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Procurement Under Japanese JICA ODA Loans

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Guidelines for Procurement

under Japanese ODA Loans


Deputy Project Director (Deputy Secretary),
MRT Project (Line-5): Northern Route
MBA (Marketing), DU;
MPSM, BRAC University;
B. Sc. (Civil Eng.), BUET.

March 2024
 HANDBOOK for Procurement under Japanese ODA Loans
• Version 1.0 published on April 2012
• Version 1.1 published on April 2013
• Latest revision on October, 2023
 Two chapters:
• Chapter 1: Guidelines for the Employment of Consultants
(Known as Consultant Guidelines)
• Chapter 2: Guidelines for Procurement
(Known as Procurement Guidelines)

 Applicable for all the projects financed by ODA Loans from

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
 ODA = Official development assistance
Slide 2

H1 added
HP, 12/11/2018
Section 1.05 JICA’s Review
JICA may review selection/procurement procedures, documents
and decisions at different states:
• PQ document / REOI document
• PQ evaluation (prequalification) / EOI evaluation (shortlisting)
• Tender document / RFP document
• Technical evaluation report
• Financial evaluation and draft contract
• Corrigendum / Addendum
• Contract variation
• Cancelling all tenders
Section 1.06 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

 The bidders, Contractors, Consultants, Borrowers shall

observe the highest standard of ethics during the
procurement process and execution of contracts.
 JICA’s own debarment list
 Debarment by the Multilateral Development Banks
(MDBs) [max. 3 years]
Section 1.07 Conflict of Interest
Contractor/consultant shall not have conflict of interest
A consultant that has been engaged to provide goods for a
project shall be disqualified from providing consulting services
A consultant hired to provide consulting services, shall be
disqualified from subsequently providing goods
A firm that has a close business relationship with the
Borrower’s professional personnel shall be disqualified
“One Bid Per Bidder” principle
“One Bid Per Bidder” principle
Section 2.02 Responsibilities of Consultants
Act as a faithful adviser to the Borrower
In the case of a difference of opinion between the Borrower
and the Consultant on any important matters, the consultant
shall submit a written report to the Borrower with a copy to
The Borrower shall forward the report to JICA with its
JICA will study it and decide.
Act as “the Engineer” as defined in the FIDIC contract
red/pink/yellow book.
Consultant Selection Procedures
(a) Preparation of a Short List of Consultants;
(b) Preparation of the Request for Proposals (RFP);
(c) Invitation to submit proposals;
(d) Evaluation of proposals; and
(e) Negotiation and conclusion of a contract.
Consultant Selection Methods
Quality- and Cost-Based Selection (QCBS)
Quality-Based Selection (QBS)
For complex or highly specialized assignments
Single-source selection (SSS) shall be used only in
exceptional cases
Bidding Methods (Goods/works/plants)
International Competitive Bidding (ICB) [Section 1.02 ]
Preferred by JICA
Other methods:
Limited International Bidding (LIB) - direct invitation
without open advertisement
International Shopping - comparing price quotations
obtained from several (usually at least three) foreign
and/or local suppliers
Direct Contracting
Local Competitive Bidding (LCB) - in accordance with
the procurement procedures used in the Borrower’s country
Section 2.01 Types of Contract
Admeasurement Contract (unit price based)
Lump sum price,
Cost-reimbursable, or
a combination of the above
Single-Stage Two-Envelope Bidding and
Two-Stage Bidding
With or without pre-qualification
Section 3.02 Prequalification of Bidders
Required in advance of bidding for large or complex contracts
Based on –
a) past performance,
(b) capabilities of construction or production, and
(c) financial position
Evaluation based on pass/fail criteria
All bidders who pass all the criteria will be pre-qualified.

A change in the members of a joint venture after

prequalification is acceptable
Bidding Documents
Standard Bidding Documents (SBDs) of the latest version
issued by JICA shall be used
Design Build
Plant Design, Supply and Installation
Small Works
Section 4.03 Bid Securities:
around 2% of the estimated cost
Section 4.04 Conditions of Contract
FIDIC model forms of contract adopted for MDBs
(Red/Yellow/Pink book)
Section 4.07 Use of Brand Names:
Reference to brand names, catalogue numbers, or similar
classification shall be avoided in specifications.
Section 4.09 Currency of Bids
Yen and other international currencies
Any portion which will be spent in the Borrower’s country may
be stated in local currency
Section 4.10 Currency Conversion for Bid Comparison:
all bid prices shall be converted to a single currency as
mentioned in the RFP for comparison
Section 4.12 Price Adjustment Clauses
Generally price adjustment provisions are included in the
the base cost indices or prices should be those bases
prevailing on the day 28 days prior to the closing date for the
submission of bids.
according to the adjustment formulae indicated in the bidding
Section 4.13 Advance Payment
Advance payment clauses are generally included in contracts
10 and 15% of the contract price
Against bank guarantee
Section 4.14 Performance Securities and
Retention Money

Performance security:
a performance security is provided in the form of bank
guarantees or a performance bond
between 5 and 15% of the contract price
Retention money:
about 5 to 10% of the contract price
should be held until final acceptance, which is normally
about one year after completion of the work.
Section 4.16 Liquidated Damage
and Bonus Clauses

Liquidated damage:
for delays in completion or delivery
0.5% of contract price per 1-week delay and
the upper limit should be about 5 to 10%.
Provision may also be made for a bonus to be paid to
Contractors for completion of work contracts ahead of time
specified in the contract
Section 4.18 Settlement of Disputes

International commercial arbitration administrated by an

international arbitration institution in a neutral venue
“International arbitration institution” includes the International
Chamber of Commerce and The Japan Commercial Arbitration
According to FIDIC provisions
A Dispute Board (DB) is jointly engaged (1 or 3 member)
Section 4.19 Applicable Laws

The contract shall mention which laws shall govern (normally

borrower’s country law)
he contents of the Exchange of Notes and the provisions of
the Loan Agreement will be taken into consideration (normally
these will overrule country’s law)
Section 5.06 Evaluation and Comparison of Bids

Provisions for price adjustment included in a bid shall not be

taken into consideration.
Any procedure under which bids above or below a
predetermined value are automatically disqualified is not
The use of the Merit Point System, according to which price
and technical factors are given relative weights, and the bid
that obtains the highest point total is selected, is not accepted
in principle.
increase of performance security may be requested to a
successful bidder if there are appropriate reasons (e.g.
seriously unbalanced bid).
Section 5.08: Evaluation Report shall be prepared by the
Borrower or its consultants.
Section 5.10 Rejection of Bids

Bidding documents usually provide that the Borrower may

reject all bids.
However, JICA’s concurrence is required
All bids shall not be rejected solely for the purpose of
obtaining lower prices in the new bids
Where exceptional circumstances justify it, the Borrower may,
as an alternative to rebidding, negotiate with the lowest
evaluated bidder
Section 5.11 Notification to Unsuccessful
Bidders and Debriefing
(1) Upon furnishing by the successful bidder of a performance
security, the Borrower shall promptly notify the other bidders
that their bids have been unsuccessful.
(2) If any bidder who submitted a bid wishes to ascertain the
reasons why its bid was not selected, such bidder may request
an explanation from the Borrower. The Borrower shall promptly
provide an explanation as to why its bid was not selected.
Documents Constituting a Contract

An example of documents constituting a contract is:

・Contract Agreement
・Letter of Acceptance
・Letter of Bid and Appendix to Bid
・Conditions of Contract
・Bill of Quantities (BoQ)

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