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Research Paper Topics Stem Cell

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Writing a thesis can be a daunting task.

It requires a significant amount of time, effort, and

dedication. Researching a topic, organizing your thoughts, and writing a coherent and well-
structured paper can be challenging. This is especially true when it comes to topics like stem cell
research, which can be complex and controversial.

Stem cell research is a rapidly evolving field with many potential applications. It holds great promise
for treating a wide range of diseases and conditions, from cancer to Parkinson's disease. However, it
also raises ethical and moral questions, as it involves the use of human embryos and other sensitive

When writing a thesis on stem cell research, it's important to approach the topic with sensitivity and
respect. You'll need to carefully consider the ethical implications of your research and ensure that
your paper is well-researched and well-argued.

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Using ASCs as well as ESCs for heart muscle repair is, currently, an active area of research
(stemcells. It raises a little concern to know about the legality of abortion in the Unites States. The
only problem with George Bush’s opposition was that he never banned the private and state sectors
from racticing this version of stem cell research. The continual desire to explain the world to a deeper
level drove scientists to further probe this cell. To start, there was a time where it was not now that
everything was made up of cells. Opinions on this vary from the moment of conception, to a 14 day
embryo, to a living baby at birth. Until 2006, Scientists were mostly working with “embryonic stem
cells” and “Somatic or Adult stem cell ”. A human embryo reaches the blastoffs stage within 4 to 5
days after being fertilized; they consist of 50-150 cells. When the body sustains an injury or as it
goes through the natural aging process, cells have a more difficult time repairing the injured area.
Obama did set up limitations to the embryonic cell research. The study of stem cells could help
scientists understand the normal process cell development and establish how medical conditions such
as cancer and birth defects come to be, and how they can be corrected. In 2009, Obama lifted Bush’s
ban as previously stated. They can be found in various microenvironments within the tissues called
stem cell niches cells, some examples of... Stem cell Essays. 4 essay samples found Essay examples.
Read Full Paper. Unlike any specific adult cell, embryonic stem cells are undifferentiated cells that
have the ability to form any adult cell, and can proliferate indefinitely in culture (Embryonic pp). It is
a shame on society that it nurtures such immoral thought and activities in the name of science and
medicinal advancement. In their view, utilitarian advocates the Stem cell research because of the
tremendous benefits that it would provide to millions of people afflicted with diseases worldwide.
Academy officials couldn't immediately be reached about media reports that the speaker lineup irked
scientists opposing embryonic research, while others declined invitations for fear of lack of open
discussion”. (Associated, 2012) While the church may be against the idea of stem cell research
whether it be adult cells or human embryonic; scientists and researchers are for stem cell research for
several reasons. There are even proposals to create new non-embryonic organisms which can produce
human stem-cells. Just send your requirements and we will get back with a Stem Cell Research topic
brief of at least 300-word which is bound to get approved. Stem cells could be used in order to cure
patients who are paralyzed or to even take a patient of the waiting list of a heart transplant. The
most flexible stem cells are obtained from embryos owing to their ability to become any type of
tissue cell in the body. This blastocyst has two types of cells; an outer layer (which becomes the
placenta and other supporting tissues needed for foetal development) and an inner cell mass (the
stem cells). This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is
cheating. Also you. This type of intervention involves the correction or attempted correction of
genetic defects in any of the cells of the body, with the stem research exception of the germ or
reproductive cells. Some people assume that,stem cells can help in reproducing major organs of
people who are diseased hence prolonging their life expectancy There is argument in scientific world
that the excess embryo generated for the in vitro fertilization should be destroyed or utilized for
research purpose. Although mutations are generally insignificant and mutant cells are eradicated but
accretion of mutation may occur in dividing cells resulting in cancer. This population has the same
genetic code as the first cells in the line. As a society we should always make sure to protect all
human life no matter what. The Ethics of Embryonic Stem Cell Research - Fresh Writing.
Mesenchymal Stem Cell Treatment for various motor neuron disease and neurological disease.
Stem cell research is a social crime From medical ethical point of view stem cell research can never
be justified in any manner as condemnation of life never should be a door to treatment. It is believed
that the stem cell research, and thus the destruction of an embryo, violates the status of the embryo
as an early-staged human life, and constitutes murder, combined with the belief that human life
starts with the fertilization of the sperm and the egg. The objective of this research is to modify stem
cells so that they transform into particular cell types, including blood or heart muscle cells, which can
subsequently be reintegrated into. The concept and subject of embryonic stem cell research has been
an ongoing controversy by medics and politicians in the United States for many years. The Stem cell
