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Biology 1

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Chapter 1 Unicellular

Introduction to Cell Biology - Single-celled organisms can perform all the essential
- The Biosphere is the zone of life on earth that comprises functions that enable it to grow
the sum total of all the ecosystem - Microscopic
- According to the census for marine life, there are about Ex.
8.7 million species of organism that have been discovered Bacteria
but millions more have to be discovered Archaea (bacteria that live in extreme environments)
Cell Thermophiles (bacteria that live in high temp)
- Basic unit of life function (it can perform all life functions) Multicellular
- Chamber-like structure - Organisms are more complex in structure and functions,
- Building block of life but the mechanism of how they are able to live is still the
1. Growth – Mitosis- body cells- somatic same as with simple life form
2. Reproduction – Meiosis – sex cells – gametes - Macroscopic
3. Metabolism – utilizing energy - Multiple cells that perform different functions
4. Irritability – cells response to changes Ex.
Discovery of the Cells Human
Microscope – an instrument used to view microorganisms Plants
1. Robert Hooke Animals
- First person to coin the term “cell” Red Blood Cells - deliver oxygen
- In 1665 Robert Hooke was able to observe in a piece of White Blood Cells - fight diseases
cork (part of bark) specimen structure that appears as Nerve Cells – send signals/messages to the brain
tiny compartments Liver Cells – detoxification
- Hooke thought that only plants and fungi were made up Muscle Cells – movement
of cells Sex Cells – reproduction
2. Anton Van Leeuwenhoek Egg Cell – the largest cell in the human body
- In 1676 Anton Van Leeuwenhoek published his Sperm Cell - smallest cell in the human body
observation on tiny living organisms which he named Skin – largest external organ
animalcules (small animals) Liver – largest internal organ
- First person to observe Red Blood Cells and Sperm cells DNA - contains the hereditary materials
Spontaneous Generation- is the belief that life came from Biological Level of Organization
non-living things 1. Cell – the basic unit of life
Louis Pastour – Life came from life 2. Tissues – a group of cells with the same functions
3. Robert Brown 3. Organ – different tissues work together
- In 1831 Robert Brown, one of the leading botanists of his 4. Organ System- different organs join together
time was able to compare different kinds of plant 5. Organism – different organ systems that work in the body
specimens under the microscope 2 Main Types of Cell
- Nucleus (center of the cell) – dark dense spot  Prokaryotic – lacks nucleus and membrane-
4. Matthias Schleiden bound organelles
- German botanist Matthias Schleiden (1838) concluded  Eukaryotic – has a nucleus and membrane-
that all plants are made of cells bound organelles
5. Theodor Schwann Ex.
- Theodor Schwann (1839) a zoologist and close friend of Mitochondria
Schleiden, stated that all animal tissues are composed of Chloroplasts
cells Golgi body
6. Rudolf Virchow Endoplasmic
- In 1858, Rudolf Virchow concluded that cells came from Reticulum
pre-existing cells (omnis cellula e cellula) Prokaryotic Eukaryotic
Cell Division Organelles - No nucleus or - Has nucleus
-the process wherein the parent cell divides into daughter membrane- or
cells bound membrane-
Three Basic Components of Cell Theory organelles bound
1. All living organisms are composed of one or more cells organelles
2. The cell is the basic unit of life in all living things Genetic - DNA free - DNA is found
3. All cells come from preexisting cells information floating in in nucleus
Size - Microscopic - Macroscopic
Organisms - Bacteria and - Animals, - Convert food nutrients into energy
archaea plants, fungi, 6. Lysosomes
and protists - Digestive system of the cell
Cell Structure - Always - Can be - Hydrolytic enzymes
Unicellular unicellular or - Breakdown large molecules into smaller
multicellular molecules
Protists - Suicide bags of the cell
- are simple eukaryotic organisms that are neither plants - Numerous white blood cell
nor animals - Bacteria digestion
- Can be unicellular or multicellular Autophagy- cell eating
Ex. 7. Chloroplast
Protozoans – animal-like single organisms - Site of photosynthesis
Algae – plant-like multi-celled organisms Photosynthesis - the process of food-making done by plants
Membrane- organelles surrounded by membrane Chlorophyll- inside of the chloroplast
Organelle - internal organ of the cell - Green pigment that converts light energy into
1. Cell Membrane/ Plasma Membrane chemical energy
- barrier that separates the cell from its environment Plant cells have chloroplast
- regulates the entrance and exit of the materials Animal cells do not have chloroplast
Phospholipid- main component Animal Consumer
2 End Molecules Plants Producer
 Phosphate Head (hydrophilic)- water-loving molecules 8. Vacuole
- “Vacuus” Latin word that means “empty”
 Fatty Acid Tail (hydrophobic) – water fearing
- Empty space of the cell
2. Nucleus
- Storage system of the cell
- Control center of the cell
- Storage of food and water in the cell
- Brain of the cell
9. Cilia and Flagella
Parts of Nucleus
- Movement (major functions)
 Nucleolus
- Brain of the nucleus
- Hair like
- Ribosome production/ribosome assembly
- Respiratory tract
- Site of ribosome synthesis
 Nuclear Membrane
- Whip like
- Barrier of the nucleus
- Sperm cell
- Separate the nucleus from the cytoplasm of the
10. Ribosomes
- Site of protein synthesis
 Nucleoplasm
11. Cell Wall
- It is the jelly-like substance of the nucleus
- Plant cell
- It is also the fluid of the nucleus
- Animal cells do not contain a cell wall
 Chromatin
- Protection, structure, and turgidity(firm) of the cell
- Made up of DNA and proteins that form
12. Golgi Body
- Factory of the cells
Chromosomes- made up of chemicals called DNA
- Sorting and manufacturing of the materials
3. Cytoplasm
DNA Bases
- Jelly-like substance of the cell
1. Adenine A- T
- Fluid parts of the cell
2. Cytosine C-G
4. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
3. Guanine
- Transport system
4. Thymine
- Like the highway
RNA Bases
2 Types of ER
1. Adenine A-U
 Smooth ER
2. Cytosine C-G
- Absence of ribosomes
3. Guanine
 Rough ER
4. Uracil
- Presence of ribosomes
5. Mitochondria
- Powerhouse of the cell

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