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Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture.

34(2), 179-187, 2019


ISSN 2613-9456 (Print) 2599-2570 (Online)

The Effect of Tiller Transplanting Technique and Water Availability

on the Growth and Yield of Sidaguri (Sida rhombifolia)

Dhimas Taufika Putra, Bambang Pujiasmanto and Supriyono

Department of Agronomy, Post-Graduate Program of Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
Corresponding author:

Sidaguri (Sida rhombifolia) is a wild plant with the ability to cure various diseases. Continuous
exploitation of natural source can reduce the sustainability of this plant species. On the other hand, this
plant is often ignored because it is considered as weed. This study aims to provide information about
proper cultivation of Sidaguri to the community and medicinal plant farmers in order to maintain its
sustainability and its potential to be used as cultivated plant. The study used a Completely Randomized
Design (CRD) with two treatment factors: transplanting techniques (puteran, cabutan, stump) and water
availability (50, 37.5, 25, 12.5% water field capacity). Observation data were analyzed by analysis of
variance and followed by DMRT test at 5% upon the significant result. The results have revealed that
the transplanting technique of transplanting tillers with puteran technique produces the best growth and
25% water availability increases plant growth and yield. The result suggests that Sidaguri is a plant that
is tolerant to drought.
Keywords: medicinal plant, transplanting, water availability

Cite this as: Putra, D. T., Pujiasmanto, B., & Supriyono. (2019). The Effect of Tiller Transplanting Technique
and Water Availability on the Growth and Yield of Sidaguri (Sida rhombifolia). Caraka Tani: Journal of
Sustainable Agriculture, 34(2), 179-187. doi:

INTRODUCTION alkaloids. Lenny and Barus (2010) in their

research have proven that Sidaguri leaves contain
Sidaguri is a wild plant from the Malvaceace
alkaloid compounds. Information on the
family which is well-known as a cure to various
propagation method of Sidaguri is deficient
diseases, (Simarmata et al., 2013) one of which is
because it is abundant in nature and even
gout. Sidaguri flowers are used to treat insect
considered as non-economically potential for
bites, their antibacterial leaves are used as a cure
for itch, and their roots are used to treat rheumatic,
On the other hand, many people have not yet
asthma and influenza, and reduce pain in
known the benefits of Sidaguri, so the plants are
toothache (Tanumihardja et al., 2013) by biting
often ignored and considered as weeds growing
them on the ail teeth or gargling with Sidaguri
on cultivated land. Therefore, it is necessary to
root boiled water (Natsir and Nurhayati, 2014).
immediately undertake cultivation efforts aimed
Some studies show that Sidaguri is very useful
at maintaining the existence of Sidaguri due to
inhibiting the growth of the bacterium, such as
illegal and uncontrolled extraction and destruction
Mycobacterium smegmatis at a dose of 10 mg
of its natural habitat (Pujiasmanto, 2016). The
mL-1 (Sari, 2016) and Mycobacterium tuber-
initial stage of cultivating a plant is preparing
culosis (Papitha et al., 2013). Sidaguri contains
planting materials, particularly tillers, either
several secondary metabolites, including
generative or vegetative ones. Generative tillers
flavonoids rhombifolin (Fadilah, 2017) and

Received for publication January 22, 2019
Accepted after corrections June 21, 2019

Copyright © 2019 Universitas Sebelas Maret 179

180 Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture. 2019. 34(2), 179-187

