor triggers. In these kind of the adversarial noise perceptible. For example, recently, it has been
attacks, the attacker either requires complete access to the training studied that even low pass noise filtering at the input of the DNN
dataset or DNN structure. In most of the cases, the specially crafted can neutralize the adversarial examples if the attacker is unaware
attack noise is perceptible and may or may not have the hidden of it [31]. Note, all of these defense strategies can be countered by
backdoor triggers. Therefore, these attacks can be detected during decision-based attacks which can estimate the DNN behavior even in
the DNN inference using subjective and objective analysis [29]. masked DNNs under the black-box settings [1]–[3], [32].
On the other hand, attacks during the DNN inferencing do not
depend on the whole training datasets but may require some samples VI. O PEN R ESEARCH C HALLENGES
from training dataset. In these attack, attacker can exploit both black-
In the following, we list some key research challenges which can
box2 and white-box3 settings to generate adversarial examples for
potentially have a huge impact for improving the efficiency of deep
misclassification or confidence reduction [51]. The attack noise gen-
learning for edge computing.
erated from such attacks may or may not be imperceptible depending
upon their attack algorithm. Based on the attack algorithm and • Hardware Software Co-Design: A common trend is to optimize
optimization to ensure imperceptibility, several adversarial attacks the DNN for achieving high accuracy, without caring much about
have been proposed [77], e.g., the limited-memory Broyden-Fletcher- the underlying hardware complexity and energy consumption of a
Goldfarb-Shanno (L-BFGS), the Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM), computing device. On the other hand, hardware designers have to
and the Jacobian-based Saliency Map Attack (JSMA), etc. However, implement a-posteriori architectures to exploit the software-level
these attacks do not consider the subjective and objective analysis for optimizations. However, hardware-aware software-level optimiza-
ensuring the imperceptibility. tions, e.g., for DNN architecture exploration [69] or compression
To address these limitation, recently, training data-unaware imper- [43] are promising and need further efforts to succeed.
ceptible, TrISec, attack was proposed [29]. This attack leverages the • In-Memory Computing: It seems to be a promising paradigm
back-propagation algorithm to perform the targeted misclassifcation for developing accelerators that can offer orders of magnitude of
and incorporates the subjective and objective analysis, i.e., correlation energy-efficiency gains compared to the conventional CPU and
coefficient and structural similarity, into its attack algorithm to GPU based systems. However, the high variation characteristics
ensure the imperceptibility under the white-box settings. Note, all associated with ReRAM and other non-volatile memories limit the
the attacks during the inferencing under the white-box setting can accelerators which are based on them to offer precise functionality.
be used in black-box setting by combining them with model stealing Towards this, the multi-level cell (MLC) ReRAM technology has
attacks [30]. Similarly, several attacks under black-box setting have to be mature enough to offer reasonable precision while offering
been proposed, e.g., decision-based [32] and score-based attacks, high data density. Also, a significant amount of work is required
that either use the search algorithm or perform statistical analysis to develop methods which can be used to train networks such that
to estimate the behavior of the DNNs. they can offer high accuracy even when operated on NVM-based
in-memory computing devices.
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ized by using pruning [12] or retraining the DNN on a subset of the of output accuracy as dense DNNs. Systematic methodologies are
2 Black-Box Attack: the attacker does not has any access to the trained DNN required which, while being aware of the underlying hardware
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3 White-Box Attack: the attacker has access to the DNN structure which an near-optimal energy and performance efficiency while maintaining
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