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Cheerleading Is A Sport Research Paper

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Title: The Challenge of Crafting a Thesis: Navigating the Complexities of Cheerleading as a Sport

Research Paper

Crafting a thesis, particularly on the topic of cheerleading as a sport, presents a unique set of
challenges. While cheerleading has evolved significantly over the years, its status as a sport remains
a contentious issue, requiring thorough research and analysis to present a compelling argument.

One of the primary difficulties in writing a thesis on cheerleading as a sport lies in defining what
constitutes a sport. Traditional perceptions often overlook the physical demands, athleticism, and
competitive nature of cheerleading, leading to misconceptions and biases that must be addressed
through rigorous investigation and evidence-based arguments.

Moreover, the interdisciplinary nature of cheerleading adds layers of complexity to the research
process. From exploring its historical roots to analyzing its physiological and psychological aspects,
researchers must delve into various fields such as sports science, sociology, psychology, and gender
studies to provide a comprehensive understanding of cheerleading's intricacies.

Furthermore, navigating the existing literature on cheerleading requires careful discernment. While
there is a plethora of information available, distinguishing between credible sources and anecdotal
accounts is essential to maintain the integrity of the research. This process demands time, patience,
and critical thinking skills to sift through the vast array of perspectives and data.

For many students, juggling the demands of academic research with other commitments can be
overwhelming. Tight deadlines, conflicting priorities, and the pressure to deliver a high-quality thesis
can exacerbate the challenges associated with writing on such a nuanced topic.

In light of these complexities, seeking assistance from reputable academic writing services can
provide invaluable support. ⇒ ⇔ offers a solution for students grappling with the
intricacies of crafting a thesis on cheerleading as a sport. With a team of experienced writers well-
versed in research methodologies and academic writing standards, ⇒ ⇔ delivers
custom-tailored papers that meet the highest scholarly standards.

By entrusting your thesis to ⇒ ⇔, you can alleviate the burden of research and
writing, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your academic and personal life. With their
expertise and commitment to excellence, ⇒ ⇔ ensures that your thesis on
cheerleading as a sport is meticulously researched, persuasively argued, and impeccably written.

In conclusion, writing a thesis on cheerleading as a sport presents numerous challenges, from

