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ANN Based DDoS Attack Detaction

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International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)

ISSN: 2277-3878 (Online), Volume-8 Issue-2, July 2019

Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Based DDoS

Attack Detection Model on Software Defined
Networking (SDN)
Pradeepa R, Pushpalatha M
 instruction of controller.As SDN beat the market of a network
Abstract: Software Defined Networking (SDN) is a modern environment, security is the main agenda raised in SDN [3].
emerging technology in networking. The great advantage of this There are various types of attacks are there, classified by its
network is, decoupling of the carrier plane and the control plane
as well as which provides centralized control. A Controller is the
vulnerability towards the device. Attacks are named by its
intelligent part of SDN. It offers several benefits such as network implementation methodologies like DDoS, IDS.
programmability, dynamic computing, and cost-effective, high Severe problems may arise when the DDoS with a group of
bandwidth. However, SDN has many security issues. The DDoS attackers against the network devices. Many controllers are
attack on SDN is a significant issue, and various proposals have there in SDN based on applications supported by the
been proposed for the detection and prevention of attacks. The
controller is need more security.
main objective of this proposal is to detect DDoS attacks with the
help of SDN techniques. In this proposal, a deep learning based The OpenDaylight controller has a lot of applications and
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model is used to detect the DDoS features. It is an open-source java based controller [4]. We
attacks. This can reduce learning time as well as detection time. tested our network in Mininet emulator which contains
To evaluate our model we use different machine learning switches, routers, and host devices and the results are same as
algorithms and deep learning algorithm with different optimizers the real network [5]. Machine learning algorithms are gaining
to train the network traffic which is generated in Mininet
emulator and evaluates the results by various metrics such as
more popularity in the field of network security to detect the
detection rate, accuracy score, and confusion matrix with attacks. More vulnerability is there in common machine
classification report. The result shows less detection time (4Secs) learning models, need to do some better development is
with a high accuracy score of 92% in our proposed Artificial required for machine learning based SDN securities [6].
Neural Network (ANN) model. Many machine learning algorithms [7] are there to predict and
detect network attacks based on the historical dataset,
Keywords—Artificial Neural network, DDoS attacks, Machine
Learning, Deep Learning, attack detection, Software-Defined algorithms such as Support Vector Mechanism (SVM), K-
Networks. neighbor classification (KNN), Logistic Regression (LR),
Decision Tree (DT) and so on. Decision Tree (DT) [8] is a
I. INTRODUCTION very popular and successful classification algorithm. Data can
be described as a tree like structure for discrete or continues
Traditional networks are typically built with a huge number of
any kind of data. It performs a sequence of test with each
devices like host machines, switches, routers and also packet
internal node of the input attributes. Support Vector
forwarders, firewalls and so on with complex protocols.
Mechanism (SVM) [8] algorithm based on the boundary
Network operators are responsible to manually change the
between its two different types to provide enhanced
control based on requirements.SDN is a perspective of
classification. SVM can represent against complex functions.
programmable networks from recent developments [1]. The
K-Nearest neighbor classifier (KNN) [9] with an optimal
intelligence of an SDN network is logically controller and the
choice of k depends on its neighbors. Based on that k there
network is divided into two parts such as control plane and the
will be a significant variation in different points. Logistic
data plane. Control plane controls the entire network with its
Regression (LR) [10] is a machine learning technique browed
OpenFlow protocol [2] which contains flow information of
the field of statistics. It is used to learn the co-efficient logistic
the network data plan will forward packets as per the
regression model of data and it is a sigmoid function.
The paper is designed in the following mannar, In the 2nd
Section, related models are discussed. In section 3, we discuss
Revised Manuscript Received on 30 July 2019. the proposed model. 4th Section briefly discusses the
* Correspondence Author
Pradeepa R*, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, performance study of our proposed model with the
SRM Institute of Engineering and Technology, Chennai, India. experimental setup, test scenario and result in analysis. Finally in the 5th section, concludes our proposed model and
Pushpalatha M, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
SRM Institute of Engineering and Technology, Chennai, India .
discussed some future works.

© The Authors. Published by Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and

Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the
CC-BY-NC-ND license

Retrieval Number: B3670078219/19©BEIESP

Published By:
DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.B3670.078219 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: 4887 & Sciences Publication
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based DDoS attack detection model on Software Defined Networking

