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16 Robert Pernetta Laurent Bender EPC Case Studies

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EPC case studies

Robert Pernetta, Financial Instruments Advisor,

European Investment Bank
Laurent Bender, Financial Instruments Advisor,
European Investment Bank
Example – balance sheet
treatment of EPC
Energy efficiency measures Key figures

Total investment cost

EUR 5 million
EUR 1.5 million
• Building envelope insulation
Guaranteed energy savings
• Window replacement
40% compared to baseline
• Fuel switch to wood pellets
• Heating substations Annual energy cost savings
• Thermostatic valves EUR 400,000
• Heat pumps Annual payments
• New cooling system EUR 320,000
• Indoor lighting upgrade Contract duration
10 years
Can this project be considered off-balance sheet under EPC guide?

Example: Hospital
Test against Eurostat guide rules

• Measures: measures are related to energy efficiency ✓

• Contract length: 10 years ✓
• Government financing: grant 20% ✓ High importance
• Guaranteed savings vs payments to ESCO*:
Energy savings: 10 * EUR 400,000 = EUR 4m
Payments: EUR 1.5m + 10 * EUR 320,000 = EUR 4.7m
Operational payments > savings 
The asset is on-balance sheet for the government sector

How can this project be made Maastricht neutral?

*For simplification reasons the payments and savings are not calculated as net-present value (NPV)

Other contract provision may also influence the balance sheet treatment, these are not analysed in
this case study

Slovenia – National EPC programme supported
by ESIF grants

Slovenia – EPC
• 2014-2020 1.8million m2 public building stock to be renovated
• Estimated investment volume EUR 415m
• Available resources from OP EUR 171.7m
• of which grants EUR 146.7m
• of which financial instrument EUR 25m
• Establishment of strategic development project:
• Set up of project office, inventory of buildings,
• Preparation of project documentation with ELENA technical assistance
• Establishment of EPC model contract approved by Ministry of Finance and Eurostat
• Set-up of financing instrument in order to increase competition among


CŠOD Bohinj
training centre


Slovenia: CŠOD Bohinj
Pilot case
Training centre for school children in Triglav National Park
Renovating building to Zero Net Energy Building (NZEB) standard
• Investment volume EUR 714,000 (2.105m2)
• 50% financed by ESCO, 50% financed via EU grants and client own resources
• reconstruction of the boiler room, retrofitting central heating system, lighting
retrofit, installation of ventilation system, advanced building management system,
building envelope & joinery
• Switch to biomass fuel and heat pump
• Total energy savings 247 MWh/a (ca. EUR 44,000 p.a.)


Slovenia: Decision
making process
• Potential beneficiaries apply for ESIF support for energy efficiency
• EPC test
• If CBA shows that building is “EPC-able”, grant is only available when implemented
via EPC (up to 40% of CAPEX)
• if not EPC-able, normal public procurement
• Client undertakes energy audit and analysis
• Project office supports in public procurement (competitive dialogue)
A dedicated ESIF loan fund to support ESCOs and EPC clients is in


Slovenia: Results of
calls 2016-2020


London Energy Efficiency Fund supporting

London: LEEF and
• Greater London Authority has set up the London Green Fund under
JESSICA Initiative with EIB during 2007-2013
• One of the funds was the London Energy Efficiency Fund (LEEF) financing
public building renovation
• It invested into energy efficiency and decentralized
• Project preparation supported by RE:FIT, initially funded by ELENA,
currently financed by LEEF reflows
• In 2014-2020 it is continued with the Major of London Energy Efficiency
Fund (MEEF)
• MEEF has an investment volume of £ 500m
• Long-term financing up to 20 years


MEEF Target
Investment Sectors

MEEF Investment MEEF has a £2m

Policy allows Technical
flexible support
for different Assistance facility
entities and to support project
projects development


London: Leverage

Debt Equity
(At least 90% of (up to 10% of
Fund) Fund)


London Case study St
Georges £13.3m
Project / Financial Highlights
‒ Financial Close in 2014 & ’15 and practical Completion expected
in 2017
‒ 10-Year Loan
‒ A low cost and innovative source of funding to an NHS entity
‒ LEEF fully funded a £12m Energy Performance Contract (EPC) at
St George’s, one of the UK’s largest teaching hospitals. This was
supplemented by a further £1.3m for additional measures
‒ Flexible finance terms allowed the Trust to realise a significantly
higher NPV for the project when compared to other funding
Technical Highlights
‒ Installation of a CHP plant, remodelling of an energy centre and
broad energy efficiency technology retrofit
‒ Expected to save 6,300 tonnes of carbon and over £1.2m p.a.
‒ Project procured through the NHS’ Essentia framework
(previously the London Procurement Programme)
The Energy Centre will save the NHS Hospital Trust ‒ The Trust will achieve substantial financial and CO2 savings;
reduced maintenance and a more comfortable internal
over £1 million a year that can be spent on improving
environment for both patients and staff
patient care


EPC in the health care sector in Marche
Region, Italy

Marche, Italy
EPC in health sector
• From 2014-2017 Region of Marche developed an energy efficiency
scheme for health sector (MARTE) supported by Intelligent Energy Europe
• Objective: Using EPC for comprehensive renovation including renewable
energy sources using EU Funds
• Outcome of project: Combining ESIF grants, ESIF FI for and ESCO own
resources for project
• Contracts with 15 years duration signed with ESCOs end of 2017
• Implementation started end of 2018


Marche, Italy
EPC in health sector


Financing of Marche
health sector EPC
Financing to project:
• OP grant (max 40%) paid to the beneficiary that will pass it on
to ESCO;
• OP interest-free loan (max 35% of the investment) for 15 years
by to ESCOs directly;
• ESCOs provide remaining amount form own resources;
The experience from the health sector project inspired the set up
of a regional Energy and Mobility Fund (EMF)


Establishment of EMF


Marche: Lessons
• Need for proper project preparation, such as a solid energy audit
• Return of investment of energy efficiency measures determine
contract length
• ESIF funding is important to reconcile contract length and economic
payback time of measures
• Need for affordable financing for projects
• Capacity building on EPC
• Interdisciplinary working group to manage call for tender
• Commitment of additional staff with specialised skills duration of
contract (15 years)




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