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Optical Properties of SnO2 QDs-Muy Bueno-Paper India.

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Chemical Physics Letters 536 (2012) 87–91

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Optical properties of SnO2 quantum dots synthesized by laser ablation in liquid

Manish Kumar Singh ⇑, Mohan Chandra Mathpal, Arvind Agarwal
Department of Physics, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad 211004, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: SnO2 quantum dots (QDs) were controllably synthesized by laser ablation in liquid (LAL). The HRTEM
Received 26 January 2012 image shows that the diameters of the SnO2 nanoparticles fall into a small range of 1–5 nm, with the
In final form 23 March 2012 majority being less than the exciton Bohr radius of SnO2 (2.7 nm). The Selected Area Electron Diffraction
Available online 30 March 2012
(SAED) pattern of SnO2 QDs shows tetragonal crystalline structure. The photoluminescence (PL) spectrum
of such SnO2 QDs exhibits blue and green emission peaks at 445 nm and 540 nm respectively. These QDs
have potential future applications in optoelectronics, biosensor and other modern technologies.
Ó 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction In liquid environment the laser ablation of solids is a simple and

versatile method to synthesize nanoparticles [27]. The correspond-
Research on semiconductor quantum dots systems has been of ing studies are mainly focused on two subjects: (i) preparation of
great interest for the last two decades. This is mainly due to novel nanoparticles via laser ablation in liquid medium and (ii) laser-
physical and chemical properties displayed by these nanometer- induced modification of the size and shape of the nanoparticles.
scale structures. Quantum dots (QDs) are semiconducting inor- In this paper the optical properties of these nanoparticles have
ganic nanocrystallites with critical dimensions smaller than or been discussed.
comparable to the exciton Bohr radius of the material, in which
carriers or excitons are confined in all three dimensions to a nano-
2. Experimental
meter sized region [1,2]. Consequently, discrete electronic states,
unusual structural transformations, unique optical properties and
Tin pellet of 99.9% purity was placed at the bottom of a glass
a blue shift of the band edge transition energy are induced in
vessel containing 20 ml of double deionized water. The pellet
QDs [3–6]. Due to the high surface-to-volume ratio, the surface
was ablated for one hour by focused beam of 1064 nm of pulsed
atoms play a large role in the properties of QDs, which usually have
Nd: YAG laser operating at 35 mJ/pulse energy with 10 Hz repeti-
fewer adjacent coordinate atoms and can be treated as defects as
tion rate and 10 ns pulse width. The solution of colloidal nanopar-
compared with the bulk atoms. These defects induce additional
ticles was collected for characterization.
electronic states in the band gap, which can mix with the intrinsic
UV–Visible absorption spectrum of synthesized colloidal solu-
states to a substantial extent and which may also influence the
tion was recorded using Perkin Elmer, Lambda-35 double beam
spacing of the energy levels and the optical properties of QDs.
spectrometer. For HRTEM analysis, a drop of colloidal solution of
Recently, tin oxide (SnO2) has attracted great attention because
nanoparticles was placed on a carbon coated copper grid followed
of its properties in broad fields such as transparent conducting
by drying. Field emission transmission electron microscope (FE-
coating of glasses, gas sensors, solar cells, and heat mirrors [7–9].
TEM) measurements of the samples were taken on a JEOL JEM
SnO2 is an n type semiconductor crystal with direct band gap
2100 F instrument with a 200 kV accelerating voltage. Fourier
(3.6 eV at 300 K) having high excitonic binding energy (130 eV).
Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectra of SnO2 nanoparticles were re-
SnO2 with various nano and microstructures, such as nanopar-
corded by Perkin Elmer RX-IR spectrometer. The photolumines-
ticles, nanorods, nanobelts, hollow microspheres, nanoflowers,
cence (PL) and photoluminescence excitation (PLE) were
mesoporous structures [10–15], nanowhiskers [16] and nanowires
performed using a Perkin Elmer LS-55 spectrophotometer.
[17] have been prepared by different methods. Up till now various
methods such as molten-salt synthesis [18], hydrothermal method
[19,20], carbothermal reduction [21], chemical precipitation [22], 3. Results and discussion
microwave technique [23,24], sol–gel [25], sonochemical [26],
etc., have been developed to fabricate tin oxide nanostructures. 3.1. UV–Visible absorption spectrum

