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Review of Literature of Ozone Layer Depletion

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Title: Review of Literature on Ozone Layer Depletion: Unraveling the Complexity

Understanding the intricate web of scientific research surrounding ozone layer depletion is crucial in
tackling one of the most pressing environmental issues of our time. As researchers delve into the
depths of this topic, they encounter a labyrinth of studies, theories, and data, making the process of
writing a comprehensive literature review a daunting task.

The complexity arises from the sheer volume and diversity of literature available. From seminal
papers dating back to the discovery of the ozone hole to recent advancements in atmospheric
chemistry, the breadth of information is vast. Furthermore, the interdisciplinary nature of ozone layer
depletion necessitates a thorough examination of studies spanning atmospheric science, chemistry,
meteorology, and environmental policy.

Navigating through this vast sea of information requires not only time and dedication but also a keen
eye for discerning credible sources and synthesizing disparate findings into a coherent narrative.
Researchers must critically evaluate each study, considering factors such as methodology, data
reliability, and potential biases, to ensure the integrity of their review.

Moreover, staying abreast of the latest research developments adds another layer of complexity. As
new studies emerge and scientific paradigms shift, literature reviews must be continually updated to
reflect the current state of knowledge.

Given the challenges inherent in crafting a literature review on ozone layer depletion, seeking expert
assistance can be invaluable. ⇒ ⇔ offers a solution for researchers grappling with
this intricate task. With a team of experienced writers well-versed in environmental science and
research methodology, ⇒ ⇔ provides tailored literature reviews that meet the highest
academic standards.

By entrusting your literature review to ⇒ ⇔, you can save time, alleviate the stress of
synthesis, and ensure that your review effectively communicates the depth and breadth of research
on ozone layer depletion. Our writers meticulously sift through the literature, distilling key findings
and insights to produce a comprehensive and cohesive review that advances your understanding of
this critical environmental issue.

