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Lesson Plan in Science 3

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A. Content standard
Basic needs of plants, animals and humans
B. Performance standard
List down activities which they can perform at home, in
school, or in their neighborhood to keep the environment
C. Learning competency
Identify the basic needs if humans, plants and animals such
as air, food, water, and shelter. (S3LT-Iii-j-14)
D. Objectives 1. Identify the basic needs of human, animals and plants.
2. Play “4 Pics 1 Word” and “I need it, Provide it” game.
3. Cooperatively collaborates with the group during class


A. Topic: Living things depend on their environment

B. Science Ideas The basic needs of human, animals and plants:

Food- daily source of energy.
Water- is the most essential element of life.
Shelter- it is to protect you from harsh elements.
Air- For breathing.
C. Science processes Identifying, explaining and recognizing

D. Values focus Care for the environment

E. Materials Video clip, worksheets and pictures

F. References Science and Health 2. Apostol, Joy A., 1997. Pp.35-
40, 70 and 103
Growing with Science and Health 1. Domanais, Lucia C., 1997. Pp.20-40 and 78-80



Teacher’s activity Pupils’

Routines “Good afternoon, class” “Good afternoon,

“Everybody please stand for our “Heavenly father. . .

prayer” amen”

Before you take your sits, kindly

arrange your chairs and pick-up some
piece of paper under your chairs.

Who are absent today?

Okay, very good! None, teacher.

1. Drill
Read the following words:

Oxygen, Carbon dioxide,

Food, Shelter, Water

2. Review Show pictures

“living things eats,
“What is living things?” breath, reproduce
and have senses”

“Does not eat,

“What is non-living things?” breath, reproduce
and don’t have


Let’s play a game called 4 pics 1

1. Motivation word.
Are you familiar with this game class? “Yes/No, teacher”

Okay, that’s good! This game is a

word puzzle game wherein you are
going to guess the word out of the four
pictures I will be showing.

Let’s begin the game.

So, I have here a set of pictures:

water, food, house, air.

What do you think is the right word

that relates to these things I have

The one who could guess the correct

word will receive a chocolate after our
class. *Raise their hands
2. Presentation Alright! The word that we are looking
is “needs.” These pictures show the
needs of humans, animals, and
plants, which will be our topic for this

Now, I want you to watch and observe

3. Pre-Activity the video that I am going to play.

While you are watching, take down

notes of important needs you’ll see in
the video.

Later on, I will group you into 4 groups

and each group will assign a reporter
to share your learnings about the

Did you get it class? Yes, teacher.

Great! Let’s watch this. *The students watch

the video.

*Start the groupings

4. Activity Proper Now, each group will list all the basic
needs of humans, animals and plants
you have seen from the video.




1. Group reporting I will give each group 5 minutes to

present what you have gathered with *Each group will
your group. report

Great! Your works are correct.

2. Discussion The basic needs to live:

Water- is the most essential element

of life. Our bodies is made up of 70%
water, that’s why it is so important to
stay dehydrated.

Air- Without oxygen, humans and

animals will die. Without Carbon
Dioxide, plants won’t survive.

Shelter- Provide protection from

predators or harsh elements.

Food- Give us energy to function

Apart from that, humans and animals,

sunlight to warm their self. Plants
cannot make their own food without
sunlight and without plants, we have
nothing to eat.

We also need some clothes to cover

our body or for us to protect our body
from bad weather.

So, these are some important things

that we need in order to survive.
Without it, we will definitely die.

All right!
1. Generalization To sum it up, again what are the 4
basic needs of living things? Food, water, air,

Very good! Aside from those things Sunlight, Clothes

you have mentioned, what else?

That’s right. So again, why are these It helps us to survive.

things important to us? To gain energy.
For our protection.
You are all right, very good!

I could see that you have really

understood our lesson for this

2. Application This time, I want you to meet your

group again for we will play another *Meet their group
This game is called “I need it, provide
it.” Basically, this game is about
providing what I am asking based on
the statement or scenario I will be
sharing to you later on. So with your
group, you have to gather ideas and
write the right thing that you should
provide based on what is being
asked in the statement. I will give
each group a piece of chalk and a
small cardboard where you will be
writing your answers. Understood?
Yes, teacher.
Okay, that’s good!

So let’s have this example.

-The dog is barking too loud because

he is hungry, what does the dog

What do you think is the answer Food/Water,

class? teacher.

Correct! So that’s how the game

works. You just have to write your
answer in the card board and after 5
seconds, all group should raise their
answers, otherwise, your group will
not earn a point. The group who will
accumulate the highest points will
receive a price after the class. So I
have prepared here 11

Shall we start now?

Yes, teacher!
Alright! Let the game begin.

1. JM feels so thirsty for he was

running for almost an hour. What
should we give to him? Water

2. The plant is withering. What does

the plant needs?
3. The goat is wet and shaking
because of the rain. The goat
4. Maria’s stomach is growling. What
do you think Maria need? Food/Water

5. The flower is dying. The flower

Water/ Carbon
6. Lordy was choked while eating. Dioxide/ Sunlight
What should we give to her to help
her recover?
7. Mark lacks energy while dancing.
What do you think Mark need to
boost his energy? Food/Water

8. The cow keeps on mooing

because it was exposed to sun the Water
whole day. The cow needs…?

9. Your newly planted trees were not Water/ Carbon

growing. What do they need to grow? Dioxide/
10. Bliss was suffocated because of
the smoke caused by the fire. In
order to survive, Bliss needs…?

11. Diamella is feeling cold because

of bad weather. For her to feel safe Shelter/ Hot water/
and warm, she need? Clothes

*Tallying the scores and announcing

the winner

Alright, so based on the performance

you have shown earlier, I could say
that you have really understood our
lesson for today.


Test A. Instruction: Encircle all the important things that living things need to survive.
Test B. Instruction: Fill in the blank with the correct word from the box to complete the

Air Car Shelter Carbon Dioxide

Water Sunlight
Food Clouds
Money Moon

1. Humans need ______ to quench thirst. Water

2. Humans and animals need ______to help them breathe. Air

3. ______ and _______ are needed by plants to produce food. Carbon Dioxide and


4. Humans and animals needs ________ to protect themselves from bad weather and

predators. Shelter

5. ________ is the daily source of energy of humans and animals. Food

Caitor, Jhon Mark
Lora, Renrose Lordy Bliss
Tangub, Diamella

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