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Term Paper On Ozone-Layer Depletion

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Writing a thesis on ozone-layer depletion can be a daunting task.

This complex and pressing

environmental issue requires extensive research, critical analysis, and a deep understanding of
scientific concepts. It is no wonder that many students struggle with writing a comprehensive and
high-quality thesis on this topic.

The ozone layer is a vital part of our atmosphere, protecting us from harmful ultraviolet radiation.
However, due to human activities such as the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), the ozone layer has
been depleting at an alarming rate. This issue has raised concerns among scientists, policymakers, and
the general public, making it a popular topic for academic research.

When writing a thesis on ozone-layer depletion, one must delve into the complex scientific concepts
behind this phenomenon. This includes understanding the chemistry of ozone depletion, the role of
different pollutants, and the impact on the environment and human health. It also requires a thorough
analysis of existing research and data to support the arguments and findings.

Moreover, writing a thesis on ozone-layer depletion also involves discussing potential solutions and
strategies to address this issue. This requires a deep understanding of environmental policies,
international agreements, and technological advancements in the field. It is essential to present well-
researched and evidence-based recommendations to effectively combat ozone-layer depletion.

Given the complexity and depth of this topic, it is understandable why many students struggle with
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Indirect damage caused by the UV-B includes changes in the plant form and distribution of
nutrients within the plant. However, the current Antarctic ozone hole is smaller than in the past two
years, according to Braathen. UV radiation imposes a significant influence on the growth and
development of fungi, plants and hu- mans. UV-B radiations exhibit the abil- ity to transmute the
biochemical and physiological path- ways of cells by structural changes in biomolecules, which
ultimately cause diseases such as skin cancer, photo-ag- ing, immuno-suppression and cataracts in the
human po- pulation. The solar maxima of the sun-spot cycle are responsible for increased UV-C
radiation whic h stimulates the formation of stratospheric ozone. Sign In The ozone may be like the
natural sunscreen for all life on Earth. 16 September marks the International Day for the Preservation
of the Ozone Layer, or World Ozone Day. This chlorine radical reacts with ozone to form chlorine
monoxide and an oxygen molecule. In the mid-latitudes in particular, upper stratospheric ozone has
increased by 1 to 3 per cent per decade since 2000. It feels like Swift is the biggest thing to ever land
in Sydney — but how does the Eras tour compare to other iconic acts. This results in the formation
of complex phenolic compounds such as flavonoids, lignins and tannins. The Vienna Convention for
protection of Ozone layer was adopted by 43 nations in 1985. Various anthropogenic activi- ties such
as emissions of CFCs, HCFCs and other organo-halogens lead to the depletion of ozone. The
mechanism involved for the induction of these cancers by UV light includes absorption of UV-B
radia- tion causes the pyrimidine bases in the DNA molecule to form dimers, resulting in
transcriptional errors during DNA replication. If the ozone layer was absent, millions of people would
develop skin diseases and may have weakened immune systems. The UV rays are of shorter
wavelengths ranging from 100 - 280 nm (UV-C), 280 - 315 nm (UV-B) to 315 - 400 nm (UV-A).
Trump’s agenda was questioned, some people arguing that he does not care about regulation in the
refrigerator or air conditioning industries. Measurements in the laboratory and the atmosphere
characterized the chemical reactions that were involved in ozone destruction. The two lowest layers
are shown in the figure above. There are. Comment Name Email Save my name, email, and website
in this browser for the next time I comment. The ultra-violet (UV) rays emitted from sun are
captured by ozone and thereby provide a stable ontological structure in the biosphere. At high
tempera- ture, they can degrade to more acutely toxic gases such as chlorine and phosgene. Listed
above are some of the serious hazards or problems associated. The solar UV radiations stimulate the
enzymes such as PAL (Phenylalanine Ammonium Lyase) and CHS (Chalcone Synthase) that
catalyses transformation of phenylalanine to trans -cinnamic acid. Ground ozone concentration is
lower in Polar and equatorial regions. Natural remedies should be used instead of pesticides. These
reports and the answers provided here were all prepared and reviewed by a large international group
of scientists 1. What was different about these compounds from those other chlorine sources that
didn’t destroy ozone was that these were lasting and stable, and gradually ascended to the
stratosphere over a span of two to five years or more until their fateful meeting with UV light. In
such cases, the changes in climatic conditions are the main reason for their extinction. The
mechanism involved for the induction of these cancers by UV light includes absorption of UV-B
radia- tion causes the pyrimidine bases in the DNA molecule to form dimers, resulting in
transcriptional errors during DNA replication. CFCs are also found to have health effects which in-
clude short-term (acute) and long-term (chronic) effects.