⇑ Corresponding author. Fax: +91 532 2545341. Figure 1a shows UV–Visible absorption spectrum of colloidal
E-mail address: (M.K. Singh). solution obtained by pulsed laser ablation of tin in double

0009-2614/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
88 M.K. Singh et al. / Chemical Physics Letters 536 (2012) 87–91

Figure 1. (a) UV–Visible absorption spectrum of SnO2 quantum dots and (b) plot of (ahm)2 versus hm for SnO2 quantum dots synthesized by pulsed laser ablation method.

deionized water. SnO2 exciton broad band starts with a hump at ðahmÞ1=n ¼ Bðhm  Eg Þ ð2Þ
300 nm because of near band edge absorption of electron in con-
duction band and exciton broad band further increases up to where B is a constant, a is absorption coefficient, Eg is the band gap,
200 nm. Stronger exciton effect is an important character of quan- hm is the photon energy and n is a value that depends on the nature
tum confinement in nano-semiconductors as carriers are confined of the transition. In this case, n is equal to 1/2 for the direct allowed
in a very small region which makes the electron and hole to move transition. The band gap can be estimated from a plot of (ahm)2 ver-
only in a potential well. It can enhance the coupling interaction sus photon energy. The estimated band gap energy is 4.37 eV for
with each other and the exciton becomes stronger, probability of synthesized sample Figure 1b. The increase of the band gap of
binding increases, more exciton absorption peak may appear when SnO2 is due to the smaller size of the particles. By applying Eq. (1)
the particle size decreases. Therefore the exciton absorption is ob- the radius (R) of SnO2 QDs found to be 1.55 nm. This study shows
served and it shows blue shift near band edge absorption relative that the quantum confinement effect of SnO2 is only at particle size
to the bulk exciton absorption (345 nm or 3.6 eV) [19]. This blue below the Bohr radius (2.7 nm).
shift represents the quantum confinement property of nanoparti-
cles. In the quantum confinement range, the band gap of the parti- 3.2. Transmission electron microscopy
cle increases as the particle size decreases resulting in the shift of
absorption edge to lower wavelength [28]. The morphology, particle size and structure of the synthesized
When the dimensions of nanocrystalline particles approach the sample were characterized by TEM and HRTEM. The TEM images
exciton Bohr radius (aB), a blueshift in energy is observed due to are shown in Figure 2a and b which reveals that the product is
the quantum confinement phenomenon. The effective mass model composed of homogeneous ultrafine self assembled nanoparticles
is commonly used to study the size dependence of optical proper- with a diameter below 5 nm. The SAED ring pattern in Figure 2c
ties of QD systems. In this approach the exciton is treated analo- for SnO2 QDs shows that the particles are well crystallized [31].
gously to a hydrogen atom, but is limited by spatial confinement. The diameter of the diffraction ring in SAED pattern is proportional
Therefore the energy of the system is obtained by solving the prop- to (h2 + k2 + l2)2 where (hkl) are the Miller indices of the planes cor-
er Schrodinger equation. In this manner two regimes are defined responding to the ring, counting from the center. First, second and
due to the coupling of motion of the electron and the hole in the third ring correspond to (1 1 1), (2 0 0) and (2 2 0) planes respec-
exciton: weak and strong confinements. In the former the particle tively. Figure 2d is the HRTEM image of the SnO2 QDs, which
size is larger than aB, and the electron and the hole are treated as a clearly reveals the lattice fringes with a d-spacing of about
correlated pair. The blue shift of the band gap energy is described 0.176 nm, corresponding to (2 1 1) planes of SnO2 (JCPDS No. 41-
by the following equation: 1445). Highly ordered lattice fringes, even in the surface region,
are evidence of the crystallinity of the particles.
Eeff  p2 =2lR2  1:8e2 =eR
g ¼ Eg þ h ð1Þ From the data obtained by TEM images, the particle size distri-
bution graph shown in Figure 2e, and the mean size of the particles
h the plank constant, l is the effective
where R is the particle radius,  can be determined. It can be seen that the diameter (2R) of the
reduced mass, e is the charge of the electron, Eg is the bulk band gap quantum dot is from 1 nm to 5 nm, and the median diameter (taken
energy (3.60 eV), static dielectric constant e of approximately 14 as average particle diameter) is about 2.5 nm. The radius (R) of QDs
and Eeff calculated from absorption data is 1.55 nm. Both the results show
g is the effective band gap energy. As the effective mass of
the electrons is much smaller than that of the holes (me = 0.27me), that the size of QDs is less than the Bohr radius (R = 2.7 nm).
since me  mh (me and mh are the electron and hole effective Therefore, the SnO2 nanoparticles are called SnO2 quantum dots
masses respectively). The charge carrier confinement mainly affects (QDs).
the energy level of the electrons [29,30].
The size dependence of the band gap energies of the quantum- 3.3. FTIR spectra
confined SnO2 particles agrees very well with the confinement re-
gime. The band gap energy Eg for SnO2 nanoparticles can also be The FTIR spectrum is shown in Figure 3 for SnO2 nanoparticles
determined by extrapolation to the zero absorption coefficients, synthesized by LAL in water. The spectrum was recorded of a film
which are calculated using the following equation: coated on a glass substrate by suspending the solution drop by
M.K. Singh et al. / Chemical Physics Letters 536 (2012) 87–91 89