II. RELATED WORKS This entire works discussed in this related literature survey;
the existing systems are not satisfy high accuracy with low
There are many proposals and methods are discussed about
detection rate as well as light weight algorithm all together.
DDoS detection and prevention on SDN and SDN based
As we conclude from this survey we need light weight rule
based detection model with less detection time and high
DDoS attack threads cause degradation of network services
accuracy rate.
resulting with vast loss in a network environment. Some of the
proposed literatures related to our proposed model are
reviewed in this section.
Methods, practices and solution to the DDoS attack detection We created fat tree topology in Mininet environment and we
and mitigation on SDN [11] in this proposal author clarify generated normal as well as attack traffic and log the traffic
solutions and findings for detection and mitigation. They dataset. Selected attributes from dataset is take as an input to
propose and present a proactive framework which is SDN our proposed model to calculate the detection output. Our
based defense mechanism. They classified existing solutions proposed model is shown in fig. 1
according to its techniques and listed pros and cons of each
model based on that classification they concluded there is
some management rules and customizability is required for
DDoS attack detection and prevention applications.
DDoS lightweight protection algorithm [12] is based on a set
of rules to characterize data which is sent to the network as an
attack or not. This lightweight algorithm mainly evaluates
three criteria, such as CPU utilization, number of flow table
entries and consumed bandwidth with POX controller. Time
interval of the data collection process is also an important
factor, if the interval is short then there will be an overhead on
detection. In this proposal, they were more concentrated on
CPU and bandwidth for lightweight scheme rather than the
detection process. Also, they discuss block a botnet mounted
DDoS attack [13], in this proposal they introduce efficiently
block Mirai botnet mounted attacks.
Intelligent rule based DoS detection [14] model has two
algorithms, one is feature selection algorithm and another is
rule based classification algorithm. Scoring and ranking are
used in the feature selection algorithm; classify the feature set
based on the major or minor effect accordingly. Then the rule
based classifications are used to detect the DoS attack based
on priority selected by the feature selection algorithm. The list
of rules is formulated by generic if-then rule. Achieved 98.5%
of accuracy level in its detection algorithm but not discussed
the classification time and detection time. More than Fig. 1 Proposed Model
detection accuracy classification and detection time is also
important. Deep Learning for crossfire detection [15], in this We propose an ANN model to detect DDoS attack on
proposal they discussed about different deep learning effective and efficient way with minimum detection time.
algorithms to detect and train the data. Controller capture Artificial neurons (node) are the collection unit of ANN. The
traffic information and need to performance analysis, the weights of the edges help us to adjust the learning process.
higher frequent measurement will result in better detection Connection between the artificial neurons is the edges, each
rate. Based on that traffic data the deep learning algorithms connection transmit signal from one node to another node.
are implemented to train the dataset. They compared ANN,
Weight is calculated based on the signal strength of the each
CNN and LSTM networks algorithms and analysis the results.
connection. The entire ANN is aggregated with layers.
Almost all deep learning algorithms are approximately
achieved 80% of accuracy with less detection time. A. Model computation:
ASVM [16] Advanced support vector mechanism, objective Proposed three layer neural network model is shown in Fig. 2.
of this proposal is to detect flooding based DDoS attacks on Input layer consist of 4 nodes, both hidden layers contain 5
SDN. Volumetric and asymmetric techniques are used in this nodes and the output layer consist of single node to generate
proposal to reduce the test and training time with best
single output.
accuracy rate. In this proposal they organize customizable
DDoS defense mechanism with alerts for security
requirements. OpenDaylight multi controllers are used in
their topology to generation traffic for training and validation
data. Various metrics are utilized to analysis the performance
of their proposed model.

Retrieval Number: B3670078219/19©BEIESP

DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.B3670.078219 Published By:
Journal Website: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
4888 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878 (Online), Volume-8 Issue-2, July 2019

Fig. 2 Proposed ANN Model

Given inputs I, Where

Number of layers L in this proposed model is 3, units is each
layer l is denoted by and the activation in each layer is
denoted by . Units and activation of the proposed model
Hidden Layer 2:
in each layer is, in Input layer 0: , hidden
layers, layers 1 and 2: and output layer 3

Input Layer:

The shape of the hidden layer 2 is formed with number of

neurons in this layer and number of neurons in hidden layer 1
for our scenario shape of this layer is (5, 5), shape is (1,
5) with shape is (1, 1) and the matrix manipulation of
Hidden Layer 1: hidden layer 2 is,

The shape of the hidden layer 1 is formed with number of

neurons in this layer and number of neurons in an input layer
for our scenario shape of this layer is (5, 4), shape is (5,
5) with shape is (1, 1) and the matrix manipulation of
hidden layer 1 is,

Retrieval Number: B3670078219/19©BEIESP

Published By:
DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.B3670.078219 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: 4889 & Sciences Publication
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based DDoS attack detection model on Software Defined Networking

B. Optimizers
Various optimizers are tested with this model to improve
the performance of the proposed model. Optimizers used are
Adam, Nadam, sgd, and RMSProp.