About 100,000 ozone molecules will be killed by one chlorine atom before it is eliminated from the
stratosphere. At high concentrations, inhala- tion of CFCs affects the central nervous system (CNS)
with symptoms of alcohol-like intoxication, reduced co- ordination, light headedness, headaches and
convulsions. This gave the EPA authority to ban the use of HFCs without approval by the Senate,
and in 2015 the EPA began requiring companies to use alternative gasses as refrigerants instead of
HFCs. Hence, they are mainly released into the air through evaporation during their production and
use. HCFCs, ozone-depleting substances covered by the Montreal Protocol, are due to be capped in
2015 and phased out by 2040. Exposure to some UV-B radiations during the day time may result in
the selection of more efficient UV-protec- tion mechanism which makes shoots less susceptible to
the harmful effects of these radiations. The UV radiations damage skin either by damaging melano-
cyte cells or by causing sun-bu rns due to faster flow of blood in capillaries of exposed areas. Almost
8,000 trainee doctors in South Korea have walked off the job in protest against the government's
recent plan to recruit more students to medical schools. Since more ozone loss occurred than could
be explained by the supply of reactive chlorine available in the polar regions by known processes at
that time, other hypotheses arose. In October 2019, a study published by NASA and the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said unusual weather patterns in the upper atmosphere
over Antarctica caused a drastic reduction in ozone depletion, leaving the ozone with the smallest
hole seen since its discovery in 1982. Then notice the NO 2 reacts with an oxygen atom (which
might. It’s safe to say that ozone protection efforts are helping mitigate climate change. Koenig’s
paper, the first “quantitative detection” of iodine in the stratosphere, was published today (January
13, 2020) in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, with co-authors from CIRES,
CU Boulder and other institutions. Let us see the major effects of ozone layer depletion on man and
environment. UV-B radiations inhibit the radical elongation but shoot growth is not affected by these
radiations which indicate that roots are more sensitive to UV light. The ultra-violet (UV) rays
emitted from sun are captured by ozone and thereby provide a stable ontological structure in the
biosphere. International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer, 16 September, is now
celebrated on the day the Montreal Protocol was agreed upon. Taekwondo instructor has first court
hearing after being charged with murdering family A taekwondo instructor who allegedly murdered
an entire family in Sydney has his case heard in court this morning as police continue investigating
the motive. Sign In Karan Kamble writes on science and technology. Tylah and Dylan 'got laughed
out of the room' when they shared their budget to turn their cottage into a passive house While many
might've considered Tylah and Dylan's rundown 1950s cottage a knockdown rebuild, they had other
plans. Therefore, the use of vehicles should be minimised as much as possible. People should be
made aware of the harmful effects of nitrous oxide and the products emitting the gas so that its use
is minimised at the individual level as well. Analysis analysis: Australia could get the world's most
expensive anti-sub warship, but the numbers are as complex as shipbuilding By defence
correspondent Andrew Greene Getting in early with cutting-edge and developmental military
programs can yield huge benefits, and involves expensive gambles, but recent global events have
shown the option of deploying surface vessels without humans could prove invaluable, writes
Andrew Greene. It has been inferred that plant cells receive da- mage from exposure to UV-B as it
induces change in the proteins and nuclear DNA. In the summer, nitrogen dioxide and methane react
with chlorine monoxide and chlorine atoms which results in a shrinkage of chlorine and hence
prevents ozone layer depletion. More specifically, the compounds that would release chlorine, which
ultimately destroys ozone in the stratosphere upon interaction with UV light, were
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), carbon tetrachloride, and methyl
chloroform, among others. Sixty years ago, people lost their minds as the Beatles landed in Sydney.
This region, called the stratosphere, is more than 10 kilometers (6 miles) above Earth's surface.
Disturbances in heart rhythm can occur at very high con- centrations and had even caused some
deaths from inten- tional sniffing. Ozone is a molecule — a highly reactive gas — made up of three
oxygen atoms. It can either be natural or manmade, and can arise from various processes.