research Stem cells are undifferentiated cells of dualistic nature found in human embryos and
animal’s.The stem cells while remaining undifferentiated has the capability to expand or can
differentiate and contribute to the development or repair of tissues of the body. The most flexible
stem cells are obtained from embryos owing to their ability to become any type of tissue cell in the
body. Some of the answers given, when it comes to stem cell research, are particularly convincing.
There are primarily two types of them: embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. Thanks in part to
the past discoveries mentioned above, Dr. Jo Mountford of the Scottish National Blood Transfusion
Service started a project that aims to generate red blood cells from stem cells with the intention of
making a “limitless supply of clean blood for transfusion.”. These cells may maintain its original
status that is as stem cell or it can change and become a special cell including blood cells, brain cells
or muscle cells. There are a few methods that are preferred by scientists. There are even proposals to
create new non-embryonic organisms which can produce human stem-cells. Numerous evidence are
available to establish the role of cancer stem cells in generating tumors and therefore understanding
molecular machinery of the cancer stem cells is becoming an issue of paramount significance. This is
100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you.
Ultimate question reflection paper sample paper - essay Ultimate question reflection paper sample
paper - essay To what extent was the ku klux klan responsible for the failures of reconstru. Stem cell
cannot be progressive without the supply of human embryos. Stem Cell ? They learn life skills, sex
education, tolerance, as well as general education from introductions, their teachers and cell research
papers parents, when they speak about graphic design sample 2012, these issues. When the body
sustains an injury or as it goes through the natural aging process, cells have a more difficult time
repairing the injured area. Seminario biologia molecular-Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. This will
create an embryo genetically identical to the donor. Much of the people believe that embryo possess
a soul. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating.
Also you. The three major mammalian stem cells are embryonic stem cells, derived from blastocysts,
adult stem cells, which are found in adult tissues, and cord blood stem cells, which are found in the
umbilical cord. An example of this is the removal of public funding for all embryonic stem cell
research. Where do stem cells come from? (n.d.) Retrieved from. All through history, there were no
laws barring Stem Cell Research in the USA (DeGette, 2008). In addition, embryonic Stem Cell
Research was legalized in Missouri in 2006. The study of stem cells could help scientists understand
the normal process cell development and establish how medical conditions such as cancer and birth
defects come to be, and how they can be corrected. Therapeutic cloning would be the process of
using a cloned human embryo to create matching tissues for medical treatments. Human life is sacred
and its not to be experimented on, except voluntarily.?? As for the argument that embryos are not
human beings, yes, they are not fully grown human beings, however they came from a human being
and are still classified as human.
Stem cell research has become a scrutinized science because of its history, how scientists have
obtained the stem cells and because of the political, legal, economical and environmental issues
surrounding stem cell research. Cells can then be harvested from this embryo for treatment. The
preceding ideas for writing a thesis statement along with the research paper topic will help you in
crafting the main feature of a research paper on stem cell while the rest of the research paper will be
written by you. When an embryonic stem cell is created in a laboratory this means that cells re
transferred from a precipitation-stage and then placed into a plastic culture. Financial challenges in
this case are brought out in the form of ethical issues. Under this topic, the paper will mainly focus
on USA, a country that has undergone a series of changes in legislations governing human
embryonic Stem Cell Research. Like the controversy surrounding abortions and gay marriage,
religion plays a major factor in people’s viewpoints about stem cell research. Informative Speech On
Childhood Cancer Words 6 Pages Childhood Cancer Introduction I. Factors that can impact the
outcome of a stem cell treatment can include age, genetic predisposition, environment, et cetera.
Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Today stem cells are
the only cells in the world that can keep dividing and dividing indefinitely. There are many ways in
which human embryos can be used such as in research and clinical studies. It is not yet a grown
human being, but comes close to it. As most blood producing cells are destroyed during
chemotherapy, by introducing the stem cells from a healthy donor, the damaged blood producing
stem cells of the patient can be replaced. One of the distinguishing characteristics of stem cells is that
they have the ability to renew themselves for long periods through the process of cell division. The
Gospels of Matthew And Luke contradict one another in stem papers, describing events that
preceded Jesus' birth, which should have been well-documented for winway resume such a
miraculous event. One of the many technologies that is under constant scrutiny is biomedical
technology. Human embryonic Stem cell research is one field that has generated much concern and
public debates. Not only is it a hot topic amongst activists and scientists, it is also very emotional.
This meant that cells were being recognized as building blocks of life, and that there was a lot more
to understand about human biological development. They are used to regenerate and repair organs
