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Intelligent Energy Europe at A Glance 2011

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Intelligent Energy - Europe

Energy efficiency and Renewable energy

IEE pioneers new ideas and promotes best practices

in buildings, industry, infra-structure and transport

IEE delivers on:


Creating favourable market conditions

Shaping policy development and implementation
Preparing the ground for investments
Building capacity and skills
Informing stakeholders and fostering commitment

For further information on the IEE programme visit:

IEE EU Added Value










IEE helps pioneers across the EU to deliver 2020 targets by innovative

market initiatives, shared best practices, cooperation on EU policy implementation,
informing decision makers, promoting efficient use of proven products, systems
and infra-structures, and triggering investments.
IEE is designed for efficient use of public funding: pooling skills from across

the EU to achieve and promote results more cost effectively than any one Member
State could manage on their own.

IEE helps public and private stakeholders to make changes at local level

where 2020 targets must be delivered. (3.500+ applicants per year - 1/3 public,
2/3 private of which more than 70% are SME's). To date, IEE has supported 500+
projects with 3.000+ beneficiaries.

IEE has proven track record of transforming markets: accelerating uptake of

certified products and services. Helping industries and ESCOs to promote trading
of competitive products across the EU, tackle common market barriers, and
improve transparency in the market through improved standards, labelling, and
information campaigns (including web portals).
IEE transfers knowhow and experience across borders: helping more

experienced local and regional teams to transfer their knowhow to other parts of
the EU which have less experience eg new member states, thereby building new
networks and facilitating trade and business opportunities, especially for SMEs.

IEE projects support policy development and implementation: strategic

project teams provide technical inputs and market feedback to policy makers in EC
and Member States. Concerted Actions provide fora for exchanging experience on
implementation of Directives (ie buildings, energy services and renewables) and
IEE supports energy infra-structures: Grid options developed in IEE projects

contributed to EU Infra-structure Package. 80 new local and regional energy

agencies have created focal points for EU energy policies in Member States.

IEE projects and initiatives trigger investments: IEE projects prepare the

ground for investment by increasing skills, publishing information for investors,

mobilising decision makers, and funding technical assistance. Building on this, the
ELENA initiative (with EIB) is attracting a growing number of investment projects.
In addition, contractors who signed IEE projects in 2010 estimated that 50 M
from IEE could trigger a further 500 M of investments.

IEE information reaches millions of EU citizens in businesses, the public

sector and at home: The IEE website attracts ~2 million page views per year,
whilst other IEE funded web sites and portals (ManagEnergy, EU Sustainable
Energy Week, ELTIS, Covenant of Mayors, BUILD UP, Clean Vehicle Europe,
ELENA, and the 500+ IEE project web sites) add many more. IEE videos have been
seen by more than 50 million viewers across the EU on TV.
For further information on the IEE programme visit:

IEE Success Stories


Creating favourable market conditions

More than 50% of solar collectors traded in EU are now labelled with Solar Keymark.
Solar Keymark is the first internationally recognised quality label for solar thermal products. It was
launched and further developed in IEE project "Solar Keymark". Project partners included Solar
Industry Associations and national test centres. The resulting EU quality assurance framework is
helping European solar thermal industries to contribute to 2020 targets. On 1st of January 2011
there were ~1350 Solar Keymark licences, and more than 1200 collectors certified.
"We expect the Keymark to be the only European collector quality mark of importance and
this will facilitate the creation of a single common EU market" - Dr.-Ing. Harald Drueck, Board
of Directors ESTIF (European Solar Thermal Industry Federation).


Shaping policy development and implementation

Blueprints of offshore grid designs for the Baltic and North Seas
In the IEE project "Offshore grid", industry and experts from leading EU organisations propose
offshore grid designs for 120 GW of offshore wind + marine energy in the North and Baltic Seas,
including technical, economic, policy and regulatory aspects. They also produce cost estimates for
typical generator locations, grid connection requirements, and market behaviours. The project is
targeted towards European policy makers, industry, transmission system operators and regulators.
"Offshore Grid" contributed to the preparation of EU Communication "Energy infrastructure
priorities for 2020 and beyond - A Blueprint for an integrated European energy network"

"Concerted Actions" help Member States to implement EU Directives cost-effectively

IEE Concerted Actions help the implementing bodies in Member States to network and share
experiences with the transposition of EU Directives on Energy Performance of Buildings,
Renewable Energy and Energy Services. National authorities from EU countries (and beyond)
meet informally to discuss the most effective options for implementing these Directives. The
discussions in specialist workshops also offer opportunities for the European Commission to work
informally with Member States. The exchanges are often backed up with practical grass-roots
experience from IEE projects. The Concerted Actions also attract attention from accession
countries as well as countries such as China and the US and proved useful to facilitate the
communication of a common EU approach towards these countries.
"Participants of the EPBD Concerted Action unanimously welcomed the support and hints
received from other Member States - as they all have comparable issues to solve" Eduardo
Maldonado, Coordinator of the EPBD concerted action.
After her study tour to Ireland, Wina Roelens (Flemish Energy Agency) stated on behalf of
participants: "we had heard about national registries for buildings certification, now we
understand them".

