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Characteristics of Biomass Charcoal Briquetttes and Pollutant Emission Reduction For Sulfur and Nitrogen During Combustion

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Fuel 272 (2020) 117632

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Characteristics of biomass charcoal briquettes and pollutant emission T

reduction for sulfur and nitrogen during combustion
⁎ ⁎
Zhenkun Guoa, Jianjun Wua, , Yixin Zhangb, , Feng Wanga, Yang Guoa, Kening Chena, Hu Liua
School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, China University of Mining and Technology, No. 1 Daxue Road, Xuzhou 221116, China
National Engineering Research Center of Coal Preparation and Purification, China University of Mining and Technology, No. 1 Daxue Road, Xuzhou 221116, China


Keywords: Typical biomasses (wheat straw, maize straw and rice straw) were used for studying the carbonization of bio-
Biomass mass, preparation and performance characterizations of charcoal briquettes. The combustion with charcoal
Carbonization briquettes was conducted on a self-built platform and the emission characteristics of sulfur and nitrogen pol-
Briquetting lutants were investigated. The results indicated that it is optimal for biochar preparation as a fuel with
450–500 °C of carbonization temperature, 180 min of holding time and 5 °C·min−1 of heating rate. Biochar
Pollutant emission
briquettes will have strong mechanical strength at briquetting pressure of 25 MPa, particle size of less than 1 mm
and the ratio of modified corn starch of 4.32 wt%. Compared with biomass burning, biomass charcoal briquettes
had better combustion performance and the emissions of pollutants were reduced.

1. Introduction briquetting fuel (mechanism charcoal) includes four steps, namely,

crushing, drying, high-density briquetting of hot-press and carboniza-
Biomass energy has always been a significant energy source for tion of raw materials. Because of high-energy consumption of drying
human survival [1,2]. It ranks fourth in the world total energy con- and high-density briquetting of hot-press, key components of briquet-
sumption after coal, oil, and natural gas and occupies a vital position in ting machine are prone to wear. The fuel rods often distorted after
entire energy system [3–5]. Because of its advantages of being widely carbonization and the surface is easy to crack. These obvious defects
sourced, renewable, and environmentally friendly [6,7], it has attracted restrict its industrialization promotion and application of the tech-
more and more attention [8]. nology. Therefore, to develop a carbonization process before briquet-
China’s biomass energy resources are abundant. In 2017, the total ting, a new process with low energy consumption, low cost, better
amount of crop straw resources was 884 million tons. These agricultural quality of briquetting charcoal which can satisfy a variety of briquetting
and forestry biomass resources provide plentiful raw materials for the design requirements, has tremendous research significance and appli-
production of biomass charcoal. Biomass carbonization technique has cation prospects [16,17].
the advantages of low requirement for raw materials, simplicity, and The current production of biomass charcoal mainly uses thermal
low energy consumption [9–11]. Compared with original biomass, cracking technology [18]. According to different reaction conditions,
biomass charcoal displays significant superiority not only in energy thermal treatment can be divided into two types: one is rapid cracking,
density, convenient storage and transportation but also a wide range of in which the temperature is generally above 600 °C. Bio-oil or pyrolysis
uses [12,13]. Compared with coal, biomass generates less ash, nitrogen, gas is usually prepared by this method. The other is conventional
sulfur and lower emissions of combustion pollutants, which sig- cracking, which has undergone continual development for thousands of
nificantly reduces CO2 emissions. Therefore, it is a better alternative years. The temperature is generally 300–500 °C. Biochar is mainly
fuel. prepared by this method [19]. The specific operation of conventional
Being regular in shape, biochar briquetting fuel are featured with pyrolysis is to add various biomasses under anaerobic or anoxic con-
high bulk density and strength, flammability, smokeless nature, non- ditions and they are heated to appropriate temperatures (depending on
pollution, low ash content, as well as high calorific value. Consequently different materials). Heat and various gaseous compounds were re-
biochar briquetting fuels are better than natural charcoal at some leased during biomass pyrolysis and biochar was formed eventually
properties [14,15]. The preparation process of common charcoal [20,21]. In general, slow pyrolysis with low-temperature and long-term

Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (J. Wu), (Y. Zhang).
Received 7 December 2019; Received in revised form 11 March 2020; Accepted 13 March 2020
Available online 02 April 2020
0016-2361/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Z. Guo, et al. Fuel 272 (2020) 117632

retention is mainly used to maximize the production of charcoal, whose Table 2

weight yield and energy yield reach 30 wt% and 50%, respectively The ultimate analyses of biochars.
[22]. The biomass charcoal can be used as a clean fuel after briquetting, Sample Ultimate analyses/wt%
which can effectively reduce emission of pollutant [23–26].
The yield and calorific value of biomass charcoal are different at Cd Hd Nd Sd
diverse temperatures [27,28]. Filiz et al. [29] studied the carbonization
Wheat charcoal 50.37 2.58 1.80 0.52
of rape straw at different temperature conditions. It was found that Maize charcoal 64.92 3.28 1.68 0.54
charcoal yield decreased from 39.4 wt% to 27.8 wt% from 400 to Rice charcoal 49.49 2.62 1.61 0.35
900 °C and charcoal obtained at 500 °C had the highest calorific value
of 27.68 MJ/kg. Stefanie et al. [30] used wheat straw, poplar and fir as
raw materials and the results showed that the highest carbon yield was binder with better performance. Sodium hydroxide can improve the
34 wt%, 32 wt%, and 36 wt% respectively at 400 °C. The higher the binding ability of reactive functional groups of starch molecular
temperature was, the lower the charcoal yield was. Chen et al. [31] structure. The weight fraction of starch was 12.34 wt%. Sodium hy-
studied the charcoal-oil-gas cogeneration system of cotton pyrolysis and droxide can improve the binding ability of reactive functional groups of
selected eight temperature points of 250, 350, 450, 550, 650, 750, 850 starch molecular structure.
and 950 °C to analyze the ratio and characteristics of charcoal-oil-gas
products. It was found that the optimum temperature range was 2.2. Experimental procedure method
550–750 °C and calorific value of charcoal at 550 °C could reach 28 MJ/
kg. From the researches above, we can find that previous studies only 2.2.1. Carbonization experimental procedure
reported the effects of carbonization craftwork on charcoal yield and Maize straw, wheat straw and rice straw were carbonized in muffle
calorific value. However, their comprehensive evaluation about bio- furnace (Nabertherm, N17, in Germany). In this experiment, three
mass charcoal fuel was less. factors of affecting carbonization were tested: carbonization tempera-
Carbonized biomass is a valuable and feasible way to reduce pol- ture, holding time and heating rate.
lutant emission [26,32–34]. In this paper, the integrated research on
carbonization, briquetting and pollutant emission was actualized. The 2.2.2. Briquetting procedure
energy yield was introduced to estimate the carbonization process The addition of binder, briquetting pressure and briquetting gran-
synthetically. The preparation of binder used for briquetting charcoals ularity were investigated. The briquetting procedure is shown in Fig. 1.
in this article was simple, efficient and inexpensive. The emission In thermostatic drying oven at 60 °C for 360 min, biochar briquettes of
characteristics of combustion pollutants between briquetting charcoal a diameter of 40 mm with a length of about 20 mm were made.
and biomass were compared on self-built combustion experimental
platform. 2.3. Analytical methods

2. Materials and methods 2.3.1. Calorific value and energy yield

Calorific value was measured with a bomb calorimeter (CT-5000A,
2.1. Materials and sample preparation China). Energy yield was counted under different carbonization con-
ditions as follow:
To ensure a good representation of biomass briquette, three kinds of Q1 × m1
crop straw were used for this study, which is the byproduct of the main Energy yield = × 100%
Q 2 × m2 (1)
crops in China according to the 2017 China agricultural development
report [35]. Wheat straws were mature and collected in May 2018. Rice where: Q1-the calorific value of biomass charcoal, m1-the weight of
and maize straws were mature and collected in August 2018. Rice, biomass charcoal, Q2-the calorific value of biomass, m2-the weight of
maize and wheat straws were collected from rural areas in 2018 in biomass. Energy yield reflects the energy loss in biomass carbonization
Xuzhou of Jiangsu province. The characteristics of raw samples are process.
given in Table 1. According to GB/T 212–2008 and GB/T 19143–2003,
elemental analysis and industrial analysis of samples were carried out 2.3.2. Mechanical strength of biomass briquette
by automatic element analyzer and 5E-MAG6700 automatic industrial In this paper, the strength of biochar briquette was assessed by re-
analyzer (German elementar). After natural air-drying, the sample was ferring to the mechanical properties of coal briquettes. According to
cut into 5 cm long segments with a straw chopper (HM-ZD, China)and Chinese coal industry standard MT/T925-2004, the drop strength of
crushed to less than 6 mm by a landing continuous feeding crusher(DF- briquette was inspected. (Briquette samples are dropped freely from a
40,China). Then a small crusher(CS-2000,China) was used to grand it to height of 2 m to a steel plate of a specified thickness. The briquette with
below 1 mm. The ultimate analyses of biochars were given in Table 2. particle size greater than 13 mm falls down for three times in total. That
Preparation of modified starch binder: 100 g of corn starch and the weight of the briquette with a particle size greater than 13 mm after
some saturated solutions of sodium hydroxide were put into 700 mL of the third drop accounts for the weight of the prototype coal sample
tap water in order and stirred evenly to obtain the modified starch means the drop strength of the briquette.) The compressive strength of

