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Line type heat detectors

for tunnels and industry.

SecuriHeat d-LIST and LIST

Industries and applications Industries and applications

A complete model range

for every application

Conveyor belts Photovoltaic arrays

Conveyor belts for the transport of bulk material are critical instal- Photovoltaic arrays generating electricity are often located on
lations in the mining, distribution and storage industries as well the roofs of large industrial and residential buildings. Over­
as in manufacturing and production facilities. Despite their key heating of the photovoltaic panels can impair performance
importance, conveyor belts are subject to severe wear and tear. and even cause a fire. If this happens, rapid intervention is vital
A failure would have serious consequences. Fires are a common to ensure that the system and people in the building are pro-
reason for conveyor belt downtime, caused either by overheating tected. Because ambient conditions (wind, humidity, sun, etc.)
of components or by ignition of the material being conveyed. preclude the use of point detectors, line type heat detectors
are the ideal solution here.

Road and railway tunnels

Multi-storey car parks
Road tunnels are exposed to harsh conditions consisting of ex-
haust fumes, dust, heat and humidity, which makes detecting Fires in multi-storey car parks, especially if underground,
fires challenging. And yet the safety of people and of assets be- ­usually cause considerable damage. The intense heat means
ing transported remains a top priority. Line type heat detectors a fire can drag on for hours and endanger both life and the
are reliable and immune to these kinds of conditions. Moreover, building’s structure. The damage can be significantly reduced
sensors integrated in the cable enable the SecuriHeat LIST if the fire is detected early on by line type heat detectors, which
system to offer pinpoint detection. Additional installations, such provide reliable service in harsh ambient conditions.
as emergency recesses, are readily monitored using deriva-
tions, with no need for extra loops.

Underground railway stations

Supply tunnels Rail-based public transport in large cities tends to be under-

ground. Because space and escape options are limited, the
Tunnels carrying electricity, water, data, gas and district heating risk of passengers being trapped and difficult to reach in the
are key infrastructure in many major cities and conurbations. A event of a fire is high. To avoid possible panic in the event of
failure in a supply tunnel would result in interruptions to these vi- an outbreak, early fire detection on platforms and in tunnels is
tal services. Early detection allows for rapid intervention and thus essential. This, together with contingency planning, are key to
minimisation of damage. Downtime due to fire can be prevented safe evacuation, prevention of fatalities, damage minimisation
thanks to the SecuriHeat system’s precise detection capabilities. and rapid restoration of services.

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Product range Product range

SecuriHeat d-LIST heat detector SecuriHeat LIST heat detector

Highly flexible protection, because every object is Multiple SCU 835s can be networked for monitoring larger Starts where everyone else stops The LIST controller is highly convenient both before and during
­different areas. The d-LIST system can also be supplemented with operation. Its configuration and operating data can be imported
­individual temperature sensors in metal housings for monitoring The SecuriHeat LIST line type heat detector is the ideal fire from a USB stick. The automatically recorded log files can also
The SecuriHeat d-LIST line type heat detector with the SEC 15 critical infrastructure such as conveyor belt or escalator drives. marshal for tunnels and large-scale industrial applications. It be exported via USB stick in the event of an incident. Operation
sensor cable is ideal for monitoring small areas. Two sensor The sensor control unit displays the current operating state for consists of the SEC 20 sensor cable and the LIST controller. is intuitive thanks to the plain-text display in multiple languages
cables, each up to 350 metres in length, can be connected to at-a-glance reassurance. The system is capable of monitoring distances up to 3500 on the controller display, as well as the navigation and function
an SCU 835 sensor control unit and put into operation at the metres or up to 350 sensors. The LIST controller can accom- keys.
touch of a button, with no need for additional technical equip- The SCU 835 includes a Modbus RTU and TCP interface for modate up to two sensor cables (one sensor cable with various
ment or previous knowledge. Featuring up to two times 100 access by other systems, and the XLM35 module provides a derivations as a stub line, two sensor cables with a LIST con-
sensors, the system can be integrated into a wide range of fire direct connection to the SecuriFire fire alarm control panel. troller as a loop, two sensor cables with two LIST controllers
detection and alarm systems, including mobile applications as a redundant loop). Detection and alarm threshold values
(vehicles). can be configured for up to 254 different alarm sections. The
­system measures the temperature of the sensors every ten
seconds and compares it with the programmed threshold