For further information on the IEE programme visit:


Preparing the ground for investments

Seven highly motivated European regions use IEE funding to develop their biogas potential.
The IEE "Biogas Regions" project sought to develop biogas supply chains in seven countries, in
particular through 14 pilot sites and studies. Regional action plans were adopted and assistance
was provided to agricultural/food processing SMEs as well as to local waste management
companies to start new businesses in biogas production. The project accompanied them from the
first opportunity assessment through the feasibility study, authorisation procedure, contacts with
investors, identification of technology providers, up to the signature of contracts for building the
plants. The project triggered ~8 MW of new biogas production, and mobilised investments of ~ 40
million .
"Biogas is not yet a mature market in all Europe, so we need pioneers to take forward new
projects in this area" - Valrie Borroni, Biogas Regions Project coordinator.

IEE funding helps preparing projects for structural funds and other investment funds
In the project Energy4Cohesion eight regions mainly from new Member States collaborated to
boost renewable energies and the rational use of energy in less developed rural areas of Europe,
and to prepare the ground for the extended use of Structural Funds. The project demonstrated best
practice by the design of comprehensive Master Plans for these regions. In addition 31 energy
projects - corresponding to a total investment of 60 Mio - which were identified and prepared for
the submission to Structural Funds Programmes. Together with the IEE projects Clear Support,
Promoscene and SF-EnergyInvest, this project also prepared the ground for the ELENA initiative,
as the lack of financial means for the preparation of investment projects was identified as one of
the major bottlenecks.


Building capacity and skills

IEE funding to institutionalise European energy manager training scheme "EUREM"
With EUREM.NET the successful energy managers' course "EUREM" was expanded from three to
nine more EU countries. In total 22 EUREM courses were carried out, all using the same method
and standardised training materials. A total of 346 representatives from SMEs, larger companies
and public institutions in the twelve countries were qualified as European Energy Managers.
The EU funding of 652000 was used for updating and translating the course material, sharing
knowledge on how to set-up and run courses. The courses as such were financed through fees.
Thus the course is sustainable and indeed is replicated further since the end of the project. The
funding triggered investments of about 90 million thus having a direct leverage effect beyond
1:100, with an even larger longer-term leverage effect as these energy managers will implement
further energy saving measures in their companies.
"I learned the importance of a different mental attitude: a little more attention is crucial
sometimes to achieve a major result" - Maurizio La Rosa from Olpidrr Italia Spa, who in the
EUREM course prepared an investment into variable speed drives which saved more than 2550
MWh per year with a payback time of less than a year and annual cost reductions of 230000 EUR.
"The course convinced me that there is still room for improvement and investment in
energy saving is paying off" - Jii ubrt, from ZENTIVA a.s. a pharmaceutical company, who
attended the EUREM course in the Czech Republic.

For further information on the IEE programme visit:

Certification of renewable energy system installers with mutual recognition in 6 countries

The IEE "QualiCert" project is contributing to the development of common European certification
schemes for installers of renewable energy systems in buildings, like biomass stoves and boilers,
shallow geothermal energy systems, heat pumps, photovoltaics and solar thermal systems.
Partners from industry associations and national agencies are working to deliver on the
requirement of the RES Directive that Member States must have such certification schemes in
place by 2012.
"QualiCert will provide a "common denominator for European national qualification
schemes, based on extensive consultation of stakeholders - Anthony Dupont (ADEME),
QualiCert project coordinator.


Informing stakeholders and fostering commitment

The Greenlight programme Public and private organisations commit to reducing their
lighting energy use
Up to now over 600 cities and companies in 24 Member States committed to the Greenlight
Programme, with about 100 of them coming from New Member States. In total by the end of 2008,
these 600 organisations saved 241 GWh/year which corresponds to savings of around 24 million
EUR in running costs. On average each organisation saved 689 MWh/year, or 36% compared to
the level of energy consumption before introducing energy saving measures. The EU funding of
about 1.4 million EUR was used to promote the Greenlight scheme across Europe and to develop
handbooks and guidelines, while the investments were funded by the cities and enterprises
One of the 600 organisations is the City of Graz: The Greenlight Programme motivated the City of
Graz to invest 435000 into a pilot refurbishment of its street lighting, resulting in 60% savings. For
this pilot the City of Graz received the Greenlight award in 2006. The gained experience and the
received recognition triggered the city's own Greenlight programme 2010 of so far 2.3 million
investments, achieving a reduction of electricity consumption of 24%. For the implementation the
city used Energy Performance Contracting, thus did not have to invest itself and immediately
benefitted from cost reductions. The project was funded by local banks without subsidies.
"We are proud of this project, which is not only a major contribution to increase energy
efficiency and protect the climate but improves the quality of our street lighting and thus
our road safety. And by using the Thermoprofit model the city's budget profits from the first
moment" - Lisa Rcker, Vice-Mayor of the City of Graz, Austria.

For further information on the IEE programme visit:

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