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English Paper - 1

Maximum Marks: 40
Time allowed: One hour (inclusive of reading time)
The marks intended for questions are given in brackets [ ].
Select the correct option for each of the following questions.

Question 1
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Father was standing in the small courtyard, wearing a dhoti and a banian, the
dress which, for its very homeliness. Swaminathan detested to see him in; it
indicated that he did not intend going out in the near future.

“Where are you going?”


“Where were you yesterday at this time?”


“You are lying. You were not here yesterday. And you are not going out now.”

“That is right,” Mother added, just appearing from somewhere, “there is no

limit to his loafing in the sun. He will die of sunstroke if he keeps on like this.”

Father would have gone on forever without Mother’s encouragement. But now
her words spurred him to action. Swaminathan was asked to follow him to his
‘room’ in his father’s dressing-room.

“How many days is it since you have touched your books?” Father asked as
he blew off the fine layer of dust on Swaminathan’s books, and cleared the

web that an industrious spider was weaving between a corner of the table and
the pile of books.

Swaminathan viewed this question as a gross breach of promise.

“Should I read even when I have no school?”

“Do you think you have passed the B.A.?” Father asked.

“I mean, Father, when the school is closed, when there is no examination, even
then should I read?”

“What a question! You must read.”

“But Father, you said before the examinations that I needn’t read after they
were over. Even Rajam does not read.” As he uttered the last sentence, he tried
to believe it; he clearly remembered Rajan’s complaining bitterly of a home
tutor who came and pestered him for two hours a day thrice a week.

Father was apparently deaf to Swaminathan’s remarks. He stood over

Swaminathan and set him to dust his books and clean his table. Swaminathan
vigorously started blowing off the dust from the book covers. He caught the
spider carefully, and took it to the window to throw it out. He held it outside
the window and watched it for a while. It was swinging from a strand that
gleamed in a hundred delicate tints.

“Look sharp! Do you want a whole day to throw out the spider?” Father asked.
Swaminathan suddenly realized that he might have the spider as his pet and
that it would be a criminal waste to throw it out. He secretly slipped it into his
pocket and, after shaking an empty hand outside the window, returned to his
duty at the desk.

“Look at the way you have kept your English text! Are you not ashamed of
yourself?” Swaminathan picked up the oily red-bound Fourth Reader, opened
it, and banged together the covers in order to shake off the dust, and then
rubbed violently the oily covers with his palm.

“Get a piece of cloth, boy. That is not the way to clean things. Get a piece of
cloth, Swami,” Father said, half kindly and half impatiently.

Swaminathan looked about and complained, “I can’t find any here, father.”

“Run and see.”

This was a welcome suggestion. Swaminathan hurried out. He first went to his

“Granny, get me a piece of cloth, quick.”

(a) For each word given below choose the correct meaning (as used in the [3]
passage) from the options provided:
(i) detested
1. detention
2. detained
3. hateful
4. hated
(ii) pestered:
1. tiny insect
2. botheration
3. annoyed
4. annoyance
(iii) violently:
1. cruelly
2. with great energy
3. loudly
4. with a lot of noise

(b) (i) What did father’s clothes show? [1]
1. He was relaxed.
2. It was a holiday.
3. He was planning to stay at home.
4. He was planning to leave shortly.
(ii) How did mother encourage father? [1]
1. By appearing suddenly.
2. By following father to his room.
3. By complaining about Swami.
4. By calling Swami in from the outside.
(iii) What did the dust on Swami’s books indicate? [1]
1. The house was dusty.
2. Swami had not touched his books.
3. The books were old.
4. Swami had forgotten to pack it in his school bag.
(iv) What is meant by “breach of promise?” [1]
1. To go back on one’s promise.
2. To make a promise.
3. To keep a promise.
4. Never to promise.
(v) What is father’s tone when he says, “Do you think you have passed your [1]
Father’s tone was:
1. jovial.
2. angry.
3. sarcastic.
4. tired.

(vi) In what way was Rajam situation similar to that of Swami’s? [1]
1. Rajam had gone on holiday.
2. Rajam’s tuition teacher had taken a holiday.
3. Rajam’s father also scolded him.
4. Rajam had tuition during the holidays.
(vii) What attracted Swami to the spider? [1]
1. Its web.
2. Its colour.
3. The colour of the thread.
4. The dust on the spider.
(viii) What does Swami do with the spider? [1]
1. He shook it.
2. He hid it in the book.
3. He hid it outside the window.
4. He hid it in his pocket.
(ix) What was Swami ordered to do? [1]
1. Get a cloth.
2. Free the spider.
3. Throw the spider.
4. Call grandmother.
(x) The author says the father’s spoke “half kindly and half impatiently”. [1]
This indicates that:
1. he was really angry.
2. he was complaining.
3. he really wanted to free the spider.
4. he was not really angry.

(xi) Swami hurried out. Why did he do so? [1]
1. He wanted to meet his grandmother.
2. He wanted to dust the table.
3. He wanted to check on the spider.
4. He wanted to run out and play.
(c) How did Swami deal with the spider? [6]
(i) First, he:
1. dusted the books.
2. lifted the cover.
3. wiped the books vigorously.
4. caught the spider.
(ii) Then he:
1. took it to the window.
2. put it in his pocket.
3. hid the spider.
4. got frightened.
(iii) He wanted to:
1. keep the spider.
2. hide the spider.
3. throw the spider.
4. kill the spider.
(iv) But he:
1. held the spider.
2. squeezed the spider.
3. dusted the spider.
4. hid the spider.