SecuriHeat SCU 835 for small objects

■ Cable length up to 2 × 350 m

■ Up to 5 derivation options
■ VDS approval according to EN 54-22:2020-07

SecuriHeat LIST controller for large applications

■ Cable length up to 3500 m

■ Redundant operation
■ VDS approval according to EN 54-22:2020-07

SEC 15 cable Single sensor SEC 20 cable

■ Sensor spacing 1 to 10 m ■ Round or square sensors available ■ Sensor spacing 1 to 10 m

■ Diameter 15 mm ■ Material: stainless steel ■ Diameter 18 mm
■ Operating temperature −40 °C to +85 °C ■ For use with the CBO 15-ESD box only ■ Operating temperature −40 °C to +85 °C
■ Halogen-free ■ Halogen-free
■ Aluminium sheath protects against environmental influences ■ Aluminium sheath protects against environmental influences

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Configuration Configuration

Operation and Alarm management, process monitoring

configuration and temperature monitoring
d-LIST system configuration LIST system configuration Sensor cable applications Examples:

The SCU 835 can be operated and configured using the The LIST controller has a built-in web interface that can be Alarm transmission via fire alarm is the traditional method if a ■ Conveyor belts (monitoring rollers for overheating)
d-LISTconfig graphical user interface. Connection is possible accessed on a PC via the Ethernet interface. sensor cable system detects a fire. The alarm is forwarded to ■ Tunnels (monitoring of fire sections)
via RS485, RS232, USB as well as the Ethernet interface. the emergency services via the SecuriFire alarm control panel ■ Parking (monitoring of overheating vehicles)
The web interface is the door to the LIST system and is used so that an intervention can be made as quickly as possible.
All the data present in the devices is visualised and can be for commissioning, maintenance and troubleshooting.
compiled in a report. However, d-LIST and LIST sensor cable systems can also
■ Eight-language web interface, differentiated by four access ­provide an early warning, enabling interventions to be made
■ Temperature and data display, export reports levels even before the fire alarm is triggered by fire. This has the
■ Device and sensor cable status display ■ Summary display of device settings and software version major advantage of preventing system downtimes. Precision
■ Up to 999 event memory entries in the loop memory ■ Next maintenance date display ­monitoring by the cables sensors enables large numbers of
■ Temperature changes of up to three sensors displayed ■ Device and sensor cable status display different areas to be monitored.
­continuously in a graphic ■ Relay and communication state display
■ Input and output programming ■ Fault state display
■ Interface state display ■ Message list and maintenance file export
■ Dongle-based operation with four access levels ■ Fire section on/off switching
■ German/English as operating languages can be changed
in the software

Fire brigade alarm

Process monitoring management system

SecuriFire alarm control panel

Alarm management
Process monitoring

d-LISTconfig – easy configuration

and analysis d-LIST system LIST system

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Fact sheet Fact sheet

Fact sheet
SecuriHeat d-LIST and LIST

d-LIST: LIST: Redundancy

Cable length Two LIST controllers can be operated as a redundant loop with two SEC 20
sensor cables.

Robust and accurate

700 m 3500 m The sensor cables are equipped with a sealed aluminium sheath as shielding
against environmental influences. The cable sheath is also halogen-free and
The SecuriHeat d-LIST line type heat detector with ca- The SecuriHeat LIST line type heat detector with cable flame-retardant in accordance with DIN EN 60332. The measuring points
ble lengths of up to 700 m is the ideal fire marshal for lengths of up to 3500 m is the ideal fire marshall for long capture the temperature with a resolution of 0.1 °C. The sensor cables do not
industrial applications. It consists of the SEC 15 sensor distances, e.g. tunnels and industrial conveyor belts. It have to be recalibrated.
cable and the SCU 835 sensor control unit, which can consists of the SEC 20 sensor cable and the LIST con-

Cable derivations
evaluate 350 m of cable per channel. troller.

