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Mock Test Paper-01

(UPSC Civil Services (Pre) Examination)

General Studies Paper-II (CSAT)
Time: 2 Hours Maximum Marks: 200

General Instructions
1. This Test Booklet contains 80 items (Questions). Each item comprises four responses (answers). In case you
feel that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider the best. In any
case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item.
2. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate OMR Sheet provided.
3. All items carry equal marks.
4. Attempt all items.
5. Your total marks will depend only on the number of correct responses marked by you in the OMR sheet.
6. For every incorrect response 1/3rd of the allotted marks will be deducted.
7. If a question is left blank i.e., no answer is given by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that question.

Directions for the following 4 (four) items: Read the Passage – 2

following three passages and answer the items (1– 4) that
Human activity has the potential to reduce the
follow the passages. Your answer to these items should be number of predators. Venezuelan officials dammed
based on the passages only. the Caroni River in 1986, creating a massive lake
Passage – 1 roughly twice the size of Rhode Island. In this lake,

Farmers still grow thousands of other worldly- hundreds of hilltops have become islands. Many
looking potato varieties in the Peruvian Andes, terrestrial predators were unable to find enough
where the potato was first domesticated. The food because their habitats had been reduced to
tiny islands. As a result, prey species such as howler
tuber was brought to Europe by Spanish ships,
monkeys, leaf-cutter ants and iguanas thrived. The
where it became a reliable backup to cereal crops,
ants became so numerous that they wiped out the
particularly in Ireland. The Irish were soon almost
rainforest, killing all of the trees and plants. The food
entirely reliant on the potato as a food source. And
web that surrounded the Caroni River was wiped out.
they were primarily planting one colossal variety,
2. What is the most logical inference that can be drawn
the Lumper potato, whose genetic frailty would be
from the above passage?
cruelly exposed by Phytophthora infestans. In 1845,
(a) Human activities induced change in the
spores of the deadly fungus began to spread across
population of critically important predators can
the country, annihilating nearly all Lumpers in their
have a disastrous impact on the food web.
path. Millions were killed or displaced as a result of
(b) Damming of rivers should be prohibited as it can
the ensuing famine. The humble potato serves as
flood nearby regions.
a cautionary tale about the dangers of relying on a
(c) Humans alone are responsible for a general
homogeneous food source. decline of biodiversity around the globe.
1. Which one of the following statements best reflects (d) Ants must not be introduced in forest areas as
the critical message of the passage? they can kill trees and plants.
(a) Spain is primarily responsible for the famine in Passage – 3
Ireland since it was the country that introduced
We must, of course, continue to develop modern
the Lumper potato to Europe. technology-based industries and services, but these
(b) Farmers must stop growing Lumper potato as it cannot generate massive amounts of employment.
is genetically fragile. As a result, it is critical that this modern sector
(c) Import of food crops from other countries is limits its negative impacts on labour-intensive,
dangerous and harms food security. natural resource-based occupations and livelihoods.
(d) Countries must not rely on a single homogenous The modern capital-intensive, technology-based
food source and instead grow multiple economic sector must coexist with the nature-
varieties. based, labour-intensive sector. The 73rd and 74th
2 UPSC CSE 15 Mock Test Papers General Studies Paper II

constitutional amendments, as well as the Forest (a) ` 7 per kg (b) ` 6 per kg

Rights Act, provide the framework for such a mutual (c) ` 9 per kg (d) ` 10 per kg
relationship in our democracy. To move forward on 8. An examination has been conducted for class
a path toward genuine development, we must take 12th students. The maximum marks for physics,
advantage of this constitutional framework that chemistry, mathematics and biology are 140, 160, 200
promotes decentralised governance and collaborate
and 200, respectively. A student gets 70%, 85% and
with nature and people.
60% in physics, chemistry and biology, respectively.
3. With reference to the above passage, the following
If the student wants to get 50% in four subjects then
assumptions have been made:
how many marks he must obtain in maths from
Assumption 1: Modern industries without the mutual
maximum marks of 200?
support of traditional labour-intensive industries will
(a) 24 (b) 26
not be able to provide employment to the masses at
(c) 28 (d) 30
the required rate.
Assumption 2: Our democracy and the constitu- 9. A student purchased 200 pencils at the rate of ` 10
tional framework have failed to provide a balance per pencil. He sold 60 pencils at the gain of 10%. The
between the modern capital-intensive, technology- percentage gain at which he must sell remaining
based economic sector and the nature-based, labour- pencils so as to gain 20% on the whole outlay is:
intensive sectors. (a) 24.28% (b) 17.8%
Which of the above assumptions is/are valid? (c) 18% (d) 19.5%
(a) Assumption 1 only 10. The total monthly income of Ashish is 55,000.
(b) Assumption 2 only Ashish observed that 10% of his salary was invested
(c) Both assumptions 1 and 2 in bank loan, 20% of the rest he spends on his food
(d) Neither assumption 1 nor 2 and lodging and 22% of the total salary he spends
4. Which of the following best implies the crux of the on grocery items. What is his savings?
passage? (a) ` 27,800 (b) ` 27,500
(a) India needs to modernise its industries at a faster (c) ` 42,300 (d) ` 87,000
pace so as to solve the impending employment
Directions for the following 4 (four) items: Read the
problem among the youth.
following three passages and answer the items (11– 14)
(b) Nature-based and labour-intensive sectors
that follow the passages. Your answer to these items should
must be given priority over the technologically
be based on the passages only.
advanced modern sector.
(c) The Indian democracy and its constitutional Passage – 1
framework guide us to provide for a balanced
A changing climate, as well as governments’
and positive relationship between the modern (however hesitant) efforts to deal with it, could have
capital-intensive, technology-based economic a significant impact on investor returns. Companies
sector and the nature-based, labour-intensive that produce or use a significant amount of fossil fuels
sector. will face increased taxes and regulatory burdens.
(d) The 73rd and 74th constitutional amendments Some energy producers may find it impossible to
have been done to cater to the employment exploit their known reserves, leaving them with
issues of the country. “stranded assets” — oil and coal deposits that must be
5. The price of silver varies directly to the square of left in the ground. Economic damage caused by more
its weight. Unfortunately, silver breaks into four extreme weather — storms, floods, heatwaves and
pieces whose weight ratio is 1:2:3:4 and a loss of 8.4 droughts — could have an impact on other industries.
lakh is occurred. The actual price of silver is:
11. On the basis of the above passage, the following
(a) 37.7 lakh (b) 42.3 lakh
assumptions have been made:
(c) 33.9 lakh (d) 12 lakh
Assumption 1: Climate change can badly affect the
6. The sum of the four numbers is 159. If the ratio
prospect of the growth of many industries through
between the first and the second is 2:3 and that
between the second and the third is 4:5 and between adverse events.
the third and the fourth is 5:6, then the third number Assumption 2: Climate change and efforts taken to
is: deal with it may not have a direct impact on investors.
(a) 89 (b) 107 Which of the above assumptions is/are valid?
(c) 222 (d) 45 (a) Assumption 1 only
7. If the price of rice is increased by 10%, a person can (b) Assumption 2 only
buy 4 kg less rice with ` 240. Find the current price (c) Both assumptions 1 and 2
of rice. (d) None of these

Passage – 2 Statement 1: Researchers have a limited number of

According to the 17th edition of the biennial report, methods available for a particular research question.
which was released last week, India’s forests increased Statement 2: Practical considerations like time and
by more than 1500 square kilometres between 2019 resources available should be given due weightage
and 2021. A large part of the increase is due to while selecting a research method.
more areas being planted, which experts correctly Statement 3: The selection of research methods is

argue are no substitute for natural forests in terms important but not necessary for research.
of providing critical ecological services. Plantations Which of the above assumptions is/are valid?
are typically made up of trees of the same species (a) Statement 1 and 3 only
that are all of the same age. Such monocultures do (b) statement 3 only
have economic value, but their utility as carbon sinks (c) Statement 1, 2 and 3
is limited. However, they cannot be compared to (d) Statement 1 and 2 only
natural forests in terms of biodiversity, pollination, 15. A tank is fitted with three taps. Tap A fills a tank
or water body sources. completely in 20 hours and Tap C can empty it
12. Which among the following is the most logical in 18 hours. Tap B takes 40 hours to fill the tank
and rational inference that can be made from the completely. If each tap is open alternatively for
passage given above? 2 hours, starting with pipe A, pipe B and pipe C
(a) Monocultures should not be promoted as they respectively then the whole tank will be filled in
are harmful to the environment. how many hours?
(b) The effective increase in forest area because 7 7
of plantations is ecologically less beneficial (a) 20 hours (b) 20 hours
6 4
compared to natural forests.
(c) Plantations are helping us revive land area under (c) 12 hours (d) None of these
forests and harbour biodiversity.
16. Last year, 60 hockey matches were played by
(d) The 17th edition of the forest report is appreciable
Indian hockey team, out of which they managed to
considering we have been able to increase forest
win only 30%. This year so far it has played some
matches, which has made it mandatory for it to
Passage – 3
win 70% of the remaining matches to maintain its
Every research question necessitates the use of an existing winning percentage. Find the number of
appropriate or suitable research method. A given matches played by India so far this year?
question can be answered using more than one
(a) 30 (b) 25
method, but not all research methods are appropriate
(c) 28
for all questions. In other words, for most research
(d) Insufficient information
questions, one has a limited number of methods to
17. In an examination, the percentage of students who
choose from. After carefully specifying the research
passed in history and geography is 70% and 40%,
question, one of the first tasks of the researcher is to
respectively. If 350 students pass in both the subjects
choose a suitable method. This selection must take
into account not only technical criteria, but also and the percentage of students who failed in both
practical considerations. This latter may include the subjects is 25%, then what is the total number of
time and resources available to conduct the research. students present in the examination?
(a) 500 (b) 1000
13. Which one of the following statements best reflects
(c) 350 (d) 600
the critical message of the passage?
(a) Multiple research methods must be selected for 18. P, Q and R are workers who begin the work at the
answering a research question. same time. It took 6 h when P and Q are working
(b) Time and resource constraints must be the together. Q and R working together can do it in 3
primary criteria for the selection of a particular h. 4 h is taken by R and P when they are working
research method. together. The time taken by all of them to finish the
(c) A suitable method can be selected by the work is:
researcher even before specifying the research (a) 4.5 h (b) 4 h
question. (c) 2.67 h (d) 2.25 h
(d) A researcher must find a suitable method that is 19. If a piece of work is completed by 3 men or 4 women
appropriate for a particular research question, or 5 boys in 60 days, then 1 man, 1 woman and 1
taking technical and practical considerations into boy will take how many days to complete the same
account. amount of work?
14. With reference to the above passage, the following (a) 47 days (b) 44 days
assumptions have been made: (c) 46 days (d) None of these
4 UPSC CSE 15 Mock Test Papers General Studies Paper II