are obtained from the seeds. However, for plants Decreasing excess biomass will cause plants lose
that are difficult to reproduce generatively, tillers balance in their metabolic processes and
are taken from saplings around the parent plants prolonged exposure to heat will be lethal. This
in the wild. Transfer of tillers from nature can be study aims to provide information about the right
done with some techniques, including puteran cultivation method of Sidaguri to be applied by
(taking the tillers with the soil around roots), the community in preserving Sidaguri and
cabutan (pulling-off the tillers immediately marginal land use in an effort to support the
without the soil around roots) (Budiawan, 2009) implementation of sustainable agriculture.
and using stump.
East Java Forestry Agency (2013) explained MATERIALS AND METHOD
that stump is part of roots and stems of a plant The field research was conducted in December
which is cut to be planted in the field. Stump only 2016 to August 2017 at Donohudan Village,
leaves the taproot and main stem and new roots Ngemplak District, Boyolali Regency, Central
will emerge, and this indicates adaptation and Java. Laboratory research was carried out at the
growth. Some plant cultivation practices in Ecology and Plant Production Management
Indonesia are often constrained by the availability Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas
of water, especially due to climate change. Sebelas Maret (UNS), Soil Physics Laboratory of
Drought in some cases can cause hampered Faculty of Agriculture, Soil Chemical Laboratory
growth and decreased yield of plants. However, of Faculty of Agriculture and the Chemistry
according to Ai (2011), drought stress does not Laboratory of Mathematics and Natural Science
always have a harmful impact if it can be detected Faculty of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM).
at certain level of stress that can be tolerated. Sidaguri tillers are obtained from their natural
Gulen and Eris (2004) also stated that drought habitat at the Cepogo District, Boyolali Regency,
stress could be used to increase the secondary which has an altitude of about 800 meter above
metabolic content of a plant. Drought stress on sea level and the average temperature of 23oC and
purwoceng affected the increase of active is dominated by regosol soil. Plants with multiple
ingredients such as steroid, saponin and bergapten age levels are found in these habitats. This study
(Trisilawati and Pitono, 2015). used a uniformed source which has 5 leaves or a
In soybean plants, water shortage conditions height of 5 cm of the tillers. Based on the results
affect the final phase of pod development and of soil chemical analysis, the chemical properties
mid-seed filling in drought stress treatment is 40% of the regosol soil taken are classified as poor, as
field capacity (FC) with Ultisol soil types indicated by the low number of N, K and organic
(Nurhayati, 2009), but can increase proline matter content. The plastic houses were
content in the leave (Hasanah and Rahmawati, established in Donohudan Village, Ngemplak
2014). Proline is one of the secondary metabolites Subdistrict, Boyolali and placed in the middle of
produced by plants in order to survive in drought rice fields to minimize any shade so that the
conditions (Yusniawati et al., 2008). Drought sunlight intensity was obtained optimally
stress in Indigofera zollingeriana contributes to throughout the day.
the highest tanin and saponin in 25% FC of water The temperature in a plastic house was 56 oC
availability (Herdiawan et al., 2014) and drought during the day and 23oC at night. Maintenance
stress in tempuyung, 60% FC, contributes to was carried out every day for eight months until
doubled level of flavonoids, compared to the level harvest and water availability treatment was
of flavonoids of plants that are not affected by carried out in two months before harvest. The
stress (Rahardjo and Darwati, 2017). equipment included tools for tillage, planting,
Abdillah et al. (2015) also said in the results of maintenance, observation and analysis of
his research on Soghum and Purwati (2017) on secondary metabolites content (hoes, shovels,
Phyllanthus nururi and Phyllantus urinaria polybags, scissors, rulers, ballpoint pens,
showed the availability of water in small amounts thermometers, balts, etc.). The media and planting
at the beginning of vegetative sorghum could materials were Sidaguri plants, tillers and
increase the percentage of flavonoid content per chemicals for the analysis of secondary
phenolic. However, it must also be considered the metabolites.
accuracy of the period and the level of the stress
so that there is no excessive reduction in biomass.

Copyright © 2019 Universitas Sebelas Maret

Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture. 2019. 34(2), 179-187 181