Thanks to derivations, which are very easy to accomplish, the sensor cables
can be tailored to the given conditions of the installation, such as emergency
bays in tunnels.

Detection sensors with spatial resolution Maintenance-free sensor

200 sensors 350 sensors The sensor cables require no maintenance since there are no wearing parts.

For pinpoint temperature measurement, the d-LIST The LIST system enables up to 350 sensors to be Networking
­system enables up to 100 sensors per channel to be ­connected to the LIST controller.
linked to the SCU 835. Various interfaces (serial and LAN) are available in the controller for export-
ing the status and measurement data to management systems. The total
length of sensor cable can be increased by networking several d-LIST or
LIST systems.

Simple to repair
Sensor cables can be easily repaired, e.g. in the event of a cable defect.

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Accessories Approvals

From conveyor belt to tunnel – the right In use around the world with
accessory for every application globally applicable certifications
Global product tests and certifications mean the SecuriHeat d-LIST and LIST enjoy universal market
access and can be deployed worldwide.
d-LIST accessories LIST accessories
SecuriHeat d-LIST and LIST speak multiple languages: globally applicable standards such as NFPA 72, VDE
Additional material: Additional material: 0833-2, TS 54-14, BS 5839-1, etc. can be met in all confidence when planning a system.

 Securiton has a global presence. Our headquarters are located in Switzerland, and we have
­subsidiaries or local staff operating in Mexico, Brazil, Spain, Russia, India, Malaysia and China.

MB SCU 835 REL 835 SEC 20 sensor RELMOD CC 20 cable

Replacement circuit board Relay circuit board with cable Relay module with 16 Connection cable for
16 relay contacts relays and 8 inputs SEC 20 sensor cable

Sensors and cables:

CSM 200 LCT 20

SEC 20 sensor cable simulator SEC 20 sensor cable tester

SEC 15 sensor cable ESD-A5 individual CC 15 connection

sensors cable Connection boxes:

Connection boxes:

CBO 20/0 CBO 20/1 CBO 20/3

For connecting SEC 20 sensor cable and CC 20 connection cable

CBO 15-SEC CBO 15-ESD Installation material:

Connection box for SEC 15 sensor cable, individual ESD sensors
and CC 15 connection cable

Sensors and cables:

For SEC 20 cable installation Stainless steel bracket for sensor
cable mounting


Stainless steel ­bracket
for sensor cable

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SecuriHeat d-LIST heat detector

at a glance
Cable sheathing Ø = 15 mm

Filling material

Hybrid switching


150 mm
Fault 2-core ribbon cable

130 mm
Strain relief

260 mm 91 mm 130 mm 75 mm Aluminium screen

SCU 835 cable terminal processor Connection box CBO 15-SEC CBO 15-ESD SEC 15 sensor cable