20. A driver covers a certain distance with his truck. He (b) Developing countries may first focus on creating
takes 3 h less when he moved faster with a speed wealth and later on the betterment of the
of 9 km/h and when he moved slower with a speed environment.
of 6 km/h, then he would take 4 h more. How much (c) Environment and development are inversely
distance did he cover? related as when a country focuses more on
(a) 210 km (b) 230 km preserving the environment, it misses out on
(c) 440 km (d) 470 km development.
Directions for the following 4 (four) items: Read the (d) Anthropogenic activities inconsiderate of the
following four passages and answer the items (21– 24) that environment can have adverse repercussions on
follow the passages. Your answer to these items should be the overall development.
based on the passages only. Passage – 3
Passage – 1
Leadership is put to the test in difficult situations.
Our leaders recognised the importance of politics in Abnegation of duty to protest injustice and a
any democracy. Politics was not viewed as a problem; reluctance to make principled decisions in difficult
rather, it was viewed as a means of resolving situations invalidates leadership and deprives the
problems. Every society must make a decision about democratic state of the willing allegiance of free
how it will govern and regulate itself. There are people. Leaders must assert moral authority, quell
always different policy options to consider. There passions, re-establish sanity and maintain social
are various groups with disparate and conflicting harmony. Leadership is about doing the right thing.
goals. How do we reconcile these disparities? This 23. Consider the following:
question is addressed by democratic politics. While Statement 1: Keeping quiet in injustice
competition and power are the two most visible Statement 2: A peacekeeper
aspects of politics, the goal of political activity is and Statement 3: A strongman
should be to decide and pursue public interest. This Statement 4: Eloquent
is the path our leaders have chosen.
Which of the above qualities can be found in a good
21. With reference to the above passage, which of the
leader, as implied by the passage?
following implication/implications is/are correct?
(a) Statements 3 and 4 only
Statement 1: The conflicting aspirations between
(b) Statement 2 only
different groups can be resolved through democratic
(c) Statements 2 and 3 only
(d) Statements 1 and 4 only
Statement 2: Our leaders took pursuing public
interest as the purpose of political activity. Passage – 4
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
Our lives revolve around the fulcrum of trust. We
(a) Statement 1 only trust our parents as we stumble towards them while
(b) Statement 2 only learning to walk, a family trusts each other and
(c) Both Statements 1 and 2 neighbours trust each other when they turn off their
(d) None of the above lights. Trust is like glue in society; a nation relies on
institutions and leaders it can rely on. Political and
Passage – 2
social scientists have investigated how the quality
The environment is one such issue that is now
of a democracy is related to whether its society and
considered to be an essential component in
institutions inspire high or low trust. Things start to
measuring human development. The concept of the
fall apart when trust begins to erode.
planetary boundary emphasises how human-caused
environmental change can irreversibly destabilise the 24. Which one of the following statements best reflects
long-term dynamics of the earth system, disrupting the most logical, rational and practical suggestion
the planet’s life-supporting system. The planetary implied by the passage given above?
pressure adjusted HDI, or PHDI, is intended to (a) In a society, we must be true to each other.
communicate to the larger society, the risk involved (b) Society must be built on credence.
in maintaining current practises in our resource (c) Social capital of any society must be based on
use and environmental management, as well as the honesty.
retarding effect that environmental stress can have (d) Society will collapse without people with
on development. character.
22. Which of the following best reflects the central idea 25. In how many seconds, does a 110 m train cross a girl
of the passage given above? standing on the platform when the train is moving
(a) Society, no matter how informed, remains at a speed of 25 km/h?
indifferent to keeping environmental considera- (a) 12 s (b) 13.6 s
tions in day-to-day activities. (c) 14.85 s (d) 15.85 s

26. A boat comes back to its starting point when it goes (c) The makeshift living arrangements for
75 km in 15 h. The time taken by boat to row 5 km construction workers are in a very poor state.
upstream is equal to the time taken by boat to row 3 (d) Migrant workers in informal sectors are
km downstream. Find the speed of the boat in still struggling to find shelter.
water and the rate of current. Passage – 2
(a) 3.4 km/h, 2.4 km/h (b) 7 km/h, 8.5 km/h People are people, some more left-leaning than
(c) 6.6 km/h, 1.33 km/h (d) None of these others, some more right-leaning than others. Few
people have the skills and stamina to make it in
27. If the received S.I. isof amount, a certain amount the not-so-popular or easily understood centre. To
overcome the deeply troubling majoritarianism
becomes ` 6000 in 10 years. Find the amount.
that is engulfing the world, those on one end must
(a) ` 4000 (b) ` 5000
recognise that those on the other are our neighbours,
(c) ` 6000 (d) ` 7000
our fellow humans with ticking hearts and thinking
28. A sum of money becomes 4 times in 16 years. In
how many years will it become 10 times at the same
32. With reference to the above passage, the following
rate of simple interest (S.I.)?
assumptions have been made:
(a) 38 years (b) 46 years
Statement 1: Not many people have a leaning toward
(c) 36 years (d) 48 years
the centre.
29. A vessel is full of distilled water. of distilled Statement 2: Globally, all countries are witnessing in-
tense majoritarianism.
water is taken out and the vessel is filled with salt
Statement 3: The people on the left and the right are
water. If the process is repeated 6 times and 20 L of
at odds with each other.
distilled water is finally left in the vessel, what is
the capacity of the vessel? Which of the above assumptions is/are valid?
39 (a) Statement 2 only
(a) L (b) 44.56 L (b) Statements 1 and 2 only
(c) 723 L (d) None of these (c) All statements 1, 2 and 3
30. If there is a gain of 20% by selling a mixture of sugar (d) Statement 3 only
at ` 6.60 per kg, then how many kg of sugar worth Passage – 3
` 7.20 per kg should be mixed with 6 kg of sugar
Culture is a mental activity that is open to beauty and
worth ` 2.10 kg? humane feelings. It has nothing to do with snippets
(a) 22 kg (b) 19 kg of information. An only well-informed man is the
(c) 12 kg (d) 45 kg most useless bore on God’s green earth. What we
Directions for the following 4 (four) items: Read the should strive for is to produce men who are well-
following four passages and answer the items (31– 34) that versed in both culture and specialised knowledge.
follow the passages. Your answer to these items should be Their expert knowledge will provide a foundation
based on the passages only. for them to build on and their culture will lead them
Passage – 1 as deep as philosophy and as high as art.
Despite the fact that shelter is a basic human need, 33. Which one of the following statements best implies
migrant workers live in extremely precarious the suggestion given by the author of the passage?
circumstances. The majority of migrants work in (a) Culture gives people ground to start from and
construction, small industries, hotels, casual labour, their expert knowledge leads them as deep as
domestic labour and other informal activities. In philosophy and as high as art.
the case of migrants working in small units, hotels, (b) We should strive to provide people with
or homes, their workplace also serves as their place specialised education clubbed with cultural
of residence. Such places are frequently unsanitary endowment.
and poorly ventilated. The majority of construction (c) Investment in education is completely useless
workers live in improvised housing. Casual workers unless it is in a specialised direction.
sleep under bridges and on pavements, often in large (d) A person with culture but without expert
groups in filthy conditions. knowledge is the most useless bore on God’s earth.
31. Which one of the following statements best sums Passage – 4
up the passage given above? Infusing the democratic institution with the ideology
(a) The living arrangements for migrant workers are of higher growth without regard for the fate of
in highly perilous conditions. the majority results in a dangerous mutualism
(b) Only migrant workers are living in unhygienic between private corporations and the government.
surroundings. The inclusive democracy of “one adult, one vote”
6 UPSC CSE 15 Mock Test Papers General Studies Paper II

