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Research Paper On Stem Cells

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Writing a thesis is undoubtedly one of the most challenging academic tasks students encounter

during their academic journey. It requires extensive research, critical analysis, and coherent
articulation of ideas. When it comes to a research paper on stem cells, the complexity escalates
further due to the intricate nature of the subject matter.

Stem cell research delves into a highly specialized field of science that demands a profound
understanding of biology, genetics, and medical ethics. Moreover, keeping up with the latest
developments and controversies surrounding stem cell research adds another layer of difficulty.

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Every religion protects and safeguards human life and human rights as it is considered as a form of
divine. It does not have any interest of self preservation, an important characteristic of conscious
beings. Currently researchers all around our world area studying adult stem cells to see if they can
isolate different kinds of adult stem cells, this way they may try to learn how to control to rate at
which a particular cell may reproduce. Embryonic stem cell is considered to be the most promising
one because it is undifferentiated and it can easily develop into the targeted tissue. In the paper
“Turning Blood into Brain: stem cell ” the author discusses the issue that once the stem cells have
been harvested, several things can benefit from their use. Stem cell research is a social crime From
medical ethical point of view stem cell research can never be justified in any manner as
condemnation of life never should be a door to treatment. This gives them much more opportunity to
make money because they are able to sell stocks of the company and increase their net worth.
Objectives: Most scientists agree that stem cells have many medical advantages. Stem Cell Research
is one of the most developed genetic experimentation with a wide range of possibilities in the field
of biology. Along with the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine (CRIME), these two
companies have been the largest founders of stem cell work in the country for many years. There
have been a great debate relating to the ethical perspective of carrying out the Stem Cell Research.
These legal and economical issues are just one of the many reasons stem cell research is controversial.
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education of general public on prevention of heart illness. The goal of this is to one day be able to
use embryonic stem cells to replenish cell damage and or tissue damage due to some diseases. The
stem cells are usually capable of developing into different cell types both in the embryonic period as
well as during growth. State laws on stem cell research vary state-to-state. This population has the
same genetic code as the first cells in the line. The individuals that are in need of stem cell
transplants are individuals who are already taking drugs that wipe out the immune system and their
ability to fight of disease. T9RER1LvhI4 Bioethics, N. C. (n. d. ). Genetically Modified Crops:The
Ethical and Social Issues. Using ASCs as well as ESCs for heart muscle repair is, currently, an active
area of research (stemcells. While a large community of the medical and scientific fraternity has
acknowledged its importance and wide implications in treatment, religious groups seem to have a
varied status with regard to Stem cell research. What it did was change the intensity of my feeling.
Among those sciences, stem cell treatment is a widely known procedure that is becoming commonly
debatable across the United States. As per (Hyun,2010,pg 71-75) “Those who oppose embryonic
stem cell research believe for religious or other personal reasons that all pre-implanted embryos have
a moral standing equal to all living persons, regardless of whether they are located in a fertility clinic
dish or in a woman’s body”. The debate is discussed in greater detail within the paper but the impact
to the research was, and still is quite rueful. It use in medicine was ?rst used in 1956 by Dr. E.
Donnall Thomas. And in 1988 at the University of Wisconsin, James Thompson isolated the ?rst
embryonic stem cells from a blastocyst of a ?ve day old in vitro fer?li zed egg. Not only is it a hot
topic amongst activists and scientists, it is also very emotional. Other di?erence is you can harvest a
large number of embryonic stem cells from embryos, but in adult stem cells you have limited number
of these cells and it?s more. Regenerative Services is a medical company that created a procedure
using their patients’ own stem cells to treat their orthopedic injuries. Scientists suggest that the
damage done to body organs through disease can be restored with the use of stem cells.
Although there is continued research happening which is need for induced allurement stem cell it is
already a useful tool being used for the development and modeling of diseases, it is hoped to use
induced blueprint stem cells in transplantation medicine. Cause And Effect ? Bagby tackles the free
stem papers political issues that should truly matter to young voters such as the future of ending
sentence, Social Security, education reform, the free cell research papers environment, and sujet droit
federal debts. If stem cells used for research originate from adult cells than the subject could have
been more feasible and comprehensive. In fact it is a proven fact that adult stem cells also have
similar possibilities. However there are number views that oppose to the matter, some believe that.
