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Matura Test 1

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Matura Test 1 | Poziom rozszerzony

Name: _____________________ Class: ____

Track 11 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy teksty. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią
nagrania. W zadaniach 1.1.–1.2. zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B albo C. W zadaniach 1.3.–1.6. zakreśl jedną
z liter: A, B, C albo D.
Tekst 1
1.1. What would be the best title for this news extract?
A Plumber helps elderly pay their bills
B Contact Depher – great rates for great service
C No bills necessary for those in need
Tekst 2
1.2. This recording is directed at
A singers who can help on a programme for health sufferers.
B people who wish to learn to sing.
C sufferers of certain health problems.
Tekst 3 (do zadań 1.3.–1.6.)
1.3. Which is TRUE about John’s job?
A He has been working with green spaces for more than a decade.
B He contributes to ideas for planning new parks and gardens.
C He has significant expertise in horticulture and this is often needed.
D He collaborates with others to make sure the parks and gardens are well run.
1.4. According to John, it can be problematic
A controlling the outdoor events that take place in the parks.
B balancing the expenditure on equipment and the plants and grass.
C making areas in parks that appeal to everyone.
D encouraging young people to use the parks.
1.5. John mentions people abusing green spaces
A to illustrate other sources of complaints.
B to show how respectful the majority of users are.
C to support his plans for more park control.
D to exemplify the difficulty of his job.
1.6. Which of the following reflects the speaker’s feelings?
A He is fortunate to live in an area with a lot of green spaces.
B He is proud of the difference his work can make.
C He is relieved that building projects have not encroached on his parks.
D He is envious of the people who have the time to walk through the parks.
___ / 6

Track 12 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi na temat internetowych kursów kreatywnego pisania.
Do każdej wypowiedzi (2.1.–2.4.) dopasuj odpowiadające jej zdanie (A–E). Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli.
Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.
This speaker mentions:
A a preference for a course which advises on how to get published.
B the pros and cons of attending an online course.
C changing an opinion regarding what makes a good writer.
D a speculation about the reason for the popularity of online courses.
E receiving praise that may not be deserved.

2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4.

___ / 4

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Track 13 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wywiad na temat kamer dla psów policyjnych. Na podstawie informacji
zawartych w nagraniu uzupełnij luki w zdaniach 3.1.–3.5. tak, aby jak najbardziej precyzyjnie oddać sens
wysłuchanego tekstu. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim.
3.1. Dogs are better than humans at tracking escaping criminals because they _________________________
than humans can.
3.2. Escaping criminals will _________________________ a police dog.
3.3. Denny mentions handlers keeping retired dogs as a result _________________________ share.
3.4. Police wear body cams _________________________ to support their reports.
3.5. As well as helping the police in dangerous situations, dog cams _________________________ survivors
after disasters.
___ / 5


Przeczytaj tekst, który został podzielony na cztery części (A–D), oraz pytania go dotyczące (4.1.–4.5.).
Do każdego pytania dopasuj właściwą część tekstu. Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli. Uwaga: w jednej z części
tekstu znajdują się odpowiedzi na dwa pytania.
Success stories
We have become only too used to hearing about wildlife that is on the brink of extinction, or even having
actually become extinct. This is not something that is completely new; animals have become extinct over
the centuries for a variety of reasons. But today, the number in danger is growing ever larger, and the reason
for these atrocious figures is most certainly the activity of humans. As far back as almost a hundred years ago,
campaigns were being launched to let people know that the natural world was in danger. The poster boys
for these campaigns were the very photogenic polar bears, tigers and whales, and their plight stirred many
into action.
Today, finally, we are getting some results; although without further, concentrated, worldwide action, what we
are seeing is really a drop in the ocean. If we take tigers, for example, their numbers in India have increased
by a third, and this is down to the realisation that living tigers can be more lucrative than dead ones. There is
a growing tourism industry where people visit tiger reserves, and in addition to this, communities have been
moved out of forests to increase tigers’ habitats and prevent a clash of interests between farmers and the
Another animal brought back from the brink is the great whale, once a common sight for sailors centuries ago.
Persecuted for hundreds of years for food and blubber, its numbers dwindled, but a ban on commercial
whaling has meant that they are slowly recovering. The Antarctic is seeing a return of Southern right whales,
humpbacks and fin whales, and this will have a knock-on effect on marine life in general. Also, new rules
on the sonar systems of ships, which disrupt these animals’ means of communication and direction, are helping
to allow the great creatures to travel and breed.
And, of course, we must not forget the wonderful mountain gorilla, whose dangers the passionate scientist
Dian Fossey wanted to expose to the world. Poaching and habitat loss led to a drastic reduction in their
populations, and in 1979 their numbers were extremely low. Through increased veterinary care and new laws,
gorilla numbers are finally showing an increase, which is excellent news. However, more needs to be done
to bring back habitats for these gorillas to live and flourish in. There is still more work to be done to rescue
more and maintain the healthy populations of the creatures we share this planet with.