is reconciled with corporate economic power by (a) Approx ` 12,000 (b) Approx ` 15,000
pricing the poor out of any possibility of direct (c) Approx ` 10,285 (d) Approx ` 5,000
representation. The institution of democracy and Directions for the following 4 (four) items: Read the
an ideology that equates higher growth with following three passages and answer the items (41– 44)
development limit choice. that follow the passages. Your answer to these items should
34. Which of the following best sums up the passage be based on the passages only.
given above? Passage – 1
(a) It is dangerous for a democracy to misunderstand Biodiversity can be thought of as the bedrock of
growth with development, without giving due human health. Biodiversity supports the functioning
consideration to its poor. of the ecosystems on which we rely for food and
(b) Inclusive democracy is one that has a proper fresh water; it aids in the regulation of climate,
provision of ‘one adult and one vote’.
floods and diseases; it provides recreational benefits;
(c) Democratic governments should be independent
and it provides aesthetic and spiritual enrichment.
of private corporations and must not cooperate
Biodiversity also benefits local livelihoods, traditional
with them.
and modern medicines and economic development.
(d) Higher growth is the prerequisite for the
All human health is ultimately dependent on
development of a nation.
ecosystem services enabled by biodiversity, as well as
35. The average weight of the whole office is 25.50 kg. the products and services derived from them.
If the average weight of male members in a office is
41. Which of the following is/are the most rational and
40 kg and the average weight of female members in
logical inference/inferences that can be made from
the same office is 10 kg, then the possible strength
the passage?
of male and female members, respectively, in the
Statement 1: It is probably not possible to maintain
office is:
human health without thriving biodiversity.
(a) 123 and 131 (b) 145 and 151
Statement 2: It is important for human beings
(c) 155 and 141 (d) 132 and 141
to equitably share the benefits arising out of the
36. Two containers which are of equal capacity are full
biodiversity of an area.
of mixture of milk and water. In the first container,
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
the ratio of water to milk is 5:8 and in the second
container, the ratio is 8:12. Now, both mixtures are (a) Statement 1 only
mixed in a big container. What is the resulting ratio (b) Statement 2 only
of milk to water? (c) Both statements 1 and 2
(a) 54:37 (b) 71:34 (d) Neither statement 1 nor 2
(c) 89:34 (d) 51:79 Passage – 2
37. In an alloy of magnalium, there is 80% magnesium Wheat is higher in protein and other micronutrients
and 20% aluminium. In the second alloy, magnesium than other cereals and serves as a major source of
is 90% and 10% aluminium. The ratio in which these vegetable protein in human food. Furthermore, when
two alloys should be mixed together such that the compared to other major cereal crops, wheat is more
new alloy containing 11% of aluminium is? adaptable to a wide range of growth conditions. This
(a) 9:1 (b) 8:1 quality of wheat has enabled its cultivation in various
(c) 3:2 (d) 1:9 parts of the world and made it available globally.
38. The survey indicates that there are two or more Consumers are influenced by taste, price, availability
persons in 40% houses. Out of the houses with one and nutritive quality. Because wheat meets almost
person, there was one man only in 15% houses. all of these criteria, it has become one of the world’s
Out of all the houses, find the % of those houses staple cereals. Concerns about food and health
in which there is no man but only one woman is also contributed to increased wheat consumption
living? in a growing economy. Furthermore, the use of
(a) 51% (b) 72% wheat corresponds to the region’s socioeconomic
(c) 65% (d) 22% status and geography. Wheat is consumed more in
39. The HCF of two numbers is 3 and their sum is 21. developed countries than in developing countries.
How many possible pairs will be formed? In the Middle East per capita, consumption of wheat
(a) 4 (b) 3 exceeds 150 kg per year whereas, in south Asian
(c) 2 (d) 7 countries like India it is 66 –70 kg/annum.
40. If ` 24,000 is divided into two parts such that the S.I. 42. Based on the passage given above, the following
on the second part for 5 years with rate of 12% per assumptions have been made:
annum is equal to S.I. on first part for 4 years at 20% Statement 1: Drawbacks in other cereals like taste,
per annum, then the greater part of divided money price, availability, etc. have encouraged wheat
is: consumption globally.

Statement 2: Many things about society could 46. The number in the rectangle, circle and triangle is
be understood merely by analysing its wheat
consumption. 7
Statement 3: All kinds of global climates support the 2
growth of wheat cultivation. 2
Which of the above assumptions is/are invalid? 3 5
(a) Satement 1 only
4 6
(b) Statement 2 only
(c) Statement 3 only 9 8
(d) Statements 1 and 2 both
(a) 4 (b) 6
Passage – 3
(c) 10 (d) 3
The main instruments for increasing a country’s
47. How many meaningful words can be formed from
overall development are integrated strategies aimed
the word ‘AMIABLE’ without changing the order of
at reducing corruption and increasing income,
the letters and one letter can be used once?
human development and government effectiveness.
(a) 5 (b) 1
However, in order for these strategies to be effective,
(c) more than 2 (d) 7
they must be coupled with the necessary democratic
transformations. If the political system is regarded as 48. From the word ‘MAINTENANCE’ how many
unfree, a high overall level of development cannot meaningful words can be formed using FIRST,
be achieved or maintained, owing to the inability sixth and SEVENTH letter of the word by using
to effectively reduce corruption despite high- each letter only one time in each word?
income levels. The examples of Brunei, Kuwait and (a) Two (b) Three
the United Arab Emirates support this conclusion, (c) One (d) Four
with the remarkable exception of Singapore, which, 49. After changing, – and +, 4 and 5, 6 and 7 which of
despite being a high-income and partially free the following is correct?
country, is one of the least corrupt in the world. This (a) 6 + 7 × 4 – 3 = 42
result may be attributed to cultural factors. (b) 7 + 3 × 6 – 4 + 2 = 78
43. Which of the following is/are the most rational and (c) 6 × 3 + 4 – 7 × 2 – 3 = 31
logical inference/inferences that can be made from (d) 6 + 4 × 7 – 5 + 4 × 2 = 89
the passage? 50. Priya‘s father is 7 years older than her mother and
Statement 1: Polity of any nation, directly or Priya is 2 times the age of her brother. If her mother
indirectly, affects the economy of the nation. is 37 years old and 25 years older than her only son,
Statement 2: It is difficult to control corruption in find the age of Priya :
countries where there is no democracy. (a) 24 years (b) 25 years
Select the correct answer using the code given below. (c) 30 years (d) 14 years
(a) Statement 1 only Directions for the following 4 (four) items: Read the
(b) Statement 2 only following three passages and answer the items (51 –54)
(c) Both statements 1 and 2 that follow the passages. Your answer to these items should
(d) Neither statement 1 nor 2 be based on the passages only.
44. Which one of the following statements best implies Passage – 1
the suggestion given by the author of the passage? The concept of oceanic dispersal is central to
(a) Human development can be encouraged by evolutionary theory. Darwin observed only a few
resorting to democratic methods of governance. tortoises, iguanas, snakes and one small mammal
(b) Corruption can be addressed by reforming the and the rice rat while studying the Galapagos
culture of any society. Islands. Further out at sea, on islands such as Tahiti,
(c) Increasing the per capita income of the country there were only small lizards. These patterns,
can help remove corruption and contribute to Darwin reasoned, were difficult to explain in terms
human development. of Creationism – in which case, similar species
(d) GDP of any country could be increased if it should exist everywhere – but they made sense if
addresses the menace of corruption. species crossed water to colonise islands, with fewer
45. Sanya walked 30 m towards south, she took a left species surviving to colonise more distant islands.
turn and walked 40 m. then She took a left turn and He was correct. Tortoises can survive weeks afloat
walked 30 m. At how much distance and in which without food or water, according to research and
direction is she from the starting point? they most likely bobbed along until they reached the
(a) 40 m north (b) 30 m north Galapagos. In 1995, iguanas washed up 300 km away,
(c) 40 m east (d) 40 m west still alive, after being swept offshore by hurricanes.
8 UPSC CSE 15 Mock Test Papers General Studies Paper II

51. With reference to the above passage, the following To the extent that this labour market dichotomy,
assumptions have been made: characterised by a high level of protection for a small
Statement 1: Creationism finds it tough to explain the proportion of the workforce and a complete lack of
different patterns of species in different landmasses. protection for the majority of workers, is impeding
Statement 2: Darwin’s reasoning for the presence a larger and more effective use of labour, solutions
of lesser species in distant islands is proven wrong must be devised to close the gap. Similarly, other
with the 1995 event where iguanas swept offshore policies – credit, fiscal and sectoral – would need to
by hurricanes washed up 300 km away, very much be reconsidered in order to be more employment-
alive, after riding on debris. friendly.
Which of the above assumptions is/are valid? 53. On the basis of the above passage following
(a) Statement 1 only assumptions have been made:
(b) Statement 2 only Statement 1: The unorganised sector does not have
(c) Both statements 1 and 2 adequate social security provisions.
(d) Neither statement 1 nor 2 Statement 2: Ineffective use of labour is a result of
Passage – 2 a dichotomy in the social security provisions of

One of the most important discoveries in life science organised and unorganised sectors.
research in the last decade has been the realisation Which of the above assumptions is/are valid?
that the trillions of bacteria that live in our gut and (a) Statement 1 only
other parts of our bodies are mutually dependent (b) Statement 2 only
on us. Nutrition and immunity have been linked (c) Both statements 1 and 2
to the gut microbiome in particular. Disruptions in (d) Neither statement 1 nor 2
this friendly force have been linked to an increased 54. On the basis of the above passage following
susceptibility to a variety of health problems. assumptions have been made:
Human physiology can no longer be considered Statement 1: Employment is sensitive to macro-
distinct from the microbiome, which exists as a economic policies.
collective colony within us. While the microbiome’s Statement 2: Credit and labour policies are always
specific composition varies from person to person employment friendly.
and changes over time, associations of different Which of the above assumptions is/are valid?
microbiome profiles are now being linked to health (a) Statement 1 only
or disease across populations. (b) Statement 2 only
52. Which of the following is the most logical corollary (c) Both statements 1 and 2
to the above passage? (d) Neither statement 1 nor 2
(a) Gut bacteria can cause major health issues in the 55. When Harsh was born, his mother was 22 years
human body including in children. older than his sister and his father was 42 years
(b) Irresponsible use of antibiotics has caused a older than his brother. If Harsh’s sister is 4 years
major healthcare crisis in the form of superbugs. older than him and his father is 4 years older than
(c) Presence of gut bacteria is not only good for our his mother, how old was Harsh’s brother when he
immunity and nutrition, but disturbances in was born?
their presence can become the cause of several (a) 39 years (b) 22 years
health disorders too. (c) 40 years (d) 37 years
(d) Individuals residing in a specific region 56. Find the missing character.
possess a similar microbiome profile and also
I 4 16 25 64
corresponding health conditions.
Passage – 3 II 9 196 529 ?