Table 1
Proximate and ultimate analyses of raw biomass.
Sample Proximate analyses/wt% Ultimate analyses/wt% Calorific value/MJ/kg

Mad Ad Vd FCd Cd Hd Nd Sd Qgr,d

Wheat straw 7.21 10.21 72.40 17.39 43.13 5.60 1.55 0.36 16.27
Maize straw 8.59 6.89 74.38 18.73 44.91 5.74 1.46 0.41 15.54
Rice straw 9.47 14.83 67.87 17.30 40.69 5.45 1.49 0.31 16.13

Ad = air-dry basis, Q gr,d = gross calorific value on a dry basis.

M = moisture A = ash V = volatile FC = fixed carbon.

Z. Guo, et al. Fuel 272 (2020) 117632

Fig. 1. Preparation of biochar briquetting fuel.

briquette was measured according to Chinese coal industry standard capacity of the fuel chamber. For consistency, the fuel was ignited with
GB/T748-1997(A certain number of briquettes are placed one by one at propane gas in the same fixed flow rate until a stable flame was mon-
the center of the applied surface of the specified testing machine and itored. The ignition time usually lasted for 2–4 min. A branch pipe was
applied at a uniform displacement speed of 10–15 mm/min. The value arranged on the gas outlet pipe to extract the flue gas generated by
is recorded when the briquette is cracked. The arithmetic mean of the combustion process. After drying and filtering, it entered the flue gas
measured values of each briquette is used as the cold compressive analyzer (recording gas concentration change).
strength). From the concentration curve of NOX and SO2, the total emissions of
NOX and SO2 could be calculated by following formula.
2.3.3. Experimental system and method for sulfur and nitrogen pollutant t
emission MN = ∫t0
CN (t ) V (t ) dt
Fig. 2 shows a schematic diagram of self-built combustion platform.
The system has an improvement based on the original hood and flue t

sampling method, called the box dilution method. The core technology
MN = ∫t0
CS (t ) V (t ) dt
is to place the civilian stove in a stainless steel box with good sealing. where, MN—the weight of generated NOX; MS—the weight of generated
The high-efficiency filtered air is brought by the induced draft fan to SO2; t0—the start time of experiment; t—the moment at the time of
dilute the flue gas and it enters the dilution pipe through the fume experiment; CN(t)—the concentration corresponding to NOX in the flue
hood. The method can effectively control the entry of external pollu- gas at time t; CS(t)— the concentration of SO2 in flue gas at time t; V(t)
tants into the test system and prevent the error caused by the flue gas —the flue gas flow at time t.
leakage. By collecting the diluted flue gas, the environmental impact of In the experiment, the flow rate of flue gas was stabilized by flow
the flue gas emission can be evaluated scientifically in our lab [32]. The controller, and V(t) was a fixed value. Let V(t) = A, then above formula
system is mainly divided into two parts: combustion system and flue gas could be changed to
analysis. The sampling tube was extended into the dilution pipe parallel
to the direction of intake air. The samples are naturally stacked in the MN = A ∫t CN (t ) dt
furnace and kept flat. To ensure the scientificity and repeatability, each 0 (4)
experiment is repeated at least 3 times. t
Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen monoxide were tested with the flue gas MS = A ∫t 0
CS (t ) dt
analyzers (Thermo Scientific; 43i and 42i for SO2 and NOX; America).
The biomass in combustion furnace was about 500 g due to its bulky In the combustion system, the pumping force of the flue gas ana-
volume and briquetting charcoal fuel (those briquettes that recorded lyzer was taken into consideration and the flow rate of flue gas was kept
the best mechanical and thermal properties) was 2 kg according to the be 1000 m3/h.