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In which paragraph does the author Answer
4.1. mention the impact that saving one species will have on others?
4.2. state that international action is needed on a much larger scale?
4.3. suggest that several factors have caused species extinction in the past?
4.4. refer to the need to provide more land for a certain species?
4.5. point out the increased value of creatures if they are not killed?

___ / 5

Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto pięć zdań. Wpisz w każdą lukę (5.1.–5.5.) literę, którą oznaczono
brakujące zdanie (A–F) tak, aby otrzymać spójny i logiczny tekst. Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało podane
dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.
Have you heard any good films lately?
It may have passed you by, but the packaging for cornflour is changing – and, in one tiny part of the British film
industry, it has created panic.
Foley artists are responsible for a film’s background noise – to make it sound as “real” as dialogue. 5.1. ___
And, by squeezing paper cornflour packets tightly together, they recreate the sound of somebody walking
on snow. But now they’re starting to pack cornflour in tins. And tins won’t do.
When directors shoot a film, they’re worried about capturing the action and the actor’s voice. Nothing else.
Not the sound of a sword scraping against a tree or a shoe tiptoeing across a marble floor. Well, the sword
is probably made of plastic – and the “marble” floor is probably painted plywood. 5.2. ___ Which is where
the Foley artist comes in – to make the film sound “real”.
The art of sound began in 1927 – when Universal employee Jack Foley helped turn the film studio’s “silent”
Show Boat into a full-on musical extravaganza. 5.3. ___ He projected the film onto a screen and recorded
the footsteps, the movement, the props – all in one track. He walked with a cane to create the footsteps
of three people. He acted out the film, all over again.
Digital advancements have made the business of Foley much easier. In the early days, the “sync” was
fundamental – the sound had to match exactly what was going on. Now, it can be manipulated to fit. 5.4. ___
A Foley artist can be playing a big superhero one minute and a little girl the next. According to one of the
country’s premier Foley supervisors, a footstep is not just a footstep – it can be angry, happy, sad, confused,
clumsy, slick, swaggering, light, heavy, wet, dry, young, old, male, female, sophisticated … the list goes on.
5.5. ___ And that performance could only ever come from the human mind. So, next time you’re watching
a film or TV series, listen carefully to the background noise – and maybe wonder – how did they create that
A So, when it comes to the edit, things don’t sound like they’re supposed to.
B Because microphones could only pick up on dialogue, Foley had to add in the other sounds later.
C However, he says, the best Foley allows for five days to produce a 20 minute film sequence.
D For instance, they recreate the sound of a bird flapping its wings by blowing up a pair of kitchen gloves
and then slapping them together in time with the action on screen.
E He insists that this is what gets across the meaning to the viewers.
F Technology has moved on, but Foley is still all about the “performance”.
___ / 5

