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Picus Security - Achieving A Threat-Centric Approach With BAS - Whitepaper

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How Breach and Attack Simulation strengthens cyber resilience
by answering important questions about the risks organizations face

A Whitepaper by Picus Security

Executive Summary

Traditional security assessments and methods of leveraging threat intelligence are

failing to answer the fundamental questions organizations have when assessing their
security posture. This means that many organizations instead rely on assumptions
about the threats they face and are potentially leaving themselves exposed.

This whitepaper explains how Breach and Attack Simulation (BAS), by supplying
continuous data-driven insights about organizations’ readiness to defend against
the latest threats, empowers security teams to make smarter decisions and become
more threat-centric. It also outlines why Security Control Validation is the primary
use case of BAS, delivering the most valuable outcomes to help security teams
measure and enhance threat readiness as well as become more proactive.

A Whitepaper by Picus Security 2

Why Assumptions are
a Threat to Organizations’ Security
Against an ever-expanding attack surface and increasingly sophisticated
attackers, security professionals must make critical security decisions at a
moment’s notice. Working in such fast-paced and dynamic environments—often
without a holistic view to contextualize and prioritize action—it’s unsurprising
that many are forced to fall back on assumptions and intuition rather than
quantitative evidence when making judgment calls.

The result? Inadequate responses to present and future cyber attacks and poor
allocation of time, effort and resources.

Organizations are facing ‘unknown unknowns’

the average estimated cost of a cyber-attack to organizations in 2021.

$3.6 M Source: World Economic Forum

of organizations can quantify in financial terms the effectiveness of

25% their cybersecurity spending.
Source: Gartner

of security experts lack confidence that cyber spending is aligned to the

55% most significant risks that their organization faces.
Source: PWC

A Threat-Centric Approach is Vital to Enhance Resilience

By basing decisions on perceived rather than actual risks, security teams can
never confidently answer questions about the state of their organization’s
security posture. Nor can they be sure of focusing on the areas that will have
the greatest impact. Limited situational awareness can also lead to bad
investments and an inability to achieve optimal protection from them.

To become more cyber resilient, organizations of all sizes must improve their
understanding of the risks they face by being more threat-centric. But how is
this shift in mindset achievable without placing an even greater strain on already
stretched operations teams and budgets?

Manual security assessments such as penetration testing and red teaming

deliver valuable insights. However, they are slow to perform, costly and don’t
provide a comprehensive view. Threat intelligence from a wide range of sources
helps organizations keep up with emerging threats but without adequate
resources and expertise, the sheer volume of information can easily overwhelm
security teams, making it hard to operationalize.

For organizations to obtain the high level of insight required to put threats firmly
at the heart of decision making, a holistic, automated and continuous solution is
needed: Breach and Attack Simulation.
A Whitepaper by Picus Security 3
Key Questions for
Security and Risk Leaders

 Which threats pose the greatest risk to the organization?

 Do we know our most critical exposures and how to mitigate them?

 How could an attacker take advantage of any security gaps

or vulnerabilities?

 What would the likely consequences be of a breach?

 How effective are the security controls we use at preventing and

detecting attacks?

 Are we getting the best return from our security spend?

Without the ability to answer critical questions

about an organization’s security posture, security
teams will struggle to prioritize where to focus
their attention and resources

A Whitepaper by Picus Security 4

Traditional Approaches Don’t Provide
A Complete Picture
To help obtain answers to fundamental questions about the state of their
security posture, organizations have traditionally been forced to rely on
human-led security assessments such as penetration testing, vulnerability
scanning and red teaming. However, these approaches come up short in
several aspects.

Manual Assessments are Slow and Narrow in Scope

Due to the length of time that they take to perform, pen tests are usually
restricted to a designated network, system, or application and tend to involve
just a narrow range of attack techniques – those which can be replicated by a
tester. Being vulnerability-focused, engagements are also of limited value to
Security Operations Center (SOC) teams that are more concerned with
detection and response.

Vulnerability scanning can provide broader visibility of known security

exposures but the results can be challenging to interpret, making it hard to
determine which gaps to prioritize. Red teaming is more focused on the
emulation of attack scenarios, but these engagements are costly and neither
scalable nor feasible to run on a continuous basis.

Threat Intelligence is Hard to Operationalize

Threat intelligence is another highly valuable source of insights to inform

decision-making. However, few security teams possess the level of resources
and expertise required to aggregate data streams from a wide range of
sources—or analyze them in sufficient time and detail to obtain immediately
actionable outcomes.

The complexity of threat intelligence information can also lead to data fatigue
and mean that crucial details can be missed or overlooked.

of security professionals believe that threat

56% data is too voluminous and complex to offer
timely and actionable intelligence.
Source: Ponemon Institute

A Whitepaper by Picus Security 5

A Lack of Awareness Means Being Reactive

The challenge of obtaining holistic, measurable and actionable security insights

from traditional assessment methods and threat intelligence is a key factor
holding security teams back from being threat-centric. It is also a reason why
many remain too reactive; jumping from one threat, alert or vulnerability to the
next without an ability to determine which should be treated as a high priority.