Em physema, bronchitis, asthma and even obstruction of lungs may be caused on exposure of UV
light to human beings. Satellite and aircraft measurements had confirmed the link between CFCs,
chlorine, and ozone loss. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews,
only customers who have purchased this resource can review it Report this resource to let us know if
it violates our terms and conditions. Your information is being handled in accordance with the ABC
Privacy Collection Statement. The ground ozone along with carbon monoxide is responsible for acid
rain which caus- es damage to lung tissue and its long-term exposure can cause permanent tissue
damage. Skeptics have largely dismissed fears over man’s impact on global warming, saying climate
change has been going on since the beginning of time. Some chemical compounds release chlorine
and bromine, which in exposure to high ultraviolet light causes the depletion of ozone. The ozone
depletion resulted in secondary production of an ozone layer near the ground (terrestrial ozone
layer), which is responsible for adverse effects on plants, humans and environment with increased
number of bronchial diseases in humans. Now, with the theoretically healthier ozone layer we have
nothing to worry about, right? Wrong. This chlorine radical reacts with ozone to form chlorine
monoxide and an oxygen molecule. Published in Nature, a research paper heralds a rare achievement
in repairing environmental damage and shows that concerted global action can make a difference.
First discovered over the South Pole, these holes are thought to be the cause of excessive use of
chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's, found in aerosols and refrigerators) and emissions from the
petrochemical industry. Ozone loss is no longer a major cause for worry because, for a change, Earth
banded together for a rescue mission on an environmental matter. This can only be done by reducing
the use of compounds which react in the atmosphere to harm the ozone layer. Subsequent laboratory
measurements, atmospheric measurements, and atmospheric-modeling studies soon substantiated the
importance of their findings. Although there are still inconc lusive observations of UV induced
photo-morphogenesis particularly with regard to signal transduction and other early stage responses.
Tropospheric ozone is a toxic pollutant that develops as different substances produced by humans are
changed by sunlight. If provided, your email will not be published or shared. The ultraviolet rays
split the oxygen molecule into free oxygen atoms, these free oxygen atoms combine with the oxygen
molecule to form ozone. It will be important to study the hypothesis in greater detail, Koenig and his
co-authors said. It addressed the im- portance of conservation of Ozone layer and established global
mechanism for research, monitoring and exchange of information. Chemical reactions that take place
on PSC particles convert less-reactive chlorine-containing molecules to more-reactive forms such as
molecular chlorine (Cl 2 ) that accumulate during the polar night. (Bromine compounds and nitrogen
oxides can also react with these cloud particles.) When day returns to Antarctica in the early spring,
sunlight breaks the molecular chlorine into single chlorine atoms that can react with and destroy
ozone. These inferences are based on the studies that have frequently used unbalanc- ed spectral
manipulations, unrealistically high supple- mentary fluxes and in vitro exposures of single cellular
components. The thinning of the ozone layer present in the upper atmosphere is called ozone layer
depletion. This gay NZ dramedy achieves the rare feat of speaking to millennials on both sides of the
parenting gap This new Kiwi dramedy explores the funny parts of IVF and the unique experience
that is navigating an already heartless system as a lesbian couple. At high concentrations, inhala- tion
of CFCs affects the central nervous system (CNS) with symptoms of alcohol-like intoxication,
reduced co- ordination, light headedness, headaches and convulsions. The atmospheric release of
ODSs such as halocar- bons including chloro. The photo-dissociation of oxygen molecules by high-
energy solar photons (175 - 242 nm) in the stratosphere results in the production of ozone. Typically,
this free oxygen atom easily re-joins to form another ozone molecule with an oxygen molecule.
Examples are halons, chlorofluorocarbons, hydrofluorocarbons, carbon tetrachloride etc.
However, steps should be taken at the individual level as well to prevent the depletion of the ozone
layer. These do not bind to soil strongly and thus they can easily leach to the groundwater. A study
published in August last year has estimated that if not for the Montreal Protocol, an additional
warming of global-mean surface temperature by 0.5 to 1 degrees Celsius was on the cards. It
adversely affects the rate of photosynthesis in plants resulting in decreased agriculture producti on. If
the ozone layer was absent, millions of people would develop skin diseases and may have weakened
immune systems. As a result of continued international cooperation on this issue, the ozone layer is
expected to recover over time. Community mounts 'mega search' for missing Victorian woman
Samantha Murphy Police say they have added highly experienced detectives from multiple policing
divisions to the weeks-long search for missing Ballarat mum Samantha Murphy. A brief answer to
each question is first given in italics; an expanded answer then follows. Em physema, bronchitis,
asthma and even obstruction of lungs may be caused on exposure of UV light to human beings.