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Przeczytaj dwa teksty związane z postaciami i pracą detektywów. Wykonaj zadania 6.1.–6.8. zgodnie
z poleceniami.
Tekst 1
The Skirts
I led the way upstairs. Sergeant Cuff went softly all over the Indian cabinet and all round the room; asking
questions (occasionally only of Mr Superintendent, and continually of me) the drift of which I believe to have
been equally unintelligible to both of us. In due course he came to the door, and he found himself face to face
with the decorative painting. He laid one enquiring finger on the small smear, just under the lock, which
Superintendent Seagrave had already noticed, when he had criticised the women servants for all crowding
together into the room.
‘That’s a pity,’ said Sergeant Cuff. ‘How did it happen?’
He put the question to me. I answered that the women had crowded into the room on the previous morning,
and that some of their skirts had done the mischief. ‘Superintendent Seegrave ordered them out, sir,’ I added,
‘before they did any more harm’.
‘Right!’ said Mr Superintendent in his military way. ‘I ordered them out. The skirts did it, Sergeant – the skirts did
‘Did you notice which skirt did it?’ asked Sergeant Cuff, still addressing himself, not to his brother-officer, but
to me.
‘No, sir.’
He turned to Superintendent Seegrave upon that, and said, ‘You noticed, I suppose?’
Mr Superintendent looked a little taken aback; but he made the best of it. ‘I can’t exactly remember, Sergeant,’
he said. ‘Nothing very important, a minor thing.’
Sergeant Cuff looked at Mr Seegrave as he had looked at the gravel paths, and gave us, in his melancholy way,
the first taste of his quality that we had yet seen.
‘I made a private enquiry last week, Mr Superintendent,’ he said. ‘At one end of the enquiry there was a murder,
and at the other end there was a spot of ink on a tablecloth that nobody could account for. In all my experience
along the dirtiest ways of this dirty little world, I have never met with such a thing as a trifle yet. Before we go
a step further in this business we must see the skirt that made the smear, and we must know for certain when
the paint was wet.’
Mr Superintendent – taking his set-down rather sulkily – asked if he should summon the women. Sergeant Cuff,
after considering a minute, sighed, and shook his head.
‘No,’ he said. ‘We’ll take the matter of the paint first. It’s a question of Yes or No with the paint – which is short.
It’s a question of skirts with the women – which is long. What o’clock was it when the servants were in this room
yesterday morning? Eleven o’clock? Is there anybody in the house who knows whether that paint was wet or dry,
at eleven yesterday morning?’
‘Her ladyship’s nephew, Mr Franklin Blake, knows,’ I said.
Mr Franklin was as close at hand as he could be – waiting for his first chance of being introduced to the great
Cuff. In half a minute he was in the room and giving his evidence as follows:
‘That door, Sergeant,’ he said, ‘has been painted by Miss Verinder, under my inspection, with my help. The paint
dries within twelve hours.’
‘Do you remember when the smeared bit was done, sir?’ asked the Sergeant.
‘Perfectly,’ answered Mr Franklin. ‘That was the last part of the door to be finished. I myself completed it
by three in the afternoon Wednesday last.’
‘Today is Friday,’ said Sergeant Cuff, addressing himself to Superintendent Seegrave. ‘Let us reckon back, sir.
At three on the Wednesday afternoon, that bit of the painting was completed. It dried in twelve hours – that is
to say that it dried by three o’clock on Thursday morning. At eleven on Thursday morning you held your enquiry
here. Take three from eleven, and eight remains. That paint had been eight hours dry, Mr Superintendent, when
you supposed that the women’s skirts smeared it.’
from The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins (published 1868)

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W zadaniach 6.1.–6.4. z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl jedną
z liter: A, B, C albo D.
6.1. Sergeant Cuff’s enquiries in the first paragraph can be described as
A revealing.
B confusing.
C pertinent.
D inexplicable.
6.2. What is implied in the extract about Sergeant Cuff’s attitude toward Superintendent Seegrave?
A He mistrusts the Superintendent’s memory.
B He believes he is purposely holding back evidence.
C He doesn’t know him well enough to judge his ability.
D He has little confidence in the Superintendent’s policing skills.
6.3. Sergeant Cuff mentions a previous murder to
A compare the two crime scenes.
B show the importance of every clue.
C point out the value of recording evidence.
D emphasise the nastiness of the times they lived in.
6.4. Which of the following sentences is TRUE about the paint?
A Miss Verinder painted the whole room.
B The paint took eight hours to dry.
C The dry paint proved Seegrave’s idea wrong.
D The relevant section took longer to dry than the rest.

Tekst 2
Eccentric detectives
Having been an avid reader of detective fiction for as far back as I can remember, it is excellent to see so many
of those detectives being brought alive in a whole range of streamed series. My first choice of ‘eccentric
detective’ comes from an exceptional series I stumbled across quite recently called ‘Bordertown’. It is set
in Finland, so I was making do with subtitles. I was very impressed by the detective – beautifully eccentric, as
so many of the best detectives are. He’s called Kari and is played convincingly by an acclaimed actor – Ville
Virtanen. His methods are certainly not conventional and involve him using his prodigious memory to recall
and interpret various moments or details that his brain has subconsciously recorded. Flashbacks reveal that as
a child he was hypersensitive and found relationships extremely difficult, but this hypersensitivity now enables
him to solve crimes that would otherwise go undetected. An excellent series.
My next choice is someone I am sure you will have heard of. I had read my way through every single Agatha
Christie book by my mid-twenties and was mesmerised by the charming and quirky personality of perhaps her
most endearing detective, Hercule Poirot. The image that I had created in my mind of this little Belgian man
with a moustache proved to be uncannily similar to the ways successive actors have portrayed him on screen –
my favourite being David Suchet. This goes to show that Christie’s written descriptions of him must have been
very well thought-through. Poirot’s slight snobbery, self-importance and his need for perfection could irritate,
but for some reason the reader or viewer accepts this in him. After all – he does have magnificent ‘little grey
cells’ that solve everything that baffles the police.
Few female detectives make it into bestsellers or TV series, but one has definitely broken the mould, and her
reign started relatively recently. ‘Vera’ (played brilliantly by Brenda Blethyn) is not even in her prime – she’s
ageing, probably approaching retirement, and her accoutrements include an old rain hat, raincoat and a rusting
jeep which is littered with old crisp packets and other rubbish. To her sidekick, Joe, she is a motherly figure –
again, not often seen in a fictional detective – but her apparently kind and understanding approach to any
suspects that appear on her radar mask a fearsome intelligence and an inexorable persistence in rooting out
the truth. I admire her feistiness, her constant dishevelled look, and the way she knocks all our preconceptions
about detectives sideways.