The impact of macroeconomic, sectoral and labour
policies on employment is an important aspect that (a) 336 (b) 123
would require careful examination, particularly in the (c) 431 (d) 441
context of economic reform. Certain policies, such as 57. Asha asked her father about her 1st birthday :
credit and labour policies, have been criticised for not I. Her father told her that she was not born on a
always being employment-friendly. Concessional day which is immediate to Thursday.
credit policies in several sectors tend to distort factor II. He told that she was not born before and after
price relativities against labour use. On the other Sunday. She was not born two days before
hand, the unorganised sector, which employs the Sunday. On which day was Asha born?
vast majority of workers, is not only insecure, but (a) Tuesday (b) Thursday
also devoid of any social security provisions. (c) Friday (d) Monday

58. For the given question, two statements are given (a) 60 (b) 80
followed by four conclusions. (c) 160 (d) 220
Statements: 65. Which day is on 26 January 1949?
I. All roses have flowers (a) Wednesday (b) Friday
II. All roses have buds (c) Thursday (d) Saturday
Conclusions: 66. The year whose calendar is exactly same as 2017?
I. All rose has either bud or flowers. (a) 2023 (b) 2024
II. Some roses have neither flowers nor buds. (c) 2025 (d) 2020
III. Some roses have flowers as well as buds. 67. What will be 7000th day if today is Sunday?
IV. No rose has flowers as well as buds. (a) Monday (b) Sunday
(a) Only I follows (c) Saturday (d) Friday
(b) Only II and III follows 68. Find the missing number 3, 15, 222 , ?
(a) 48,672 (b) 45,633
(c) Either III or IV follows
(c) 5,63,738 (d) 49,281
(d) Only II follows
69. Harsh is a grandson of Harendra who is the father-
59. If ‘sun’ is called ‘moon’, ‘moon’ is called ‘earth’,
in-law of Prisha. Prisha has no child. Prisha is the
‘earth’ is called ‘satellite’, ‘satellite’ is called ‘sky’, sister-in-law of Ramesh who is the father of Harsh
‘sky’ is called ‘star’. Where is star twinkling? and brother of Prateek. If Geeta has only one son,
(a) Star (b) Earth how is Harsh related to Prateek?
(c) Satellite (d) Moon (a) Grandson (b) Son
60. If SUNLIGHT = 1719121075618 and POWERFUL = (c) Brother (d) Data inadequate
14132131641910. What is the code for DEFINITE? 70. A’s grand father is B, who is the father of C and C is
(a) 2347127183 (b) 224435678 the son-in-law of D. How is A related to B?
(c) 23456673674 (d) 235462728 (a) Wife (b) Brother
61. There were 4 toys of different height P, Q, R and S. (c) Grand son (d) Data insufficient
S is neither as short as R nor as tall as P. Q is shorter 71. Between two books, your 6 favourite comic books
are placed. If you try to arrange six books in every
than S but taller than R. If Shweta wants to purchase
possible combination and moved just one book
a taller doll, which one should she purchase ?
every minute, how much time will you take?
(a) Only Q (b) Only P
(a) 12 h (b) 3 h
(c) None of the above (d) Either S or R (c) 5 h (d) 6 h
62. Find the missing number ‘P’. 72. Six bells begin to toll together and toll at an intervals
of 4, 5, 10, 12, 15 and 20 s respectively. How many
1331 289 2197 289 4913 P times they will toll together in 20 min?
(a) 8 times (b) 11 times
25 8 49 27 121 125 (c) 2 times (d) 3.4 times
73. A woman purchases 2 dozen mangoes at ` 16 per
(a) 529 (b) 429 dozen. After selling 18 mangoes at the rate of ` 12
(c) 768 (d) 213 per dozen, the shopkeeper reduced the rate to ` 4
63. Find the missing number P in the following number per dozen. Find the loss percentage.
(a) ` 26.5% (b) ` 37.5%
(c) ` 47.5% (d) ` 35.7%
– 4, 76, 428, P, 2716
74. Find the wrong number in the given series.
(a) 622 (b) 782
(c) 865 (d) 1012 7, , 14, 7, 35
64. Find the missing character. (a) 7 (b) 7/2
(c) 14 (d) 35
2 4 3 6 75. In cricket matches, a batsman makes a mean score
36 of 60 runs in 10 innings. If his mean score has to be
87 raised to 62, then how many runs he must score in
10 6 15 9
12 the 11th inning?
8 (a) 66 (b) 54
(c) 76 (d) 82
76. The average of 4 consecutive odd numbers starting
4 8 with p is q. What is the average of 7 consecutive odd
20 12 32
(a) 7p + (b) p + 6
16 7
(c) p + (d) 2p + 9
10 UPSC CSE 15 Mock Test Papers General Studies Paper II

Directions for the following 4 (four) items: Read the These changes have actually harmed some people.
following three passages and answer the items (77– 80) Furthermore, short-term increases in some ecosystem
that follow the passages. Your answer to these items should goods and services have come at the expense of long-
be based on the passages only. term degradation of others; for example, efforts to
Passage – 1 increase food and fibre production have reduced
The issue of mineral exploration and the opening some ecosystems’ ability to provide clean water,
of new mines in declared forest areas has been regulate flooding and support biodiversity.
extensively debated at the Central and State levels, as 78. On the basis of the above the following inferences
well as at the industry level and at various seminars have been made:
and symposia. The Forest and Revenue Departments Statement 1: The rapid expansion of the population
of the State Governments can take action in this has adversely affected some people.
regard by updating revenue and forest land records Statement 2: Adequate efforts have not been made to
of mineral-bearing areas. And IBM is hastening the increase the production of food and fiber.
process of creating the remaining 270-odd maps Which of the above statements is/ are correct?
with forest overlays, etc. This is a significant project (a) Statement 1 only
that is overseen by the Ministry of Environment and (b) Statement 2 only
Forests. (c) Both statements 1 and 2
One of the plan’s objectives is for the State (d) Neither statement 1 nor 2
Government to update revenue and forest land 79. With reference to the above passage, the following
records, which will be monitored by the Ministry assumptions have been made:
of Environment and Forests. IBM should also Statement 1: The benefits of ecosystem services
investigate the impact of exploration and mining on are inherently distributed equitably among all
flora and fauna, as well as other damages, such as stakeholders.
human settlements in forests with mineral resources, Statement 2: Ecosystems maintain a delicate balance
on a deposit-by-deposit basis. The next logical step among their components. Tinkering with one of
would be to suggest ways to reduce the impact, their components may have unexpected side-effects.
which could include afforestation, caring for the Which of the above assumptions is/are valid?
flora and fauna, rehabilitation measures such as (a) Statement 1 only
time-bound and satisfactory re-location of human (b) Statement 2 only
settlement and so on. (c) Both statements 1 and 2
77. On the basis of the above passage following (d) Neither statement 1 nor 2
assumptions have been made: Passage – 3
Statement 1: The impact of exploration and mining Child marriage violates the human rights of girls.
on flora and fauna is a matter of concern. It renders them almost invisible to policymakers.
Statement 2: Speeding up the generation of the It shortens their education, harms their health and
remaining 270-odd maps with forest overlays can limits their ability to fulfil themselves as productive
allay the concern regarding mineral exploration. members of society. Teenage wives’ low domestic
Which of the above assumptions is/are valid? status typically condemns them to long hours of
(a) Statement 1 only domestic labour, poor nutrition and anaemia, social
(b) Statement 2 only isolation, domestic violence, early childbearing
(c) Both statements 1 and 2 and few decision-making powers within the
(d) Neither statement 1 nor 2 home. Inadequate education and malnutrition in
Passage – 2 early pregnancy also result in low birth-weight
Food, clean water, clean air, flood control, soil babies, perpetuating the intergenerational cycle of
stabilisation, pollination, climate regulation, spiritual malnutrition. The costs of child marriage include
fulfilment and aesthetic enjoyment are just a few adolescent pregnancy, population growth, child
of the goods and services provided by ecosystems. stunting, poor learning outcomes for children and a
Most of these benefits are either irreplaceable or loss of women’s labor-force participation.
prohibitively expensive to replace; for example, 80. Which one of the following statements best reflects
potable freshwater can be provided at a high cost the crux of the passage given above?
by desalinating seawater. The rapidly expanding (a) Child marriages are counterproductive for the
human population has significantly altered the progress of girls and society.
Earth’s ecosystems in order to meet their increased (b) Child marriages are detrimental to the holistic
demands for certain goods and services, particularly development of girls.
food, freshwater, timber fibre and fuel. (c) Child marriages are hurtful to the psychophysical
These changes have made a significant contribution growth of girls.
to human well-being and economic development. (d) Child marriages are harmful to the economic
The benefits have not been distributed evenly. welfare of girls.

answers with Explanation

1. Option (d) is correct. adversely affects the food web. Then, in conclusion,
the author highlights the impact of the decline in
Explanation: Option (a) is incorrect. The author
predator numbers, – The food web surrounding the
does not seem to blame any specific country for the
Caroni River was destroyed.” So, option (a) is the
famine. It just mentions that Spanish ships brought
most appropriate answer.
the potatoes, as the passage states, “Spanish ships
Option (b) is incorrect. Refer to the lines, “In 1986,
brought the tuber to Europe, where it became a
officials in Venezuela dammed the Caroni River,
reliable backup to cereal crops, particularly in the
creating an enormous lake about twice the size of
Ireland.” Instead, it blames the particular agricultural
Rhode Island. Hundreds of hilltops turned into
practice, i.e., homogenous cropping pattern. Thus,
islands in this lake.” The author has illustrated
option (a) is not the critical message of the passage.
through this example the bad effects of damming
Option (b) is incorrect. The author discusses the
rivers; there is no call for a prohibition on damming
generic fragility of the Lumper potato which caused
the famine, as mentioned in the passage, “And they rivers as such. Maybe this specific dam was
were planting primarily one prodigious variety, constructed without an adequate environmental
the Lumper potato, whose genetic frailty would be impact assessment. Thus, option (b) is not correct.
cruelly exposed by Phytophthora infestans.” There is Option (c) is incorrect. The line “Human activity
no mention of the removal of that variety of potato. can reduce the number of predators” highlights the
The emphasis is on the dangers of relying on a adverse impact of human activities on biodiversity.
homogenous food source. Thus, the author discusses However, the statement in option (c) appears to be
reforms in the agricultural pattern and the dangers extreme and blames only humans for the decline,
of relying on one particular variety. which is not indicated in the passage. Thus, option
Option (c) is incorrect. The production of imported (c) is incorrect.
potatoes caused famine because of relying primarily Option (d) is incorrect. The passage does not

on one variety of crops and not solely because talk about the introduction or non-introduction
of importing food — “And they were planting of any species (including ants) in the forests. The
primarily one prodigious variety, the Lumper potato, example in the passage where ants seemed to
whose genetic frailty would be cruelly exposed destroy biodiversity was a result of a vast increase
by Phytophthora infestans. In 1845 spores of the in their numbers due to the decline in the number
deadly fungus began spreading across the country, of predators. This change in the food web was
destroying nearly all the Lumpers in its path … due to anthropogenic activity (dam construction),
One cautionary tale about the perils of relying on a not due to the introduction of any species into the
homogenous food.” Moreover, it would be incorrect forest. Thus, option (d) is an extreme statement and
to generalise that the import of food crops from other incorrect.
countries is dangerous and harms food security. 3. Option (a) is correct.
Thus, option (c) is also incorrect.
Explanation: Assumption 1 is correct. The passage