Exposure to solar UV- B radiation has been shown to affect both orientation me- chanisms and
mortality in phytoplankton, resulting in re- duced survival rates for these organisms. Solar UV-B ra-
diation has also been found to cause damage to the early developmental stages of fish, shrimp, crab,
amphibians and other animals. This has introduced ambiguity to overall perception of UV radiation
as a stimulus for the plant development. They determine what patterns in wind changes were unlikely
because of natural changes and what could be attributed to human-related factors, such as changes in
carbon dioxide. The proteins cells in plants undergo harmful mutations, all due to ultraviolet
radiation. The ozone destruction reactions are shown in purple above. In October 2019, a study
published by NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said unusual weather
patterns in the upper atmosphere over Antarctica caused a drastic reduction in ozone depletion,
leaving the ozone with the smallest hole seen since its discovery in 1982. In- crease in solar UV
radiations affect terrestrial and aquatic biogeochemical cycles, thus altering both sources and sinks of
greenhouse and chemically important trace gases such as carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), carbon monoxide
(CO), carbonyl sulphide (COS) and possibly other gases, in- cluding ozone. Notably, it became the
first convention of any kind to be signed by every country involved. A special measurement
campaign conducted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in 1987, as well as later measurements,
proved that chlorine and bromine chemistry were indeed responsible for the ozone hole, but for
another reason: the hole appeared to be the product of chemical reactions occurring on particles that
make up polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) in the lower stratosphere. The plants also showed mutant
formation that alters the growth properties which are detrimental to optimal utilisation of the plant
prod- ucts. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?2.60 (no rating)
0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?2.60 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last
updated 3 June 2022 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin
Share through facebook Share through pinterest Saving The Teachers's Shop 3.50 53 reviews Not the
right resource. As Russia’s invasion of Ukraine grinds on, a Kyiv resident tells us about two years of
war and an analyst looks at whether Ukraine can hold out as US support crumbles. At high tempera-
ture, they can degrade to more acutely toxic gases such as chlorine and phosgene. But first there are
a few things you should probably know about sulfur. A thinning of the ozone layer also has been
observed over other regions of the globe, such as the Arctic and northern middle latitudes. This is an
open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distributio n, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited. If these chemicals escape into the environment, they drift up the stratosphere where
Cl and Br radicals are liberated by the action of ultraviolet light on their molecule and act as a
catalyst affecting the ozone layer at ? 78. UV enhances the rate of evaporation through stomata and
results in decreased soil moisture content thus, ultimately affects the growth and develop- ment of
crop plants. The sun propagates ultraviolet radiations which as an adverse effect on living beings.
Taylor Swift is the only artist to match the hysteria. It feels like Swift is the biggest thing to ever land
in Sydney — but how does the Eras tour compare to other iconic acts.
C (critical tem- perature required by chlorine to breakdown ozone at sur- face of polar stratospheric
cloud crystals), where they lead to a complete breakdown of ozone and thus reduce it to oxygen
molecules. In the case of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and perfluoro- carbons (PFCs) it is 1995. The
agreement focuses on protecting the ozone layer by minimising the production and consumption of
ozone-depleting substances. CFCs (Freons) are a group of colorless, non-combu- stible liquids
which are highly volatile substances and poorly soluble in water. Hence, they are mainly released
into the air through evaporation during their production and use. It has the potential to absorb
around 97-99% of the harmful ultraviolet radiations coming from the sun that can damage life on
earth. Single celled animals (protozoa), bacteria and viruses consume most of the energy trapped by
phytoplankton (see diagram). Two months later, its adoption by the Bri- tish scientists announced the
presence of Ozone hole over Antarctic triggering concern about human safety. This might result in
serious health issues among humans, such as skin diseases, cancer, sunburns, cataract, quick ageing
and weak immune system. Earlier studies report the loss of 50% crop plants in European countries
due to UV-radiations that enter the earth’s surface. These protocols banned the use of ozone
depleting substances (ODSs) in both developed and developing countries. This results in the
formation of complex phenolic compounds such as flavonoids, lignins and tannins. A slightly thinner
ozone layer means more UVB radiation can get through to Earth’s surface. The susceptibility to
cancer is often conspicuous in xeroderma pigmentosum, a disorder leading to extreme
photosensitivity and early onset of cutaneous malignancies. Paints and fibres are also damaged by
the increased levels of ultraviolet rays, causing them to fade faster. However, numerous stud- ies have
also reported the positive aspects of UV radia- tions wherein it plays an important role in the
evolution of plant and animal species. The ozone in “the ozone layer” is formed naturally through the
interaction of solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation with molecular oxygen (O 2 ). These do not bind to soil
strongly and thus they can easily leach to the groundwater. He occasionally wears the hat of a video
anchor for Swarajya's online video programmes. These clouds provide the surface for the hydrolysis
of chlorine nitrate to form hypochlorous acid. The UV rays are of shorter wavelengths ranging from
100 - 280 nm (UV-C), 280 - 315 nm (UV-B) to 315 - 400 nm (UV-A). Disturbances in heart rhythm
can occur at very high con- centrations and had even caused some deaths from inten- tional sniffing.