defining its athletic merits to navigating interdisciplinary research and managing time constraints.
However, with the assistance of ⇒ ⇔, students can overcome these obstacles and
produce a compelling research paper that contributes to the ongoing discourse surrounding
cheerleading's status as a sport.
Many things are going on at the same time during a pyramid. Some of the tumbling skills include
tucks, layouts, pike outs, and several others. However, when large numbers of young men went off
to fight in World War II, the tables turned. Baskets require much training and proper spotting as they
can be very dangerous for all who participate. The new recognition doesn’t exactly mean we’ll be
seeing squads on a medal podium in Tokyo. In schools, though, there are cheerleading matches, with
scores, not pompoms. I judged a national collegiate cheerleading competition once. High school
cheerleading (in the state of Massachusetts) is not considered a NCAA sport which leads it to be a
MSAA (Massachusetts Administration Administrator Association ). Cheerleading should not only be
considered a sport, but it is one of the most dangerous sports to play. Cheerleaders must go head-to-
head both on the mat and in reality. In 1903 The University of Minnesota created what was called a
“Yell Squad”, which included six males. You never know, your peers could use your research paper
to educate others. But they also prepare for local competitions and National Cheer Association
Nationals. Think about things like culture, values, media, politics, race, religion, and gender. To
achieve this goal, everyone has to be ready to go and work together, but also communicate as a team.
They were brightly colored strips of crepe paper in the school’s colors. The judges are like the
referees in a football or basketball game. Cheerleading movies Bring It On Bring It On: All or
Nothing Bring It On: Fight To The F. Like many our minds go straight to these well-known sports;
but what about cheerleading. Whether it be insults thrown around a school yard playground during a
game of football. Edition 11 Jan. 2012: A11. Business Source Elite. Web. 16 Sept. 2014. It should
allow the freedom in jumping, dancing and stunting. To be a cheerleader, you have to go to practice
just like any other athlete. Eisenhower, actors Jimmy Stewart and Kirk Douglass, and actresses Meryl
Streep and Halle Berry. Johnny Campbell was the name of the first cheerleader and he was the one
that took the next step to organize cheering events and establishing an entire team to lead a crowd.
Finally, it is important to be dedicated to the sport. According to Cheer Magazine, the 1930’s brought
on the growth of showmanship in cheerleading and cheerleading became more entertaining to watch.
Once the cheerleaders were trained, they needed a source for sweaters, skirts, and other cheerleading
gear. From such humble origins, the spirit stick has become one of the most coveted camp awards. In
Katherine Baird’s article “Dominance in College Football and the Role of Scholarship. He founded
the National Cheerleading Association at Southern Methodist University.
Journal Of Sport Management 18.3 (2004): 217-235. Business Source Elite. Web. 16. High school
cheerleading (in the state of Massachusetts) is not considered a NCAA sport which leads it to be a
MSAA (Massachusetts Administration Administrator Association ). No worries, we’ve got you
covered with our selection of the most engaging sports research paper topics. Most of the
professional teams’ squads would be more accurately described as dance teams. They don’t usually
lead cheers instead, they are crowd pleasers themselves. Jumps are when a cheerleaders will propel
themselves off the ground with an amount of force where they can throw their arms and legs into a
position in the air and safely land back on the ground. Cheerleading is a sport because of the training
that it requires and the competitions that take place to show off talents and compete to see who is the
best in the world of cheerleading. Because competitive cheerleading is a highly athletic activity that
requires endurance, strength, flexibility and balance, training for it should include exercises that
target all of these areas. Think about things like culture, values, media, politics, race, religion, and
gender. The poms made the arm movements stand out so that fans even in the highest and farthest
seats from the field could see the cheerleaders. When we cogitate on cheerleading, we visualize
scores of colors invading our mind, dancing with unity and launching each other in the air while
flapping their pom-poms like crazed lunatics. Cheerleading is considered the number one dangerous
sport for girls in todays country. This paper will also be include the law, law IX and what it means in
the cheerleading world today. You'll Know It When You See It A judge has ruled that cheerleading is
not a real sport, defeating a college's attempt to get around Title IX rules for female participation in
sports. My biggest pet peeve is when people think cheerleaders are just accessories, and they have no
athletic ability. Incorporate these exercises at every practice and perform them on off days in
between practices as well.” Cheerleaders train by working on these skills and building endurance and
flexibility. In the start of cheerleading, it was girls trying to excite a crowd and boost team spirit. I
fully understand that high school students do not truly see the other side to cheerleading, it is not just
standing on the sidelines, if they do not think cheer is a sport. Scholars can use them for free to gain
inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing assignments. As to talking about the different
viewpoint as to why people think cheerleading should not be considered a sport. Receive a tailored
piece that meets your specific needs and requirements. Sideline cheerleaders are on the sideline
cheering on the football team and getting the crowd pumped for the football game. Many who do
recognize that the class is being offered in. Cheerleading remained a complete man sport until the
1920’s. Cheerleading has taken the back-seat role in the athletic world instead of being front and
center getting the appropriate attention it deserves, not the negative connotations and stereotypes
that come with it. Kentucky Welseyan also made an addition of 4 males onto their squad last season.
College athletics are rooted in the concept amateurism. The definition given does not even put into
perspective what cheerleading is. The judges are like the referees in a football or basketball game. If
a bobby pin or clip hits the floor, the team gets points deducted. Jumps are a specific category on the
score sheet for competitive cheerleading competitions so they are used in a sequence as well as
strategically placed through out the routine.
Cheerleading coach Terry Jones has said that t his is a multi-million dollar year round sport, not girls
wearing short skirts and smiling. Cheerleaders train 9 months out of the year and still have to be at
every game to support all other sports, why is it that cheerleaders do not get the same respect.
Nowadays cheerleaders perform dangerous flying stunts which may cause catastrophic injuries or
even death. I’m just saying cheerleaders work out and practice too, but football is a sport and
cheerleading is not. I look forward to working with you moving forward ”. When I requested for a
report, the support manager provided me with it in just a minute. The next definition is competitive
nature, many cheerleading competitions are held nationwide and internationally. Still, some critics
consider team sports as not always beneficial to children especially when “winning”. NCAA rebuts
that these regulations are put in place to ensure fairness and to ensure the athletes’. Nowadays,
nearly all cheerleaders can just stand up and whip out a standing back-tuck. Going back to this time,
these girls wore knee-length skirt, not anything like it is now. The cheer section consist of a chant
which is about thirty seconds of the cheerleaders yelling words trying to get the crowd to engage
and yell with them. As to talking about the different viewpoint as to why people think cheerleading
should not be considered a sport. In which way do they affect the current sports events. During this
interview, I asked her, “As a coach, what is the first thought in your mind when you hear people talk
down about cheerleaders or competitive itself?” She agrees with me by saying that “usually people
outside the sport of competitive, do not have the education or information correct. Edition 11 Jan.
2012: A11. Business Source Elite. Web. 16 Sept. 2014. In order to reach and maintain certain
qualities, a cheerleader must train as hard as any other athlete (Brady, 21). Some motions include a
high v, a punch, a touchdown, and to many more to list. Tumbling is when a cheerleaders will fling
herself onto her hands and then return to her feet or in the case of the picture plunging upside down
while twisting to return to the feet. It can range from chanting slogans to intense physical activity.
The purpose of cheerleaders is to carry school spirit and support the teams at competitive sporting
events. Some of the tumbling skills include tucks, layouts, pike outs, and several others. Along with
this history, the stereotype of cheerleaders is the pretty, popular girls and not necessarily the
strongest, most academic, athletic or determined girls in a school. The definition of a “cheerleader”
can be taken many ways. Here, the Baika Cheerleading Club Raiders perform during the Japan Cup
Cheerleading Championship in Tokyo. They have to be able to complete extreme stunts and tumbling
passes. Although, it demands as much skill and athleticism as other sports. Cheerleaders must be able
to jump, tumble, and lift other cheerleaders. They wear braces because cheerleaders easily get hurt
and they have to wear a brace to be able to cheer and not reinjure themselves. They are sexualized
beings that give society a false image of what a real cheerleader is (Brady, 21).

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