Option (d) is correct. The first line of the passage
mentions that the modern industry will not be able
mentions how the home country of potatoes
to provide massive scale employment. Thus, the
continues to successfully grow multiple varieties.
author states that modern industries should rein in
Then, throughout the passage, the author shows
their adverse impact on labour-intensive industries,
how a single variety of crops can be dangerous.
evident in the lines, “but these cannot generate
Finally, in the concluding line, the author mentions,
employment on the massive scale required. It is
“One cautionary tale about the perils of relying on
therefore imperative that this modern sector must
a homogenous food source revolves around the
rein in its adverse impacts on labour-intensive,
humble potato.” This emphasises the need for a shift
natural resource-based occupations and livelihoods.”
to multiple varieties of food sources.
That is the critical message the author has conveyed He further states, “The modern capital-intensive,
through the passage. technology-based economic sector must nurture a
symbiotic relationship with the nature-based, labour-
2. Option (a) is correct. intensive sector.” Thus, assumption 1 is correct.
Explanation: Option (a) is correct. The first line in
Assumption 2 is incorrect. Contrary to statement 2,

the passage blames humans for predator population the author in the concluding lines gives an optimistic
decline, “Human activity can reduce the number of idea about our democracy and constitutional
predators.” Then, throughout the passage the author framework, as mentioned, “Our democracy provides
shows how the decline in predator population for fashioning such a mutual relationship through

the 73rd and 74th constitutional amendments and The value is (1)2 + (2)2 + (3)2 + (4)2
the Forest Rights Act. We must take advantage
=1 + 4 + 9 + 16 = 30
of this constitutional framework that promotes Loss = 100 – 30 = 70
decentralised governance and work with nature and
70 units = 8.4 lakhs
people to move forward on a path towards genuine
development.” So, there is no talk or indication 1 units =
of failure in the passage. Also, the author seems
optimistic about utilising the advantage we have for 8.4
100 unit = × 100 = 12 lakhs
the same. 70
Therefore the actual price of silver is 12 lakhs.
4. Option (c) is correct.
6. Option (d) is correct.
Explanation: Option (a) is incorrect. The passage

suggests for continued development of modern Explanation: Ist + IInd +IIIrd + IVth = 159
industries, “We must, of course, continue to develop I:II = 2:3 = 2 × 4:3 × 4 = 8:12
modern technology-based industries and services…” II:III = 4:5 = 4 × 3:5 × 3 = 12:15
However, at the same time the author clarifies that III:IV = 5:6 = 5 × 3:6 × 3 = 15:18
they cannot help in solving the employment problem Sum = I + II + III + IV
as stated in the passage, “… but these cannot generate = 8 + 12 + 15 + 18 = 53 units
employment on the massive scale required.“ 53 units = 159
Option (b) is incorrect. As per the passage, there
1 unit = 159 ÷ 53 = 3 units
should be a balance and mutually symbiotic Third number = 15 × 3 = 45.
relationship between the modern capital-intensive, 7. Option (b) is correct.
technology-based economic sector and the
nature-based, labour-intensive sector — It states
Original Present
that “The modern capital-intensive, technology-
Price : 10 11
based economic sector must nurture a symbiotic
Quantity: 11 10
relationship with the nature-based, labour-intensive
There is a decrease of 1 unit in quantity.
sector.” It does not talk about giving precedence to
1 unit = 4 kg
one over the other.
Price of rice is increased by 10%
Option (c) is correct. The concluding lines of the
passage, “Our democracy provides for fashioning Fractional value of 10% =
such a mutual relationship through the 73rd and 74th Original = 10
constitutional amendments and the Forest Rights Present = 10 + 1 = 11
Act. We must take advantage of this constitutional Original quantity = 11 units = 11 × 4 = 44 kg
framework that promotes decentralised governance Present quantity = 10 units = 10 × 4 = 40 kg
and work with nature and people to move forward 240
Present price= = ` 6 per kg.
on a path towards genuine development.” This 40
highlights how our democracy and constitutional 8. Option (b) is correct.
framework have provided for the balance between
Explanation: Total max. marks in four subjects
the two industries and achieved fairer development.
= 140 + 160 + 200 + 200 = 700
Option (d) is incorrect. The passage does mention the
73rd and 74th constitutional amendments, but only 50% of total max. marks = 700 × =
in the context of maintaining a mutual relationship 100
between the modern capital-intensive, technology- Marks obtained in three subjects
based economic sector and the nature-based, 7 17 3
140 ´ + 160 ´ + 200 ´
labour-intensive sectors, as stated in the lines, “Our 10 20 5
democracy provides for fashioning such a mutual = 98 + 136 + 120 = 324
relationship through the 73rd and 74th constitutional Marks to be obtained in Maths to acquire 50% marks
amendments and the Forest Rights Act.”. = 350 – 324 = 26.
5. Option (d) is correct. 9. Option (a) is correct.

Explanation: Price of silver is directly proportional
Explanation: Total price = 200 × 10 = ` 2000
to square of the weight. 60 pencils is sold at 10% gain
Total weight = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 110
10 × = 11
Therefore its value = (10)2 = 100 100
After broken, We get 60 × 11 = 660 by selling these 60 pencils.

Total gain on whole outlay = 120% promoting the ecology and environment in the line,
2000 “Such monocultures do have economic value and
× 20 = 400
100 limited utility as carbon sinks.” Hence, option (b)
Gain = 400 – 60 = 340 effectively captures all the above points.
Remaining (2000 – 600) =1400 Option (c) is incorrect. Refer to the line, “…India’s
forests have increased by more than 1500 sq. km
× 100 = 24.28%. between 2019 and 2021. A large part of the increase
is due to more areas coming under plantations.” It
10. Option (b) is correct. highlights the role of plantations in increasing the

Explanation: Ashish’s total salary = 55,000 forest area. Therefore, the first part of the statement
1 is correct. However, the passage does not appreciate
Salary invested on bank loan = × 55, 000 plantation exercise for its low biodiversity (—…they
= ` 5,500 cannot be compared to natural forests in harbouring
Remaining salary = 55,000 – 5,500 biodiversity…—). Hence, the second part of the
= 49,500 statement is incorrect. This makes option (c) incorrect.
1 Option (d) is incorrect. The passage has mentioned
Salary spends on food = × 49, 500 = ` 9,900
5 the increase in reported forest area in lines, “The
Salary spends on grocery items
17th edition of the biennial report released last week
= × 55, 000 = 12,100 showed that India’s forests have increased by more
than 1,500 sq. km between 2019 and 2021.” However,
Remaining salary = 55,000 – (5,500 + 9,900 + 12,100)
it draws a pessimistic inference from such an
= 27,500
increase as it mentions that such an increase through
11. Option (a) is correct. plantations cannot be compared with natural forests.
Explanation: Assumption 1 is correct. The passage The fact stated in this answer option is correct,
clearly talks about the adverse events like storms, however, the tone is not quite aligned with that of
floods, droughts, etc., which can affect the industries the passage.
as stated in the passage, “Other industries could be Thus, option (d) stands incorrect.
affected by the economic damage caused by more 13. Option (d) is correct.
extreme weather — storms, floods, heatwaves and
Explanation: Option (a) is incorrect. The author

droughts.” Thus, assumption 1 stands correct.
does not see a selection of multiple research methods
Assumption 2 is incorrect. The introductory lines of
necessary to answer research questions, as stated in
the passage invalidate the claim made in statement 2.
the passage, “A given question may be answered with
The passage mentions, “A changing climate and the
more than one method, but a given research method
eventual efforts of governments (however reluctant)
is not necessarily appropriate for all questions.” The
to deal with it, could have a big impact on investors’
author is asking for finding an appropriate research
method and not multiple methods, as the passage
Thus, the passage argues that climate change can
states, “One of the first tasks of the researcher –
impact investors’ returns.
after carefully specifying the research question – is
12. Option (b) is correct. to select a suitable method.” Thus, option (a) is not
Explanation: Option (a) is incorrect. The passage
the critical message of the passage. So, option (a) is
does not mention any explicit harm by monocultures. incorrect.
It only talks about its limited ecological benefits in Option (b) is incorrect. The author specifies to

the line — such monocultures do have economic consider both technical and practical criteria for
value and limited utility as carbon sinks. Hence, it selecting a research method, as mentioned in the
would be incorrect to infer that monoculture should passage, “This selection must be done not only
not be promoted. according to technical criteria, but also practical
Option (b) is correct. The passage does mention the
considerations.” The author mentions time and
overall increase in forest cover due to plantation resource constraints as an example of practical
activities. Further, it has touched upon the low criteria, “This latter might include the amount of
ecological productivity of the plantations in the line, time and resources available to do the research”.
“A large part of the increase is due to more areas However, these two are not mentioned as primary
coming under plantations, which experts rightly criteria for selection. Thus, option (b) is incorrect.
argue are no substitute for natural forests when Option (c) is incorrect. The author has discussed

it comes to providing critical ecological services.” selecting a research method well after specifying
Later, the passage has talked about its lesser role in the research question, as stated in the passage,

“One of the first tasks of the researcher – after 16. Option (d) is correct.
carefully specifying the research question – is to

