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Geography Notes

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Chapter 1

- uneven distribution of water
- water scarcity in dry years
- threat of an inadequate freshwater supply
- water scarcity a ects more than 40% of population
- increasing demand for freshwater: growing population, higher living standards
- Decreasing supply of clean freshwater: water pollution, climate change
Chapter 2
- China: freshwater per capita is low
- Regional and seasonal di erences in water scarcity
- Most freshwater resources obtained from rivers and lakes
- River basin: an area drained by a river and its tributaries
- Chang Jiang, Huang He, Zhu Jiang basins
- humid, semi-humid, semi-arid, arid
- Monsoons: winds that change direction seasonally, blowing from one direction in summer and from the opposite
direction in winter.
- Summer:
a) land absorbs heat quickly; air above becomes hot and rises; air pressure is low
b) Water absorbs heat slowly; air above becomes cold and sinks; air pressure is high
c) Wind blows towards land, onshore winds
d) Carries moisture, brings wet summers
- Winter
a) land loses heat quickly; cold air sinks, air pressure high
b) Water loses heat slowly; air above becomes warm and rises; air pressure is low
c) Wind blows towards sea, o shore winds

- Easter coastal regions receive more precipitation

- if dry season longer than usual, drought occur
- If rainfall high, ooding
Chapter 3
- Demand increasing: increase in population, economic development, rise in living standards, low cost of water
- Supply decreasing: sewage discharged directly into rivers and lakes without treatment, large amounts of pesticides
fertilisers, excess chemicals untreated animal waste washed into rivers and lakes
- Groundwater may also be polluted.
- Depletion of groundwater, overdrawing
Chapter 4
- Drought: When rainfall ina an area is much lower than normal for a long period of time, the supply of water is not able
to meet the usual demand. This condition is called drought. Natural hazard
- Impacts on people
Farming - Lack of irrigation water for crops - Crop failure
- Last of water for pastures - Farm production drops; food shortages
Industry Lack of water for processing and cooling Industrial production will decline

Power generation Water level in reservoirs drops HEP generation

(hydroelectric power)

Transport Water levels of rivers drop Water transport disrupted

Daily domestic use Not enough water for drinking and other daily - may need water rationing
uses - Will cause inconvenience; a ect health
- impacts on environment: cut-o of rivers, soil erosion, deserti cation, sandstorms, ecosystem a ected.
- droughts occur in western part, mainly northern and southern
- Causes: high variation in rainfall, deforestation, human-induced climate change, high water consumption
- Water wastage and water pollution reduces water supply
Chapter 5
- China have done:
a) building dams and reservoirs
b) Controlling water pollution
c) Saving water on farms
d) Reducing industrial and domestic water wastage
- South-North Water Transfer Project

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