due to their ability to divide indefinitely. My thesis statement: Stem cell development will continue
to outgrow controversy surrounding it because the benefits and new research are the keys to
overcoming these obstacles Stem cell research is the future of medicine. Expenses are another topic
that we will touch on in this section as well. In the book, the senator is pushed by his family to take
his son to India where stem cell research is not prohibited. Stem cell research is the process of taking
an embryonic, fetal or adult stem cell and studying how the different cells can improve diseases such
as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s. Controversy has come up since during the harvesting of these cells
there is the destruction of fertilised human eggs (Snow, 2003). The damage caused by this diseases
and conditions is normally irreversible to the affected cells or organs. Some of the answers given,
when it comes to stem cell research, are particularly convincing. Innocent human life is valuable no
matter how tiny or small it is. In order to achieve the cells, they are to be taken while in the early
forming of a human embryo.
To think that human embryos have not dignity involves a significant moral loss. Almost every
second individual is suffering from the toothache or dental cavities. We use cookies to create the
best experience for you. Intro Imagine being diagnosed with a life threatening or life changing
disease, such as Leukemia or Alzheimer's and all hope has been lost, until someone tells you that
stem cells could save your life. As a result of these useful characteristics, stem cells come under close
scientific scrutiny. With traditional techniques, brain cancer is almost impossible to treat as it spreads
rapidly. The Price of Stem Cells: Certain Life Or Certain Death. The embryo has many vital stem
cells than adult cells and cord cells and is appropriate for stem cell therapy Cons Many believe that
the embryo has the potentiality of life and that it should be protected and preserved. Stem cells are
unspecialised cells that can be manipulated into any specialised cells, for example, the brain cells.
Stem cell research is a new technology, and a stem cell has the capability to develop into 220
varieties of cells. Bush announced federal funding for stem cell research using existing stem cell
lines. In addition, embryonic Stem cell research was legalized in Missouri in 2006. An induced
blueprint IS the embryonic stem cell however is not developed from a embryo and is instead
developed directly from adult tissue. Presently the scientist is under the process of studying the
signaling pattern inside and outside each stem cell with their differentiating process. Stem Cell
Research is one of the most hotly debated issue that involved political, social, religious and moral
concerns. Some of the most serious medical conditions, such as. The author here makes it evident
that due to the small size the significance of stem cells cannot be undermined. Introduction
(Background Information) (Jessica Moss) There are many emerging technologies that are facing
struggles against new improvements every day. These legal and economical issues are just one of the
many reasons stem cell research is controversial. Read Full Paper. Unlike any specific adult cell,
embryonic stem cells are undifferentiated cells that have the ability to form any adult cell, and can
proliferate indefinitely in culture (Embryonic pp). Further research and development of treatments is
ongoing to turn this possibility into a reality for those people suffering with increased succession
rates. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. The scientist are attempting to fest upon
the lives of innocent living being to conduct experiments which show the moral less nature of the
society. SCs have the capacity to undergo cell division even after remaining quiescent for long
periods of time yet, in organs such as the pancreas and the heart, they divide only in exceptional
circumstances. Stem-cells have also been found in all the tissues found in our bodies such as the
brain, pancreas, liver, skin, fat, muscle, blood, bone marrow, lungs, nose and tooth pulp. These
experiments on the mouse embryos led to the successful discovery of the ways of isolating stem cells
from human embryos and grow them in the laboratory. It is immoral and inhumane to think that just
because embryo is lump of cells they are less of human. A mother would not refer to the life within
her as a bunch of living cells with no purpose or future. The regenerative property of a stem cell
opens new venues to explore and may find permanent cure for diseases like diabetes. The concept
and subject of embryonic stem cell research has been an ongoing controversy by medics and
politicians in the United States for many years.
Funding this research involves investing heavily in a world that is already financially constrained.
Were always keeping on top of the latest scientific news and discoveries. As long as certain
conditions are met, the research of stem cells from embryos left over will be funded. This procedure
paved the way for transplanting organs, reducing the possibility of rejection within the body, without
the use of anti-rejection drugs. Stem cell research into different applications is now exploding. We
use cookies to create the best experience for you. The embryos do not feel pain or possess
consciousness but if then killing of a person in coma can also be justified. In addition, embryonic
Stem Cell Research was legalized in Missouri in 2006. Pros and Cons of stem cell research The pros
and cons of stem cell research related to embryonic cells can be described as follows. Some high
schools know that they do not serve the function that they were put there to do, so they do continue
to make the education efforts they should. This is since human life is not at stake (Snow, 2003). As
most blood producing cells are destroyed during chemotherapy, by introducing the stem cells from a