Explanation: The data is insufficient as the matches
select a suitable method”. However, the author does
played by India this year are not given.
not mention the possibility of selecting a research
method even before the research question. Thus, 17. Option (b) is correct.
option (c) is incorrect.
Explanation: Venn diagram of failed students
Option (d) is correct. Throughout the passage, History
the author shows why and how an appropriate Geo
method should be selected for a research question.
5% 35%
Finally, in the concluding lines, the author mentions,
“This selection must be done not only according to
technical criteria but also practical considerations”, 25%
emphasising the need for both technical and practical Total failed students = 5 + 35 + 25 = 65%
considerations. Thus, option (d) is correct. Total passed students =100 – 65 = 35%
14. Option (d) is correct. According to question,
Explanation: Statement 1 is correct. The passage
35% = 350
articulates the restrictions on the choice of research 1% = 10
methods, “In other words, for most research questions 100% = 1000
one has a choice of possible methods but this choice is Therefore, the total number of students are 1000.
usually limited.” Thus, there can be multiple choices 18. Option (c) is correct.
for selecting research methods, but the choice is not
unlimited. Thus, the passage supports the argument Explanation: P + Q → units/h
in statement 1. Thus, statement 1 is correct. 1
Q + R → units/h
Statement 2 is correct. The lines at the end of the
passage validate the claim made in statement 2. 1
R + P → units/h
The passage mentions that “This selection must be 4
done not only according to technical criteria, but Total work = 12 units
also practical considerations. These latter might Efficiency of
include the amount of time and resources available P + Q = 2
to do the research.” Thus, the passage argues that Q + R = 4
proper weightage to practical considerations (like P + R = 3
the amount of time and resources) is necessary for 2 (P + Q + R) = 9
selecting a research method. Thus, statement 2 is Time required to finish the work
correct. 2 8
= 12 × = h = 2.67 h
Statement 3 is incorrect. In each line of the passage,
9 3
the author speaks about the research methods. This 19. Option (d) is correct.
indicates that it is necessary for conducting research. Explanation: 3 men = 4 women = 5 boys
For example, the first line of the passage states, 4 4
“Every research question needs an appropriate or 1 man = women and 1 boy = women
3 5
suitable research method.” Also, the passage does
4 4
not discuss the possibility of not selecting a research (4 × 60) women = éê women + 1 women + women ùú
ë3 5 û
method at all. × days
15. Option (d) is correct. 60 × 60 = (20 +15 + 12) × days
Explanation: A → 20 3600
Noumber of days = = 76.59
B → 40 47
C → – 18
20. Option (a) is correct.
LCM = 360
Total capacity of tank = 360
Explanation: When speed = 9 km/h faster and time
Water filled by all three pipes (A + B + C) in 6 h = 3 h less then
= 2 × (18 + 9 – 20) = 14 units S T
Water filled by all three pipes in (6 × 24 = 144) h
= 14 × 24 = 336
Remaining capacity = 360 – 336 = 24 9 –3
24 4 1 – 3S + 9T = 27 (i)
Time taken by pipe A to filled 24 units = = =1
18 3 3 Speed = 6 km/h slower
Total time = 145 hour Time = 4 h more

S T factored in to measure human development”. Thus,

option (b) is incorrect.
Option (c) is incorrect. The line, “…and the retarding
–6 +4 effect that environmental stress can perpetuate
4S – 6T = 24 (ii) on development” indicates the direct relationship
On solving (i) and (ii), between environment and development. When the
– 3S + 9T = 27} × 4 environment is harmed, development also suffers.
4S – 6T = 24} × 3 Thus, option (c), which states that environment and
We get : development are inversely related, stands in direct
contrast with what is mentioned in the passage.
Hence, option (c) is not correct.
Option (d) is correct. Throughout the passage,

T = 10 h the author has focused on the repercussions of
On putting value harming the environment through human activities.
We get : The central part of the passage strongly supports
⇒ – 12S + 360 = 108 option (d). It clearly mentions, “..human-induced
⇒ – 12S = 108 – 360 environmental change can irrevocably destabilise
⇒ S = 21 km/h the long-term dynamics”.
Distance = S × T = 21 × 10 = 210 km. 23. Option (b) is correct.
21. Option (c) is correct. Explanation: Statement 1 is incorrect. The

passage mentions, — Leadership is tested in trying
Explanation: Statement 1 is correct. The statement

circumstances. Abnegation of duty to protest
underlines the importance of democratic politics in
resolving conflicting aspirations. The passage first injustice and reluctance to take principled decisions
mentions conflicts in the line, “There are different in testing situations annuls leadership. This implies
groups with different and conflicting aspirations. the leader must not remain silent in case of injustice.
How do we resolve these differences?”. The next line So, this quality is incorrect.
later mentions the solution as democratic politics, Statement 2 is correct. The passage mentions, —

“Democratic politics is an answer to this question.” Leaders must assert moral authority, calm passions,
Thus, statement 1 stands correct. restore sanity and ensure social harmony. Ensuring
Statement 2 is correct. The passage first mentions
social harmony here implies maintaining peace in
features of politics and political activity, “While society. So, this quality is correct.
competition and power are the two most visible Statement 3 is incorrect. A strongman is a type of
things about politics…” Later, the passage makes it authoritarian political leader. The passage nowhere
clear that pursuing the public interest route was the indicates that a leader should be an authoritarian. So,
path taken by our leaders, “…the purpose of political this quality is incorrect.
activity is and should be deciding and pursuing the Statement 4 is incorrect. Eloquent means being

public interest. This is the route our leaders decided able to use language and express one’s opinions
to take”. well, especially when one speak in public. The
passage nowhere mentions of orating skill or way of
22. Option (d) is correct.
expressing. So, this quality is incorrect.
Explanation: Option (a) is incorrect. The passage

24. Option (b) is correct.
does not focus on the stubborn and indifferent
attitude of society. Instead, it has shown the purpose Explanation: Option (a) is incorrect. Being honest
of PHDI in the line, “to communicate to the larger does not mean we trust each other. The passage
society the risk involved in continuing with existing mentions the role of trust in society. So, this option is
practices in our resource use and environmental incorrect.
management. Hence, the author is under the Option (b) is correct. The passage mentions, “A
assumption that the current issue occurs as people society needs trust like glue; a nation depends on
are not that informed yet. So, option (a) is incorrect. institutions and leaders it can trust.” This implies that
Option (b) is incorrect. The author does not
society should be such, where people can trust each
differentiate between the developing and developed other. So, this option is the best suggestion implied
countries regarding response to the environment. by the passage.
Rather, the author has talked about environmental Option (c) is incorrect. Honesty means to be truthful
concerns in a general manner as mentioned in to someone. So, this is not the suggestion implied by
the line, “The environment is one such issue now the passage, which highlights the role of trust. So,
considered to be an essential component to be this option is incorrect.
16 UPSC CSE 15 Mock Test Papers General Studies Paper II

Option (d) is incorrect. The passage does not venture

P ×R×T
into a discussion about the character of people in a S.I. =
society. So, this is an incorrect option. P × R × 16
3P =
25. Option (d) is correct. 100
Distance covered 75

Explanation: Required time = ⇒ R=
Speed 4
110 m Now,
Time = T 1
25 kmph 9P = P × 75 × ×
4 100
110 m 400
= ⇒ T=9×

6.94 ms−1 75
⇒ T = 48 years.

 5 
∵ 25 kmph = 25× 18 m/s = 6.94 m/s 29. Option (b) is correct.
 
= 15.85 seconds.  1
Explanation: Final = Initial  1 − 
26. Option (c) is correct.  m 
Let initial quantity = x times
Explanation: Speed of current = y km/hr
Speed of boat in still water = x km/hr  1
20 = x  1 − 
Downstream speed = (x + y) km/hr  8 
Upstream speed = (x – y) km/hr 6
First case: ⇒ 20 = x  

75 75
+ = 15 (i) ⇒ 20 × 86 = x × 76

x+y x−y
⇒ x = 20 × 2.22 ⇒ x = 44.56 litres.

Second case:
30. Option (c) is correct.
3 5
x+y x−y
Explanation: If x kg sugar worth ` 7.20 / kg is mixed
with 6 kg of sugar worth ` 2.20 per kg
x+y 3

= 100
x−y 5
x × 7.20 + 6 × 2.10 = 6.6 ×
x + y = 3k and x – y = 5k 120
On solving, we get
75 75
Therefore, + =15 20.4
3k 5k x= ⇒ x = 12 kg.
After solving k = 31. Option (a) is correct.
8 Explanation: Option (a) is correct. The passage

x + y = 3 × =8 mentions, — Though shelter is a basic human
need, migrant workers live in extremely precarious
8 16
x – y = 2 × = conditions. Later the passage has mentioned
3 3
different types of living conditions of different types
Then, speed of boat in still water
of migrant workers. So, this option best sums up the
1 16  20 passage.
 8 +  == 6.6 km/h
2 3  3 Option (b) is incorrect. The passage mentions, — In

1 16  4 the case of migrants working in small units, hotels
Speed of current =  8− = km/h
2 3  3 and homes, their workplace is their place of lodging
= 1.33 km/h too. Often such places are unhygienic and poorly
ventilated. And — Casual workers sleep under
27. Option (a) is correct. bridges and on pavements, often living as a group in
Explanation: Let the amount = x unhygienic surroundings. These things mention the
x 3x unhygienic living conditions. However, it would be
= 6000 ⇒ = 6000
2 2 incorrect to infer that only migrant workers (not local
⇒ x = 4000.
workers) live in unhygienic conditions.
Option (c) is incorrect. The passage mentions,

28. Option (d) is correct.
— Most construction workers stay in makeshift
Explanation: Let the principal be P.
arrangements. But the makeshift arrangement has
S.I. = 4P – P = 3P
been mentioned only for construction workers.
We know that
The living conditions of other migrant workers

like a shelter in the workplace, under bridges and Option (d) is incorrect. Refer to the lines, “Culture

pavements, are not mentioned in the option. So, this is an activity of thought and receptiveness to beauty
option does not best sum up the passage. and humane feelings. Scraps of information have
Option (d) is incorrect. The struggle of migrant
nothing to do with it. A merely well-informed man
workers in finding shelter may be true, but it is not is the most useless bore on God’s earth.” The author
the core theme of the passage. The passage mentions, highlights how a person with only information or
— Though shelter is a basic human need, migrant knowledge is boring. On the contrary, this answer
workers live in extremely precarious conditions This option says that a person with only culture and not
implies the living conditions are precarious, but this expert knowledge is boring, which is incorrect.
does not imply that they are not getting shelter.
34. Option (a) is correct.
32. Option (c) is correct.
Explanation: Option (a) is correct. The passage
Explanation: Statement 1 is correct. The passage
explains the problems of democracy equating
mentions, — Few have the chops and stamina to higher growth with development, as stated in the
survive in the not-so popular-or-easily-understood passage, “Choice is closed through the institution of
centre. This implies that few or not many people democracy and an ideology which equates higher
choose to be at the centre. growth with development.” Further, the author
Statement 2 is correct. The passage mentions, — To
considers it as problematic that private corporations
rid ourselves of the deeply vexing majoritarianism be given more importance over the poor population,
that is enveloping the world everywhere. This implies as the passage states, “The inclusive democracy of
that everywhere in the world, majoritarianism is “one adult, one vote” is reconciled with the economic
enfolding. So, in the context of this passage, this is a power of corporations by price rationing out the
correct statement. poor from any possibility of direct representation.”
Statement 3 is correct. The passage mentions, “—
Option (b) is incorrect. The passage does not give
…those on one end must recognise that those on a general definition of inclusive definition, rather
the other are our neighbours, our fellow humans, it just mentions one character of it, “The inclusive
with ticking hearts and thinking brains.” These democracy of “one adult, one vote” is reconciled…”.
suggestions imply that the people on the left and Further, the passage is centred on the question
right are at odds with each other. of problems in democracy because of dangerous
33. Option (b) is correct. mutualism with private corporations and not on
defining an inclusive government.
Explanation: Option (a) is incorrect. The