Figure 2. TEM images of the SnO2 quantum dots: (a and b) TEM images at 20 nm and 5 nm scale respectively (c) HRTEM image (d) SAED pattern (e) particle size histogram
curve of SnO2 QDs.

drop at 80 °C for evaporating the water. FTIR is recorded in the not directly recombining to a hole in the valance band from con-
range of 1000–400 cm1 for confirmation of SnO2. A band appears duction band [34].
in the range of 400–700 cm1 is assigned to Sn–O antisymmetric Generally, defects such as oxygen vacancies are known to be the
vibration [32,33]. most common defects in oxides and usually act as radiative centers
in luminescence processes. Among the oxygen vacancies in the
oxide, only the single ionized oxygen vacancy (V 0o ) state observed
3.4. Photoluminescence spectrum by EPR is paramagnetic, and it is expected that most oxygen vacan-
cies will be in their paramagnetic V 0o state under flat-band condi-
The photoluminescence (PL) emission spectrum for SnO2 quan- tions [34]. V 0o is assumed to be the recombination center for the
tum dots synthesized by PLA in water at an excitation wavelength luminescence emission, which has an effective monovalent posi-
of 271 nm is shown in Figure 4. The peak shows three individual tive charge with respect to the regular O2 site. After such a recom-
peaks at 409 nm, 447 nm and 540 nm respectively indicating the bination the effectively neutral center V 0o (neutral charge vacancy
blue and green emissions. These three peaks are smaller than for oxygen) will be formed, whose energy is very close to the
the band gap of SnO2 which is 4.37 eV therefore the electron is conduction band edge due to the correlation energy of the two
90 M.K. Singh et al. / Chemical Physics Letters 536 (2012) 87–91

green emission band (540 nm) can be atrributed to radiative

recombination from defect such as oxygen vacancies [36]. The de-
fects may arise because of non-equilibrium process in LAL [37].
Zeng et al. have shown the presence of defects formed in highly
non-equilibrium conditions had a significant impact on the lumi-
nescence of ZnO. A detailed study about blue emissions, green
emissions and quantum confinement effect for the increase in
the band gap of ZnO and other semiconducting nanoparticles due
to smaller particle size is reported by Zeng et al. [38,39].

4. Conclusions

SnO2 quantum dots were synthesized by LAL. The estimated

band gap energy is 4.37 eV for SnO2 QDs. The increase of the band
gap of SnO2 is due to the smaller size of the particles (quantum
comfinement effect). The diameters of the SnO2 nanoparticles fall
into a small range of 1–5 nm, with the majority of them are less
than the exciton Bohr radius of SnO2 (2.7 nm). Therefore, the
Figure 3. FTIR spectrum of the SnO2 quantum dots synthesized by pulsed laser SnO2 nanoparticles are called SnO2 (QDs). The SAED ring pattern
ablation. shows that the SnO2 QDs are well crystallized. The photolumines-
cence (PL) emission spectrum shows the blue and green emission.
Blue and green emission bands occur due to the recombination of
the deep trapped charges and photogenerated electrons from the
conduction band, and also due to the defect such as oxygen


Authors are thankful to Dr. Gajender Saini, AIRF-JNU Delhi for

TEM facilities and Prof. Ram Gopal, University of Allahabad for
extending the facilities available with them.


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