Activation function used in Layer 1 and 2 is ReLU Adam is an optimizer of the classical stochastic gradient
Output Layer: descent algorithm to improve neural network link weights
based on train data [17]. Adam merges the advantages of both
Root Mean Square Propagation (RMSProp) optimizer and
Adaptive Gradient Algorithm (AdaGrad) optimizer.
Forwarded propagation:
Layer 0: SGD, NADAM and RMSProp
I= Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) optimizer is supporting for
Layer 1 momentum, learning rate and Nesterov momentum. Nesterov
Adam optimizer (NADAM) is Adam RMSprop with Nesterov
momentum. Root Mean Square Propagation (RMSProp) is
Layer 2 normally a better choice for recurrent neural networks (RNN)


A. Experimental Setting
It can be generalized The experiment of our proposed model is conducted on the
OpenFlow enabled network based Mininet emulator and the
topology is animated in MiniNAM. OpenDaylight controller
is used in this network topology. The network topology used
For l = 1…3 in this experiment is shown in Fig. 3. We generate 500 traffic
data’s in both normal and attack environments with 15
Where the shape of each parameter is calculated based on its minutes of emulation time. We generated DDoS attack
traffics and normal traffics are implemented in this work. Data
=( ) = (4, 5)
collection is the most important task of this model to detect
=( ) = (5, 5)
attacks on SDN. The network traffic data’s are collected
=( ) = (5, 1)
through OpenFlow switches. Collected data’s are trained with
ReLU activation functions in hidden layers: machine learning and deep Learning algorithms, algorithms
are developed and tested in python environment.
g(z)= max(0,z)

Sigmoid activation functions in output layer:

Retrieval Number: B3670078219/19©BEIESP

DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.B3670.078219 Published By:
Journal Website: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
4890 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878 (Online), Volume-8 Issue-2, July 2019

Fig. 3 Network topology

Table 1 Performance of Optimizers
Our SDN topology contains 16 hosts, 15 switches, and 1
controller. The experiments are set up on OpenDaylight GUI
Figure 4 shows our implemented topology. Total Training
Detection Time(ms)/
Optimizer time (sec) step Loss
Nadam 22 110 0.0809
Adam 4 20 0.0035
Sgd 28 141 1.603
RMSProp 18 92 0.6863

The classification among the optimizers are calculated based

on accuracy, precision, recall and F1-score is shown in Fig.5
and based on the graph adam is a best optimizer which will
help as to improve the performance of the proposed model.

Fig.4 Experimental setup in GUI

B. Test Scenario
Four different optimizers are verified to improve the
performance of our proposed ANN model shown in table 1.
Based on the following table Adam optimizer reduces the
overall detection time and also training time in this proposed

Fig.5 Classification report among optimizers

Retrieval Number: B3670078219/19©BEIESP

Published By:
DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.B3670.078219 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: 4891 & Sciences Publication
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based DDoS attack detection model on Software Defined Networking

C. Evaluation Results
The performance evaluation of proposed ANN model is
compared with various machine learning models. Best model
among the machine learning model is selected based on its
cross validation report in Box plot shown in Fig. 6

Fig. 8 DT Confusion matrix

Accuracy Score
Accuracy is a great measure which calculated based on
confusion matrix values, the accuracy score of ANN and DT
is shown in table.3

Fig. 6 Model Comparison

Based on the cross validation comparison Decision Tree (DT)

Table 3 Accuracy Score
and our proposed Model ANN is selected for next level
analysis. Analysis was done with different metrics between
ANN and DT.
Model (%)
Confusion Matrix
It is a quick reference guide is used to illustrate the DT 88
performance of classification algorithms. The following ANN 92
matrix table.2 describes the common confusion matrix
format. Fig.7 and 8 shows the confusion matrix of ANN and
DT accordingly. Classification Report

Table 2 Confusion Matrix The performance of a model is evaluated based on

classification metrics such as Accuracy, Precision, and Recall
& F1 Score [19].
Positive Negative
Precision is the ratio of correctly classified positive
TRUE TP TN observations to the total classified positive observations. The
FALSE FP FN precision graph between ANN and DT is shown in fig. 9

Fig. 7 CNN Confusion matrix

Retrieval Number: B3670078219/19©BEIESP
DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.B3670.078219 Published By:
Journal Website: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
4892 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878 (Online), Volume-8 Issue-2, July 2019

The accuracy score described approximately 92% of accuracy

is achieved in our proposed model and we detect attack in
4sec and also less training time based on Adam optimizer in
our proposed model. Classification report also shows the best
performance of our proposed model.


SDN is complementing the existing traditional networks by
offering its features. Nevertheless, SDN Controller and
Switch are vulnerable to DDoS attacks. In this proposal, we
developed an ANN model to detect flood attacks of DDoS
and we evaluated our proposed model with various machine
learning algorithms with the help of three different metrics
Fig.9 Precision accuracy score, confusion matrix and classification report.
Cross-validation method is also used to train and validate the
Recall is the ratio of correctly classified positive observations method. The experimental results shows, the proposed model
to the all observations in type. The Recall graph between reaches high performance in terms of classification report
ANN and DT is shown in fig. 10 with overall accuracy score of 92%. And also the detection
time is reduced to 4Secs with the help of ADAM stochastic
gradient descent optimizer. In future works we would like to
comprise mitigation of DDoS attacks using best model.

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Published By:
DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.B3670.078219 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: 4893 & Sciences Publication
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Retrieval Number: B3670078219/19©BEIESP

DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.B3670.078219 Published By:
Journal Website: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
4894 & Sciences Publication

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