In conclusion, writing a literature review on ozone layer depletion is undeniably challenging, given
the complexity and scope of the topic. However, with expert assistance from ⇒ ⇔,
researchers can navigate this daunting task with confidence, knowing that their review will be
thorough, insightful, and academically rigorous.
UV radiation imposes a significant influence on the growth and development of fungi, plants and
hu- mans. Exhaust from factories: many industries release harmful substances like carbon dioxide,
hydrocarbons and other harmful chemicals in the air which decrease its quality. Hence these com-
pounds acts as UV screen and make plants resistant to solar UV. These substances contaminate water
and make it unfit for consumption of human beings and animals are called water pollutants. It has
been found that this protective ozone layer is getting depleted because of the presence of CFC
(chlorofluorocarbon) compounds. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at
Teachoo. What proof do we need to write international treaties protecting the environment. Can
cause lung damage Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) Produced from air conditioners, refrigerators and
aerosols. The Kyoto Protocol sought reduction of CO 2 emissions and was signed in 1997. And in
June this year the terms of the original protocol were tightened further; use of CFCs should be
phased out by the end of the century. These protocols banned the use of ozone depleting substances
(ODSs) in both developed and developing countries. The solar maxima of the sun-spot cycle are
responsible for increased UV-C radiation whic h stimulates the formation of stratospheric ozone. The
UV radiations damage skin either by damaging melano- cyte cells or by causing sun-bu rns due to
faster flow of blood in capillaries of exposed areas. You may have heard of UVA and UVB; there is
also UVC. There is a burgeoning need to reduce the production of industrial products causing ozone
depletion and global warming. Although there are still inconc lusive observations of UV induced
photo-morphogenesis particularly with regard to signal transduction and other early stage responses.
Malignant melano- ma, a type of skin cancer is also caused by UV exposure which is less common
but far more dangerous. The earth’s atmosphere is covered with a layer of ozone gas all around.
Inclusive of applicable taxes (VAT) or Existing subscribers Sign in to your account. What has gone
wrong with ozone layer?. UV. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. Sherwood Rowland and Dutch
chemist Paul Crutzen discovered that human-produced CFCs could be a major source of chlorine in
the stratosphere. As scientific knowledge advanced and evolved, the Protocol evolved through
amendment and adjustment. Ozone near-ground is a pollutant and its production is enhanced due to
air pollutants, like, nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The tropo-
spheric (ground) ozone varies with the daylight varia- tions. DNA damage indicates acute effects of
short exposures to UV- B because short-wave UV radi ation can disturb most bio- logical
macromolecules, including proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. With the rising and sinking air motions
in the troposphere, inevitably, some CFCs get mixed up into the stratosphere (a fact which wasn't
discovered until 1974), where it turns out, they're not so benign. The ROS so formed can actually
lead to oxidative damage of DNA by the formation of 8-oxo-7, 8-dihydro-2’-deoxyguano- sine and
thymidine glycol, lipid peroxidation, and by cross-linking of proteins such as collagen. CFCs
(Freons) are a group of colorless, non-combu- stible liquids which are highly volatile substances and
poorly soluble in water. The Vienna Convention for protection of Ozone layer was adopted by 43
nations in 1985. One chlorine or CFC molecule can destroy 100,000 ozone molecules.
C (critical tem- perature required by chlorine to breakdown ozone at sur- face of polar stratospheric
cloud crystals), where they lead to a complete breakdown of ozone and thus reduce it to oxygen
molecules. Hence these com- pounds acts as UV screen and make plants resistant to solar UV. The
phaseout of certain ozone depleting substances, which are heat-trapping greenhouse gases, has also
benefited the climate (by reducing global warming), the report notes. The strato- spheric ozone layer
protects life on earth by absorbing the damaging, high-energy UV-C radiation. Follow-up meetings
throughout the 1990s and early 2000s produced amendments aimed at limiting, reducing, and
eliminating hydrobromofluorocarbons (HBFCs), methyl bromide, carbon tetrachloride,
trichloroethane, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), and other ODCs.
Within this polar vortex, over 50% of the lower stratospheric ozone is. Earlier studies report the loss
of 50% crop plants in European countries due to UV-radiations that enter the earth’s surface. Basal
and squamous cell carcinomas are the most com- mon type of cancers in humans due to excess UV
expo- sure. As the sun rays enter the earth’s atmosphere, some of the radiation gets reflected back
into space while some of it is trapped inside the earth’s atmosphere. 2. This is possible because of
certain greenhouse gases in the earth’s atmosphere which can trap the heat of the sun. For the first
time the CFCs were identi- fied as a major culprit and CFCs-11, 12, 13, 114 and 115 and Halons-
1211, 1301 and 2402 were targeted for re- duction. The Vienna Convention for protection of Ozone
layer was adopted by 43 nations in 1985. The dramatic loss of ozone occurs inside the vortex as
ozone-destroying processes dominate, and air surrounding the vortex (with higher ozone
concentrations) can't mix in. These do not bind to soil strongly and thus they can easily leach to the
groundwater. Often chlorine tablets are added in water to remove impurities from it. Em physema,
bronchitis, asthma and even obstruction of lungs may be caused on exposure of UV light to human
beings. Yes, because even though the greatest losses of ozone occur over Antarctica each spring (in
the Southern Hemisphere), other parts of the globe have lost ozone, too, although not as
dramatically. The onus for reduction was more on developed countries, but to encourage developing