By then, I was sure that I thoroughly enjoyed the subject of science. In the paper “Turning Blood
into Brain: stem cell ” the author discusses the issue that once the stem cells have been harvested,
several things can benefit from their use. I believe embryonic stem cells should be available in limits
and be used for good reasons such as treating diseases and giving the opportunity for a couple to
have a baby. Research ? High schools do not prepare us for life anymore as they once did. Once this
happens the resulting clonally embryo is induced to being dividing. A stem cell is a kind of cell that
has the potential to divide or multiply indefinitely in culture. In 1995, embryonic tem cells lines from
primates where derived. To effectively help patients, and avoid rejection, clones will need to be
created to treat any person. For life to be possible, humans obviously need blood, and there is no
blood present in embryos at all. This is when a stem cell that is from an adult stem cell is supposed to
generate into a specialized cell type, or a type of tissue. Embryonic stem cells can product all types of
cell which is why it is used when researching treatment for diseases. Within this country we have a
major education problem; you can not be poor to small plan writer get a good education and you
need a good education not to be poor. This discovery provoked a mul?tude of scien??c studies,
research documents, and heated debates over the ethical issues surrounding embryo destruc?on for
medical purposes. To think that human embryos have not dignity involves a significant moral loss.
The first referred to as the research embryo, an embryo created through IVF provided solely for
research purposes. The following topics on stem cell research papers will be a good addition to your
thoughts of writing the next stem cell research paper assignment. The researches in the filed have
advanced by leaps and bounds, and currently the use. Production of cells from a range of white
blood cells, red blood cells and platelets involved in blood clotting. The most flexible stem cells are
obtained from embryos owing to their ability to become any type of tissue cell in the body. If it is
possible to extract stem cells from a fertilized egg then the concept would not be dangerous as it is
now. Obama did set up limitations to the embryonic cell research. New York: Infobase publishing
President Council of Bioethics,. (2011). Monitoring stem cell research: a report of the president's
council on bioethics. The external signals differentiate the cells by including chemicals secreted by
other cells, physical contact with neighboring cells and certain molecules in the microenvironment. It
could be tested in stem cells, perhaps creating the. With these cells, it is possible for scientists to
restore, or regenerate cells that are otherwise, dead.
Every action of a human being should be virtuous and directed towards the well being and
protection of human life. Apart from therapeutic uses, stem cells have been used for cloning
purposes for a number of years. Community nursing and setting goals for providing care for a family
and child. It would not be difficult to assume that they shall be obtained by impregnating women
from low income level or poor class. Ppt ! However, it is necessary to replace the free cell faulty gene
rather than add a gene (the usual technique in essay ppt current somatic cell gene therapy). These
stem cells have been found in ?ssues such as the brain, bone marrow, blood, blood vessels, skeletal
muscles, skin, and the liv er. The majority of research and laboratory activities regarding the
advantages of stem cells on human health are still yet to begin. In November of 1998, scientists
reported that they had successfully isolated and cultured human embryonic stem cells—a feat which
had eluded researchers for almost two decades. When doing these cells find their own way to the
proper locations and begin to work to form the proper tissues or cells needed within the body. They
present new opportunities to develop new therapies, to treat diseases where the functions of repair,
replacement and regeneration are impeded. An embryo cell has to be cared for properly if they are to
then they are at risk of developing muscle cells, and nerve cells, this occurs when they begin to
clump together forming embryo bodies. It is much more likely embryos will be used for research than
transplant, such as the drug testing we carry out on animals and adults.However, the real debate is
not about whether we are compassionate towards embryos, nor is it about whether we should seek to
cure various diseases. Here we will discuss what has to happen in order for this process to begin,
who provides the patents for this Reese rich and the different types of issues that come with that.
This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you.
In the process of retrieving the stem cells the scientists have to destroy the human embryo and in this
process a death of a human being may be caused as believed by the opponents of stem cell research.
For example the cells that makeup major organs vary from neurons that make up the brain. Countries
such as Germany and Italy allow research only on cell lines before a certain date and countries such
as Austria and Poland prohibit all stem cell research. The idea of stem cell research is a gateway to
new sciences. With stem cells being very difficult to obtain and the controversy surrounding them,
researchers are working on the best practices with respect to using them. This is because no one treats
these embryos as humans and the remaining embryos will be frozen or destroyed. Win big by
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cost of losing a potential human being. Some scientists even regard stem cells as offering a great
potential for the alleviation of human suffering, as they can provide cure for a number of diseases.