Z. Guo, et al. Fuel 272 (2020) 117632

Fig. 2. Simulated and civil system of combustion experiment.

2.3.4. Gaseous pollutant emission factor 3.1.2. Biomass char yield analysis
Most studies reported emission factor algorithms for various types Fig. 4 demonstrates the variation curve of charcoal yield of bio-
of pollution sources, and the emission factors varied according to masses. We find that the charcoal yields were above 40 wt% at 350 °C
emission characteristics. The algorithm for emission factor of this study from Fig. 4a. The char yield decreased rapidly before 500 °C. But the
was: change rate of charcoal yield was rather small within the range from
500 °C to 600 °C [36]. As carbonization temperature continued to rise,
Mi the degree of biomass carbonization increased and charcoal yield kept
EFi =
Mfuel (6) diminishing [31]. From Fig. 4b, when carbonization temperature was
constant, the carbon yielded gradually dropped with increasing holding
where: EFi—the emission factor (ER) of gaseous pollutants i; Mi—the time. The volatiles given off extensively was one of the reasons for the
total amount of emissions of gaseous pollutants i; Mfuel—the total decrease in charcoal yield [37]. The volatile content of wheat and
amount of combustion of straw fuel. Mi could be calculated from the maize straw was higher, so the charcoal yield was lower. But after
concentration of gaseous pollutants. Mfuel could be calculated from the carbonization time reached 180 min, the decreasing trend slowed
weight of straw before combustion and the unburned straw and ash down. From Fig. 4c, when both carbonization time and temperature
weight in post-combustion furnace. were constant, the change in heating rate had little effect on charcoal

3. Results and discussion

3.1.3. Calorific value analysis of biomass charcoal
3.1. Effects of carbonization conditions on the characteristics of biochar Fig. 5 displays the change curves of high calorific value of biomass
charcoal under different carbonization conditions. The calorific value of
3.1.1. Fixed carbon content analysis biomass charcoal generally increased at first and then decreased with
Fig. 3a shows the fixed carbon content at different temperatures. increasing carbonization temperature from Fig. 5a. During the carbo-
The fixed carbon content (FCd) increased with increasing carbonization nization of biomass, volatile matter precipitated continuously and
temperature [18]. When the temperature reached 600 °C, the fixed biomass weight reduced, resulting in a continuous growth in relative
carbon content of maize, wheat and rice straw were about 70 wt%, content of carbon. The energy density of biomass charcoal enhanced
60 wt%, 50 wt%. The accumulation in fixed carbon content was one of and the calorific value increased. When carbonization temperature was
the reasons for the raise of calorific value. Among three types of bio- in a low temperature zone, the rate of rise in calorific value was rela-
mass charcoals, the growth rate of fixed carbon content of rice straw tively obvious. When carbonization temperature reached 450–500 °C,
before 450 °C was faster and it slowed down after 450 °C. But for both the calorific value started to decrease. It can infer that in the initial
maize and wheat straw, 500 °C was a cut-off point. The carbonization stage of carbonization, the precipitated volatile matter was mainly non-
reaction rate was swifter in pyrolysis stage and the fixed carbon content flammable gas generated by decomposition of cellulose and water
increased rapidly. Fig. 3b shows the change of fixed carbon content at vapor. The fixed carbon content increased. While volatile matter gen-
different holding time. With prolonging holding time, the fixed carbon erated by carbonization in the high temperature zone contained more
content also went up. When the holding time reached 180 min, the heat. At this carbonization temperature, the weight reduced con-
fixed carbon contents of wheat, maize and rice straw reached the tinuously during biomass carbonization process. Pyrolysis gas and tar
maxima, which were 48.69 wt%, 60.00 wt% and 46.16 wt% respec- generated in the process would take away some energy, which caused
tively, indicating that pyrolysis gas and tar had basically been pre- energy loss. The rate of energy change was faster than the rate of bio-
cipitated under this holding time. Fig. 3c shows the fixed carbon con- mass weight loss. At the same time, the ash content increased and the
tent at different heating rates. The fixed carbon content of various calorific value reduced.
straws increased along with increasing heating rate. However, the From Fig. 5b, when carbonization temperature remained the same,
overall change was within 3%, showing that the heating rate was not the calorific value generally increased with prolonging holding time.
the main factor affecting the fixed carbon content of biomass charcoal. But after carbonization time reached 180 min, the calorific value began
to level off or even decreased, so carbonization time should be kept at

Z. Guo, et al. Fuel 272 (2020) 117632

Fig. 4. Biochar yield under different carbonization conditions.