The study used a Completely Randomized Boyolali Regency. The sidaguri seeds were
Design (CRD) consisting of two treatment factors planted in 50 cm x 50 cm polybags filled with soil,
with three replications in each treatment. The first particularly in 7-10 cm depth.
factor is the tiller transplanting technique, Before sidaguri plants were given drought
consisting of three types, namely puteran, stress treatment, they were watered with sufficient
cabutan and stump techniques. The second factor clean water every afternoon. After the plants were
was water availability, categorized into four levels given drought stress treatment, watering was done
of water conditions, namely 50, 37.5, 25 and according to the calculation of the FC. Weeding
12.5% FC. Data were analyzed using variance was carried out by cleaning weeds around
analysis and the analysis was followed by DMRT polybags and planting field and manually by
(Duncan Multiple Range Test) 5% when the removing weeds that grow, adjusting the
results were significantly different. conditions of the field. Pest was controlled
The growth parameters observed included manually, namely by taking pests that attack
plant height (measured by a ruler), number of plants and controlling the disease using natural
leaves (calculated manually) and number of methods.
branches (calculated manually), while the yield The treatment of water availability was given
parameters included root length (measured by a from the beginning of planting to harvest,
ruler), fresh root weight (measured by a scale) and including giving water 50, 37.5, 25 and 12.5% of
secondary metabolite content of flavonoids. Plant FC, carried out according to the calculations
height measurements were carried out by which were then maintained in these conditions
measuring plants from the base of the stem to the every two days. Observations on plant height,
highest end of the leaf using a ruler. number of leaves and number of branches were
Calculation of the number of leaves was done carried out every four weeks. Observations on
by counting the number of leaves at full bloom plant fresh weight, plant dry weight, root fresh
and done at intervals of four weeks. Calculation of weight, root length and content analysis of
the number of branches was completed by secondary metabolites (flavonoids) were carried
counting all branches, either primary or secondary out after harvesting. Sidaguri harvest started when
branches, of a plant. The measurement of root the flowers appeared or when the plants were
length was conducted after the plants were around four months of age, but in this study, it was
harvested by measuring the longest roots from the carried out at the age of eight months according to
base to the farthest end of the root, carried out the information from interview. Sidaguri plants
after harvest. The fresh weight calculation of the were harvested by dismantling the entire roots
roots was done by taking the roots, washing them using a spark and then cleaning the soil attached
to remove the remaining soil and then weighing to the root.
them using a digital analytic scale. Calculation of
secondary metabolite content in the form of RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
flavonoids contained in plant roots was carried out Plant growth
by Spectrophotometry UV-Sis method.
Land preparation included land clearing Plant height
activities that are used to lay polybags from weeds Transplanting technique has significant effect
and other plant remnants. After that, a 10 m x 8 m on plant height, but water availability level does
greenhouse was built. The media used were native not have any significant effect on plant height and
regosol where the sidaguri seeds were taken with there is not any significant interaction between
the intention that there was no difference in soil those two treatments (Table 1). The effects of
type for each treatment in this study. The soil was tiller transplanting technique on plant height are
filtered with a small wire mesh filter so that the presented in Table 2. Based on data analysis,
texture was the same, and then put in each polybag transplanting of tillers with puteran technique
measuring 50 cm x 50 cm according to the produced the highest plant height.
previous arrangement. In this stage, the FC Number of leaves
measurement was also carried out for drought Tiller transplanting technique and water
stress treatment. The planting materials used were availability levels does not have any significant
sidaguri tillers, having the same age and effect on the average number of Sidaguri leaves
originating from the same place, Cepogo,

Copyright © 2019 Universitas Sebelas Maret

182 Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture. 2019. 34(2), 179-187

and there is not any significant interaction

between those treatments (Table 1).

Table 1. Analysis of variance the plant height, number of leaves, number of branches, root length, fresh
root weight and total flavonoid content
Probability of statistical significance level
Number Fresh Total
Source of variance Df Plant Number of Root
of root flavonoid
height branches length
leaves weight content
Transplanting technique 2 * ns ns ns ns ns
Water availability 3 ns ns * * * ns
Transplanting technique x 6 ns ns ns ns * ns
water availability
Note: * = significant at P<0.05 level; ** = significant at P<0.01 level, ns = not significant (P<0.05); df = degrees
of freedom

Number of branches grow (Yahya and Manurung, 2002). Dainy (2006)

Water availability levels significantly affect also explained that plants which are not pruned
the number of branches, but transplanting will grow better because the growth is disturbed
technique does not have any effect on it. Those by the wound healing process.
two treatments does not have any interaction
(Table 1). The effect of further treatment of water Table 3. The effect of water availability level on
availability levels on the average number of the average number of Sidaguri
branches are presented in Table 3. branches
Water availability Average number of
Table 2. The effect of tiller transplanting level branches
techniques on the average height of 50.0% FC 41.56a
Sidaguri plants 37.5% FC 76.38b
Tiller transplanting Plant height 25.0% FC 79.50b
technique (cm) 12.5% FC 79.93b
Puteran 63.54b Note: Numbers that are followed by the same letters in
the same column are not significantly different at
Cabutan 62.08b
the 5% level of significance in DMRT test.
Stump 47.00a
Note: Numbers that are followed by the same letters in
the same column are not significantly different at
In addition to plant height, the number of
the 5% level of significance in DMRT test. leaves in this study is not highly affected by the
tiller transplanting technique. It shows that one of
Sidaguri which is planted with the puteran the responses of plants toward drought is their
technique produces the best growth result, activity of reducing the amount of transpiration
characterized by plant height (Table 2), while 25% Bouman and Tuong (2001) by rolling, reducing
water availability can increase growth, indicated the area and aborting the leaves. The results of
by relatively high number of branches (Table 3) study by Hidayati et al. (2017) on mastwood
and the best crop yield, indicated by high root plants also showed a significant decrease in the
length (Table 4) and root fresh weight (Table 4). number of leaves after experiencing drought
Tillers planted with puteran techniques can stress. Research on black locust (Anggraini et al.,
continue to grow after being transplanted because 2016) has revealed that plant height is lower when
the growth is not disturbed by the regeneration of a plant is planted in least water availability.
wounds due to physical damage of roots and stems Drought stress reduces the average number of
when removed or made into stumps. Root damage leaves and affects the number of branches of
results in stunting plant growth (Yahya and plant. Sidaguri response to drought stress
Manurung, 2002) and plants returns to normal accelerates its life cycle, which is to increase
when they have found suitable environments to flower growth through branches or twigs.
Davenport (2003) revealed that in tropical regions