Embryos have no emotion and cannot feel physical pain. An induced blueprint IS the embryonic
stem cell however is not developed from a embryo and is instead developed directly from adult
tissue. Examples include hematopoie?c (adult) stem cells that can become red and white blood cells
or platelets. Research has shown hat human stem cells are more representative of humans and are
required for the best treatments and testing on humans. This makes things difficult because there is
still so much to be learned about stem cells that people with that kind of money are weary to invest
their own money into it, and with that being a major factor many private companies have a hard time
keeping their doors open. The argument is that an embryo is a still a person, albeit an undeveloped
one. Stem cells are non-specialized cells, which has the potential to generate a particular cell in the
Teenagers do not ask questions, thus they do not learn by this method. It does not have any interest
of self preservation, an important characteristic of conscious beings. Over time, a large number of
articles, journals and books have been written on stem cell research and the amount of literature now
available on the subject of stem cell research and the numerous intricacies that are involved in the
area of stem cell research in the present era. Asia is probably the only country where stem cell
research is permissive in most of the countries. Prior to that discover, just the idea of cells was not
known of to scientists. For example the cells that makeup major organs vary from neurons that make
up the brain. Stem cell advocacy paper introduction stem cells are. Currently, her life does not differ
greatly from the life of her peers. But now the scientist wants embryos to carry out worthy
experiments which can bring about significant result. Bush announced federal funding for stem cell
research using existing stem cell lines. Muslim jurists believe there is a clear distinction between the
early and later stages of pregnancy. The discussion aims to unearth the scope of stem cell therapy in
curing blood cancer. Stem Cell Research is one of the most developed genetic experimentation with
a wide range of possibilities in the field of biology. A great deal of human suffering stands to be
alleviated if the research is successful. Although not fully understood, several factors, su ch as th e st
at e of hi st on e pr ot ei ns th at bl oc k ce rt ai n pa rt s of th e DN A by ma ki ng it unreac hable for
transcr iption or the methyl ation of promoter areas of a gene, cause parts of DNA to be unt ran scr
ibab le, hen ce hind eri ng the pro duc tion of som e pro tein s and pro mot ing the pro duc tio n of
othe rs. Cloning human beings or even trying to clone certain health attributes could negative impact
an individual’s environment. Stem cells: Haematopoiesis and the future of stem cell use in medicine.
The goal of this is to one day be able to use embryonic stem cells to replenish cell damage and or
tissue damage due to some diseases. Free Stem Cell ? She is plan writer tuned into free cell research,
the frustration, confusion, and apathy Generation X feels toward Washington. But manipulating an
embryo that is a developing infant for the recovering of an adult being is completely atrocious and
cruel act. Stem cells are unspecialised cells that can be manipulated into any specialised cells, for
example, the brain cells. Stem cells are referred to as self-renewing cells that can give rise to two
daughter cells when undergone mitotic division. Stem cells are different from other cells present in
the body. These unspecialized cells can give rise to specialized cells, including heart muscle cells,
blood cells or nerve cells. I believe an embryo is very valuable and has every potential to grow into a
human being, but is not yet considered as a human being. As a society we should always make sure
to protect all human life no matter what. This faction is opposed to embryonic Stem Cell Research
which they claim as immoral and characterize as devaluing human life, much the same as does
abortion, drawing a link between the two. Many people oppose stem cell research because they relate
it to abortion. The most researched stem cell is the adult stem cell, but these cells, except in the
treatment of leukaemia, do not often lead to true... Report Ad Available from
StemCells21 including stem cell injections and neurotrophic growth factors. It is possible to receive
an adult stem cell treatment that is not safe due to a clinic not properly testing the cells.
Since 2008 the CRIME has been responsible for twelve facilities being built in order to work with
and study stem cells. Here the author is greatly justified in mentioning that embryos have the same
quality of life as any human being and using them for clinical research activities is crime. When
doing these cells find their own way to the proper locations and begin to work to form the proper
tissues or cells needed within the body. Our individual moral reasoning influences our point of view.
Cloning has been carried out for reproductive purposes, embryonic purposes and has cloned a
number of species. Scientists have turned human pancreatic ductal cells into cells that produce
insulin, providing hope for diabetics. Re ve rs e Ag in g? Maybe.the possibilities are endless. To be
specific, this stem cell is important within the scenario of Stem Cell Research, especially in. These
legal and economical issues are just one of the many reasons stem cell research is controversial.