Fig. 3. Fixed carbon content of biochar under different carbonization condi-

tions. With increasing carbonization temperature, the energy yields of the
three kinds of biomass charcoals diminished. The wheat straw de-
creased from 62.18 wt% to 46.63 wt%, the maize straw from 63.75 wt%
about 180 min. From Fig. 5c, the calorific value of three kinds of bio-
to 47.13 wt% and the rice straw from 67.14 wt% to 46.30 wt%.
mass charcoals declined with the growth of heating rate. Therefore
Although the energy yields of the three kinds of biomass charcoals
lower heating rate was beneficial for preparation of biochar with higher
peaked at carbonization temperature of 350 °C from Fig. 6a, the per-
calorific value [38].
formance of charcoal obtained at this temperature condition had not
reached the standard for use as a fuel based on the analysis results of
3.1.4. Energy yield analysis of biomass charcoal thermochemical characteristics. Considering thermochemical proper-
The relationship between the energy yields and carbonization con- ties of charcoal and energy yield, it can be concluded that the carbo-
ditions is shown in Fig. 6. nization temperature of biomasses should be 450 ~ 500 °C, which was

Z. Guo, et al. Fuel 272 (2020) 117632

Fig. 5. Calorific value of biochar under different carbonization conditions.

Fig. 6. Energy yield of biochar under different carbonization conditions.

more suitable for preparation of biochar as a fuel.
From Fig. 6b, with constant carbonization temperature and heating
rate, the energy yield of biomass charcoal prepared by holding time for activation energy of the reaction pathway.
60 min was greater than that of other charcoals, but the calorific value
was lower. In order to obtain a higher calorific value of biomass 3.2. Effects of briquetting conditions on mechanical strength of biomass
charcoal, it was more reasonable to choose a holding time of 180 min. charcoal fuel
From Fig. 6c, when carbonization temperature and holding time were
constant, the biomass energy yield of charcoal obtained by heating at a When the biomass was carbonized, the lignin in biomass had been
rate of 5 °C/min was significantly higher than those yields achieved at decomposed. So the binder should be added to ensure higher me-
other levels, indicating that a slower heating rate would be beneficial to chanical strength for biomass charcoal briquettes during transportation
produce a higher energy yield [39]. The heating rate could affect the and use. In the preparation process of briquetting charcoal, it was

Z. Guo, et al. Fuel 272 (2020) 117632

Fig. 7. Drop and compressive strength under different adhesive ratio. Fig. 8. Drop and compressive strength under different briquetting pressure.

utmost necessary to select suitable binder and parameters like particle mechanical properties of briquetting charcoal. In drop experiments, the
size, binder addition and briquetting pressure should also be taken into charcoal block was easily broken due to the presence of these gaps.
consideration. These charcoal blocks had the maximum DS at briquetting pressure of
25 MPa.
3.2.1. Effects of binder ratio on charcoal briquetting process Fig. 8b shows the relationship between briquetting pressure and CS
Fig. 7a represents the relationship between binder ratio and drop of briquetting charcoal. The briquetting pressure was greater, the CS of
strength (DS) of charcoal briquettes. As more binder was added, the DS biomass charcoal would not be higher. This was because of residual air
of briquetting charcoals were on the rise. When the amount of binder in the mold. When the pressure exceeded withstanding level for the raw
was between 35 wt% and 40 wt%, the charcoal briquettes remained material, it caused the structure between the charcoal powder to col-
intact after falling three times. The DS of briquetting charcoals reached lapse and overall structure of charcoal briquettes to destroy. Although
the optimum conditions. the volume of briquettes remained the same, the mechanical strength
Fig. 7b reveals the relationship between briquetting charcoal and changed. The CS of three kinds of biomass charcoals demonstrated the
compressive strength (CS) under different binder ratios. The CS of same trend with the increase of briquetting pressure and they reached
briquetting charcoals climbed up with increasing binder ratio. When the maximum at briquetting pressure of 25 MPa, which was 0.96 MPa,
the binder ratio was less than 35 wt%, the enhancement was relatively 1.05 MPa and 1.20 MPa respectively. These values for compressive
larger and the trend was obvious. When the binder ratio maintained strength are higher than other paper values [13].
between 35 wt% and 40 wt%, there was little growth in the CS. It
showed that when the amount of the binder was about 35%, the 3.2.3. Effects of briquetting particle size on charcoal briquetting process
charcoal powder and the binder of modified starch (4.32 wt%) would Fig. 9a displays the relationship between briquetting particle size
be fully mixed uniformly. and DS of briquetting charcoal. Generally, the smaller the briquetting
particle size was, the stronger the DS became. Because small particle
3.2.2. Effects of briquetting pressure on charcoal briquetting process powders are featured with uniform particle size and larger surface area
Fig. 8a illustrates the relationship between briquetting pressure and and the total surface area of binder contacting charcoal powders ex-
DS of briquetting charcoal. Within certain range, the higher the bri- panded accordingly. Under certain briquetting pressure, the particles
quetting pressure was, the tighter the accumulation between charcoal were easy to contact closely. The charcoal powder was integrated with
powders was. When charcoal powder was briquetting, there was a gap binder by physical bonding force. Therefore, the performance of char-
among powder. Due to the excessive pressure during briquetting, the coal block under the same briquetting conditions was better as the
elasticity of charcoal powder can cause the charcoal block to slightly particle size of charcoal powders became smaller.
expand and then crack. The generation of these gaps would affect the Fig. 9b exhibits the relationship between briquetting particle size