The earth is the only planet that sup- ports life, and thus preserving ozone layer and reducing the
release of greenhouse gasses are the essential steps required for the protection of life. It will
determine their immediate political fortunes and the all-important momentum for 2024, writes David
Speers. The signato- ries have been given ten year time for total phase out for enlisted ODSs. Do you
think we can gradually eradicate HFCs without a government mandate. According to a recent study,
“In early 2022, the overall concentration of ozone-depleting substances in the mid-latitude
stratosphere had fallen just over 50 percent back to levels observed in 1980, before ozone depletion
was significant.” Finally, ozone is set to return to 1980 values by the 2060s. Flavonoids and lig- nin
present in gymnosperms and angiosperms (but absent in algae) are the major products of this
metabolism. Keywords: Ozone Depletion; Ultra-Violet Radiation; Chlorofluorocarbons; Plants;
Ecosystem 1. Examples are halons, chlorofluorocarbons, hydrofluorocarbons, carbon tetrachloride
Photolysis of HOCl and Cl 2 occurs which forms chlorine radicals and this reaction initiates the
ozone layer depletion. People should be made aware of the harmful effects of nitrous oxide and the
products emitting the gas so that its use is minimised at the individual level as well. This reduced
mixing is caused by the circumpolar vortex, also called the polar winter vortex. The main threat now
comes from chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). The. The earth is the only planet that sup- ports life, and
thus preserving ozone layer and reducing the release of greenhouse gasses are the essential steps
required for the protection of life. Thanks to “a set of practical, actionable tasks that were universally
agreed on,” the Montreal Protocol has, over the decades, “successfully met its objectives thus far and
continues to safeguard the ozone layer today,” the Protocol Handbook states. In plants, UV
radiations resulted in reduced plant height, fresh-weight, dry-weight, seed ger- mination and
seedling growth. But, it became a trading house of carbon credits, which allow- ed developed
countries to pass off their commitments on- to the less developed countries, which had low
emissions due to low development. Coastal areas get flooded and area under land cover reduces. One
chlorine or CFC molecule can destroy 100,000 ozone molecules. It is only when the chlorine atom
reacts with some other molecule, it does not react with ozone. It will determine their immediate
political fortunes and the all-important momentum for 2024, writes David Speers. Chlorine nitrate
also reacts with hydrogen chloride thereby producing molecular chlorine. It was agreed that ozone-
depleting substances emitted by human activities had to be phased out. The mechanism involved for
the induction of these cancers by UV light includes absorption of UV-B radia- tion causes the
pyrimidine bases in the DNA molecule to form dimers, resulting in transcriptional errors during DNA
replication. Since more ozone loss occurred than could be explained by the supply of reactive
chlorine available in the polar regions by known processes at that time, other hypotheses arose.
Exposure to solar UV- B radiation has been shown to affect both orientation me- chanisms and
mortality in phytoplankton, resulting in re- duced survival rates for these organisms. Solar UV-B ra-
diation has also been found to cause damage to the early developmental stages of fish, shrimp, crab,
amphibians and other animals. The UV-B radia- tions play a vital role in the synthesis of vitamin D,
which involves two steps: formation of pre-vitamin D and its thermo conversion. Some scientists
and environmentalists in the 1970s used Crutzen’s research to assist their argument against the
creation of a fleet of American supersonic transports (SSTs). This thinning typically occurs during
years when lower-stratospheric temperatures in the Arctic vortex have been sufficiently low to lead
to ozone-destruction processes similar to those found in the Antarctic ozone hole. The extent of these
changes was determined by the direct effect of UVB on the microbial species, and the indirect effect
of UVB-induced changes on the microbial community. At high concentrations, inhala- tion of CFCs
affects the central nervous system (CNS) with symptoms of alcohol-like intoxication, reduced co-
ordination, light headedness, headaches and convulsions. The ultraviolet rays split the oxygen
molecule into free oxygen atoms, these free oxygen atoms combine with the oxygen molecule to
form ozone. CFCs (Freons) are a group of colorless, non-combu- stible liquids which are highly
volatile substances and poorly soluble in water. The stratospheric ozone helps in limiting the influx of
harmful UV-B and green- house gas. Thus, at present the anthropogenic damage to the ozone layer
strongly exceeds its recovery. The fungal diseases on plants have receding ef- fects due to the
inhibition of sporulation caused by expo- sure to UV radiation. Our customer service team will
review your report and will be in touch. ?2.60 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?2.60
(no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 3 June 2022 Share this Share through
email Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share through facebook Share through pinterest
Saving The Teachers's Shop 3.50 53 reviews Not the right resource. Turns out, ozone can be
destroyed much faster than it is naturally created. Terrestrial ozone acts as a green-house gas and
leads to global warming by the absorption of so- lar UV-B radiations. 4. Acknowledgements The
authors gratefully acknowledge Dr. P. Hemalatha Reddy, Principal (Sri Venkateswara College)
University of Delhi for providing institutional support.