However there is evidence that suggest that it is possible under the right environment for this to
work. Legislation surrounding stem cell research started in 1974, where Congress implemented a ban
on all federally funded fetal tissue research until there were guidelines set up by the National
Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research. There
are many different types of stem cells like human embryonic, adult and hematopoietic. Dolly the
sheep was a practical test to see how scientists can use the power and knowledge of DNA to make
such an organism. Ending For An ? A high school diploma will not even get you a good job with
your local auto mechanic. They can be found in various microenvironments within the tissues called
stem cell niches cells, some examples of... Stem cell Essays. 4 essay samples found Essay examples.
The controversy of embryonic stem cell research has made in an impact in scientific research due the
destruction of embryos. These stem cells have been found in ?ssues such as the brain, bone marrow,
blood, blood vessels, skeletal muscles, skin, and the liv er. In order to harvest these cells, they are
removed from the blastocyst, a. On January 1st, 2007, a team of United States researchers isolated
stem cells from amniotic fluid and placental tissue, left over from routine prenatal tests, used to
detect fetal abnormalities. This gives them much more opportunity to make money because they are
able to sell stocks of the company and increase their net worth. Keep on browsing if you are OK
with that, or find out how to manage cookies. The issues of the Stem cell research have been a topic
for issue since many years. This matches to the definition of a stem cell provided by McCullough and
Till. Embryonic germ (EG) cells which originate from primordial reproductive cells of the developing
fetus have similar properties of the ES cells. Chloe’s parents remember the day, when they were
called and proposed treatment with. Work-role of Radiation Therapists in the Consequences of
Adaptive Radiotherap. In the article “NIH Releases Guidelines for Stem Cell Research”, these are
the guidelines as follows. They are pluripotent, in that they are able to specialize into different types
of cells. Before studying stem cells of human beings, scientists made a lot of experiments on stem
cells from mouse embryos for years. A large portion of embryonic stems cells actually come from
eggs that have been fertilized in vitro.
Some of the concerns surrounding genetically modified organisms and the effects on an individual’s
health. References Alternative Press. (2009, March 9). Obama reverses Bush-era stem cell policy.
Regenerative Services is a medical company that created a procedure using their patients’ own stem
cells to treat their orthopedic injuries. In order to harvest these cells, they are removed from the
blastocyst, a. Much of the people believe that embryo possess a soul. Stem Cell Research has been
the most remarkable latest advances in medical research. Scientists Are Researching How To Use
Stem Cells To Regenerate Or Treat The Human Body. Scientists know that turning the genes off and
on is central to this process. Mul?potent: the ability to di?eren?ate into a closely related fami ly of
cells. It is through this research that this is made possible. This is 100% legal. You may not submit
downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Every human have the right to project
life as he protect himself. It could be tested in stem cells, perhaps creating the. Umbilical cord blood,
the placenta and even the amniotic fluid have in fact been found to be rich in stem-cells (McGuckin
et al 245-255). The replacement of damaged body organs through this research is one of them. An
embryo in the mother’s womb is a growing offspring and in no situation can be exploited for the
purpose of medical enhancement or scientific experiments. This is however something that is still
under specific experimental conditions. Some of the most serious medical conditions, such as. Using
ASCs as well as ESCs for heart muscle repair is, currently, an active area of research (stemcells. The
implication of bone marrow being a stem cell was that by transplanting bone marrow one loud treat
many different blood related diseases as the new, healthy bone marrow would supply the host
patient with a source for all different types of blood cells. In their view, utilitarian advocates the
Stem cell research because of the tremendous benefits that it would provide to millions of people
afflicted with diseases worldwide. For many this constitutes destruction of a potential human, and
conflicts with religious and moral views held in our society. As with most science discoveries and the
technology that is founded with them, there is more to consider than just the science itself. Innocent
human life is valuable no matter how tiny or small it is. It is not yet a grown human being, but comes
close to it. These embryos are taken in the very early stages of their development and hence are very
small, having only developed to the stage of 120 cells or so since their creation by IVF or, more
recently, by cloning. But most these issues are not taught properly in a educational env Order now.
Another common form is a patent conferred on a material or substance created by the inventor. Stem
cell research has become a scrutinized science because of its history, how scientists have obtained the
stem cells and because of the political, legal, economical and environmental issues surrounding stem
cell research. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel
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