Z. Guo, et al. Fuel 272 (2020) 117632

Table 3
The change of calorific and primary properties after briquetting.
Binder Calorific Variation Volatiles Variation Ash Variation
ratio (wt value (wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (wt (wt%)
%) (MJ/kg) %)

Wheat 24.49 / 21.81 / 32.45 /

20 23.98 −2.08 23.75 8.90 32.14 −0.96
25 24.17 −1.31 24.54 12.52 32.01 −1.36
30 24.57 0.33 25.22 15.64 31.66 −2.43
35 24.68 0.78 25.73 17.97 31.12 −4.10
40 24.75 1.06 26.12 19.76 30.43 −6.22
Corn 25.01 / 25.38 / 15.95 /
20 24.89 −0.48 27.85 9.7 15.12 −5.20
25 24.93 −0.32 27.99 10.28 14.56 −8.71
30 24.98 −0.12 28.65 12.88 14.32 −10.22
35 25.12 0.44 29.65 16.82 13.76 −13.73
40 25.23 0.88 30.12 18.68 13.23 −17.05
Rice 22.48 / 21.83 / 32.61 /
20 22.51 0.13 23.65 8.34 32.12 −1.50
25 22.56 0.36 24.21 10.90 31.62 −3.04
30 22.31 −0.76 24.98 14.43 31.55 −3.25
35 22.12 −1.60 25.67 17.59 31.02 −4.88
40 22.61 0.58 26.25 20.25 30.59 −6.19

Fig. 9. Drop and compressive strength under different briquetting granularity.

and CS of briquetting charcoal. There was a significant change between

briquetting charcoal with different particle sizes and CS. As the bri-
quetting particle size enlarged, the CS shrank. So the smaller particle
size was advantageous for preparation of briquetting charcoal with
better mechanical properties.

3.3. Comparison of thermo-chemical characteristics of biochar before and

after briquetting

Table 3 compares biomass briquetting charcoal with different pro-

portions of binder to original charcoal powder. The values are on a dry
basis. The calorific value of briquetting charcoals did not change sig-
nificantly with the increase of binder ratio and the overall change range
was smaller, all within 2.0%. It showed that the addition of binder had
no obvious effect on the calorific value of biomass charcoals. However,
the addition of binder had certain influence on ash and volatile matter
of biomass briquetting charcoal. The volatile content rised significantly
and ash content declined. The variation range expanded as the pro-
portion of adhesive increased.

3.4. Gaseous pollutant emission factor for sulfur and nitrogen

In Fig. 10a, the mean values order of emission factors (EF) of SO2 Fig. 10. Comparison of emission factors for sulfur and nitrogen in combustion.
from straws is: wheat straw > maize straw > rice straw. EF for
burning of straws demonstrated some noticeable differences. Because of sulfur [40–42]. The mean values order of NO, NO2 and NOX EF for
the EF of SO2 are not only directly related to the amount of sulfur in the biomass is: wheat straw > rice straw > maize straw. Since the EF of
biomass, but also to the amount of alkali and alkaline earth metals in NO, NO2 and NOX depended not only on the amount of nitrogen in the
the biomass, the combustion characteristics and the state of occurrence

Z. Guo, et al. Fuel 272 (2020) 117632

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