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10 Eng 1 Revised 2

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Full Marks - 40 Time - 1 Hr (Inclusive of reading time)



Question 1

Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:

My father and I left the hall and made our way out to walk across to headquarters. There
were street lights round the square, but underfoot the cobblestoned ground was dark and
lumpy. My father tripped on the uneven surface and went down on one knee, trying not to
fall entirely. At exactly the same moment there was a loud bang and a sharp zinging sound
and a scrunch of glass breaking.

I bent over my father and saw that his eyes were stretched wide and his mouth grim with

“Run,” he said. “Run for cover. For God’s sake, Ben! That was a gunshot!”

We were halfway across the square, easy immobile targets. He struggled to get to his feet
and told me again to run: and for once I disobeyed him.

“Stay down,” I told him.

“You don’t understand...” His voice was anguished.

“Are you bleeding?”

“What? I don’t think so. I twisted my ankle.”

People ran out of the hotel, drawn by the bang that re-echoed around the square. There
was confusion and people saying, “What happened, what happened?” and hands stretching
down to my father to help him up. When he was well surrounded, he finally took my arm.
Putting his left foot down caused him much discomfort.

“That noise…” a woman said.

Heads nodded. “It sounded like... Was it... a gun?”

“But where? There’s no one here with a gun.”

Everyone looked round, but it was far too late to see the rifle, let alone the person
shooting. My father put his arm round my shoulders for support, and indicated that we
should set off.

We walked in a procession to the headquarters and my father called the police.

I went to the open door, looking across the square to the hotel.

I remembered the zing of the bullet. If the bullet had been aimed at my father, and if he’d
stumbled at the exact second that the trigger was squeezed, and if the bullet had smashed
some glass so that I heard the tinkle, then why was every pane of the window in the
headquarters intact?

I told myself that the whole thing had been a coincidence and turned to go back inside, and
saw for an instant a flash of light on broken glass down on the ground.

It was a window of the shop next door that had been hit.

Zing. Ricochet. Smash. The straight line could have been deflected by the curve of a

The police arrived at headquarters, and it was nearly two o’clock when I finally reached
home and closed and bolted the doors and switched off the lights.

My father moved himself into one of the single beds in the bedroom. I lay on the second,
not at all sleepy.

My father said, “Ben, why didn’t you run?”

I answered. “I didn’t want you to get shot.”

“So you stood in the way...”

After a while, I said, “I’d say it was a .22 rifle with a high-velocity bullet. Hitting you in the
body, it quite likely won’t kill you. You need to hit the head or the neck to be lethal. All I did
was shield your head.” There was a silence. Then he said, “I’d forgotten you could shoot.”

“I was in the school team. We were taught by one of the country’s best marksmen.” I
smiled in the dark. “You paid for it, you know.”

Penalty by Dick Francis

a) For each of the options given below choose the correct meaning (as used in the passage)
from the options provided. (3)

(i) Immobile

1) Lumpy

2) Grim

3) unmoving

(ii) Anguished

1) full of severe pain and agony

2) Scrunch

3) Grim

(iii) Intact


2) Uneven

3) complete. not damaged


(i)What two things happened simultaneously when Ben and his father were walking to the

headquarters? [1]

1. His father tripped and the lights of the square lit up.

2. His father tripped and a glass broke as a result.

3. His father tripped and Ben fell at the same time.

4.His father tripped and there was a loud bang.

(ii). What did Ben see when he looked at his father on the ground? [1]

1.His eyes were open and there was a gaping wound.

2. His eyes were open and there was a serious look on his face.
3.His eyes were open and he was shouting about being hit.

4. His eyes were open and he screamed ‘Run”.

(iii)Why did Ben’s father tell him to run and why did Ben disobey him? [1]

1.To avoid being aimed at again; Ben felt too frightened.

2. To avoid being aimed at again; Ben was known to be disobedient.

3. To avoid being aimed at again; Ben felt that being immobile would protect them.

4. To avoid being aimed at again; Ben was not known to be a fast runner.

(iv) What was Ben’s logical answer to his father explaining why he did not obey him? [1]

1.He was shadowing his father as a shot to the head or neck would be lethal.

2. He was shadowing his father as he was on the ground and could not move.

3. He was shadowing his father as it is a son’s duty to do so.

4. He was shadowing his father as he himself was a good shooter.

(v)What was it that Ben did not understand when his father told him, “You don’t
understand...” [1]

1) He was being shot at and could not run away.

2) He was bleeding and could not run away.

3) He had fallen to the ground and could not run away.

4) He had twisted his ankle and could not run away.

(vi) What is the probability theory that Ben refers to here? [1]

1) The firing of the gun and the smashing of the glass.

2) The firing of the gun and the zing of the bullet.

3) The firing of the gun and his father tripping.

4) The firing of the gun and Ben bending over his father.

(vii) Why did the people run out of the hotel? [1]

1)To help the father.

2) They heard the bang that echoed around the square.

3) To escape from an accident.

4) The police asked them to do so.

(viii) Why did the father put an arm around his son? [1]

1)To show affection

2)To show concern

3) To ask him a question.