Option (c) is incorrect. The passage does mention
concluding lines of the passage mention, “Their
the problems arising out of cooperation between
expert knowledge will give them a ground to start
democratic governments and private corporations
from and their culture will lead them as deep as
while ignoring the poor masses. But it does not
philosophy and as high as art”. Expert knowledge
say that the government must not cooperate with
(not culture as mentioned in this answer option)
private corporations at all. Hence, option (c) is more
gives a ground to start from. The statement in option
of an extreme generalisation.
(a) has been twisted and words are jumbled up to
Option (d) is incorrect. The lines in the passage “…
give the statement a different meaning than what is
Choice is closed through the institution of democracy
mentioned in the passage.
and an ideology which equates higher growth with
Option (b) is correct. According to the author, “What

development” mention the problem of equating
we should aim at producing is men who possess
growth with development. Thus, the author does not
both culture and expert knowledge in some special mention growth as a prerequisite for development.
direction…”. Thus, both culture and knowledge are
35. Option (c) is correct.
essential for people. It has been further clarified by
Explanation: By allegation method
the author in the concluding lines as, “Their expert
Male Females
knowledge will give them a ground to start from and
their culture will lead them as deep as philosophy 40 10
and as high as art.
Option (c) is incorrect. The author does consider 25.50
education in a specialised direction as important
along with the culture. However, the author is 15.50 14.10
not of the opinion that investment in education Ratio = 155:141
is completely useless unless it is in a specialised Possible number of male and female are multiple of
direction. 155 and 141, respectively.
18 UPSC CSE 15 Mock Test Papers General Studies Paper II

36. Option (d) is correct. Part I : Part II

100 100

Explanation: Water:Milk = 5:8
×3 ×4
I. 5:8 → (5 + 8) × 20 → 13 × 20
II. 8:12 → (8 + 12) × 13 → 20 × 13 80 × 3 60 × 4
100:160 240
104:156 Part I: 100 × 3 = 300
204:316 Part II: 100 × 4 = 400
51:79 Ratio = 3:4
37. Option (d) is correct. Part I = × 24, 000 = 10,285 (approx)

Explanation: Aluminum Aluminium
41. Option (a) is correct.
in Ist alloy in IInd alloy
Explanation: Inference 1 is correct. According to the
20% 10% passage, — All human health ultimately depends
Aluminium in newly formed alloy = 11% on ecosystem services that are made possible by
By alligation method: biodiversity and the products and services derived
Aluminium Aluminium from them.’’ It can be inferred that human health is
in Ist alloy in IInd alloy linked to the thriving biodiversity of an area. Hence,
20% 10% this statement is a logical inference.
Inference 2 is incorrect. The passage only talks about
11% the importance of biodiversity for human health
and the various ecosystem services derived from it.
It does not touch upon the topic of sharing of the
1 9 benefits of biodiversity.
Ratio = 1:9 So, this statement is not a logical inference.
38. Option (a) is correct. 42. Option (d) is correct.
Explanation: Let total houses = 100 Explanation: Assumption 1 is correct. Refer to the
lines, — “As for taste, price, availability and nutritive
60% quality influence consumers, meeting almost all
40% these qualities wheat become one of the staple cereals
40 One person worldwide”. These lines show that because wheat
60 surpasses other cereals in these qualities, that is why
15% 85% it is consumed globally. Hence, this assumption is

9 51 Assumption 2 is correct. Refer to the lines, —
One man One woman Concerns about food and health also contributed to
% of houses having only one woman increased wheat consumption in a growing economy.
51 Furthermore, the use of wheat corresponds to the
= 100 × = 51%. region’s socioeconomic status and geography. Wheat
is consumed more in developed countries than in
39. Option (b) is correct.
developing countries. Hence, wheat consumption
Explanation: HCF = 3
could help understand the socio-economic
Let the ratio of two numbers be x:y. conditions, geography, developmental status of the
3x + 3y = 21 society, etc. Hence, the assumption in the statement
x+y=7 is valid.
Three pairs are (1, 6), (5, 2) and (4, 3). Assumption 3 is incorrect. Refer to the lines, “In
addition, wheat is more adaptable to a wide range
40. Option (c) is correct.
of growth conditions compared to other major
Explanation: Let each part sum= ` 200 cereal crops. This property of wheat has made its
Part I : Part II cultivation possible in different parts of the world
100 : 100 and made it available “globally”. These lines show
4 years 5 years that the adaptability of wheat is what makes its
20% 12% cultivation possible on a wide level. But it does not
S.I. = 80 S.I. = 60 mean that “all” climates support its growth. So, this
Given that S.I. of both parts are equal. assumption is not valid.

43. Option (c) is correct. Option (d) is incorrect. This is an option that is

beyond the scope of the passage as there is no
Explanation: Inference 1 is correct. The lines in

discussion on the relationship of corruption with
the passage that mean — If the political system
the increase in GDP. However, it could be a fair
is considered as not free, a high overall level of
assumption based on the information shared in the
development cannot be achieved and maintained,
passage. So, this statement is not the best-implied
mainly because corruption cannot be effectively
reduced despite the prevailing high-income levels.
The different kinds of polity impact the economy 45. Option (c) is correct.
and any nation’s development. So, this inference is Explanation: Movement of Sanya
correct. A D
Inference 2 is correct. According to the lines in the
passage that mean — However, to be effective, these 30m 30m
strategies should be associated with the necessary
democratic transformations. If the political system
is considered as not free, a high overall level of B 40m C
development cannot be achieved and maintained, She is in east direction, 40 m far from her house.
mainly because corruption cannot be effectively 40 m east.
reduced despite the prevailing high-income levels. 46. Option (d) is correct.
The examples of Brunei, Kuwait and the United Explanation: The number in rectangle, triangle and
Arab Emirates confirm this conclusion. These lines circle is 3.
show corruption and the free political system are
47. Option (b) is correct.
interrelated and it is difficult to control corruption in
a less free political setup. So, this inference is logically Explanation: AMIABLE
correct. ABLE is the only meaningful word.
44. Option (a) is correct. 48. Option (c) is correct.
Explanation: Option (a) is correct. The passage
Explanation: MAINTENANCE
mentions — The main instrument to increase the The only word formed by using first, sixth and
level of overall development of countries is to follow seventh letter only once is MEN.
integrated strategies aiming at reducing corruption 49. Option (c) is correct.
and increasing income, human development and Explanation: 6 × 3 + 4 – 7 × 2 – 3
government effectiveness levels. However, to be = 7 × 3 – 5 + 6 × 2 + 3
effective, these strategies should be associated with = 16 + 15 = 31
the necessary democratic transformations. This
50. Option (a) is correct.
shows human development can be improved with
Explanation: Priya’s mother age = 37 years old
necessary democratic transformations. So, this
Priya’s father age = 44 years
implied suggestion is the correct answer.
Priya’s brother age = 37 – 25 =12 years
Option (b) is incorrect. The lines — … however
Priya’s age = 12 × 2 = 24 years
exemption of Singapore that, although it is
considered as a high income and partly free country, 51. Option (a) is correct.
it is one of the least corrupt countries in the world. Explanation: Statement 1 is valid. The passage

This outcome could be attributed to cultural factors”. mentions the presence of lesser species in the islands
This suggestion in the option is beyond the scope as one moves further into the sea. This is hard to
of the passage because it cannot be ascertained that explain through the creationism approach, as the
corruption can be controlled through reforming passage states, “Darwin reasoned that these patterns
culture based on the example of Singapore only. So, were hard to explain in terms of Creationism – in
this option is not the best-implied suggestion. which case, similar species should exist everywhere
Option (c) is incorrect. According to the passage
– but they made sense if species crossed the water
— “If the political system is considered as not free, to colonise islands, with fewer species surviving
a high overall level of development cannot be to colonise more distant islands.” Thus, the author
achieved and maintained, mainly because corruption assumes that Creationism cannot properly explain
cannot be effectively reduced despite the prevailing species patterns. Hence, statement 1 is a valid
high-income levels”. This shows that even with assumption.
high-income levels there is no significant impact Statement 2 is invalid. Contrary to the statement, the
on corruption, but the option suggests exactly the author assumes that recent events including the 1995
opposite of what is given in the passage. Therefore, event where iguanas swept offshore by hurricanes
this statement is not the best-implied suggestion. washed up 300 km away, very much alive, after riding
20 UPSC CSE 15 Mock Test Papers General Studies Paper II

on debris, further strengthens Darwin’s reasoning as 54. Option (a) is correct.