More Technology Does Not Guarantee Better Outcomes

Perhaps unsurprisingly, many organizations view the answer to becoming more

proactive as a need to invest in more and more technology. However, more
dollars spent does not equal better protection.

Investments in security technologies without an understanding of which threats

pose the greatest risk can lead to bad choices. Without the visibility a
threat-centric approach enables, investments could be made in the wrong
areas, leading to overlaps in coverage, or worse still, a failure to address gaps.

More security controls also cannot alleviate cyber risk if their effectiveness is
not evaluated on an ongoing basis. They can instead add to a security teams’
problems rather than address them by being another source of alerts to manage
and monitor.

of organizations surveyed are highly

22% confident that their security controls
work as they are supposed to.
Source: Ponemon Institute

A Whitepaper by Picus Security 6

How Breach and Attack Simulation
Facilitates A Threat-Centric Approach
Breach and Attack Simulation (BAS) offers organizations a swifter and less
resource-intensive path to becoming threat-centric. Via automated, consistent
and continuous simulation of real-world threats, BAS equips organizations to
achieve a more holistic view of their security posture and mitigate threats as
soon as they emerge.

Here’s how BAS compares to traditional assessments

Red Pen Vulnerability

BAS Teaming Testing Scanning

Fully automated

Consistent and
continuous assessments

Validates security
control effectiveness

Identifies vulnerabilities

Simulates attacks
targeting specific CVEs

Performs testing across

the cyber kill chain

Supplies mitigation insights

Limited Limited
for security controls

Accelerates adoption of
security frameworks

Generates quantifiable

Safely assesses
production environments (some risk) (some risk) (some risk)

A Whitepaper by Picus Security 7

Security Control Validation with BAS
Security control validation (SCV) is the foremost use case of Breach and
Attack Simulation and is key to helping organizations answer the essential
security questions needed to become threat-centric. With a BAS solution
that offers a complete approach to SCV:

Test and measure the performance of security controls, both individually

and collectively, across prevention and detection layers.

Obtain actionable insights and recommendations to maximize utilization

of tools.

Simulate a wide range of threats, such as malware and ransomware, as

well as techniques used by Advanced Persistent Threats Groups (APTs).

Perform continuous or on-demand simulations and generate security

scores that can be used to measure readiness to defend against attacks.

Why Security Control Validation Is an Essential BAS Capability

Validates preparedness Measures and benchmarks

to prevent and detect the performance of
the latest threats security controls

Supplies real-time Demonstrates security

data to help prioritize effectiveness and the
defensive actions value of investments

A Whitepaper by Picus Security 8

Quantitative Insights a SCV Platform Can Provide

Prevention Insights Detection Insights

Controls supported: Controls supported:

Firewalls, Next-Gen Firewalls (NGFW), Security Incident and Event Management
Web Application firewalls (WAF), Intrusion (SIEM), Endpoint Detection and
Prevention Systems (IPS), Endpoint Response (EDR)
Protection Platforms (EPP), Secure Email
and Web Gateways (SEG)

Validates: Validates:
� Prevention of vulnerability � Logs and telemetry are being
exploitation attacks captured and parsed

� Prevention of web application attacks � Security events are accurately

� Blocking of malicious incoming and
outgoing traffic, e.g. � Correlation rules are in place
and generate alerts
Command and control activity (C2)
Malicious file downloads
� Alerts are generated promptly
Exfiltration of data following detection of
malicious behavior

How SCV Compares to Other Types of BAS

Rather than specializing in Security Control Validation, some BAS tools are
focused on Attack Path Management and Attack Surface Management. While
these solutions are effective at satisfying a particular set of use cases, such
as helping to identify how assets could be compromised, they often fail to
answer some of the most fundamental questions about an organization’s
security posture.

The same limitations are also true of automated penetration testing tools.
While automated pen test tools can be used to better understand how specific
vulnerabilities could be exploited, the findings they generate can lack context.

Control failures was the #1 concern

of cybersecurity executives in 2021
Source: Gartner

A Whitepaper by Picus Security 9

An SCV solution provides richer threat-centric insights by:

Assessing Readiness Against Specific Threats

SCV platforms can simulate specific threats—such as ransomware
strains and APT groups—and quickly determine if an organization’s
security controls are effective against them. This is unlike attack path
management solutions which identify the routes attackers take but
provide limited insights to evaluate prevention and detection capabilities.

Simulating TTPs Across the Kill Chain

SCV platforms help security teams to understand the bigger picture
by simulating threats across the cyber kill chain, pre- and
post-exploitation. Other BAS solutions operate based on an assumed
breach so don’t provide insights to improve awareness of how
attackers could infiltrate an organization.