countries for join- ing the protocol it was incentivized through favorable trade benefits. This chlorine
radical reacts with ozone to form chlorine monoxide and an oxygen molecule. The invisible shield is
the ozone layer located in the stratosphere, which starts about 10 miles above the surface and
contains about 90 percent of all the ozone molecules in the atmosphere. Please send comments or
suggestions on accessibility to the site editor. The in- crease in terrestrial ozone particulates results in
their en- hanced scattering and improved absorption of UV-B ra- diations, which contributes to
global warming by acting as a greenhouse gas and also shows harmful effects on both animals and
plants. Indirect damage caused by the UV-B includes changes in the plant form and distribution of
nutrients within the plant. Other human sources of chlorine (like water that evaporates from
swimming pools) largely don't make it to the stratosphere because, while CFCs don't dissolve in
water, pure chlorine does. There have been a significant number of studies till date which have
described negative implications of UV re- sponse for plant development. Some natural variations in
ozone concentrations do exist (ozone levels vary by a couple of percent in connection with solar
cycles, for example); however, human emissions have changed that approximate balance and led to a
gradual decline in ozone. Eutrophication is the presence of an excess of nutrients in the water,
especially stagnant water. This review takes into an ac- count the wide ranging effects of ozone
depletion with a majority of them being detrimental to the plant system. You may have heard of
UVA and UVB; there is also UVC. For example, harmful gases such as carbon monoxide, carbon
dioxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide etc, are emitted directly from industries and vehicles into
the air. Free ozone layer papers, essays, and research papers.
HIPERION,a study of the last 28 years data from 10 satellites and dozens. UV radiations affect all
the ele- ments of the biome including plants, pathogens, herbi- vores, carnivores and microorganisms.
These radiations are harmless to DNA but can cause genetic damage to the skin and are responsible
for increasing the total reac- tive oxygen level. Ozone occurs at two levels, the stra- tospheric ozone
and the tropospheric ozone. Skeptics have largely dismissed fears over man’s impact on global
warming, saying climate change has been going on since the beginning of time. Flavonoids and lig-
nin present in gymnosperms and angiosperms (but absent in algae) are the major products of this
metabolism. These pollutants lead to acid rain in the Agra region. 4. When Nitrogen dioxide
combines with water it forms nitric acid and when Sulphur Dioxide combines with water it forms
sulphuric acid. 5. The rainwater which falls on the Taj Mahal leads to decay of the marble. So, while
the solutions are still evolving, ultimately, money spent to develop and implement alternatives to
CFCs has helped stop ozone depletion, and has saved an estimated one trillion dollars (perhaps
more) through public health benefits (millions of additional skin cancer and cataract cases prevented,
for example). As a result, a large number of algae and other plants start growing in water. Leads to
decreased visibility Sulphur dioxide Produced mainly due to the combustion of coal. More rapidly
than normally produced, ozone can be lost. Nearly 60 plus countries met at Montreal in 1987 to come
up with a protocol on curbing the Ozone Depleting Sub- stances (ODSs). What is Ozone ?. Ozone is
a molecule made of 3 atoms of oxygen Ozone is a bluish gas Ozone helps absorbs harmful UV
radiation from the sun. These potential changes would contribute to the biosphere-atmosphere
feedbacks that attenuate or reinforce the atmospheric build-up of these gases. Since then, scientists
have tracked how the ozone layer has responded to CFCs, which, since their creation in 1928 had
been used as refrigerants, cleaners, and propellants in hairsprays, spray paint, and aerosol containers.
It has been inferred that plant cells receive da- mage from exposure to UV-B as it induces change in
the proteins and nuclear DNA. Disturbances in heart rhythm can occur at very high con- centrations
and had even caused some deaths from inten- tional sniffing. As a result the ozone layer becomes
incapable of absorbing UV radiations which enter the earth’s surface and affect various living
organisms. The CFCs have been phased out in both developed and developing countries since 1996
and 2010, respectively. Ozone near-ground is a pollutant and its production is enhanced due to air
pollutants, like, nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The phaseout of
certain ozone depleting substances, which are heat-trapping greenhouse gases, has also benefited the
climate (by reducing global warming), the report notes. UV enhances the rate of evaporation through
stomata and results in decreased soil moisture content thus, ultimately affects the growth and
develop- ment of crop plants. The solar UV radiations stimulate the enzymes such as PAL
(Phenylalanine Ammonium Lyase) and CHS (Chalcone Synthase) that catalyses transformation of
phenylalanine to trans -cinnamic acid. Em physema, bronchitis, asthma and even obstruction of lungs
may be caused on exposure of UV light to human beings. UV-A can be further divided into UV- A1
(340 - 400 nm) and UV-A2 (320 - 340 nm). Although there are still inconc lusive observations of UV
induced photo-morphogenesis particularly with regard to signal transduction and other early stage
responses. Extinction of species or loss of habitats is occurring due to global warming as the animals
are not able to adapt to changing climatic conditions of the earth. For the first time the CFCs were
identi- fied as a major culprit and CFCs-11, 12, 13, 114 and 115 and Halons-1211, 1301 and 2402
were targeted for re- duction. Exposure to pressurized CFCs can cause frostbites to the skin and to
the upper airway if inhaled. The tropo- spheric (ground) ozone varies with the daylight varia- tions. It
has been found that this protective ozone layer is getting depleted because of the presence of CFC
(chlorofluorocarbon) compounds. Antarctic winter and spring, however, reactions on the surface of

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