the passage states, “He was right. Studies have found
Explanation: Statement 1 is correct. Refer to the first

tortoises can survive weeks afloat without food or
line of the passage: “An important aspect that would
water – they probably bobbed along until hitting
need careful scrutiny, particularly in the context of
the Galapagos. And in 1995, iguanas swept offshore
economic reform, is the impact of macro-economic,
by hurricanes washed up 300 km away, very much
sectoral and labour policies on employment.” It
alive, after riding on debris.”
clearly talks about the impact of macroeconomic
Thus, statement 2 is invalid. Hence, option (a) is the
policies on employment. Hence, it is correct to say that
correct answer. employment is sensitive to macroeconomic policies.
52. Option (c) is correct. Statement 2 is incorrect. Refer to the last line of the
Explanation: Option (a) is incorrect. The statement passage: — Similarly, other policies-credit, fiscal and
in option (a) stands in contrast with the health benefits sectoral, would need to be reviewed with a view to
of gut bacteria described in the passage. According to making them more employment-friendly. — This
the passage, “The gut microbiome, in particular, has means there is a room to make the policies more
been linked to nutrition and immunity.” They share conducive to employment generation. It would be
a mutually dependent bond with human beings. an extreme assumption to say that credit and labour
policies are ALWAYS employment friendly. Hence,
Also, the passage does not discuss any health issues
this answer option is incorrect.
because of the presence of gut bacteria.
Option (b) is incorrect. The passage does not talk 55. Option (c) is correct.
about the use of antibiotics at all. Thus, option (b) is Explanation: When Harsh was born,
beyond the scope of passage. Sister’s age = 4 years
Option (c) is correct. The lines “…The gut Mother’s age = 4 + 32 = 36 years
microbiome, in particular, has been linked to nutrition Father’s age = 36 + 4 = 40 years
and immunity. Disturbances in this friendly force 56. Option (d) is correct.
have been related to an increased susceptibility for Explanation:
several health disorders....” highlights the extreme
I 4 9 16 25
necessity of gut bacteria for our good health and
immunity. II 9 49 169 ?
Option (d) is incorrect. The author mentions in the
concluding lines, “While the specific composition Ist → 22 = 4, 32 = 9, 42 = 16, 52 = 25
of the microbiome varies from person to person IInd → 4 – 1 = 3 → (3)2 = 9
and changes over life, associations of different 9 – 2 = 7 → (7)2 = 49
16 – 3 = (13) → (13)2 = 169
microbiome profiles are now being associated with
25 – 4 = 21 → (21)2 = 441
health or disease across populations.” highlighting
the differences in microbiome composition in 57. Option (a) is correct.
different people. Thus, statement (d) stands in direct Explanation: Asha was born on Tuesday.
contrast with what has been described in the passage. 58. Option (a) is correct.
53. Option (c) is correct. Explanation: Only I follows as all flowers have buds.
Explanation: Statement 1 is correct. Refer to the
59. Option (a) is correct.
sentence “On the other hand, the unorganised sector, Explanation: Star is twinkling in the sky.
which absorbs and an overwhelmingly large majority But sky is called star. So as asked in the question, star
of workers’ employment is not only completely is twinkling in star.
insecure but is also devoid of any social security 60. Option (a) is correct.
provisions”. It is clear that the unorganised sector Explanation: In this arrangement the code/place of
does not have adequate social security provisions. each number is two less than the number denoting
Statement 2 is correct. Refer to the line: — “…this
in English alphabet,
dichotomy in the labour market, characterised by a S → 19th U → 21st N → 14th L → 12th
high degree of protection for a minuscule proposition I → 9th G → 7th H → 8th T → 20th
of the workforce and complete lack of protection Codes are 17, 19, 12, 10, 7, 5, 6, 18, respectively.
for the majority of workers, is coming in the way DEFINITE = 2347127183.
of a larger and more effective use of labour…” The 61. Option (b) is correct.
author clearly talks about the dichotomy between Explanation: S is not as short as R or as tall as P.
the organised and the unorganised labour market. S is shorter than P.
Hence, statement 2 is also correct. S<P

S is taller than R. 66. Option (a) is correct.

Explanation: 2017 is not divisible by 4 so it is not leap
Q is shorter than S but taller than R.
2017= 2016 + 1
P is the doll to be purchased.
Leap year + 6
62. Option (a) is correct. 2017 + 6 = 2023

Explanation: 67. Option (b) is correct.
Explanation: The 7000th day is Sunday itself

1331 289 68. Option (d) is correct.
25 Explanation: 3, 15, 222, ?
32 = 9 × 2 = 18 – 3 = 15
II I 152 = 225 – 3 = 222
I → 2 = 8 2222 = 49,284 – 3 = 49,281
↓ 69. Option (d) is correct.
prime no. Explanation: Data is inadequate as the gender of
leave (3) prateek is not clarified in question.
then 5 is (5)2 = 25
70. Option (c) is correct.
Prime no.
Explanation: A’s grandfather = B
(11)3 = 1331
C’s father = B
(17)2 = 289
A is son of C. So, A is grandson of B.
Pattern is (1) → Cube
(2) → Square (3) → Cube (4) → Square 71. Option (a) is correct.
Similarly, Explanation: No. of ways of arrangement of books
(5)3 = 125 6! = 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 720
leave 7 720
Total time = h = 12 h
(11)2 = 121 60
(17)3 = 4913 72. Option (b) is correct.
(23)2 = 529 Explanation: LCM of 4, 5, 10, 12, 15, 20 = 120
63. Option (a) is correct. Bells will toll together after every 120 sec i.e., 2
8 minutes.
Explanation: 23 – 42 = 8 – 16 = – 8, −
=–4 Required number of times in 20 min.
63 – 82 = 216 – 64 = 152, 152 ÷ 2 = 76 20
= + 1 = 11
856 2
103 – 122 = 1000 – 144 = 856, = 428 Thus, in 20 minutes, bells will ring 11 times together.
143 – 162 = 2744 – 256 = 1244/2 = 622 73. Option (b) is correct.
64. Option (c) is correct. Explanation: C.P. = ` (16 × 2) = 32
S.P. = (12 × 1.5 + 4 × 0.5) = 18 + 2 = ` 20
Explanation: 2 × 10 = 20
4 × 6 = 24 \ Loss % = × 100 = 37.5%
20 + 24 = 44 32
44 – 8 = 36 74. Option (d) is correct.
Similarly, Explanation: Type equation here.
20 × 4 = 80 1 7
12 × 8 = 96 7× =
2 2
80 + 96 = 176 7 1
176 – 16 = 160. ÷ = 14
2 4
65. Option (a) is correct. 1
Explanation: 1948 = 1600 + 348 years 14 × =
0 odd days + 300 years + 48 years
1 Jan 1949 – 26 Jan 1949 = 26 days 7÷ =
5 odd days
Total odd days = 0 + 1 + 23 + 37 + 5 = 66 days 75. Option (d) is correct.
= 9 weeks 3 days Explanation: Let the score in the 11th inning be x.

3 is code for Wednesday As per the information,
22 UPSC CSE 15 Mock Test Papers General Studies Paper II

60 × 10 + x the production of food and fibre. Hence, this is also

= 62 an incorrect inference.
⇒ 600 + x = 682 ⇒ x = 82 79. Option (b) is correct.
76. Option (b) is correct. Explanation: Assumption 1 is invalid. Refer to the

Explanation: The four consecutive odd number lines: “— The rapidly expanding human population
starting from p is p, p + 2, p + 4, p + 6 has greatly modified the Earth’s ecosystems...”
p + p+2 + p + 4 + p + 6 = q These modifications have contributed substantially
4 p + 12 to human well-being and economic development.
Average = =q
4 The benefits have not been equally distributed.
4p + 12 = 4q The author talks about the benefits of modification
⇒ p+3=q of Earth’s ecosystem. This answer option, on the
Average of 7 consecutive odd numbers contrary, talks about the benefits of the ecosystem
p + p + 2 + p + 4 + p + 6 + p + 8 + p + 10 + p + 12 and its inherent nature, which are not touched upon
7 in this passage. Moreover, even the benefits talked
7 p + 42 about in the passage are not distributed equitably.
= =p+6
7 Hence, this is an invalid assumption.
77. Option (a) is correct. Assumption 2 is valid. Refer to the last line of the

passage: “short term increases in some ecosystem
Explanation: Statement 1 is correct. The passage

goods and services have come at the cost of the long-
mentions, “…the impact of exploration and mining
term degradation of others.” The author, in this line,
on flora and fauna and other damages…” and also
indicates the delicate balance which is disturbed
talks about “…the next logical step…” to minimise
due to anthropogenic activities. Examples that lend
the impact. Thus, we can safely assume that the
support to the argument are also quoted in the
impact being talked about in this statement is a
last line, e.g., “efforts to increase the production of
matter of concern.
food and fibre have decreased the ability of some
Statement 2 is incorrect. IBM speeding up the
ecosystems to provide clean water, regulate flooding
process of generating the remaining 270-odd maps
and support biodiversity”. Hence, it is a valid
with forest overlays is one of the actionable areas
mentioned in the passage. It does not mean that it
80. Option (a) is correct.
would allay the concern about mineral exploration.
Hence, it is not a valid assumption. Explanation: Option (a) is correct. The option talks
about the adverse effects of child marriage on both
78. Option (d) is correct.
girls and society. It is clearly mentioned that child
Explanation: Statement 1 is incorrect. Refer to the
marriage limits their ability to fulfil themselves as
line, — “…the rapidly expanding human population productive individuals participating fully in society.
has greatly modified the Earth’s ecosystems to meet So, this statement best captures the crux of the
their increased requirements of some of the goods passage.
and services, particularly food, freshwater, timber, Option (b) is incorrect. The passage mentions, “—
fibre and fuel. These modifications have contributed It cuts short their education, harms their health and
substantially to human well-being and economic limits their ability to fulfil themselves as productive
development. The benefits have not been equally individuals participating fully in society.” — So, the
distributed. Some people have actually been harmed option is correct, but it does not include the effect
by these changes.” — It indicates that people have of child marriage on society. Hence, this option does
been harmed by “unequal distribution” of economic not comprehensively capture the crux of the passage.
development and not by rapid expansion of Option (c) is incorrect. The option is correct but
population per se. Hence, this inference is incorrect. again it does not include the effect of child marriage
Statement 2 is also incorrect. The passage simply
on society and thus not reflect the best crux in
uses examples of an increase in the production of comparison to option (a).
food and fibre to explain how short-term benefits Option (d) is incorrect. The option is correct but does
lead to long term degradation of ecological goods not include the effect of child marriage on society
and services. Nowhere in the passage is it said that and thus does not reflect the best crux in comparison
sufficient efforts have not been made to an increase to option (a).

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