(v) And he:
1. watched the spider.
2. swung the spider.
3. held the spider.
4. killed the spider.
(vi) He decided to:
1. keep the spider as his pet.
2. put the spider into the dustbin.
3. throw the spider out of the window.
4. tame the spider and teach it tricks.

Question 2
(a) Choose the correct option to fill in the blanks: [4]

(i) He was frightened so he hid _________ the cupboard.

1. into
2. behind
3. across
4. toward
(ii) They built a bridge ________ a turbulent stream.
1. across
2. in
3. into
4. against
(iii) His intelligence will carry him_______ all his difficulties.
1. through
2. above
3. towards
4. against

(iv) She called ________ her teacher to help her to sort out her difficulties.
1. in
2. to
3. up
4. over

(b) Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words provided after the [4]
When Ranji (0) ____________ (see) the pool, he did not hesitate to
(i) ____________ (get) into it. He had often (ii) ____________ (go)
swimming, alone or with friends, when he had (iii) ____________ (live) with
his parents in a thirsty town in the middle of the Rajputana Desert. There, he
had (iv) ____________ (know) only sticky muddy pools where buffaloes
wallowed and women washed clothes.
Example: (0) saw
(i) 1. get
2. gets
3. got
4. gots
(ii) 1. goes
2. gone
3. go
4. got

(iii) 1. lives
2. living
3. lived
4. live

(iv) 1. know
2. knows
3. knowing
4. known

(c) Choose the correct option to join the following sentences without using ‘and’, [4]
‘but’ or ‘so’:
(i) He plays cricket. He plays tennis.
1. He plays not only cricket but also tennis.
2. He plays either cricket or tennis.
3. He plays cricket as well as tennis.
4. He plays neither cricket nor tennis.
(ii) Submit your project. Only then can you appear for the test.
1. Until you submit your project you can appear for the test.
2. Until you appear for the test you cannot submit your project.
3. Unless you submit your project you can appear for the test.
4. Unless you submit your project you cannot appear for the test.
(iii) The man was running fast. The police caught him.
1. Although the man was running fast, the police caught him.
2. The police caught the man in spite he was running fast.
3. Despite his running fast the man caught the police.
4. The man was running fast although the police caught him.
(iv) Sheena drew a picture. Her mother put it up on the fridge.
1. Her mother put a picture on the fridge that Sheena drew.
2. Sheena drew a picture that her mother put on the fridge.
3. He mother drew a picture that Sheena put on the fridge.
4. Her mother put on the picture that Sheena drew.

(d) Read each sentence with its instructions. Choose the correct answer from the [8]
options provided beneath each:
(i) He came to the party.
(Add Question tag)
1. Isn’t it?
2. Didn’t he?
3. Wasn’t it?
4. Wasn’t he?
(ii) The teacher said, “Akhtar, why were you absent yesterday?”
(Begin: The teacher asked Akhtar…)
1. The teacher asked Akhtar why he was absent yesterday.
2. The teacher asked Akhtar why were you absent yesterday.
3. The teacher asked Akhtar why are you absent yesterday.
4. The teacher asked Akhtar why he had been absent the previous day.
(iii) In spite of the water logging the traffic was heavy.
(Begin: Despite…)
1. Despite the water logging the traffic was heavy.
2. Despite of the water logging the traffic was heavy.
3. Despite the traffic being heavy there was water logging.
4. Despite of water logging there was heavy traffic.
(iv) As soon as the whistle blew, the game stopped.
(Begin: No sooner…)
1. No sooner did the whistle blow, the game stopped.
2. No sooner than the whistle blew, the game stopped.
3. No sooner did the whistle blew, than the game stopped.
4. No sooner did the whistle blow, than the game stopped.

(v) Mother was too angry to argue with the shop keeper.
(Remove ‘too’.)
1. Mother was too angry so that she could not argue with the shop
2. Mother was so angry to argue with the shop keeper.
3. Mother was so angry that she could not argue with the shop keeper.
4. Mother was so angry not to argue with the shop keeper.
(vi) Everybody put up their hands.
(Begin: There was nobody…)
1. There was nobody who put up their hands.
2. There was nobody who did not put up their hands.
3. There was nobody whom put up their hands.
4. There was nobody who should put up their hands.
(vii) We celebrated grandfather’s hundredth birthday.
(Begin: Grandfather…)
1. Grandfather’s hundredth birthday was celebrated by us.
2. Grandfather celebrated his hundredth birthday.
3. Grandfather was celebrated on his hundredth birthday.
4. Grandfather celebration was on his hundredth birthday.
(viii)Kaushik has the best handwriting in the class.
(Begin: No one…)
1. No one has the better handwriting than Kaushik in the class.
2. No one has the better handwriting in the class than Kaushik.
3. No one in the class has better handwriting than Kaushik.
4. No one’s handwriting in the class is better than Kaushik.


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