There is a burgeoning need to reduce the production of industrial products causing ozone depletion
and global warming. If ozone pollution at Earth’s surface increases, for example, could it trigger
even more lower-stratosphere ozone layer destruction. Contrary to what anyone would expect, the
Trump administration actually defended the EPA-HFC regulations and the March 28 executive order
did not change the Climate Action Plan’s restriction of HFCs. But first there are a few things you
should probably know about sulfur. Now, with the theoretically healthier ozone layer we have
nothing to worry about, right? Wrong. It addressed the im- portance of conservation of Ozone layer
and established global mechanism for research, monitoring and exchange of information. The fungal
diseases on plants have receding ef- fects due to the inhibition of sporulation caused by expo- sure to
UV radiation. It keeps out harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun that has been linked to skin
cancer, cataracts, immune system suppression and can also cause damage to plants. For the first time
the CFCs were identi- fied as a major culprit and CFCs-11, 12, 13, 114 and 115 and Halons-1211,
1301 and 2402 were targeted for re- duction. Some chemical compounds release chlorine and
bromine, which in exposure to high ultraviolet light causes the depletion of ozone. The Significant
New Alternatives Policy ( SNAP ) program assesses ODS alternatives to determine the
environmental and health effects of the substances. Indirect damage caused by the UV-B includes
changes in the plant form and distribution of nutrients within the plant. It adversely affects the rate
of photosynthesis in plants resulting in decreased agriculture producti on. The signato- ries have been
given ten year time for total phase out for enlisted ODSs. Let us know if you have suggestions to
improve this article (requires login). Earlier studies report the loss of 50% crop plants in European
countries due to UV-radiations that enter the earth’s surface. Get a Britannica Premium subscription
and gain access to exclusive content. Did You Miss? This is the magic income set to win the biggest
percentage tax cut from the revised plan Nurse, teacher, surgeon — is your job likely to win from the
revised tax cuts. The in- crease in terrestrial ozone particulates results in their en- hanced scattering
and improved absorption of UV-B ra- diations, which contributes to global warming by acting as a
greenhouse gas and also shows harmful effects on both animals and plants. The halocarbon refri-
gerants used in the refrigeration and air-conditioning systems have become a subject of great concern
for the last few decades. Atmospheric measurements have clearly corroborated theoretical studies
showing that chlorine and bromine released from halocarbons in the stratosphere react with and
destroy ozone. A total of 197 countries, including the U.S. under former President Ronald Reagan,
are signatories of the Montreal Protocol. It states that HFCs are predicted to triple by 2030 and
incentivizes reduction of HFCs in both the private and public sectors. Ozone at Earth’s surface is a
pollutant, one that is regulated in the United States and elsewhere because it can harm people’s lungs.
It’s safe to say that ozone protection efforts are helping mitigate climate change. The most severe
and most surprising ozone loss was discovered to be over Antarctica. The muta- tions caused by UV
rays result in variation in morphogenic traits of plants which ultimately decreases crop productiv- ity.
UV radiation imposes a significant influence on the growth and development of fungi, plants and
hu- mans. Tags climate change Global Warming antartica HFCs Earth's atmosphere Bromine ozone
depletion ozone layer ozone hole world ozone day the antartic the montreal protocol the vienna
convention chlorofluorocarbons CFCs HCFCs chlorine halogens stratosphere ozone-depleting
substances Join our WhatsApp channel - no spam, only sharp analysis Comments v An appeal from
Swarajya Dear Reader, At Swarajya, we rely on our readers' support through subscriptions to sustain
our media platform. Most seve re effects are decreased re- productive capacity and impaired larval

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