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Chapter 4

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Register Transfer and

Micro operation

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A digital system is an interconnection of digital hardware
modules that accomplish a specific information-processing
Digital systems vary in size and complexity from a few
integrated circuits to a complex form of interconnected and
interacting digital computers
The operations executed on data stored in registers are called
micro operations. A micro operation is an elementary operation
performed on the information stored in one or more registers.
Examples of micro operation are shift, count, clear, and load.
Register Transfer Language
The symbolic notation used to describe the micro operation
transfers among registers is called a register transfer language.

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The term “register transfer” implies the availability of hardware
logic circuits that can perform a micro operation and transfer
the result of operation to some other register.
Register Transfer
Computer registers are designed by capital letters (some time
followed by numerals) to denote the functions of the registers.
For example, Memory address register is designated by MAR,
PC (program counter), IR (instruction register) and R1 (process
 Information transfer from one register to another is designed
in symbolic form by means of a replacement operator.
 Example, R2←R1,

 denotes the transfer of the content of register R1 into register


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 A comma is used to separate two or more operations that are
executed at the same time.
 T: R2←R1, R1←R2, exchanges of the contents of two
registers during common clock pulse (T=1).

Symbol Description Examples

Letters (and numerals) Denotes a register MAR, R2

Parentheses () Denotes a part of a register R2(0-7), R2(L)

Arrow ← Denotes transfer of information R2←R1

Comma , Separates two microoperations R2←R1, R1←R2

Basic Symbols for Register Transfers

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Bus and Memory Transfers
A typical computer has many registers, and paths must be
provided to transfer information from one register to another.
An efficient way for transferring information between registers
in a multiple-register configuration is a common bus system. A
bus structure consists of a set of common lines, one for each
bit of a register.
Two ways of constructing, a common bus system is with
multiplexers & three-State Bus Buffers
 The symbolic statement that includes bus transfer is:
 BUS ←C, R1←BUS
Three-State Bus Buffers AND, NAND & Buffer gates
The bus system can be constructed with three-state gates
instead of multiplexers. A three-state gate is a digital circuit
that exhibits three states.

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Memory Transfer
The transfer of information from a memory word to the outside
environment is called read operation. The transfer of new
information to be stored into the memory is called a write
Read: DR←M[AR]
 This causes a transfer of information into DR (Data Register)
from the memory word M selected by the address in AR Write:
This causes a transfer of information from R1 into the memory
word M selected by the address in AR.
Arithmetic and Logic Micro operations
Arithmetic Micro operations
 The basic arithmetic micro operations are addition,
substruction, increment and decrement. It Is defined by the
 R3←R1 + R2

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 specifies an add microoperation.
 Substruction is most often implemented through
complementation and addition.
 Example, 𝑅3 ← 𝑅1 + 𝑅2 + 1

Adding the contents of R1 to the 2’s complement of R2 is

equivalent to R1-R2.
Symbolic Designation Description
R3←R1 + R2 Contents of R1 plus R2 transferred to R3
R3←R1 –R2 Contents of R1 minus R2 transferred to R3
R2←𝐑𝟐 Complement the contents of R2 (1’s complement)

R2←𝐑𝟐 + 1 2’s complement the contents of R2 (negative)

R3←R1 +𝐑𝟐 + 1 R1 plus the 2’s complement of R2 (substruction)

R1←R1 + 1 Increment the contents of R1 by one

R1←R1- 1 Decrement the contents of R1 by one

Arithmetic Microoperation

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The increment and decrement micro operations are symbolized
by plus one and minus- one operation, respectively.
Logic Micro operations
 Logic micro operations specify binary operations for strings
of bits stored in registers.
 P: R1←R1 EX-OR R2

1010 Contents of R1
1100 Contests of R2
0110 Contents of R1 after P=1
 The contents of R1, after the execution of the micro
operation, is equals to bit-by-bit exclusive- OR operation on
pairs of bits in R2 and previous values of R1.
 Special symbols will be adopted for the logic micro operation
OR (v), AND (∧), and complement to distinguish them from
Boolean functions symbols.

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For example,
P + Q: R1←R2 + R3, R4 V R5
 the + between P and Q is an OR operation between two binary
variables of a control function. The + between R1 and R2
specifies an add micro operation. The OR micro operation is
designated by V between registers R5 and R6.
 Logic micro operations are very useful for manipulating
individual bits or a portion of a word stored in a register.
They can be used to change bit values, delete a group of bits,
or insert new bit values into a register
Some Applications
 Logic micro operations are very useful for manipulating
individual bits or a portion of a word stored in a register.
They can be used to change bit values, delete a group of bits,
or insert new bit values into a register.

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and also additional applications of logical micro operation are:
 Selective- set

 Selective-Compliment

 Selective-Clear

Shift Micro operations

 Shift micro operation are used for serial transfer of data. They
are also used in conjunction with arithmetic, logic, and other
data processing. The content of a register is shifted to the left
or the right.
 There are three types of shifts: logical, circular, and

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 Example, R1←shl R1
 R2←shr R2
 are two micro operations that specifies a 1-bit shift to the left
of the content of register R1 and a shift to the right of the
content of register R2. The register symbol must be the same
on both sides of the arrow.
 The circular shift (also known as a rotate operation) circulates
the bits of the register around the two ends without loss of
information. This is accomplished by connecting the serial
output of the shift register to its serial input.
 A logical shift is one that transfers 0 through the serial input.

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Symbolic Destination Description

R←shl R Shift-left register R

R←shr R Shift-right register R

R←cil R Circular shift-left register R

R←cir R Circular shift-right register R

R←ashl R Arithmetic shift-left register R

R←ashr R Arithmetic shift-right register R

Shift Micro operations

An arithmetic shift is a micro operation that shifts a signed binary

number to the left or right. An arithmetic shift-left multiplies a
signed bit binary number by 2. An arithmetic shift-right divides
the number by 2.

Rn-1 Rn-2 R1 R0

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Sign bit
 The leftmost bit in a register holds the sign bit, and the
remaining bits hold the number. The sign bit is 0 for positive
and 1 for negative.
 The arithmetic shift-left inserts a 0 into R0, and shifts all other
bits to the left. The initial bit of Rn-1 is lost and replaced by the
bit from Rn-2.
Vs =Rn-1 Rn-2
 If Vs=0, there is no overflow, but if Vs=1, there is an overflow
and a sign reversal after the shift. Vs must be transferred into
the overflow flip-flop with the same clock pulse that shifts the

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