Supplying Continuous Insights

Unlike automated pen testing, which has to be planned in advance to
minimize any possible disruption to operations, security control
validation can be performed on an ongoing basis. This makes it
possible to identify and respond to risks sooner.

Providing Deeper Context

By analyzing the event logs generated by security controls, security
control validation solutions provide the extra level of detail that
security teams need to better understand weaknesses and take
swifter, more effective actions.

Helping to Mitigate Weaknesses

Security control validation solutions don’t just identify security gaps.
They also provide actionable insights and recommendations, including
prevention signatures and detection rules, to help address them.

By enabling organizations to understand the readiness

of current controls to defend against specific threats,
a security control validation platform answers
fundamental questions other BAS solutions cannot

A Whitepaper by Picus Security 10

Considerations When Selecting
A BAS Tool
When evaluating a BAS solution, there are several important factors that must
also be factored in beyond its core competency. To ensure that it delivers the
best security outcomes, assess its suitability in the following areas:

Simulation Capability
The diverse range of entry points and methods attackers use means it
is vital to obtain a holistic view. To better understand how threat
actors could gain initial access to an environment and move laterally,
prioritize a solution capable of simulating attacks across the cyber kill
chain and via network, endpoint, email and cloud vectors.

Threat Coverage
The ability to simulate the latest attacks is an essential capability of all
BAS solutions. Evaluate platforms both on the strength of the number
of real-world threats they offer as well as how quickly they are
updated to incorporate emerging threats. Be aware that some vendors
may charge a premium for early access to new simulation content.

Ease of Use
A BAS solution shouldn’t add to the challenges of security operations
by being difficult to deploy, use and manage. To avoid adding to the
workload, prioritize a solution that makes simulating threats simple
and hassle-free, and can empower red and blue teams to achieve a
much greater impact with less effort.

Real-Time Reporting
To take swift and effective security actions, having easy access to the
data required to make informed decisions is vital. Ascertain whether a
BAS solution supplies data in real-time and overcomes the need for
manual reporting by automatically generating reports suitable for
security and business leaders.

A Whitepaper by Picus Security 11

Technology Integrations
A BAS solution’s ability to integrate seamlessly with a wide range of
security controls is another important factor to consider. For platforms
that specialize in security control validation, out-of-the-box support
for network and endpoint security tools will likely mean a deeper level
of validation and the ability to automate mitigation actions.

Support for ATT&CK

By documenting threat behaviors, MITRE ATT&CK has become an
important resource for security teams. Consequently, a BAS tools’
ability to map the results of simulations to ATT&CK is a highly
desirable feature, helping to visualize threat coverage and improve

Cloud and On-Premises Deployment Options

Flexibility in terms of how a BAS solution can be deployed is another
important factor. Requirements vary and change over time so choose
a solution that is easily scalable and can adapt to support evolving
business and security needs.

When evaluating BAS tools, security teams

should prioritize a solution that not only raises
awareness of the threats organizations face but
also provides actionable insights to mitigate the
risks they pose

A Whitepaper by Picus Security 12

Become Threat-Centric and Level-Up
Cyber Resilience with Picus
To enhance cyber resilience in a rapidly evolving threat landscape, the need to
be threat-centric is more important than ever. Only by improving awareness of
the specific risks they face can organizations make better security and
investment decisions, be more proactive and minimize burnout. However, the
limitations of traditional security assessments and difficulties of operationalizing
threat intelligence mean that even enterprises with the deepest pockets can
struggle to obtain the insights they need.

Breach and Attack Simulation enables organizations to obtain answers to

questions about risks that have long proved elusive. With the ability to simulate
real-world threats automatically and continuously, organizations can achieve an
up-to-date and holistic view of their security posture as well as make prioritized
decisions based on quantifiable evidence rather than assumptions. Bearing in
mind key considerations like ease of use, frequent threat library updates, and
the quality of mitigation insights provided, security leaders and teams can also
leverage market-tested BAS solutions to alleviate resource challenges, empower
organizational buy-in and improve remediation efforts.

As the pioneer of BAS, Picus Security is dedicated to making it easier for

organizations of all sizes to become threat-centric. The Picus Complete
Security Control Validation Platform empowers security teams by identifying
threat coverage and visibility gaps and helps to address them swiftly and

With The Picus Platform, simulate the very latest cyber threats as soon as they
emerge, continuously validate the effectiveness of prevention and detection
controls, and obtain actionable mitigation insights to maximize security
outcomes and demonstrate assurance.

A Whitepaper by Picus Security 13


At Picus Security, we help organizations to continuously validate, measure and

enhance the effectiveness of their security controls so that they can more
accurately assess risks and strengthen cyber resilience.

As the pioneer of Breach and Attack Simulation (BAS), our Complete Security
Control Validation Platform is used by security teams worldwide to proactively
identify security gaps and obtain actionable insights to address them.

Interested to Learn More About

BAS and Security Control Validation?



Ⓒ 2022 Picus Security. All Rights Reserved.

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