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Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture. 2019. 34(2), 179-187 183

that have erratic temperature fluctuations in each Table 4. The effect of water availability level on
season, the flowering process occurs due to the average length and fresh weight of
drought stress. Ramírez et al. (2014) also stated the Sidaguri root
that drought stress can trigger flowering induction Water Average Average fresh
shortly after the shoot initiation. According to availability root length root weight
Solikin (2013), in plant morphology, flower bud level (cm) (gram)
grows on tip of branches or twigs. The number of 50.0% FC 51.88 a
branches also influences the number of flowers. 37.5% FC 59.44 ab
The results of the study of Aji and Susanto (2010) 25.0% FC 77.00 b
stated that the number of branches significantly 12.5% FC 69.61 ab
affects the number of flowers of Roselle plants Note: Numbers that are followed by the same letters in
(Hibiscus sabdariffa). the same column are not significantly different at
the 5% level of significance in DMRT test.
Plant yield
Root length Total flavonoid content
Transplanting technique does not contribute to Tiller transplanting technique and water
the root length of Sidaguri, but water availability availability levels does not significantly put effect
level significantly effects the root length. Those on the average flavonoid content and there is not
two factors do not have any significant interaction any significant interaction between those factors
(Table 1). The effects of water availability on root (Table 1). The effect of water availability is seen
length are presented in Table 4. Based on data not only in plant growth, but also in the yield. In
analysis, 25% FC of water availability produces general, Sidaguri plants secondary metabolite
the longer root length. contents are extracted from the leaves or roots as
Fresh root weight a result of their cultivation depending on their
Transplanting technique no significantly effect needs. But in this study, roots are the main yields
to the fresh root weight of Sidaguri, but water used. The treatment of water availability is seen to
availability levels significant effect and between increase crop yields, concluding from the average
those treatments had a significantly interaction root length and fresh weight of roots. Plants that
(Table 1). The effects of water availability on get water availability to a certain extent will
fresh root weight are presented in Table 4. Based extend their roots to get water as an adaptation.
on data analysis, 25% FC of water availability
produced the higher fresh root weight.

Concentration (mg L-1)

T1C0 T1C1 T1C2 T1C3 T2C0 T2C1 T2C2 T2C3 T3C0 T3C1 T3C2 T3C3
Treatment Combination
Figure 1. Histogram of the average total flavonoid content in each treatment combination
Note: T1 = puteran technique; T2 = cabutan technique; T3 = stump technique; C0 = water availability
with 50% FC; C1 = water availability with 37.5% FC; C2 = water availability with 25% FC; C3
= water availability with 12.5% FC

Palupi and Dedywiryanto (2008) explained the higher allocation for root biomass aims to
that plants with longer roots could absorb water increase the capacity of water taken by roots.
better. Zlatev and Lidon (2012) also explains that Djazuli (2010), conducting research on sweet

Copyright © 2019 Universitas Sebelas Maret

184 Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture. 2019. 34(2), 179-187

potatoes, also mentioned that during long dry content of flavonoids has a negative correlation.
season, sweet potato roots are able to extend their The correlation with other variables is very weak.
roots to 2 m. Fresh root weight is closely related
to root length and volume. The average longest CONCLUSIONS
roots in this study are the roots of plants with Tiller transplanting technique only affects the
water availability of 25% FC. plant growth (the best growth obtained by puteran
The results of the correlation test between root technique), while the presence of water
length and fresh root weight indicate a positive availability can influence the growth and yield of
correlation, i.e. when the roots are longer, they Sidaguri. Available water of 25% and 12.5% of
will be heavier. Febriyono et al. (2017) in his FC result in best Sidaguri yield in the form of root
study of water spinach also mentioned that plants length, root fresh weight and flavonoid content.
that get the lowest water and nutrient conditions
will extend and spread their roots, affecting the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
fresh weight of the roots. The average histogram
of total flavonoid content indicates that the stress The author would like to thank Mr Suratno
up to 12.5 % of FC produces high flavonoids (Cepogo) for his assistance providing the Sidaguri
content compared to plants that are given stress tillers, and the Sringanis Cipaku (Bogor) Herbal
with lower levels (50% and 37.5% FC) (Figure 1). Garden for very detailed information about the
This shows that Sidaguri is a plant with a high Sidaguri.
tolerance to water availability because of its
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