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GAT (S) Sample Papers For PHD 1 PDF

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Guidelines for PhD – GAT Subject

Department of Government and Public Policy (GPP)

Total Marks: 100
Time Allowed: 2 hrs. Paper pattern/ Core Areas

1. Study of Public Policy
2. Rationales for Public Policy
3. Policy Problems & Policy Agendas
4. Policy Formulation Values & Techniques
5. Economics of Public Policy
6. Public Sector Economics
7. Policy Adoption: Theories of Decision making
8. Policy Implementation and monitoring
9. Program Evaluation
10. Policy Research Methodology
11. Qualitative & Quantitative Research Methods
12. Political Economy
13. Pakistan’s Constitution embodying principles / policies and
policy making bodies / institutions
14. MCQs can also contain questions on names of Authors / books

Note: Encircle or tick the right option in each MCQ. All questions are compulsory and carry equal

Q.1: Policy Impact means:
a. Intended effects or consequences of a policy
b. Unintended effects or consequences of a policy
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above.

Q.2: Title of Part II of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973, is:
a. Fundamental Rights and Public Policy
b. Human Rights and Principles of Policy
c. Basic Rights and Public Policy
d. Fundamental Rights and Principles of Policy
Department of Peace and Conflict Studies (PCS)

Total Marks: 100

Time Allowed: 2 hrs.

Note: Encircle or tick the right option in each MCQ. All questions are compulsory and carry equal
Part I (Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies)
Q.1: Peace and Conflict Studies is offshoot of:
a. History
b. Geography
c. International Relations
d. None of these

Part II (Approaches to Peace Studies)

Q.2: Structural violence is:
a. Structure of violence
b. Policies and structures that incite and promote violence as legitimate
c. Killing of structure
d. None of these

Part III (Approaches to Conflict Resolution and Management)

Q.3: Mediation is:
a.When conflict actors talk to each other
b.Third party involvement
c. A way to complicate conflict c) None of these

Part IV (Western Thought)

Q.4: Who gave the classification of states and termed Monarchy as the best ideal state?
a. Plato
b. Aristotle
c. Socrates
d. None of these
Part V (Muslim Political Thought)
Q.5: “Asbiah is a real pushing and motivating force for nation formation” is the idea of:
a. Shah Waliullah
b. Allama Iqbal
c. Ibn-e-Khaldun
d. None of these

Part VI (Introduction to International Relations)

Q.6: Politics Among Nations is written by:
a. E.H. Carr
b. Steve Smith
c. Morgenthau
d. None of these
Part VII (International Law and the use of force)
Q.7: Who is known as Father of International Law?
a. Starke
b. Grotius
c. Hegel
d. None of these
Part VIII (International organization)
Q.8: “All members shall refrain … from the threat or use of force against the territorial
integrity or political independence of any state” is part of the UN Charter’s Article:
a. 21(4)
b. 2 (4)
c. 54(2)
d. None of these

Part IX (Major Disputes/Conflicts of the World)

Q.9: The conflict actors of Cold War 1945 – 1991 were mainly:
a. India Pakistan
b. China India
c. US and former USSR
d. none of these
Part X (Foreign Policy Making Process)
Q.10: Who makes the foreign policy of USA
a. President
b. Senate
c. many of other departments d) None of these
Part XI (Research Methodology)
Q.11:While starting research in a specific topic, which comes first?
a. Selection of topic
b. Literature Review
c. Formulation of research questions
d. None of these

Part XII (Pakistan’s Ethnic and Regional Conflicts and Federation)

Q.12: When Baluchistan 1st time got the status of a province in the constitution?
d. None of these
Part XIII (Pakistan’ External Disputes/Issues)
Q.13: Mac-Mohan Line forms the boundary between
a.India and Pakistan
b.Pakistan and China
c. Pakistan and Afghanistan
d. None of these
Department of Strategic Studies (SS)
Total Marks: 100
Time Allowed: 2hrs Paper Pattern/ Core Areas
1. Introduction to Strategic Studies
Theory and Practice of Nuclear Deterrence, Non -
Proliferation Regime, Arms Control and Disarmament
3. Geo-Political Structure of the World
4. International Relations Since 1945
5. Evolution and Development of Strategic Thought
6. Theories of International Relations
7. Research Methods in Strategic Studies
8. South Asian Security Issues
9. History and Evolution of Warfare
10. Diplomacy and Foreign Policy
11. National Security
12. Contemporary Global Issues

Note: Encircle or tick the right option in each MCQ. All questions are compulsory and carry equal

Q.1: What was Otto von Bismarck, the German Chancellor, famously known for in the European
a. Reunification of Germany
b. Economic reforms
c. Military reforms
d. Introduction of normative values
Department of International Relations (IR)
Total Marks: 100
Time Allowed: 2hrs Paper Pattern/ Core Areas

1. English 25%
2. Analytical 25%
3. Introduction to International Relations 25%
4. International Politics 25%

Note: Encircle or tick the right option in each MCQ. All questions are compulsory and carry equal

Q.1: Under a structural explanation, the central problem of European security in the first half of the
twentieth century was:
a. Nationalism
b. Economic crisis.
c. The rise of a united Germany.
d. None of the options given are correct.

Q.2: Decolonization:
a. Was partially determined by local or tribal factors
b. Was constant across regions and imperial powers.
c. Was sometimes replaced by superpower involvement.
d. Was partially determined by local or tribal factors and was sometimes replaced by
superpower involvement
Department of Leadership and Management Studies (LMS)
Total Marks: 100
Time Allowed: 2hrs

Note: Encircle or tick the right option in each MCQ. All questions are compulsory and carry equal
Part 1: Leadership & Management/HRM
Q.1: Regarding leadership, which statement is false?
a. Leadership does not necessarily take place within a hierarchical structure of an organization.
b. When people operate as leaders their role is always clearly established and defined.
c. Not every leader is a manager.
d. All of the above.

Q.2: The effectiveness of a leader is dependent upon meeting _______ areas of need within
the workgroup:
a. One
b. Three
c. Five
d. None of the above

Part 2: Marketing
Q.4: The customer review of a product on an E-Commerce website is:
a. Awareness about the brand
b. Awareness about the product
c. Experience the product
d. Both a & c

Q.5: Real-time bidding is a form of programmatic buying.

a. True
b. False
c. Partially True
d. None
Part 3: Finance & Accounting
Q.6: Interest in debited to the asset account:
a. Insurance policy method
b. Depletion method
c. Depreciation fund method
d. Annuity Method
e. Replacement method

Part 4: Research & Analytical

Q.8: The longitudinal approach of research deals with _________.
a. Horizontal researches
b. Long-term researches
c. Short-term researches
d. None of the above

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