healthy donor, the damaged blood producing stem cells of the patient can be replaced. When
biologists discuss stem cell’s this is what they are talking about. In fact it is a proven fact that adult
stem cells also have similar possibilities. This is however something that is still under specific
experimental conditions. The capability of stem cells to turn into any cell type that the body requires
highlights their chief potential in treating diseases and repair the damaged organ or tissues. It
basically involves killing the embryos which is destined to become a complete human being if it is
allowed to. Most Downloaded Stem Cell Research Articles - Elsevier. The goal of this is to one day
be able to use embryonic stem cells to replenish cell damage and or tissue damage due to some
diseases. Financial challenges in this case are brought out in the form of ethical issues. To what
extent was the ku klux klan responsible for the failures of reconstru. Private companies have the
legal right to withhold any information or findings to the general public, which in turn allows them
to basically sell to he highest bidder if they do come up with something in their research. An induced
blueprint IS the embryonic stem cell however is not developed from a embryo and is instead
developed directly from adult tissue. Today stem cells are the only cells in the world that can keep
dividing and dividing indefinitely. Being an exact replica, there is potentially less chance of rejection
following transplantation. Dr. Jack Kessler found his passion for stem cell research when his daughter
injured her spine. In 2009 when Obama campaigned for office, one of his major campaign
dedications was to help advocate the use of federal funds in stem cell research within embryonic
cells. For many this constitutes destruction of a potential human, and conflicts with religious and
moral views held in our society. There are many ways in which human embryos can be used such as
in research and clinical studies. States that permit embryonic stem cell research have guidelines that
scientists must follow and also must consent to all the requirements, approval and the review
processes for every project.
With stem cell research, the effects of drugs and medicine can be tested on particular populations of
cells thus eliminating the use of animals and human testers. Scientists were to come and speak about
the positives stem cell research offers. Somatic cell nuclear transfer is done by isolating a somatic
cell, transferring the nucleus from the cell to an egg cell that has already had its nucleus removed.
SCs have the capacity to undergo cell division even after remaining quiescent for long periods of
time yet, in organs such as the pancreas and the heart, they divide only in exceptional circumstances.
This might be accomplished by DNA transfer into one of the calgary pronuclei of the zygote, the
delivery of cell DNA into a four or eight-cell embryo by a vector, or the use of embryonic stem cells.
In his article (Brahm,2008)mentions that, “Men are generally larger than women, but that doesn’t
mean they deserve more rights. An embryo in the mother’s womb is a growing offspring and in no
situation can be exploited for the purpose of medical enhancement or scientific experiments. In
contemporary biology, Stem cell research is one of the intriguing areas due to the expanding
scientific discoveries. It is believed that this manipulation may open a different field of
opportunities. I went from 3-5 migraines a week to 3 in a single year. Debate -Cell phones should be
allowed in schools (Proposition). All through history, there were no laws barring Stem Cell Research
in the USA (DeGette, 2008). The disbanding of the EAB halted federal funding of human embryo
research. Stem Cell Research is one of the most hotly debated issue that involved political, social,
religious and moral concerns. People against the abortion are against it for secular and non-secular
reasons. Stem Cells Essay. Stem cells are cells that have the ability to self-renew and differentiate to
become a myriad of different cell types. Unlike sperm cells and bodily cells, human embryonic cells
are whole and life producing and researching on them can only count to an unethical and immoral
human activity for the glorification of medical field. Furthermore, he gives a very detailed account
of the small writer Annunciation. The purpose of this sample essay, one of the many writing services
offered by Ultius, is to develop a historical and scientific overview of this selected issue.The essay
will begin with a general introduction to stem cell research. Stem cells have the potentiality in treating
people suffering from heart diseases and diabetes. The first is IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) treatment,
where surplus embryos (and unfertilized eggs for creating embryos) are donated for research with the
consent of the donor rather than being destroyed following treatment. T9RER1LvhI4 Bioethics, N.
C. (n. d. ). Genetically Modified Crops:The Ethical and Social Issues. The embryos do not feel pain
or possess consciousness but if then killing of a person in coma can also be justified. The research
paper has worked to show that the existence of H3K 4 di and tri methylation depends on Set1 and
RBBP-5. Instead, federal funds could be used to research human pluripotent stem cells derived from
frozen embryos that were created for infertility treatments. If it is possible to extract stem cells from
a fertilized egg then the concept would not be dangerous as it is now. The Price of Stem Cells:
Certain Life Or Certain Death. Not only has this important field of regenerative medicine given us
the tools to help patients find the right treatments for their needs, but the outcomes are undeniable.
This does not occur without chemicals or electricity. The culture dish normally has a broth known as
culture medium.

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