Technical data Technical data Technical data

Supply voltage 10.5 to 30 VDC Connection 1 or 2 SEC 15 8 ESD-A5 individual Standard sensor interval 1 m, 2 m, 3 m, 4 m, 5 m
sensor cables sensors or (others possible in the
Power consumption 4.4 W (normal operation)
1 SEC 15 sensor 0.25 to 10 m range)
Relays per channel 1 × alarm / 1 × fault (fail-safe) cable and
Maximum cable length 2 × 350 m
4 individual ESD-A5
Optional REL 535 relay circuit 16 × freely programmable (incl. CC 15 ­connection cable)
board Maximum number of sensors 2 × 100
Housing material Glass fibre-reinforced polycarbonate
Relay contact load 30 VDC / 30 W 1A max. Measurement range −40 °C to +120 °C
Operating −35 °C to +70 °C −35 °C to +60 °C
Inputs 4 × opto-isolated inputs, 5..30 VDC / 1 × reset input, 5..30 VDC ­temperature (briefly +80 °C) (briefly +80 °C) Operating temperature −40 °C to +85 °C
(continuous) ­(continuous)
Weight 1.95 kg with REL 835 2.1 kg
Protection type IP 66 IP 66 Operating temperature (brief) +120 °C
Housing material Aluminium
Resolution 0.1 °C
Operating temperature −25 to +70 °C
Cable sheathing material Halogen-free, flame-retardant
Protection type IP 65
(in accordance with
Interfaces RS 232: parameterisation EN 60332-1-2, EN 60332-2-2,
RS 485: parameterisation, network, connection to third-party systems IEC 60754-1)
USB: parameterisation, firmware update
Diameter approx. 15 mm
Ethernet: parameterisation, connection to third-party systems
Weight per metre 0.35 kg/m
VdS approval compliant with G221004
EN 54-22:2020-07 Colour Grey

Min. bending radius 0.25 m

Laying temperature > +10 °C

VdS approval compliant with G221004

EN 54-22:2020-07

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SecuriHeat LIST heat detector

at a glance
Cable sheathing Ø = 18 mm

Filling material

Hybrid switching

4-core ribbon cable


Strain relief

164 mm
43.6 mm
482.6 mm 244 mm 101 mm Aluminium screen

LIST controller LCON evaluation unit Connection box CBO 20/0 CBO 20/1 CBO 20/3 SEC 20 sensor cable

Technical data Technical data Technical data

Supply voltage 9.5-36 VDC Connection 2 SEC 20 1 CC 20 3 SEC 20 Standard sensor interval 2 m, 4 m, 5 m, 8 m, 10 m (oth-
sensor cable sensor ers possible in the 0.5 to 10 m
Power consumption Max. 5 W (normal operation)
cables 1 SEC 20 cables range)
Relay 1 × group alarm, 1 × pre-signal, 1 × frost alarm, 1 × group fault sensor ­(derivation)
Maximum cable length 3500 m (incl. CC 20 connec-
Relay contact load 48 VDC / 32 VAC / 250 mA max. tion cable)
Housing material Glass fibre-reinforced polycarbonate
Dimensions 482.6 × 43.6 × 315.5 mm (W × H × D, corresponds to a 19” 1U space, Maximum number of sensors 350 (VdS approved 320)
­installation depth with connected connecting cables approx. 400 mm) Operating −30 °C to −30 °C to −30 °C to
Measurement range −40 °C to +200 °C
­temperature +90 °C +90 °C +90 °C
Weight 2.6 kg (continuous) Operating temperature (con- −40 °C to +85 °C
Housing material Aluminium Protection type IP 66 IP 66 IP 66
Operating temperature (brief) +200 °C
Operating temperature −5 °C to +70 °C (−25 °C with limited readability of the LCD display)
­(continuous) Resolution 0.1 °C

Reset input 5-36 VDC, galvanically isolated Cable sheathing material Halogen-free, flame-retardant
(in accordance with
Interfaces COM1: RS-485 for LIST network, COM2: RS-232
EN 60332-1-2, EN 60332-2-2
LAN: Ethernet 100 Mb/s for LIST network and maintenance
and IEC 60754-1)
USB: storage of maintenance, event and configuration data
Diameter 18 mm
Protocols Modbus RTU via COM2, Modbus TCP via LAN, IEC 60870-5-104 via LAN
Weight per metre 0.45 kg/m
Indicators LEDs for operation, alarm, fault, measurement cycle and data transmission;
LC display for messages and menu-driven operation Colour Grey

VdS approval compliant with G213072 Min. bending radius 0.30 m

EN 54-22:2020-07
Laying temperature > +10 °C

VdS approval compliant with G213072

EN 54-22:2020-07

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Securiton AG

Alarm and Security Systems

Alpenstrasse 20, CH-3052 Zollikofen,
820946 04.22

A company of the Swiss Securitas Group

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