4)To get support

(ix) What had the curve of the cobblestone deflected? [1]

1) The gun in the shooters hand

2) The bullet

3) The broken glass

4) The hotel door.

(x) Why could the boy not sleep although it was way past midnight? [1]

1) He was tired after helping his father.

2) He was shaken up after what had happened.

3) He was waiting for the attacker to return.

4) His father was badly injured.

(xi)How did the father feel when he realized that his son had stood in the way of a bullet?


1)He was angry at his son.

2) He was proud of his son.

3)He was upset that his son had disobeyed him.

4)He was upset that he had forgotten how to defend himself.

c) How did the boy help his father? [1]


1)First, he bent over his father who had suddenly fallen.

2)He looked around to see what had happened

3) He called for an ambulance.

4) He alerted the police.

(ii) Then the Father urged to boy to [1]

1)Run for help

2)Run for cover

3)Run for a torch

4)Run in the direction of the hotel.

(iii) The father informed the son that his [1]

1)Gun was missing

2)His ankle may have broken

3)He was bleeding

4)He had hurt his head

(iv) The son then helped the father walk towards [1]

1)the hotel.
2)The headquarters

3)The police station.

4)The dark road.

(v) The son realized that the incident had been deliberate when he saw [1]

1) the flash of light on the broken glass

2) the smashed window panes of the headquarters

3) the police report

4) his bleeding father.

(vi) The father felt safe at the end of the day because [1]

1)His son had bolted the door.

2)His son was standing by the door with a weapon.

3)His Son was an expert marksman.

4)His son had called the police.



Fill in each blank with the appropriate form of the verb. There are 4 choices made available
for the purpose for each blank. [4]

We decided to travel by car and _________ (i) the house early. We_____(ii)on the road for
two hours, when our car________(iii) a stone that_______(iv) in the middle of the road.

(i) 1. leave 2. left 3. had left

(ii) 1. would have been 2. had been 3. were.

(Iii) 1. was hit 2. Hit 3. had been hit

(iv) 1. lay 2.was lying 3. laid


Choose the correct option for the blanks in each sentence: [4]

i) Do not speak ill of a person_______ his back.

1) At

2) Behind

3) Beside

ii) I am not prepared to vote ________ the motion.

1) In

2) From

3) Against

iii) I would not give it up________ the world.

1) To

2) For

3) Under

iv) He has an advantage________ me.


2) Above

3) On


Choose the correct option to join the following sentences without using and, but, or so


i) The girl turned to the right. She saw the car.

1. Turning to the right the girl saw the car.

2.The girl saw the car as she turned right.

3.Turning to right she saw the car.

ii) The students should be disciplined. It is important.

1.It is important that the students should be disciplined.

2.It is important to the students to be disciplined.

3.It is important for the students to be disciplined.

III)He worked hard. He failed in the examination.

1.Inspite of working hard he failed in the examination.

2.Despite of working hard he failed in the examination.

3.In spite of working hard he failed in the examination.

iv)The weather was fine. We went out for a swim.

1.The weather was so fine that we went out for a swim.

2.The weather being fine, we went out for a swim.

3. The weather was fine and we had gone out for a swim.

d) Read the sentences with the instructions. Choose the correct answer from the options
provided beneath each [8]

i) Not only did he buy a laptop but also a mini tablet.

(Begin ‘besides’)

1. Besides a mini tablet he also bought a laptop.

2. Besides buying a laptop he bought a mini tablet as well.

3. Besides buying a laptop, he bought a mini tablet.

ii) . The heavy showers of rain revived the forests around.

(Begin ‘The forests’)

I. The forests around were revived by the heavy showers of rain.

2. The forests around was revived by the heavy showers of rain.

3.. The forests were revived by the heavy showers of rain around.

iii) The men were forced to continue digging though the light was poor.

(Use ‘In spite of’)

I. In spite of the light being poor the men were forced to continue digging.

2. In spite of the poor light the men were asked to continue digging.

3. In spite of the poor light the men continued digging.

iv) No sooner did we see the flash of light than we heard a loud explosion nearby.

(Use ‘As soon as’)

1. As soon as we heard a loud explosion, we saw the flash of light nearby.

2. As soon as we saw a flash of light, we heard a loud explosion nearby.

3. As soon as we saw the flash of light, we heard a loud explosion nearby.

v) As her pen has run dry, she is writing with a pencil.


1. Her pen is running dry so she is writing with a pencil.

2. Her pen having run dry, she is writing with a pencil.

3.. Her choice was between a dry pen and writing with a pencil.

vi) Mumbai is the most vibrant city in India.

(Begin ‘No’)

I. No other city in India is vibrant as Mumbai.

2. No city in India other than Mumbai is as vibrant.

3. No city in India is as vibrant as Mumbai.

vii) Their dog is too friendly to be an effective watch dog.

(Use ‘so’)

I. Their dog is so friendly that it cannot be an effective watch dog.

2. Their so friendly dog cannot be an effective watch dog.

3. So friendly is their dog that it cannot be an effective watch dog!

viii) John said, “Jane, please help me with my homework.”

(Change into reported speech)

1. John requested Jane to help him with his homework.

2. John requested Jane to help with his homework.

3.. John requested Jane for help with his homework.







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