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Odpowiedz na pytania 6.5.–6.8. zgodnie z treścią tekstu, tak aby jak najbardziej precyzyjnie oddać jego
sens. Na pytania należy odpowiedzieć w języku angielskim.
6.5. Why is the Finnish detective Kari particularly well-suited to solving crimes?
6.6. Why does the writer praise Agatha Christie’s descriptions of Hercule Poirot?
6.7. What is surprising about the popularity of Poirot?
6.8. How does Vera’s manner contradict her real character?
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Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą tak, aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie
poprawny tekst. Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B, C albo D.
If you have children or young people in your family, you 7.1. ___ some new additions recently to the range
of characters included in the very popular children’s toy – Lego. Since its inception, Lego characters have
all been quite similar in ethnicity and have portrayed able-bodied people. That is, until the designers at Lego
created a range of different characters, more representative of the 7.2. ___ in our society. The change in design
appears 7.3. ___ by many letters and emails from those who buy or play with the toys. They expressed
a 7.4. ___ concern that different cultures as well as physical and non-physical disabilities were not reflected
in the toys. Not only 7.5. ___ to the children who want to see themselves in the toys, but the range is also
important for children in general. A majority of people questioned in a recent poll believe that 7.6. ___
to diverse multicultural toys at a young age promotes awareness of the real world that the child will grow up in.
Apparently this shift towards including different characters in Lego sets had been in design for over two years,
and the 2023 launch of new Lego Friends sets was very welcome indeed.
A can have noticed
B might be noticing
C have noticed
D may have noticed
A variety
B diversity
C inclusivity
D integrity
A to have been inspired
B having been inspired
C it was inspired
D inspiring
A far-reaching
B widespread
C heightened
D collective

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A these new characters are appealing
B these new characters appeal
C do these new characters appeal
D would these new characters have appealed
A having had access
B to access
C accessing
D having access
___ / 6

Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę (8.1.–8.4.), przekształcając wyrazy z ramki w taki sposób,
aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna
wpisywanych wyrazów. Uwaga: dwa wyrazy zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.
access expect long material prosper substance
Deadly Green
When we think of the nineteenth century in the UK, many of us assume that under Queen Victoria’s rule,
bold and bright colours were not fashionable. The truth is quite different. Whereas Victoria herself favoured
dull colours after the death of her husband, others were benefitting from their increased
8.1. _______________ and wanted expensive furnishings with bold and vibrant colours in their lives. Indeed,
some were going to extraordinary 8.2. _______________ to do this, even endangering their health. Recent
research has shown that one of the most sought after colours of the time was also 8.3. _______________
dangerous due to the side effects the dye used to create a particular colour could have on people. I am
talking about the colour green, which at that time was extremely difficult to obtain, and people would pay
8.4. _______________ sums of money to have wallpaper, wear clothes, or even own books with vivid covers
dyed in this colour. The reason green was dangerous? The dye contained a combination of chemicals, one
of which was arsenic, a potentially deadly poison.
___ / 4

W zadaniach 9.1.–9.4. wpisz obok numeru zadania wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia wszystkie trzy
zdania. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.
9.1. __________
This is an important line of enquiry for the police to __________.
Turn left and then __________ the traffic until you cross the bridge.
We have the funding and now we need to __________ through and hire more employees.
9.2. __________
I’m afraid I’m in the __________ about this as much as you are.
Some children are afraid of the __________, but they grow out of the fear.
In winter, I both leave home and return in the __________, which is depressing.
9.3. __________
The suspect’s __________ of what happened was very different to his brother’s.
There’s not much in my __________ at the moment, but I shall be paid soon.
The manager is unsure who to hold to __________ for the discrepancies in the report.
9.4. __________
Queen Victoria __________ as Queen of England for sixty-three years.
I __________ out options A and B in the multiple-choice question, which left C as correct.
The court __________ that the killer should spend the rest of his life in prison.
___ / 4

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Przeczytałeś/Przeczytałaś niedawno w szkolnej gazetce artykuł, w którym narzekano na niską
frekwencję wśród uczestników wydarzenia charytatywnego w szkole. Napisz do redaktora gazetki list,
w którym wyrazisz swoją opinię na temat przyczyn niskiej popularności tego wydarzenia w szkole
oraz zaproponujesz inny typ akcji charytatywnej na przyszłość.
Twoja wypowiedź powinna zawierać od 200 do 250 słów.

___ / 13

TOTAL SCORE: ___ / 60

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